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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1909)
. a.......!, wuA J .klLltlUliUICk. I 4 MM I inn MWMMMMMMI ' " if V' ' DAILY CAPITAL JOUItNAly 8ALKM,' ORBGON, ' FRIDAY, FEUUUARY i? 1909. . - MpHpHHppptt rr r Just Received B PftJK . Ladies' Hose 81-3cDeroair Ladies Waists These nre' very pretty tailored Wntstfl In Milks, satins, lawns and linens. 1-3 Loss than regular price. Corsets Values up to $5.00 00c .lust a few of the i?l 5 to $." allies In Ladles' Suits at $1.50 nre of excellent materials. Now 1.50. Mohairs In red, brown, green, navy and tjrny. 91.10 values QQ 70c values . . . 59c Handsome assotment of new Broadcloths DR. STONE'S Drug Store Tho only cash drug storo In Ore gon, owes no ono, and no one owes it; carries- large stock; Its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dt. Stone Is a regular graduate In med icine, and has hod many years of ex perience In the practice. Comulta- Hon are free. " Prescriptions are free, and only regular prices for j medicine. Dr. Stone can be tound at his drug store, Salem, Or., from ; 7 In the morning- until 9 at nlgbt. 1" jmrSHpL 4miiinjiiitiajiiiit)iyiynnniiniiwi HOW TO OPEKATE A MOVING How to Rent or Buy a Moving Picture iiacmne. , t How to Make Big Money at Entertainments and Amusements. How to Obtain Positions Which Pay $36 per Week. How to Become a Finished Operator. We Give Instructions That Are Simple and Interesting. We Have the Neweat Motnod of Teaching by Mail. We Send You. on Receipt of $1.00. Complete Instructions. We Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations. We Represent the Leading Film Exohange. RemlttsinnMt m Inilptx-iulfiit Theatrical . Exchange, -100, -101, -IO.I .Burke Building. Seattle, Wash. " IIIM1IIIUWI IIU A large shipment of SHOIM. If you waul hIiovn for s,jlt. you will find them linr; If you ul'o uniit shoos for good look"., comfort, good fit and good quality, you'l find them hero, Imi; nd best of nil the prices H he the moot ronounhlo. Men's Spring Oxfurdi In Pat Colt, Vlcl Kid, Gnu Mend, Tan and 0 Mood. Hoy's, Misses' mill (Nillilnnu Spring Shoes, Ovfoms and HllniHrs. S In Vlcl Kid, I'm Kid, Tan and Ox- ford. Misses' and Boys' all wool hose 16c Ladies' Suits at half Buy this week and profit by the great reductions. , Also Ladles' Capes and Coats Included In this sale. Dress Goods Sale The very latest designs In cheeks and plaids. 9I.1M values Qi io 91. 00 values 7fie values , 90c 68c Portieres and Stand Covers Ha by Hands. Will got Into mlichief often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Mallard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as tho accldout happons, and tho pain will bo relieved, whllo tho wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure ciut for sprains, rhoutnatism and all pain. Price 25c, 50 and 11.00 a bottl.j Sold by all doalors. Nonrly 8 per cent of tho stuaents in Gorman universities are foreign ors. Poverty Is one of tho crimes 'or which a man Is sentenced to hard labor ioi hii Indefinite term. Reason Unthroned, Because moats nre so tasty they are consumod In groat gxcom. This loads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet, let reason and not a pampered appe tite control, tbon take a few doses of Cbamborlaln's Stomaoh and Liver Tablots and you will soon be well again. Try It. For sale at Dr. Stone's .Drug Store. Samples, free. Sold by all dealers. MCtw - . flocky Mounb.n o fyBct- A Hut ". Vu Buy r-t B-m 8Ut H-iU -4.v Vr a i'.mw I ' .: . 1 1 ' a IJ 1 1 K. jy Tr-i'J h$ " '"M JlfI Iivl l.lH)K bJ0K.H. .!... llJilf ,nj b'rtf !' RnAj'W mi"ui rt lair tt t-"' & wui H 1ix C in 1Ut.J- t fJOLDEN Mt'GOETR FOB SALLOW PEOPLE PICTURE MACHINE AT HOME. ,... nl3 n,.r,ma Wonderfully Iow Priced. I s;- vih's $11.00 1 9 l.0 values . . , . CO RQ I 9 7.50 values ig 500 I 15c Can Talcum I Powder 6c I i' H ssB r waimM M I Wrtliir..i nuiiiiMj w l.iwv..j IRRIGATION CODE LIKE PROHIBITION 1 IS FAR FROM DRY STATL PRINTER PUT ON A FLAT SALARY AND BOUNTY FOR ALL KINDS OF SCALPS IS ENDORSED. In the Senate the entire morning was consumed discussing In commit tee of, the whole th Irrlgntlon codo that has already passed the Houao. It Is bitterly opposed by mining nnd water Interests from Bectlon of the state thnt do not wish to como under state control nnd regulation. The bill Is expected to reach n vote lata this afternoon. In tho House nil proposed constitutional amendments were made a special order for Mondny at 2 p. m. A largo portrait of Gonernl 0 rant wns accepted oy tho Houbo this morning on behalf of the stato. The House passed tho bill to put the state printer on a flat salary of 14000 nnd create a stato printing board composed of tho governor, secretary of state and state printer. The scalp bounty bill agreed upon b the Eastern Oregon delegation was put through the House. It provides atnte bounties to bo paid for nil tho larger varieties of cnrnlvora that prey on sheep nnd other livestock. The legislature will adjourn this af ternoon to participate in the cele brations in honor of Lincoln hold In this city and Portland. Tho Stnto alded railroads amendment to tho constitution and bill to crento a cit izens commission to carry it into ef fect arc made special ordor for noxt Monday. Sennt Thurwlny Afternoon. The afternoon Bosslon was called to order nt 2 o'clock. Tho roidlng and adoption of reports took up moat of the afternoon. H. B. 119, Llnenwcbcr, rclattiig to a deputy asst-SBor for Clatsop coun ty. The vote by which tho bill 'nllod to pans was reconsidered, ana was pasted by a vote or 21 to 8, notwlth standing tho veto of tho governor. New Bill. 8. B. 237, Ways and means com mltteo (substitute) relating to the lockB at Oregon City. Advanced to third rending. S. 238. Kellaher, relating to coun ty judges. S. B. 239. Chaso. relating to cir cuit Judge of socond Judlolnl district S. B. S40, Wood, about roads at Forest Grove. S. B. 2-11. Wood, to appeal certain -notion of code. S. B. 242. Johnson, relating to sal ary of otflcor. !n Benton countl. S B. 243. Johnson, about jnlary of superintendent of Benton county. S. B. 244. Hart, relating to sale of real property of Insano. S. B. 245, Caldwell, to close drug toros on Sunday. S. B. 24 6, Caldwell, relating to wator rights. ThJnl Itiiidlng of BUN. S. B. 193, Hodges, to provide for ono additional Judgo for the fifth Ju dicial district. Passed. j S. B. 197. Albee. for tho rellnf of ithe Reed Institute. Paawed. S. B. 47. Selling, sailor boarding, moum law. Rtad first, seoond and , third timet. Abraham, game oodo. Committee i of whole reported favorably and the. Will taed. ; Adjowrned at r o'clock until 8 p j m K-iuil TlmfMlay Kveulng. S. B. 133. Miller of Una and L?ne rt-iiujiiK io luying out ann conecruc.'i Inv rount roads. Pasod S. B. 149. Merryman. to provide for ballot boxes at elections. Passed S B. 294. Smith of Umatilla, for the employment of convict labor at state- fair grounds. Passed. ' S. B. 4. Scofield to provide for treatment of yiberculosl of the' poor. Passed. S. B. 194. Schofleld. to provide for the funding and refunding of (he In debtedness of drainage, leves and protection district. Passed. 8. B. 35, Smith of Umatilla, per taining to the mlllUa. Passed. SB 114. Mullt. to prohibit the circulation of false reports in regard to standing of banks. Passed S. B. 83, Kay. to provide for the payment of $10 bounty for killing rougar and other wild animals. Pawed. OAS'T'OIIIX. S. B. 205, Smith of Umatilla, to authorize printing for tho stato board of agriculture. Passed. 8, B. 105, Albee, to define va grancy and disorderly conduct. Passed. 8. B. 112, Wo6d, to regulate the sale of commercial food stuffs for live stock. Passed. 8. B. 191, Wood., making It unlaw ful to throw glass and nails on pub lic Vlghvays. Passed. Bingham, Hedges, Miller of Lnne nnd Linn Smith of Umatilla voted no. 8. B. 129, Bntley, to amend laws of 1907, relating to tldo lands. Passed. S. B .220, committee o njudlclary. relating to fishing and repealing the two Initiated fish laws. Passed. Al boo, Selling. Smith of Umatilla voted no. 8. B. 138, Smith of Umatilla, to provide for the formation nnd jrgnn Izatlon of now counties nnd govern ment of same. Passed. Smith of Marlon voted no. 8. B. 222. Jccphlno delegation, rogardlng corporations organized for Irrigation purpose. Passed. A Inrgo number of sennto and house bills were read tho first nnd focond times. Adjourned to 10 p. m. o DeWltt's Kidney nnd Bladder Pl'ls Pill, r.rc fio test pills made for backache, weak back, urinary dls c.dors, etc. Sold by all druggists. o Many Slccplcoa Nights, Owing to r Pcrs4U-nt Cough. IteUei Found at Lt, "For.fMJveral wlntors past niy wlf. has boon troubled with a most per sistent and dlasagrccablo cough, vhtch Invariably oxtondod over a period of sovcral weoks and causol her many sleepless nights," writes Will J. Hnyncr, editor of th Burioy, Colo., Bulletin. "Various remedies woro tried each year, with no bon flclal results. In November last the cough again put In an appearance and mf wlfo, acting on tho sug gestion of a friend, purchased a bot tle of Cbamborlaln's Cough Remedy Tho result was, indeed, mnrvoloui After three doses the cough entirely disappeared and has not manifested Itself since " This remedy Is for sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Store. i SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE Ayer's Hair Vigor railing Hair Dandruff Ay Hlr Vteor promptly dtrov lh (nm Ayn't lllr Vteor Juit ai promrtly dttroy the Uut catite filHna hklr. It nouthhe the hlr- (Wrtnt that caute dandruff. It removt every bulb, rrttoret than to health. The hair rtcp trace of dandruff lltcK, anil keeet the scalp falHna out, htow more rapidly. clean and In a healthy condition. Wc wish you to poslllvely and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vler docs not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. LOVED THE MOTHER: KILLED DAUGHTER (United Press Leaned Wire. bnn Francisco, Feb. 12. After falling to pornundo tho woman with whom ho had becotno Infatuated to olopo with him, Domltry Drcschenkc, a Russian, in rovengo, shot nnd In stantly killed her 10-yonr-old daugh' tor, Dorothy Malokonoff on tho atreol early today. Tho murder was com mitted in tho sight of n scoro Of per'" sons who rushed toward tho Infurlat-J ed man nnd Vmloavorod to stay tho fusllade'of oullots ho poured Into tho prostrnto child. Seeing that hU --victim was-. .!, Drcschonko turned his fovolver Upon hlniBolf nnd fired "n shot through his itcnd, before tho ncarcat byotnndor could reach him. Droschonko was tak en to n hospital In n dying condition. The littlo girl was shot by hor mother's mad admlror whllo on her way to school. Drcschonko, spurned by tho womnn, only tho night before had been wnltlng for many minutes nour her home wnltlng for tho child to pnss. Whon Dorothy enmu In Right Drcschonko drew n revolver and tho children accompanying Dorothy fled. Sovoral shots woro fired, two of thorn entering tho girl's uody. Tho mothor wns told by tho neigh bors of tho shooting, and hor grief nt tho sight of her murdered child was pitiful. Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar cloars tho air passages, stops tho Irrltaton In the throat, Booths tho Inflamed mem brnnos, and tho most obstlnato cough disappears. Soro and Infiamod lungs nro healod and strengthened, and the cold Is opolled from tho system. Re fuso any but tho gonulno In tho yol low package. J. C. Perry. McArthur ordered tho door keep er to let no guilty man escapo a roll call. o Washington' PWiguo Speta LIo lu.tholow marshy bottoms of the- Potemao,tBO brooding ground of malar'a gcrmV. Thoso gorms causj chills, fovcr nnd aguo, bllousnosB, Jaund to, lassitudo, wonknosn and gonornl debility, and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Gloctric Blttors never fnll to destroy them and euro malarlu troubles. "Thoy aro tho best all-round tonic and euro for malaria I over od," wrltoj R. M. James, of Louollon, 8. C. They euro Stomach. Llvor, Kldnoy and Blood Troubles, and will prevent Typhoid. Try thorn, GOc Guaran teed by J C. Perry. OAIBTOXIIA. BmmUm 114 RwlYM Hm AltrariBoBjM Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes Wherovor good clothes are worn you'll find Bis hop's Roady Tailored Clothing more in ovidonce than any other make of ready-to-wear apparol, This is duo to the fact that every garment, irre spective of price, is made of sorvlceglvlng fab rics, handsomely tailored and fashioned in the highest class manner, while a perfect fit is as sured In evory size, We are making a special inducement on the goods this week of 20 on all Suits and O'Coats, GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN I COIIDHA, Mgr. Kngngi'iucnt of tho Eminent Actor Mr. Charles B. lianford Accompanied by ' ' Miss Marie Drofnah la a Spectacular Production of The Winters tale 30iWo :-tno ?! 30 , hi m iclHcMiM VCHotm and lUllet A ,I,nclu(MMg a .CHomn ad Ballet PriccH; flJSe, 91, 70c, ROe. Heat ftalr" nt box oftlec Tucoday, . HI. BUNGALOW THEATRE Portland, Or., Phones, Main 117, A 4224. Kmplro Theatre Co., (Inc.) Lossoo . Geo. L. Baker, Oeneral Mnnngor. Week of Fob. 7. THE JAP By Hownrd Itussol, popular mora bor of Baker Stock company and the nuthor of Inst sonson'B big succeas, "Tho Swindle" It dontB with tho groat raco ques tion, now HUpromo In tho people's mlndR. Special music. Btngo undor direc tion of Mr. Donnld Bowles. Mntlnoo Saturday. Kvcnlng PHcch SA, OS, 00c. Mat! IncoH, 10, 20c. Noxt attraction "In tho Bishop's Carriage." 7 Grand Opera House JNO. F. OOItDRAY, Mgr. One Night Only SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 CarnplM'll A Cnvanagli PrtMcnt Tim lltlHH AOTOH-HIXfani ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM In Jnvepli .Miniliy'H Faiiiouk Piny TIIK KKItltY (SOW Complete Production Excellent Cnit Hear Mr. Cunningham Hlug "Ilellevo .Mo If All Thorn Hiidnii-iiig . .Young ChnrniN." "Th' Irlxliinntt'H TonsJ," "Sum Acoonhla." Priren 2o Io $1 Heat unto nt box olllce Knturdiiy U a. in. per cent reduction t nniiaiaiiii)ii ifffii