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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1909)
FIRST ED1T10N-3 P. mt VOL. XIX. WOULD COMBINE TO KILL WESTON AND ASHLAND NORMAL j"lJ I in v DUD oAlu NO DANGER AT ALL OP WAR WITH JAPAN CALFORNIA LEGISLATURE AND 01 HERS WRESTLING WITH THE ORIENTAL PROBLEM Mllwaukoo, Wis., Fob. 9. While ridiculing tuo idea of a wnr with Ja pan, Rcnr Admiral Robloy D. Evans today declared thit tho batUoihlp fleet Bhonld bo Borit to tho Pacific no a precautionary monBitro whllo tnlK of trouble with Japan Is oxtant Evans said: "The navy will not hnvo to bo rep resented on tho Pacific coast bocamo of any probability of troublo with Japan now or romotoly," said tho ad ra'rnl. "but It In llkoly that nftor tho return of tho fleet, and nftor It ho been overhauled, a pnrt of It will bo sent to tho Pnclflc watora for perma nent purposos. All 1b not needed in tho Atlantic, and It would only bo natural that It Bhould bo divided In this wny na n p-Me.iutnary measure, In rlow of tho talk of troublo with Japan " Frontier Must. Be Surf Line. New York, Fob. 9. Declaring thnt tho Japanuso nro ruining tho or. elmrds In'tho West, Colvln B. Brown, New York representative of tho Cali fornia promotion committee, today made public n statement In which ho aid that tho prosont nntl-Japanwo movement on tho Pnclflc coast was not tho work of "Jingoes." Tho stato of California balloves that sooner or later tlio frontier white man's America will bavo to bo set at the surf lino along tho Pnclle ioftBt. and If the federal government falls to mako ndequnto provision for setting this boundary, California will havo to do It horsolf, declared Brown. "The agitation ngalnst tho Jnp?n- fe, which Is now finding Its place In the Cellforn'n legislature, is not tho work of the innd lot olomont, It rop ejects tbo sontlmont of tho mnjorj. ,v of the people of California," ho ald "With groat orchards In the'r hands, tho Japanese desire to get the 'ast dollnr out of tho orchard durln 'he tprm of tho loose. They force the tree to bonr their honvlost, anl. when tuo loaso has oxplrod thoy hand back to the owner an orchard which has deteriorated and became ex hausted " Glllctto IVrop Oat. 8acramonto, Cal Fob. 9. Gov ernor Glllott today declared that he Proposes to leavo the handling of the anti-Japanese situation In tho assem bly tomorrow to Speaker PVl Stau 'en, of the lower bouse, and that Re has no Intention of sending any wore messages to tho legislature on Nipponese question. The executive believes that Pre! lent Roosevelt has stated clearly J Ms telegram to Stanton Just what the federal government desires done to morrow when the Orove L. Johnson anti-Japanese measures come up for reconsideration In the assembly, an! ! of the opinion that the speaker wilt SHIP SUBSIDY GRAFTERS MAY WIN 'UnlUd Press Leased Wire.) Toklo, Feb. 9. All parties of the government agreed today to take an "on in favor of a ship subsidy bill M. DAILY CAPITAL point to tho mombors of tho lower Iioubo thnt tho ProBldcnt'o urgont mesBngo to him should bo hooded nn-1 tho Johnson bill killed. "I hnvo no Intention nt this tlmo." said tho governor, "of sending any further mossagos on tho anti-Japan-cso question to tho nssombly, un!o something Bhould hnppon to changu my mind, and I shall not tako a hand In tho mattor tomorrow. I do not know what tho nntiiro of tho infor mation tho spenkor will glvo to tho aESOinbly Is, or thnt ho will glvo nay Information to It on tho subject. Oregon Leaves It To Toddy. Tho Sonato spent this foronoou dU cussing Balloy's resolution demand ing exclusion of all Ascitic r-rpa. Four of tho commlttoo on Resolu tions brought back tlio resolution without rocommondntlon. On tho question of adopting minority report tho Sonato dlvldod on roll call; flvo voted nyo,' tho rost no, nnd tho Ball oy resolution Is on tho table without rocommondntlon. Flvo Senators wen on record for complote exclu slo not nil Asiatic as fallews: Bnlloy, Coffoy, Hart. Mllor of Linn, and Scholflold. Snlom. Or.. Fob. 9. Taking tho position thnt Sonator Balloy's antl Jnpanoso resolution Is opportuno nt this time bocaiiBO of the ngltntlon in California thnt has brought both stnto and fodornl olllolals Into noto rioty, tho Oregon sonato this morn ing kllloil the measure by a voto of 22 to G. Tho resolution moniorlallzofl con gross to re-enact tho Ohlnoeo exclu sion act and enlarge It so as to In cludo all Asiatic. senator Bailey contended that a retraction at this time on the part of America 'would cause the "puffed up. proud and vain Jap" to become moro aggressive. He contended that Japan would Immediately take anoth er step, encouraged by the apparent attitude In this matter of Immigra tion by the federal government. Ho also Bald ho believed he had nlno tontha of tho people of the Pacific coast on his side In favor of the pro hibiting Indiscriminate Immigration of choap labor. Senators Bingham and Slnnot apoke against tho moasure stating that as tho President Is using his utmost efforts to quiet the agitation now aroused In California, that there must be some good reason for post poning this act at this tlmo and therefore the reolutlon shouldn ot be considered now. President Bowerman and Speaker McArthur read messages from Sen ator Bourne saying that tho Presi dent was endeavoring to have the Japanese question amicably sottled without unduly arousing feeling be tween tho two countries. for South American lines. In view of the recent report of a commission that visited South America and.found a fertile field for commerce, there u a strong movement for the develop ment of trade with the countries on the Pacific coast of that continent SEND m JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1000. PART TO MAKE PRESIDENT THE WHOLE THING It'nltcrt l'rws Leased Wlre.J Wnshlngton, Fob. 9. To do away with tITo iBthmlnn cnnnl commlBslou' nnd glvo tho President complote con trol of tho Pnunmn canal construction Is tho genornl purposo of a bill re ported today by tho Interstate fori olgn commerce committee, and con sldercd by the Iioubo under special ordor. The report stated: "It has boon found Impossible to proceed with tho work of const : tlon under tho cotrol of a commission meeting In Washington." With tho exception of rccommond lug tho nbandonmont of tho commis sion, tho bill sanctions entirely tho prcoont form of civil government SOUTHERN AND EASTERN OREGON NORMAL SCHOOLS RECOMMENDED TO DEMOLISHED, THIS IS A BLOW AT ASHLAND AND WESTON It Is glvon out today that tho hou to I ways and moans commlttoo hns li- cldod to report against maintaining normal schools at Ashland nn:l Woeton, and will roport nn npproprl ntlon for Monmouth only.. Up to this tlmo tho word wns given out that tho threo schools would bo ns roc ommondod by tho bonrd nnd tho gov- ! I lHilf ''''' wakinjunu No Willamette Valley senator or representative should vote to abolish the Ashland or Weston Normal schools unless he wants to see the vote of Eastern and Southern Oregon cast solidly to remove the state capital out of the Willamette Valley. iiwiiiHHif f JOHNSON BILL STANDS UP UNDER DEBATE Tho Johnson rpnd bill was chewed ovor In tho senato half a day, was amended, fumigated, purified, steril ized and rovamped, and sont back THIRD HOUSE MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT The annual moot legislature, when the employes, clerks, reporters and lobbyiotB will conduct mock pro - - - i cecdlngs, take-offs on bills, rlp-ups nt "FATHER ABRAHAM'S" OLD "SUIT CASE." (United I'reu Leased Wire. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 9. TLo satchel carried by Abraham Liu col i dur ng the Douglas debates, and when riding to and from his circuit court practice, was today turned over to the Ferry Museum by Frederlsit O. Bemann, of this city, who reees I OF FLEET TO SENATE HAS A VERY BUSY DAY Tho sonato passed two dental bll'c, a numbor of minor bills, and ro-ro-forrcd a bill to permit countlos to lovy two mills taxes for advertising purposes. In tho house a bill to prohibit fiold sports on Momorlal Day within a mllo of a coraotcry was passoj. The Bean bill, to croato tho offlco of In- nurnnco commissioner, wns sent to tho engrossing commlttoo after bj- lug consldorod In commlttoo of the wholo nnd roconunonded for passage Tho Hughec houBoholdor exemption bill was ro-roforrod. A largo part of tho morning wkb spont ovor tho fight to Btrlko out tho omorgoncy clnusi from tho Hart sonato bill to lncroiso tho Btipremo court from threo to five mombors. ornor, Portli But over slnco tho Port of ortlnnd bill, abolishing compulso.'y pilotage nt tho mouth of tbo Colum bia wont through, thoro has bo in trouble browing for tho Eaatorn nnJ Southern Orogon schools, Bnck of It all Ix huUI to bo tho plan of having one largo central Institution nt Portland. A l-kTV1S.TI iiiWf iiiiii to commltteo to bo fixed up some more. It Is oxpocted to como forth bright and shining, and pass tho so nto in due form tomorrow. members and Joshes on state offlclal.1 takes place In tho bouse of represen tatives Wednesday evonlng of this ------ -.-0 week. Tho public are Invited ly secured the relic from his father ot Springfield, III., who secured It di rectly from the martyred President. The satchel consists of. a hevy woodeu box, covered with leathf and re-enforced with Iron girder that are securely fastened by heavy brass studded tacks. How can a man havo undying lovu for a woman who dyes her hair. T "TW "Tf ""j ' liiif. ' . V MHPTii f0umd MEMORIAL DAY FIELD SPORTS M'GUf DECLARES WHAT HE CONSIDERS THE RIGHTS OE THE PEOPLE Campbell mndo nn oloquont ploa for tho bill to ntop public gnmoa with In ono mllo of any comotory on Mo morlal Day. It was tho national day of mourning, nnd for nil who had loved ones In any comotory. Ho wanted It to bo n dny of respect for the dead nnd for decency for tho liv ing. McKlnnoy objected to 'lnw-mndo respect" for nuyono. It wns on tho bill to prohibit nil field oparta on Me mnrlnl Dny. Ho said tho pooplo owe.', respect, honor nud trllnito. to tho old Boldlors that wns voluntary, and not enforced by law, as this bill pro posed. Btichnnnu Buggostcd thnt tho b'll bo changed to rend "Momorlal" Day, Instead of "Decoration" Day. Tho ono-mllo limit wait takon off. Brady A WHOLE LOT OF ROYAL KISSING Berlin, Feb U. Tho IwilHor em brncud tho king of Euclid and killed Uliu fri both oneokn, when tho I'oxl visitor arrived from London with Quouu Aluxnndrn today. Tho king than kissed tho hand of tho Oermnn empress nnd the knlsor klimul tho liuud of tho Kuglluli quooil. Tho knlsor Wan dressed in ."" EngllHh uniform and tho king wan attlrod In a (lurmau uniform, In con formity with European court eti quette for hiioIi occiihIoiih. Tho ontrnuco of Edward and Alux nndrn to the city wuh'oiiu of tho most notable ovhiiIh llurllu Iiuh ween in many youra. Tho Mlguifli'Mnuu of the visit whh folt by all. In vluw of tho (loustnut talk of bud feeling and even war liu tweeu t hit oountry and Britain. The niyalty anil the cuiumonerH alike Joined in the iiioustei' reouptlou of the visltorH. An uiiormoiiN crowd had gHthurud at tho railway station and the appearance of thu vlsltora wns tho Blgnal for a great demonstra tion of cheorlug. Thu welcoming party, besides thu ompuror and thu empress, Included Crown I'rlnco Frederlok Willam, Crown Princess Ceuille und other HIS HOME TOWN QTAPJnQ RY Mill aiNu: di niw (United I'reM Ussed Vfltt. Wallace, Idaho, Fob. 9. A lengthy potltion pleading that mercy bo shown John Cradlebaugb, who recent- ly shot and killed Fred Walton on tho Btri-ets n Denver, bocause he claimed Walton tad ruined his home, has been signed by city and county officials and the leading busi ness men of Wallace, and will be toi warded to the prosecuting attorney at D'nvor. Tho petition gives tho life history of Cradlebaugh, pointing him out as a sober, Industrious man with stoaJy habits and devotion to this Tho circumstances leading up to the shooting aro discussed, and the pra- ; iiiwwtiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiitiMiiMiiiiiitilWiWff ilfTTlinii in. i ii ii SECOND EDITION-4 P. M. NO. 33 COAST SCHOOLS moved that It not apply to cities ot 100,000 or ovr. On thnt dny there wns nlwayn a doublo-hondor of basv ball. McCtio snld ho wnntod pooplo to onjoy thomsolvon on Sundny nnd Mo morlal Day and on any other day, Aftor pooplo had gone to church or Momorlnl Dny oorvlcon, nnd paid dus rospect to tho living nnd tho dead, thoy hnd a right to go to noo Hold sportn or onjoy thohioolvcB In any ronsonnblo way. An tlnirt amended tho bill to do honor to Momorlnl dny wao paiuvt with 33 nycs. Tho noos woro App'.e gnto, Bodllllon, Brady, Brattaln, Bry an, demons, Muncy, Corrlgan, Couch, Ilnwley, Hlnoa, Jones -t Douglns, Janoo of Clacknmao, Lib by, Medio, McDonald, Dimmltt, Moon Pntton, Phllphot and Purdln. princes and irlncoHOH of tho Oorman royal family. At thv bend yf Uio dlgntiirfl oj ttluto, who grooted the king, wuB I'rlnco Von Buulow, tho ohuucollor, After tho ceremonies attending tho lutroduotloiiH, tho king nud knlsor entered a gorgeous state conch, whuro minted Hide by Hide, thoy woro driven through tho Uiiuh of cheering peop.'n ,: ,hu ,m,,,0-, Tl' C wnB drawn by eight oo!''"1 l,,"ol liorstw. Tho queen accnnipnnluil thu umpniHH and the o,nor guests woro takon In charge by various iiiumborH of tho royal party. At llrHiiilonhurg Onto. Mayor IClrsohuor, niwlHti'd by tn Hldsriiion nud olty eounrllore. exttuided a form al welcome on behalf of the olty to the king. The moiinrah replied brlofly, expressing bis deep upproula tloa of the cordial welrom. Tlie roach tliuu prouoeded along Inter Dem Linden to tho iialauo whero n Hnlulo of 10 Oguuu wuh tired. Ten Hoelnllst meetings woru dis missed Just ns tho procoHslon started from tho railroad station and thou sands of Socialists mingled with tho crowds, Thoro were frequent cries from the more radical members, but no violence was attempted. or 'or ,nwy concludes by saying that ra(lluhaugh did only what "any otu- or lnan W0Uld hftV0 dono unaor tno clrcuinstancus In an effort to rleht tho wrongs done him In breaking up his homo and family." " WILL HAVE FIVE SUPREME JUDGES The House this aftoruoon udopted tho minority report ot the committee which providos for five supreme Judges, and retulns tho emergency clause, In other words passed tho Sonato bill without amendment. This will leave tho appointment of the two supreme court commissioners In tho hands of tho governor for the present. Mi u Mi $ la 5ne for ted for the (for lay F t