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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1909)
catttal jouilhai saijm. obnon, satciidat. jascmr 3, t w f rU ft . ! uuCU THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOKKR. Ed. aad Prop. The Red, White lJrovHt Nrrrr Erc4l to jiaerieaa rrtadple aa4 I the rnurem aad erreteeaeot ef AM Ortfua. rubttt.t Kmr Krratatt aUeer SBlr. lalem. On. StmSCRlTTION' RATES. itaraftaMv ; Wrute. dht, t-r . r r- - A rr -jj wur, ty . f ' w eMui v :"&& n tjjgjLABEt " And ether constituents cf your blood are powerfully enriched and vitalized by Hood's Ssrsaparilla. It ktcmues the ml corposete and railed stnaag the watte corpus m, snd , tivai profe -iad netoroj the health. It cum snvfala. eeeetoa. ervpuooc, i eafciixa. rtwumw. anemia, nervoat ! boss, taut tared fceftac. dyaatpaaa. loan ' of $cte. yeaecxi eebaaty ami budkte . c tke waole jyiteaa. ft af Ik waMl 1m eftttc&uot ttmrt ru wlrf StrwliW, Unk)n EXCLUSION LEAGUE AT SEATTLE GETS BUSY (PATRIOTISM MEASURED BY VOLUME OF TRADE ?ew York. Jaa. . Am appeal to the merraaat of Nov York aad ot aftjuOefj, Kalw k ts coarse of peeparattoa today ay dm kU Voird of trvte argiac taost to co-aeorate ta taorwMtair mm the people of Coi'- fT RMWKirc'ormte. t owirrfoo of aerceateat to reaabtte. Bxeimie te Jaax.i. ! daxtahxtK aalaot t&e yeoD f Let te teooif rate - x- StaoaiajsC TV rxK ire wtt The Mftoa of the beer foUowea aaeottac of toe varieu utercaat.'le 1o'tc4 Is Jommw ttnuo. TV mwohjtua tierce-sated the s- Iff re l4 TOre.1 SMtttt. Jam. X AmM t bee made hr tie Aomtl Br otanms Lea tint oo JVacoary 9 Ort U JototMM k m IkoM a omlm Mtto to oo&'nwJ ycole of tt Molr o tte csrat fnCwx tte. mmw I tM otrr. ad to t ' "Ootvcmt J. N MBott BsT ftt ' trifeow tke wwsw tke Hfrri rt-,i too Utr wxlw. Tie Jtt ' OUMorl. u4 en: M Ie Bovif of toe imnaHol vHH exl4e tiooTYtk Pub ? J"-- tmmt ooaUm T4 hw fcM z et&xJ4ni!it p to tbe 7o " att-Jirae- &xUitec awtt.i: U4 itU at t teV- Tike mx. mtaf: of tie l!MEe. ' iro tr4e t-eteea Ote ri- F7ui to rrvsWe Mooter. Gr K H xr 4oo 4--xr m Stae xt Aum Tier poatetf ot eroor IV4t of Cokltarali. xwi SUX im fr:iec B ti aMeoAiOK of -W W Jii cest?r SroAtor Oeaw U Jo&mu KUa of toe federal xmUtht to tfce Unfrt ft is! tea. Tiey o Oltiorxji Tie ewirw t- mi tke ut ;rei tint tie iUttes m . JAytot tat Jioom ku & aorjotf to S x KOpreTf aittoa ' ooJKtto tW orU MaukhftU. EVERYONE TAKES OFF HIS HAT TO THE SPEED NEGLECTED SIDEWALK MAY PROVE COSTLY Wfcro.) Mm. J. A MR tor ft Co! Jt i ef x tr: trt f ' eo ike Mmy-eyhj iooJi 4m too tiorr jOttn f ) NM. MOt to yOOJ "TOi re Mm toor v po pooe AB oi. ooMlr Aoooot iiiw V.m WoJitiOiit tor. mi t ojr OOMCNOOV OlHOMOt'f. X Jx9Mm ferwer i.:rpi iti eotroy. rwttti( x wCiHfo a4 St. TW oVH,iM )K ootow (j por ! nuol T5 tooi surb tie tiot of to tojooy. xoii ti H onomt toot lr -m &e to LAKE COUNTY EXPECTS TO SPROUT A VOLCANO (United rr IWl Wire 1 Sah FraHcls, Jan. 30. The -Meats of Lake eountr. In the vlclu.iy of Grlwlr motiHtan, are becoming alarmed oror hoIsos and rumblings that are coming from the extinct vol raoo. aeeordiag to reports recifveil ere today. Inreotlgatlon par.'e that hare rteltoi the mountain have failed to led any prellualnary ?rl dencee of an ertlon. Otnloovs notes coning from the honrt of the Mountain have contln- Ml for ceeentt dmr. and resldenu xn becoming alarmed. The top au1 idea of the Mountain contain Dot- tonleot care, and those are belle v I to haro been rent hole for lava In prehieto.-e days. o Caught In the Rain. Uon a eoM and n cough let it run oo got pneumonia or consumption that's all No matter bow you get your eouh don't nogloet It take Batard'c Horehouad Syrup and you'll be oror It in no time. The sure cure for eomidH. colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary dteoaoos In young and old. Sold by all dealers. o The woman who hai boon married two or throe time ought to be 'fell fitted to write an authoritative book on the value of animate. Charcoal Purifies Any Breath And la H Purest Ftx-m Hn Inp Bomi KaH-M A the Orwnt-t Ox Absorber. rooted fteeo, OnL Vfarv AftBMhaMK k ' .. I " -Jim Jill. I -willow ehnreoal will oxodl 'i i mr w j w roiasvw w mar I f Mr. Loetoo Too., w ( Oio- ! odor amd remder It :aim Toumm. of mo nTy. vm non- nwout amd pure. A panful la a toil o tatood lajoricu vbJcm hnft Her jeeUar will abuoeo doadly fumee. for ' m oih vwuk iwwov ouwikutMi abMrus on ehundrod tlmi K OOl TW UPTOW SINCUm SA MARRIAGE tS A FARCE i tromjid; Hresw UnMed Vtr riaoi tox inn ooj x reowa aojnoomion of to. Kam- TX4 Wttdmm mift F TfPwH unbt to affftimpa that am wH w lafmv tsojepj: t& of tao y oAtaOt to a ibareiilte. loe au ntboed tV vbe 3ua4 of Atnucaer A BwdL wa h nteoArtt&r tmr auf tri feu tew luoiMonov te Xmroau' Una doMUv Cmmniniy. nrUhs. tt no W a ue wflL a Xn. Tc- linn il a a of a bod a of tmoarm Too mjuey a la bm. m xaom- the value t admiaUtorod It n of Ulneo. eoaoeiaUy pertain tatc to the ttooMca. In BacUad to day emorooal poaltke are need for lon boala om . while omo phyii- ( w " ua io euro many I A4 Jfcl liii kir n ! i ik Ali. .. .... ...... f vw.v. m avivf ed AJa vta ohanoal powder. SimanV Caarvoal Loaoma-w go in- trnaafer foal aboorb when the algottlre tax maklna. formeq- jkua. M. Oma No aha mntaoeu fur ttm nauo.M ftpox.TT ' . " ' '" wko. -- - - - us ! aft mt& rcamr vrmoM om a mnic " -- ... " " m ' www nn mm " ' - - . . .... . m iam uoMRa aao n k - - . k. - - - - - - si . - an. k-j. oum oaunaoaoa a commummd fmwtojrv w.w 4 w vh. wmt wmmt ..k mmw mw r .v vv . mm m - - - imi. m. mm aude e " " ' t II I fefc.s - " " ' WV -Jlli4,tnii njfl obom mm boo Pfcw on W rafci ul Wa-fUwuu CTCrCT P1J3 lXmzyrr t Juimm anm aaoj . w""m iwiiww. mm ww.r. & aunm on nmr toraea un at -- -.. -wmat 'mjooa ami dooay mjoaar umjiniu Umt ae woo oatry bo to thH runrmm. tW bomo umn W UWWAll haul umaiml rmm T Caoa atraea. ta ttm wo- hmaa1 aaai ttmt Ma mOSe feoM Vo ' tV K K -suca. ta yettteo rMnM rna uoi aaa. dintiwo. eaun ononaeav uma tint aJaar joe T? i-.,-. - -wied artt. Ctmrlnmac. o iaa . Tummo m mjaoa of mamn We bona urbubul f ft f w . 3e eomtrv. lau'iunfupi aad dm wifotmmu of a vaa ana wuw jam aowa ormiw emouma -. - . rjifc ta exMM "w ww in u wan a ma Of aada fnmaat taw ewadunaoat a tanl mat- raowi bad1 bea torn Tlbo lb waar moa tae on? aeodto woo oa ta Mntohm otmtmA wftntnN fMtnMInu) dbJmafomma jnJ Tni m j- mtfhm. n ! inTmm tna tlnCMnM Jtm AMKtt tkn Imflft at! am fcW mmm mmnmnj unuuna mmmmmmmj ommamnnnnnnBa g l'ojnPFl CaT $!- H iHfaVAf ni "aowowoe wa-om mnrwtoj monmr unnmmi anna am ompr Hi atalMaVHr.. atattnt tlm nVBnfaJtenfln mnoAMnVa&Mm mmmm UnoawamdW ft m.a mM man ii mmMnl dMSnkntfoAroTomTB VW mVaa TJBnmm k v ... aw " " -- mj w. mwM-w --" mfc mwu o- hk mnuma uunnnnnFunrw aj -'- ' '- n ' w- mmmnmf ma VaTHdrVMnU aVA Junaa amm ak nmajomnma, - m a mm bl & aawamuadmnaan) uma MatXmjmiakmmmk uanu waaiki hdff 4nk.&. wVrmV t&KII Hi J MTtMl ttlWIgJnl itf ' anMHuVVL glf BMy ff " ' ' 4MPM B oHu flNuQWRumwhS IwaW'aWmm ilmfaWoTm) iaTWf InMWYrHnlv wBWuwH ntnW MMMM wlS WaUL tXNMMl woKno m bujumt oaum ianaoa a "w? M111 mwomwa . aftarmmiM uibial MlnMrnTaua tumMm nllnbTinini I V .. - - . .. -. - - - - - m. rnA - -- UuTVJoJUir SmiffMHIi " ' "' " " "" inni boa booa pwomwwjnv .. aa emy umm nam " . " wj wnivOTk - - i ! vpv ysmu uflau aad aoaxw w wx e wwa (Urnuawaw i w w p.. j . - - I - kMk Wf mt - n vv n mmmmmimmm .. .ivm r -. k koi at urn aeuaee, : of " - peurrmma , rnunmmm, Vaaemaeu Tkea aarni mm Aa rak &n kaeal ketfvoo- 4 aoajaui urom be avU ami a esaviiw caxw"n at hM in in? mi unuommr mr taoar goat ua! tiou boy coa- ooi aoaodMairor bomel m ati aad coast : an kroatb amply e-a. ei' eiareoal io aoed ?ere are about tal f ataenr Bhut't take oar mora lor K '.at kxW aao Om manor ywareolf Aak yor batter UiV. oaeytlono- T boaaty of Jbnart'a Our- m that dm hfghet oaaert kaowl ds to arepare a imaaan taat m gtv to na tk. of the r or tarao after sak m ur-J , jMMftmno eaeewa tke , - -mu ( 2 Real tat a PrMBlocet A 1 1 Of OCT Si? ol Df. Lt.l a l'iB'iariie I rMTl . ' hut ; i 1 t 'I 4 d ' I ' It T'l J I ri4 T Tft I im" i ' Hie j .i ii rurrtx- Wk u-r.i 1 ;lW ' ' ! ni". i ' t- f hit-., i s XiS I e I 13 UU"3 i f Bell's -Tr an 1 (a ?r. fn'L LVa 7m Vti FXTnVYnS ( j jfc3E?nt3!jSMntmV fTj. ty si ewaw tKJ2Jjb3Sw?5 Pine -Tar- Honey H"Oty, cKDblDfd i rin-t with Tanooi other Inmdtrstl. The col tz i rr.att-l on e try bottle. OLR STRONGEST RECOMUEXDATIOt-UHit Bee Sold For S i t-i Tear wna a simci i erutini Sale. Aak for f'R BBtL'S PIKF-TAIl-HONM "! Take " Saaf .Bte Lock for the Bill on tte Bott'o and Cur Guircotte No. 60S. r - -a ii ovtT ry IHEE.E.SUTHERUHOMEO CO.. Irnu4, Padaeah NEW G0CARTS AND CARRIAGES w&$6 vaRnH i 2S U A$ usual ve are tne first to recede our ,enc'es for babies. Every cart is entirely e 0v..e. a.i the latest improvements in cons4 usefulness. The callapsible device is sure ea$ to operate. -ac'- cr-i is provided wiih a brahe. thereb it :iom moving when left alone. This is a ft :r r ?- makes do not have. a leasee to sho an explain the : us:e features of th"s line Prices S2.50 up. t ? tason's i jem- .tion and - in and r.ei"!!! ." that THE HOISE FURNISHING CO.. 177 UBERE ST. E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store 14-4 Commercial SL Free Delivery the Ait 'ire perftwt Vow gOaeafrgtaiBifMjatajajiBitlutej NMwf mrsi ir wmx lYour Hair Worth It Atari i Tw4n. wW Ai& mm C a amw- iw.aeur i taaatit ae mertt Veerr -woaf- ae nea4 yr amt we w.4 aeal kw WXX& frvo. a1- Ca : m,,, OaM.Aa Cm i mmw a.m v .ht.ha t a. iaiikUkjt- k . 1 VVtlTLn 8 5 oaou mjuaoii m ua: " " " "" -. . . - - k A . . nwBlw. V . V W . BK .. V . - . - - Iv . - - ta . A. k. W & .- uk wMwa rtiw aKauwaav: awa i.mi ct-ak-r aa v- . .. . - naakt ara , a- - -- . t .....-.. -. - " - - - " rmm x k. nwa: oamrmM cahT omicmnr - am i ymuur aunr vunroi r - - . - - - - . . - . . W ataWae .yr $ Hm lnkat aW fammkt manr. - u nam --,. . tjMfeflMnK L BlmV Mmmffna!1 dLtenl oflHlmaWaWawawL HmVWu? rmaSnttaH9nffntrif oVai lmffm m " ' " WV,. i -ainma,rr y-rf- I ' " " ' " luf H-U2 fTfl, A w - - --.. - t hsvbw wawaunm mmaoaaoaum wnak. na ama ma aaommmawawmnrmnmna mnm mm a. ma . wwwvvaiaiiiiwaiiaiiivaiwaiiaKBBwawawawaaawaiMawHaiaiioaawamao)Oawaum an i a war waanr wawawawaa mum wavaapunwwi w v -w aammr- :9 ar ..aUk awanaumn.V prH( VVralnVHai JdumnHa Waw mMa 9HupK-w a!amBa?wJuaammmL. amungmav. i m LUPt F R f - arf I I I '" m)uam aamaa mk una? mitoa mmwi b- a MIMKat .1. in QnT-TOOT oaa,aunaeuuJaaeommnmrme. $ k W S :aA A OUOUWi laaam m kw amt dbam a. to ,, dm. ,k 5 -. fT-JTT TM?T?iVr - fc . T " TT wawm mrnarn a dug ; maQ. JL Ht.t A3-l l waaanam wan. - waawaum a . T-m ,wm zturrsus. T -;. " T pril!''" "" f wawm t jfiaw, aarvw IkuAcv jm fjm kmt bmaa bakam. as m uaoa X IJhVmMm nbmtaa ffaa 'waom dnBaalmCu IVBBm omba " wke unaot omoammk dkum aounad a wunamam oma nuy j ,, lmm x, 'utm m mmmmmt mt aojaoba aam aamW te k-w - 1 IdkY ma atmaamnunfut mTt Clma djmf an Staga)a Li.liiifiil rfi 1111,1 w iT 111 moi.r omo J C tu... BHununnnm f BpaHaVugpVmVJnV wawmnwawji waumnaa maw wamawawawaumw.w' -waaamumawwwrwa amw-waj-paw w aw """" mmmmnm; uaunmam . 4B m ajm"7 oV amaVjaUamaa rlmaaA oaidtommaami oaaa. CnVaadnfmjdkm fabjum-. B maa. J a VrnVPKr '" "arVMibmaU w rmmaaj -jomnawaanmmr mmmnm wa -. ITbJt CUfrhrf aIWM ,4m L afamadl mTdmaTmTte Tm i www ma umv rwa w ,lwni maa? aa W jmakc j uwamjr uao waoa aoaajkmmaood 1 1 SthjC! gfnttamaa AaSnVWaC mmauc ajmnt. 3m oaVbed, maOjaK taav abaox a P Capital National J -mmj., . m TZ JTrTr , K AUrmmlU ry-s E ''wrtmi aank wamadmw ax- W (aad waar boa m -m wa t -wa. J f BA 13 H3 I lam '' - - ,wb 9e 3Lag e a, fwaa -t?TL JtV. X. J! 1 - t ,nkts xt en -wan. - - , ,., L J I "n AnflCo t' 'wavaaw. anmaew amom. mum- kmt atiavs oamoe db asamaaa. - I m5. K- AWWOalR r4v meupOOan , .aama toad ammim Co Ma w - CMum -iMtM, ,ir.. I I C arr a m-a oae iuau."Ti. a ..: v . 1 riLrs' I Greatest Combination Offer f "waBawaaiii aai aaa . ai m i NINE NEWSPAPERS FOR FORTY CENTS A W 1 MMn Tt VoeVI liuul, he taptal iuaraal iad tlm C'ta'ect NVAtvtita.' j it esr sea :t 5 prompt and fall? 'at cv4a:'v Wcwk It i- York Koaa la t I .r.arubl dm troat J .'U d:iKva of dm ) Yrt Vatti of ta Tb-- boaa of aattr al b tktl maty r aarii ta order taat tt bapponed It tote ik tj Mwoua i. amnVa) wWoYnlaMaam am paaetu of im caK. if ;ou aaat dm aea mi a ee edtUon of dm Mom Tat do eareat fttaday. ami Ve vf a sa.i THK THRICK-A-WWKK WtMtLCS .m, s-ar.r Per year, aad tkat pays t- Vd newunaaer aad wikfak m ba$ m tb a x aa lar Hi - . very . at il - pr ,c OS Daily Capital Jonmal three raoiibs Bail) Capital Jonnial six months - fke tXw f u xXy 4rft Ki note t vawa j alh K l.PKK P.aAee tSa.l, .$1.20 . $2.35 to- Struntjr w ? at W C a Xaraoi Saiem Oak ta Adrti of Camtt. se4 .s-J -" lwetrwltpi.l.1.J,tll,1latt1(M1th4Ke