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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1908)
VRWW .WiKi' ijt -,i ni.fc,,t. ... . Jtu . 4 mi ' ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM," OltEOON, MONDAY, lUgQBMUElt SH, 1008. 8 AT SALEM'S LEADING STORE, A SEN ITODAY MID-WINTER SALE 1 .. Iti -ll .. . (L 41 0 . . -.. 0 .-f. k. - vl r-rfA A rT0 4"krfl l& ri dti B-v J .lL in an departments, we nave no aujumuiciuun ui many ycaiuuiy up-iu-uciie, seasonahL merchandise, sucn as you can use every aay. vur prices are me lowest in Salem X:. .-, fi:- .J( ---J-- i- -4.-:-.i. nf A ln 7C. w mntr ri m?t .ni- wiien we uner guuu guuus ai a reuuiuuii ui i v iu pci m, ;uu bb.cs ii assured thi tti -'"(-' ! f i SATlOii ?' , i V vv oissi tints v.iitsapC3i iwuiuig ouvpvvi ib iii . va....? -,... Ui.iBUUa mm irl-annUtlt sales keep our stock clear. Salem's Leading cjqok and Suit Store Offers n sonsntlonnl prlco reduction in thin season's stylish woarlng np porol for spring stocks that will bo gin to nrrlvo noxt month. Women's Long Coats, cholco fabrics, woll-tall-orcd,. good, servlconblo vnluos up to $0.50. Ornnd offor this wook your cholco $2.98 All roady-to-wonr- suits, this win tor's best Bhowlng of Now York nnd I'nrlB models, in nil tho latest fnsh- Ioiib and materials, marked at fig ures that nro of tho greatest linportnnco to economical buyers both In fancy nnd strictly tailored styles. Tho fancy coats nro mndo In empire, dlrectolro and vest effects, trimmed with satin brnld nnd but tons, plain clothes nro tailor stitched. Medium and long length coats, plain goro with flnro or trimmed with foldB, navy, brown, blacks, etc. Also a largo assortment of fancy stripes and mixtures, nil slzos. A largo and grnnd assortment to select from. Thcso oxtrnordlnnry values roduced from 1 0 to SO per cent WEDNESDAY Sl'UPIUSH Sale No. -112. Wo offor an ndvnnco special of our Annual Dluo Hibbon, White Evont Embroid eries, Bauds, Insertion, etc., values ui) to 25c and 3Gc. Tho nssortmont Is largo and comploto nnd In this showing will bo found 1900 choicest pattorns In wldo, modlum and narrow widths nt tho mur voloiiBly low prices of 9 and 12 Cc?nte a Yard Wednosdny Only. Nono sold until ;(). No tclcphono orders received. Furs, Waists, Outing Flannel. Under wear, Petticoats, Etc. Ilnvo nil boon classed and massed Into this great room-making event nndjirlces havo boon placed on goods or this class to movo them nt onco Your earliest consideration should bo given this largo uBsort mont of Salem's best bargains. I'rlces reduced from 10 to 75 por cont. we ueea mo room. O O ooooooooo CITY NEWS o o o o o o ' o o o o Well Done Is tho saying of all who havo their cleaning and pressing done by Albert Bhnw, nt Tho Toggery. Phono 33 C On and After Monday, December 28, Mr. Albott Shaw will havo full charge of our cleaning and pressing parlors. Mr. Shaw's exporlonco In tho past ton years onablos him to turn out tho vor'y boat work, especially ladlo' work. All work cnllod for and'do llvorod. Tho Toggery. Phono 33 f tTIs n PInisu To wear a suit that hns boon woll cleaned and woll pressed. It Is nlso economy t6 havo your clothes pressed and cleaned by a man who known how. Tnko your work to Albert Shaw, tho man with a thorough knowlodgo of tho husliioss. Tho Toggory. Phono 330. Where Time Is Valuable. A young porson may mako an un- wlso Investment and loso tho monoy Invested, but this may not bo so borlous a matter as at first supposed. Tho porson had tho oxporlonco that Ih worth something; nnd tho amount of tnoney lost may bo mado again. Hut When ono loses or wastes ttmo, It Is lost forovor It cannot bo re covered. Many young peoplo nro wasting tlmo every winter by not attending school. A winter's school ing or two ovon, does not cost much In comparison to tho bonoflts de rived In tho way of increased oppor tunities. Tho Capital Business Col lego, of Salem, is a practical school. It will glvo you useful training. Send today for catalogue. 12-2 8-2 a. 1-VU Oir, Hut Wanted More When tho 9:5G overland train was passing through this city Satur day night, a hobo fell from tho top of ono of tho coaches to the ground nnd rolled from tho train to within a few taet of tho sidpwalk on tho west side of Twelfth stroot. Tho nccldont occurred near Stnto stroot and thoso who saw tho fellow take his dangerous fall nnd roll across the etreot. thought ho would surely bo killed outright. However, ho ww n'Mwently uninjured, and ho was on his feet Instantly and running at u MHvB Children's School Coats Sultnblq for cold and rnlny days. Tho grandest offor over mndo by this do pnrtmont. Tho materials nnd color combinations nr6 very striking. In this largo assortment will bo found all sizes In this season's cleverest children's coat styles. Values up to 1 0.00. Solect your slzo this wook for $2.50 Japanese kochi wear and baskets reduced 1-3 in price, Toys and dolls reduced 1-3 and 1-4 in price, Glassware and crockery less 1-3 and 1-2 price, NECKWEAR Ladies' neckwear arrived too late for the holidays now reduced 25 per cent, Anthony bags at reduced prices, Men's Clothing Our largo mon's clotulmr nnd 'furnishing goods section offorB to ,you tho best values In Snlcm of clothing and furnishings. When wo offor to you such good clothes nB Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes nt nucli low prices ns Btnted bolow you aro Just doubling your money . SUITS, OVERCOATS and TOPCOATS I Exclusive Store's $35.00 Suits Our regular prlco $30; now $17.50 ExcIubIvo Storo's $30 Suits Our rogular prlco $25; now $15.50 Excluslvo Store's $26 Suits Our rogular prlco $20; now $14.50 ExcIubIvo Storo's $20 Suits Our regular prlco $18; now $13.50 ExcIubIvo Storo's $18 SultB Our regular prlco $15; now $12.50 Excluslvo Storo's $15 SultB Our regular prlco $12; now $9.50 .Single Trousers, Undent ear, FurnMilngx, lite., with price ttdi In the mime proportions. Men's Felt nnd Lunthor Slippers; regular $1.50 and $2(K to c!ck thlH wcok -$1,15 Men's Leather Collar Dags, rod and groon colors; regular (2 nltct, to closo this wcok, your choice .', . . uai p pmpr Fancy Plaid Hnndkorchlefs; regular 20c values; this week 2 for 25c Colored Silk and Fancy Silk Haudkoichlefs; n largo assortment to cliooso from ; values up to 75c ouch; your choice. . .. QCa Combination Suspender Sots, only n few left this week to close HALF PIUGE. $1.00 values, 50c; $2,50 values, $ I 00, und ?l o0 values, 71c Copyright 1908 by Hart Schiffher k Mux feOM good speed down tho track after tho train. Xo Shiny Streaks on your suits if you havo Albert Shaw do your work. Clean ing and pressing nt Tho Toggery: Phono 33G. Without Question Mr. Alboit Shaw Is tho best clean ing und pressing mnn In tho city. After Monday, Dccombor 28, talco your work to him. All ladles' work guaranteed. All work cnllod for nnd delivered. Tho Toggory. Phono 33G. Christinas nt St. Pauls, St. Paul's Episcopal church will colobrato Christmas with services nt their church, corner of Chomokotn nnd Church streots tonight, nt 7 o'clook, this bolng Holy Innoconts' Dn At tho closo of tho sorvlcoa a Chrlstmns treo will bo glvon In tho Guild room. Miss Pnlno will sing n now Christmas song antltlod "Nool" during tho distribution of gilts. Xo Word from ltelntlvet. Evidently tho rolntlvos of Tom Sullivan, tho man supposod to havo committed sulcldo by jumping off tho Wlllamotto bridge hero, nro not much Interested In his fato, as Cor oner Clough has recolvod no word from tho letter which ho sent them live days ago. Is (iititviug Tho Oregon Electric company has been ronipollod to add two more mon to Its oftlco force In this city to proporly look after tho freight and. passlnger Borvlce. Theso two mon will bo on duty nt night as op orator nnd night freight agent. For Street CominKsIoner ' A numbor of friends of Ex-alderman George Jacob aro boosting for him for street commissioner. They say ho Is a good survoyor aud onglu oor, and tho city might do worse. DELIVERY TEAM MAKES LIVELY RUN 0 0 qawran. 9 ' Ypls'' v 4XVAV7X 323 5. COMMERCIAL Sf As tho result of being frighteuod by u pleco of paper whlppod In tholr faces by tho wind this morning, the delivery team of tho Josso Furnlturo company holds tho record for artis tic runaways. Tho tenm was stand ing nt tho freight dopot when fright ened nnd ran down Front streot to Forry and down Ferry to Commer cial, thenco north on Commercial to Court street, down Court streot to High street, whora thoy recolved another fright by tho Orogon Elec tric freight train, causing thorn to swervo off High stroot in to tho rear yard of tho old Huron rcsldonco and around tho roar of Win. Keoncs resldenco coming out botween Koonos' house nnd tho adjoining building on to Court stroot again without touching u thing. After tho now thoroughly frighteuod animals galnud tho street again, thoy ran to tho corner of Court and Church street where thoy wore glvon another scare by a man attempting to stop them and ran over tho curb pulling tho two front wheals from tho wng on and going merrily on tholr way down Church street to North Salem whoro thoy wore captured, Tho man nor In which tho horses circled around tho two residences on Court sreot without coming In contact with something, was mystifying, owing to tho fnot that troes and other substantial articles wero scat tered about tho premises nnd tho space through which thoy passed be tween the two dwellings In reaching tho street again wns hardly wldo enough to pormlt tho passing of an ordinary wagon. Neither of tho an imals was Injured, but tho wagon was badly wrecked. On High street near the placo whoro tho Josso team entered tho yard the Capital Commission com pany's delivery team mndo a break to run away, and had It not boan for tlo timely interference of tho driver who wns out of tho wagon at tho tlmo. another (Irst-class scamper would havo' beon credited to tho Sa lem delivery horses. In, both In stances tho Electric cars woro I brought to a standstill by tho con slderato motormen to prevent fur . ther damages. O 'OOOOOOOOO ' PERSONAL MENTION 00000000000 Mr. nnd Mrs. S. G. Splcor of Eu gono nro In tho city. W. M. Gage, sheriff of Coqulllo, Coos county Is in tho city todny. Franklin T. Griffith, of Orogon City wns In tho city today. A. G. Mngora wont to Portland on a short business trip this morning. Miss Minute Voder v. out to Hub bard this morning to visit her par ents. Sara Stewart returned to Auiora this morning whoro she has 11 pos ition In tho bank, after visiting hot parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stew art over Christmas. Misses Addio und May Cleveland wont to Oregon City this morning to visit frlonds. '$rs. W. H. Ilradloy wont to Sll vorton this morning to vvlslt rela tives. .lrs. h. Weaver loft for Sllvorton tills morning whero she will visit for n fuw days. J. S. Trtlt-, and duughtor Miss Mary nro In Woodburn visiting relatives. Miss Emma Maplethorpo who at tends tho Bonko-Wnlker business college of Portland Is spending tho holidays with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Mnplothorpo. Peter Larson, who has a reputa tion as a fine boat builder, Is homo from Tho Dalles, wnoro ho has been working nt his trade, Edgar J. Sherman with tho Eggort & Young Shoe company of Portland Is visiting relatives In tho city. Mrs. J. C. Evans returned today to her home In Clnxtnr, after vis iting her mother, Mrs. J. Westley. Miss Lena Hutton, who has been visiting hor sister Mrs. Oswald West, roturned to her homo in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. It. Smith have returned from Portland where they spent Christmas with frlendB, Miss Nettle Roshelm, of SUverton. has roturned to her home nfter vis iting friends here over Christmas. S. HIrsch, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Hlrsch nnd Mrs. McMnhlll, of Port laud nro hero to attend tho Hlrsch nrady wedding which takes place at Hotel WHIamotte tonight. A Leonard, who resides In Clark county, Wash., and who spent his Christmas with relatives here, left for SUverton this morning. Gcorgo II. HImes, Bccrctnry of tho Oregon Historical oocloty, wns In the city todny attending tho funeral of Jesso Loonoy, which was hold yos torday in .Tofforson. , Mrs. M. Kays loft this morning for hor home In Prntum, nftor vis iting hor mother, Mrs. N. C. Van Doron for tho past two weokB. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Murphy wont to Portland this morning. Mr. Murphy will nttond tho meeting of tho ottlcors or military companies of Oregon. Jus. C. Conditio Is homo for 11 fow days from Salt Luke, where ho has boon lopresuutlng tho Mill City Lum ber company. Ho says ho ha sen Joyed his lire among tho Mormons very much. Mr., and Mrs. Mark W. GUI nnd daughter Mary, of Portland, nro spondlng n fow days with their par onts, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Morolnnd, of this city. Willamette At Good Stage. The Wlllnmotto river ut this point Is now nt C reot 9 Inches nnd Is still rising. Saturday night tho rlvor stood nt 5 feet 1 Inch. Tho Snntlnm Ib now booming, duo to tho heavy rainfall and tho warm winds melting tho snow nenr Mt. Jefferson, nnd has not begun to recod ns yot. On tho upper rlvor near Albany, Cofvallls and Eugene, tho rain fall for tho past 48 hours has boon extremely heavy, and the river nt theso points Is rising rapidly. Tho towing steam er "Grey Eagle," of tho Spauldlng Logging company, mado a trip to tho Lucklamuto Sunday and returned horo with a largo tow of logs. Tho river at the Lucklamuto ontranco Is now high enough to permit tho tow ing of logs unhampered, nnd tho Grey Eagle will he busy for tho noxt few weeks towing down logs for tho local mills which hnvo been shut down for a week duo to tho lnq"k or snwlng material. Many a man who loves kli t bor a himself would b la Krt trouble If !ilj wife knew It THE CAPITAL NORMAL REVIEW CLASS Doglns work on January I.uJt tlnues until the February -!l tlon. Classes formed In all bru; for state and county papers d I Eighth Grade Diploma. J. J. KRAPS, Salem. " MONEY TO Iflf THOS. K. FORD OvorLndd& Bush's Bank, SH TUVwrirh Union Fire Insurance Coof .. HealdentAF rami .nvuu - j .OUlce with Win. Brown - 1 20. Commercial street. o :o 000 DIED. ALBIUOH At the home of T. I Rarr. 1080 Court street, Salopi Oregon. Sunday evening, Deceit hor 27, 1908, Mary MagdaleDa Al- brlch. Funeral services at St Joseph Catholic church. Wednesday at 9;30 a. m. o 0 0 0 oooi NEW TODAY - n n O Q.9.X fta'stee. safe an c ,.. New ana ,la tnr sale. C State street. -!""IZX4 seto-d' nitiman. 1S-.I1 !. i.PtniM Willi aiu,- H,ww" ' .. mursJl1 attached. ,-eBVB "' ,,.Ut I for rownru Weather Fwcu-i- j !- rjifl tonigiii, 11 " - ose fr nt-cl0"ti &M school. Enquire Jg streot ' isT-5KI ov.r,II.Is ''" ,. - i. KK ttnuie m khl l-." 1 rTflltTt? " .. .-. ntlRIUllB VorttZ:.lZt a"od looms " ,n ., ii.r jr nrovenieiits State street Wanted n tj collect call Knqulre .. .1,1 :-.- i rOUOj .11 at WWW 5 1JJ3-- V.