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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1908)
DAILY OATlTALtJOUaNAXi, BALK, ORBGOX, SATURDAY, PBCSMBKR ?, 1WW. i buse Cleaning and Price Cutting BEGINS TODAY A general reduction on everything in the store except o few contract goods :::::: rom 10 to 50 per ct. Can be saved by trading at the BIG STORE somo ono strikes tho process byj which tho gold can be extruded an that section will become jib fnmou ns the Treadwcll or tho Homcstnko districts Western Oregon. Evangelical Association. Corner of Seventeenth and Che meketa streets. Sundny school nt 10 a. in., C. P. Doty superintendent. In the absence of the pastor Itov. Ezra Mnurer will preach on "Taking An Inventory" at 11 a. in. and Kov. J. F. Goode will occupy tho pulpit at 7:30 p. m. Y. P. A. meeting at G p. m. MfoSON FIRST J ' NFfiRfi HHAMPIflM Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 2G. Jack Johnson, the big negro, from Galves ton, Texas, Is tho world's heavy weight champion. Ho wont tho tltlo today In tho big nronn at Rushcut tors Bny from Tommy Durns, tho French-Canadian, who had hold It PROSECUTION CLOSES' IN THE HAINS' CASE (United Press Leased Winn) Flushing, L. I., Doc. 20. Tho caso for tho prosocutlon In tho trial of Thornton JonkIn9 IIuIub, chnrgrxl with participation In tho killing of Wlllfnm Annls by Captain Potor 0. PACKERS AFRAID OF JAIL SENTENCES (Unlfod Press Leased Wlro.) Chicago, Dec. 80. For tho first tlino In tho history of tho anti-trust cases, It Is said, tho govornmont will tnko tho nttltudo In tho Chicago Packing cases, now under Investiga tion, that the individuals Instead of The White Corner m THE CHURCHES uted with overgrceiiB and holly. Ar- irnr oudiotmac UcIob of food, clothing and money rui l unnioimrto d wlilcla wero distributed liollc church celebrated 4l ... .. ... .... among tho poor of tho city. mna nppiopnnioiy ai ;. fc'B hall Friday evening. A vovy v,, (n.1B,l,u,i. lumbor wa present. Tho open- ,,,,, Klm congregational church umbers of tho program wad a holu Ul0,r oxerc80a 0Il Wednosdny in by tho St. Joseph orchostru, ovonnB, A r0Krnm was given com- ently rendered Tho featuro of . of ,, ml r0cltntlon. by venlng wua a ono-act drama, thu youiiKor members of tho church, 1 on a Wagor," characters in a1(. HUloct0,i8 uy ft vostmont choir of 'were taken by Jojoph Knljoi, al)0Ut 26 y0HB wom0ii, undor the . 13. Huckesteln, Jr., Miss Elo.i- l0Iuier8,, 0f Mm. Ilauer. Dr. ihrf, MIbb Mary Eckorlon, MIjs nnuor to(1 tno 8tory of "Mnrloy's Eekcrlon, Mies Matilda hck- Gh0Bt from nickoiiB' Christmas Carol l August Huckoiteln and Kvort und tll0 dlfforont charactora woro II- Followlng this was a soloe- j,trated by Btoreoptlcon views. After iy tho orchestra, a vocal boIo by tno ,,rogram tho door of the Sunday It A. Kurtz, an inBtiiumontai 80i,oi room woro thrown opon, show liy Ml a Thorosn Colllna, and K Snntn cinua' house In tho North- lea Old und Now" by tho Ml8oa nml( a a roa suntn. who gave An orchestral solectlon liruBontil to throe hrownlo. who dls- a most onjoyablo program, nK trlbiutod thorn to tho children. WARNED TO AVOID SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco. Dec. -C. It was loomed hero today from fedoinl au thorities, who have !md tho matter In hnnd, that Bishop Mori'lum C Harris of Jnpan and Korea, ono of the most famous bishops of tho Methodist Episcopal church, has been warned by them not to come to this city on his journey back to tho Held of his labors. He will Ball from Vancouver, U. C, on the last of this month, taking passage at port to avoid meeting tho compatriots of Chang and Chun, tho two Koreans who are accused of having partici pated In tho murderous attack on Dui'hnm White Stevens, tho Korean- Japanese diplomat last spring. Bishop Harris baa been for many years n missionary to Jnpan, and has been always an ardent believer In the destinies of that natlou. He has trav cled (through tho Mikado's omplro from one end to tho other, and Is one of tho burnt known whlto men in Jnpan. Ills missionary labors havo extended to Korea, and ho has spent iumcIi of his time In that country, acquainting himself with conditions In tho hermit kingdom. Dosplto hie sorvlco9 to tho Koreans, tho nnll Jnpnnoso oleniont In that nation hat frequently criticised itlio bishop fo his nllogcd blno toward Japan, and his alleged support of policies which have Bcomed Inimical to Korean In terests. Whon Illshop Harris arrived In San Frnnclico bay last spring, im mediately after tho shooting of llnluo, tho defendant's brother, wob slnco James J. Jeffries relinquished completed today with tho testimony tho corporations shall bo punished, It, and after a chaso of Burns that"01 uoorB utmon' "nc 0l l" B led half way around tho world, Tho end canio in tho 14th round, when tho police, scolng Hums tutor ing and tumble to defend himself from tho snvngo blowB of his oppon ent, mercifully stopped tho fight. Previously it had been arranged that, If tho pollco Interfered, n decision should bo rendered on points, and Hoforeo Mcintosh duclnred tho big black man n winner, for all through tho light ho had shown himself Burns' mnstor in ovory Btylo of lighting. ICx-Clinuiplnu'N Opinion. St. Paul, Dec. 2 C John L. Sulll vnu snld today that Jack JohtiBon has no right to claim tho champion ship as tho result of his victory over Tommy Hums at Sydney, as ho con siders tho presont day bouts moro boxing mntchoB. "Tho fight resulted much uh I ex pected. I novcr could seo how a good little mnn hud n show with a good big man, ns was this caso," said John L. "Even with tho victory over tho so-called champion of tho world, though In my opinion Iturns never was the champion of tho world, tho negro enn't assume that tltlo. "Theso present dny boutB can't bo truly styled prize lights. They nro merely boxing matches where pad ded mitts nro used. I can't seo whore Johnson Is given a high posi tion In the opinion of tho general Amoticuu public. I don't think tho country .v make a groat howl over the colorod man whon ho returns. "In my opinion tho American pub lic In fast losing Intorest in tho man ly art. "Johnson undoubtedly will get Stevens, tho govornmont officials of two or three llghtB In this country San Francisco, acting undor secret hut It Is only n question of time tin trlct attorney's offlco, and tho d- fonso oponcd. Dolton wna called to testify to tho oftorts of tho prosecuting olllcors to Hiibpoona John Tanning, a Swedish boatman, whoso testimony, it Is claimed, will bo of tho utmost lm- portnnco to tho dofonto. Tonnlng has been missing for sovornl months. Following Uolton's testimony, a motion on tho part ol the defense to dismiss tho Indictment against Jon kins Hnlns was mnde by Attorney Mc Intyre, who began a long technical nrgnimont. At Ub conclusion Judgo Crnno do nletl tho motion, and Attorney Joseph A. Shay begnn tho opening argumont for tho dofpnso. Shnw showed itho rulings of tho court throughout tho trial, and do clnred that thoy woro advorso to tho dofenso. Ho said that tho ovtdonco did not show thru, a crimo had Iiomi promodltnted by tho defondnnt, or did tho defendant know thnt hit brother carried a rovolvor until thu Instant of it ho shooting, Shay said that Jenkins Halns tried to prevent tho killing, and wnn hor-ror-'strlcken'hlmsolf when It Imp- poncd. Ho Bald thnt tho captain was mentally unbnlanred, nnd (that tho defense would show tho cannon load ing up to tho shooting, Judgo Ornno, nt ithls point, Intor rnipted Khny, making a stringent rul ing forbidding tho nttornoy for tho dofonso to rofor to tho relations bo tweon Captain Halns nnd Annls, de claring thnt tho truth or falsity of any olinrgo of lll-wlll hnd no bearing on tho caso ordors from Washington, D. C, smug gled tho clorgymnn from his steamer In n spoclal tug to tho llorkoloy shore whoro he wuh landed quickly nnd hurried to tho homo of n frlond. He stayed In llorkoloy only a few hours, tnklng tho first trnln for. the Bast, nnd thoro ho has romnlned over since. Whon Illshop Harris decided to re turn to Jnpan ho win again warded til he meets n hotter man which Is nlwnyH tho case." CLAUS SPRECKELS . JOINS MAJORITY rhlch the presents woro dlitrlb- Christian church gavo ni In- ling program boforo a largo au- Thuraday night, consisting Ipal'y of nonga nnd recitations children of tho Sunday school. aumbcra by tho Christian church lot, Meant. Eploy, Wonger, flar.d nnd Wolf, were much on us was nlBo tho vocal solo of i f.' Wateon nnd a song by Mrs. 5n and Mrs. Sykos. Aftor the ran the prosont woro dlstrlb- from a lnrgo tree. Tho decora tor tho church wore tho host that ever been soon at any similar tfon in the city, -tho crodlt of At Ah)Iuiii and Prison. Tho convicts nt tho ponltontlary woro not overlooked on Christmas dny. In tho morning they wero given a program, and nt noon woro served with a big Christmas dlnnor. All work wns suspended for tho day, A spoclal dlnnor wns albo prepared for it ho inmntoo of tho asylum, and wltJi It a short program given. LUCKY BOY MINING CO .REORGANIZED It Is not gnonilly known, but thoro U a good deal being done i Itha Luckv Hor mlnwt In th Illue belongs vhlefly to Dr. Eploy. ivor district. had tho decorating In oharg'. T1 ...hoe tIlK llM ,Mll r8or- Sunday school rooms woro turned ;Z0(, dor lhtt ,mmtt of tj1 (;(m. la fairy wlntor scone, with niany.B()Ili,at(j ,licky j,oy MHWI oomimny. ccrgreon troes. and a rs,wriK n w Tllford m president; Pcc i -ed with snow. On tho stage Gr8Ill phuv. rlcs-presldent ; Cord orange.! a reul waterfall, with "js,n8gu,k. secretary aiul tntMurer. jgro-nd o' rocks, ferns and'Rml 0. A. Lyma W)l hWW la"d shrubs, and itho whole ef-j Tne IWW (;(1mMtny hs b qulellr n rr ailv onhanceu ny uiomi" unrkinif with an exierlu(ai piani IncandOMjont lights. n giMin nt First lirIiytt'i'lan, ie following program was given io First Presbytorlan church lai evening boforo a large no pe ? H Sunday rchool. i r Mr Dabcock. g -' Christmas TImo," prl department. cl'atlon Kenneth Wllon. : cltat'on--Horbert Darby. - c'atlon Margaret Griffith. 'r Jpsuu In a Maneor." nr. 'cMon Dorothy Hobson. 'atlon Maxlne Buren. srclso Twelve Drlmarv chl'- Song, which was recehed Monday by freight aud with It a iunlderabl quantity of other machinery, chemi ouls and i00 imjhihIs of HHalatUed llmo bought of I X Honey, were started on their freighting Journey to 1ho scene of oiwrations yeetorday morning. H Is woll known that the largo body of ore nt tho mine is quite rich, but la Qt obarnoter that the values cannot be g'Uen out by stami. and it js not fib Jnie tluit a smeltor Is absolute ueevxsary. The punwsea 9f-thls experiment s tQ try a now nrqcfs'by which tje'vajuos can bo se!urd. or at least a largo part of them. The progress If the new .-..a.,,- win lif v -itched With wore than ordlnan Inter, as the people UKrfce u u u of the upper McKenxIe and of !.anolWf,re for acquit county generally know of tue weann '.nf P1i,i there is ' the Blue Hiver I w a -- (United Press Leased Wlro.) San Francisco, Due, 2G. CIiuib by tho govornmont offlclnl. that the SireolclH. tho fnmouB eugar king samo bnnd of Koreans, who planned and onP ot tho I'lonoor captains of In dustry i i no racuic const, uieu and enrrltHl out tho aUack on Slov ens, hnd similar designs on him, bo llovlng that his frlondnhlp toward the Japanoso wns a menaco to their own country. Fenrftil that some fnnatlc might try o murder tho missionary, tho nuthoritlcfl porwiadod him 'r cIiooko n now routo to tho Orloat, and ho hns therefore mnde a detour which will tako him o Vancouver Instoad of San FrnnclKco on Docombor 31. R LutherS Cradle in' department iuroa suae ana tree -- - -- ,. iMnir until I? church was effectively decor jdutnci aru ... -m ". SOLVES PUZZLE OF A DEAD LANGUAGE Stnndford University, Doc. 2G. A numhor of solontlstB nnd mombors of tho Stanford Phllologlcnl AbsooI ttou will moot horo this afternoon to llston to tho reading or old Latin and Etruscan inscriptions which hnvo horotoforo boon meaningless. Professor Homplo of tho Gorman de partment doelaros that he hns suc ceeded In deciphering inscriptions and has Invltod the savants to a reading of the anolont readings. Professor Hompl says that his din covery will aid materially In throw ing light upon Old World history of Greece and Italy and may settle dls pitted point. JUDGE SAYS HARGIS JURY MUST AGREE Irvln . Ky.. Dee. 2fi After twice -etortlDK 'hat they could not agree, the jurors In case of Ileach Har ris, eharged with murdorlng his fath er. Jiiilajw Jamos Hargls, wero ent Wrrk to tbolr room again today, tho Cwurt d'.manding an pgnement The trial of young IlargU has been one at tho mot nonsa'Iona1 In the inn II of mountain inurdor taavi 'udgo HargiB wa one of the piost prominent figurea In tho famous fwid of Breathlt oorjnty Ho wax tb- iwlltlcal boss of the coynty. Beaoh Hargls. while drying. wiked his fahor for money, and In he quarrol that followed, shot hliji After vora' hours roore In con fTCtneo. he Jurymen thli afternoon orted their absoluto Inability to nderstood that nine Ittal The court re- luctan'Iv discharged them, and he whole case will hart to be gone over again this morning nt 4:30 o'clock nt his temporary home, 2027 Howard street, tho end coming utter nn acutn attack of pneumonia which tho 80 y oar-old mllllounlro contracted Inst Tiumday night. Christ iiiiib day wan an anxious one In thu household of tho noted capi talist. Ills physician, Dr. Herbert C. Molllt mid Dr. C. M. Itlchter, both re ported thulr patient very low, and, as tho day progressed, unfavorable symptoms developed which untitled tho family to gather at tho homo, ex pecting the worst. John I). Spreokols was tho only one of tho sons In thu city nt tho time, but Rudolph Sprockets was huiryliiK homo on tho Nippon Mum. A wlrolosH moHsago wns sent him ou tho steamer nud, when tho vessul reached tho wharf, an automobile was ready to hurry him to his fnthu or's bedside. TIiohu two sons .and their fHinlllos woro at the bedside of the father when tho end chiiiu. INSANE PATIENT COMMITS SUICIDE (United l'resa Leased Wlro.) San Frauolseo, Dee. 2G. Michael MoOIiiiiIh, an Insane patient at the Detention Hospital, committed sui cide today by hanging himself with a sheet Httuchud to one und of the hod In his coll. which ho hud stood uu und as a rude gullowa. He had climbed up on a chair and thou kloked It from .under him. thus al lowing himself to strangle. Steward Arthur J. O'Loary had spoken to him only a few minutes earlier, and had found tho man ap parently normal nnd cheerful. After receiving his ordor for breakfast, 0'Ieary prepared tho meal und re turned with It only to find his pa tient dangling in tlie nooso made of the sheet. 0'I.uary cut. tho mnn down und assisted the hospital debi tors In trying to resuscitate hint. Despite their efforts McGlnnls died. Last Wednesday the pullcu were summoned to arrest Militants who had barricaded hlnrndf In his own home and f r an hour held (he police I at bo) with a shotgun. Flushing, L. I., Dec. 20. That Thornton Jenkins Hnlns drow his re volver to protect his brother, Cap tain Peter C. Hnlns, from a member of tho Bnysldu Yacht club aftor tho shooting, was tho claim mndo this afternoon by Attorney Joseph A. Sliuy In his opening argument in which ho outlined tho Jenkins Hnlns' defense. Tho defense will nlno claim that the Btatoments of many of I ho wit nesses fortho prosecution regarding the utterances of Jenklmi llnlm woro fnlne. Say said that tho first know ledgo that Halns has that Annls was ut tho club wiih when a member named lluruhtlold nddrussud u wom an as "Mrs. Annls." Ho said when the defundant learned that Mrs. An nls was at Ilaysldo ho tried to get his biothur to go home. Shay declined that Jenkins Halns did not recognize Annls, who was at tired In a bathing suit; that Captain HnliiB rushed dovi to tho flout and that Jenkins Halns lost sight, of him and almost Instantly heard tho rattle of shots behind tho sail on Annls' boat. Tho attorney declared that when Jenkins reached thu boat, Tonnlng. Swedish boatman, was nt thu side. Thu boatmen took tho rovolvor from Captain Halns, pinioned his arms with his right hand nud lifted It In tho nlr to deal tho captain n blow. "Jenkins Hnlns then cried 'don't hurt him. Iio'h my brother' " said Shay. "Ho then rushed down to tho boat. Then Hoberts. who has al ready testified, took the revolver af ter It left the hand of the cwptnlii Ah thu revolver was In tho hands of Hubert It was raised and pointed at tho uaptnlu. Jenkins Halns drew his rovohur and shnutwl, 'Don't shoot, don't shoot. Keep back. Gut hii of ficer. ' "We'll show you," continued Khay to the Jury, "that all or utmost all of the statement attributed to Jenkins Halns were false. We'll" show you that Mrs. Annls wns not on tho float und that Jeknlus Halns' pis tol wits not pointed ut her." AtUiruey Molntyro for tho dnfuiuo, called Asslstunt District Attorney Darrln ns his first witness. After Mveiul questions had been ruled nut by the court, Darrln left the stand having made a few unimportant re plies. Attorney Young for the defense testified to the authenticity of the sworn statenieut of witness Hkura to the defendant's counsel, which Hkura, on thu stand jirevlouuly con tradicted. An adjournment wus tuken until next Monday morning thnt convictions of Individuals In stoad of corpornto offenders shall bo nlmed nt, nnd thnt Imprisonment In tho pon Instead of tines Bhnll ho tho penalty fixed. This wns tho start ling story which leaked out this aftor noon nud hns spread llko wild flro through tho offices of tho big beet packing concerns which nro now be ing probed by the spcclnl agents ot tho IntorBtnto Commerce CommlB- slon. District Attorney Edwin Sims la making a searching Inquiry and ex pects to record wholonalo convic tions whon ho hns gathered and pre seated nil tho evidence- which ho U now after. Slmo oxpoctB to wrln uo crots from tho corporatlona through' granting wltncesoa immunity. He If neoklng offenders who nro familiar with tho secrets of tho packors, and who nro willing to turn staton ovl donco In oxchnngo for clomonoy whe their own cases nro brought Into court. Tho chief grounds for this now at tack lu thnt Individuals nro alleged to ho holding Immonso tractn In the West for tho uso of tho corporations, and thnt tho packorn nro alleged to havo go no back to rcbntlng, and that Swift, Armour, Morris and Gudahy aro nllogod to havo formod a combi nation to oporato through tho Nation al Packing Company It Is declared thr.t on theso grounds tho govornmont ontt nroHOcuto tho packers undor the Elklm, Hepburn r.ud Sherman lawo. l'orhupn tho moat sonsntlonal ovt donco which tho govornmont agouti nro nllogod to havo dltcovorod, la that covering thu chnrgo that over uln'co tho packora havo been gobbling up grazing lands In tho West. It Is claimed thnt millions ot acres nro now being hold for tho packers In the rnnr.o country, this giving them control of tho cbttlo raising Industry nud enabling thorn to control nnd fix prlcos. Tu hatred wo fool toward o ir troubles tr.crcaoa the lovo vo bear our b'wlnxa. TIME LOCK WAS TAMPERED WITH Loj Angolce, Dec. 20. Discover ing that thoitlmo lock on tho vault ut tho First National Bank at Monrovia yiih out ot order ou the night ot D comhw 14, when tho Institution wna robbed or (20,700, detective toduy believe thoy are hot upon tho trait ot tho robbers. A spring reversed In tho tlmo lock of tho vault left only thu combina tion lock holding thu door. This p:oved hull a slight obstnolo tor tho crncknmou, who were nblo to omor tho vault without tho aid of explo sives, i Olllcors of the looted bank admit ted today that tho time look on tho vault had not boon working well for somo tlmo, and that on Decumbor 10 thoy had an export front U) Angolcu repair It. Aa tho door win held shut by tho combination, thu officers did not dlncover until after tho robbery that the expert's efforts hnd not been Bucco-tiful, That tho robobrs who looted the bunk w-ro professional ornoksmen 4 ho doteotlvoB have no doubt. Thu money stohu wus all In gold and our raney. tho burglars leaving J 1000 hi liver, which thoy evidently believed was too heavy to carry uwny. SAD ENDING OFmT ALASKAN MARRIAGE Warreniiurif, Mo. Dee 20. A dreary ending to a bright childhood roinaaoe eame today, whon Itroy L. Mkldlekuinp. an Alaskan mining man, arrival horo with tho body of his brldo, who died in tho northern territory five months after their marriage Whon Mlddlekemp wont to Alauk.i two years ago, MImi Jeunnotto Bolster promised to awnlt hU return and be come his wlfo. Mlddlekamp was ma ceutful n tho far north, attained the siiperlntondorray of a mine, sent for Miss Polster. and zJtot wero married Tho honeymoon was Interrupted when tho brldo sickened and died. On hor death bed she pledged Iwr husbund to bring her homo for bur ial, and after a 1 D-days' Journoy hu reached horo (his morning, In a statii of co'lnpse. Tho burial will tako plnco tomor row Pooplo who aro not so welt hood, but havo plenty of soule, generally wear loos wool nnd morn ole t V , $ m sfl ; -h 11