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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1908)
8 DAILY CAPITAL JOUltNAL. BALIuM. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER ai, 1008. HELLO-- Put the children to bed early tonight as I will be at your house some time between 9 o'clock and S:30 in the morning. A few mi... Yours SANTA reivers " 'lD Hlti While nn. ..'.. P DOWN I) to tho m i. rwia - wmu iir fw .. a Opalescent Glassware at Special Prices We have, drawn on all reserves and replenished stocks in all departments in anticipation of another heavy shopping day. Shop early in the day so we can make all deliveries as promptly as possible. Our large store and the wide aisles make this an ideal Xmas store. We call special atten tion to our superb departments devoted to INFANTS' WEAR KIMONAS, KNITED GOODS LEATHER PURSES BRIC-A-BRAC and NOVELTY WARE Shoppers wiil find many pleasing suggestions in these sections. Xmas sales in all departments. Hundreds of price placards call attention to bargains which would fill many pages of advertising in this paper i Kochi and Japanese Wickerware At Special Prices M&:Jteif& Store open tonight until 9 o'clock o 0 o o o o o o o o o o CITY NEWS ooooooooo Weather Forecast Hniu tonight and Friday, cooler to night. When In Portland Visit Hall's roataurant, 330 Wash ington stroot. o-o-d W. T. Itlgdon, Undertaker Always progressive, up-to-dnto Full cqulpmont, largest stock. 10-21-ood-tf. flllfon'fl Place Eloven harbor chairs Lower Insurance Rates. Uy having us do your work. B. W. Ptorco, Capital Bloctrlo Supply Com pany. Phono C3G.. 12-16-eod-tf Hand Painted China Mm. Junk's window nt Capital Drug Storo, cornor Liberty and Stato streets. ood-3t If You Have No tlmo to do ymir own shopping you can got all your noeds, in tho grocery lino, supplied at J. M. Law renco's. Phono 321. T Hold Moro Wntclu This Christmas than any two pnit holidays. A reason, sure, pricen, patrons and assortment aro alwnya right. Hlngos' Jewelry store; only ono on Commercial Btroot. Ilnnry- Brown Says ho began tho day Just right. Ho started In with Folgor's Golden Onto Coffoo, which had boon ground froBh that morning. HjMvlnl Sal On solid gold back combs, brace lets, nock chains and lockots, beauty nlna and brooches. A few boautlfuV tollot sots, nt Hlngos' Jewelry store big sale. Philomath Creamery buttor for tho good table ABk your grocer. Bliafer, tho Harness Man Now Is tho tlmo to got your heavy draft and plow harness. Best stock In town. Think of Hinges That's certainly what they have been doing 521 people visited by storo Tuesday. . For Stove Wood And coal call IDS. Vogot Lumber Company. I Want to Clean lTp My diamond stock, and will give you a bargain, if you'll glvo me a chanco to show you. Chas II Hlngos, denier in diamonds, flno watolia inil VAanitful tawnlrv Onlv Action for Divorce A suit for dlvorco was fllod In tho circuit court yesterday by Attorney Cnioy V. Martin for draco E. Dix on against Richard Dixon, asking tho court to dec.X'O hor a dlvorco on tho grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. Tho complaint alleges cruelty in all Its phasos from being deprived of a livelihood by hor hus band squandering his earnings for liquor and nbsolutoly neglecting to care for her and tho children. Tho pnrtlus woro married In Minnesota In 1002 nnd two children nro tho Is Htio of tho mnrrlago. Vogot Lumber New Hoiim'i Always for Bale. Company. There Is No Doubt . The Inrgost crowd of Jowolry pur chasers woro at Hinges' big sale. Thoro Is n reason, best stock, host as sortment, and prices cut away down. Somo good soloctlons still romaln, You Will Wnnt Something flno in tho meat lino fur your Xmns dinner. Just phono 311, StouBloff Bros.' Sanitary Market, and they will do tho rest W. T. Itlgdon, Undertaker I mndorn and up-to-dato in his lino. Largo and varied stock; con venient place for holding funeruls. Private, pallors for family; morgrjo for holding cases In private. Two nlco hearses, ono black, ono white. A flno nmbulnnco for cases from hos pltals. Flftoon years' experience In shipping caoj East, and never yet n complaint. HiiNlness House Suspends Owing to nn unusual holiday rush In both tho book store and Post Carl, Hall, Patton Bros, hnvo decided to suspLiul business tomorrow (XmaR) to glvo nil of their faithful employes a much-needed rest. They will ro maln open, however, late UiIb even ing to wait on tho lato buyers. "Brewster's Millions," Coming Tho Cohan &. Harris Comedian:, headed by Robort Ober, will present "Brewster's Millions" nt tho Grand opera houso next month. This splen did piny sot all No wYork laughing last season nnd developed Into ono of tho most favored ontertainmonts of tho yoar. Besides Its originality In construction, plot and story. It contains a marvolous scenic effeot and Is described nnd commented tip on ns ono of tho wlttlost comedies produced In n decade. wagon all. ovor tho street. Tho frlghtonod team ran to Mill stroot and woro on tho point of making n graceful turn whoa over the ontfro rig wont Into tho front yard iit Murk Snvugo's residence Sovernl by standers rushed to tho assistance of tho now helpless runaways anil, after gottlng tho tangle Htrnlghtoned out, found that no injury was ilono ollhor to tho horses or wagon, Will Soon Tow Log Tho old Wlllnmotto Is beginning to creep up at this point, due to tho recent rains and FAidden warm weath er, nnd now stands at four feet nbovo tho low wator mark. Tho cold wonth or prevailing for a short tlmo affected tho uppor river considerably, but warm rnlns hnvo boon falling causing tho tnow to molt rapidly. At tho prosont rate, tho Wlllnmotto will roach tho. six-foot mark eooii, at which tlmo tho Spauldlng Logging Company will put their towlnjr stenmor "Groy Eaglo" at work bring ing down logs from tho Lucklamuto, Tho Spauldlng Company has sovoral million foot near tho head of tltaC a I nn m ww VIVIIIi i . . i. a XW.&S.t waved ihfi,... 9u!a& barnd::rwi. that air1 hand. i .tl".)" i contchi. .,. mul tempt mJ.T'fci Tho .. .J.1 fawn,!-:.:;0 an admoniii. .. ... 1 mliwitcj.-'iu. -.e!tlM iv ..,.,', """ ,ut M Is i fon- aco of them. . precision nA .m, ' - atim Polltft nm.. t.. .. Ju.Uhati,1 end of tho n v. ?' monta W ' . ''', "" ion. to t 'warbrwuDntti! sunner hon- B..i. " Wim. , "M tno men in it. - imo moo,, ov.; ..."t.1 J01). nr alaii ... .i . - ... Une JMJ fc "... ioo lOnfc.-JUo OllsonV mtbtTlL in... .. ' :1 lll COM It .i.. II ' - uwve wm THE CAPJTALNO) REVIE1VCUIJ jBcKlns workoDJiBtwiJ tlnncs until thertbnu;J Hon. Classes foraMum for state and eonttj fat KIkIiIIi (trade Dlnm Anot hor broken hop contract suit has, been fllod In tho circuit court by Wants Hops or Money T. M. Kennedy, who alleges that Henry Wllqult and himself entered Into a contract whereby Wllqult was to dollvor a cortaln amount of lions at an agreed prlco, but so far no hop, have beon dollvorod, ns per agree ment. Konnedy uskb Judgment In tho sum of $381.50. A Diamond- At $1G0 per carat, can you beat U. awaits a buyer at Hinges' big sale. Somo small ones nt bargains. Throe sold Tuesday, A Useful Education A business education was at ouo time considered useful only for those who expected to follow bookkeeping. It Is not so now. Such an education is considered tho proper kind for anyone, no matter what his occu pation may be, and If a young person would succeed In business now, he will stand little chanco without thorough knowledge- of accounts and kindred subjocts. All of these are taught thoroughly and practically at the Capital Business College, of Sa lem. Send for catalocue. 12-2 3-2 4-d-w Mast Find Himself Coronor Clough has rccolved no word from tho rolathes of Tom Sulli van, whoso suddou disnppcaranco Monday night created tho BUggostlon of sulcldo. Sullivan has not boon soon slnco his visit to tho Y. M. C. A. la:t Sunday night, ns far as can bo learned, nor hns thoro boon nny further Information which would pos slbly lead to his whereabouts. No nttompts hnvo been mado so far to ward Biibstantlatlng tho sulcldo tho- ory by tho ofllcors or citizens. Declared Iimnue II. I. Korcclnuor, tho man who was taken Into custody yostordny after noon by tho pollco, was examined by Dr. J. N. Smith and waft committed to tho asylum ao bolng Insane. Korsch mor's brothor will arrlvo la n fow days from Abordeou to look aftor him. In tho meantlmo ho will bo takon enro of by tho asyhim offlclalo. The llorwtthoe Restaurant Has changed hands. Mr. William Luh, formorly proprietor of tho An- pleton Cafe, In Portland, having pfur olmsed the Bamo, and will have some thing to eay In tho Xmns Journal. Wants Information A suit in equity for nn accounting wns fllod In the circuit court this morning by A. Orubor against P. T, Mndell alleging that aftor entering Into a contract of co-partnershli) to Lbulld u wind mill tower for Jnmos Sykos of Polk county, nnd placing all confidence In Mndoll, when nskod for a mini und comploto statomont when tho towor wns comploted, Ma doll refused to take any considera tion of tho request. Gruber nsks the court to glvo him a docroo forcing his former partner to glvo a thor ough accounting of the results of tho business transacted whllo build ing tho towor and make a satisfac tory sottlomont for tho labor in vested. Carey F. Martin appears as cou ii8ol for Gruber. Ask Itcduced Rates than 200 Christians. He addj that If nnyono wants to work for tho causo of Christ that Clo-Elum offers espe cial Inducements, and unlimited op portunities. , Tho (.rent Divide Next Fow plnys over attain tho record breaking popularity that has marked tho two-years' run of "The Groat Dl vldo" In Now York. This piny was produced by Honry Mlllor two joara ago nt tho Princess and transferred to tho historical Dnly's Thoatro last loason, playing In all ov'or COO po formancoB to thr Inrgost lucelpts In tho history of olthor house. This grontcst Amorlcan play coinos to tho Grand Opera house In the uoar future. Salem, J. J. KRAPS, v lZr , WA72v? 223 S. COMMERCIAL Sf MONEY TO U THOS.K,rOM Over LiddtDmb'i Bui, Sw Nor wlch Ualofl Fl Insaf aoce ( Frank Meredith, RoWJ Ofllce with Wb. BotiII 29, Commerclil itmL O 0 o ooooool o NEW TODAY OOOOOOOOjjj IiOst sundi; wbui, w clal srreet, a small pU ' with tbonsm'M on cover Finder leati si 1 (Ioa fnr rewird U i.Vh Hh! A rood, farm; or will trtdi to place. B. A TaiJ Muiingu Licenses Issued County Clerk Allen dealt out mat rimonial checkB today to the follow ing parties: Paul R. Harno, 21, Clara Vita Brandon, 1G. both parties of Gates; G. E. Borrlngor, 27, and Lulu Morris, 23, of Gates, Oregen: Rfchnrd Bradey, age 25, and Leona Hlrsch, ago 22, both of Salem, Coun ty Clerk Allen said ho would Kindly jhand'"out these Christmas gitta to all. parties dosirlng-such If tho coun- .--) -would stand foi-'gift presenting, ifffiiiiianiiiH Christmas Spccii - Fr.rt Mivprl NlitS 1 lbs, " These a're "al f f re s h Vn d" h kh esf q uajty. NocwiH 111115 III UNO IIMAi".- Orange Specials Per "Tlnis is an-exTra" Fancy" Navel Si iAZuct HnalitV ,i.s.cft(7 g5t Of Dates, Figs, Table Kaisins. rmj " Lemons and Apples rrcsni 5- .,Ca Celery, Cabbage, Lettuce, bweew, i- Canned and Bottled -fog Deliveivd tho Goods The delivery tonm belonging to tho StoU firm became frightened near the intersection of Stato nnd High streets yesterday afternoon and HUM: UU. raced ddw High street. ' ' rfip "uiu nuimi lor t;l- presenUllg, A complaint came to tho hands of however, bo wlslmn nil i.ia ,n;n, tho Railroad Commission today from m this lino a very Merry Christmas lumber dea'erb at La Grande. Ore., and a Happy Now Year. asklm? Ou commib ion to take stops' in rec'Mcing the rate on wood ship- Opening for aUssionnrlcs monts from HUlgard to La Graud Rev John McAllister, writing n The complaint suggests that a reduc- friend In Gilliam county, from Cle t'on from ?1 00 to 75 cents bolElum. savs- "Tha hnrvMrt la rlno itnil o, Tb.n cnnimlBntnn win t. I nn.i . ini.n.n ... mi.i .. . Sweet and Sour Pickles, Chow Chow . Green, Ripe and Stuffed uh Canned Corn, Tomatoes, PeftK paragus ami ouuw. Don't Delay, But Order Wi j uon-t ueiay, ll t Our goods are the best on the martei r rs- ' I MOIR GR0CERY( J piioftet- 456 State St. 'Ji uvit tit - i . inuMiuia i u n . kiimi. iiu mi n MHi iMl KimilM i ill i 1 1 i - . , .