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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1908)
r,.;ir,r cahtal journal, s.vleji, oreoon. Wednesday, nECKMimn 10, ioos ;ockton's Christmas Suggestions I HOLIDAY NOVELTIES FANCY APRONS HUSBANDS WANTED. We want every husband In the city to see our now lines of Ch istmas Comforters and Counterpanes, ! Rn UMIONS In fancy and plain ch-slgns. Our lnco and Itn ...I O til turned styles for Christmas trade are excel- ent -1 1 q 25c to $3.00 i' ..ill n 1 ml CUSHION TOPS !l ir nn,d W- l Cushion To,,, a specialty. Our orlg H..iJi? ,, . the Clu?rry Cu' ls ' winner. n sendiug one to your itaaiern rrlend you not only plea.-the recipient but udverttae Snlom. Price 50c Each SILK KIMONAS lg and Short Silk Kimonas in every style of loose or fitted garment. to $7.00. Also a big showing of Eiderdowns, Flannelettes, Blanket ths, etc. Blankets for Christmas Vo curry the fnmouH Crows, Mills and Huoll Mill goods. Our $4.00 Illnnkcts lufncUirlug Compnny nro equal to nny $5.00 vnluos shown In ordinary stores. mado by tho Crows Hemmenway Silks, 1 00 yd. Spools, 4c, All Shade CHRISTMAS HOSIERY Our hosiery dciiarttnont Is tho most complete- of nny in tho city. Every llttlo detail la looked nftor with tho caro and judgmont that makes soiling easy nnd brings customers back for morn. "Jut Hko wo got boforo." Fancy Hosiery Boxes, 10c each I'uro Silk Kmbroldorod IIoso i?.7." Puru Silk Kmbroldorod IIoso I.!!," Othors nt $, 92.00, i?:i.50 mcy Hose 85c pair itk ciubroldorod nnd ool cinbroldcrod, In dainty Da, sTic a pair. iibroidered Hose 50c ac . v.IMi coioroil omuroicittr- itHii'i, ery neat, look like kr 1 iu, f Fancy Hose 25c iolir desirable In luce, f,f; i (idiidi patterns. Stockton's Special 25c Hose Wonderful Value A hose mado especially for our own trade. It Ib Just a llttlo bit better than nny other 26o valuos wild In nil Oregon. In faat, the aame here Ib wild in other cities nt 36o or S for $1.00. mtovrti Towels 25cto$1.25 Imported damasks und llnon hucknbucks; especially for CllltlKTMAH PRESENTS. Sale Of Military Brushes $1.00 to $7.50 Heal imported celluloid, eb ony, Tiger Ebony, Coconbola, Im itation ebony and naturnl wood The best Hue evor shown In Sa lem, nt less than wholesale prices U utters. Combs, Ilrnslies, Mir rors, Puff lloxos, oto. An end less variety of novelties, ospe clHlly fur Christmas gifts. Gloves to exchange If size ft rlrht Dents, Palais Roy $1.25 to $2.00 Suggestions rry Scurfs. Ht"" llOUN. er. coats. pon Tops, flcts ( oinlis, t Dlilinnuus, proiih. Ntikuenr. Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases Our holiday line la splendid In every daUII. genuine leather fcMMia at erlees much U you expect. UlHU Umbrellas All now Idoas In fanry handles, plain woods, otc. A raro selec tion. 75c to $12.50 Suggestions lll.iukiits. Comforts. Portierii, llatli Robe. Smoking Jacket. (i'omIoii Hals. Funr) lloioi-y. I '"a i icy SiihjKiii(l(ir.s. Slipper. .Momihlus. Istmas Boxes, containing a pair of suspenders, a pair of arm bands and jir of men's garters toe to $1.50 "The ristmas tore J. L. Stockton The White Corner i You'll find our display of Holiday Goods unusually large this season, and the values are bolter than ever befere: Dolls, Games, Picture Books for tho Children, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sots, Post Card Albums, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Shaving Sots, Military Sots and an ondless variety of trinkets suitablo for presents, Holiday Slippers for Ladles, Holiday Slippers for Men, Why not make your wlfo a prosent of a Flno Llnon Table Cloth, with Napkins to match? Or ono of our Fancy Handled Silk Parasols, Practical presents will be appreciated by your friends , because they aro use ful, . ; " V Give your husband or your boy a good Suit of ; Clothes or a Cravenette Rain Coat ,or a Pair of Shoes? VmiHI fln1 mir nrlnne rnntnnnhln. honnncn Win etlrk -A iwu 11 iinu wui 'i.w I uuovi.mmw, uwwuuv m v mw ,to the Spot Cash Plan and aro satisfied with small profits, &? y r?. a .Ajsrw&is GadSt Usiwe (5. qS; J$xrs'Sfe4't &jrcfe'. NEW IDEA PATTERNS FOR JANUARY NOW READY. Tho Now Idoa Quarterly KHiion Book only 10c, including ono pattern froo wlion purchasod in tho Store only. ALL PATTERNS 10c; BY MAIL 12c. New Idea Magazine ono yoar with one copy of Quaiterly Review and one 10c pattern, all for 60c, icy Boxes, 10c, 15c CHRISTMAS Fancy Boxes, 10c, 15c I The I Christmas Store I IEN MAPE Uerlaied dftfi th- ngh 'but h- H tHiuloil to auit the riiK fi' Ul A GOOD FIGHT Th,s '" not tak0" very 'rl"u"l nd after the brulsas have worn awu) hlmaeir ed Press Leased Wire.) f(n Ed Morlarty.) "geles, Dec 16. Jim Jeff- one of the best deolslona ' h rrabouts In n lnntr time railed a draw between Billy Hugo Kelly at Vernon pt. Naturnllv thnrn are claim a victory for both Jeffries Is generally sup the justness of his ver- Uke Js resting in a Turk- ouse today with n terribly iniiv vkill itrobably be again. Tha fart tbat Papka shows marks of t battto 0B t m th ifaiiv outfouKh't Mm It wa. the tuat that lHuk'showd hlmslf aggreswir &J, U Umm In addltton uri having Kelly l l trouuia u, euruod him a draw. Superior ring ganeralship or luek saved Kell from a knockout In the .iMI)t iiiid he Tt.,lnl needed It I'aiike refused to sUip while his strength lasted and then he was al ways tho aggrossor. Sum liorger ooachod Papke from his corner and tho big fellow's di rections more, than once got Hill)' out of trouble. ' Pur tan rounds the bout whs a hot tone after which tho pace sgumad to toll rn iKHb men. j After the fight Jim Jeffries said: Had f beon foroad to gfye.a de.y "alleged ahange." clslon in the 33rd round Kelly would have won I'apke came Uark so fourth round. Papke caugni nim BinK jh wjb iubi muuu mi i cjuiu . nh i.i, left toJhe Jaw Kelly not , let Kelly have It w,,. ?.... - - - . j-. ,dT itfa twuit.v- -. fell flat and Jeffries counTed Hilly Pnpke slept In n Turkish iiiii limine lust night with chunks of Ice on his swollen features. 1 1 ii mi Kill vmih about town this mm iilng iint'ourerued and rather non-committal regarding the deols- Loj Angaloa, Onl., Dao. 16. "Pap ke hua len llghtliiK too steadily, and n. -cU a rnat," deolsrwl Shhi Ilarger toin, when he nunotiuead that thao was little likllhood of his permltttiig his flghtor to meat Kolly nt Coffrolh'a arena at Srn Kranclaco New Yanr's pftornoon. '8nV -k mint do himself Justice In hlH prewnt form," Ilorgor uontlu 4, "A lie woald not Imvo on tored tho ring Inat night If the coi ' cci ' ad not been slcned boforo I took chargo of hla affairs. , "Coffroth haa boon trying to nr I range a Paokc-Kelly brttlo for N-w Years ufternoou, but absolutely no arrangements havo hoOn rnndw as yet, I and It I", not probable that any will bo nerger w'll stort for Ran KraneU ro tonight. ADDRESSES (Continued from page 1) paiiou in the actual killing, be iuahed Tha court refuead temporarily to grant tha utotlon. A similar ruling' us Klvn on the moilon Ui quash tif i-iulro Indlriiutui. Kxeitloo uc tuK n lit (Mili fss. Th- iurt theu ordered that the t Ul hiul! prwwid, awl C. Skin-in-r, a surveyor, was plaeed or the Hiand as tke C'st witueai, and identi fied the plain of tne llayahle Yaelit rial, house, which had heeu admit ted la evidence. IJdward Andrews. Jr., of fluahlng. oue of tha eya-wituessaa wan called to the eta ad. Aftr (jiilbblliig ovr a queelloH aa to how inueh the el jb Heat rtoes and falls with the tile, Molntyre, Insisting that this point hii of great Importance, the wltnosa was oxcu&'id temporarily. Herbert Punko, a club tnombr. was otittetloned regarding alleged rhaugei U the olub house float and sttrroundlntss since August 15. He replied that he know of no ohanges. Judge GruRe asked what wm meant Mclntyre ro- piled t "If it pleaso tho eourt, I nr'er rrt r now " VnnVe was I then oxrusad COMMITTEE TO WORK ON WATERWAYS NAMED Washington, 1). C, l)eu. 10.--I'realdnnl Ilauadell, of the HI vers and Harbors congress today appoint ed the commlttfH, to draft hills pro viding for a bond Issue by the gov ornmnnt to meet the expense nf the enormous comprohonslvo plan of walorwayn Improvement nnd nlso to provide a bill urunllng a statutory uommltteu to InvoHtlgnt 'tho snter wu'h of thlH and forolgit countries and report to congress. The eomiultteu Is composed of Kepteseiitatlvo Moure of Punnsyl vii ills, J N Teal of Oregon; Albert lleitiimei of Olilu and Ilepnweuta ilr Hli -rlcj of Kentucky. EXTRA is JL JL m. iTL -AT. THE STAR Salem's House of High Class Fun! SFWS3BKitfSElHntKf3JUSS3BESBB9tKBIMBKUBKJ&KBiBuim -O-" Blossom 'I he smullest horse in the world All the ladles and children llko mo f'ome. and I know m do I will bo at the Htar every afternoon und eveulng until Monday December 21. Also our usual big bill. VOl HKK IT I'llthT AT TIIK ST.VIt CO.MK, MHTIC.V TO THK MUKIC KAMCM'S I'P.TO-TJ UNMIX ITK SHOW, feature Sul)jcct--"Tlie Doctor's Wife." "A Child's Devotion." "Mr. Simpson's Artful Ruse." KHy'dld most of the hinging OAMTOXIXA, Sun tii s? lts m n vm ""' W ,.,, --- . . Do,t .., ,. ant,inv Juntki y-wmwHw and a soreness, of hear over him bcf. re ne ion .- .. .. -. ..- . -,.v .. .- .. -y yTAM. NOTB On und ufter December 21 each and every ono attending our matinees, from 2 30 to 5 o'clock, will receive a coupon entitling them to a dmnce on u most ueoful present to boglven away freo evtry Monday night ut a p m nil -1 )rnx of disajupolntneut be4Ke,Uy Ulspl81d W0flaeruMi.LfaiHrjmis e uum oruw ( j tS'r,;; .,, I