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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1908)
hAlLY CAfn Ih JOURNAL, 8ALKM, ORBGON, THURSDAY, DECKMMJIt 10, 1009. If saving money on your Xmas purchases counts with you, Ihis is the place to save it Our store is full of Xmas Goods and our prices the most reasonable Swell Xmas Suspenders Packed ono pair In a fancy box Our prices 35c, 60c nnd 7Gc. Fancy Suspender Sets Consisting of ono pair of fancy sur pondors, ono pair of men's gnrtor, nnd ono pair of slceveholdcrs; nil packed In a fancy box. Regular 1.26 vnluo; our price, only 75c. Toilet Sets Wo liavo thom In all styles and qual ities, ranging In prlco from $1.00 lo $3.75. Reduced Prices on Furs Wo have marked our ontlro stock of furs nt n llbornl roductlon, ns wo wnnt to soil ovory fur In tho storo boforo Chrlstmns. Now is your lmo to mnko your selection. Prices ranging from $1.00 to $0.00- Dolls Our stock of dolls Is very largo and rnngoa from dressed or undrossod dolls at 5c up to the best. Toys and Games Your monoy has doublo buying pow er hero when It comcD to buying toys or games because prices nro 25 per cont to GO per cent less thnn regular toy stores. Silk Petticoats Our Gc games cont yau 10c clsowhoro Our 10c gamoB cost you 15c to 23c ol bow hero Dur IGo games cost you 25c to 3Gc olsowhero. Fine Ostrich Plumes Invostlgnto nnd seo for yourself. Hero you will And tho largest assort ment In Salem and tho prices most ronBonablo, ranging from 60o to $16. Our regular $5.00 good silk taffeta Bilk petticoats, while they last only $3.50. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commercial Street, Salem Tho Mcntnl Inferiority .of ."Women' Explained. In the December American Mag azine, Profossor W. I. Thomns, of Chicago Unlvorslty, continues his e mnrktablo rerles of articles on wom en. In tho present case his nrtlclo Is on "Tho Mind of Woman." Fol lowing U nn Interesting passage: "Ono of tho most Important facta standing out In a comparison of tho physical traits of men and women Is that mnn Is a moro specialized In strument for motion, qulckol on hh fret, with n longer roach, nnd fitted for bursts of onorgy. Ills most Im mediate, most fascinating and most -emunerntlve Interest consoquontly became tho pursuit of game. This purult stimulated him to tho Inven tion of devices for killing nnd cap ture and tho nptltudo for Invention was Inter extended to tho Invention of tools nncl nrchanlcnl dovlcos In gouernl and finally dovoloped Inlo n settled habit of scientific Intorcst Stated In anothor way. this means that woman could not have the va ried llfo and roving experience, tho Btress nnd strain which mnn encoun tered, bocnuBO shd could not leave hor children; and indeed her Icsb fa cility of motion Is connected with her orgnnl r.daptatlon to tho benr Ing of children. Hor activities woro thorororo limited to tho development of plant llfo, to wcnvlng nnd pottery and handling tho products of tho chnBO. Thus so slmplo n matter as relatively unrestricted motion on tho pnrt )f man nnd relatively restricted motion on tho pnrt of womnn dc tormlncd tho occupations of each. and those occupations ir turn created tho chnrnclorlstlo mental-llfo of each. At thin point woman was nlready becoming tho mental Infor lor of man, not on account of inhor ont psychological defects but through hor occlusion nnd limited oxporlonco JuBt nn tho European peasant In his oclulon becomes dull In compari son with tho sclontlst In his moro vnr'od world. "Hnrly mnn hnd no design of ! Ing hnrd townrd woman. Then ni now ho simply gnvo hor lntoro&ta no nnrtlculnr -thought. Ho hnd ac quired tho habit of accomplishing things, nnd ho employed nnlmnla. lnvoe and women nB ho now em ploys machinery, stenm nnd olco Irlclty. This loft him only tho moro Btlmulntlng work nnd tho oversight; In other words, tho moro montnl pnrt of th work." o n.t! mmmmimW fZ A Reliably Medicine Not a "Cure Jill" t 231 aaaaBirva n fl t-v w wcrV swKsL Irtrii e-'flais, awawwKaat nSMttM4 w5lBB lwlML$iB mlmmmi mWmmMmm ,, ,, BqiJH. AsK Your Druggist Ion and the mouse" inother graft exp0ser remark of a federal Judge, i rcrently offered tho nomlna- lone of tho grent political par- Iter lining a certain trust n of million dollaru, "for God's eavo mo my Judicial honor, and tho rosnect of my - wo havo tho koynoto of Klein's groat play, "The ad tho Mouse," which comos Brand opera house tonight. Ms ono of tho many recent ln- whlch demonstrates boyond Int Mr Klein did not bogln to Ihe center of reality whon he hi great drama, which has public of tho ontlro country ! for tho nnn tthreo voars. The Rofwmore, of tho United Smies si promo bonch. Itydor resolves to ruin, both financially and In reputation, tho honost Jurist. Tho former wroik has boon accomplished, when Shirley Rossmoro, his dnughtor, nnd RydorN only son, Jefferson, rotAirn from a European tip Thoy rmot ,uiroJ'nnJ hnd fnllon In lovo. Tho girl, learn ing of hor father's Impending dl graco, sots about to savo His roputa tlon, and become n mombor of tho monoy baron's household. How tho lion suofcumbs to tho mouse Is unfair from the drnmatlst'B standpoint to ravoal. Mis Hdnn Archer Crawford will he ! Men In the role of Shlrloy Rossmore. " 'Hobby,' said Mr. Klncald gravo ly, iilwiiya remember this all your llfo no mutter what happens to you; a man Is novor dofoatod until tho very Inst shot Is ilrod. " 'And romombor this, too, that even If hu U defoatod, ho Ib not boat on, jirovidod ho has dono tho very best he could nnd has novor lost hourt.' " o lSkstromor, tho Swedish vice couiiHiil who committed Btiicldo In St. Louis u Hhort timo ago, whs short $10,000 in his accounts. THIS standard remedy haa become widely known for Its wonderful effectiveness 50 years bclorc many of the so-called "cures" now on the market had even been thought of. DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT Is recognized all over the world today as a standard remedy for relieving and curing Colds, Coughs, Bron chitis, Pleurisy, Inflammation .qf thcLunga or Chest, Croup, Whooping Cough arid other ailments oTa sim ilar nature. 'You can get Dr. D. Jaync's Expectorant at your druggist's, in three size bottles, $1.00, SOc and 25c Dr. D. Jayne't Tealc Vermlfcit. If any member of your family needs gentle, pleaaant and effective tonic tkla is the medicine to take. StjS'yrffi1' a. WA7Z1? MOft 233 S. COMMERCIAL ST TORRID ZONE FUNARCE nuTTiuiNirr isuicad. It ta worth moro thnn any othei 'road' yot tho prico in no higher 'or nail at your grocers'. CALIFORNIA 1IAKKUV, TtioiiiMH at :Kilfy, I'roua. ftocfcy Muuitfan Yam '. u A DT Unuoiua f Haal I'waU Bnngt OsUio Iltalth ami Ut Vicar A mwlfl'J r-fCinadiwUl'Mi. lu vfHtu. l will Kliliwy Tr.MlMo i'lmplfu IVi-iiij, liiiiiura lllwxl, 111 llrwtlh 81iliT!f'h IIomtcI. HiuUcIti nnd llnuknrlM ll'a U"oay Uoiuiliilii Tuft m ll ?l form. exiil " ..('r1V ma tnatl by Itotuarcn Ihuo Cowi-anv, MuOIikii, Win. flOLDEN NUOHPTR FOn SAU.OW PEOPLE iit)iaiiiiiiii-Httiiiiwn DONT MERELY GO TO BATTLE d the prew. In reference to ! and Paul Hvsrton U again donllng I. ..a A Tl.xlAM it la snf Investigations, have used lav, which Henry H. unrrw w sdom to produoo, a toxt nom and edltorlnU. and lately es'drnt of tho Unite dStat:. IficJ to u o tho lesson taught le 1 1 in and the Moum" R document. oer three years since tha ial i premiere, but brl? ; ef the stor ymay not be map- John Uurkett Rydor, tho un- ou3 money king of tho worn. arted In his plans by Judgo ILaELid ...lil, ll, a nsrt nt RvdOr. U 1 elaimd by the crltles that Mr. Hr- rli ! tnli imwii sending tho bet eompany yot mm In th Klein drama o- TEA You can have it fjood you want to. Orbai if you don't tak care VM4r rrtfti rnrn iwr money It jou 4a lik. jHti.lllnr Ui ufctMoi o- l a herie 01 ouri ui uu aK:SSt,,1 f&.'S'AttJ VXXti remaining on, prove to ki'oD In tbacoart of aweek I noticed , iri,i trn to dUtpixar aud at lb end of tit , n this first One, SIT. III! tT ", . m. at all "" . .. .l..o o nl WAR A ood IMt'w of Atlvlrt' for u lJoy. 'k the Daccmlwr American Maga n... Stewart Bdward Whlto boglns a herlw of atoriea of boy life. If tho pe a koo.1 hlte will have , Wd.y?-.K AfXJfaSaiprodm-ed as notable a piece of work).. Best For 'that is eaying a good deal, because !; The Bowels , ho is tho sutlwr oi n .. i T,nii" "The Foreei. anu i"' Samuel Hopkins Adaroa "The Mya- CANOYCATruimc ,,tery. ,,. The first story lit u " which appsars in the current Amr!ean Mawzlne. Is entitled U- ja.M. PoMnl Tunood Dofjood. til ho Last Shot." Without reveal il ' .".""rf. .?..? J5J7J? ..-....., ,.nomav indicate JU ea- . v ":"" "- i it. ifchoieBom iiun. SALE. TEH HlUJaii 10X3 Quotas tho followlnr brief extract 1,,! 8 ,ltt , lt ; ) f f i1lm lHf H Tacitus, tho Roman hlstorisn, writing of the Ratavlans, said: "Othura go to battlo; thoo iiuuplo go to war." With this jwrsIsteRt people, n battle was tvoly a part of tho war, of tho campaign, no mettor whether it wore won or lost. In modern business llfo tho sumo idea prevails. With ihe merchant who is dostlnqd to win, ndvor tlslng Is a CAMPAIGN not a moro "splurge." A big ad Is moroly a PART of that campaign not a thing upon which succoss or failure wholly rosls. ' In a war, a great many big battloa aro apt to bo foughN-fiomo of thom costly, somo disastrous but all Inevitable, as a part of a winning cam paign. In advertising a good many big ads must bo used. Somo of tlyjm may seem too expansive. , some also a loss of monoy Rut all are a part of any winning campaign in ju.slnes8 a" aro Incidental o the sugogss of tho campaign. And when a business campaign suc 4eed8as every persistent and wise one will tho COST will soera very small, indeed, "I5SPPtmS,-Sbhh 0L1P S JEWELERS The above out represents ot brick lined Torrid Zono Furnace, Guarantood gas, emoko and dual roof, Economical and durable. A. L. FRASER SSH HTATH fTTRKHT. ' Kstimatua turnianua on hatlns CAPITAIj IIAKURV 430 Court ntroot, Nowklrk nros, Props. Ilrcnd, Cakes, Pies nnd nlj kinds of Pastries, Cookies, etc. Watch for our wagon. Phono 051. Special ordorH dollvered on short notice 11-10-tf. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Thurs. Dec. lO One Night HKNUY 11. II. HARRIS. PrcHHiiln the GroatwHt Aniorlcun Dramatic Triumph of the Ago The Lion & The Mouse TWO YKAH8 IN NHW YORIC ONK YKAU IN CHICAGO. KIX MONTHS IN HOSTON 1'IVK MONTHS IN 1'JIIImIUII I'HIA Same Clever Ca.t Knjoyod in Tlys Roinnrknblo Plav Hero Last Season Hntlro Now Production of tho Same Stage Settings. PRICKS: 60c to 11.60. Boat Sale Opens Thursday, 9 a m. GOOD TASTE GOOD QUALITY What wo consldor to bo ono of tho bost Ovldoncos of the proof of our claim as gift shop! is tho number ol peoplo who havt. "lookod' around and soo-i nolhin? mat comparos with ours, point in tho upbuilding -of this storo good tai,to in tho selection of our linos, with noting doubtful about tho quality, Thoro aro othor stores llmt tunnlft Un trnntnnrlnii:l glad to t ossoss lh:s occuft prostigo, Bastes JEWELERS Bungalow Theatre Phonos Main 117, A4224 Kmplro Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee. Geo. L. llakur, Goneral Munngor. Portland, Oregon. Portland's Pashlonablo Popular Prion Playhouso. Home of tho In eomparnblH Ilukor Stook Company. Week commenolng Sunday matinee, Doeember 0, 1008, Uolasco's famous an ccoai THE ROSE OF THE RANC1I0 A beautiful story of the Califor nia Mission Land; Magnificent flconery, Gorgeous singe effects, RU'hsst Costumes, Immense Cast, Special MumIo; A dream of Old Spain in a new world. Stage un der direction of Donald Dowlue. Hvunlng Prloes. 26c, 30c, 60c; Matinee, Ho, tio. Mntlneo Hatur diy. Did you see the "Girl of thn Ooldun West?" Did you hear about It? Well this Is In tho snmo class Got your seats early. All mall telephone or telegraph orders will roaolvo prompt attention. iflmlHe-HM-sH--l i Klinger Grand Theatre GRAND OPENING, MONDAY, JAN. 14 GEO. W. LOWE STOCK COMPANY In Up-to-Duto Comedies und Dramas; 10 acting peoplo; hotter than over Opening Rill - CALIFORNIA Prices Within Reach of Everyone i tfl(Hlitllll)iltf fllHtlWit,H.iU h M , j