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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1908)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BA1ML ORMMf. MONDAY, DBOKMBMl 7. 1008. 3 reat Silk Sale next season. In order to policy of tills store to never enrrjr over a piece of fancy Mlks (o ie lieni t quickly we reduced every yard of ir Fall Novelty Silks From Our 90c c, $1.00 and i7A i Lines to.. Uc per yd. arc mnn choice patterns In the lot, and It will pay you to sco thorn. Do You Want a Broadcloth Dress? Wo hnvo a Inrso stock of Broadcloth which wo have placed on our rgain Tables at 20 Per Cent Discount FltOM OUIl ItKdULAK P1I1CI3H prices for Black Broadcloth range from $1 $2.90 per yard. prices for blue nnd brown range- from $1 to $1.95 per yard. Our prices for tan was $1.60 per yard. Our prices for white was $1.95 per yard. All reduced 20 per cent to closo thorn out. Thoso are values that you can't aflord to overlook. I r Holiday Goods Are Now Ready for You i showing an Immense line of HOLIDAY NOVELTIES suitable for presents at that "reeular stores" can't match, But don't foro-nt ti1fi PRAfrnr.Ai prfqitmto your friend will appreciate because they can use them, There's nothing more ap- laiv iv, ummuuiiuu H.woui.i ,u, juui vt 1 1 u u Km a uioD u i cos pa no in 0 r a siiK waist irn. Your boy will appreciate a present of a new suit of clothes or a mind nvmmnnt. - - - . -. - QVwv4 VWIWSMl IT YOUR HUSBAND ONE OF OUR line Priestly Cravenette Raincoats ie new medium weight fabrics, They's the ideal over- for Oregon because they're rainproof A PAIR OF KEG? jjK V TRAKMAWy gf SHOES HOES, FOR OMEN Will Please Any Member of the Family Undersell "Regular Stores." Our Store Closes Every Even ing at S:30 Except Saturday )R IN DANGER OF BECOMING BUND ijtcd l'resa LonBod Wire) Ja Dec. 7 Mavor E. K. today Is under treatmont by fin mo ondoavor to retuoro li tho delicate membranes of which havo been strained by from tho wind whllo ho Jraobllo driving. The special- re warned Mayor Taylor that retrain from using hlB eyes lime, under nennltv of los Nsht Taj lor has been an enthu- u'llEt. and hai ncizlccted to Nils fes from tho wind with ,, rcr several weeks ho has J"'ca with ncMralcio nalns. Mi his sight beunn to fall. fcla 1 t was consulted, who ro I"? Pain Mayor Taylor has slnco been compelled to stay In a RATES WILL BE darkened room, nnd tho slightest ray , of light Is excluded, BAD FOR WEST r Good Cough S&'dlclno for Children. Tho fcasjn for coughs and colds l now at hand and too much care can not be used to protect tho chlldrou. A child Is much more llkoly to con tract dlpthorla or scarlet fovor whon ho has a cold. Tho quicker you cure hla cold tho less tho risk. Chambor Iain's Cough Remedy Is tho sole reli ance of many mothers, and few of thoso who havo over tried It aro will ing to use any other. Mrs, P, P. Starchor, of Mpley. W. Vn., saya: "I havo nover used anything other than Chamborlaln's Cough Hemody for my cb'ldron and It has always given good satisfaction." This rom edy contains no opium or other nar cotic and may bo given os confident ly to a child as to an adult. For sale at Dr. Stono's drug store. KILL SQUAW WHO WOULD BETRAY THEM offee luajs uniform our productsold in 1 lb.. t 25 lb. and 5 lb. cans. nt .grocer will grind it cr trruiinri . i.nm. ..... lire. (United Press Loasod Wire.) I'k'ah. Cal., Dec 7 Just when ha iipiinvnd that she had found out who were the mon who slow hor hus band, ho widow of tho Chler or tue Vn1,n..A Tn1lnn .i-llia U'ftO llrRIlf Llntn npaciimolllv llV i ll BHilin 111 0 II who took her husband's life. Now 1 of the tragic sorjuol of tho original murder came toaay 10 uu cuy w-om 1 the re ervatlon, where the authority 'are st 11 making a rigid investigation i into the case After a year spent In trying and plottlrg, the squaw found mi oppor tnniti nt nn Indian dan 03 last Satui- , day night to serve liquor to tho men whom Mie wispeciea 01 irkuib ua husband's life When th'Ir tongue began :o wag. It li supposed, they talked more about their ortme than they intend to. and the nmilt wa that, fearing that the woriian would betray them, they oaught her and strangled her She was found dead yesterday In a lonely cabin. Several suspects have been arrest ed, but the Indians refuse to answer Chlcngo, III., Dec. 7. Agonts of Eastern manufacturing firms nro a crodltcd with tho Matcment today that many of tho Eastern business houses Intond to withdraw their goods from tho mnrketn of tho Wost orn sUitow, rather than pay tho In creased freight rates that will be como offectlvo January 1, KaBtorn manufacturers aro of tho opinion that whon tho high tariff Is levied tho tianscontlnontal linos win eliminate tho fifth and lower clas freights, an will deliver it to tho Btoamshlp lines. Thu increased ra'e will bo $1.65 per hundred pound, as against tho present rate of $1.50 In both Instances tho rnto does not apply on a shipment under 40,000 pounds. Tho manufacturers of tho Kat view tho Imposition or tho high rato m a discrimination ngalubt them In fflVOr Fit WMltnpn tnnniiftttillli.flM I. addition to tho freight being ' In creased, ino eastern linns must pny n local rato from tho mnnufacturlrg rlty to Chicago. COOS BAY AFTER B. P. 0. E. LODGE Coos Bny mombors of tho B. P. O. K. will probably hnvo a special cotmis of Marshfleld takon In order to show thnt this city has a popula tion of C000, tho number required to Bocuro a charter for nn Elk's lodge. This Is tho result of tho con ference that Jack Planngun hold with tho ordor's grand lodgo offlcora In Portland a fow days ngo. Mr. Falanngan has Just rotAirned from Portlnnd and will roport to a special mooting of tho local Elks at tho Al liance olllco Friday evening, De cember 4, at 8 o'clock. Every Elk who possibly can Is urged to bo prooout at tho mooting. Mr, Flanagan la pleased with tho prospect for securing tho lodgo. Ho nnd othors who nro Interested In or ganizing nn Elks' lodgo hero nro confident that Marshflold hna tho population required by tho grnnd lodgo to soouro a charter. Tho grand lodgo offlcors woro pleased with Mr. Flanagan's report of tho prospocts for a lodgo here, but thoy said that tho rules of tho order ro quiro an official statement allowing thnt tho city has tho required popu lation of G000. This can ho dono by having n spv clal census taken now under tho di rection of tho Elks, tho roturns of vblch can ho approved nnd attested by Mayor Straw and tho othor city oulclalH. Howover, tho wholo matter will bo discussed nnd decided nt Friday night's mooting, Coos Day Times. SALOON HELDUP BY LONE ROBBER WW wflSf 1$ ! l0i$l& 19 R6C9fl Our Purpose It is our purpose to handle any business entrusted to us p in such a fair and liberal manner as to make the customers' re lation with this bank satisfactory ," . ..,,;, " Jf and profitable Aside from the excellent facilites afforded this bank has , the advantage of a large Capital and Surplus. 'riV-i. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK I SALEM, OREGON ! iff ! eiaioi tuts iiMii ia f tinmt (United Press Leased Wlro.) Oakland, Cal., Doc. 7. Six mon woro compollcd to dlsgnrgo varying nmounts of money nnd thu cash, reg ister of tho Antlers' saloon was looto by a masked highwayman, armed with a rusty pistol, early to day. Tho robhory took plnco shortly aftor midnight nnd tho Intruder ob tained $59.20 from tho pntrons nnd 150.70 from tho ensh roglstor. Tho robber entered tho front door and lovollng his pistol nt tho mon standing at tho bar, ordorod thorn to walk to tho wall whoro thoy woro lined up with tholr hands hold abovo their heads. He thon wont bohlnd tho bnr, punched opon tho ensh register and cleaned nut tho till. After compelling each of his vic tims to ompty his pnekots nnd depos it tho money on a tablo, tho thug scoopo dtho loot Into n handker chief, knotted tho corners nnd thon backed out of tho snloon Into tho street . MRS. JOHN D'S QHUM A SUICIDE (United ProsH Loasod Wlro.) nrlstol, U. I., Dee. 7. Mrs. Emnm H. Chesobrough, ono of tho host known socloty womon In thin stats. and a oh urn of Mrs. John D, Hookoful Icr, Jr., commlttod sulcldo this morn n by shooting horsolf twlco through lh hend with a nmnll calibre ro volver Lonollnoss nnd IIMionlth mndo hor moody nnd prompted hor to end hor llfo. Hor husbnnd, Albert H Ghcsohrough, n well-known yacht deslgnor, Is In Europo. Mrs. Glioso hrough wns Euimn Uullock. n daugh ter of tho Into Jtulgo J IIaissoII Dili lock, of tho Rhodo Island Bupremo court, who from 1SC0 to 1800, woh lleutonatit-govcrnor of tho stnte. When You Are Dry WHY NOT BUY A puro and wholosomo bovorngo that Is sold In all tho cities of WostornOrogon and Northern California. Made of the Choicest Malt and Hops Grown in Marion County Mado of Filtered Water and strictly In accordaneo with .the Puro Food Law Salon Door Is tho best mild beverage offered the public Mado by sclontlflo procossos and guarantood puro and wholo somo. No adultoratlon. No drugs or chemicals and under the most poroct sanitary conditions. Address all ordors to Salem Brewery Association - ROCKEFELLER TO HAVE LONDON PALACE (Unitod Press Lonscd Wlro.) London, Dee. 7. John D, Itocko foller will bocomo a mombor of the "Colony of Fashionables" nt least part of ovorv "car, according to Indi cations .today whon it wns loarned that tho Standard Oil magnnto had purchased houses 38 and 40 Quoon Anno'o Oato. Workmen havo begun domolltlon of tho structures to mnko way for a marblo palace. Tho nows, on roachlng Dond street, raused hp oulntton an to how tho prosecution of tho Standard Oil Com pany by tho Unitod 8 1 ate a ofuclala af fected tho purchuso. .r JPK9 '7f ""'Tmtt' THE LENOX Portlnnd'n now and most modornly furnished hotel, Third and Main Btroots, fronting on tho bonutlful City Plaza and adjacont to builnon contor. Free bus to and from trains, Up-to-dnto grill. Exce'nt cuisine Tolophono In ovory room. Prlvnta baths, Kiiropoan I Mail, Ijt to Pee Day Aiiierlriin I'liui, ?2.n() to $1 Per Day, O. II. HPICNCEIt. MniMKfr iVoparos yonng ptoplo fot Loolclnniwe, tenoBrtlera and gonerul onic work. Tho iVvolopinent of ths Northwest tt. i aford openings for UiouMuds in tho noxi fow yoars. iYror new. Bend for catalogue W. I. STALEY. PRINCIPAL SALEM. OREGON THE SLEEPING SICKNESS WHICH MEANS DEATH How many readers have heard of this terrible disease? It prevails In that far-away country Africa especially j tho Congo district. It is caused by the bite of the tsetse fly. When It bites a person, the sleeping symptoms begin and finally the sufferer sleeps tnul death occurs. Contrast this with the peaceful, balmy sleep of health. Is thero any thing more wearing than to lie awake t nlKht, tosclug about, nervous, with rold ftet, hot head and mercy knows what el? Short of letting the tsetie , ly bite us we would do almost any J ihlng for relief. How can we pre- ent It? Mr. George Hayes, of Union City, Pa., wrltes: "I had lost my appetite, was all run-down, could not sleep nights. I had tried every thing without relief. Vlnol was rec ommended, and to ray surprise, It helped me at once; gave me a splendid appetite, and now I sleep soundly." What Vlnol did for Mr. Hayes, It wUl do for ever run-down, nervous and overworked person who cainot sleen "" ' O. W. PUTNAM CO. TF-STKII AND PKOVE.V. Tlirnt Ih a Heap of Boluro in Ifc-Jng AI1I0 to Depend Upon a Well- Enroll Kcputntlon, For months Salem rendors havo seen tho constant expression of pralsa for Doan's Kidney Pills, nnd read about tho good work they havo dono in this locality. Not another romody ever produced such convincing proof ( until A J. Wood, 250 Cottago stroot. Salem, Oro, says: "Kidney nud bladder troublo b funi" lo bad in my caso about twi months ngo that I was obliged to do something to oano my sufferings. Tho troublo bothered mo most In tho morning for two or threo hours aftor -'ettln up, tho freju nt pa -sagos of tho kldnoy rocrotlona bolng the most dlfnoult. I knew of peoplo who hod received tho best of rosults from Doan's Kidney Pills, and I final!) procured a- box at Dr. Stono's drug storo. Doforo I had UBvd ono box I was completely free from the trouble and my general health was gettor. I can hardly express the good opinion I havo of Doan's Kldnoy Pills." For fale by all dealors. Price 50 cents. Ooster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Vow York, sole agents for tho United States Remember 4ho name - Doan's and take no other. IfWimmmfW U A rmufliDH PANciBs, All ono with pleasure whon tho sur roundlngo aro satisfactory Nething: looks noator or more homo-llko than a fancy hnrdwood finish all round tho room from muntol to walscot lug. Wo do tho boBt kin I of mill work In a varlot yof styles for Inter iors and exteriors. Opr lumber Is of tho boat and most thoroughly sea souod klnu, A. M. II A N H K N, Phono Main 344. wmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store 144- Cortimercial St. Free Delivery DON'T LKT VOUIt FAMILY plead for a talking machine give thorn n Joyful surprise by purchas ing an Kdlson and ordering It seut homo at once; no other musical In strument is hulf so wonderful uu tho Kdlsou. You aro invited to cujl; wo will treat you to tho best music In tho house. lu F. SAVAQB 247 Commercial Bt. Baietn, Or. any question?. I