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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1908)
ft. tP 5 "T" 1 Sit If ;; l- A Smile All the While expression of enjoyment of those only in good health. You have never seen an ailing person smile the smile that means a smile. Ghirardelli's Cocoa builds up the tissues of brain and body and aids the young and old in the enjoyment of real health, besides it pleases and delights the palate. 30 cups of a delicious drink 25c. Ask the grocer. fc tj tp -t V &fi - &?ii4mmtf-Xr.TZ.i , rf - . -, ir "TflfiiO ( TtAii-" 4M 8,.$ LiZg&BtJUSk -, w- -, 717MIK3 I i' HW";fs mt2B ' ? hbmk ,.- - !, I k : - . VTvxami'frgi-yi 3r . i VLtf v - ,&& '"f'T' iTff " , --!- 'lu'Sna.M 'iMb'.iJlC T3Eg- wsr- Dutch Dunkards A couple of Washington coun ty. Pennsylvanians, who have id used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventyJIyears, and reared , Q afamily of.eleven'children. ror C g gg lg i&4 SC I 1116 Sale by all dealers everywhere v3iiri V-.UI 15 o Alcohol Nor Alkaloids DOUGLAS AFTER tniiitmiifiiiti4liiiibKHi(iidi4Ji BETTER ROADS i 1 NEW ROAD NEW TRAINS A good roads convention has bcon , cnllod to meet In Independence nt 1 o'clock, Monday, December 7. This convention Is cnllod for tho purposo! or uiseusslng methods nnd to crento sentiment nt tho coming Bosslon of tho loglslnturo to socuro legislation for Improvement of tho public high ways of Polk county and tho state nt lnrge, for stnto appropriation for rond work, for a stnto road super visor and for legislation looking to tho omploymont of stnto nnd county criminals on tho roads of tho coun try. At this tlmo It is intended Hint nn organization bo effected to work In harmony with tho stnto organlzn tlon In securing stnto bonoflts .to Polk county. For this purposo it Is Intondcd to hold n convention on tho nbovo dnto. Every business houso of Independence will bo closed on this dnto during tho tlmo of tho mooting to allow business men to nt tond tho convention. Tho Btato is becoming vory much aroused ovor tho lmportnnco of- good roads, and mootlngs aro being hold In nil partB of tho stnto, whoro tho subject 1b being discussed. This Is ono of tho paramount questions bo foro us at this tlmo. Good highways will do much toward securing now homo-scekors to tho Wlllamotto val loy. Good roads onhnnco tho valuo of 'tiro lnnds through which thoy traverse whllo thoy are n gront sourco of convonionco to tho fnnnors as well. It sh6uld bo n duty of tho stnto to insist In this matter nnd theso meetings whl6h nro being hold In all pnrts nro lntoridod to croato sontlmont In that direction. It Is urgont upon every farmer to nttond this mooting, lending IiIb lnflucnco for bottor roads nnd for Blnto nsslst- auco in tho mnttor. Tho principal spoakor at this con vention will bo Judgo Scott of Snlom, who will bo nsslstod with maps nnd charts explaining tho vnrlous plans of building roads and tholr approxi mate cost per mile. Othor spoakors will nlso bo prcsont, nnd an olnbor nto progrnm for tho ontortnlnmont of thoBO In nttondanco will bo nr rnnged for. SCENIC ROUTE t LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES Via the Spokane-Portland & Seattle Ry, "The North Bank Rnad I! For the 'Spokane National Apple Show ! ; Dates of Sale: Dec, 6th and 7th and 1 1 th. Return Limit! Dec ,15th, ! Special Excursion From Portland, Friday, Dec. 11th, ;; 5:35 p. m., Returning Sunday, Dec. 13111,5:30 p. m. I; DAYLIGHT RIDE DOWN THE COLUMBIA. Pnrlor ObBorvntton Car, Dining Cars! All Now Equipment. For reservation of sleeping car Bpaco, nddrcss: City Ticket Office, S. P. & S. Railway, 255 Morrison St. 122 Third St., or H. M. ADAMS; QonM Frolght & Passenger Agt. ? MiH!91glfrCHf ll Portland, Oro. X iatf iititHtmiitiiiisttBmtmtiwF I Wire Fencing Builders' Hardware WIBS BiaHBEaiBaBBSHBaBeHilHHHBMHHE Paint and Oil i in ii i i ! fit SALEM HARDWARE CO; !! 1120 Commercial St. Phone 172 1 i 'illl(Hrlllff llIIHlllilltlltfHMl DENIED PERMISSION STUDENTS ELOPE Stnnford Unlvcrolty. Cnl., Dec. !. Tho collego friends of Hboblns Lit tle, n Bttidont In tho geology depart ment nt Stnnford University, nnd Mlu Norlno (Iraves, now Mm. Little, formerly of tho Junior cla.s, todav lenrned with surprlBo of their olope inont nnd mnrrlngo. The young couplo had frequently sought pennia h'ou m wed, nnd, dospnlrlng of It qulotlv loft tho cniupiiH yostorday itf tornoon nnj wore married In San Jogo. Little giluyod on both tho bo." ball and Rugby tonins, captnlnlng tho froRlunnn "flftoon" In hit first year. He was roglstorod from Pnsndont. Mr. Little bolongcd to tho Onmnu Phi Iloto sororluty nnd roglstored In tho dopnrtmpnt of Orook from Whlt tlor. After tho wedding tho cqtiplo loft for San Miguel, Montoroy cwinty, whuro Lltllo lutonds ontorlng tho cat tle biiBlncus. o Mnrktnl for Drnlli "Throe yenrs ago I wns mnrkol for death. A grnvo-ynrd cough wiu tearing my lungs to plocos. Doctors failed to holp mo, nnd hopo hnd tlut, when my hutband got Dr. Klng'4 Nw DUcovory." snyB MrB. A C. Wil liams, of Dae Ky. Tho llrst doso holped mo nnd Improvomont kopt on until I hnd gnlnod S8 pounds I'l wi'Ulit nnd my honlth was fully r Mtoied. This modlolno holds the world's honllng record for coughB nn J cold nnd lung nnd throat dltwuo. It prevents pnoumonln. Sold undr KuarnnUe nt J. C. Perry's drug store. 50c nnd 11 00. Trial bottle froo. timii iiimiiimtmf mMitinifli For Sale Anvthinn vou want to buy: or will sell anythlnn you have J to sell. Will exchange anything you have, for anything $ you want; and will write your fire insurance for 80c per $100 for 3 Years! jj Listen & Mayl Opera House Block, 484 Court street, Salem, Oregon 1 1 t-iiff iiifnoiiaiiaiiiiHiiiii Wc Launder Ladies' Shirt Waists and White r Skirts Just Right. Wo giunrantoo to. All of our ahlrtwnlvtn nro care fully wanned with n special uoutrnl soap, itarched Just whoro thoy should bo ntuiched nnd Ironed by export who have mado shlrtwaUt Ironing a spoclnl sbudy. We nro pleasing tho most careful dressers In tho city with our tthlrtwulflt work bud uro sure wo can ploaso you, May wo hnvo a trial SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY Tel. 2C 1S6-100 B. Liberty St 4 Mayor Lane, complying with a Thanksgiving roquost from tho N. Y. World, tulogruphod that Portland wns thankful for Its beautiful rosos, aftor having had u hard tlmo to de cide letweon the flowers nnd Oregon women. Cnturrh Cannot bo Otm-il. with IvOOAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot roach tho seat of tho dls- eano. Catarrh Is a blood or coitHtl-' tutlonal dlsouBo , nnd In order to euro It you must tako Internal romodles. i Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken inlornnl y, and acts directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfaces. Wall's Catarrh Curo Is not a quack medicine. It was proscribed by one of tho best physic ians In this country or years and Is n regular prescription. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, noting directly on the mucous sur faces. Tho perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Ca tarrh. Bend for testimonials free. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To ledo. O. Sold by Druggists, price 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- atlnflllnfl. ! IUIIH I 99iM A LARGEj STOCK !! 01' WAUM HLIPPKHH I'OIt L.VDIHS AND CIIILDHIJ.Vs Jl'hTTIIE " I'll I NO FOH A CIIHISTMAH IMtKHENT; ALHO A IIUOKKN IXyr 1)1' LADIES' SHOES AT LOW 1'IIIOES. i j i JACOB V0GT, 3fi state street jj ilf lllllli !!! I(HII !! HH-Mf ii THE MOST IIEAUTIFUL 1'iaVEU depends for effect largely on tho character of the musical Instrument. That so many skillful performers al ways purohaso tholr Instruments hero Is pretty good evidence thut they aro all right. Como and see if w'u cannot suit you with your favorlio Instrument as well as wo hnvo suited tho experts. L. V. BAVAOE 247 Commercial St, Sajont, Or. 1 im I! 11 fiH VJJ... T ,. I