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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1908)
, IA?K'''t;' xjC If WJWt OAPWAJC JOURNAL. SAIJftC, 0UCK3W, WKDNESDAY, PK0E1HDER , J. ak M- SANTA SAYS Twenty-Four Days until Xmas, and you have plenty of time to make many useful little arti cles with the needle that make pleasing gifts. We have all the materials, .stamped or plain linens,. The royal society floss in all the wanted colors for making cross stitch hand bags, etc. NOTION DEPARTMENT 1 TODAY ONLY We offer as our 409 Wednesday's Surprise Sale ladies' medium winter weight "Merodd and "Munsing" underwear all hand-finished vests, drawers and union suits. They are from our regular stock numbers and better Underwear cant' be had $2.50 Values for $ 1 .78 $ l.SO Values for $1.19 $1.7S Values for $1.33 $1.25 Values for $ .95 $1.00 Values for $ 7S HINDUS SAY BRITISH REALIZE AND FEAR CONDITIONS IN INDIA (United Press Leased Wlro.) Van coiivcr, D. C, Dec. 2. Tho lirotntittiro disclosure of their plans has caused consternation In tho ranks of local Hindoos, nnd sovornl or the leaders today declared that the mnn who divulged tho details of tho scheme- yesterday will bo pun ished. Tho Sikhs aro opon in their di'cUuatlon of disloyalty to Great ftiitnln, and declare that tho posi tion In India at tho presont time is such that tho Canadian government daro not deport them for tholr sodl tlous activity. It Is ndmlttotl that the leaders aro at tho presont time over tho lnternatloilal bordor. Secret service men aro now work ing among tho Hindoos In California and It Js thought they nrg hot on tho trail' of Guru Nanka, who Is to bo tho now lcador. According to Information in tho .JinMds of thcoo officials, tho studont, Nanak, has now budded Into tho full bloom of manhood, and, ns a result of diligent training in tho host col leges of England nnd America for tho ono special causo, has now his hoad filled with idoaB of modern knowledge which tho revolutionist loadets In India hollovo lit him for tho responsible position ho Is to oc cupy nB tho now rulor of India. Guru Nnnnk (tho first) was tho foundor of tho Sikh lollglon, whin, tho twentloth contury Nank, now Bald to bo hurriedly completing nn education calculated to enable him to become a leader of loaders an edu cation for which monoy has been lav ishly Hpent is supposed to bo the reincarnation of tho first Nanak, who was tho son of a Jnt farmer, and whoso peacofnl doctrine waB subse quontly ohangod to ono of ruthless wnrfaro by succeeding Gurus, as tho rosult of continuod persecution. It was tho ovolutlon of tho first Nank's teaching thnflod' up'lo tho remark ablo organization of tho Sikh broth erhood. Guru Nanak waB born in 1 ICO and diod 70 years lator. Tho word "Guru" waB applied to him In the moaning of "spiritual guide," but lator, owing to continued persecu tions, tho succeeding Gurus organ ized their followers into a band of atalwnrt warriors and tho word "Guru" changed its meaning to "or ganized hoad." Of men's furnishing goods shirts ,neckwear ,underwear, hosiery and suspenders. An ticipate your Xmas needs now, for we don't know how long this sale on men's wearings will last. Judging from the way the people are taking advantage it won't last long, so come prepared today for a little Christmas shopping. Toys SECOND fLOOR xsm&ljbji M n?vuM r7TS MKHi0litif0!ili 9m:r!r,'imJSMs3Ejtl MHHBBHBMBHHHHiBBBrt i. Tops SECOND FLOOR KAISER GRIEVES OVER SUICIDE OF FRIEND WHOM HE SLAPPED O o o o o o o o CITY NEWS oooooooo o o o.. o o NVathcr Forecast I'ulr tonight and ThurMlay. i- ,cm l When In Portland cVlslt Hull's roataujnnt, 330'Wnah--Ington street. o-o-d Always progroBBlvo, up-to-date Full cqulpmont, largest stock. 10-21-ood-tf. Tfio SiMtuklliifC LoggliiR Co. 'Aro prepared to fill all orders for slab wood 10-30-2t Alison's IMncc Blovcn barber chalra. W. T. Ulgtlon, Undortnkor o "WE ARE KING" A GOOD COMEDY A li Throo reasons for buying Clovoland'a Baking Pewder: Superior Quality (Puro Croara. of Tartar). Neatest Package (Screw top can). Boat Price (3 lbs. 1; 5 Job. Jl.GG) lllg Millinery Sale All goods at one-half prlco, re gardless of coot. Our entire stocw must bo sold by December IB. All hats trimmed to ordor without oxtri chargo. Miss Evans, Moyors' Btoro. ll-2iMt Double Disc Itecords Goo. 0. Will has a full Btock of hlgh-grndo double disc 10-Inch roc ordB ito fit any mako of disc machlna for 65c ouch. This Is half tho prlco raked for cheap made records. Seo fieo. C. Will If you want to sate money on disc recordo. GRAND JURY INDICTS CITY'S DEFAULTER San Francisco, Doc. 2,-James Q. Tumulty, tho bookkeeper In tho city treasurer's oflko who Iiob boon nc cusod of falsifying tho records in o dor to mnko posslblo a heavy short ago In tho city's funds, and Ooorgo H. Stanollffe, arrested In Now York fur assaulting and robbing Mrs. Pal mor. landlady of tho St. Roso Hotel, woro boh Indicted by the grand Jury vo terdny, although the true bills woro not brought Into court. Tomal ty'e ludlctmeivt, It is Bald, covers his alleged icrlme of falsifying a pub Ho record. Staicllffo8 Indlctmont waa returned only to facilitate his extradition from New York . OOOOOOOOOO COURT HQUSE NEWS, 4' POOOQonnnnrl Picture' two men exactly nllko In looks, but exactly opposlto Inton'i peVamonta.-'fjno Kindly and polltVnnd tho othor brutal, arrogant and ov erbearing; plcturo ono of thoso nien, tho coarso brutal, drunkon one as king, hnted by subjects and counselors, nnd tho othor n kindly Intelligent, norvy correspondent, who Is always cool. Thon picture tho correspondent In the king's clothes and place with all tho at tendant predicaments In which h-J would find himself and nB a climax romombor that both parts are played by tho same man, and you will havo Edmund Carrol In "WoAro King." Tho crowd at the opera houso last night wna anything but tho size t should havo beon for such a play. There wna not a dull inlnuto In tho wholo pleco. The plot Is that of an Itinerant correspondent for the "Loudon Record," who wnnders In to tho kingdom of Kahnburg, lo cated somewhoro about Germany. Ho is seized as a spy nnd Is dlscov 01 ed by the prime minister and a baron to be a doublo of tho king, whom they doslro doposed as ho is running the country Into debt nnd gaining Uio extreme hatred of tho peasants. They plot to put tho cor respondent In his place, thinking he would nftorwardB get out of tho wav when they want him to and the prime mlntator would take the throne, Tho correspondent aftor wards dlscovors ho Is the real king, having beon kidnaped whop a baby. Ho Is told this by a necromancer called "Tho Uavon,' wfio had boon banished and followed him all over tho world. Ho falls In love with the Princess of Baronla, whom ho thlnko Is a novel wrltor. All ends happily and the two kingdoms are united through tholr marriage, Tho original king had been held In a mad house and subsequently escaped Is killed by-tho revolutionists. . o . M. W. A. Open Meeting Woodmen and Royal Neighbors be sure and hear nolghbor J. 0. Davis, national lecturer M. W. A. on fra tornal insurance at tholr hall Thurs day ovonlng, Doc. 3. Program and rofreabmouta; bring your frlonds. A murrlngo license, wns Iucii by fio'"ty?jplJrk Alton today fro." Sam- i Morgan, ago 2-1, and -Mnrgarot E Wn'J.'-AJ.'I'Pth parties being won Known beVo nnd resldonta o" Snlom. M. IU-alty Transfers, and C. Brooks to Adn uurcn su.n acros In T. 7 S It. l W. W. D. $H00. S. A. and O. Ness to L. Anderson 3C acres In Langlor D. L C. W. D 14000. W. O. and A. L. Wltham to B. R. and A. M. GUI land In lot 2, In Cook's Add to Salem. W. W. J 1100. RINK IS PUT IN GOOD CONDITION Tho Auditorium roller rink Is bo Ing patronized by the Salem skating lovers as heretofore. Manager Fifer has been true to his word In procur ing tho best accommodations posslblo His musical program Is making itho mi, u oojng composed ontiroly of 8alom musicians, nnd the selections aro played In real Bkatlng tlmo and flavor. Tho floor has now become "naturalized" to the little roller?, and la In excellent condition. Tho management went to no little trouble In preparing tho floor .after a season of dancing had worn It slick as glnm, and has now dressed ho hard boards' down, bo that skating Is practically safo. (United Press Leasod Wire.) Ij Los Angoles, uai., uec. .'. nor U. Ixhaslng hor husband more than 4000 NEW RULES FOR , , STREETCARS The following considerations will be accepted by tho local street cat system hereafter to tho new rule book recently Issued, and now in the hands of all oporators of cars: Chll dron of the ago of 7 years or under may rldo froo on the cars, provided they aro held In the parents' or oth ers' laps; baby carriages of the fold ing make can bo takeu on tho car at a consideration of 5 conts por, but thoso which do not fold will be taxed 25 cents; dogs will be charged 10 cents on the Inside of thenar unls they are hold by tho owners, on tho platforms they may ride free. These aro Just a, few of the many rules gov erning tho operation of Salem cars. (United Rresa Leaned Wire.) London, Dec. 2. While thj air lo filled with rumors that tho illness of 'tho Kaiser Is much moro sorlous than is admlttod In Borlln, tho announce ment of tho nowspnpor "John Bull" that ho Is grlovlng for the death or Graf Von Huolscn-Hncsolor, follow ing n sorlousquurrol, Is being (lis cbsciI hero today. .According to tho John Bull, Von Iljiolsou-Hncflolor upbraided the -m-pujor for having been, ns ho bpilcved, trapped Into an lutervlow, wltlv.Dr. William Bayard Halo, n man who -desired Jtlio statements (or co.iiimorclnl, use. This, It wns doclarcd, made tho Knlsor hooiu ridiculous In the minds of European diplomatic (radios. Ono word led to another, nnd final ly, according to "John Bull," tho Knlsor slapped tho adviser's face. Graf Immodlntoly rushed from tho Imperial presence and nhot hlmsolf through the heart. Aosjnl.n lr tho iiry. he Ivnlsor Is ubn'.utoly liicun snlablo. Von Hucl80n-Hn&soljr was" the purwmul, frlcp'l nnd un'oilicJnl ikHIh ur of Uio Kulrun HU death rioiu "heart dUo'ieq" was icienUy announced. GENERAL'S SON .WOULD AVOID SUPPORTING WIFE miteb, Mrs. Isabel Curman is today . t.. i. .. r. A... r'. 1 iwi n HUIllg juiui a. sufuiuu iwi f juw u tncnith for mulntonunco. Cr.rinun Is tho son of General Ezra Carman, IJ. k. A. ' Mrs. Carman charges that hor hus band desortod hor a Bhort time nttor tholr marriage In Detroit, In 1905 Sho alleged tho trouble between them was cauBOd by hor husband'a doaUe to keep tholr marrlago secret, nnd by the refusal df hor motlur-lu-Uw to receive hor after the news or tin union was mndo public. Following hor husbnnd from I trolt to Washington, Mrs. Carman says that sho thon traced him to .Now York, and finally horo, where his mother now resides. Tho youn wr man said sho had but llttlo monw when tho chaBo began, and she was compelled to work as n stenographer in various ciUes ntong her route to securo enough monoy to continue her search. O o o t ooooooooooooooooo SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS. 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 n O Senator Stone, of Missouri, may bo denied rc-oloctlon because of O O gross frauds which havo boon uncovorod in tho conducting of tho O O the recent election. O O Again tho Rolchstag Is roady to Bootho ovor tho powers of tho O O Kaiser and tho radlcalB aro preparing for strong legislation, O O Tho Japan-Arporlcan treaty has beon published. Tho rights of O both nations in the 6rleuc and on tho Pacific aro clearly donned O Inquiry into the Harrlman morgor has begun, Secrotary of Commerco and Labor Straus recommends that the O Chlneso exclusion act bo so amended as to become thoroughly effeo O tlve, that at present It Is almost a farce. James A. Finch, who killed R A. Flohor, was arraigned In th O Justice's court In Portland yestorday and his trial sot for Decern- O her 8. OOOOOOOOOO 00 oo O o o o o o poo lllIIf ! !!! fllfrW ll I ! ! I i THE STAR Home of High Class Fun EVERYBODY COME. J FREE TONIGHT .range is to bo given away at i'oods. That magnificent 9:30 p. m. PROGRAM. A WOMAN'S WAY"-fA llouiniice of. the Caiuidlaa-W "DOJ?'T FOOL YOUR' WIFE." Full of Laughter. T S And Another Comic Tlmt Will Keep Yon Guehslug--. BONGS. "If 1 Had u Thousand Lives to Live." "Stars and Stripes Hd You, Sweetheart." 0 0 O n .ii'AAAifi, D . ". . viiuonr ri innii ..i. ii "ui t . " 'or (wt.. " 'Uii Il0'Ph MoodVLS ;;;;;rntigb I'rof. Un,. days. '"It , Attorney w ,, , d frn a hM ouny, -ijh Attorney Clyde F,w lcr business. ' wlw io will be .;, for ' t few monlh,6 f0Ni A. L. Pelint, . . .' loss visit In (M..,.N .W. D. Allen. At ,v. . cannery. I, )n ,v. a biislno3for.wi1iM' Dolphy Qlover lufLi for the past few i. Mrs. John nM. '... rived last nlgfrt,, J" ir, nn. u oim. n:'zimu -v., im ino cltyHtaiJ nmny friends forajJJ In tho city iodv,Ik..., nccs matters Bdvi.w;. a, . QCOren Urn In a) ni -. tho city lorftr, Mkdi Ji "-us maucrs and rltltljtt Mr. and Mn r n Fresno. CaL rAiiv.!j over tho state balldlin 1 .uibo Florence CorltUntr hor homo In Port!iiw. after a short rlilt wlji Us inonds. MIhs Pearl Lsnmt hfr homo In tbU city tU after vlsltlnir with fr'.L- tlvcs In Eugene (or tip5 Mrs. M. W. RoturtiUtNi to hor homo In Tnrntr tlU. hor son. C M. Robert, IW ij time. Jorry D&nVlne lAimtbi homo In Tacoma (bit nonkti nuenuing to icgil buiMi city tor a rew atjt. Snni K'fl!iir nf Ik ..n..v il.A...t. (VI. .11. lit.. ruoQi-u iiivuii tun in; U4P nn lila Mr In K'nmA iluil i ho will locate for th tlit lj A. H. uarvcr sna wue,i nvn In Ifin .llv vlilHnr tnri h mv II. II. v Vl ...l..5 .w. ." ivIHi rlrnniti -nftw wWfklte to Portland for a week'iid? uanny itnoaes iru m n 11115 lliuillllljj Wft l. i-- nftor business mattm foriini n. P. JIuBhoshUwttl' mini, nucr bvl' w; i" aero on iuki uuim u i' ur .-win About lv) Ions of oil ... ... .iLd liny, loose ?io per '. i' rnrriu8u HAIR DRESSING, fAGIAll KlIAXirOO AND , rr.T.A M. 00UC1I. My processes are kM Isfactbn guaraBiwa. mi -hair innle are tut1 time and eiperl. iej Room 15, Bianwn HIS. rnop. rksmw Electro-TurKW RthP f HS? HSSffi nn. nil chronic dl , Massage nd Sclp-1 Hours. . " ;; ITihWi, Experienced Ut AW"V Norwich Utei Office with WB.'" 29. Commerciw "'"i.- MONEY TO T1I0.K. ...nushliB".? Over i nn- , ,ni--j UPWTOWI ooo WASWTll- About 500 acres l Clark. WM JoaJ I... i i iid ...nnlles im -.1 i 1 reasonable P" 1 office for -JJ5. ! i!f !illlilf f llilIliaiilI'