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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1908)
PAIL OAPIT L JOURNAI, SALEM, ORHGON, WEDNESDAY, DECESmiSK 2, 1008. if- IE!! WOULD MAKE OREGON GREAT APPLE STATE ' (United Press Lonsed Wlro.) Portland, Or., Doc. 2. Itlvnl ap ple growers of the Willamette vnlloy, tho Itoguo rlvor vnlloy and Hood River lmvo proclaimed the apple Ore gon's grentest modltim for udvorthi ing purposes. Tho koynoto of tho ad dresses mnde nt list nlght'c mooting hold here, was "Oregon and Oregon apples." Tho occasion was a special mooting of tho Portland Ad Club, when tho visitors to tho horticultural conven tion being hold in this city wore the guests of tho ad men. C. 0. Clr.i;) ninn, president of tho ad club, presid ed as chairman of tho meeting. Judgo W. M, Colvlg Introduced the discussion, and he elaborated consid erable at length on "Tho Apple as an Advortlsomont for Oregon." IIo be came decidedly humorous In treating with tho subject, and explained that any surprise which might have fol lowed tho solcctlon by the nd club of tho applo as an advertising feature was enslly dispelled when it was re- membored that it was an applo that drove Adam' and Evo from tho Oar- don of Eden. AMERICA FORMALLY THANKFD CHINA AGAIN IS IN DANGER Of REBELLION Hong Kong, Dec 2.. -Jlegont Chun, of China, Is in for trouble w-.h bolh tho oxtreme llbornl and tha ullrn re actionary elomenta throughout tho empire. Investigation by agents of forolgn firms horo lonvos no doubt that pow erful nnti-dynastlc movements are or ganizing for a fight. It is dually cor- Prlnce Chun ns ngalnst the adminis tration of tho late dowager cmprcsl Tho reformers, too, nro nonrlv fotuly to strike, and ngws of wide spread uprisings among (horn is ex pected froiM Central China any day now. Tho reactionaries, consisting of (United Press .Leased Wlro.) Washington, D. C, Doc. 2. Tho gintlttido of the China government to the United States for tho remis sion of $11,000,000 of tho lloxr Indemnity fund was expressed per sonally to Prcsidont Roosovolt to day by Ambassador Tang Shao Yl, tho Imperial envoy sent to Washing ton by tho Into Emperor. Accomiuinlcd by tho olllclals mem bers of his suite, including Prlnco Tsal Pu, Ills Excellency called on tho President and In n fow words ex pressed tiio thanks of his nation for tho kindness showt. President Roosovolt responded briefly, voic ing his appreciation of tho courtesy of the Chinese government. DYMG M00SEUIIC0VERS BIG GOLD STRIE (United Press Leased Wlo.) BHlMnuImm; Wash., Dec. 2. That tho death of a big buii'moyaflJnon H iiiu iaiuous Alincondn mnno sought by hunters for many months,. led to tho dlscovory or a gold mine that Is now bringing In thousondH of .STORE ROBBED AT BUTTEVILLE 'Us. and is nlnnnln -N fnrloiig afc t9 I.uw.hH- "' city, Is yn6 .Stan who' rouu uuv . 7; ; I mo"" -- '" -'u,n,8tra" luivVmlo tho 8ld cu,hi.i tlinhl Miorffotlcallv. "u ..., mtnntlon to modornlza ' ,i. , i,mii,nP i -rniiM cUm.! iliflHi onorffotlcallv, - AW8hB tile" ttUornla tbv - J0M WiftflnlifiriilO" Wl, tno now rcglmo'B oVleloB than with any government whatever Blnco tho Munchu dynasty camo into power. Ab patriotic Ohl noso, tho roformororB look on tho Manchus as alien conquorora, and their work has long boon as nr.ich along tho lines of a Chlnoso yovorn nuat ror tho Chinese people in in tho dl;-?ct!on or nuro llberulhttlon. Dr. Sun Yat Son, or.o 01 Mi" 1.1 o- . mont'B loaders, recontly declared, in fact, In an lntorvlow at Singapore, thnt tho revolutionary party's plnns will bo pushed iib vigorously against (lollars, Is tho story tb ' 1,1 i- . -.i.-nnn oon rc- practlcally tho same volomoi)t as VJ .. .- fhlS fifty froi'il A!"'."h. s.", forjncrly of this is reported to Btrlko. Nolbon wrlltft to a brother In this city that ho wnB out hunting nnd prospecting with two other men along Fairbanks crooit whon tho big mooao wns shot. Whon tho animal was boing cut Into quartors, Nelson discovered that tho rock which had been exposed under n layor of moss torn loose by tho con-, vulslonB of tho dying beast boro gold In largo quantities. Tho threo hunt ers niado closot Investigation or tho oro with their magnifying glass and Immediately staked out number of claims. Tin) next day thoy wont t- FalrbankB to Mo on tholr claim. uiyUU iniuimuu iu iiiiiuuu.i. tho country. With tho kUo oni',jo ror'a llbornl vlowa tho con'sorvrtllvon never particularly concerned thorn solves, so Arm wbb tho downgor'h irrin on tho Kovoriuuont, and so closely woro hor vlows In accord with tholr own. Hor death within n fow (hours of tho emperor's followed .1 comploto overthrowing of all ctnb llBhod policies, wiib such a shed: 10 tho reactionaries that they had not tlmo to organlzo Immediate resistance ns, othorwlso, thoy undoubtedly would hnvo dono. Howovor, tholr re turn to other conditions has moroly boon delayed. PATHETIC LIFE OF MRS. GENERAL WARDELL ENDS (United ProBa Leased Wlro.) Lob AngolMJ, Dec. 2. Mrs. Isa bella Wnrdwoll, tho lopor wlfo of tho fnmoun old army ofllcor who re cently tiled In Arizona, died early today at tho county hospital horo. Sho will bo burled In potters Hold. Mrs. Wnrdwoll'B enso attrnctod na-tlon-wldo attention a fow months ngo whon her luiBband, Goneral Wnrdwell, kidnaped hor from tho county hoopltal and Hod with hor to a luut In the mountain of Arizona. Ho dlod a short tlmo later and she wan roturnsd to this city. Sovon years of mlBory woro spent by tho unfortunate woman boforc doath ondod hor untold suffering, Sho was not confined In tho hospital horo howovor, until last Juno, whon alio was found wandering In a dazod condition about tho shopping .dis trict. At tho pollco station It .wns dlwworod that alio was a. lopor. After bolng conllnod In tho con tagious ward of tho Institution for Bovornl wookB, hor aged huBband, Genoral David Wnrdwoll, kidnapol hor it night nnd took her to a llttlo hut on a mountnlnsldo nonr Tomb Btono, Ariz Kor somo tlmo tho pn'r woro lost to tho authorities but of ficers finally located them and com polled tho allllctod woman to return to tho Isolation of hor living tomb horo. Undmlndful of tho danger to him solf tho ngod gonoral bogged thai his wife bo loft to his care ' In tho Arizona cabin. Whon his plea waa unheeded ho failed In health anl died within a fow days nftor tholr separation. Loporsy hnd already affectod tho mind of Mro. Wnrdwoll and n short tlmo nftoy hor roturn horo Bho bo camo a raving innnlnc. Sho had lucid moments howovor, nnd ono of thorn a fow day ago onnblod hor to toll a Moxlcan who hnd traveled hundreds of miles to hnvo his cno dlanosod, that ho was nflllctod with tho living doath. ARCHBOLD CONTINUES ON STAND Now York. Dee. 2. John D. Arch bold rosumod hla plnuo on tho witnoss stand today In tho Standard OH hear ing. Umlor tho examination of U tornoy Frank D Kellogg ho nppoared particularly uncomfortable. John A. MollUt, proaidont of tho Stnndard Oil Company of Indiana, will probably bo tho noxt 'witness, nnd ho will probably bo succeeded by "William Hockofollor. 1 After tholr testimony has boon lieard, a inimbor of witnesses will probably la brought from California 10 explain oil de-iltngs on th5 Pacific coast. TIjIovob broko Into tho postofllco shortly aftor midnight, blow open tho aaro and atolo $875 worlh of Mamps and $ 300 In cash. Thoy then ontorod tho adjoining atoro of 3. Davis & Company, dynamltod tho safe rnd took $100 In cash. $50 In choc Us and a watch valued at $123. tho robbers left no clov to Inch Identity. BEST AUTO TRACK i FOR LOS ANGELES (United Press Leased Wlro.) Lou AngolOB, Dec. 2. Raco track followora in Southern California practically admlttod thnt they oxpoct horse rnclng to bo killed by the next loglolaturo whon' It wbb announced todny that Accot Park Ib to bo con verted Into ono of tho finest auto mobile spoedwnys In tho world. C. S. Wlldlg, noting for tho Whito Sow ing Mnchlno company, makors of the Whlto Ster.mor, has made a doposlt of $32,000 with Attornoy W. E. Dwlnn to cecuro tho option on the park. HASKELL BEGINS EFFORT TO OUST OIL COMPANY authiio,.Okln Dec. 2. Uy filing nn ouster suit against tho Territory Illuminating Oil company, Governor Uaskoll today began his promised fight to break tho loaso of Osage In dian lauds which ho claimed was wrongfully granted to tho company by Prosldont Roottovelt. The papers In tho wait woro filed today at TulBn, Tho govornor hns takon action agaiiut tho company's plan for pip lug gas Into tho stnto from St. Louis. Tho ronl fight, howovor, s said to bo aga'nst the Standard Oil company of which tho Oklahoma a bollovod to bo a subsidiary branch SUPETErJDENT'FOR ESPEE FOR 35 YEARS Tlio J. S. Vanlucr niorchandlae Btore, tho largest establishment In Uuttevllle, Ore., a llttlo town north of bore, was broken Into last night and goods worth considerable stolon. From Information that call bo gained, tho burglars broko Into tho Btore through a door, and nftor pull ing down goods from tho counters nnd scattering tho contents of tho boxes around tho place, thoy helped themsolves to Bovornl pairs of rub ber boots, a fow pair of bIiocs and a good many dollars' worth of other store furnishings. Thoy made the'r cscapo after ransacking tho estab lishment, and neither tho proprietor nor thoso living within a cloao dis tance of tho building hoard or biiw anything of them when thoy wore In tho act of stonllng or whon the;; loft. Sheriff Hnrry Minto was notified at 8 o'clock this morning of tho rob bery, and wont nt onco to tho plnce for tho purposo of finding some ln (JjfiMonB lending to nn nrrcst or tho guilty" pnrtles " This Is tho Bccoml robbery of tho VniiJuop store, It hnvlng been com pletely ransacked or nil the money ii the tills by unknown thluves a fow monthB ngo. Tho first tlmo the store was entered, the robbers took nothing but money, leaving tho goods untouched, but thoy. apparent ly had no use for cash at this tlmo in tho tills were not tampered with nnd nothing but tho moBt expensive merchandise In the plnce was takon, BABE IS CROWNED EMPEROR (United Press Leased Wlro.) Poking, Dec. 2. Tho coronation of Pu Yl, the throo-year-old 0111 peror of China, took place today In tho Imperlnl pulace, where accord ing to the traditions or the throne, ho wiu given tho now uamo or Ilsuntung, Tho coremonlos todny lacked tho brilliancy or former coronations ow ing to tho recont death of tho om- poror Kwaug-IIsii and tho dowager emproEB Tsl-An. During the coromouy tho mourn ing colors, whlto nnd blue, gave placo to red, tho royal color. Thoy woro nftorwards replaced. While Pu Yl will bo emperor In unme, the ronl functions of govern ment, as thoy hnvo boon, will bo in tho hands of Prlnco Chun, tho child's fnthor nnd the Into omporor's broth er. As regmt, Prince Chun played an Important part In todny'B ceremonies. LOVE (Continued From' Page 1.) mil, it. nt Mmor. ...l.n rHi... .......j ....v-a.u ,tiiu mimed were mien out over tho heads of the 0h. ors. Tho emperor today received a cm, tant otream of dologates from otht r powers, pnylng him tho respects of their nntloiiB, Rebels, Pruguo, Austria, Dec. 2. llohnmi,. Is being torn with riots and dlsordi' today.'accompnnylng tho holiday at tondnnt upon tho colebratlon of tin birthday nnnlversary or tho AitBtrlui emperor, Franz Jj?o.'. The 1 lotli g .,f tho secosslonlBts here todp.y ban reached n climax In tho buvrlcndlng of mnny atreots, and clashes with troops in which many have boon re ported killed. Tho rlotors nro In sufllclont num bers to hold their own ngalnst the troopB and tho po.lo The uospltnh IIWI fllll.ll U'lttt 1.r ... 1.1 .... ... MIVU ".HI I.UU iTuuii-,it;u 111(1 spirit or anarchy U h.moikUu throus'i out Bohemia, nnd tho uuthontio hnvo mndd strong representations to tho government today, nBklng author ization of Bovon representative measures. Coffe QuaIItycIc4 boU0orlferrl tooflni'U e m -' Proposals Invited. Proposala invited for Bupplles for tho Oregon State Penitentiary for tho period ending June 30, 1909. Sealed proposals for drugs, dry goods, firoOel'lo3, butter, leather and findings, hardware, flour nnd mpnt, wll bo received at tho oftlco of tho 8Ulorlntgndent of. the Stnto Penl tentinry untH Mondn;', December 21, at 2 o'clock, p. in., nt which tlmo thoy will be publicly opened. A deposit or $200 In cash or certi fied check, mndo payablo to the m pcrlutcndcnt must accompany each bid ror meat and Hour, nnd nil othor bids must bo accompanied by an amount equal to 10 por cent or tho amount or tho bid. Snmplea must accompany all bids whoro practicable. Tho rlgh In re served to reject any and all bids and to accept or rojoct any portion of a bid. On each envolopo should be Inscribed tho word "Proposals." GoodB or Oregon mnnufacturo or production will recolvo preference, ntlmr thlnira lioltif nmml All goods nnd supplies must be I !. panjr hu nM dollvorcd to tho ponltontlnry within twenty (20) dnys nfler the contract Ib nwnrdod. Schcdulon of tho various lluen of goods to he bid on will bo ftirnlnhci' m pon application to tho superinten dent, j Vouchors will bo IsBiiod for pay-' ment on tho first or tho month fol : lowing tho completion or contract nnd monthly on continuous con tracts. C. W. JAMES, , Suporlntcn4ont Oregon Stnto Ponl tontlnry. Salem, Oregon, Dee. 1, 1908. Dec. 2, 3, 4. PBCDAnm . .. "-"nwHUnGHj INCREASEOB Kfii .. x.UUC18C0, UCtj, thrnncliniif iv,. n.., tr::.'uv.iiaw ""' ",u J'repanng todi, b , hi "iorotjieintenutetj commission against the lur press rates Impoicd bt u Fnrgo and company fottol "rmuiiiuDgoracoapUitmi ington, yesterday. TI)Q complalnfieu (qnid llco lint been given by Kill Hi ft I hh n...i.. ... ...... uu ucwuivcr is nuisi lots of goods between .VeiTtU California would be nkd (ml per cent on 50 pound lotittKU cont on 2,000 poand lob mi no reduction will be mrjH comumcu carload ia!par, It Is pointed out In tit as that the rato of 11 centi n lots between San Frtsrfnj Portland lias not been ttu It Ih nsscrted that tfcUlnri dlHcrlmlnntlon. The commission vlilbet on to decldo "whether tbt j slilppors nro entitled to 1 1 1 raky on n combined. ihljctTJ make the reduction Hurry and Wc are twin causes of wt ments that affect the tn and nerves. Keep tti f inn Rtrontr and the t steady by tho timely used BEECIIA! PILLS 4.M tn.kl. UlwW"' OASTOniA. flen th jV KinJ fou llata Alwars Bootb e,8Tw &SJ&&rfi,, OASTOIIXA' ,. .-lMMai"!; BIgiuUr awm Svr SAFE CRAGKERS ROB P05T0FFIGE FreBno, Cal., Dee. 'i. -Although tho yesldonta of Klugsbnrg, nr hero, heard dynamite explosions earlv this morning, tho robbery of tho po8tofllco nnd the store of 3. Davis & Company, was not dUcovuml nntll the places woro oponjod ror buelnofta today. PLAY PEEKA600 WITH POLICEMEN Chler or Police Gibson, nccom panled by OfllcoiB Welch nnd Hum phrey?, mndo an Investigation or n report coming Into tho Marshall's of flco yesterday afternoon to tho ef fect that a band of hoboos woro camping near tho City View como tory, but could find no trnco nor sign of the parties. After a thor ough cenrch of that vicinity, the patty wero returning to the city when thoy observed n man's head sticking up bohlnd n clump jf bushes and upon soliciting the ac qnintnnce with the owner, the of ficers could find no trace of him. Whoro ho went or whom he was, tho pollco aro at loss to know. 0 r A California farmer told. the Gov ernment Country Life Commission thnt ho would let In Chinese, ar whlto labor Is no good. SHornmonto, Cnl., Dec. 1 1). Burkhalter, Huperlntonden' of the Saoramento division of the Southern I'liclflo, died at 7 o'olocw tlus morn ing in the railway hospital at this ' iiu lie suffered ,1 gei.einl break .iwn while on an Inspection trl, idvornl days ago, and never recov ered. IIo had boon lit tho continuous ser vice of tho Southoru Pnclfio for 3fi yoars, and was tho oldost, biu one, iuporlntondont In tho sorvlco of the Ilarrlpuin lines. ELOPING COUPLE CAUGHT ON TRAIN Butte, Mont., Dec. 5. An elop ing couple, Charles Erless, a well known hardware merchant of Clove land, S. D., and Miss Elsie Pomeroy, a 17-year-old girl front tho same town, are undor arrested her oJay. town, aro under arrest hero today (leers yesterday afternoon Just as thoy woro about to board a train for Dgdon, whero they proposed to wol. O Mr tli .jaitw Iha Hind ou Hats Always toghl Bishop's Ready Tailored RAINCOATS Ik I 0W te the time of year that a me- W dium weight raincoat is a necessity, . . ..i t hu and no man who is caieiu. . . health can do without. We are showing at this time a large and carefully selected stock of raincoats in the season's favored colorings, gray, tan an black. They are rich, aristocratic looking garments of full length, with plain or mi' tary collar; backs are cut semi-fu" a the collars are of velvet or goods same coat.. The cloths are of brighter patte of cheviots or vicunas. All guaranteed . cravenetted rain-proof. Price coFTKlaHT , y imc mKim o MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING H MICHtClS, BTCKN ICO HOCHIITt. HI v $1 5.00 to $30 Salem Woolen Mill Store