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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1908)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BA1XM, OBMQQN, MONDAY, K0VEMI1ER 30, 1008. W. fr.'d HJH l A-MVrnV" PROSPERITY HUNTER'S GREEN FOR YOUNG MEN A New Color, "ECRU" and a new shape received by ex press today. $3.00 Each flic New anaoK 111 nms. tt nave mem. $3.QO Each In a country like this, where PROSPERITY is the badge of MERIT, the man with a suit that doesn't look like MONEY is bound to fall short in universal admiration. No man can stand still in America. We are a race of PROGRESSIVES and we must either go forward or ir be run down by the crowd. We have no time for has-beens or going-to-be's. The man who is there jrst with both feet is the one who receives the glad hand, and the first thing oticed usually is the DRESS he ascumes. How often do you hear the werds: "So and So must be prosperous, he wears fine clothes," or "his CLOTHES are shabby-he's on his uppers" Gentlemen, there is no getting away from the important fact that CLOTHES are accepted EVERYWHERE as the outward badge of a man's prosperity, and PROSPERITY is It with a capital "I." OBSERVE the clever lines on the suit op posite. . Compare the same styles with other models shown around town and you will be astonished at the wide difference. The suit shown is one of our nobby "RACSO" tailored garments, retailing $20 to $40 the Suit Exclusive Men's Shop 388 State Street Everything for Men I men Pel t if9aemWMAf-.9W mxSammw I. stfjf LVV 1 Exclusive Men's Shop 388 State Street Everything for Men OBLEMEN PARTOOK FREELY AND AMERICANS WILL CAUSE TROUBLE (United Press Leased Wire.) )akland, Cal Nov. 30. Cortaln ito members of Iho Sons of . thfc oerlcan Revolution nro bolloved to preparing a complaint today to bo wenieg two French consul general ire, against his secrotary, Cointo J. aiiroy u'Auuans, who with prlnco vretman, a Sweaish nobleman, a party of ladles, aro accused of having hilariously Interrupted a banquet of tho Revolutionary so ciety InBt Saturday night. According to mombors of tho so ciety, tho noblomon and tholr la dles wero In tho public dining room of tho hotol St. Mark, whor covora for 40 or moro Sons woro sot. Tho program of speeches for tho ban queters was about to bogla wjion Grand Opera House John F. Cordray, Manager Monday Evening, 8:3(Wclock Grand Concert Recital Maud Powell Trio MAUDE POWELL-World's Greatest Woman Violinist May MukleWorld's Greatest Woman Cellist Anne Ford-Distinguished English Pianist XOTP the concert given In Portland last Wednesday night. No member 23, tho greatest enthusiasm ever accordod a musical f lebrlty was given this splendid trio. Every paper In the city acknowledged it to bo THE REST PORTLAND HAD EVER IUD I'RICKS-i.oo, 73c, BOc. Sa,e i,ns for Subscribers Monday nt Theatre box office at 9 A. M. 83,6 !iens for general public at Theatre Box Office at 12 o'clock noon couvlv'nl noises nro Bald to havo como from tho table whoro tho prlnno and tho count wero sontod with their fair companions. Tho Roverond E. E. Dakor, 0110 of tho spoakors who was interrupted, lator (Ioclared that tho noblomnu or dorod champngno and bocamo quite oxubornnt. Twlco tho Sons sent n woltor to their table to roquost lew nolso, only to rocolvo a ronponio from the prlco to tho orroct that tiie Revolutionists should "hlro a hall." A Jelogatlon of six Rovolutlonno Sons thoroupon appronchod the titled aristocrats and announced Its collec tive lntntlon of forcibly oJecUug them, Prlnco Von Vrotman showol fight but as ho said subsoquontly, ho saw relnforcomontB coming from tho banquot tablo and rnthor than In volvo his companions In nn unploas- nn nrnno JlO cr.lCOfllllV WltlldrOW. Lator tho prlnco donlod that his tmriv hnil (rented anv dlsturbnnco other than applaud tho slngors nt tho banquot. Ho took tho position that a? tho banquot was hold In the pub lic dining room and as ho had or dered a mppor and pnld for It, ho was entitled to talk and enjoy him self as much as ho pleased within itin onnflnm nt nrnnrlotV. Tho Sons declare that they wll bring tho matter boforo tho consul gonoral, who Is, they assort, nn honorary momhor of tho mcW They moreover profess to bo Inaig nant with tho hotol management for not ojoctlng tho party at their r- aUTho prlnco and tho count gallant ly refused to reveal tho Identity of the ladles whom they wero ontertalu- lnB- o When the doctor Is called be asks: "How aro the bowels?" They are generally wrong. His visit migni havo been saved by a timely dose of Lane's Family Medicine, liOWJH OK SORROW HELD NEXT SUNDAY Tho Elks lodgo will hold tho an nual memorial sorvlco In honor of deconsod mombors nt tho lodgo hall in this city noxt Sundny. .. o Cold.-! and Croup In Children, "My llttlo girl Is subject to coldd," boy has boon pjovontcd many times from having tho croup by tho tlmoly says Mrs. Wm. II. 8orlg, No. 41 Fifth street, Whoollng, W. Vn. "Lnst win tor sho had a sovoro spoil and a tor rlblo cough, but I curod hor with Chomborlnln's Cough Romody with out tho aid of a doctor, and ray llttlo by all dcalors. 0 Twonty-ono Chinese confined In a detention shod In San Frnnolsco, cut tholr way out and oscapod. O" COFFEE Good is so good and poor is so poor; have Schilling's Best tomor row. Tour i roctr f tlaroi 1 r ? U ton itn'l Ilk II; w pir blm Tho building of tho Albany can nory Is progressing rapidly nnd should bo complete by noxt spring o UouMo Trrnt a Sprain. Sprnlns, swotting and lamonosa aro promptly rollovctl by Chambor laln's Liniment. This llnimont ro ducon Inflammation and soronoss 00 that a sprain may bo curod in about ono-thlrd tho tlmo roqulrod by tho msunl troatmont. 2G and 50 contu slzos for snlo nt Dr. Stono's drug ttore. President RoosovoR, for his Afri ca hunting trip, has had a plaster cast of his foot taken ana is Hav ing four especially ordered pairs of shoes made. . Tho annual Instltuto or tho Linn county touchers opons nt Albany to-day. o DoWltts' llttlo Early Risers, tho famous llttlo llvor pills, Sold by all druggists. A Pendleton farmer has suggested u plan to tax automobllos to help pay for good roads In Umatilla coun ty. . 0 A Pccullnr Wrench of tho foot or nnkle may produco n very sortous sprain. A sprain b moro painful than a break. In all HpraitiB, cuts, burns nnd scalds Dnl lnrd'n Snow Llqlmont la tho host thlngto ubo. Rollovos tho pain In stantly, reduces swelling, is a por foct nntlRoptlo nnd heals rapidly. Prlco 26c, 6O0 and f 1.00. For snlo use ot thin syrup. This romody U for solo nt Dr, Stone's drug storo, 0 Rov. C. W. Ross, aormnn Evan gollcal minister, of Canby, dlod nt Oregon City Sunduy. Two thousand coko ovens havo re sumed work In West Virginia. Grand Opera House JNO. F. COItnUAY, Mgr. Tuesday, Dec 1 A. W. Cross prwiit The Capable Actor Mil. EDMUND CARROLL IN WALKER WHITESIDE'S GREATEST COMEDY SUCCESS We Are King Tho Orogonlan of November 23. says: "Wo Aro King." Is one of the Dost and Cloanost Comedies n In Portland In a long, long time Tho company Is excellent, and Stage Set tings Elaborate." Price : 75c, 50c, 25c. Seat sale at box offlco Tuesday 9 u.m tf iiitt itf fimM MEAT BARRELS ii Wo carry In stock Now IJtir- ! . 1 1 rols Bultablo for meat, fish, ; !! kraut, oldor, vinegar, butter, ! etc., all sizes from 10 gallons 1 1 ;; up to 50 gallons. SALT All tho best grades of salt for tablo and stock, also lump salt for Bhoop and cattlo. Our J prices aro tho lowost in tho Z f city. We Carry a Complete Line of the Best Rubber Goods On the Market Following Are a Few Which We Are Putting Out At Special Prices: MARVEL WHIRLING SPRAYS TULLAR'S WHIRLING SPRAYS NIAGARA WHIRLING SPRAYS FOUNTAINS AND COMBINATIONS RUBBER SPONGES RUBBER COMPLEXION BRUSHES RUBBER COMPLEXION CUPS HOT WATER BOTTLES RUBBER GLOVES PHYSICIAN'S RUBBER GLOVES RUBBER DISH GLOVES NIPPLES OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES ii D. A. White & Sons!; ; ; 225 Commorolal St., Phono 160 Salem, Oregon. CflHHWW ! RED CROSS PHARMACY Cor. State and Commercial St