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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1908)
- ?A1LT APn,AL J0PyAL. BALTCM, OKKgOW, MONDAY, NOVEMBER Iff, 1008. ;losing )ut Our 'ortieres J. L. STOCKTON THE WHITE CORNER Sale of Rainproof Dress Goods M all times our Drives can be found lower and our auailites dependable. Several mis- hitiers have told us durlnec the Dast week that our regular prices were lower than tha Ler store's sale prices, This is no surprise to us, as we know full well that our eco nomical methods of conducting business and our system of buying for cash direct from he manufacturer enables us to undersell the ordinary merchant, IloSing Out Portieres High grade "Art Loom" Por- llercs In new patterns. 15.75 vnltics for $-l.r0 -,50 nlues Tor. ..'... .-.'. f."5.00 115 00 values for 911.00 16 50 values for.... .... 912.00 End a few I IS curtains ror ?io pair. Harald Square Umbrellas A n, w shipment reached tis iauril v Tho hnvo the now lt,i; Inn II i tipped with stor es c u. niii,iii:pvs r.MimELLAS. Ladies' Neckwear AnortuT lot en mo Saturday. Our 25c specials are equal to or dinary GCc vnluos and our lCc fecials uro equal to 25c values. XKCK RIFFS, $i!l.."0 to s7.n0 A n t Wi ll 4: i -it of fancy hnn ' ', irnokri, it. SI. (Ml anil Hl.'Jn ft Read's Rainproof SUITINGS Mndi by tho Old Quaker Wcnv or, who makes Lnndsdowno and illrr goods of merit. $1.50 and $1,75 vnluos reduced to 91.20. Head's name stamped on tho goods Is a gunrnnteo of quality. Head will not soil tho usu of his trndo-mark to other mills. Bj coJffiB Mllllll If bnssndor Tang Shao Yl, -will noon nr rivo here 0 ntho Pacific Mall steam ship Mongenela and will await ad vices hero In San Francisco before proceeding to Wnshlngon. IVTw I '9 T 99 "! I ft ! IftltB IVI0I0IGICE9 19lf Snn 703U Great Reduction in Suits Wo offer our entlro stock at surprising prices, which range from $.".(!(! to 9in.()0. Some nro reduced three-fourths, ho 1110 one-half and somo 0110- fourth, etc., etc. ISKiTCl 0 O 0 o..! 0 o o o 0 o city news 0 00000000 I'm-sdny strong m kilit aiii iiinmut aiiil llictly hIiuR fn In Portland : HnM oa t'rer r taurnnt, 330 Wnsh-' envoys . o-o-d rW'ii Dliincr It tho In!' ii, in church. WedncK- Novrt ' is. from 5 to S ck If n limiPi 2Bo. 11-1G-3L . ItlRtlon, i luiertnkor Fy progressive, un-to-dnto I equipment, lnrgest Btock. 10-21-eod-tf. ' Place Eleven barber chalra. 1'. Scott .V Co., Real Jfctntc tnm 1 i'r ro Imiv sell, rent Me hW IntH or farms, will U 'o call ci us. 540 Stnte st. 11-16-tf. n DIiiiut . the I'ni'arMn church, Wednos- NOVfr ' IS. frnni R In R k p in ,1 nnrP ok ll-lC-3t. Fclloni tttntlmi Blbcra rf (h, niekntn Inilirn. I. F nro i nacstod to meet at Ihjll Ti I Vnvnmliai. 17 .nt ftl(K.t r n , ,tj.n1 li fnnnrnl b Uo --), Qoo. A. Pueblos. Nerrff, m ,rla. nohln crnnil. " to WinI ounv f f i f.". '8 ri i, 1 1 n iuuod mar- ii Geo. A. MIU la n. Waltman, p11 Prnlrl. wn Iln.i tSe Jt r ,,, N:vct' k ci 1 kf'i IHiuifr h 11 roh. Wed n es s from 5 to 8 r 25o." ll-lC-3t. ' 'UVar,Bn rroh. Wednoi l" P ni jinn,, 25o. 11-1C-31. lit rif o . . . ttt nrii rr imi nmi raornui? to visit with Mr ntid t- i t CaNV.h Winter street. F h', Pa-eat GHINESE AFFAIRS (ContlnMCd front pauo 1.) ho awaiting them but It Is antici pated by the envoys that tho Jour ney will not be Impeded. During heir stay nt Honolulu tho landed and paid olllclal re spects to Governor Freer mid the Chlnosu consul. I'pnn visiting the oomuilnto the travellers lonrnod of tho doath of the emperor but not of tho dowager omproflH. Tho rumor that Socrotary Chung dentil of the emperor occurrod nftor death of the empress. Tho announce ment was made by an olllclal of the Imperial government who stated that the dowager empress, Tsxe Hsl An. had died Saturday morning and Hint tho emporor hnd dlod Saturday even ing at C o'clock. It Is strongly suspected here that both tho Chlnoso rulers wore murdor ed either directly or by slow poison It Is known that the emperor and the dowager empress had not been frlondly for years because of tin progressive ondoncloH of the em peror. It Is thought horo that both rulers died as ho roan It of an eluli Prnnclsco. Nov. 1G Prlnen Tsal Fu, nephew of tho late Emperor Kwnng Hsu, next In sonlorlty for olo vatlon to tho Imperlnl throno, lost his opportunity to rule tho Chinese na tion, by accepting tho post of envoy to America In tho commission or thanks for tho remission of tho Box er Indemnity by tho United States. Whether Prince Tsal was a victim of circumstances or tho plot of high enemies who anticipated tho emper or's death and determined tho suc cession to suit themsolvcs has not hb yet been established. It is bollevcl hy leading Chinese hero todny that Prince Tsal was the victim of a court clique that surrounded tho dowagor empress and was forced to accept tho post that would tako him from China at a time when tho death of tho otn peror was dnlly oxpectod. It Is believed horo by Chinese In touch with homo nffnlrs that Prlnco TfiI nns di-1'borat-lv shelved to per mit tho ascension of Pu Yu tho pres ent 3-year-old emporor. At tho time tho death of the empress was not ex pected and It Is believed that the empress and her ministerial rolgn planned to control tho situation. Tho calculation!! were overthrown by tho death of tho dowager. Pu Yl, In the absenco of Prlnco Tsal, ascend ed tho throne but tho strong hnnd of his father Prlnco Chun as regent, took control of national affalra and the awakonlng of China is predicted. Tho now rcgont is strongly sup ported by tho Dow Wong Wooy and Hb branches which form tho modorn Ist parties and thoy nro exultantly predicting tho rnpld advanco of Chi na and tho dismissal of tho corrupt ministers who surrounded tho dowager. of tlin nninbnsRiidor'R saff Is to sue coed Minister W11 nt Washington' orate web of Intrigue that tins been was not confirmed by tho diplomats.; woven with Chlnoso pntlonro In the Ihnpros TV0 INI An Dead. .coslestlal cour for many yours. Sundny's tolegrnniH say: An Imporlal edict Issued todny pro- Tszo Hal An, ho dowager ompross clalmod Prlnco Chun, the broher of of China, nutocrnlc bond of tho gov- the dead omporor. rogont of China ornmont, which she had directed and Pu Yl, his Hon, the rpperor without successful lntorforonco Blnco Tho Jnpnnoso pross 1b unnnlmous in 18G1, nnd without proUst since 1 881 .hoping for penco In China. died nt 2 o'clock his nftornoon. Prlnco Chun Is a modornlst. Is noil Tho announcement of tho downger 'acquainted with tho forolgn residents ompross' doath was ofllclnl nnd Tol-.of tho empire and promlsos to roln- lowed closely upon tho announce- clde with modern idoitB nnd clvlllra- nmnt Hinl Tfwniiir Hsu. tho Ollinoror. tlOll. 1 Mr,re'.,,t ..... r'oi-,, T'4 "'" 'or I'ortiaud 'm .w. t HMUI t - n V. 87 or Wt Tllf- had dlod yesterday at C o'clock In; tho afternoon, but it Is bolloved the deaths occurred a considerable tlmo boforo that sot down In tho ofllclnl statement. An edict Issued nt S o'clock placed upon tho throno Prlnco Pu Yl. tho 3-yonr-old son of Prlnco Chun, tho rogont of the omplro. In accordance with u promise glvon by tho dowugor ompross soon nftor the marrlago of Prlnco Chun In 1903. An odlet 1s Biiod Trlday made Prince Pu Yl heir presumptive. It was announced thnt the legation guard was ordered out at "the spe olal call of the legations, on account of tho emperor's doath." Prlnco Chun, the regent, has or dorod tho viceroy's and governors to take preonutions for tho continuation of tho administration of tho pro vinces as herotoforo. and he has or dered a hundred days of mourning. Tho court will go Into mourning for three yonrs. Moth Die Alone. At tho palace olaborato rites are bolng obsorved. A flood of edicts has been sent forth. Deathbed observances of 3000 years ago marked ho passing of the emperor nnd dowager. They died alone nnd unattended, nlthought sur rouhded by circles of abject suecta tors who remained a rod distance. as on .nccount of the snored persons of their majesties they could not be( nnnrnnohed. The emperor died as no nan mr-u. without ministration of whatevr kind or Helentlftc aid. For months ho had refined to permit the wrvic" of forolgn physician, and although It was stated tbi he had gone bark tn tha ni frrm of mdcl trejm'i it Is blevd th't Utterly he rec!vod Envoy Prlnco T'Snl, who with m- A Standing Offer Dr. ., i'- 17 c no trentineni ai LUrMwii,, cf v . ' " T TV . Vr r-,... . " peraona hfvo f" d. . . - V OH tba .1. !.... i,.....l. Pnkiliml , ,,7, ' o,h,a, f," here today from a high official ..-.- ,,';' We nt Pekln thlt th- d-.-v R-r en... ts a are In- of CU,D. d, , f.iU , , 8t Sit ,rd morning at 2 30 o'clock aad that the Stone's Drug Store will sell any article, nnv moJIclne. anv bottle of patent medicine, aii box of pills or enko of soap, for I conts loss than any eut-rato, nd vortlsod by any drug storo In Sa lem ai a Special Monday Sale This proposition applies to an special cut rate salo by any drug fctore for any day or time Compare OurPrices HENEY (Continued from pngo 1.) tho surfaco and the operation was comparatively simple. While tho pntlent haB a lltMo fev er, tho Burgeons say thnt all Indica tions nro favorablo and thoy do not oxpect any serious complication. Mrs. Honey, who hnB not left her husband's bcdsldo slnco ho arrival at tho hospital Friday evening, re mained outside tho oporntlng room with Rudolph Sprocklos. When Honey wns returned to his bed, his wife again took up hor wntch and tho pntlent appeared to be clear In mind nnd to bo out of pnln. District Attorney Lnngdon called upon Honey early this morning nnd conversed with him on various sub jects. "He grnsped my hand," said Lnng don, "nnd his grip was ns strong nnd linn a sovor. I talked with him on severnl mnttors of Importance. oil Is In fine condition nnd In n most agreeable humor." Thore Is a general feeling of re lief about tho honpltal since tho bul let has been removed ns thoro wuh general fellng thnt It would ennso blood poisoning o " SHERIFF MIMO LANDS MAN WHO BORROWED WATGH O. II. Hook, alleged to have stolen gold watch from W. H. Engel, or Prntum InBt September, was loenloo Hiid arrested Sunday by Sheriff Mint on tho M. U. Jones' fnrm. No trnco of Hook could bo found nftor Engel had charged him with tho theft until Sunday, ho having kopt his where abouts unknown for somo months Hook was nrralgnod boforo Police Judgo Mooros this morning nnd ho plead not guilty on tho grounds ho had Just borrowed the tlmo piece from Iiiigel, nnd had no Intention of stealing It. Time was given him In which to further dofond ngnlnst tho charge. Table Linens For Thanksgiving Owing to a docllno in factory prices tho now TAHLK DAMASK AVITH NAPKINS TO MATCH, which wo havo Just oponed, 1b much I bettor vnluo than has boon shown Blnco linens ndvnncod In prlco years ago. Your Thanksgiving dinner won't bo complete without ono of thoso now pnttorns wo'ro showing. It will pay you to buy your linens nt n storo where prices nro figured on the spot cash basis. Broken Lines in Men's Odd Pants Reduced 20 to 40 Per Cent to close thorn out quickly. Wo noed (ho room for our Holiday Goods, which will bo on display about Do- 'CMIlllUP 1. 208 Boys' Knee Pant Suits Just'placod on our Ilargnln Tnbluu nt 20 to 30 per cent reduction; 187 Young Men's Long Panta Suits 011 our llurgnln Tables nt 20 to CO por cent reduction. 112 Men's Suits On our Bargain Tables nt 20 to 30 per cent reduction. Don't over look theso speclulB If you need anything In tho clothing lino. IJ& tr't&d wad COT-fr a s r?t. f&UsC& Ts Yre 7sste4', cJroi'. Wsji WE I'NDKItKKMj UKdl'ljAU STOKES Wo close eveiy evening except Suurduy nt 5.30. I I I I-a4-t--h4-f-f -KaVf -t--t--MH-tH-H-H) I I COURT HOUSE NEWS! BALLOON (ContliiAiod from pngo 1.) height of 2700 feet pulled tho tap cord mi dcumo hurling through space to within 50 feet of tho groiindlu two minutes. Hastily ridding ourselves of the rest of our ballast, wo landod In safety, mar. i Despite our terrific fall we full no sensation oilier tliait a iremuuuouH pressuro In our bonds, which (mused blood (o ilow from my noso mid ours. Wll-nnd COFFEE Insist on the roaster's name ; never mind the country it grew or is said to have grown in. Vwr ewe, rclurm jroui inenejr II jrou o'l Uie Schlttioii'i Dent, w pijr blta ..A potltlon was presented to tho county Judgu by Floyd KobortMon mid wife asking the udoptlon of Jo Hephluo Uuaty. TI10 roiuet' was granted by tho court. County Clerk Allan Isaued rlugo HcenuoH today to Win. E, cox, ago 20, of Oakland, Cal. f'nrrlo l(iinnli ni'fi 'jn nt Rnlnin I I)ml Trans fen. DoWltt'a KIdnoy nnd Dlnddor J. H.nnd H. S. McFnrland to i. VlUo nro unoqunlod In canes of weak Q. Douil, 10 acroa In T. 5, B. II. I back, backacho, Inflnmatlon uf the W. W. D. JCOO. .hlnddor, rhoumatlo pnlnB, Antlsoptle Jda M. Fmmqh to P. M. Martin, nnd net promptly. Bold by nil drug lot 0 In town of Woodburn. W. D gUts. J. C. and M. E. Iloynl to Minnie. c3A.fiIOXlXA. Duncan, lota 3. 4. 5 and fl. blk. 10. 1 -,lt3 KwJ Yw Hat Alam Bougtf Turner. W. I). flfiOO. , PlgwUr. II. II. nnd M. M. Hpauldlng to J. , " M. and W. M. Welch, 103.S0 acroa In T. 7. B. It. 2 W. W. W. H000 John Miller ot ux to M Hock, ft aoros T. fi, 8. H. 1 W. W. D. $260. W. J. Culver ot ux to J. L. Iluslok irnrt of lotM 19 and 20, Capital Park Add to Salem W. D. $.412. 'Cyr-.f-r 'y, lii6ie 1 MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. roill) Ovor I.ndd & Hush's Finnic, Salem. Or Livestock IlecclplH. Chicago, Nov. 16 KecelpU, hogs, 62.000; cattlo, H.000; sheop, -10,-1100. Hogs opened todny 10 conts lowor. Loft ovor, 12,800; roco'pU vear ago, 31,000. Mixed. $5,105,116; hoavy, $5.75 G. 96; rough, $5.25' 5. GO; llg,bt. $6,504(1.76. Catle, 10 to 25 conts lowor. Sheep, 10 to 20 cants lower. Kaii'as City. Mo . colpU, hogs, 15,000; sheep, 5000. Nov. 10. Ite oattlo, 18.000; 1 r-. . . rjlliw7 8 . 8a-d th. Oniaha, Nob.. Nov. 10. Receipt, hrgg, 3600; cattlo, 7100; shoap, 18. 000. n Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup moves tho bowels gently. Contains no polatos. It U ploasant to take and children especially like the tast4, so nearly like maple sugar. Sold b all dr.iggt'ts Atbrnv V, Sunday vl'itor on the electric II. Holme wa a who ratiirB4 home train this morning. Try Kodol today on our guarantoo. Tako it for a little whllo, as that 'a all you will noed to'tako. ICodol di gests what you oat and makes tho stomaoh awoot. Sold by all druggists. STARR PIANO HIGH CLASS GOODS GEO. C. WILL DIED. IIAUMAN At th- statu Insane asy lum. Henry C. llauman, of Port land. Tho remains wore ont to his hoiuf on tho Oregon Hlcctrlc for burial. CAUL At tho atato uisano nsylum, MI- Agnes Carl, aged 33 years. Remains will be sent to Towns-Mid, Mont., by undertaker Rlgdon this nftornoon. o o o o o o o NEW TODAY o o o 0 o re DsWItt'i Carbollzed Witch Hail Salve It Is healing, cool'ng a"d ct-ans'ng It Is eppc'al'y good TREAD WAY At tlio family homo on the Itlckronll, Polk county, Mrs. Demp-ter Tread way, aged about 80 years. Tho family form erly lived In 8a Inn. The funeral will be held from the family home Tnowiay afternoon. d Interment In Lee Mission cemetory. Mind Your nuiliicswl If von don't nobody will. U te ronr huplnni- to keop out of all th trouble vou ran and vom enn and w"i I keep out a liver and bowel trouble if vou take Dr King's N'ew Llfo P11U Tliov kco') bl'iousncsi mnlar'n and fnunrllre out of your system 25c at I J, C Perry's drug store. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent . Olllco with Win. Ilrown & Co., No 29, Commercial street. ( ) o o o iih stenographer Address 175 8. Commorolal street. Phono 954. ll.lQ.3t For 8nl(3 Bovernl Iiousoh In Bnlom, mid farm lands at n bargain. Cap ital National Rank. G-l-eod For Renl Huany front rMim at 17r Soeith Commercial alret-t. Phono 964. ll-10-3t For UiMilk I'iimiIhIumI It'xiiu Newlv furnished front room bath, ele trip Uichfs. $1 2i ifr w.W 171 O O O () () O () () Wanted Position by bog'.nner. Co'iini -r 'at 1 1-1 e i To Unit ') room ' wl'h ha r'o in E ( r I H Volloiml bank 11 1(3 3t .for k'He Sold by all druggl'U.