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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1907)
'j'W'H"''' "'TOT??? w$jgt? " pjY0im$?$ ...vv DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 13, 100 4 SOME NEWS AND MUCH GOSSIP OF NEW YORK mwmmmmmmmmmmmfmnBmss:sssrsssssii SwSmmmKmuMtmBMammmMKmtmpF' III ! Illi I MMttMli I ! Ill I II III 111 ' ' W. WW!SWPJP'',.vr' 'ffiffljjffiffffMBjWPIffP i 3- "--"' .rvFiz -(: '.to ' .'JmudiKfOTr'T.-imGBBwr t ujsnnnHn ' ' t .' " : - v --Raj -" -.' i'mrJTB -fWM'' Ky, &$ TWlWiWrnW K '"" ., ' iimimm,mwwwB,iiimii,bi,ww; R- i fc f L rf 'Epwof 111 League Plcnlo-Floallng Law Office-Immense Meteorltc-Ncgro Who Posed As An Apache Chief and a Whale With a Wooden Tail-All Sub Jccls for the Idle ' Now York, July 13. Evor nnd tinon, and nt timed moro frequently, ttmno preacher, philosopher or prophet arises to remark Hint Now York la n postholo of corruption or words to Hint effect, nnd Hint tho city anil nil that tlicroln abldo aro Hados hont toward tho fnto of Sodom nnd J3n'n Francisco. A fow months ago n delegation of promlnont clergy rnon i:tiTlod upon President nooue Volt, boHcochlng liltri to iihc tho "big doconcy. Frankly, gross personal fnmlllnrjty wus epidemic. Tho mis conduct of tho throo couploit In Hi-.' prow of tho hont fndod Into Inslgnl ennco wlion comparod with equal or more flagrant Immodesty on tho part of tho host on tho uppor deck, nnd tho realization that nowhero on tlu grcnt Htonmor with its 2500 passen gers wns thoro n Hoctlon where mod- osty could Bit unnhaRhod. "And that top deck onco morn. tillck" In an offort to Atom tho tldo Tho awnings had hoon removed and 'of 'Immorality that threatens to ovor-.a palo, mlHty moon lit up tho scone 'flow tho city. A Catholic prloBt un- 'nouncod that Oontrnl pnrk wns tho cono every night of orgies nnd revels Hint would put Ilncchus on tho blink. 'rho Intent critic Is a goutlomnn from turo nor 'Qoorgln, who hnH discovered that tho .young people worn not Ideal, but Hen 1-oIlglDiin as woll as tho worldly poo- mial, not artistic, but animal. They Plcttirofln.uo? Arcadian In Its sim plicity nnd Its dlsrogurd of all con vention. An oporn-bourfo picture only ono know that It was not a pic- nn oporn-bourfo. TIioho . plo of tho mertopolls nro morally 'contninlunted. Ho uies two columns In Ids homo pnpor to dosorlbo tho nhooldng Hlglits wltuossod on a timmor oxcurslon to West Point tin vtl or no loss ros)uctablo auspices than 110 Epworth League. Tho wholo 'lory la unprintable, deolaros tho "tJraokor prltle, who evidently Is tin- unmiHtoinud to public demonstrations of nlfootlon. "It was nightfall, wlion the rottirn "trip began, that the fun begun also," viltos tho goutlomnn from Goorglu. "Did I nay fun? Let mo correct that word at ouuo and say shame- woro In tho garden of Daphuue, or riding with Dido In Phoenician wutors or Cloopatrn on, tho N'llo. " 'Disgusting!' tho Oeorgln woman oxolnlmod, when sho saw n pocullnr ly lavish caress. " 'John you'ro plnchod,' yelled n unnrby youth as ho burled his lips In tho nook of thu young woman by his sldo. "Ono woninn hnd two lovors. To ono Mho loaned lijur shoulder ns a pillow, while to Clio othor sho gavo up hor kiiooo for a routing plnco for his woary brow. "Do you Hoe nnythlng you llko? till AM 13- without nny mliiolug ofbrnzonly Inqulrod a young man who that word or emphasis on that word isnt at the top of a companion way, Hundreds of couptoR woro sitting or lying on tho docks, embracing each othor with utterly open nnd shame less freedom. "Our Georgia party had gottnu far 'forward" on tho second deck, nnd tho members' being of nil ago whou quiet wise Ih pleasant, had moved nnoiu none nt nil during the first hour on lhn down trip. In their front wore Tour young man and four young "Women, hoys and girls In reality. Attor a Hello thoso young people bo vitmn affectionately disposed growing rapidly fiom bud to worso. Th y.lrlM' heads wink on the boys' should urn and the boy arms wont around tho glrU' waist tf this position grew vuatlsouitt, thu position was re versed, and the girls did tho hug 'Klhg, whllo thu boys did the head renting. Honiellmeti both parties to tho uiiibrneliiK business pnrsuod It ultuultnuuously i' fondlod nnd bolug foudlod. "Ilnh! Tho story Isn't half told. It can't bo told In print. Hut, Oh! Tho shnmo of It nil, Tor thoso who woro guilty know how to blasphemo their way through ninny a good old hymn." Doubtless, tlio story told by tho Georgia orltlc Is true. Certainly, It represents a very doplorablo condi tion of affairs. Now York young po plo aro not likely to lie convinced of tho error of their way. howover. and will llkulj continue linn In the be lief that the reformers nro masticat ing "sour gnipoi." Monnwhlle, the ii t result of the Ooorglun's criti cisms will probably be to Increase (ho attendance at hlnworth Lonuuv excursions. I'loutlng Idnv Oltlce. One of the novel sights ro wtt nosswd on the lfinst rlwr Is a float ing law ollloo. Joe Levy, a criminal "Wlion tlio imnil struoK up tik attorney whose clientele is among Old Time Uullglnn Is (loud Uliouglt the denizens of the wt ii nn.i for Me.' those eouples slig their way through the liymn In truly ptrfervld Htylo. who Is bettor known as the "Duke of lBsse.v Slreot." Iihh ustabllshed olll- vw on a barge Unit runs from th , "Shortly afterward ono of the Correction dock, at Twenty-sixth Cluorglu gentlemon, neoompaulod by Htroet, to Hlnokwull's Island. Not ills wuo. went on n sirou nun tuts is i""iy noes too uukw uudertnko to what they saw: hiivo criminals from tho clutches of "In tho roar of where thoy hnd t,,w luw ,u,t "fords a lloatlng havi-u luen sitting and on tho bench ngulnst jf01' 0,lll performing mnrrliiB the tuff mil woro long rows of oou- H,u,l'l not lot. Tho liurgo Is made plis. some violent, other quttweent. On the uiHior or hurrloauo deck thero wore, some sitting, some roollniug, - hundreds of oung people all mak ing disgusting speclnolos of thorn Molvos, and at the same time Htn ng religious lotnus Probably n thousand crsoiu woro on that uppor Ucck of the InrgiMt oxourslon bout In these waters, and It looked to Hint Ctoorglti uiun and woman us If ovory Itody lu sight hud lost nil urnse of CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking account enable folks to deposit their money &nd re ceive. passbook, against these accounts they are permitted to draw ckecks. Checks tuny be given to partial for such sums as desired, thus avoiding froquout trips to the tank. It Interests! call and set u. I S1W Static Rjutk on tho busj- streams by moans of a llnrlng sign which reads: "Float lug l.uw Otltce of Joe Levy, Duko of Wsiex Street. Mnrrlngos Porformod on This Poat." U'luile Hnd W.mhI.mi Tnll. Whether n third Interest lu a whulo with u wooden tnll Is worth 1600 Is to be settled shortly by the Now York courts. Wllllum Muhllg, nv. engineer, nlluges that ho paid that sum to ChrUt Heliham nnd August llrnun for niliaro In the big (lsh up on tho nssuranco that It wns n real dnd whale that cost J IB. 000 to pro- servo. Later, Muhllg utsorts, ho dls 'covered that tho whulo wns n fuko, (tbut Us tnll una made of wood cov ered with wuivnsthnt Its Inner nnat ony wns composed of Iron frmuo jwork uud that the- tongue was mudo t0f oloth stuffed with hu. UnwUlliiK to foist sueh nn Inuutslttou upon the public, Muhllg brought suit to rocov ot the $00 ho hud uLl to Hebham and llraun. A Jury before Judge (Lynn. In municipal ooutt. returned verdlot In favor of thd, defendants, but tho nppellnte court has just granted tho plaintiff a now trial. DlstluguUhed attorneys will appear for both sides and thoso for tho do- fonso will attempt to prow that $B00 U a ory modest nud reaionablo I umouut to uo paid for n third inter- est In a woovlou-talltd monster Mf tho il.tAn (The wvt trial was Rranletl upon the allegatloa that Judr Liun'a I j i l ii fgTT R KjuJnKEsSSHUi lW?MM&Wz$M i WB$ir wjS.fiidSBMSSlBBP"" Thlii Home Quocn Itnugo is a wondorfull) good Btovo, consider ing thu good qualltloB It possesses and comparod with othor ranges of higher price. Thoy nro good bakors, and are giving satisfac tion wiiorover sold. We soil them from A HAM G1IAXCI5 TO GI3T WHAT YOU WANT FOR THE HOME ron so Loxa a time at prices and terms that cannot HELP HUT APPKAL TO YOU. WI5 HAVE'AN IMMENSE STOCIC OF FURNITURE, DRAPERIES, RUfiS, LACE CURTAINS AND HOME FURNISHINGS. OUR FALL STOCK HA VINCI HEEN IJOUGHT EARLY IS ARRIVING EARLIER THAN USUAL. WE MUST HAVE i SPACE TO PUT THESE GOODS AWAY. COME IN A.VD LET US SHOW YOU ROW CHEAPLY YOU CAN FURNISH YOUR HOME. Our lino of dining tables i t $25 up i cortnlnly nppcnl to you. show you tho now doslgna, what cxcollcnt valuos I Btautlful polished toj stantini logs 3 WOfij is nndiS I si 11 1 11 M w 1 Ii r btv.v iiv ries ievmB. wwjMil fn in iiiiirf riaiMBy $15 f THE OLD RELI MILE SALEM V.VS STORE. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. THE OLD RELIA11LE SALEM GUN STOIIK. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. i ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE And tlu open misoii for hunting deer, that much MiuglU-for animal of tho ood, ulll be here. You I1I hoon take your vacation Ini uitotls or moiiiitiilie.. When jou go be mho your outtlt Is complete, t'omu to our store nnd let us outfit you ulth IMilnK tackle, gutiJ llelow are some of the articles Miltnblo fir use in the wools or meuntains: ammunition. p2lngtgri - Autoloading' Rifle. Tho latest stylo big gnmo rltle comos In 26-35, 32, 30-30, 35 cnl Ibro Flros six shots automntlcally by slmplj pressing the trigger for ouch shot. Price $25.00 1 Jtl SIGHTS Wo curry In stock Lyman, Marble nnd Shonrd's rlllo sights. We tit the sight and sight the rifles. .sKzMVH BOOTS WTe huvo been bundling tho fumons 'moh 131k" line of Hunting Roots far v Uirue yoara. Thj" art rst cla'ss. as wo can wvn $ wr customers. MARBLE GOODS Wo havo a complete lino of tho Mnrblo Axo Company's specialties for out door people, such ns CAMP AXES RELT HATCHETS WATERPROOF .MATCH ROXES COMPASSES RIFLE SIGHTS HUNTING KNIVES FISH KN1VE S !h fl F"3c LfVll OIL When you go to the const or mouutalns do not forget gun greaso and oil. TACKLE ; FINK FISHING TACKLE j IT IS OUR 10 Wo aro flshormon oursel and try out tho now things In J Ing tackle before wo offer U to our customers. Our "AJ brand of trout flies caunot1 beat. Ask for the "Karaloo? "Yellow King' 'or "McGli They have proven great kl" Our No. 010 rod, at $3.00,' bargain. LINES, REELS, RODS, HASW LEADERS, SPOONS- j COME IN AND GET A COPY OF THE NEW GAME LAWS Headquarters (!izuAMMfjU mm