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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1907)
3?! I EEp ittoj net Jam. Sit ic! Ml UN 11h " I, DAILl CAPITA L JOURNAL, SALEM, ORDION MONDAY, JULY 8, 1007. Us afford indty, too, rodaj 1 tti 't to. HAIL PLEASANT VALLEY other dolatorlQtia forms of food; ltjwith detachable designs and nil- i,wi Stones Measuring Two Inches in Diameicr imihc wnu tr si . i whit Is claimed by the older cltl .. the worst storm In tho STorrof PlMnt valley, vlalte.1 ,m section day before yesterday at t the noon hour. People were Mrtiklng of tho noonday meal, and !rr Probably were contemplating 0W., of tho Fourth for the ceicu"""" -- 1 following day, when suddenly he heavens grew gray and tho wind mm to blow. The day had been liber warm and sultry but that at mosphere was lifted as If by magic md In its place camo n cold air as If blowing from an Iceberg. Show- en of ram ien n "'- ...w. .... . ione time, then camo tho hailstorm m Ml Its fury. Tho rattlo of tho froxen missiles was deafening, stock na for shelter and many head suf fered from tho stones which bent mercilessly upon them. Window jliss crashed and shattered In every house and for a time oven mu iiuu ple wth steady nerves did not know wbat to think of tho gonoral appear ance of things. John Troy who Is farming sovoral hundred acres of land In Plonsant rtllrr this year wns In town yester day and In speaking of tho storm, ho aid "I hnve lived in tnnt section ot th? country for a quarter of a con tory and I never hnvo soon n Btorm equal It, I measured Bomo of tho hill ione ns soon as I dnrod leave shelter nnd they mi)isurod two Inches through many woro largo as hens fggs when thoy fell. Tho dnm ige cannot be estimated that has been dono to crops nnd fruit by this storo. Tho ryo and alfalfa woro very flno but for a spneo of two nlles, tho distance the storm travel ed, It Is all lnld flat to tho ground. Fruit In that snmo district Is torn from tho trees nnd ovon tho sago brush was stripped of Its leaves. A lime kiln down tho gulch wns sot on fire by tho storm. Every window glisi In my house was broken. It Is hard to estlmnto tho lo3s I will suf fer hut I could say It will bo at least 11500" Mrs. A. D. Fleming, who lives near Pleasant valley, is In town to day and in speaking of tho storm there day before yostordny said that It was rery bnd. Sho described it as t water spout and stntod that ono raii'h which te operated by a man "E-d Johnson is almost n total week, At the Whltohoad ranch n Mr ami her bnby woro roscucd Just In tiran fo savi? thorn from tho ter rible flood provides a $500 flno, with imprison ment optional at tho discretion of tho court, for tho first offense caao of subsequent convictions a flno of not less than $1000 or imprison ment. for one year, or both. In order to facilitate tho operation of tho law and to protect innocent retailors provision Is made in soction 9 "that no dealer shall bo prose cuted under tho provisions of this against Its regulations, and in the act when, ho can establish a guaran ty signed by tho wholesaler, jobbor, manufacturer, or other party resid ing In tho United States from whom ho purchases such articles to the ef fect that tho samo Is not adulter ated or mibrandeJ within the moan ing of this act, designating it." Sec tion 3 of the act provides that tho Secretaries of tho Treasury and Ag rloulturo and Comerco and Labor shall draft regulations for carrying out tho provisions of law. Under this soction tho Secretaries have ruled that the manufacturer may lllo a written guaranty with tho Sccrotnry of Agriculture, wlion ho will bo given a "serial number." This number must bo placed upon ovory packago of his goods and bo follow ed by tho words " guaranteed under tho pure food and drugs act, Juno 30, 190C." In a circular Issued last October, Secretary Wilson called "particular attention" to tho fact that this guaranty was not made by tho government, and did not exempt tho article from Inspection nor the manufacturer from prosecution. It Is, in fact, nothing moro than a statement by tho maker that tho con tents of tho pnekngo conform to tho provisions of tho now law, and Its purposo Is protection of tho retailor from prosecution in caao inspection and analysis show this statement to bo falso Such Inspections nnd an alysis will bo carried out at tho bureau of chemistry or tho Depart ment of Agrloulturo without roforJ, enco .to tho prosenco or nbsenco of guaranties on tho jvickngos. With such a drastic law on tho statuto books and elaborate provis ions for enforcing it, it is a trlflo ab surd to tsay that tho "consumer Is woro off than ho was boforo Its pan sago, when there wns practically no attempt mndo to prevent tho adul teration of most food products. It Is too much to oxpoct that within six months all tho evils at which tho law was aimed hnvo boon corrected, but that a great Improvement has occurred thoro seems littlo quostlon. Now York Globe. overs, the latter conslsttlng of dresses, boleros, small collars, sts of cellar: and cuffs, chemlsottes, plastrons and other neckwear woro In fair demand, while on tho othor hand there was scarcely any demand for handerchlofs, scarfs, etc. Prospects for 1907 ard regarded as being particularly favorable to tho Belgian real-laco trade. Consular Report. Deafness Cannot bo Cured by local applications, "as thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho oar. There Is only ono way to euro doafnees ,ond that is by constitution al romedloa. Doafnoao Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustnohlan Tube. When this tubo Is Inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or lmporfoct hear ing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is tho result, and unices tho inflammation can bo takon out and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo doBtroycd forevor; nine cases out of ton aro causod by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamod condition of tho mu oou surfneos. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,' O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hall'B Family Pills for con stipation. m4M I LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH YOUR GHOCI3K FOR EPPLEY'S PERFECTION RAKING POWDER. THERE'S A WELL KNOWN rav. ING, '"NEVER PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW WHAT CAN RE DONE TODAY." DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK OF THE SOUND LOGIC OF THIS PROVKRU? WISH sum. PLE ACT PROMPTLY AND PROFIT MY SAME. THE SOONER YOU GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE MANY GOOD QUALITIES POS SESSED 1IY EPPLEY'S PERFEC TION RAKING POWDER, THE RET TER SATISFIED YOU WILL RE WITH YOU RliAKING. TAKE THE ADVICE OF THE SAGES, AND BUY EPPLEY'S PERFECTION RAKING POWDER. School In session throughout tho summer. Plan now to ontor. 7 mmmmmmm Studonts may 'ontor at any timo. Tho soonor you bogln, tho sooner you will bo ready for a place. wwAMwJmeyifr Of tlmo and monoy In a business education Is not a vonturo. Tho benefits to bo dorlvcd from such a course laat for ltfo nnd pay sub stantial dividends ovory- day. Thoao facta aro amply shown by tho uniform success of tho graduates of tho CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Our studonts aro offered tho ndvantago of a school woll-known for Its thorough work, ploasant rooms, oklllful toachors and modem methods. Class and Individual Instruction. Living exponsoa low. Sond for oataloguo J. W. I. Staley, Principal, Salem, Ore. The liuco Trndc of Rclguiui. Tho year 19 0C vao a mo3t prosper ous ono for tho la:o trade In Bol glum, Ronl laces of all kinds wore vory fnshlonablo, and tho domain! A Catastrophe. "Billklns' cnt yolled for three hours tho other night, nnd then I got up and throw a lump of coal ut It." "Hit tho cnt?" "Nope. I hit Billklns, who had Just como out to let the cnt In." "Thoro miiBt hnvo boon some satisfaction in that." "Thoro was for a moment, nnd then . Billklns returned tho conl through ono of my pinto glas3 win dows. But thnt wasn't tho worst of It." "No?" "No. Ho wont In tho houso and loft tho cnt outsldo yowling.'" o Best Medicine In the World for Colic nnd Diarrhoea. "I find Chnmborlaln's Colic, Chol era and Dlarrhooa Romedy to bo tho host romody In tho world," says Mr. C. L. Carter of Sklrum, Ala. I am sub Jcct to colic and dlarrhooa. Loot spring It soomod ns though I would dlo, and I think I would if I hadn't tnkon Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Dlarrhooa Romedy. 1 havon't boon troubled with it sinco until this weok, when I had a vory sovoro nt- So Fool tali of Her. "Sho acts as if sho woro the only girl ho ever loved." "Yes, and sho wnB tolling mo he's just a perfect lover." "That's tho Billy part of It. Sho calls him n perfect lover and she forgots thnt It's only practlco that makes perfect." Pilndelphla Press. ! o Tho Charming Womnn Is not necoBsarlly ono of perfect form and foaturos. Many a plain woman who could novor Borvo ns an artist's model, possesses thoso rnro qualities that all ho world admlros; neatness, clear oyes, clean, smooth skin and that nprlghtllncss of Btop and action thnt accompany ooJ honlth. A phys ically weak woman Is novor attrac tive, not ovon to horself. Electric Bitters rostoro weak vomon, glvo strong norvos, bright eyes, smooth, volvoty Bkin, beautiful cdmploxlon. Guaranteed nt J. G. Perry, druglgot, 50c. Wo havo sQToral calls for toach ore of shorthand. Public school toachora should invostlgato. Wo ront or soil typowrltoxa. Havo several bargains in soc-on-li&nd machines. Quarantood SPECIAL SALE FOR vDAYSl ONLY groatly oxcooded tho production. Thojtack nnd took half a bottlo of twon Operation of the Pure Food Law. The so-called "fiasco" of tho puro food law, varied In its ndjectlval Prefix all the way from criminal to Ntlblu, is a purely subjective fiasco a figment of tho muck-raking im- &6tniUon resulting from tho current , manU for discovering hlddon ovlls !j apparently good things. This law 'orbldi the transportation In intor- commerce and salo of ndultbr- tvl .... rr- "branded, poisonous or proportlnntoly small production of roal-lnco articles ' attributed to sov oi al cau&os; tho principal ono ia tho continually Incroasinc Importance of manufacturing In Bolglum, which, by comparatively high wagos persuades young girls, who would othorwlso de voto thomsolvos to tho nrt of learn ing lnco-maklng as a means of live lihood, to discard the laco cushion and turn to tho Industrial establish-, monts of tho country, where thoy earn bettor wagos. Another sorlous causo Is tho com petition of laces now on tho market nt tomptlng .prices, known as real Imitation or half-real lace, 1. o., laces mado of various machine3-mado braids with somo hand or machlno mado foundation Joined together and finished by hand.. Tho art of making theso laces, rep resenting only novollles, is so quick ly acquired that la1 workors prefer red to glvo their tlmo to such man ufacture Instead 'of applying them selves to tho moro artistic and diffi cult work of real-laco making; con sequently tho production of refal goods suffers, especially polnt-ga'izo laces, as tho imitations aro princi pally mado in districts whoro polnt- gauzo laces only aro mado. Duchess, IlrnirnH- ronl nrmlintin nnd Clunv nrn that is their work. . , . i"n, .i.. Cf'rT when your kidneysarew eak ! n Jur uuuiuih i jo u.0 "OUtof crip,- .... - .i ... ., TTnltwl Stntnci nnil Prf.nrn. Tho rifl- wwever ir"eatue body is B.""ected and mand for flno Vonlco point and polnt- gauzo laces exceeded production. Tho coarser mado of Venice point, such as embroidered, beaded and spangled goods, woro moro or less neglected. Valcnclcnno sold well, although the demand for tho real article was small compared with tho demand for Calais and Nottingham Imitation va lencelennes. Trade In real torchon laco was dull. Princess goods, that is, the half real braid article in solid all princess and applique, represents an elegant looking though not very deBlrablo braid laco, which Is yet ef fective and Inexpensive. Trade In these articles was very brisk and largo orders wer9! placed for them. As to the styles and shapes In yoguo last year, yard goods, 3 well aa piece goods, eajoyed practically equal favor. Yard goods la narrow te Tho Kidneys Are Weakened bv Over-Work. Caealtby Kidneys Make Impure Blood. " used to Iip 0.i....i t.4. ,.. "n and bladder troubles were to bi traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidnevs filter and purify the blood Theref. j every organ seems to fail to do its ULn r " fecl badlV ketfn gag tie gt kidney remedy, Dr. ttSrlh,wamP-Root. becse ns soon aUtherM esarewc11 thcy will help SSn h."or8ans to health. A trial Uk-'y0""" make no mis- lhQV:n " uoctonag your kidneys, ru t?M out the extraorifiim Tr SSffffl' ?oon realiied. It tf n.VIrw V'snesi lor Us w - s most UlStroccin ? K wents by all gst$mfiftyicent ."Tea Ubinl. .!! "Tftuil .T .. ",c RuuofSmaiwlut. ?w to find iUH,a palet telling yon Madder rl??.' Xw have kidacYor wnt,n.i Weaon this pkper toN W&' ,Kilmer & Co't R Dr. k-P'. tbe name. Swim-Bo .l;..riaP:R9ot. d tke adl MvWa, , y., oa cvry bottle. t IPfMIIAvful u w Setnntf .1.-1 . UUIU M.U1M its in. .. , C5S1h cases, and is sold &S ty-flvo cint nizo Chnmborlaln's Colic, Cholorn and Diarrhoea Itomcdy, and this morning I fool llko a now man." For salo by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. o Slightly Mixed. An author who was his own pub Jisher ndvortlsed a book of his as follews: "Sond ono dollnr for my now book, with autograph.". Shortly aftorwards ho received this order from a Bollv'illo district "I IncloBo ono dollar. If tho nu tograph Is ono o them talkln' ma chines send it one. I don't want tho book." Exchange, o nasoball riaycrs and Foot Ilncors! Louis J. Krugor, ox-champion long dls'tanco foot racor of Qormany and Holland, writes, Oct. 27, 1901: "During my training of eight wooks' foot races at Salt Lake City, In April last, I usod Ballard's Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfac tion. Therefore, I highly rocommond Snow Liniment to all who aro trou bled with sprains, bruises, or rheu matism." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o Often tho Cnxe. "Jinks Bays his wife is bis right hand." "Woll?" "Sometimes ho doesn't lot his right hand know what his left is do ing." Washington Herald. Another Instance. "And you aro proud of tho drag on ns your national emblem?" snld tho Orlontnllst. "Immensely proud of It," nnswor "clTtho lenrhed Chinese. "It shows ihnt, ns in everything .olso, our country was centurion ahead of tho rest of tho world In nature faking." -Washington Stnr. . o Constipntlon. For constipation thoro 1b nothing qulto so nico ns Chamborlaln's Stom ach and Llvor Tnblots. Thoy always produco a pleasant movomont of tho bowlos without any dlwgreoablo of- fect. Prlco, 25 contn. Samples frio at Dr. Stone's Drug Storo. o A l'ulr of Truths. A widow nnd hor lnpurnnco monoy aro soon married. Seondtrift Ono who has a differ ent way from us In getting rid of his monoy. Smnrt Set. o A Wonderful Happening. Port Byron, N. Y has witnessed ono of tho mo3t remarkablo ensos of healing over recorded. Amos F. King, of that placo sayB: "Buck Ion's Arnica Salvo cured a sore on my leg with which I sad suffered ovor 80 yoars. I am now elghty- ftvo." Quarantood to euro all sores, by J. C. Perry, druggist. 25c. o Agricultural Implements nnd vehicles at a bargain for two days only. Monday and Ttiesday, Jtily 8 and 9 INCLUDING Ono now blndor, boat mnkc. Two now buggies. Two now mowing machines. Two now wngons. Ono now hay rako. Ono now hack. Ono now cream soparalor. Sovoral now plows nnd harrows, Sovoral now pumps. Two second-hand bugglos. Ono nccond-hnnd mowor nnd rako Two socond-hand cultivators, al most ns good aa now. Ono second-hand wagon and a va riety o'f othor useful articles. walking and riding cultivators. TERMS CASH OR APPROVED NOTES Tho roductlon on now nrtlclos will bo from 10 to 20 por cent., nnd second-hand nrtlclea at a great sacrifice. GEO. B. JACOB, CORNER FRONT AND PINE STREETS f-hHisn-Hr-ii8i'ainiinni If You Arc Looking For : ', Good Shoes !i that give good service see me before buying. Large line of Oxfords for men, women and children. Best Shoes at honest prices. Repairing neatly done. JACOB VOGT, 345 Stato St. Salem, Or. flltHia 111 illl ! fttl !! !! USE) yB i "; s. Maff i mAW.MSaS- a mm Ak . v f Sr IrW it!r ui" SELF RISING B. B. B. Flour For Boston Brown Bread, Grlddlo Cakes, Miifllns and Plum 1'iiddlng. ALLEN'S B. B. . FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Joso, Cut. A "Union Labol." 'Just married." From Life. o- Long Liro tho King! Is tho popular cry throughout Eu ropean countries; while In America, tho cry of the preeont day Is "Long Live Dr. King's Now Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies!" ot which Mrs. Julia Itydor Paine, Tru ro, Mass,, says: "It novor falls to give lmmediato rollef and to quickly euro a cough or oold." Mrs. Palno's opinion is Bharod by a majority of the Inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures wear- lungs aad sow The Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for 1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr o Did Not Know Her. Mrs. Naybor I hoard Mrs. Tart- lelgh call your wlfo an old cat. Husband Mrs. T, evidently novor saw her In tho samo room with a mouso. Brooklyn Life. o Impohslblo. Photographer Look pleasant, pleaso. Bitter I can't; I'm no single man. Exchange o Special Eastern Excursion rates. May 20, 21, June 6, 7, 8, July 3, 4, 6, August 8, 9, Id, September 11, 12, 13. To Chicago aad retura, Two of A Kind. A Leeds clorgman was returning Into tho othor night from a social mooting, whon ' suddenly out of a dark doorway a man Bprang upon him with Intent to rob. Aftor somo Inoffoctunl protestations tho clergy man said, "Suroly you wouldn't rob a. clergyman?" "That don't mattor to me," roplled tho thief. But after a moment's ro floctlon ho added, "Stay; what's yor roliglon?" "Methodist." "Lor' lovo yor, that's tho same as myself. Yer can go." Tatlor, The Mnglc No. 8. Number throe is a wonderful mas cot for Geo. II. Parrls of Cedar Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "Aftor suffering much with llvor and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly dlscouragod by the falluro to find rellof, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a rosult I am u well man today. Tho first bottle relieved and three bottlo completed the oure." Guranteed best on earth for stomach, llvor and kidney troubles, by J, O, Perry druggist. 60c. xj ' S72.1E. St. THla n3 r&turn. 189. IE throats after all other remedies bare j St. Paul aad retura, Omaha, Coaaell failed; aad for eougka aad eolds it's tke oily sure cure. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. 59c aad aad Medina widths, aalleee festos jfl.e. Trial ble free. Bluffs, knx City, it. Jee, Kaasat City aad retura f CMS, WM, M'MURRAT, l-U-tf (tea. Pm. Agt. COPYRIGHT TOR OUH DAILY DIET. Good, nutritious bread is Just as Im portant ns cloan, rich milk. Our physicians tell us of tho disease "gorms that brood so readily in im pure milk, which no doubt Is true, It Is equally truo of uncleanly and uuwholcsomo broad, which Is tho rea son you should uso Ullom's bread. It is not only clean nnd nutritious, but It Is mixed and baked under abso lutely sanitary conditions. CAPITAL BAKKItY, O. ULLOM, Prop. Phono No. iJHD, Always, looker to mo." Philadelphia Press, deal?" "Always, If tho othor follow la do ing tho dealing." Exchange. o A Memorable Day. Ono of the days wo remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health on which we became ao qauinted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the palal&ae purifiers that care asadaebe aad billion, aad keep the bow els right. 2Se at J.C. Perry's draff atere. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 1 it SLOTS Taken on a dobt. Will soil at a sacrlQco, and glvo any torms you may aak for by pay ing tho taxes and intorest. Aro located In tho suburb, two blocks from car lino. Call at RadcliH Co. I limit in mill i ti IM-M4 jrtr--rfVjn'1"v