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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1907)
vi -si! T DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1007. SHOUT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. LACK OF ENERGY. Nofflan or woman can be successful ne haPPJ thy lack energy. If they v get up in the mornintraread- ing the days1 work ahead they will ac complish very little. A great many people are this way. The cause la lackofvlUHty. Vitality or en ergy la the power to go and keep on i ji.a.o.ituits, going without becoming more than healthily tired. It comes from a. owfectlr working system just as power comes from a perfectly working en- bbbbI -.i&&&iHBBBH BaBBSiSffslBaBaBfll MIsb Prlno married nn English of Howoll Pralrlo. Mrl Rice was wound ed 1 ntho Roguo Rlvor Indian wars, battle of Llttlo Meadows, Nov. 2G, 1855, and carried out on a Httor. Ho got a-small claim paid by the slate and gets a pension. W. M. Davldsou camo In 1852 at tho ago of eight, with his parents from Indiana, locating near Shedd, and his father taking up land. Henry Davidson, tho father got 320 acrea, ono son and a nephew still owning tho property. other 1b Assistant Attornoy-Gonorni Van Winkle at Salem. S. Z. Taylor of Halsey camo in 1804 and located near his present homo. Ho has 300 and has lived In both Eastern and Wostern Oregon, Ho has two sons, ono on tlfo farm, Otis Taylor, and Prank Taylor, a Portland physician. Ellas Koeney camo to Oregon in 1846, and located throo miles bolow Brownsville, and still has 310 acres of his section left. Ho has a son at Corvallis, Roy Keeney, and Two men wero at tho reunion who ono at Portland, Dr. Homor Koeney, camo across tho plains together E. a practicing physician. His son P. Williams and Isaac Barclay of James Keonoy Is In tho Birch Creek Pleasant Hill. They camo hi 1853, country, whoro ho Is running snoop by Steer Overland Pullman , and on thirty miles of pnsturo land, ono trailed Indians together. Barclay of tho largest sheep owners in tho took a donation claim, which ho Bold state. Ono daughter Is Mrs. Jos. last January. Mr. Williams still McIIarguc of Portland. Another son owns tho farm of 276 acres which ho John Keonoy is n bachelor and still iine. IfyoulackthlapowerBomcthlng bought In 1863. Ho paid $1,000 on tho old farm. His youngest F out of order. Tea to one It's your . for it and now It Is hold at m; itomach. Take two bottles of Cooper's New Discovery. It will get the stomach la thape. see u energy ana ambition don't come back before the two bottles don1 are gone. Thi letter la from a man who tried it: "After suffering for some time from itomach trouble, loan of appetite, headaches and a kind of 'all tuckered out' feeling I decided to try Cooper's Uctt Discovery." I used to get up in the morning aick at m though many daughter' Is Mrs. Alfred Wright of times that. Hk was with a party of Shaniko. Mrs. Keeney dlod at tho 300 at what Is called Mock's Cutoff, ago of 69 about a month ago. MIbs who wero lost for eight weeks In Ida Norswlgor, a Btep-daughtor, Is a what is now Harney county. Thoy guest at tho old homo, and was at had to kill tholr cnltlo and abandon tho Ploncor's reunion at Brownu- somo of their birch-Jim enrs and all vlllo with Mr. Keeney . camo near losing tholr lives. Mr8 Ena McJIarguo of Browno- M. V. Springor of Grawfordsvlllo, vlHet llve3 on tll0 oUi E. L. Waltor camo in 1S50 via wagon train, six donation land claim. Tho Walters nin n Mi a in n. ilnv from Port Dalles. n,n .... minin i nn,i t. - -- a- -- --- --- o ,- -- -- 1 VUUIU IIUUl JIUUUIO 111 iOlO uuu ju- :ix iwSi s th;nVhTtiHlta t0 ft day from I,owa t0 Fort.cntctI ono mno from Drownsvm- was almost impossible to drag myself DlUlaB Lowls Tycor camo to Brownnvlllo to work. Lota of times I had dizzy !lo gtopport at Portland nbout G in 1852 and while ho and bin wlfo spells and backaches. After I used ....... . J. ... , t T several bottles all these symptoms be- months, and lived for a tlmo In tho nro dead, four sons remain hero L. gan to disappear and soon I began to first cabin built on tho slto of Port- B., C. B., S. B. arid Goo. B. Tychor, feel like my old self again. Nowl.fccl innd by a man named King. Ills all of Brownsville A daughter, Sorkor I always fUl Hkc it.'Tcat 'fo,kB cftmo up tho valley and lived In Mrs. J. B. Williams also lives horo. well, 'and sleep well and am sure I will ok and Yamhill counties, coming Ho camo by ox train across tho have no further trouble with my to Benton until 1880, when they plains, Wm. McCarguo, captain. SDctr'it Midi Latub,167Portcc.camo to Linn. His parents aro dead, Wm. and Jas. McCarguo of Browus ' C - ' but ono brother, J. Q. Springor, lives vlllo aro both dead. mi la u"!imatc Aha ncar,y ha,f at Philomath, a graduato of tho I Mrs. Jennlo Chrlstensen, a grand million bottles of the famous Cooper .Trnito(1 rwhron CoIIoco. ,i..i t T..r ,in,.0 f w. UHUblUVil fca ISl ItMl V wvi we A. C. Hausman, who camo to tho tcachora killed at tho Whitman America In 1852, camo to Oregon In Mission, was at tho reunion. Her 1802, locating at Brownsville in Parents camo to, Oregon City In 1847, 1864. Ho has sold Mils farnf of 214 .Immediately nftr thu massacre. Hor acres, first in two additions to North father was E. J. Church. Mrs. Eliza Brownsville, whoro tho S. P. depot Wnrron, formorlv of 'Brownsville was located, on bin place. He hnd who was tho first whit" child born 142 acres loft, which' ho Bold to tho west of tho Rocklea In 1830, la now Cannory company, for about $10,- ,u Idaho. 000. Ho bought tho McClaren prop- John Wllllnm Craig of Mehama, orty ab 14th and Marlon, nnd on July camo to Oregon In 1852, from Ar lst, will removo to Salem to njakojeansas, locating In tho Belknap Set his homo. Isaac Van Wlnklo of tlomont, Benton county. Ho began Halsey has alBO sold out and will to preach at tho ago of 17 and has niovo to Salem this fall. Ono of hla boon In tho Methodist ministry o'vor sons Is postmaster at Albany and nn- slnco. At tho Pioneers' rounlon ho 1 ' Lard has been in existence a long time-so has indigestion Human naturo is hard to aolvo People refined vegetable oil and choice beef suet medicines were sold during Mr. Coop er'o recent demonstration in Chicago. We are agents, J. C. PERRY OREGON PIONEERS MEETING (Continued from pago two.) band died on tho Plntt). Each of tho womon packed out an Infant child, tho husbands carried tho noxt oldor. Ono Dnly child nnd Chan. Illco, (thou aged 6) rodo out on tho only pony In tho crowd. Tho Daly bnbo is now Mrs. Williams of Salem. who are most particular about adapting tho weight of their wearing apparel to the season and its conditions, who never think of going out in a storm without an umbrella and rubbers, who would not sit in a draft for a farm, will calmly sit at tho tnblo and stuff themselves with lard-soaked food and not rcalizo for an instant that it is likely to give them a full-fledged case of indiges tion and clog their whole inner machinery. Lard is produced from hog-fats, some times impure, always indigestible, and there's a good day coming when no ono will think of using it for cooking. CottoUnc is tho only rational frying and shortening medium, in the world. It is made from everything about it is dlgestiblo and condu cive to health. It is a product of .Nature. It will make pure, palatable, healthful food,' and food which anyone can eat' and enjoy without the after-pangs of a disordered stomach. Every good grocer sella Cottelate, It comes only in sealed white pails with a red label and band. In the center of the label is our trade mark a steer's head in cotton plant wreath. Try Coiiolene once and you'll never more be a friend to lard. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest possible award) over all other cooking fats at tho recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE. "Home Help" a booh ef 300 choice recipe, mtSted by Mrs. Rarer, U yours for a 2 cent ttamp, IF you eddreat Tha N, if. fturiank Company, Chicago. A NEW FEATURE Tha patent air-UgWt top en thU pall la for ' the purpoio of keeping COTTOLENE clean, fresh and wholesome! it alio prevents it from abiorbiag all cUsagreeable edors ef the grocery, such as fUh, eiL etc KWD7M iMmmmz Nature's Gift from the Sunny South GET IT FOR HER An Electric Flat Iron FREE ON TEN DAYS' TRIAL SAVE HER TIME SAVE HER HEALTH SAVE nEIt WEARY STEPS SAVE YOUR MONEY SAVE YOUR CLOTHES SAVE HER TEMTER SAVE HER COMPLEXION Fill in coapon and mail to os the iron will be delivered with all necessary equipment free of charge met Bomo of tho people ho proachod to aa a boy. Mrs. Clydo Foster of Brownsvlllo, Is a granddaughter of Rov. Honry Spauldlng, who wao with Whitman at tho fatal mission. Mrs. John Drown, who was Millie Spouldlng, waB well known nt Brownsville It Is almost lmpoRslblo to rcalizo that) thcro aro thro generations gono Blnco tho Whlman massacre A. II. Frum la a nntlvo Bon, born on hla fathor's pjaco, bIx mllon from Lebanon. Mb fathor was Eugene Frum, who camo from Illinois to Orogon by ox-team route, ntx months and twonty-ono dnyn on tho road. Ho Una a son In Arlington ,ono at Long Crook, and ono at Coburg. Tho two In Eastern Oregon nro carpontors, following tholr fathor'a trado, and tho ono at Coburg 1b City Marshal, STEER THIS WAY & I iT 9e v JeBSN News On tho Water Front. Work an tho largo scow ljolng constructed nt tho foot of Stato Htreot by tho Spauldlng Logging com pany Is progroBBlng nlcoly and will he complotod within sixty days. Tho bargo Is tho second ono built horo and will bo IM foot long by 30 tool boa in. Work Ib being riuhod on tho hull of tho company's Btoamor "Groy Eaglo" which is docked at tho foot of Stato street. Tho two bulldlngB Just north of tlo lumbor company's ofllco on Front and Ferry streotH aro bolng torn down nnd In tholr place a largo lum ber shed will bo constructed, Tho water In tho rlvor stands nt tho 2,2 foot mark, for your Beef, Pork, Lamb, Mutton and Voaf and you will get the flnot Moat ovor killed. Tho tasty, juicy, appotlzlng kind that makes you want moro after tho first helping. Only tho host fod cuttlo aro ever killed for our trado, nnd our cus tomers may always roly upon tho vory host quality of moat, cloanly nnd proporly drosaod, and In ovory wuy fit for tho best tables. o F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N.Com. St. L1TTLK UO-PBBP LOST BSIt IEBV Cut out coupon and mail to us today PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 210 Commercial Street. Qontlemen You may deliver to mo one Electric Flat-iron, which I agreo to try, and, it unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 10 days from dato of delivery. If I do not return It at that tlmo you may charge the same to my account at $4.00. It Is understood that bo cbargo will be made for the Iron it I return it within 10 days. Name .. Address WANTED A representetlve to take cliargo of exclusive territory for a lilgh-clMM pHbltahlttg house, l'ltwwint work and good compensation. Addroiw, with refwocc, Tho Outing Publishing Co, Deposit, N, Y. Yft Vk Tf LmlViHCZffJBBBVeBBBBH But no one need worry about mutton this time of tha year, if they oan gat' dainty and delicious Spring lamb ea an appetising and nourishing 8hh mer meal. We have everyehlag la choice meats, and all the delleaotw " of the season In both freta aai, smokod moats that will please the most critical eyleure. B. O. CftQM, )eiewM 8Utea Street Market PheiM 9t The ten days' ttUl offer applies only to cuitomct of oar ctuftnt meter basis DUILDIXQ A 1IOUHK We caa supply you with the Um br yen aeed at the prlee that will patertolly eeeaoMtxe la the eet Jast ea4 aaa see as aad leek aver car yaraa. llOIAM OP THE CRISP KIND whoro aro thoy? You wrtnt Uiera not only for broakfaat, but for lunch and dlnnor, with your soup. But whoro aro thoy to bo had? Answer easy; At Ullora's bakery. Cakos, ptos and paBtry, too. SEEDS PKKDS POULTRY SUPPLIES LAND PLASTKR HAY AND MILL FKKDS OARDUN SBEDS FIKLD SKKDfl HARPER WHISKir! The Aristocrat among Um I Whhtkiee of the Ol4 School I Without a Peer I ? AUG. SCmiWnmR, Salaea, I And everything kept at Srst-clas seed aad feed eoa- . ifilrfSfi eera. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St, H wll aaWMSaWB,t 1 I L m TAWOBfMr f ft am VTe aaffaa M J 4MM aaeMaW -f t Fermetrly Baker, LawveaM ABaJheaw T 0 M u I IN r lf; r ft' I., r k1 ft I f- u Em I 4 I" I If I V ' It ,. r h r fj t-s i I r . tii la ''-' oooDAue iJMm oo., YafAe Kear Daaet, ICKaJaafck' Grr. A tfu. faU M i - - ! -wm eseP