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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1907)
- 'prr r DAILY OATITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON THURSDAY, JUNE 13, ,1007. "'vnv" iJ. L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER JUNE SALES Each department of our Btoro is trying to outdo tho othor by Its oco- nomic oftorlng for Juno. Today wo mention a fow ltoma In now wbito dross skirts. Plain whlto dress skirts, oloven gores, Btylo just llko cut, also In two other styleB of plaits. SALE PRICES $1.22 $J.34 $.67 ANOTHER FACTORY FOR SALEM Hickory Berk Remedy-Company to Establish Plant Hero I A hundred whlto shirt waists ranging from ?1.00 to $2.00 reduced to 60 Cents Each X-RAYS Orchard in his tostlraony Tuesday : confessed to stealing a sheop. This -bitrongly corroboratlvo of his wifo's Mement that ho Is a Plnkcrton de- tKtlTO. I ' Schmltz getting money from tho :Poodlo Dog nnd Pup restaurants was rill right. Ho was only sampling a Utile "hot dog." Secretary of Stato Benson is h ov ist plenty of troublo over tho refor isdum laws. Those against tho U. of 0. appropriation havo sued out a nudamus to compel him to fllo their petitions, and Shorlff Stevens, of Xdtnomah county, sues out an ln- .Jicction to provont-hlm putting tho. petitions concerning tho feeding' of rUoners on tho ballots. a The Jlmtown fair Is said to bo an. utter failure. Now, with many r?ll lloas ipent, when will tho prosecu tions for graft begin? Joseph Thiol, according to roport, ta blocked tho salo of tho Coleman tntt, by raising tho prlco on his ran from $75 an ncre to, $130. It bold the state will commence con- Sanation proceedings for this tract, lt u this is somothing the stato not do, it looks very much, in tho W of an X-ray, as though tho rd Intended to, and has perhaps ftudy agreed to pay tho prlco. Tie picture of the Juno class of wlent and Accepted Scottish Rlto ns In tho Telegram lacks tho frkelpal feature of all Portland's Wares Tom Richardson doesn't kn up in it Mo a bay window on 'ka house, a a m kcretary Rosenburg, o! tho Unlt- Fliherrnen of tho Pacific Coast, that practically all tho Balraon t reach tho wheels of tho middle toobla, aro caught, and none are to spawn, Ho then admits that mount of fish taken by tho U Is only 5 per cent of tho total As Astoria, according to this, '5 per cent of tho total run. She "d retain from kicking. fc m " 'fcfbe rat Schmltz trial will end "T. but Orchard, llko Tennyson's pr- eg to bo on forever. I K p me cood citizen would h alkali for tho mixture, Com mercial Btreot would bo pavod with soft soap. Wonderful how fnr a llttlo oil will go. SInco that carload was p,ut on tho streets hero, Wasco county claims to havo flno oil cropplngs, nnd tho grenso Is showing in so mo of Port land's suburban town lots. -o- 1IOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. W. H. Evans, of Portland. C. D. Livingston, Portland. T. C. Chonock, Portland. T. E. Swope, Portland. A. irnnson, Portland. Thomns M. Potro, Portland. James C. Smith, Salem. George Bornlor, Salem. S. T. Richardson, Salem. I. L. Mnthows, Salem. W. L. Bnkor, Now York. II. Woymnn, Rono, Nov. Leo Shire, Chlcngo. C. W. Edmunds, Portland. A. L. Donny, Portland. II. D. Jacobs, Now York. Hormnn Wolesch, Now York. W. C. Wltzol, Portland. O. McCarty, Portland. W. II. Wnllaco, Portland. C. W. Wnlkor, Portland. II. V. Dolph, Portland. J. A. Bucklln, Chlcngo. O. L. Howard, Providence O. A. Rudy, Portland. Cottage. Dolla Wilson, Klamath Falls. N. L. Butlor, Dallas. G. II. McWUllams, Iown. J. II. Mondonhall. Salem. John P. Hunt, Woodburn. Hugh Freoland, Salem. C. L. Mooro, Klamath Falls, C. C. Prlchard, Rainier. Lawrence Buell, Salem. Z. Barker, city, o Attornoy Ocorgo Bingham has re turned from a brief business sojourn In Portland. Salem will soon hnvo another unc tory, and, judging from what similar concerns accomplish nt o'thor nblnts. ijt will soon grow Into a pretontfous institution, nnd ono that will add another big payroll to our city. Ref erence is mndo to tho fact that tho commltteo of tho Snlom Board of Trddo yesterday alosed tho stock sub scription for tho Hickory Bnrk Rem edy Co., of Walla Walla. Tho propo sition camo from this company that if Salem would tako 111 shares of Ito preferred Btock they would nqvo their plant hero, and .transact all Its business from this point. A commit too of tho Board of Trndo wns ap pointed to tnko tho matter up, and tho work vns closed' yesterday. Tho Btock subscribers, who Inclttdo about 20 of Salem's most ontorprislng busi ness citizens, met Inst ovontng. nnd closed a contract with Mr. Haar, tho president of tho company. A trus teo wns appointed by tho local stock holders to hold tho monoy in trust nnd carry out tho terms of,tho con tract with tho parties. A pool W03 also entored Into by tho Salem par ties holding their stock in a lump, hs It were, for mutual protection. Tho company will begin moving as soon as a. location is settled upon, and insldo of 30 days will bo in ac tive oporatlon In our city. This concern will opernto upon tho mothods employed by tho largo load ing concorns of tho kind all over the' land; and tho fact that they aro all big monoy makers, makes tho S lomltcs Intorcsted feel that thoy havo n good thing. Tho Salem Board of Trado Is also to bo con? gratulated upon Its success In socur; lng this establishment. Now lot It cast about for tho next good thing to bring horo, and tnko as aclivo stops In securing It. Theso nro tho thing that build up a town and should b' encouraged In a buslnoss-liko man. ner. r Resolved -A Toast Dearu$tcr Brown xBlue Ribbon Shoe Here's a brimming glass ty vnn And little Buster too. For we rjeally think YOU'LL DO- LETlS REPEAT. Buster Brown Blue ribbon shoe YOU BET YOU a -BUSIER- MARK A VAH1 tvr uutf. BV mf W Jt . BBfSrX. m BBBBBBBBmY 3V kJv pLrM B - BBV TBBBr BBBBBBBBBBM T .A i i r MON Wi&&J3nM 11 . M, VJr 1 IHbSBb. iw' ? zZZTmmmW y" lv yf 'm jrl u TfcMllffr - .r M c d S b I ' ! J v. 1Mb n if.yro-v COmtCKT iC. OT T1t SHOWN SHOt CO Ali ' :! " R! '; RAY THE MIDGET Mi 0 Closing Mn h leal Itcrltitln. Tho Normal Collogo of Music hold Its commoncomont In tho First Christian church Tuesday and Wed nesday ovonlng. Tho pupils' recital was hold Tuesday ovonlng nnd was witnessed by a llnrgo nnd npprecla tlvo audlonc). Tho sovontocn num bers on tho program woro well ren dorod, and rofloct great credit upon Dr. Z. M. Pnrvln, Mrs. Donton nnd MIbs Elva Wlnslow, as teachors, as well as tho pupils. Tho grnduatlon and rccltnl of tho moro advanced pupils was hold last night, nnd wns ono of tho best nma- tour musical performances oyer hold In Salem. Miss Jonnlo Williams, of this city, was graduated from tho vocal department. Sho has a clear soprano vote which has nn unusual rnngo, and is marked by 1U richness and puroncss of tono, o Ono Ilody Found, Norfolk, Vn., Juno 13. According to report tho body ono of tho oloven officers of tho battleship Minnesota was found today floating in Hampton RondB. It Is bollovod to bo that of tho coxswain of tho launch. WHO WILL IMPERSONATE BUSTER BROWN AT OIR STORE, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 18, AT S O'CLOCK, IS AN ORATOR OF HARE ABILITY. ATTHOUGH 13 YEARS OF AGE IIE STANDS ONLY HO INCHES TALL. HE PORTRAYS 'FAITHFULLY l'HE BUSTER BROWN OF THE ppSIIO TA PERS AND WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF HIS INTELLIGENT DOG, TIGE, KEEPS THE CROWDS IN A PERFECT UPROAR OF LAUGHTER. HUSTEIt IS A PERFECT LITTLE GENTLEHL1N, AND, OWING TO HIS WONDERFUL G06d NATURE, IIE HAS ENDEAltED HIMSELF TO THOUSANDS OF CIIIL DICEN THROUGHOUT THE EASTERN STATES WHERE HE HAS BEEN HOLDING RECEPTIONS FOR THE BROWN SHOE CO. DURING THE PAST THREE YEARS. Tuesday Afternoon at 3 O'clock You"H See Him At (3xa2hfe& Jterw2dt 0,.3ZJ&as'sed', zofe METHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses P show you a seat, up-to-date ur near and fmr-toAlnir. It T EOOd an fli amuilra Vfnd. Ulftha... " ( w Mill, f't throw away your broken nng ttiem to us. We eaa any part, witk little ex- tas. H. Hinges Just Received A Full Line of MOCCASINS JUST THE THING FOR SUMMER WEAR Inventor of tho Steamboat. In 1797, nt tho age of 32, Fulton wont to Paris, and thoro, that yonr, lit tho company of Joseph Barlow, tho Immortal author of "Hasty Pud ding," experimented on tho Solno with a Biibmnrlno exploslvo to which ho gavo tho namo,ot torpedo. Thon ho built n submarine boat, In which Napoleon took a passing Intorost, and which on July 3, 1801, nt Brosti tiHd' a fairly successful trial. But much to lib disappointment, nolthor Franco nor England would buy his Invention, which nowt after a cen tury, lu Justified by tho lmportnnco which tho Biibmnrlno boat has as sumed in naval oporatlonB. But monntlmo Fulton had mado tho acquaintance of Robort R. Liv ingston, tho American Minister to Franco, who In 1708 had successfully' trlod to oporato a steamboat at Now York. Learning of Fulton's clovor h'oss ns an, Invontor, tho diplomat proposed n partnership, with tho ul timate purpose of securing tho ox elusive right to run steamers In Now York waters. A boat built by Ful ton nnd trlod nt Pniis'ln 1803 wns sufficiently promising ns a modol, t.o wnrrnnt a moro ambitious undortnk lug, and in 1800 Fulton roturned to Amorlcn to bogln work on tho Clor mont, which took hor nnmo from, Llvington's'country peat on tho Hud son. Tho boat was 140 foot long and slxteon and a half foot broad. It Is a curious fact a commentary on French clalniH of priority In steam navigation thnt In Franco tho first stenmboats woro called Fulton boats. Tho story of tho launching of tho Clormont and tho oxcltomont her ap pearanco on tho Hudnon created is familiar to ovory schoolboy; . but what acorns to hnvo oscapod gonornl attention Is tho clrcumstnnco that tho terror inspired among BuporBtitious snllora at night by tho approach of tho Brnngo craft spouting fiery cin ders (thoy'usod wood In tho b'ollors thon) foaturos of Trinity churchyard. Englnnd Magazlno. o- -New SIckiiMK Siwlled Trip. Miss Ethol Growdor, a member of tho Tologrnm party, has returned to hor homo in this city from hor East ern trip, which waa marrod, so far as sho was concerned by lUneee. la lator turned to fury at tho fftct H,l Und ai oxporlonce (hat was tlioilglitluat h'oro waa a daiigorous'Jrnro' 0n the w;y east the high altl- compotltor. Indood, up to tho tlmo tmI ntfocted hor hoart, and 1 Jae of his death Fulton Was lnvolvod in ca,no critically ill. Three physicians OREGON SHOE CO. The Home of Good Shoes l. m a I & I rPrMR incossnnt litigation by carrlors who nttacked his vossols by nlloglng flaws in patents nnd in loglslntlvo grants. Fulton not only built tho first steam packet, but ho also built tho first Btcam fprry-boat (tho doublo onder, ntoorod at either and) nnd tho first Btcam war vcbboI, tho Domaio gos, which was launched In 1814. Ho constructed tho first of tho stoam- ors to ply betwoon Now York and tho porta on Long Island sound, and ho nlso designed tho stoamor that led tho way to tho commercial develop ment of tho groat cities of tho Mid dle Wont which Ho along tho Missis sippi. This romarknblo Invontor, this no leas romnrknblo patriot, died on Feb ruary 24, 18in, and now, Just a contury aftor the? production of his groatost work, tho cltlzona of. Now York, who owo as much to him as to any othor man, nro about to oroct a monumont ito his momory and a sultnblo tomb to tnko tho placo of. tho gravo which all thoso yoarB has boon ono of tho lonst conspicuous YOU CAN'T HELP WANTING A BITE OF BAKING POWDER SHOULD UK NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET AT ALL TIMER' WHEN YOU BUY EPPLEV'H PEitFEfrrinv HAirivn rOWDER. THE USERS OF UP- PLEY'S I'ERFECTION BAKING IfOWDER WEvIt "THE 6MILU THAT WONT COMB OFF." THIS liBASON m OBVIOUS ENOUGH ONCK YOU GET ACOUAINTKD WITH IT'S MANX' GOOD QUAW WHS. ITS IUT UP IN MASON f aiul a iuiibo Inborod with hor. Her heart coasod boating, ' and she was given up for dead, and hor arms orossud, amidst tho tears of hor girl friends. Thon hor oyos oponed, and mo regained consciousness and grad unlly linprovod. Ono physician re mained nt hor sldo until Chicago waa ronchod. Sho was novor well enough to enjoy tho excursion, and had to bo cared for on tho way home. But tho paity Baw many things and were BUlcndldly treated. Albany Demo crat. " o ' ' MlHguhletl. , "Whot makoa thot ghot shlvor so, Mlko?" "IIo ato a lot av aloih bells tb othlr day, an' lvry tolme ho moves thoy Jlnglo, an' ho thinks it's win ter." Donvor Post. Ancient Rm Is now merely a memory of the put Ballard's Show Liniment Is the fam ily liniment of the (weatletU eeatsry. A positive cure for Rhesmatlsa, Bursa, Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, ete,, Mr. C. II. Runyon, Stanberry; Mo., writes: "I have used Snow Liniment for Rheumatism and all pals. I can't say enough In its praise." Sold by D. J. Fry. Whon you look at tho tomptlng display of mutton, lamb, boof, Yeal and pork that wo aro now allowing in this oatabjlshmoat. There Is no let-up In tho demand for good meat, and consequently we alwava murhW our numorous customers with the best and choicest cuts. There U a. rich flavor and Juelaess about eur meat that suggests wholesome nutri tion, and our prices are most rea-sesable. JTHE ELEVENTH HOUR It la not quite that late in the sale of the crockery, glass ware and dishes at our store. But they will soon be all goae, as they are belag sold below cost, to make room for more S sruirontNl. si :i.i I !V VJ n ii JARJj. THI 10 FAIt 8UPJRRIOK TO Tn ORDINARY TIN BOX. sold by Am atuxmm. manu- FAOTUKHD BY H. M. BRANSON I PlKmc131. 432 Stole St i f . A. Kurtz Pho 205 277 N,Cm. $1, i te Oftfefca. p UtL Met er m HltellbUMel O. M. BfPLKf, SALBM, ORB.