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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, ORKOON. MONDAY JUNE 10, 1007. HOFER BROS., Papers and Proprietors K. IIOFEIl, Editor. A. P. HOFJBR, Blanagcr. "" 'I - i - . THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. General Debility Day In nnd day out there Is that feeling of weakness that makes a burden of Itself. Food docs not strengthen. Sleep docs not refresh. It Is hard to do, hard to bear, what should bo easy, vitality is on tho ebb, and the wholo system suffers. For this condition tako Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalizes tho blood nnd gives vigor and tone to all tho organs and functions. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 Cores gl. mwri 1 1 n 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii THE MARKETS, jj -- ' ' - ' , ,..,. ! '. Mnko Sftlem a Good llomc ', ', ' ' Market. ! ', llllllllllllllillllll'H- THE H- THE RLN WHO WINS. SALEM MARKET. QUIET DRESSER Stolncr's Market. Dealers In fish, gamo and poultry. f- Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato atroot. vwf i II Tho man who wins la the man who works Tho man who tolls whllo tho next man shirks; Tho man. who Btands In his deep distress With his head hold high In tho deadly press Yes, ho is tho man who wins. Tho man who wins is tho man who knows Tho valuo of pain nnd tho worth of woes Who n lcsBon learns from tho man who falls And a moral find. in lis mournful walls. , Yob, ho Is tho man who wins. Tho man who wins is tho man who stays In tho unsought paths and tho rocky ways, And, perhaps, who lingers now and then, To holp somo failure to rlso again, Yos, ho is tho man who wins. And tho man who wins Is the man who hears Tho uurso of tho envious In his enrs, But who goes his way with his head hold high And passos tho wrecks of tho failures by For ho Is tho man who wins. X-RAYS Baltlmoro News. THE LABOR MARKET .MAKES A CITY. Any town that is a good market for freo labor Is a growing town. That Is a princlplo no ono can rofute. Until tho rocont strlkos Snn Francisco wns tho host labor market on tho coast, and WAS GROWING LIKE A WEED. HUT LABOR OVER-REAOHED and tho Industries nro paralyzed, and tlioro Is a serious setback to conditions thoro. Tho Orogonlnn recently printed this paragruph: CnriM'nturx nt Salem cutctrri u protest because tho stato employed nomo of lt coiivlciN on Mate work. Tho complaint nuh that the convicts rjuno Into competition with free labor. An Investigation, ho it In reported, Hhowcri that THE STATE WAS UN ABLE TO GET ALL THE FREH LABOR IT WANTED. Tho competition evidently va not very dlwiHtroiin to froo labor. Tho fnllacy In tho nbovo Is that becauso tho stnto was unablo to got nil tho froo labor It wanted, thoroforo It wns Justlflnblo to employ convlc ts. , If tho Htato had ndvortlsod that It would pay A LITTLE BETTER WAGES THAN WERE BEING PAID ELSEWHERE, It could hnvo got all tho freo labor' It wanted. It Ib tho reputation of wngos holng hlghor thnn ordinary, nnd higher tlinn lu paid olsowhoro that brings pooplo to nny town. It Is tho high wngos Mint Is taking mechanics and Inborors from Snlom and from all ovor tho slato to Portland ai a roBtilt "PORTLAND LEADS ALL ORKfJON" and PORTLAND LEADS THE NORTHWEST" as Is nd vortlsod on ovory card and onvclopo thnt goes out of that city. Tho fact Is tho labor organizations of Portlnnd would not stand it for u mlnuto to have convicts omployod on work on public buildings, on tho parku and fair grounds, and on tho now wing to tho nsylum, or MAK ING A MILLION MUCK, As IS 11151X0 DONE AT SALEM. Tho legislature that mado provisions for thoso convlctB to ho omploy od struck a blow at freo labor ovory tlmo it passed such n law, and sim ply hocaiiHo labor Is unorganized nt Snlom It Is posslblo for tho loglsla turo to do such n thing and not bo brandod n foo of freo labor. Unfortunately Salem gots tho roputntlnn of holng a prison-labor town, and moohunles nnd labnrors do not llko to scttlo In audi n city. It Is not a square deal, ond THE CAPITAL CITY SHOULD NOT BI3 COM I'KLLHD TO STAND FOR SUCH DISCRIMINATION. Tho Hound princlplo wns laid down by tho Stato Labor Fodoratlon when It declared that convlelH should not ho omployod IN CONSTRUC TION OF STATK HIGHWAYS, AND NOT OTHERWISE OUTSIDE OF TUI3 PRISON YARDS. Tho oont motors and enrpoutors nf Salem wsro right In ontorlng tliolr protest, ami tho Statu Fair Board has roduood tho employment of con vluts to a minimum. Hut lot us not ovorlook tho sound princlplo nbovo laid down. '0 A TRUE HELPMEET. According to tho poem of W. S. Gordon, Davenport's "Arab" steed Is a descendant of a horse that was run down and caught by a trlbo of Bed-' oulns. Maybo that was tho reason Homer didn't want tho good old gov ernment imilo In that long dlstnnco trial. Mr. Harrlnmn having been de- clnrd Immune, maybe he and tho President will open up correspond ent again. M The anglo at which the coming gen oration is to wrlto does not amount to as much ns tho slant tho young sters nro permitted to glvo tholr spel ling. Bettor rovlvo tho old spelling school method, or somo other, for tho prcsont school children nro, as a rule, poor spellers. With flnow falling all summer In tho Enst tho plumbor's wlfo will ro fiiHO to associate with tho Ico man's people If only soft drinks aro to bo sold at tho stato fair, that will not pormlt that ovent holng opened with a cork screw. Knox, of Pennsylvania, would nc copt tho Republican nomination for tho presidency, but what's tho uso? This country will never oloct nny thing thnt knocks to that office Local Wholesale Market. Eggs 14. lions 10c; young chickens, lie. Ducks lOo; goose, 8c; turkeys, 1316c. , Buttor 24c; fat, 22c. Local wheat 80c. Oats 43 c. Barley $21. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valley, $3.85. Mill food Bran, $19.50; shorts, $21. Hay Choat and clover, $8 $9 per ton; timothy, $11 $12 per ton. Onions $2.00 per cwt; potatoes, 80c per cwt. Hops Cholco, 10 lie; prlmo to choice, 8 9c; medium to prlmo, 8o. Chlttlm bark -5 Co. Tropical Fruits. Bananas $0.75. . Oranges $3 $4. . Lomons $5.75. Rotoll Market. Oats $30; wheat, 90c per bu.;. rolled barley, $27. Eggs 20c doz.; 2 doz. 35c. Applos $3,00. Buttor Country, 20 25c; cream ory, 30c. Flour Valloy, $1.10 $1.15 per sack; hard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran G5c por sack; $21 per ton. Hay Timothy, 75c por cwt.; choat, 55c; clover, 50c por cwt.; aborts, 95c por cwt. rff-KtkW I'- -.sii "r-m M yi 'ijrf Kv7B & 'M' MM HI Jn - mL': -rli'JiM 8 ' I - m&m ) - IMS I Id. m:ii : If AM Mm VlJ UflBuiiess mS. tq& It would do no Injustluo to tho momory of tho widow of tho twonty llfth PruUUnt of tho United Stnton, who dlod nt hor homo In Canton, Ohio, two wueki ago to say of hor thnt sho wan not nn oxtrnordlnnry woman. Sho wm, however, n rather rotnnrkuhta oxnmplo of n typo of womnn klud thnt nil the world rospocta, ml in lion, loves, and sho was so strong and HtuadfiiMt and constant lu thoso qunlitlos that hor mnrrlago to Major MoKlnloy and hor wifely asHoclntlon with him sorvod to bring out into the Htrongutit poiwlblo light ono most admirable trait In tho chnrnctor of nn extraordinary man. It was easily conceivable thnt n woman of grontor talonta and of hlgh or and moro consuming ambitions, snolal nnd othorwldo, .MIGHT HAVE MARRED HIS MARITAL AND POLITICAL LIFE INSTEAD OF BEAU TIFVl.VG AND STRENGTHENING IT might ovon have made his caroor different from what It was. As events transpired, It wna almost nn Idonl union, and from Its bolng unavoidably in oxiileiu'o to an unusual dogruo ovon In tho enso of a Pros Iduut IU Inspiring oxnmplo unquostlonnbl had nn uplifting Influonco on tho lives of many American man and women of tho day and gonorntlon of Ida and William MelCluloy. There have been moro brilliant mistresses nf tho Whlto Houso than ithe a few, Indeed, who woro crodlted with being somowhnt of factors I r. polities and the dlplomaoy of. tho nutlon-r-lUT NONE WHO 1MPRRS SHD THE OIISKRVUR AS SO l'HUFKCTLY FITTING' INTO THE DO MHSTIO AND OPF1CIAL LIFE OF ITS MASTER AND SO MANIFESTLY HELPING HIM TO Hit EXACTLY WHAT RE WAS AND WANTED TO HE. Aud the iwddenlng and pathetic Incidents of that life served only to heighten the human In tor oat thnt attaches ovon to tho smallest bit of roiuMUco lu thtttfo prosaic days. Thoro Is slncoro mourning today among myriad of Amerlcnn mon and women who hnvo felt tho unconsciously everted Inlluenco of tho wife of William MoKlnloy. The Tern Wonder. Curoa all kidney, bladder and rhoumatlo troublo; sold by all drug glsta, or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo street, St. Loula. Mo. Bend for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug otore. dw-lyr c Convention at Turner. Tho Oregon Christian Missionary Convention will hold Us seventeenth nnnunl meeting nt tho Tumor me morial tabornnclo, Tumor, Oregon, Juno 20 to 30, Inclusive This gath ering will roprosont tho ono hundrod congregations of tho Christian church In Orogon, comprising a mem horship of about 11,000 dlsclplos of Christ. o Ho Fired tho Stick. "I hnvo fired tho walklng-Btlck I'vo carrlod ovor 40 years, on account of a soro that resisted ovory kind of troatmont, until I tried Ducklon's Arnica Snlvo; that has healed tho soro and mado mo a happy man," wrltos John Garrett, of North Mills, N. C. Gunrantood for Piles, BurnB etc., by J. C. Perry druggist. 25c. Livestock. Hogs Fat, 0c. Cattle 1100 1200 4c. It steers, Llghtor stoora 3 3 c. Cows and holfors 900 1000 lb, 34c. Stock hogs GCc. Lambs 4 5c. Vonl Droesod, 5 7c. The qulct ' as tart!,, " . !S.?a ir '"" 2S;". "'" uo wt appeal tho little varlalloa, t His rnot ..4 . ---. uU TM jjj u" too correct H8J na m0 inpei, of t t width aad aJ and tho trousers iJ too wiaenortoomrrJ ui just right. Th3 ' the itor, those conierntiH refined drcHea eyes aro alnn fo on tho now fcaUtHl fast as they cow cud A cholco variety ot c servatlvo modelt la ery kind of althj black, blues. shades of gran, Irotl and all aorta of nut i tures. G.W. JOHNSON &0 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club 80 87; valloy 85c; bluo atom, 88 90c. Oats Cholco whlto, $28.50. MIllBtuft Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $1C$18; alfalfa $13. Votch $8.50. Poultry Hons, .14, ralxod chick- ons, 13c; droasod chickens, 14 15c; turkoys, llvo, 13 14c; ducks, 1314c; plgoons, $1$1.25. Pork Bost, $0.50 $0.75. Lambs $5.75$C. Boof Droesod, 5Cc. Mutton 6 7c. Hops 9 10 c lb, according to quality. Wool Valloy, coarso to medium, 29 23c; oaBtorn Oregon, 13 18a Now Fields. "In my 15 yonrs of work ns an ln- vontor," says Edison, "I have run noross mnny quoor things that ap- poored to land off into undiscovered world of thought." Tho wizard be lieves In futuro mnrvols of applied sclonce, nnd ho Is n good judge of probabilities in this respect. o . Totter Cured. A lady customor of ours hod suffer ed with tottor for two or throo years. It got so bad on hor hands that sho could not attend to her housohold duties, Ono box of Chamberlain's Jstono. Salem. ' -. v .......wv. ,.t.4 a modlclnce glvo splendid satisfaction In this community. M. H. Rodnoy & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's medlclnea nro for salo by Dr. Stono's drug storo. A Broad Statement. This announcement Is made with out any qualification. Hem-Rold Is tho one preparation In tho world that guarantees it. Dr. Loonhnrdt'a Hora-Rold will euro Plies. It Is in tho form of a tablet. It Is tho only Pile remedy usod In tornally, It is lmpoeslblo to cure an estab lished caso ot Piles with ointments, supporltorles, injections or outward appliancoa. A guaranteo is issued with every packago of Dr. Loonhardt's Hem Rold. Go and tnlk to your druggist about It. Dr. Leonhardt Co.. Niagara Falls. N. Y., Proprietors. Sold by Dr, S. O SEEDS FEEDS TOULTRY SUPPLIES LAND PLASTER . HAY AND MILL FEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS And ovorythlng kopt at a first-class seed and food con-corn. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St, k GOOD AOV1CE J. M. LAWREFK Formerly Baker, Lam-cnN I Reliable Grocer, At foe Stand Thoro Aro Few for tho Oregon Mnatorn railway, tho People who know how to tako caro roHta ovar tho r,laon,fts tn ,,,,.,, of thenuelvea tho majority do not. ,,.. , . t . , Tho liver Is a most Important organl ,S "ml cr?8 Cm 0r t0 lu the body. Horblno will koop It In condition. V. O. Slmpklns, Alba, Toxns, writes: "I havo usod Horblne for Shllla nnd Fovor and flud It tho beet modlolno I over used, I would not bo without It. It Is ns goood for children ns It Is for grown-up people, and 1 recommond It. It Is flno for La Grippe." Sold by D. J. Fry. Ono Moro Railroad. Ontario arrived yostorday. Moro aro lookod for today, and tho chlof en glnaor, C. R. Rnnklu, will bo horo on Sunday to rosumo work on tho sur vey. Tho snow is uow mostly off tho mountains, as pooplo nro crossing back and forth, and will not Intorforo with the work In survoylng. It is probnblo that thoro will bo no fur ther delay now and tho work will go right on to completion. Eugene Register. Indian War Veterans. Bonnott Camp of Indian War Vot ernns mot nt tho city hall Saturday, Juno S, nnd uftor oleotlug T. B. Walt tomporary chairman, tho following ofllcors woro elected for the onsulng term: T. B. Walt, Captain: Ben Hnydon, First Lloutonnnt; J. G. Wright, Orderly Sergeaut; Win. Towusond, Commissary; Charlos Calvort, Color Bearer; J. H. Elgin, Musician. Tho following woro elect ed delegates to tho general encamp ment: F. M, Smith, Charles Calvert, J B. Simmons, Ben Haydon, J. H. Elglu, C, A. Wallls, Wm. Townsend, J. G. Wright and T. B. Wait. BhhAi WOR.IJL-. Any Young Man Who Is really determined to got something ahead, to ac cumulate somothlng, to bo ono of tho solid nnd substantial mon of the community, can do It. Just n little solf-donlal and tho careful conserving of your Income until you havo onough to make an investment then koop your money working for you. Even If your present income is small, you can start a sav ings bank account, and begin to accumulate a fund for futuro investment. SAYINGS department Capital National Bank LITTLE BO-PEEP LOST HER SHEEP But no one noed worry about mutton this time of the year, If they can get dainty and delicious Spring lamb on nn appetizing and nourishing Sum- mor meal. We have everyehlng la cholco meats, and all the delicacies of tho season In both freeh and smoked meats that will please the most critical epicure. E. O. CROSS, States Street Market Phone 30 1 riou-iuTerv Rocky Mountain Tea Nuygets A Baij Medicine far Bust Peoslt Bring OuUea Health isd Btnewtd Vigor. mriLMXa A HOI'S Wn akk minnlv TOO With tit' ber you need at the prfc .l11o. oonnnmlie IB (M T..n AmA nil sea ui na lw" mm rttrAa GOODALKLrMB" ana Kun y Trouble ll-anlea. hV;emH. Impure UIxk lUd Qreatti, SjIujmtU HoureU, Headch and aickirho t'a Kocky Jlountaln Tea In wlv let form. 35 cents a box. Genuine made by Uoujctsr Daua Compahv, SUtUson, Wig. SOLRFM NIIORFTR COR JAI I &W PEQN mmmi1 I FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. i.5"IU" Uuu 6vrnmu3,Hwnnmm, ?yvivvn it mil. sj.i 8ni Br in uu. ui Utn ul mratei u u. JS11IL?.!? ZAt- " t. ucw. p. FOR SAU ' .ItlMtt' We are now in i--r v. . - ot lOtl. ' nABum ana iois ju !, - .t tne aaiew-f u. , This property has not c for sale before since i- - of the road, and we bH i ceptlonally good buys. Derby &! miiirli MEALS i5c AT TB Salem Call a w' 'j t 15c Board p furnUaei rasoaable. A number of tho crow of surveyors J '5MkS4mkyDr.S.CSiK '