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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
4 pm -. AILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL SM.E1I, UKKGON, FRIUAY, JINK 7, 1007. NO. 127. El GUILT OF EVERY CRIME FAIR TOXIGRT, SATURDAY PAIR, WAI&IER. PJ9 hmitz Levied Tax On "PoodleDog" and "Pup" ILL ,E GREAT READING 1VF0R-R0CKV" Oil History to Be Told In and Ida Tarbell and Lawson Set More Insido Information Bircd President Visits Jhntoivn. Washington, Juno 7 President I nnd Mrs. noo3cvelt and guests lenv Sunday night ou the Mai flower for tho colobratlon of Goorgla day at Jamestown. They will be met by Governor Torrlll and staff and expo sition officials. The Prostdent will bt escorted by Georgia troops and regulars, undor Grant, to the Btand, where ho will sponk, review tho sol diers and receive on behalf of tho of ficers of the battloBhlp Georgia the silver service from citizens of tho state. Thoro will bo a reception at 2 o'clock and an address to tho Na tional Editorial Association. The party will return to Washington thnt night. : VILEST OF THE VILE ORGIIARDTHEHYENA Paul, Juno 7. Tho federal Is morning decided ngninat lard, ordorlng tho trust to the first Monday in July the a In tho government's bill, It objected in its bill of ox- This means that the on- iry of tho Standnrd will be In open court. f.Y Swedish Prince. polni, Sweden, Juno 7. Prin ;nrct, wifo of Crown Princo AdolphuB, today gnvo birth and futuro heir to tho TUMOR ON HER BRAIN Peached Becaus? tho Job of Wreck ing a Train Was Not Given Him. and Admits Trying to Murder Fifty Men at Two Dollars Each Pittsburg, Juno 7. A story printed hero, this nfturnoon says that Bertha Dollstoln, an Alleghany girl, who nearly ten years ago killed her moth or, and attempted sulcldo, and who oscaped Inst October from tho insano asylum, died three weeks ago in tho county hospltnl at Ios Angeles, Cal. Slio lived thcro several months un der tho name of Olga Mlllor. Tlhj autopsy showed a tumor on tho brnln which had been developing for years. J1ICAG0STOE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Our New York , buyers Are Fellows Busy now receiving Roods dally from our New York buyer that grvntet value that wcro over btcii in this part of Uio world. new merchandise that will command tho attention of up-to- ell dratted Ladles.. Remember our pricwi arc always Umj lowest Sale of White I Beautiful Summer j-t - is is in suits At ah rnccs Blast M en tho following goodB y dewn: n Lmvnsf a I.hion Wush Suitings l Wash China Silk le Wool I)ma Goods te Linen Dreas Goods Dotted Swiss Organdies Silk Mulls Parasols Underskirts Summer Underwear, Ribbotu ' Laces , Kmbrolderic Shoes Long Glove Helta Lac CRrtaiss Hosiery THauaed Mats Shirt WaJeta Polso, June 7. "Judging by his decisions, Judge Wood Is permitting everything undor tho sun to bo Intro duced in this enso, and, as I havo said, thoro It little possibility of this trial being concluded beforo Au gust," dcclnred Dnrrow, as ho took his seat at tho bond of tho defense table, wli? n court reconvened for tho Haywood trial today. Thoro Is no question but tho defenso Is blttorly disappointed at tho nttltudo of Wood. Tho doenso expected to cull about 30 witnesses, but, nftcr look ing over tho prosecution's nrrny, has now summoned nt least 100 from ov cry point wJicro Orchard hn detailed Til rrtmnfl WhHn ftrMmHil iAitlimwt the stand Richardson nt onco begnn a grilling cross-examination, In tho expectation of breaking down tho .witness. Orchard mndo a couplo of minor corrections lit his testimony of last night. Orchard wnn ques tioned at length rolatlva to tho blow ing up of tho Hunker 1 1 111 and Sulli van mlno at Wardner, when ho was only a mombor of tho union one j month. Ho remotnburod but Uttlo about tho make-up of tho train, or about who couiaod the party that blow tho mlno up, but positively as sertod that ho was not playing poker either at Million or llurko at tho tlmo of tho explosion. Ho sworo positively that ho and nearly 100 others hoi pud to carry tho powder from tho train to tho mill, but only remembered tho nnmo of ono innn, Peterson, who was In tho party bosldos himself. Tho pow dor was put in thruo parts of tho mill, ho lit tho fuso to tho powder in tho compressor room. Askod if it wasn't a faat that tho powdor was furnished by tho twelfth. On August 10, 1003, n )strlko was declared, and ho quit work. He had $150 nnd gambled It away. Asked by what ho meant by "high-grading," as told of In tho di rect examination, ho snld it was hid ing high-grade ore, removing it bo crotly nnd soiling it to outsiders. Asked bluntly If ho didn't steal it, ha replied; "You may call it what you like." It averaged from noth ing to $25 per dny, but when pinned down to the actual amount secured declared that ho only got f 150 or so whllo working. After tho atrlko, however, he atolo in secretly nnd worked on tho olgth nnd ninth levels nnd got considerable. Tho military liuard was easily avoided, ho ex plained. Ho wan helped by Joo Shoalts and n man named Wilson. Ho declared ho told Davis that a carload of powder was hid in tho Vindicator mlno, ho having stolon a portion of It nnd sold it to prospec tors. "Well, not only nro you an oro thlof, but also a powder LIMIT OF HIS GRAFT WAS ALL IN SIGHT Restaurant Men Did Business Through Rucf Having Him As An Attorney, and Did Not Heal With the Meyer Directly Bnn Francisco, Juno 7. Unlcsr thlof?" itl'o prosecution in tho Schmtts ensa asked Richardson. "Yes," beforo the decides to compel Iluef to tnko tho question could be fully answered , stand and testify tor tho people, tho llnwjoy Interrupted with an objee- defendant will not have him net a. IIIp $230, $3.50, $4.50, $6.50, $8.50 and op; Great Values BALKH'S FASTSSrt GHOWIXO STORK. McEVOY BROS. tho Gem mill to tho miners, ho said ho didn't know about it He could not oxplain how it was, although ho had driven a milk wagon and played poker nightly in tho saloons, that he only know tho names of half n dozen of these nnrtles. Asked to amount for his whoroabouts for throe yoars:"0"' WM,0H Wtt after escaping from llurko, he said . i fiimmi JB . 'jm -x vkrji isrx. x ivk . wte tX (KLr a y rw Sfe- N N. nnd they thought tho prlco was too high. Then 1 saw the smaller ros tnurant man, but tl.ey would not cotno in. Finally Kttof ngrvod for $G000 a year to handle tho caso for tho five big restaurants. Thin mon ey I collected nnd paid to Knot. On croAK-exninlnatlon it wna developed that Schmltz frequently dined at tho Pup with Huof, and alone, Loupy said ho didn't go to Ituot hecauRO h feared him, or had been threatened, but becauso ho was a political homm and ho thought ho was iiead ot tho administration. Ho admitted that Kuot didn't want to tnko tho caso at first, but (Anally induced him to do so on tho ground of ponwnnl frlond shlp, Tho defenso forced Loupy to admit that ho wont to Huof, and not Huof to him. Mnx Adlor, nnolhor French ron tnurnntour, was tho noxt wltnoJ. Whon ho failed to got n llccnio his attorney advised him to wo Rue-f. Then ho told ot a mcetliut of tho oth rostnurnntours, nnd of tho arrnnRO ment to glvo Huof J5000. Ho said ho paid his Blmre, becauso he know If lie didn't do so ho would havo to close up. Ho looked upon tho pay ment not as an attornoy'n fep, but a protection. H said Huof novor thronteued him, nnd ho admitted ho hadn't pnld his second installment. Michael Lehrot Knvo similar testi mony. Ho said ho and ether restau-' rnntours know they might ns held' up, so docldod to boo Keuf, and ar range wlti him to not HctHi.WkfH Huof tnke tVieicaWsaW i. ho must got his feo In currency and would give ho receipts. KANSAS CROP IS SHORT Chicago, Juno 7.Tho rwport from Kansas this morning say tho crop condition is only G2, May frottf having loworinl it from tko govern ment ostlmiito on May 1st of 82. This. indicates 'a crop of only about W, 000,000 bushels, while tho nominal crop Is over 80,000,000 bushels. Cc reals opened lower for July, and tho selling traders wont wild. TOOK CAPTAIN YSWMN THifL nrrecTiwr uoin tho superintendent of OBTAiwro rutjreviocucccwoHCHA FIRST OULT.AHDWHO&P Claim That um1 IMMItx kniriiinu.arui ...v. WA8 IflfllCATtDHASBtfrt bUtatOUthfC rwvtrt THUC PRIZE rr: !ontlon. June 7- "Hlr Hum phrey," owned by I'abst, tho Milwau kee hrowur. tho only American liorco T? jtiniuidd in today's nompetltloua at KALKM, OK. 1 ax cukt iTiuarriJ way from Montana to Utah and gam bled a trifle in Hut to, and deolared he usually lost. Orchard's recital of his movements through Utah ami other state 'U monotonous, tho only matter that intorested tho spee tators, apfiarently, being hU recital of his gambling experiences. Ac oordins to wltnosa he would work threo months, save hU monoy, and then gamble, go broke, and go back to work again. While tho erois-eiamlnatJon was HogressloB the proseoutlon recoirel a message from Denver, stating a wjtneu bad been seoured thoro who saw the killing of I.yte Gregory there, and told a story confirming tbst ot Orchard regarding the shoot lux. Orcbarffd said ho went to Crip ple Creek early la August, 1993, and got work on reaching there. Ho at onee afflllsttd vita the union there, 'and worked. Wbllo ho made ao oc casional trip to Denver, ho said that jdorins the tlmo he worked fa the j Vindicator mine ho was employed on levels below tho seventh, ad was familiar with all ttom Use wimtk to immediately siw a witness In his own behalf. This ll' "" '. w the 1rt Prla l talned. Turning surprlswi to the was decided upon this mornliiK t ft:1"'' '"""""V , "' ywir i i. ..... j . ...!. ..v.... ..t .... .. .. .... .i 'olds ami un. Hlr lltiniiihrnv clui wnn l, uorWw! In Ihn tnlnr-i In Mnnlnnn. . lugnnrwsuil uemaiiweu. iwiiiriHH m Bmiriw,. ir u w- - ;; " . " Utah. Wyoming and Nevada and eut j'""""' 'ou "-M9 tB " ' '- Thw bellavo they will be, "B "''' " P J " wood in California. Ho boat hisoaB,,ot 'ut tbu W"! llU Is ft able U im-ovo tho Hmooenoe of Hackney ataman in tha show. hostile witness and the stale's OMier Mchmiu without Wking the uesperai" ' rellanso against my client. Tk step of asking their qlloiit to tell Austrian Hmprror Crlebratr. qiieetlon seems to roe tobtteMineutlyiis own story. The proseoutlou lliidnpest. Hungary, Juno 7. -Th proter." "He's already admitted he still maintains allenoo li; rnrd to omixiror arrived at noon (or tho celo Is a powder thief, and nothing can u proKxted course of aatioii lit rola- ,bratlon of tho jublli'o of his coroua Im gained y pursuing the mauer. 'ttou to Huef. Ilenoy has declared he , Hon as king of Hungary, Juno 8, either. Proceed with the oxamlna- will send t.V)hmlts to Ban Quentlu ' 1K07. HoolalUts iiiadu a demouilru- olared the iudKo. The de- without Huof 's testimony. The same Hon, crying "lv us universal suf- tloN." deoiared fene took tho exception. The wll ness, continuing, said he alone knew of the powder In tho mine, and went to Davis In the hope that ho would the audlenoo was considerably les blow up the mine. He said hoi Jean Loupy. proprietor of tho Pup thought a repetition of the Wardner I restaurant prior to tho fire, was tho first wltnt-s. He Is said to have ar- incldont would be bonoflolal. Davis, ho said, fell In with the proposition, ond told him he would gladJy pay $200 If tho Job was done. He expected that tho explosion would kill somo of the non-union men, and hoped that It would kill all who were working, although there were SO or more In the shift. "And you proposed to kill 50 or more umu for 1200, did you?" asked Hlchardsoo "I Intended to touch of tho pow- usr iu yu w v - - j ii i i 'i i" r r"i "toJ," (Ceatlaut4 ob " large crowd that ottendwl tho first fragq, Tho police farced tho crowd two eoftslons waa on hand early this Laak with drawn swords, and several morning. Tho number of women In. wore Injured. ' ' "O - Will "UHHMrry" lliw, Lebanon, Ind , June 7. The court this moruinK declared (lt'orre Itha ranged tho detalU of tho extortion. d,8 ,hu rnllllonalr Insane, ami ap Uupy told the story of his arrange- llQtMeil a guardian for him. Upon ment with Huef for the protection ,,. iiwMott Ejraa Dare a rwort ot tho restaurant men. Ho said he keper, wlll ho neated ou a char went to Huef and asked why the II- 0( icfanaplntr Hhodlus, and her tuar eeoia wero held up. and wked him r,Rg0 to hlrft w, bo gBBUeg. to take up the ease, nuof said If I.""y " " "" ' " wanted him In tho caso aa an attor Dty be would take it for 17000 a r I I- f i 114 ? m v v.vv1 year, on ft two-yeare contract, pay able In advance, In currency. J told him I would tm the other restaurant men, and too what they were willing to if). I calltHl b Mveral of the, THH MOTAKK3AL HOOVOM, hovj to S4t lawmurr wtumm YQ AXY PWMJUNt CALX, W WK. COOK. COmVUtATto VHKM. i -1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi mk