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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1907)
ItIIEBj FAIR TONIGHT AND TUESDAY. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAI.KM, OUKaON, MONDAY, JUNK , 1007. no, Jim. EAD CRUSHED ON RIVER BOAT . ML C. A. Asks and Salem Makes Quick Reponse STAN CRUSHES HIS HEAD HE AGCIDENI SUNDAY MORN Breaks On Steamer Pomona and Three Men Injured Ho was picked up insensible, nnd brought to Snlem on tho Skinner launch. Ho was still unconscious when ho reached the Sanitarium, where his wounds were dressed. His father, Mr. Adam Frohmndor, of South Salem, attended him, and at a Into hour Sunday ho showed signs of improvement. He wns attended by Dr. Lane. o inday morning nt four o'clock ecldent occurred on tho steamer onn, whllo plying tho river be- this city and Buona Vista, may cost tho llfo of John Froh- jer, of South Salem, aged twenty. Iher deck hand was knocked and another swept into tho f by the snapping of n cable, nnd kins of a capstan, which the were working at. They wore tg a lino to n lot of Bnwlogs the ropo gnvo way, and tho was done In tho quickness of nlng. Young Frohmndor re- , a crushing blow on tho hond, body wns thrown Into tho nlr, fck a terrible blow nnd foil upon boat's anchor, thnt lay on tho of tho vessel, gashing his faco, knocking out his left eye, nnd oily disfigure him for life. 7BL &ul MBS. JOHN WATSON. Widow of How Dr. John Wat eon, well known in tho literary world aa Inn Mncluron. rilCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE eautiful New ummer Goods RE NOW ON SALE Wf nrn chnurlni nnw n tipniltlf 111 nRgnrtmfint of Hot Weather IDA' rla! In nil HnRiR nt dulntv conda suitablo for summer garments. bur lines aro extensive and wo aro sure wo can pleaso you nnd giro rou r"cs that you cannot dup-llcato olsowhere. Dargalna In every epartment. Read on. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS AS RESULT OF MORNING'S WORK The Whirlwind Campaign Results In a Surprise lo tho Workers When tho fifty workers for the Y. M, C. A. fund Bat down nt noon to n substantial lunch they had chalked up tho following i8 tho roBult of tho morning's werk: Itcport by Team. Ton in No. 1 ..$231.50 Tonm No. 2 79.00 Toam No. 3 135.00 Team No. 4 138.50 Tonm No, 5 164.50 Total nt noon $748. GO Enough more promised subscrip tions nnd doublos wora In sight, but not signed up, to mnko it moro thnn $1000. Mayor Ilodgors, at tho closo of tho noonday lunch, took tho floor, nnd In n ringing tnlk throw onthusl nsm Into tho whoto nsscmbly df Sa lem's boostors for tho Y. M. C. A. cause. Tho vork mnpped out for three days Is to rnlso tho member """""" Negroon Against Tuft. Louisville, Juno 3. At a mooting of the local Atro-Amerlcnn council Friday night It wns decided to In dorso tho efforts of tho Washington City negroes in opposition to tho nomination of Secrotnry Tnft for tho presidency, nnd to Ibsuo a cnll for tho National A fro-Amor lean Council for Juno 20-28 nt Baltimore. Tho call was Issued by Rov. L. O. Jour dan, corresponding secrotnry of tho council, nnd Is addressed to negroes and nil their orgnnixntlonB In this country, which nro nsked to send delegates to "discuss with prudence, wisdom, pntlonco nnd Intelligence, tho best method to overcomo tho dangers mennctng whnt civil nnd po litical rights tho negroes hnvo loft." Speeches woro mndo criticising President Roosovolt nnd Bocrotnry Taft nnd indorsing tho sentiment of tho Washington meeting, o TO COMPLETE HAYWOOD JURY TODAY iu:com chop of junfj iuudes. BUT TWO MORE JURORS REQUIRED ATTEMPT TO WRECK S. P. San Joho, Cnl., Juno 3. Unknown parties nttumpted to wrock n south bound Soulhurn Purine train this morning between Buntn Clnrn and Lnwronce. Thoy piled ties ncross tho trnck, but Uioho worn discovered by tho engineer, who slopped tho train This is thp third attempt In tho samo vicinity this yenr. o ' - PORTLAND VOTE IS HEAVY Portland. Juno 3. Tho honvlost oarly voto ovor cast In tho olty waH polled this morning In tho municipal election. Harry, tho candidate for ro-oloetlon on both tho Democrat lo nnd Indopeudont tickets, and Thomas Dovlln, is tho Hopulillenn onndldnto. An open or olosed town Is tho Issue. lie flowing goods are now n ale Flno Millinery, Ladlca' SulO, Ln dies' Jackets, ladles' Drown Skirts mid Shirt Waists Going at Small Price. rn'7 crgandles, fancy dimities. hinth lawns, flno dress glng- nams, Indian head suiting, linen s goods, Persian lawns, dot- Swisses, silk mulls, fancy kite goods, white P. K., silk fagbams, white India silks, alte wool dress goods, fine drew Eoods, long white gloves, white rasols, 1000 yards pretty fancy bs now on. sale. Yard, 4c Ladles suits $160, $2 50, $4 50 and up. toMah inrVeta from S3. 50 up. Ladles' dress skirts, $1.50, $2.60, $3.50, $4.50 and up. Trimmed dres bats from $1.95 up. . White lawn shirt waists from 4CC np. SALKU'g TASTIEST GROWDCQ STORK. McEVOY BROS. COMKBftCfAL AXO COUHT TKKSTg, gALKM, OK. H. ST. GEORGE TUCK EH. Pnwidunt of tho Jnuioatowii torecntonninl, ox-law professor, ex-diplomat nnd ox-congrojwinan. ship lo GOO, wlpo out tho $2800 debt and secure $1000 gunrnuty of sup port annually. This will put tho Sn lem Institution on easy street, where Its work can be oxpanded to meet the neods of a growing city. Kncouraglng and onthuBiastlo ad drese woro mado by a docen speak ers, aad all reported a hearty unanimity of sentiment, showing that all ranks and cluwe sustain the work of the Y. M. O. A. The speakers at the banquet cre ated such a tidal wave of enthusiasm that when some on suggested that they taokle the old debt, $1000 was subscribed In a few minute. It is conditional upon tho whole $2S00 being subsorlbed ,and tbore will be a heroic effort tnado to secure the balance. A "Cotton I'iik" Trial. Wnshlnuton. June 3. Hdwln 8. Holmes, Jr., formerly assistant statistician In tho ngrloulturnl de partment, was plaeod on trial today for conspiracy in tho "cotton louk srandal. ilo was Indlcjod In 1&06, with Frederick Peckham ami Motes Haas, but Holmes fnood the court alone. The govorumout so far has beou unable to extradite Peakhnm nnd Unas. It Is alleged that Holmes gave advance Information of tho oat ton crop to Haas and Peckham, New York brokers, ami It Is charged that the conspirators made $200,000 be fore tho leak was dlioovored. Jury Is Composed Almost Entirely of Farmers Chicago Hlrlt Married at lUto Ouo n Minute. e llolso, Juno 3. Whon court con vened nt 11 o'clock thin morning to rosumo tho Haywood murder trlnl, Judge Wood nunouncd from tho bench, thnt tho Jury must bo com pleted boforo tho final adjournment for toil ay would bo permitted. As but two nro required to qualify out of tho 30 veniremen romnlnlug thin should bo n comparatively easy tank. Haywood camo into tho court a few minutes boforo Its assembling, nnd looked unusunlly fit. Ho was high ly Indignant ovor tho circulation of tho report thnt- ho had broken down. Ho said ho felt first rnto, nnd bin nerves woro novor bettor. Doth sides profess to bo satisfied with tho ten Jurors solected. Thoy nro chle!y fnrmors, hut soom unusunlly Intelli gent. Six Hcntu nro yet to bo tilled, and tho defonso will uso Its last por omptory on J, A. Robinson, who Is apparently a good Jur,oj,, bHtteua Chicago, Juno 3. Sunday wan an oxtromoly busy day for preachers cab drivers and florletfl. Tho ftrat crop of Juno weddings was enor mous. Saturday tho license clerks woro awnmpert, 110 licensee belax issued In tho first two hours. The uveVngo for tho day was a license ev ery mlnuto. Now records would hav been established but for tho fact that It wna only a half-day at the city hhll, nnd tho license bureau cloaertr promptly, Inasmuch an thcra was a bail gamo In town, nnd lota dolate otherwise All of Sunday cabs and' automobiles hustled up nnd down nnd around tho streets, nit boarlng protty girls In dlnphnnoun gowns, great quantities of rosea, now milt cases nnd all tho Impedimenta of tho nowly-woddod. Tho outgoing tralnn aljo carried tholr quoin, whllo min isters nnd Judges found tholr snlarloii consldornhly augmented at tho closo of tho day. n o DECIDED BY PORTLAND'S ELECTION fflfthJ tho Ulu. Im- SAAUTKL (IOMPKKS. President of the Aiuoriumi Fed crntion of Ijibor, meinour of tlw Civio federation und former oijjnr uiakor. Washington. June 3.- HoIhmn ploadwl not guilty. The panel was quickly ubatiMd, and a new one ordered. o- Killliig Unliitoiitlonal. Grand Porks, I. 0., Jun 3. Delta Donnan has been acquitted of Intent to kill her sister by a coro ner's Jury- The girls quarreled on Thursday, and Bella threw a stick at her sister, Burfna. The stick struck her on the bead, and aho died without regain ing conscience. Miss Donnau Is pros trated with grief over tho unfortu nate accident, and there Is general satisfaction over the verdict or the Jury. O' CftJcaxo KarkcU. Chicago. Juno S. Wheat 9GK 7U, corn 5Stf054, oaU 484, i. 1 Klet-tnl (lotcrtior. HI Pa so, Texas, June 3. Honor Oreel, .Mexican 'ambaHsdor to tho United States, has been eJeotod gov ernor of Chihuahua. To Kuccfi-! Vfrk, Washington, June 3. Pearl Wright, of New Orleaus, has accept ed the offer to become oommlssloner of Internal revonue. viae Yerkes, and will bejcln bis duties nest December. The appointment for the Interim ! not announced. o Xtt PrlbH-wt Xet Pull. Ixndon, Juno 3. Campbell-Bsn- nerman announced In the commons today that there would bo no sslon of parliament next fall. Th fkfcwlfx Trial. San Francisco, Juno 3. Theo, DellwJg, a retired baker, was ac cepted by both Jt Ik the 8chitx trial this mornlsr, staking aloe Jur ors iaally atjtJ. onlmrg boarded with him for ovor two years. Alfred Koff, a local banker, so soon as his name was called admit ted having an opinion as to the guilt of Haywood. Richardson challenged him for implied bins, bat Judge Wood rilled UKuImt him. The de fense thou forced the ohnllengo fur aolual bins, und Wood ngnlii ruled ngulust the dofonvo. This was a de cided body blow to tho defame. Ilolse, Juno 3. The Haywood Jury was aomploted at noon by tho seleotlou of O. V. Heborn, a rnnoh er. Hobern'a aelection followed tho peremptory challong by tho dofenso of Alfred Koff, a local banker who admitted prejudice against lho West ern Federation, this exuausieu me defense's percmptorle nnd com pelled It to rotalu J. A. Robertson, a carpenter, whom It Inteuded chal lenging. Tho taking of evidence will begin Tuesday morning at 9:30. Tho Jury was sworn as a body, and tho court recessed until 3 o'clock this af ternoon. After tho Jury was com pleted the prosecution offered an af fidavit containing a Hit of jilno new witnesses they wanted entered on the records. Itlohardson strenuously objected ,and chanced bad faith. Ho declared the names 6tfcfe'ltlimJ te$l!?1 sides selecting a full list ot elty od nTcru, tle'cIduH tho following propot- tlOHH! , 13,000,000'of water boa, . , $1,000,000 of park nnd boulovanP boudH. $500,000 of dock bonda. $450,000 of bridge boudH. $275,000 gonornl bonds of city. Improvement of slroola by trlcts. Procedure to defeat Htrwrt? provnmentN by r -monstrance. Halo of properly for unpnld assess ment. Increasing salary of city onglnoor from $2400 to $3000. Increasing salary of city attorney from $2400 to $3000. Increasing salary of city treasurer from $2400 to $3000. Increasing salary of municipal Judge from $1800 to $2400. Inervnslug salary of cuuncllmeu to $100 a month, Creating offlco of sergeant ot po lice. Hstabllshlng frog employment bu reau. Annexing additional territory to city. Creating board of engineer exam In ears. Itegulatlng oluotrloal wiring. QruatiHg franchise to Hcoumuy das Company. $80 saloon llotase and limiting saloons, fixing llaenxs fcon of other liquor dealors. The polls open nt 8 a. in. and clow at 7 p. m. I'lmt limit IlfurlH' Nvmo. Nome, Alaska, Juno 3. Tho Cor- win arrived last night, tho first steamship of tho season from tho out side. Hhe was threo days lit tho Ice. The gold cleanup to date is $3,000, 000. Crocker .Vol 1m I'olklrn. Dublin, Ireland, Juno 3. Illohar Crocker denies the story that ho will enter politics and seok election to the commons. wcro sprung on'cr, the evo of the beginning of taklngrnomlnatlon. evidence with tho Intent to deccivo ar.'T'',"',.', ll'.'i the dofenso. He quoted a recent do- olilon of the supremo court to sus tain hia decision. Wood ruled against tho defense. At S o'clock the court reoxmbl4 and the Jadlctweat wsji read, bailiffs selects and aJJoura wtat waa take uattl 1:39 TwrnUy, After I-'orHbrr's Hrt, Clnoluantl, Junj 3. M. K. Ingals, president of thu "Hlg Pour" and pro pectiva candidate to succeed Forak says ho would not retuso tae Dr. J. F. COOK TffM HOTAXKAIi IMXTTOit. movm to t-t uftuwrr mmmm JCO04C. COIJnJrAT10M vkw.