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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OttKGON. WKDXKSDAY. MAY 20, 1007. mm. e Change of Life Ible Advice to Women from firs. Henry Lee, firs. Fred Certia and firs. Pinkham. mfsam. "jffllx). SSjS VSaff- "PS? MRS HENRY LEE is to modern mothods of living te TVOmau iu i uiuuauuu ujj- kesthM porlcctiy natural ennngo ut experiencing a train of very ling and sometimes painful oxns i u tho most critical period of holn exlstcnco and every woman icglccta tho caro of her health i time invites disenso and pain, en her system is in a deranged don or sue is prcmsposcu to ixy or congestion or any organ, .nAnnnv U at tills DOrlod rto becomo active and with a nervous Irritations make mo a a. At this timo also cancers amors aro more liablo to form egin their dcstruotlvo -work. (vnrnlntr svmDtoms as Bcnsa location, hot flashes, headaches, ches, melancholia, dread of lm ntrovll. palpitation of tho heart. hilarities, constipation and dizzl nro promptly needed oy Intel i women vho aro approaching sriod of lifo when this groat may bo expected. . Fred Certia. 1014 So. Lafayette t, So. Bend, Ind., writes: In. Pinkhntn : rinkbnnvs vpRotaoio torn- MRS. FRED CERTIA &ro passing through Chnngo of Life. For several months I sufTcml from hot flashes, citrcmo nervousness, liwulache and sleep lessness. I had no appetite and could not sloop. I had nmdo up my mind there was no help for mo until I tagon to uw Lydla E. Pinkhom's Vegetnblo Compound, my bad symptoms ceased, and it brought mo safely through tho danger period, built up my system and I am in excellent health. I consider Lydla E. Finkbam's Vegetable Compound unsurpassed for women during this trying period of life," Mrs. Henry Lee, CO Winter Street, Now Haven, Conn., wrltcst Dear Mrs. PinVham: "After (uttering untold misery for three years during Change of Lifo I heard of Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I wroto you of my condition, and bewail to toko Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- rund and followed your advlco, and to-day am well and happy, I can now walk any where and work u well as anyone and for years previous I had tried but could not get around without help. 1 consider your medi cine a sovorolgn balm for suffering women, Women passing through this critical period should rely upon Lydla D. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If thero is anything about your caso you don't understand wrlto to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for ndvico. It is free and has guided thousands to health. ROOSEVELT TO EXPLORE RIVERS Illinois Surpassed By West Virginia in Coal Production ,H E li tho ideal medicine for women who Wlion n, modioino baa boon successful in rostorinir to bonltb. -- . u ally thousands of womon, you cannot vroll say without tryinp; "T ilonnfc hnllnvn it will holn mo." It is vour dutv to voursolf family to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogotablo Compound. rm WtOSKS HKAVli DHOl'8. itest known romody for heavos. II. To oxproaa offlcea awny ialem I pay 26 cents on oxpreas s. inland, Oregon, Oct. 31, 1902. lis to certify that I gave my one hottlo of "Stono'a Heave ' and cured hor of hcavoa fas last wlntor nnd she has not fflktfd Blnco. O. Wallace. r. S. C. STONE, Salem, Ore. sale by all druggists. KS FITTED, LARGE STOCK DR. KUM idcrfu4 CHINESE DOCTOR treat you with Oriental beto :re any disease without operation a. Kum is known everywhere in and has cared many prominent here. He has lived in Bales vera and eaa be trusted. He etay medicines unknown to white r, tad with them can cure , asthma, lung troubles, rheu , stomach, liver, and kidney dU Kns makes a ipeelalty of dropsy faasi trouble. His remedies privite diseases when everytkiag IU. He has hundreds of teeii . aad giTs consultation It. for medicines very moderate. a the tout try ean write fox Ba4 stamp. ros waat sossa axtra tse tea, fM m us. . EK. KTJM BOW WO 00, teaU High street, Saleaa, Ofeo km fence Wire tor Wfa Wir X&XJIl jm2L "TUt" TT l"7V"lAMjnt HARPER WHISKY Jrl la t Fmnous at hom for I Ocnerntlotta pastj I Famous now nil over I tls orld. I mmmmmmmmmmmm Washington, May 29. Prosldont Roosevolt Is to mako.n trip down tho Mississippi Hlvor. He hns nccoptcd provisionally nn Invitation from tho governors of sixteen states to mako tho voyage, for tho purpoBo of soo Ing tho river and harbor work In pro gross on that strenm. Thft journoy probably will bo tnkon early in Oc tobcr, for Mr. Roosovelt goes to Can ton, 0., Soptombcr 30th to spoak nt the dedication of tho McKlnley mon- TUIrty-Two Stntes Itcprcscntcil. Chlcngo, IU., May 29. At least thirty-two states aro represented to day at tho conference in this city which has met to discuss trusts nnd combinations. Tho conforonce Is held under tho auspices of tho Nn tlonal Civic Federation. Tho gener al Idea Is to bring nbout a better In terstate understanding ns to corpora tions. The delegates embrace some of tho brightest nnd most prominent mon in the severnl stntos. and nro ul nctlvey enlisted in tho work of tho conference. This conference will discuss governmental power over corporations ongaed in intorstato commerce; the division of power un dor the constitution betwoou tho na tion nnd tho stnto; power concur rout In nation nnd state, nnd similar subjects. How should the corpora tion bo constructed, Bhould thoro be national corporations na woll ns stnte: tho basis of cupltnllzntton of corporations; their Internal con trol; provisions looking to tho pro- iitmint l?r will rn frnm thnrn lO St. Louis or some other point on the taction of Investors nnd BtockhoM vnt nt wn.,M .i ti,nr .lnwn to OFS, as well as fair dealing with tho Memphis, whore ho will attend tho PHc: dlstlnfctlon between pub Ic deep waterways convention. It U 8Crv,C0 nm olhor corporatlona. Tho believed ho will mako an address be, J"8 nntl prnctlcnblo limits of tho ro- foro this convention, Although this ncuon anu rcguinuon. rouorni . ,a !, .i.nnitniv .lriormliiPd tato. of combinations In trnnsporta- yot. Tho trip will tnko nbout tlx t,on Production, distribution nnd la- days nnd will bo mndo on ono of tho or- rt"'"K ' uwubkuwubu ...... nnvnrnmont atnnmnrit. Thin tlnPlS-. " "' lh"M n. . U. ........ .V ..,......-. .... . tho call nro N'lcholas ion of tho President has brought Joy' Murray Ilutler, nishop Henry 0. Pot- n m hnnrtn of ihn LnkoR-tO-tho-i101"' nnipOI UOmpOrS, Oult advocates, who undoubtedly will mnko tho most of their oppor tunity In impressing upon tho Presi dent tho necessity for establishing this great ship canal. Tho Presi dent's interest In the Question of Both Low, Franklin McVengh, Archbishop Ire land, Judge GroBscup, Dr. Albert Shnw, John Mitchell, Carroll D. Wright, Lyman Abott, August Del mont, J. W. Jcnkn, D. II. Morrlssoy, E. P. Ripley, D. A. TompklnB, Her wntorwayB development Is woll. mnn uw, unronco .Mncaay, narrr known nnd ho Is a henrty admirer of . pf" Judson, Talcott Williams. Isaac tls Morld. For salo by I AUG. SCHIIEUIEH, Salem, tho National Rivers & Harbors Con gress, which, composod of business men, shlppors nnd communities throughout tho United StatoB Ib Bcoklng to havo congrosB npproprlato not less thnn 150,000,000 u yenr for tho prosecution of this form of In ternal development. Tho Journcy-of tho Chief Executive undoubtedly will glvo a strong stimulus to tho work of thlB organization which now Is en deavoring to Increnso still further It momborshlp to tho end thnt tho American people may express united ly to congroBB their deHlro thnt thlR dovolopmont bo continued. Illinois gnvo wny to West VJr glnln Inst year In tho mnttor of coal production. According to statistics compllod by tho geological survey, West Virginia supplanted tho Sucker Btato nnd took position ns tho boo- ond conl producing stnto of tho Un ion, During 1900 It had n total out put of 45.270.4SG short tonB, while tho production of Illinois waa 41, 470,435 short tonB. Tho loss ot placo by Illinois was duo to tho al most comploto Biisponslon of mining oporntlons In thnt stato In April nnd a portion of May bocnuso of labor troubles. According to tho figures tho totnl production of conl In tlio United StntoB last year was 414, 039,581 short tons of 2,000 pounds, valued nt IB12.C10.744. Compared with 1905 thoso figuroa show an In creaBo of G.4 por oont In quantity nnd of 7.5 In value. N. Sollgmnn, Frederick D. Undor wood, M. E, Ingalls, Warren S. Stone, Charles 0. Dawes, Rlchnrd T. Ely, John G. Gnrrobeon, John S. Huylor, II. J. Grccnhut. Thoro Is n very large nttondnnce, not limited to dele gates ofllclnlly nppolnntod by thu governors of tho Hovornl stntes, hut embracing also a very largo number of mon noted In clvlo llfo nnd In business circles, who mnnlfost n llvo ly Interest In thu dlBousslon nnd tho object of the gnthorlng. --o Army Hi'Hi'f (Jiudfii Party. Now York, May 29. Tho Army Relief Bocloty, which endenvora to enro for tho widows nnd .orphnns of soldiers of tho regulnr army, Is In full command on Governor's Island today, n gnrden pnrty bolng undor wny. Tho entire gurrlson has been turnel out In honor of tho nffnlr nnd thoro Ib no end of lino uniforms from Mnjor Gcnornls and Admirals to non commissioned ofllcors. Tho military font n ros wero nrrnnged by Oonoril Grant. Tho soldiers escorted tho col ors, wont through tho mnnunl of nrms with n muslonl drill and bayo net exercise. Then na n flunlo they will nttnek and capture tho fortress on tho Island with tho most modem military tncttcs. Gen. and Mm. Fred Grnnt held n rnooptlon for tho soel' oty and for nil Its guests nt their homo on tho Island. Theru was u concert by the Twentieth Infantry hand and n dancing pnrty nt tho ofllcors' club In tho evening. Tho trustnua of the fund nro Lovl P Mor ton, Cornelius Vnndorhllt and Cor nelius N. 111!. A groat number of Indies of tho blithest rank In society FROM THE PASTURE TO THE PEOPLE. No hanging around stock yards, wholeealo bouses and Ice-boxos for a month or two with our meats. Wo guarantee It frosh well fed cattle, city dre8d, per fectly conditioned. Juicy, sweet, au trlclous and appetising. Beef, mut ton, veal, lamb, game poultry, if It Isn't better than you buy et where tell' us about It. F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N. Com. St O C T. Co, -STEAMERS Br. PlcJtiu, 0t, ShlnjlM, P ! Ee4y Itootrn. cra Doom UjMtible "WkMUw 3cxt All ail few K- fitter Moriey St Satom, Ore IOMO.VA AND OREGO.VA LKAVK PORTL.1XD MO.VDAY, WED.VBsV DAY AND KRIDAY AT 1 A. w TUHfiDAY. TKUKftDAY AXD SATURDAY AT M A. VU VOH coVAii rvmsxr, tkotwday AXD IbATURBAY AJsOWT T. H. p. VL BALDWIN, Aft. Formor Senator Cockroll once moro has resumed his dutio us n mombor of the Intorstato Comnwreo . ve hwn worknK ko bonVor for commission. Tho distinguished Mis-' th(J auoe9M o( n ftfralr sourlan has boon Jn very poor healtli and for two or throo months has hwn In the hands of his physicians, spend lug most of tho tlmo In Forlda. Gen ernl Cockrell Is a glutton for work It was roally to keop him from work ing himself to death that he was or dered peremptorily by his phrMclnns to loavo Washington. During !' flvo conseoutlvo terms In the senate he was credited with working more hours n day than any other mem ber of that body. Alfred E. Rent, treasurer of the state of Colorado, Is In Washington and this week gave out a public iatemont denying tho story sat from Denver that a trans-MlMlMlPUl antlRooevolt congroes was In pro eees of formation in his state H denied also that Governor Huektcl of Colorado la unfrlondly to the President and behind any such move ment Mr. Rent believe that the story orlglnatod In the coining con gress of ranobraon and other Inti' ested In tho public and timber lands of tho western states, whloh will be held In tho noar future. He says that a number of theao people are not In sympathy with the policy t the Administration with regard to the public domain, but brands a nonsense the statement that thU feeling has crystallzed Into anything like an anti-Roosevelt movement. In fact, Mr. Bent wy that If tb President will accept the nomination In 1908 Colorado will be for bl nnaalmously. Ho T, Ilt Secretary Taft' boom ! & ' celved Try graciously throughout the treat terr4ry wt of tko Miorl. Headaclie Sufferers Do you want relief in just a few moments and no bad after-effects. If so, you havo only to take, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain JL'JHH, If subject to headache, have them with you al ways. No harm ean eonio from their use, if taken as directed, as they contain no opium, chloral, mor phine, cocaine, chloro form, heroin, alpha and beta eucaine, cannabis in dica or chloral hydrate, or their derivatives. Ask your druggist about them. "It k!v ro great i4ew to be able ip rtttt to lUe Vr Anil l'aln nil aa thy Ut temtrf we have vr ha4 in our how for lit jrv lion an4 eufa t)ul&ctie. Mr wire Ui ia t4rf a cvaaiant mBtnr far 7ara with tv above wmhUInt, kiln m la ra(rofullnjr If ililwr, AbII J1d ItlU. doping tlsey mar fall into tUo batwl yJ all who uflfr" J. iXiVail, WaUnriWt. Jf. T sv. MIIA' Antl-Paln Pllli uU Y Yur tfnJgUt, wh will suaranU MM tie KnpickiM will 4Mtil. M H Igm. Jf will it ywr mAy. f A SaUARE DEAL Is assured you when you buy one of Dr. Plcrcc'a Family Mcdlcla for nil the ingrctlicnts entering into them nro printed on the bottle- wrappers nnd their formula are attested under oath ns being compfcte nnd correct. You know just what you nrc paying for and that th In gredients nrc gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native, medicinal roots found growing in our Ameri can forests. While potent to cure they are perfectly harmless even to the most delicate women and children. Not a drop of nlcohol enters into their composition. A much better ngent is used both for extracting and preserving the medicinal principles used in them, viz. pure triple-refined glycerine of proper strength. This ngent possesses intrinsic medicinal properties of its own, being n most valuable nnti-scptic and anti-ferment, nutritive nud soothing demulcent. aiycerlnc plnys nn Important part in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia nnd weak stomach atteuded by sour risings, "heartburn," foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling In stomach, biliousucsa and kindred derange ments of the stomach, liver nnd bowels. Besides curing nil the above distressing ailments, the "Golden Med ical Discovery M is n specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, ns catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels oc pelvic organs. Kvcn in its ulcerative stages it will yield to thin sover eign remedy If its use be persevered in. In Chronic Catarrh of tho Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery M for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy, Thk thorough course of treatment generally cures even iu the worst cases. In courIis and hoaraeness caused by bronchial, throat and lung: affections, except consumption Jn its ndvuuccd staged, the "Golden. Medical Discovery " is a most efficient remedy, cspcclnlly iu those obatl nate, hang-on-couglis cauued by irritation nnd congestion of the bron chial mucous membranes. The "Discovery" is not so good for acuta coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must It be expected to cure cotw sumption In its advanced stagesno medicine will do thatbut for alt the obstinate hang-on, or chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consumption, it is the best medicine thnt can bo taken. If the Bwcct taste of the "Discovery," caused by the glyccriue, is. disliked, a few dropa of lemon juice, orange or lime juice, added to each dose will make it ngreeablc and pleasant and wilt not iu the slightest interfere with its bcucfical effects. It's nn Insult to your Intelligence for n dealer to endeavor to palm off upon you some nostrum of unknown cotnfosilbn in place of Dr. Pierce's world-famed medicines which arc Oi' KNOW.N composition. Most dealers recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines because they know what they nrc made of and that the ingredients employed nrc among the most valuable that a medicine Tor like purposes can lie made of. The same is true of lending physicians who do not hesitate to recom mend them, since they know exactly what they contain nud thnt their ingrcdicms are the very lcst known to medical science for the euro oi thc several diseases for which these medicines arc recommended. With tricky dealers It Is different. Something else that pays them n little greater profit will be urged upon you as "just as good," or even better. You can hardly afford to accept a substitute of unknown nunposithn nnd without any particular record of cures iu place of Dr. Pierce's medicines which arc oi' known composition ami have a record of forty rears of at us behind tlten. You know what you want and it is the dealer's business want. Insist upon it. to supply that. A SQUARE DEAL AND A PAIII Tit! Afj OK" Ol'It FAUM lMl'&ftMKNTM AND MAflll.NKUY OI' KINDH. IK YOU AUK NOT HATIfiKIKU WITH A I'AIIt TltlAL YOU NKKI NOT IIUY. I HKMj TltAOTION AND HTATIONKUY HNOINKS, NlCHOIM AND HIir.I'AUD'H HKI) ItlVICIl HIIIWUATOHH, HAY HAJiKHW, KTUKITT AND IIOAI) OHAIHNn MAOHINKUY. WIJ IIANI1LK THIS IIYHI) WACJONH, KSQVM IIUttaiKS, HACKS AND CAIIIIIACIKH. WK AHU AOKNT8 FOIl THU ADIHANCf:, IIUCKKVK MOW. KIIH, CMIli:il VIXNVH AND IILUIC IllllllON CUT!VATOIW, AI.SO HOMK SECOND HAND FAUM IMl'MCMKNTH AND WAOON8 VKHV CIIRAI', PAINTS, OILS AND VAU.VIHIIKH AT WH0L1AT.K AND UK- TAIL, CJ LAKH AND STAINS OF ALL KINDH, AND I'AINTKIW Hl'lM'LII. iirnar tofh, dahiiiioaiidh, whiph, hoiiiw, kto, COnitlWFONDK.NTlJ SOLIOITHD, riHCULAHH AND DRSOH1F. TIVi: CATAIX)(H'I fuhnihhkd ON application, GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. I F1I0NK 101 MAIN CO It. FIIONT AND PINK HTKKWIt Cnlfli Lnrxo llnim. Hkiii Mlnuor nnd K, W Jiunwa yn torday capturod two of thu largwt ba Uiat liavo boon rnpturod thU nwuKon. Tho lnrgr flh wan etl mntMl as walKhlni; nearly ovii pounds whllo tho urnallor woli;hol about flvo pountli. CASTOR! A Tor lnhut and Chlliiron. Dm KM You Have Always Bought Bvars th B!jJXAturt Of CVflrVyT. r K, MtimUUcXCv XlUtX,lU FroiaU Inrltwl. Propoials Invited for nuppllet tor tho OreKon Btato Penltontlary for tho porlod bndlDK December 31, 1997. Ble4 bldi for drUK, dry goods, erocrl(jS, butter, leather nnd find Idk. hardware, flour nnd meat, tc, will bo rccoived In the office of the auoerintendent ot the Btato Peniten tiary, until Wednwday, June 18tb, at S o'clock f. w., at xhlcli tlm thty will V optMl, A 4?oU ot 1209 Ik (tub or ctrtl- fte4 chMk. yMs Ut th iHMfift tendont, mimt accompany ench hid fur meat and flour, and all other bids iiiuiit ho itccomjiftiik'd by im nmount criual to 10 por cout of tho amount4 of the bid. flanyiles to accompany all b!dt, whore prnctloablo. The right U re norved to rejuct nny and nil bid and' to neodpt or rojout any portlnu of a bid. On each envelope- nbould be In vcrlbed tho nature of tho hid. Ooodi of Oregon manufacture or production will reoojvo proforouco, othur thluue boInK eaual. All Kood and aiippllcn must be de livered to tho penitentiary within twenty days after thu contract 1 awarded. gebodulea of the varloutt line ot good to be bid on will be furnlfc4 upon application to the uperlme4 cnt. Vouchers will be Iswucd for pay mont on the first of the month fol lowing the completion ot the con tract, and monthly on eoHtlnuaiM contract. O. W, JAMK, Superintendent State Penitentiary Palom, Oregon, May 29, 197. o XA a.aK . 1l wfaj tt am. at l 'I" 1 3I 41 4 j ! v, i