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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. BALEM, OKEQON. WEDNESDAY, 3IAY 1, 1007. a t: HOFER BROS., Vdfote and Proprietors E. HOFKIt, Editor. A. P. HOFER, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADUD LABOR. GOOD A MAY MORNING. ! the tuno of half a million to a million MORE THAN WAS REALLY RE- QUIRED. , , . . Any fair-minded business man who will read the comparison of state valuations and state taxes, printed in this paper today, editorial, will see tho Injustice of the present system of making appropriations. . The people generally are willing to vote tho State University an an nual tax for maintenance, based upon a showing of Its actual needs. IT SHOULD PROUAHLY MB SH0.000 TO $75,000 A YEAR. The objection is not so great to tho amount asked for as it is to n i A touch ,of frost In tho morning air, A sudden sonso that life Is fair; Tho glad, wild note of a happy bird From tho tall bare boughs of tho popular hoard, Ero ho BhakoB his wings to mount on high A glorious Btretch of wind-swept sky, And a heart that catches tho lilt and swing And tho Joy that la life and lovo and Spring. From tho Outing Magazine for May. o - WHAT IS THE STATE TAX LEVY OF OREGON? blanket bill, that would permit tho money to be used to pay SKy-cracner salaries, buy lands at fictitious prices, OR PAY ANY OLD OUT-LAWED CLAIM THAT MAY RE HANGING UP IN THE SMOKE-HOUSE THESE LAST FORTY YEARS. Tho University is entitled to reasonable nnnunl support, and then If they want lands nnd buildings let them ask for them In tho regular order. . Oregon Fruit Sprnys. solution each to 25 gallons and then E. C. Armstrong, fruit inspector pouring theso two dilute solutions for this district, has published' n together. The lime solution should pamphlet giving farmulao for mak-1 always be strained through a sievo to lng and using fruit sprays that all exclude particles that might clog thu fruit growers should possess a copy nozzles. For winter use, tako C 0f i pounds of copper sulphate. The Capital Journal has cnlled at-j For scab, apply Just ufter blos tontlon to this work and now prints som fall with the flrat arsenate of two of tho sprays most used in tho .lead spray. lion of Interesting orchards owners, Thoso wishing raoro Information. That Ib a mooted question, bb tho stato tax Is not levied by tho state officials in mills. On tho valuation of $427,000,000 for tho year 1900, there was a tax laid of $1,025,000 or A LEVY OF JL'WO AND FOR-TENTHS MILLS. It Is supposed that tho Oregon assessment, or nt least a largo pnrt of It, IS ON WHAT IS KNOWN AS 'A CASH RASIS. Tho laws requlro all proporty to bo assessed at Us truo caBh value, and 0P thoso who havo but a fow. trees, apply to Mr. Armstrong, Salem. Ore many of tho counties aro nsscBBed that way. in making greater efforts to Bave.gon Tho chango wns brought about luet year. For InBtnnco, Marlon county f rtilt: was assessed Inst year In round figures at nlno million dollars. THIS Spray No. J Arsenate of Lend. YEAR IT IS ASSESSED AT TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS. For COdlln moth, and all other A Salem man, Mr. George S. Downing, hns gono to tho troublo to wrlto chewing insects. Tho formula for to tho secretary of Btato of Iowa, for a statement of tho assessment of , making tho arsenate Is as follews: that Btato. According to tho Inst consus Iowa had n population of 2,231,000 and Oregon had a population of 412,000. Whllo Iowa nan mora than five tlmca tho population of Orogon, THE 4 ounces nrscnato of soda 12 ounces ncetato of lead. Dlssolvo In water In sopurato My Rest Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives on rural route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y., sayB: "Dr. King's Now Discovery Is my best earthly friend. It cured mo of asthma six years ago. It has alBO performed a wonderful euro of lu- 8 1 I I I I 1 I 1 8 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I B 8 I I IH, .. - . urritiAL DIRECTORY buckets, pour togothor, nnd you have clplent consumption for my son's ASSKSSKD VALUATION IS ONLY AMOUT ONE-THIRD MORB THAN sufficient nrsonato of lead for 50 gal-, wife. Tho first bottle ended tho tor IN OREGON. lona of wator, and nil you havo to do rlblo cough, and this accomplished. Tho nBBOBBud valuation of Iowa last yenr was nearly $035,000,000 8 to pour your arsennto Into the . tho other Binyptoms left ono by one, and tho levy on this vnluation for stato purposes was thrco and flvo- wntor and stir well. Its advantages until sho wns perfectly well. Dr. tenths mlllB. over other forms of arsenic nro as King's New Discovery's power ovir But this assessment Is on what is called the taxablo voluo, WHICH IX follews: I coughs and eoldB Is simply marvol- IOWA IS CONSIDERED ONB-FOURTH THE REAL VALUE. First- It remains in suspension ous." No other remedy has over Tho roply of tho Bccrotnry of stato of Iowa to Hon. Geo. S. Downing longor than nny other arsonlcul equaled It. Fully gunrnntood by J. wbh as follows, under dato of April 15, 1907: spray, nnd honco requires but little C. Perry, druggist; 50c and $1.00. "In roply to your inquiry of tho 11th inst. will say, tho stnto tax lovy agitation, for rovonuo purposos In Iowa Is throo mills on tho dollar. In addition Second It Is vory adhesive, but to this thoro In a lovy for tho stato university of one-fifth of a mill, for littlo affoctad by rains, and therefore tho Btnto collogo of agriculture ono-ftfth of n mill, and for tho STATE roqulros a lss number of appllca NOHMAIj SCHOOL ONB-TBNTH OF A MILL PEIt ANNUM. Theso In- tlons. titltutloiml lovlim aro provided for by a special act of tho gonornl nssom- Third It Is moro lily providing that thoso lovlos I1B MADB FOR A PEHIOI) OF Trial bottlo free. Oregon Supremo Court. In tho Flro Association of Phila delphia, respondent, vs. John Alio pleasant to stun, nppollant, case appealed from FIVK hnndlo and enn bo used any strongth tho decroo of J ml go Frnzor of the YBAItH. Tho (iHsossod valuation of tho stato Is $301,733,822. This Is without Injury to follngo. .circuit court of Multnomah county, called tho taxablo value, WHICH IS ONB-FOURTH OF TUB RBAL Apply on npplos or pear for cod-! tho decision of tho lower court wns VALUB. Hit moth larvae, first Just after blot!- sustained by Mooro in a decision "Of courBi', tho Btato has cniiHldnrablo rovonuo from fooH collected by bouib fall; second, about Juno 15 to handed down yesterday. ThlB nppon' tho various dopartmoutB, notably from corporations, Inspection or olid, 20; third, about July 15 to 20; was from a decree of tho Multnomah collateral Inheritance, Itinerant vundors, Insurnuco companies, etc." fourth, about August 10 to 15; fifth, court enjoining tho dofendnnt from According to tho latter of tho sverotnry of statu of Iowa, tho wholo about September 5 to 10. If tho maintaining nn action at law on nn normal kcIiooI tax In that statu is only about $03,500 a year, OR LESS weather 1b cool or rainy tho spraying award determining tho extent of his. THAN HALF WHAT HAS RBBN APPHOPUIATBD IN OUBGON WITH should 'bo doforrcd or omitted damngo hydro to stock of umbrolluB RUT ONB-FII'TH TUB POPULATION. Spray for caterpillarB or slugs when! nnd parasols, etc., and tho cancelling According to thu uamo authority, tho ontlro Btato university tax In thoy first appear. . of a policy of Insuranco on such Sprny No. -1 Fungicide. I goods because o fnllcgod violation of Bordeaux mixturo, for uso on tho contract. Tho decision seta forth Iowa upon proporty direct would be $127, ,000 por annum upon proporty dlroct, FOR A STATU WITH FIVBTIMBS THE POPULATION OF ORB GON. Tho proponed university stato tnx in Orogon would bo $125,000 n yenr of a direct tnx, under tho bill passed by tho last legislature, and up on which tho pcoplo nro asking tho referendum. I Comparing tho taxable valuation in Iowa with tho cash vnluation of Oregon, it will bo soon that if Iown proporty Is assessed nt only ono fouth Its truo vnluo, and Oregon property Is assessed nt Its full cash value, tho Iowa Htato tax lovy nmountB to loss than nlno-tontha of ono vossol. Slnck tho llmo, using only .affirmed. mill, aa comparod to 2.1 mills In Orogon, OR A LITTLE OVER ONE- aulllclont water to Insuro slaking. Tho doclslon of Judgo Slntor In the THIRD TUB DIUKOT. STATU TAX VB HAVE TO PAY. Tho llmo should not bo allowed to supremo court today reversed tho do- Tho Cnpltal Journal bullovos tho dlroct tax In Orogon Hhould bo ro- bocomo dry while elnklng, nor Bhould croo of Judgo Senra of tho Multno- follago. For applo nnd ponr acnb: 3 pounds of copper sulphate. 0 pounds of quick llmo. 50 gallons of water. To prepnro Bordeaux mixturo, dls-j that from tho frndulont Invontory which Alleslna testified was correct and from other circumstances tho sworn Btntoment of Alleslna Iosb Is hold OB having beon made with n 8olvo tho coppor BUlphato in hot or knowlodgo of Its fnlBlty and thero cold wntor In a woodon or earthen foro tho decreo of tho lowor court is ducod. It Bhould bo grndually wlpod out, nnd not bo vory grndunlly It bo submorgud In water. Aftor tho Nyothor, oh tho stylish pooplo Bay. llmo Is Blnkod add wator and Bt'r Pooplo Intorostod In thoso nmttor will do well to cut out thoso figures until tho "milk of llmo" la of tho nnd huvo thorn for roforunco. o ONLY ONE TBLBPIIONB SVSTBM. consistency of crenm. Tho best re sults nro obtained by diluting the milk of llmo nnd tho copper sulphnto Tho Capital Journal told tho Salotu city council when It wns grant ing tho frnnchUo to tho Home Toluphoilo Co. that ft would moroly givo away a now frnuchlMo that would bo absorbed by tho old ono. Hut It wiMit through and tho city Is nrnamontod with A FBW THOU SAND MOItB POI.RS aloiiK IU prlnolpHl streets. A FKW MOUB THOU. HAND MILKS MOIHC OR LKSS DANGBKOl'S OVKItllKAD WIHB. Hut tho frunchliie wimiI through. The polM are oreuted to stand for n fow gonerutlouH. Tho new company hits boon "absorbed" and thoro wlU bo no automatic telephone uyatom Itutullod at Saloiu. That Tired Feeling It la not to ho supposed that any political nmohtm. sot a cont for ox- prtrlUn always removes That Tired Feel- court ,lll8 VL ' """" podltliiK Hils franchise In tho city or county. Tho stroots and tho ronda '., B.VM ' v ue 110W conrneu .., i , , . , vi.5imj nnvvrion-m roiti'niM'rinv irmt wim i'itv m mru " K K courage, nuUuIcd, by a doc a on Miiivri ,)ONAm- A W,""AIHKN FOR 11IU M OF 1IIIS Bttongth nnd anlinnllon; oleniuoa tho SIaUr. ThU appeal wn Salem nnd Marlon county hnvo u Aba Uucf. Tho word grafter la so obuoxloua here that polllleUuiH bogiu immediate llbol sulta when the word la employed In connection with any public oulclitl. Well, thoro la ou0 consolation following the ooueolldatlon. The bus! noss ami professional man will not have to pay for two or tun Instruments AS KB WOULD I1AVB TO IF TI1HHH WHHH TWO SYSTIIMS. Dut ronlly tho wny the wtreM art stuck with polee and the air li mnh circuit court In tho Julia Hoff mnn, executrix of tho will nnd testa ment of Leo Hoffman, doconsed, vs E. H. Habighorst, ot nl., appellants and G. W. Williams, t nl., defend ants. TIiIb Is tho second appeal In this enso. On tho first appeal a Judg ment In tho plnlnttff'a favor wnB re vorsed owing to nn orror In sustain lng n demurrer to 'tho nnswor. Tho That cornea to you ovory spring la a enso involves tho transfer of n $15, Blgu that your blood la wanting in 000 nolo. vitality, Jurt aa pimples and other crop- i the V. F. Mulkoy, appellant, vs' tlona aro Blgna that your blood is Ira- a. L. Dny nnd Mrs. G. L. Dny, re- l'ro . spowlents, enso, nppoalod from the Ono of tho groat facta of oxpononeo circuit court of Lane eonntv. tho ,i. and observation ia that Hood's Surea- C80n of jH(,g9 narrj8 of tho lowo,. ersod nnd re- of Juatlco nil tnlmi tmm blood, cloara tho complexion, builda up tl nng OM n poUton to rQV,0W tho wholo system. thl jjKmtn of a i,... iM.- rrtllrf ,. ThUUonoo ( tiw ivomds why Ilooil mluln au ncU(m br0 irsnparilla is the Boot hprlnc Medicine. ii,iff ,. r.. ,, .. ,........,. tiftiiiuai ua) uiiil ma WHO, O S Sarsnparilln Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Thoy Mnin it. Nn nnn nhniild anfTo ........ Inaiit on having Hood's. Get It today, longer with Piles, for Dr. i.Z ..... . .... ...-... . .. . . . ..... .x .. t in. .: w-. .. w.. strung wiiu wirtM i a irigni, auu u is ui u nopmi no more teiaituone in uqmu or luoiei lonn. iw uo&oayi. nanus ucm-uoia will cure. lluoa will be orectetl for awhile, at leant not on our principal stroots. TIIKIIK ARK NO KOM.S OFTIIK STATU UNIVKHSITY. Following nawspaper paragraph nuodu i ltttlu aluoldntlou from nn im partial atnudpelut: Fooa of the Stnto University are trying for signatures In Marlon county to tho jietltlnu for rofurendum on tho Unlvoralty appropriation. It Bhould bo rtMuamburod In Marion, however, thnt tho loglslaturo inakoe appropriations for uxpondlturos In Calem nud that ONB OR MORB OF T1IMM MKIIIT UK HlJIiU UP IIY HKI'KRKMU'M, TOO. It should be rouuunberod also thnt it might bo possible to do sovornl things uudvr tho Initiative that Marlon county might uot Ilka. Dwollera In glass house aro wise not to throw atonos at tholr nelghb ra. Orugontau. To fully undoratnud tho abovo It should bo stated that tho Orogonlnn la edited by an ox-proeldont ot tho Stnto University, and THRBB OR FOl'H GRADUATIW OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY. It should bo Ktuted that thoro aro no fous of tho Statu Unlvoralty in Salem, or any other part c Oregon. Pooplo do dlltor as to what Is a fair amount of tnxve to pay for that Institution. Tho roforoudum potltloua thnt aro bolug slgnod up against tho $100, 000 armory appropriation are going to strike a blow at a Salem Institu tion, aa Snlom would get an armory Tho people would havo n perfect right to tako tho referendum on any unjust tax or nny unreaqonnblo appropriation FOR ANY INSTITUTION THAT TI1KY llAVK AT EUGENE, OR EVEN AT SALEM, To threaten tho nnoplo of Marlou county with rotallatlon phows that the OrogoaUm In Ih the combluatloo that looted tho lat legislature to IF YOUR 1DLK .MOXBY IS NOT EARNING INTKUKSl YOU ARE 1X)S1NG A PROFIT THAT SHOULD RE YOURS. THAT'S TUB WAY MUX WITH MONEY MAKE MORE RY MAKING IT EARN IXTKREST. YOUR'S WILL 1URN THREE PKR CKNT, PAYARLK SKMI-AN-NUALLY, IF DEPOSITED WITH US. Saviors Department Capital National Bank v buiiruuiuu lor i,uuu.oo goes with every package of tho Hem-Rold. No mnttor what kind you hnvo. Blind. Bleeding, Internal, Extornnl Rolling or Suppurating, Dr. Leon hard fa Hom-Rold will euro you. Thl8 ia a strong statoment, but it Is supported by n thousand testimon ials from thoso who havo been per manently cured by Hom-Rold. If you nro not cured you got your monoy back. $1.00 at druggists or Dr. Leonhnrdt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Stono, Salem. Y Proprietors. Sold by Dr. S. O Drain Will Continue. Govornor Chamberlain , and State Superintendent Aokorman nro home from Drain, whero they mot with tho local rogents of tho Drain normal' school. It ia understood that tho lo cal authorities havo made arrange ments to continue the school. lillllllllll lillHllHlIb Delegation In Congress. Senator Chas. W. Fulton, Astoria. Senator Jonathnn Bourne, Jr., Portland. Representative W. C. Hawlpy, Sa lem. Representatlvo W. R. Ellis, Pendle ton. Stnto Officials. Governor, George E. Chamberlain. Seretary of State, Frank W. Ben son. Stato Treasurer, George A. Steele. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, J. H. Ackorman. Attorney General, A. M. Crawford. Stato Printer, W. S. Dunlway. State Labor Commissioner, O. P Hoft. Supremo Court. Chief Justico, Robort S. Bean. Assoclato Justice, Frank A. Moore. Assoclato Justico, Robort Eakln. Commissioners, W. T. Slater, W. R. King. Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. Q. Morrow. Bailirf, P. II. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. H. Burnett, Salem; William Galloway, McMlnn vlllo. District Attorney, John H. Mc Nary, Snlom. Other Stato Officials. J. W. Bailey, Food and Dairy Com missioner, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gamo and Forestry warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. C. Yenny, Stato Health Ofll cor, Portland. J. II. Lowls, Stato Englnoor, Sn lom. E. Gillinghnm, Stato Librarian, Sa eom. II. G. Van Duson, Stnto Fish Com missioner, Astoria. Chas. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agent, Salem. W. W. Elder, Commander Soldiers' Home, Roseburg. Marlon County Officials. John H. Scott, County nnd Probato Judge. R. D. Allen, Clerk of Courts. W. J. Culver, ShorlfT. W. Y. Richardson, Trcnsuror. E, T. Moores, Superintendent of Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Horrick, Jr., Surveyor. J. C. Needhnra, W. II. Goulot, Commissioners. A. M. dough, Coroner. D. G. Drnger, Rocordor. Snlcin City Officials. Geo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Moores, Recorder and Pollco Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal and Chief of Pollco. Frank Morodlth, City Troasuror. A. O. Condlt, City Attorney. Jna. W. Martin, Street Commis sioner. Mark Snvago, Chief Flro Depart ment. W. C. Smith, Health Ofllcor. City Standing Committee. Wnya and Monns Jacob, Waldo, Churchill. Ordlnnnces Grcenbaum, Low. Goode. Accounts nnd Curront Expenses Churchill, Rndcllff, Bayne. Streets Downing, Stockton, Stolz. Public Buildings Stockton, Stolz, Gosnor. Soworngo, Stolz, Jacob, Low, Plumbing Frasor, Downing, Gea nor. Flro and Wator Low, Radcliff, Goode. BrldgeB Gosnor, Churchill, Fras or. Health and Pollco Haas, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goode, Unas, Greonbaum. Prlntlug Radcliff, Haas, Frasor. Public Parks Bayno, Greenbaum, Stockton. Hoard of Education. W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Leo, H. C. Eploy, E. M Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers, City Supt. Schools. iR? em Urk.i SALES! AKi, For atomach troublos, biliousness, and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cures havo been effected by them. Prico 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug It's too bad to Bee peupie who go from day to day suffering with phys ical weakness, when Rocky Mountain Tea would strengthen them. Tea or Tablets 35 cents. For sal at Dr Stono's store. Will Give Concert. Tho sisters of tho Sacred Heart Academy, of this city, havo beon for tunate In securing- from Whales piano house two of tho finest piano on tho coast. Ono concert Bjana, value $1200, and ou upright, $50". Tho Kranlch and Bach piano la un oqualled for Its durability and sweet ness of tone. Tho sisters aro, there fore, to bo congratulated In securing theso two valuable Instruments, which will add greatly to their al ready finely equipped Institution. Wo aro Informed that thew planoi aro to bo used at tho recital 81" tho pupils In Academy hall oa May 2d. 4-M-St Deal.,. .-T Hinhn, ::r!n'"ad.. --rca fatWholw Eggs-lBo i0HlXk Hens-i2C; yonng cvH 13 16c. D4"'": Butter 27U.. hn), Local whi!fiJS?! Local wheat-6Sc. Oata 38 40c. BarlDy-.?22023 1' iour$3.25. Mill feed-Bran. iu. $2i.oo. "'": Hnv ntm.i ... . POoS"?' si.nn nn ... " T ,-V. UU. j r -""'V.W. 1UH ii .j choice, fitfjo,.. -w. ,n " v WB ti Chlttlm bark-BHUt Tropical rrsJte. Ilnnnnnn c fll Oranges $2.75J,m, Lemons 4.00 5.m.' Retail Market. rolled barley, 27.50f2 p, KriTS 9ftn iln. j" Apples 13.00. I uuuer uountrv. Ut Flour $1 per ck. ! Ttrnn ARa n.. ...t.. ... 4 TInv TlmntK. nn.. ... - cheat and clover, 60c pt? suoris, 6c per cwt UrnrfnrV. f IIOK9 Dressed. 9c. i Cattle 110001200 Lighter steers SHOIe. j Cows and heifers 900Q1H4 3 4c. Stock hogs 6c Hogs Fat, 6Wc. Lambs Be Veal Dressed, 8c nnnmiivn UlamBT IUIUU1.1U aiiMi Wheat Club, 75c; bluo atcra, 7778e. Oats Choice white, m Mlllstuff Bran, I1T. Hay Timothy, 1S 3lf I $11.60. Vetch $7,600 8.M. Potatoes 85c J.09 Hf Poultry Hens, 15f m Milckens. 14016c; dfHl ona. lC17c; lum,Sl 14c; ducks, 17018c; $1.25. Pork Dressed, tf IH. Beof Dressed, 6fte. Mutton 6C7t Hops 9O10HC . quality. Wool Valley, nn ; 29 23c; eastern Ortft. The Publish Claims Susiaiii - - Wirt Of i United Awr,! Dlctioniry fwnSwMrn tarVP''r,iSSS3iiifff "V " .- f ih wlaw .-Zit KSsSS tM Linn wrfrxubiSm hat Uo "M -Vipi UMB Jo A(a j THE ORjfDft li.iiMu" irrT L I GET THt w1"' sPRiNefi TheFasiJ ...-ii store.