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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1907)
""" ''fTf?pT!3T"V4.'Jr" ,-.- LX4LJ0UBNAL. kxni. SALEM, QKKGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 1007. iwie m DIED IN DELERIUM it Work Closed in Death- rid Darkened by Charges fFraidaud immoraiuy ijo, March 9 John Aloxan- BI1edleJat 7:40 'oclock IMS if. , ai had been expected. Ho . . -i.l llaenlltflnn fnr KB IS 1"U u """ . oontlit. Beaten in nis ngut atrol of the properties no ! u a prophet, he has never bis vigor. ea-Prophet Dowlo died nt Shl ituf, la Zlon City. At his bed- re only personal attondnnts, Hacnel, a white servant iHsrAfleld, a negro, and Judgo He was as well yesterday wai at any tirao In six 14 At mianiui hu ui-uuuu uu- ktnd Imagined himself holding Lm lerrlces, denounced his lm- Interrupter, ordorod tho i to put that man out." ills r.ia luted until daylight. Ills me grew weakened and tho nt- it tilled Dames. Tho prophot uccnsclous when Barnos nr- I md never regained control of liraltlej. pi never believed the chnrgoa huh and Immorality proferred at Dowle. Ho thought him In- I tie list few years, Barnes was fcafcr of Vollva's council, but p4 a sapporter of Dowlo's por- Dowlis wife, his son, Glnd- k Hi father, John Murray, aro inamer homo near Muskegon is, which was retained to i Dowle during tho receivership UtSi None ever held enmity against tho leader, all thinking him insane. Tho wlfo and son will un doubtedly come. Ever slnco tho court proceedings Dowlo has held services at Shlloh house, until six weeks ago. Tho attendants carried him to tho audience chnmber, but for six weeks past ho has been unnble to address his followers. Only 250 remained faithful to him after Vollva de nounced tho original lcador. Ills fu neral will probably be at Shlloh Park, Zlon City. Dowle lived up to his teachings, and was never attend ed by n physician. It is believed ho died .of blood poisoning nnd dropsy complications. All rancor Is now gono from Zlon. "Tho npostlo Is dead," was the cry that ran out. Alt industries aro closed. Workors poured out forming a great procession to Shlloh house. Voliva wns first to enter tho denth chambe'r. Ho went in n reverential mnnnor. RUEF NOT IN COURT Regards His Arrest and Trial As a Huge Joke Muskegon, Mich., March 9. The Dowlo family received nows of tho prophet's death this morning, and his wife is prastrnted. She has been se riously 111 for threo months, and may bo unablo to go to tho funeral. Ills son will go todny. Mrs. Sago Doubles Gift. Now York; March 1). Because residents of Sago Hnrbor, L. S., voted to add" $G5,000 to hor gift of $50,006 for a now school building, MrB. Rub- soll Sago linn decided to double her original gift, it was announced to dny. Tho school will bo known as tho Plorson high school both ns n memorial of Mrs. Sago's grandmoth-' ministration nnd IIUEF ,.... San Francisco, March 9. Arrested at his suramor home, and brought to tho city last night, thoro wns expec tation that Ituef would bo brought Into court this mdrnlng. A great crowd gathered nt tho court room early, but tho prisoner was not brought from tho St, Francis hotel, tho court deciding that It would not tako action in his enso until Monday morning. Iluef, by ordor of tho dis trict attorney, would pot mako any communication this morning to re porters or other porsons. Except his counsel no ono wns permitted to seo him. Ho continues to maintain a cheerful confidence, pretending to look upon tho entiro nffalr as a hugo Joke. A special session of tho grand Jury was hurriedly called this morn ing. It is believed tho nctiona of tho sheriff and coroner in their fruitless search for Ituef Is be ing investigated. Ituef Is Not Uneasy. Later in tho dny tho rostralnt was lifted nnd mombors of tho city nd- porsonnl friends THAW FAMILY AFFAIRS Jerome Preparing Some Great Surprises for Monday NO. 0. a' iPifLil ill! er, who lived in Southhampton, nnd because Isroal Plorson, ono of Mrs. Sago's family, introduced tho freo school system Into Now York state. o Two Ships Lost. Berlin, March 9. Tho German steamers Wettorn and Jocrgcnsen hnvo foundered In tho North Sea In a gale. All hands, Including 31 men, wero drowned. 1 Chicago Markets. Chlcngo, March 9. Wheat 77, corn 47tt8474, oats 42ft 42. niCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE n I NEW SPRING NOW ON GOODS S'ALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT wero permitted to visit Ituef. Tho relations botweon Ruof nnd Elisor Blggy nro of tho frlendllost charac ter. Ituef took occasion sovornl times to express his appreciation of tho courteous mnnnor in which ho wns being tronted. Ho sayB ho will bo- released ' Monday morning, nl tnough ho is In no hurry, as his pris on Is a nlco placo and ho hns plenty of reading matter nnd a good view of' tho city. Ho predicts that Judgo Dunno will bo declared guilty of contempt by tho United States bu promo court. SUITS FOR AN ACCOUNTING Now York, March 9. It is bollovod Jerome will seek to provo thnt "Whlto was not nonr tho Btudlo the day Evelyn accuses him of ruining hor. The dato can bo fixed, It lsenld, by the photographer who took tho pictures. Tho Btnto's exports, It Is reported, nro unable to decide to their own satisfaction iib to tho stnto of Thaw's mind. Thaw's exports do claro ho waB lnsnno nt tho tlmo of his marriage. It is stated that the (Countess of Yarmouth, If hor broth er Is acquitted, domnnds that ho leavo Evelyn. Tho countess' position demands tho rlddauc unsavory sister-in-law. v 11111 .inrnmn tnnnhnl lila s- this morning ho ordered nil nttacrSM to remain all day, and bo prepnred to work all night If necessary. County dctcctlvos woro sent forth on somo mission. Jerome todny rotnlncd bIx additional allonists. These mot with Drs. McDonnld, Flint nnd Mabon ajid wore supplied with copies of all testimony. o . GOVERNOR ' BROKE RECORD With Possibly Two Exceptions Vetoes are Upheld wholesalo slaughter. Appropriating $2500 for maintain ing provisional park nt Chnmpocg. Amending tho peddlers' llconso lnw. Extending the tlmo for tho pro tection of oik. Senator Bench's voting machine bill. Jackson's bill regulating fishing, in the Umpqun. Sountor Johnson's bill requiring tho Inspection of concentrated stock foods and tho Issuance of licenses for tho snlo of the same. Kny's bill permitting garnishment of public employes. Bonl's bill for tho appointment of dairy, chceso nnd cronmory Inspector nt $2500 per annum. Hodson's bill authorizing reclnmn tlon companies operating under tho Cnroy net to sell surplus wntor. Chaptn's bill requiring partner ships oporntlng undor nn assumed nnmo to rovonl truo parties Inter est by filing with tho county clork a cortlflcnto nB to nnmes of partners. Smith's bill for board of normal school regents nnd reducing tho niynbor of stnto normal schools to WALLACE J. TRILL " BARREB Omitted Quotation Marksi& Oration 7 Sf6. S CA V ff . lo,. "k re4"lor on flat Balnry. , ".Is 245-251 of tho sprlng'i exhibition of now srood (a tlw n.i,ii in , i.i. tWcajo Store, tho lusortaiont you luno to select from I imr Price the lowct quoted by any house on the Pacific Ooa. ' e jrou money. ns, Gloves lw length gloves In kid and " and white. W0 havo tB rltht nrU. . and white ..: '-MelHj, n.98 ,2C0 ' New Jackets uca we show the pret- Jackets and silk Hit., "'"""i ana as lownt price.. Udle.' .- COatt. 14 OS e ' -',, rikw" ft qK the nrettiMt " you - ... --- icr ,aia your 1 aall prlcw. i. 7. MtOtlfully trlmm " -- .12.49 '.fcaot ia tSallk alat..j.5g S Waists itrs mi tkij. ,ccn to annra- " Mtllt . M ?, appre- CoajiderlBK WARNER'S RUST PROOF Gwsets on Sale flere. New Millinery This seaaoa vro can show you a grand andcopleto lino of high class millinery. Now la your time to make a seIoctSoa,ao we aro opea ing up evey tay aew creatloaa from New Yor aad Chicago. We hare this seawi one of the best mlllnera oa the Padfk coast, A young lady taat ca dealgn and make for you ay class of kat X9U want at alt bait what you have to pay etoewlMre. Trlaaaed haU, fl.&, 2.S0, 3.50, 14.00 and up. Ladies dress Shoes Perhaps y net kaow that the Chcago Stere 4e0 a terribly big shoe baMsees. That la true aa4 If you see Mae algh-ckM ahoea we carry aa4 tke lew price we ask for theaa yea wMl a)eo be a cus toaaer. Flae de shoes, 11.49, 11.98, 12.28, 2.B. New Silks Concord, N. II., Mnrch 9, Papora in tho Eddy suit wero served this morning upon fourNdofondants, Cal vin Prvn. T.nivla fllrnnvn oorrninrv land assistant secretary of MrB. Eddy; Prof. Uerlng, first rendor of tho First unurcn iiore, tuoso papers wero sorvod In person. Hov. Irvlno Tom HiiBon, Mrs. Eddy's personal agent, was out of town, and tho pnpers wero left at his house. Boston, March 9. A dozen friends of Christian Sclenco wero added to tho list of defendants to tho suit to compel tho trustees of tho church to account for Mrs, Eddy's millions Among tho now defendants nro Mrs Mary Chamberlain, of Spokane, Wash., and others, mostly residents of Boston and Chicago. a NO BAGGING TKU8T. Jute Mill for IVndleton In Year. (Pendleton Trlbuno March7.) "A Juto mill will bo making bags In the city of Pendleton, within a year," declared H. C. Wlllla yester day. "The thing is not only feasible but it Is bound to come." continued the secretary of tho Third District .Multnok; county, and Slusher'a bill Development League, who Is also jresterlne: the sheriff of Morrow coun chalrman of tbo Back committee of Jty to tho fee "J001- With tho ex tho Inland Emplro Wheat Growers' Pn tho last named moaauro, i . .- . ... . ' i mik in liar Tjm nfiBKixvi nnrwuiiaiiitifi- Association, "wo Jiavo mvestlgatea A Salem special Bays: During his first term Governor Chamberlain vo toell 29 bills. Tho totnl number of mcabureB returned with his disap proval at tho last session wbb 27. Neither Governor Moody nor Gover nor Lord vetoed nny bills, while Governor Pennoyor, during his eight yearB' torm, roturned a total of 20 mcasuros with his veto. Govornor Gcor vetoed threo bills. , Prlnclpnl among tho bills roturned with tho disapproval of Govornor Chnmborlnln was that making np- proprintlon for tho Monmouth nnd Drnln normal BchoolB Jointly. A question had been raised as to tho tho constitutionality of this mcasuro nt tho tlmo of its passago. TIiIb fact, coupled with tho gonornlly known at- tltudo of tho governor respecting ap propriations for normnl schools, mado It reasonably certain that the amended bill of Sonator Laughary would como under tho veto ax. Another important bill that was vetoed by tho govornor was thnt of Senator Johnson proposing stnto aid for tho construction or roads through out tho state, an annual appropria tion being mado avallablo therefor by direct tax on tho assessable prop erty of the stato and amounting to about 1200,000. Solon DJurvgnn! Veto, FIvo of the 27 vetoes woro ro turned to the legislature in tlmo for tho two houses to consider tho meas ures before adjournment. Thoao bills were: Appropriating 1250,000 for tho State University, Increasing the salary of the Multnomah county au ditor from 12000 to 12400 per an num, Frceraan'B compulsory pass law, Beink'a juvenilo court bill for gooi! wh Istanco for Columbia th fi n code. DlMipproYoN of llorseiiiclug. All bills, four In, number, creating now district agricultural socletlos or onlnrglng tho npproprlntlon of thoso nlrondy existing, also rocolvod tho veto stamp. In disapproving thoso monBuros, Govornor Chumborlnln assigned as a ronnon that tho tondonoy In conduct ing thoso enterprises Is to glvo moro attention to horsornoing than Is do voted to a display or tho products of tho Hold, orohardaml garden, tho prlmnry object of such organizations. Thoro woro four such bills, tho nu thorB bolng Sonntors Smith (Umatil la), Johnson and McDonald and Hep rosontntlvo Belknap. HUNDRED THOUSAND LOOTED City and County Officials In dicted for Extortion and Frauds I Peoria. 111., March 9. Indlctmonts J wero roturned this morning against tho follewing: Hobort Jones, city clork on 13 countB for ombezclemont; Daniel Potter, former sheriff, em bezzlement; William PetoroH, formor doputy Bhorlff, confidence gnmo nnd falsifying public records; E. M Conkoy, formor doputy, embezzlo mont; Sherman Hunt, former depu ty, oxtortlon; Dan Itaum, nttornoy. forgery. A total of 30 Indlctmonts wero returned, specifying thnt over l 00,000 wns taken from tho city and county In tho ofllco of city clerk and former shorlff, Tho grand Jury Bcithlngly denounced tho careless nesa of all county and city officials. Wnllnco G. Trlfl, who was tho Wtl Inmettu representative at tho Inter collegiate debating contest, wast hnrred by tho commltoo for hur.Ihg. failed to glvo proper credit ht cut tnlu portions of his oration. Thrvo Ciinch Similar. Tho enso of Wnllnco Trill l tut third Instance of plngarlsm that has: occurred In tho Intercollegiate Ora torical Asosclatlon of Oregon. Tho first ehnrgo of plagnrlsm was mndo In 1902 against Edwin Mlnchln, oC Pacltlo College, who won tho stato contest nt Corvnllls on nn oration dealing with Wondoll Philips. Tho folluwlug year Professor Kolfloy, at Pacific College, filed a ehnrgo of pin gniiBin ngnlitBt ErnstuB Bnilth, of M'cMlnnvtllc, who won at Eugouco with nn oration upon "Tho llomolosa. Nation." Smith wna Rovoroly cen Burod ly tho executive commlttoo,. nnd MoMlnnvlllo wns debarred from competing tho. following year. At that tlmo moro strict regula te ub woro passed denting with the hUbiutuHlou ()f orations, whloh prob ably resulted In tho detection of tho llterary theft before tho content lu tho presont Instance The faculty or Wlllumotto Univer sity held n speclnl meeting last night nnd adopted tho following resolu reselu resolu teons: "Whoroas, It npponrs that Wnllnco G. Trill, Wlllnmotto'u representatives In tho Intercollegiate oratorical con test, In guilty of plngarlsm, nnd so fur Is unnblo to vlmllcnlo hlmuoir, and whereas, tho faot deeply nftllctK ovory department of said Unlvorsltjv and Involves Its honor, thuroforo ho lt "Resolved, That wo, ropresonta tlvoa of tho faculty of Willamette Unlvprsltyijlo Jnost emphatically co'iUlonm any such prnctfeos, atid ear neatly rogrot thnt any of Its students should resort to n roprohonslblo method In an effort to securo honors;. nnd bo It furlhor ItoHolved, That n copy of those, resolutions bo given nut for publica tion. (Signed) J. II. COLEMAN, PreB. J. T. MATTHEWS, Sec Beautiful aew a41ka la every claaa aa4 kla4. lUata ttrlp. jj" , tha price. . " " Fwnatwia. xaacy 5; 47.50 SaiSr PUW" 8 taty ' Uk r. H oxuroM or otam at mbmmi tt.ft rk this Juto and sack proposition from Alpha to Omega during tho past few months, and when I say that Backs can bo manufactured In Pendleton and manufactured at a price- that will competo with tho forclgn-mado article, know whereof I apeak." When asked regarding tho exist faace of a Juto trust.ho replied that all such talk was "tommy rot," that alt Jute was being bought and sold In the open market, and that ono man or oae Irm could buy the raw prod uct Just aa cheap as any other man I or aay oiaer arija. lie sam "uunng the pact few weeks we havo bad of fer of sack by wire, cable and mall, fro Importer aad dealers In every quarter of the globe, aud we have had. our eye ppsaad aa they have ver bea eed before." these bills were passed notwithstand ing the governor's unfavorable no tion. Other bills, vetoed by tho gover nor, will como up for consideration of tho next legislature, are an fol fel fol eows: By Beveridgo, amending tbo stato registration law so aa to enablo coun ty clerks to register electors at other than their offices. Perkins' bill removing protection from song birds and permitting the! Dr. J. F. COOK movsb to sm Lmarrr uTfumrr, WMHUt WK WIUiXBafr ALL OL AXB KarW PAmnrM. FO AMY BMWillaT CALL OW WK. COOiC wmmjtArmm Women Contlnuo Agitation. London, March 9. Tho bill to ox tend tho right of auffrago to women waa dofoatod lu tho houso of com mons, whoro It waa talked to death without coming to a vote, as tho speaker declined to accept- a motion of closure, and tho alttlng of tho houso Was closed automatically at 5 o'clock.' The bill Is-thus killed for tho present sessfon. Tho result was not surprising, ov en to the suffragists, a some of the strongest sympathizers of tho wo men's cause realized that the question was not rlfto for legislation, and that parliament will not bo In a position to act until tho question becomes nn Issue at a general election-. ' -" WomcH otttlHHe Agltatfmt. The suffragists, liowover, aro not daunted, and tonight held an' enthu siastic meeting at Kxoter ball. Reso lutions condemning tho attttudo of tho government and of parliament and expressing tho determination to carry on the agitation wero adopted. Tho speakers Included Janiea Kcjr Hardle, Socialist member of tho houso of commons; Phillip Baowden, a recruit to tbo woman's cause; Rev. Charles F. Akcd, of Liverpool, who has accepted a call to tho Fifth av cbuo Baptist churcK, Kew York, and many other prominent suffragists. Mr. Akcd bad attended tho bouse of commons during the afternoon In bo Valf of the aulfraulsts, In order that ha Might be able to coaataunlcato an aecttuat at the delate. MliilnUf Ik'rry Angry. WnBhlngton, March 1). Unltod States Minister Morry lina cnmpluined to tho statu department that ho hatv bcon nccordod dlicoiirtcotiB treat ment by Prnsldont Zclnyn, of Nica ragua, dining his efforts to ndjust an Amorlcnn claim. Ho imuatincoa that as tho result of u quarrel with Zolaya ho loft the Nlcaraguau capf tal with relations severely strained1. Among athor things ho charges that official telegrams sent him wero de layed and mado Incoherent by tint Ntcarngunn uuthorltleH. Tho claim In controversy Ih tho ono of 8am Woll of Now Orleans, In connection with, a concession for handling tho liquor traffic, undor whloh ho had a right to collect rovenuos. Merry claims Well' goods wero noUcd by tho government and damago Is claimed in the un of 3 0,000. Merry was eudeavorlns to unravel the complications that led; to tho trouble. Dakota a Totwl Lonn. Soattlo, March 8. TIip stenmshlih Dakota has been formally- abandoned' by 1IIII to tho underwriter. HUE will collect two and a half million Insuranco, according to advices re ceived from New York this morning This Is taken to mean that tho ves sel Is u total loss. ItoblHT Attark IWottick Carllnvlllo, III., March 0. noh hers attacked tho postofHco hero tlllm morning. They ahot and probabljv fatally wounded Policeman 'llttfn Vftnmotor, They dynamited tli-ilf and escaped with tho stnmpa ami money. I'nrlH Llght-HtrtM-k. Paris, March Ov Tho engineering corps of tho army havo taken chargot of tho electric- light plants to taker tho places of tbo striker. The cltr waa In total darkuesa laat night. Art-hki Keeerrk KetHcd Itt-tten Washington, March 8, At 8:30) Dr. Lambert announced that Archie Koowvelt had Improved and pate a cofortahl aMffct. .3 'N -.'.if