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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM. OIIKGON, WKWXKSPAV. MAKCH 0, 100"4 To Always Be Sure of Good Cigars Look for this "Triangle A" You simply choose your favorite among the brands "backed by the "Tri angle A" guarantee of honest cigar values. Then you have barfished uncertainty from your cigar purchases. And wher ever you go you have a reliable guide. Simply look for this "Triangle A" The "Triangle A" on a box of cigars means that eveiy sprig of leaf in eveiy cigar in that box was graded by experts for that one cigar, two years beforo it was made. During these two years this leaf has mellowed and ripened in great, clean "Qtemmeries" in an ideal temperature till all its finest smoking qualities have been developed to a degree of perfec tion. The New CREMO will put these claims to the test and will furnish you a most convincing proof. ' Every box is extra-wrapped in glassino paper, sealed to maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanliness until the box is opened. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY Manufacturer ALL EYES ON ROOSEVEET (Continued from jmko tbruo). tortn for tiny man now IIvIiik or who limy bo born heronftor. It would be (ho boulnnliitf of tho end of our re public. No limn will over bo jslvon u (bird term until thin Kovernmont U on ltd )tit 1k. I um In favor of n constitutional amendment uxtondliiK tho providential torm to ilx yonri nml problbtlnu oven a. aeooml torm. (BlKllwl) "CHAMP CLAUIv, "Henreaoutntlvo In Continue, Howl In (Iroen. Mo " "In behalf of my aoctlon uud no ptnto I do nut liealtato to nay (but tho peoplu nrt nil for Itaoaevelt r iwwiiwiiiwwgwiiwwmiw The calf was grown The beef was killed The hide was tanned The Shoe was made IN SALEM I L3 KQ Hand Made M. irU'l Uli Kih TMHH Mil mi " '& ! ladi wo IkJ it c,"'JWi ' mf vox "''H T bwcvjtlm i .1 i .w uo tiH n t -nrl n i laJ Ih a l ) 113 '' o-ait w Mr J L. L. sdoiO lioM radical Shoem m -ri6qmoD tMVMTI ,m ojkix Mk mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m gurilU'HH of nny considerations, nnd will not hour of any other candidate (HlKHO(l) "JOHN A. HULL, "Ronrcflontntlvo In Congr, DM iMoluoe, Iown.M "With rKurd to my opinion na to u third torm for Proaldont lloosovult, I Iiuk to nny Hint ao fur na 1 um per Mouully concurmnl It la my alncoro trust that thu oml of his presidential torm ho will bo aucuoded by n Demo crat. (BlKwl) "JKFP DAVIS, "United Btntea Senator, Llttlo Hook. Ark." "No iiinu In thla ropubllo la o Kroat that ho nbould not bow to tho demands of hlo follow cttliona to 111! nny ottlce at nny time, rowinllo of And ft will outwear any thing of the kind made at any place in the world. To sec is to amine E. IADE AND SOLD BY I B I ffj IIVVIIN OC KXJ, 5tM, OREGON circumstances; If tho ocoplo of the country demand It. No man who has been elected to tho ofllco of presi dent has moral right to refuse a re election if tho people demand it, nnd tho argument hero made extends to that situation so long ns tho de mand of tho people continues. (Signed) C. II. OROSVENOH, "Chllllcotho, Ohio." Mmiy flood Dcniocrntti. "Eleven yoars of Roosevelt! There are too many good men in tho 'Dem ocratic party. (Signed) "V. J. CONNERS, . "nurrnio, n. y." "As to Colonol RoosevelUa prom ise not to run for n third Harm, I ineroly wish to sny that to attempt to prescribe any ethical rules for Roosevelt's conduct would bo supor nrrogancy In tho extromo. As to his running for a third torm, I have never hnd n moment's doubt.' Ab to his olcctlon, tho only thing that van prevent It Is n sane domocrnoy. (Signed) "CIIA8. A. T0WNE. "New York City." "I hnvo only to say that Roose velt, having hnd practically two tonus, which is tho full limit undor all procodont nnd has declared him Bolf ns unwilling to bo a cnndiJnto another torm, I ugrco with his good sonso upon thla question. (Signed) "J. WANAMAKER, "Philadelphia, Pa." "Thoro nro no Important objec tions that I can sou, to tho election of a prosldont for n third torm In the United Stntos. Tho only objection to such election llos whoro military forco or other disturbing Influences come In to prevant nbsoluto froodom of choice. X third torm, It wan fear ed In oarly days, might load to n dic tatorship. I cortaluly profor n third term for Hooiwvolt to a tlrst term on tho pnrt of any other candidate uhovo tho horizon nt the prosont. Whethor his ropentod statement that ho should not bo n cnndldnto stands In tho way, dopondH on olrcum HtnncoH. I look on It ns a pludgo that ho will mako no effort to secure renomlnntlon, nnd this ho cortnlnly will not do. (Blgnod) "DAVID 8. JORDAN," "Lolnnd Stanford University, Cal." Opinion of HtirroiigliM. "I do not boltovo that President RoohovoR or any other man living worthy of tho ofllce, can or Bhould try to stand thu wear nnd tear of throa consccutlvo terms nB Prosldont of tho United Stntes. (Signed) "JOHN BURROUGHS, "West Park, N. J." "Honjnmln Harrison said to me: 'I am Just beginning to lonrti now when I hivvo to leave.' I nm most heartily In favor of u third torm, nnd for tho mnttor of thnt, of a fourth torm, for Prosldont Roosevelt. I do not mippoHo nny fair minded or honwt cltlxon can hold nny othor opinion. I am furthermore in favor of n constitutional monnrchy for this country. (Slgnod) "RICHARD MANSFIELD." "I do think the American people Hhould hand Itoonovolt n third term on n good platform; ho Is truly n grunt m'nn. (SlRiiod) "DAVID WARFIMLD." o Un tf s4 tot KM Yw Vrt Wmis B&sJS believe. So ex L. Irvin & Cos k TV.TVWVWWVW. ww-v w-www www WWW Reoairinfif a Snprtalh DO YOU GET up WITH A lyAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads ;ll.e news- papers is sure I to Know u mt .. cures niauu oy ur. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid ney, Hvcr and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovcrcdafteryears of bcientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the rmiiieiit kidney und fc4 V. bladder apedallat, and is wonderfully succewful in promptly curing lame back, SriTwW. catarrh of the Gladder am SSliK Dlawc. which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but f you have kMnev. Hver or bladder trouble It w 1 be found' just the remedy you need. It has been twted in so many ways, m hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a Special arrangement lias been madehy which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to -! V . :t t l.!,1tiiMnrl1nilf1crtrOU- i.i- wu'nu writint? mention reading this generous offer in Uns paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton. N. Y. The regular fiftv.rciit and one- dollar size bottles tire Hcmo of Swamp-Root. nl.t hv all L'ood drugiiists. Don't make every bottle. Motor Show in Iwiiinih City. Kansns City, Mo., March C The motor show which opened in this city today has proved' to bo highly MiicccMftil. All tho docorotlons from Modlion Square Gardon, .'ew York City, nre In use. Tho dealers throughout tho country hnvo tnken an active Interest In the project nnd every agent of nny Importance in the United StntoH has scoured space. The accessory mnnufneturors have also shown groat Intorost In tho ex hibition and nil tho nvnllnblo spneo Is occupied. o Your brnln goos on n Btrlke when you overload your stomach; both need blood to do business with. Nu trition Is whnt you want and comes by taking HolllBtor'B Rock Mountain Ten; 35 cents, Ton or Tablets. Sold at Dr. Stone's Btoro. o Prince Henry Honored. Iomlon, Mnrch G. King Edward today bestowed on Prlnco Henry, of tho Nothorlnnds, tho prlnco contort, tho grand cross of tho Until, In recog nition of his gnllantry nt tho wreck of the British steamur Ilorlln off the hook of Holland, where tho prlnco directed tho work of rosouo, Fob ruury 23. KavimI Her Hoii'h Life. Tho happloet mother In tho llttlo town of Avn, Mo., Is Mrs. S. Ruppco. Sho wrltes: "One yonr ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was un nblo to help him; when, by our drug glst'B ndvlco I bofian giving hlin Dr. King's Now DIscovory, and I soon notlcod Improvomont. I kopt thU treatment up for a few weeks when ho was portectly woll. Ho has work ed steadily slnco at curpenter work. Dr. King's Discovery mvmI hla life." Ounrnnteed boat cough and cold cure by J. C. Perry, druggist; 60c and $1. Trlnl bottle free. There is only one "Bromo Ouinine" Tht is laxative Bromo Quinine CURES A COLD IN (WE DAY PREVENTS THE CRIP BlralUitr turaul rtmciti tomcttme dMtlw.TlitanlUhlorltlBMCoUTibld li a WHmi PACKAOQ with bUck a t4 rej UUttiax, and bear the lijtuten: ot rronrts' in, 1 1.. w Rocky Mountain Tea Nuiiaels , ..... ...rwOT k. mr reii rfix W4 BJ- tI StU J Vlt. Wkv KvfUrlfc.MMrwlfiS5S! uiHOEN KU5CETS FOR SAlLOW PEW. lXDKrK.VDE.NCB 8TAQK. Dlly ept 8unday. Leiuea "WU lataott Hotel. Salem at a p. m. coa. necU wltk motor tor Jfoaoooth isl D1U at :15 a. La.iM UU He4.c it Ilm. PawM KaJ ITi. KALPII IDDLOWa, Ed any mistake, nut rcincniucr mu uumv, SwamixRoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Hinghamton, N. Y oa Wild Rose Flour This Is our high grade brand of flour suitable for nil pur poses. Out of It you can mako the llghtost loaf bread nnd also th finest pastry. It is giving bettor satisfaction than ever this year and is without n doubt tho best family flour on tho market. Givo It a trial when you want flour again. At All Grocers B B B Oraor a package of this famous health and brain building flour nnd enjoy somo good old fashioned New Knglnntl Drown Drend. A chanco at a right hot loaf will make you think you nro In Boston. With Allen' Self-rising II. 1). 1). Floor you can mako bread' Just llko tho Puritans usod to mako. tt-D Pnncnko Flour is also a puro food; self rising and all ready to mix with water nnd bako on n hot grlddlo. Trado Mark ALLEN'S BBB FLOUR CO. Pacific Const Factory, Snn Jose, Cnl. KnHtcrn Factory, Llttlo Wolf Mills, Mnnnwn, Wis. 8pent wlsoly Is tho source of much satisfaction. Why not spend a little of It wlsoly now buying groceries of usl Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harrltt & Lawrenca. BULLOCK BROS. ..RESTAURANT.. Two doors south of Bush's Bank Open Day and Night The best of everything. Clean and quick service. Salem Fence Wire Hendqunrters for Wovea Wire Fencing. Hop Wlro, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Pickets, Gates, Sblnglos nnd P, & B. Ready noofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. li. S. Gile & Co. WJtokflafc Graters auufi Cem- atlMkMi Merchant la tho market at all tlmea for dried fruit and farm produce of all klnda. SPKCI.1L W htvo for tale a few apple pr- tS and allctas waemlaa.; 4.1pMt for a lart dryer; will uali a lor prfc. mtfo 1 to. From rafts to mm the tw,, "uu in tne handling ana of our lumber, and aho!ltM, money. ! Como nnd see us about . oooiialk mmm Z Yanls r D Peter Piper's Soa Stole the pig and ran awi? iJ it. Why steal meat h tc prices aro so low? Try uiasll convinced. K. c. (T.0S3, Phono sioi aro sutt &J nArtTLn WHISKY A DKMGHTITL UEVBIUC1 A SAFK STISa'L.V.T A GOOD MKDICTNK For snlo by A. SCHRKIBKR. i House Cleaning Time i n -rA r . i. iire tot ine aw-u- - ,; -,, house ana wncu jv - your plumbing Pt !J thero is anytninK "v-r.'1 range or water 1 ntnAtt nr esb uh w" .. . asiV experienced men to P"' ' A T. FJ 58 State - TfiF-wWo al'al ' HP" " a. Url-w HTry L. n?al taraoet a T , for pUBb laaj 47 ad " i aw-wifc " . m wka win wnai"; hc I K SwJrffcS