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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
' N'AL, BALEM, OREGON. ATtmi)AV, 3LVRCH 2, 1007. DAILY CAPITAL JOURN'. CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG HOFERV BROS., Prfi Proprietor, THK JOURNAL 8TANDH TOR PltOOItKSB, IKVKM)IMBNT, " GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LAROR. GOOD THE UNSUCCRSHKUL. Ho tolled find ho hustled from morning till night, But somehow ho couldn't suroccd; Ha used his best efforts and tried with his might, Yet somehow ho couldn't succood. Ho Uoro ii) with fortitude under th strain. Whenever lit fullod ho tried over again, Thoy novor could find ft llftw or a stain Ilut omohow ho couldn't succeed. He bent to his tnBk In tho world with a will, Uut somohow ho couldn't succeed; Tho sweets others covot to him woro but nil, Tint somehow ho couldn't succeed. Ho nlodcd aloriK In tho very samo way, Day In and day out with but llttlo to say; Ho bont to his labors, Rnva llttlo to play, Hut somehow ho couldn't succood, mllllona hurled, Ho was one, only ono, from tho Who somohow novor succocd. Ho traveled his wny thro a cold, dreary world, And never,, could never succeed. Ho usod his boBt efforts In playing his pnrt, , Tho bunion ho carried oft njndo tho toarB start, And yet thro' It nil a sons welled from his honrt- Thls man who could novor sticcod. , Mllwaukoo Sontlnol. HUM I MTV. (John E. Follow, In C. 8. Hontlnel.) Humility Is Kroatness bonding, but not yielding to tho storm. It Is power, rcsorvliiK Us strength. It Is fnllh ready for the tost. IT IB PA TIH.NUH, WIIjMNU TO WAIT. It Is tho soul listening for tho angol's song. It Is wisdom parting with ambition. It Is tmsolflshnoBB, lonvlng worldly honors to othors. It Is conlldonco propnred for tho call. It Is lovo, anxious to servo. It Is tho bud of gtntlenosa. Infolding tho fruit. It Is obligation, rnlllng Its responsibility. IT IB GOODNESS, KNEEL. IN(1 IN TRAVEIl. It Is tho dove, returning to tho nrk. It Is understand ing, calm and socuro. It Is Justin , weighing nnd considering tho ovl denno. It Is mercy waiting for Clod to point tho way. It Is meekness, simplicity, nnd purity, contemplating God and rebuking sollUbnoss, nrro Ktttico and prld. It Is tho "fruit of comiuorod bIii." It Is tho lflnstor morning of I ho sufferer, glnddenlng tliH heart with Its sunshlno. It Is tho tost by which wo may know THE TRUTH THAT MAKES MEN FREE. It Is loyalty and Htondfastnot, unmoved by tho threats of In Justice nnd wrong. It Is tho nttilbute of our Master whloh Impols tho In quiry whothor wo would ho ns grntful for Uod'B blosslngs ns those we crltlclsu If our elrouiustnncos were reversed. Are wo willing to do that which blotwtts tho world, and without protest sco other appropriate the honors? ARK WE WILLING TO SOW FOR OTHERS TO REAP'.' Aro we willing that "tho old man with his deeds" ahull be put off. nnd tbu "new man" put on? Are wo willing that tho world should know llio motive of all our acllnus and of all wo suyT An wo willing to avnsu tho strlfo for, personal recognition AND Hit ACCOUNT El) "LEAST IN THE KINGDOM."' If mi, we have lertrndd somewhat tho moaning of humility. ' - ' ' INAt'GURATH A NIIW HUA, OINTLIMI4N. The little difference between the mnyor and ally oouuoll over mm Imbu nnse Ileenee ordinance aheultl Hot pre rent their getting together oh mat tera vlUl to the city. There la urgent ueetl of iNHUgiirNtlitg h hw era. or progrtea In the Oupltttl City. Thla rlly should lie maintained WITH 'I'll II IMIIIHI THAT IH HMCOMING TO A STATE CAPITA U There are two rensona fur this: It hat) Just trnneplred that Uie urn tlon of muvlug the mhUi enpltnl nwny frtjm lie present site In California Is (a be sub in I tied to n vote of the people of tlmt slut. Tim prorHwIUon thero l to remove it to Berkeley. All Sun FninoUuo mid n kiwi many other tuwiw, Jswluua of flnornmento, will join In 'the wnrery to remove the onpllul. SACRAMENTO MAV MhSII Til II OAP1 TAL. The wtme thing enuld he undertaken In this state, Portland would support any new lornllnu, nnd so would many other town. Balem would be left with lot uf state Institutions on hand. The wramt state capital wwnld be converted Into n normal sekool. To prevwht any such HOtlou THIS CITV SHOULD GO AHIUD AND PAVK ITS STRHUl'S, HIIAPTII'V ITS FARES AND MAKH ITS 811 Willi 8VS TliM PIMPHOT, There U nwelker reason why this elty should go ahead oh new lines and mako needed piiblle Improvements eeeh a paved street, permanent UrJdKM gd belter aldewalka and ereaawalke. Other eittM are doing these UiIhkii awl planning to Weeowe Uie moo ml oily In the state. If Salem does not go ahead nad devaten lis natural advantage and resouroa It will not inueh laHRer We the seaond oily In the state. The business tueu of this elty should go to tuwru like Mugene, As toria, Pendleton, Uakor City. Oregou City, Hast Portland and St. Johns nnd see what tlmy are doing. They would realise that we are In dan lir of belu g two oonsarvathe and dropping behind. An axearstaB of Salem biuluws men to kerne of the towns uamed with a sfqi! loug ouough to see what they nro doing would awaken a strong dtlrs (o see our beautiful city put In tho progressive list of communi ties. Umler the administration of Mayor Waters a now elect rla llae was added to our city. One Important stroot was paved for nearly a mile. At limit that uiucih should bo dono this coming yar. It would be hitler It tiro times that much could h dotuv It every isjan who wants to soe Balem go ahead would merely tnko tho lime to go and see what other oltlee are doing he would nut come homo aad be sat UuihI withsHt having a desperate effort made to Inaugurate a new era. Spring Medicine Is a necessity. You need it, your wife or husband needs it, your children need it everybody needs it. The best is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It is the best because it has the most cura tive merit, is the most economical, cures the most people. It cures spring humors, bad blood, scrofula, eczema, rheumatism, when all others fail. Buy a bottle and begin to take it today. 100 Doses One Dollar SaraatnbS ra ITood'. SnrwparilL In Ub-1 Sol. lr all droBiilsts or sent promptlr l.jr , ' lot form. Have Identically roiUl on receipt of prlco by C. I. Hood to. tbo amo curative proportion. tOO Uobo II. I Lowell, aiiwii. Guaiuntekd undor tho Food nnd Drugs Act, Juno 30, 1000. No. 324. who attempt to Indulgo It In n mnnner so chlldHnhly wrong, so foolish, THAT ON CAN SEE THEY DO NOT RK(IARI) THE RIGHTS OF OTH ERS. It Huems hnrdly orodlblo that any IOiikIIhIi orgnn can doclnro that Swct- teuhum'H action was proper. Tho United Stated doos not want to Infringe on tho rights of other na tions, hut the people of this country certainly oxpoct the maintenance of their own rights, ono of whloh Is TO UK TREATED WITH A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF CIVILITY, AND COl'ltTliSV. In the fnvo of tho national Insult, the manner In which the peoplo of the United Stntes viewed the situation was remarkable, and very much to tholr orodlt. Nations have workod themselves Into frenzies ovor (nictations of loa- ser Impor. but In this InBtnnco tho people, ns n wholo, took tho mnttor AS THE INDIVIDUAL ACT OF A POMPOUS FOOL who lackod proper breading and eommo nsenso; uot ns tho net of n govornmont. The petty llttlo affair was dropped In this country nftor a day's discus sion, but tho English organs have dwelt upon It at length, defondlng Swot tonham and HLAMING THE PARTY IN POWER FOR NOT STANDING RY HIM. The Ideals of hluglnud hnvo nhuuged considerably within the last few yonrs. If Its prees defiantly dafuuds Imd taste and poor Judgmont. Tt'hllng Locomotive IiuIihii-m. AUoor Ph., March. S. The Penn MylvanlH rallnwd has finished Its plant here for teeting locomotives running at full speed Indoors with out travelling hh Inch, with appara tus for keeping an exact record of their pulling power fuel consump tion, and every other element of etll oleucy nnd ocouomy. The amount of coal burned for tho whole locomo tive, the amount pur square foot of grute. the ovaportitlau of steam for any glvon length of time, the weight In cinders and sparks that go up the smoke-stack, the boiler preesuro, the quantity of water required and the friction of the meohanlam are a few of the thing ascertained at the test ing plant. The' test has the advan tage jt the road trial, and none of the Interruptions. Inconsistencies and Irregularities. The new monstar engine built by the company, said to he the largest In (he world, U bqlng teeted today. o TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE UROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists rotund money If It falls to euro. H. W. GROVE'S signature on rarh box. 31c, lUtrrHH TYPE IN NEWSPAPERS. The drHtaftd of the general public Is for bettor tyye In newspaper. M that lfcr (in he read without Injury to the eye. The ttHie will oomo when no newspaper will be printed )u the IttUe tlae hkrnW, hlurre4,typ now In general use. That may net he until half the people In the world have ruined their y'flKht trying to follow the news through the present lnorvdlbly Im ptrfwt miMllum of transmission to the hralu aud eomprehonsloa of read ore, ' o- swErrn.HAi is dkfidk. Though the DrltUh gotwnmaut did what it could to destroy the ef feet of the HwatUwhw tscldeat, tugay ot tho English vapor have since takea stJs with the loorl) xWBor, gpplgwdliis what leer tem "hU grtotteM ta mvt hU right." Thl sftlo vi lfVU to ha Ike 4 J aU KsglUhmeH, 1 A LARGE INCOME Is not wjunitbil to surevss. Many of jour acquaintance lutvw nvt'Ivtxl lnrgo incomes for )vre, vt aw llttlo or no prop erty to show for It. Othor liat tviijlml only a HUMWrnto iitnxiM nod Imo ac cutuviUtrl much. It Is not tho Income that nukes sum- It Is tlio nun. The wlu. wlns Iwhit is kure to Start a tuning account with u. SvJgqc Dffurttitt To Alii Riisslau Starving. Nek York. March S. Nicholas A. Qlilshkoir, member of the council of the, empire of Ilutela during tho last dumn. spoke In the Cooper Union Inst night about the horrors of the great famine whloh Is pnrnlyzlng cen- trul and southern Rusala. He came to this country to nsk aid as a pri vate eltlxen, but at the same time as n representative of the xemstovs, the local government buards, which are doing more to alleviate famine con ditions than Is the government ot Huaaln. He Is armed with photo graphs taken In the province ot Samara nnd alsewhero, statistics, samples of the kind of food that the people must oaf or starvo, and his awn eloquence. He expects to en list the sympathies of Amorloans, so that a large sum ot money will be Immediately raised to rollevo the most pressing necessities of tho starving Russian peasants. After tho meeting an Amorloan committee was started tho first names glvon be ing those of R. Fulton Cutting, Dr. FoIU Alder. Utehop Qrcer. Jamos Speyor. Dr. N. N. Butlor. Jncob H. Schlff, and J. Plerpont Morgan. The envoy of tho zomstovs says that ovor on area thro-quartors the size of the United States 30.000,000 famine stricken Russians aro fighting hua ger and dlseaso with pitifully small resources of their own. The wheat orop le praotloally over and la a com pleto failure. o- Stvetl Her San's Life. The happiest mother la the httle town ot Ava, Mo . Is Mrs. S Ruppee She write: "One year ago my son was dawn with such serious lime trouble that our physician was un able to help him; wben, by our drug gist's advice I began givtnc him Dr King's New Dhwsover), aad I soon noticod Improvement I kept thu treatment up for a tew weeka when ho was perfectly well. Ho has work ed steadily sluco at carpenter work. or. King it Discovery saral hi nr- auaranteJ test cough and cola cum ty J C. IVrry. druggist: 50c aad ii. Trial bottle free. HIGH GRADE OF GROCEl LOW PRiCED Every item at a savine. These nff . ltiamaK . that this is the place to supply your grocery nee T here and save on whatever you buy: 2 -lb can Whlto Asparagus, ,25c Fancy Mnlno Corn, 2 cans... 25c Extra Stnndard Corn, 3 cans. , 2Cc Standard Corn, 2 cans lGc 3-lb can Solid Pack Tomatoes cans 2Cc Extra Standard Tomatoes ..10c 2 cans Solid Pack Pumpkin, 2 cans ., 25c 2 cans Solid Pack Squash, 2 cans ....25c French Pens 20c Extra Sifted Pens, 2 cans.... 25c Sifted Sugar Peas 10c Sugar Peas, 3 cans 25c Early Juno Pens, 3 cans.... 2 5c Lake County Stringlcss Beans 15c Extra Stnndard String Dcnns 10c Standard String Deans, 3 cans 25c 1-tb can Daratarla Shrimp ..10c 2-Ib can Dnratarla Shrimp.. 2 Oo 1-lb can Dcpondablo Baking Powdor (Speclnl) 35o 2-lbs Mlticod Clams 25c 10-lb Whlto or Yellow Corn Meal 25c 1 gal, Pancnko Drips 50o ZTr C M7W 1 cal. Lnni' nt-i. ""'' 0 "'aiiieanap it V. trnl T.nn. ... . ""''fii 1 gal. Long's Saratov t gal ! Long's Saratott 4; 1 Long's SaratonDrl,;.., - 'i- J nemo canned Bit Raspberries ... 1 qt. Jar Home Cannet gunnerries Regular 25c Marmalade nnd Jams (Special) .. 2-lh Jar Grapefruit feri lado J 2-Ib Jar Fig Jam (Speck!) ..jj Long's Jellies and Jam Premium Jelly, gias . 3-lb Black and White Ulx! Figs Evaporated Apples . Petlto Prunes, 30 lbi . ,jj Fronch Prunes, S lbi Itallnn Prunes, 4 lbi A breakfast treat that mthn cat Toasted Cora m Trial pnekngo free W. A. Irvin & 0 203 Commercial Street Phone 66 EBftaMaaaMaxasaatABaHaaiaM:MMiaMMi " m TS7T A "11Tftf T 1 XTien wen .Lresseo, If They Have Their Clothes Made By JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera House MERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. faMiiWiaaeMsMMtaaMaaaMaaggi DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR TSMU treat you with Oriental herbs and euro any diseaso without operation or pain. Dr. Kum la known everywhere in Salem, snd has cured many prominent people here. lie has Uvod in Salem for SO yoraa, and can be trusted. He aaes nuny uedlcinea unknown to white doctors, and with them can cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheu mitism, stomach, liver, and kidney die e&seo. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. His remedies cure private diseases whea eTerytklsg elae faila. He hu hundred ef teU moaisls, aad civee eoaoultatlea free. Pricee for saeddrJaM Tory mederate. Pereeae U the eooatry eaa write fer blank. 8a4 stamp. If yoa waat eosae extra ine tea, pA it frosa ea. DK. KUM BOW WO CO., 18T South Sigh street, galeaa, Oregea. t M1 h. ". ' ' " - t?r y ?' " they're not EX- w Y r,Bht' ,el u wk km so. .AiL bW uaK experience. Yl fy.n.c"fy scientWe spprtu saa the rjuirea knowlos n. us to eorre-tty use the sne, LhJmB" workshop, with - 'h'n to the Brtolln SLL ,eo- at youl uupoMt hwe, Miurtnj a rvk LP,W. wUh otl,trs 1m toriu Uf, SJS?W-' -la-ea your eUMs Tr, or nerty Jttt Wpnsdl Opbtf (b. DK, BTONB'a D ' n..i . struUy ttA V . . flMlii one, anu w --- j itaek; shslres, " j esMS areloadsdwM"" ,tnn. toilet . . -II tlajs faf1 ito.uors oi u,. poses. DrBtosU-r- Ih aadfclne an t " tit iiH experience o . , UUCI OJU -- aed only rZZi Dr. Bloao eaa f More, Salesa, Orsf moraine uniu A BEAUTlrUI Send tAP , .. i-i.. o( xeeusHuw" lmiaii ' rlcre tne "T!T-'l iMpcrfeOloT Itl' lunmVI UlD "' .! RFAUTt5'P hcut rf res"" WbMinst WWMHHWiMMwr I