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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
h? T r. I' ' DAILY OAPI TAL JOURNAL, BALKM, OKBOON, FRIDAY, FEimUAItr 1, 1007. MHHHMMFMfek 1 SPRING THINGS Greatest Showing of New Spring Things. DsuWy Interesting Because the Values Are Not Equalled Elsewhere. Kvrry woman who examine our inerclinwHae, qiiilltjr '. """. ' nnu '"iro nnu """ '""Kin rnrefHl comparison, will ndmlt Hint uliatcvcr tho price ho may elect to pay, Hint price will eciiro more of (ho eenttal(i of excellence than llio Mine Price will command anywhere clue. Wo want you to see tlio fruity nun lifting uuu iiru viiinu jii imi wm. Spring Dress Goods Wo aro showing an unusually flno assortment of now dress goods for rprlntr Thoy nro In tho now ost weaves and coloring. New Pfmd Silks New ChaMies Shirt Waists Undoubtedly tbo flnost showing of now stylo waists to bo shown In this city. Kvory ono n beauty. "Well rando and prlcos aro unusu ally low for such good qunlltlos. Many havo chosen tholr sumrnor supply of waists. There's still a host to chooBO from, s All sizes from 32 to 40. HKOOSD FIOOH. Embroideries Our Own Importation Thoy nro tho ombroldorlos you want right now and lator. Mndo of Cambric, Nainsook, Swiss and Mndorla. Tho best values and urottloit patterns over shown In this city. There In such n host to etiooflo from that you can not help but find something you want. Ill iiimi u Men's Clothing AT HALF PRICE Wo havo placed on sale soveral linos of mon's strictly Ahh WOOL hand-tnllorod tho celebrated Hart, Bohaffnor & Marx and L. Alder & lJron. mnkos. SImw rnnga from 3G to 40. Not inoro than two of a kind Valuos range up to $22.60. An opportunity you enn't afford to overlook. Whllo thoy last. $10 WASH GOODS Now's the time to choose wnah goods they're now and frenh and tho osaortment Is at Its beat- Prices nro much lower than you d oxpoct to pay. Among those shown nro KOVITIAN VOILAINK I'AItW MOUHIilXKTTK ihfi:nii:h, oitcuii), may- VlJOW'KH, CfiOVKIt AND OAH NATION HATISTKS TIKSl'K HWI8SKS IMPOHTKD DI.MIT1HS FOULAHD HAYS HILK OllflANMK HILK FANTASTIC lMrAIHIilA' CHKCKH INVKIK'IA'DK ZHPIIYItH SHADOW KII.K OIKJANDIH t SII.K OVKItCHKCKS CIIAMIHtAY MADKAH, ISTC. GOOD Goods A c&jftleieM&& 1MMJL1L.Ma A m g- oM T J M T. m, U"ALM iHIIIM TTTUinnn TODAY IH HKMN'ANT HAY Kliort lengths of nciinoiiiiIiIo mid lc I pcmlmlln good today at A GOOD I m Goods I HALF PRICE CITY NEWS A fUUeribm of hnferMHt Pr ) for Yewr Oawtrierntlim 'Honlrvs nt Ht. Paul Saturday being tho Feast of tho Purification, there will bo a colobrn- 'tlon at 8 a. in. The hour of Hun 'day ovenlne sorvlce lntn bouu 'changed from 7:30 to 4:30 . I nl work, and his many friends wish To FrHlt and Hop Men Kltnor O. Ucardiluy will exhibit feU steam sprayer Hnturday, Febru ary 2d, at 1 30 p. in., In front of tho city hull. 3t Hold Clothing lluklnmo C. P. Bishop, well-known In 8u lorn, htu sold the biiitiiWH of Ike O P. HUhop ClathliiK Gomitany, In Port land, to Han Soiling. Tho hurtus adjoins that of the Motr OlutklMK Company, which U ouu at Mr. 8el ling's stores, and the two will be united. IHd You 8v Dora Thome at tho Kllngar Grand last night? If not. do wj tuulgbt. I'Vult (Imui'iV Union The fruit growers of Marlon coun ty will bo luvltutl to form a ui,lu of Interest atnl to meet fur this nur pose at tho Orange Hall Saturday, February th. at tfUtltitn. Hdward II Hhcoard, of Hood Hlw, and Prof. 0. J. Iw. of th Corvallls oallk'. will to prvul and addrou thsin. - Skepticism Standi In tho way of man) nu koBMt man. Tbo y U a wonderful orwtlou 8d has direct control over n larM jr cut of thtt nervo fortD Ht tho body. People Suffer And lake all tnaunw of drust and treatments when tho only rolM thy will war 2t will bo whw thoy at at havrt thflr yea flttod with Klnu. that will nllvci tho came. Horn Tlmnie And all now specialties at KlliiKur drum! tonluhu Don't to attend; Its great. llio fall Nmv ClKiir Ktort II. Kurnknwa will opon a now olKr store In th ICIIiiKttr hlook Bnturdny. Tho store will ooaupy tho room ad Joining tho KllustiMlrnud tlumtur and will bo an up to date establish ment. Hnlnrmd UuHluiMNfor 11)07 UttKlunltiK with tho first or this ynr tho Capital Commission Com pany. of this city, has boon managed by J. K. Wentworth and It. M. Hud Ioiik. and the now llrm Is pushing tho buslnM more actively than ever. UtMldM their wholosalo fruit and produce trntle In Balom, they havo a Kuod huslutxM In many of tho smuller olllM and towns In this valley. Thy abw operate a stage lino botween 8a Uw niul Independencu, which Is do. Ing a muni busiHww. Tho eoinpnuy la now In tur shai than over he fom to ImhUU nil kinds of produce for Ik growtH. and supply dealers wltk all tk4r whU Ih thoso linos. llurgitlu Mtitltif-. Saturday at X:3t . m.. for ln.iiM and chlhlro Vvi lfo Rl the KllHKr Qraad. Kliulkall Ivtun Her. IX . Kimball will -tv hi. famaua ltHr on "HUmbrU of John Wwlay'a arwt JIW at tho mllg of tktlticy Vii4day emlg, Kb wary et, at 7:30 ');. Th pub lis U Invltl. him unbounded Hold. success In his new Home New VIowh of tho Snn l-'n'ruclsco disas ter and othor subJuctH In moving plo tures at Kllngur Qrnnd, When Freedom from tho mountain high, Unfurled her Standard for all to Bee, Theso words appeared In blaok and white, "Drink Itocky Mountain Ton." Dr. Stone's Drue Store. ........ 1 J iiuiuriiN loo tsoon (1. W. Johnson, tho popular Salam olothler, returned Inst ovanlng from Houthorn California, where ho had expected to spend the romaludar of tho winter. He was nt Long Iltwich most of the time, but could not stand It to remain away from Oregon any longer. Ho rooorta busluoss good down there, but evidently he thinks It Is good euough for him In SiUsm BARR'S JEWELRY STORE StoCtt m4 LiWrtySt$,l&kfli (Ylnbrntvd tllrlluU)- Th birthday tf Mr. J. w. Jawe- son, irwMtrM f lsnuna Hall. was cotebratM ly a warty of her monus wdMmay afternoon. The ami x-ou choose tin tf - i . lr w,. I, aharg of Pr9f. Kauff. mr-uZr1 ""ll.. V ruiii If you oaro to sou pretty gowns, no Dora Thorno, at the Kllugtr Grand this week. Tioga Duure Don't forgot tho daaett at Ttp Hall Saturday night. Peerloea o ohestra. S-l2t l4gUlntuiv Adjourn- Doth hotuos of tho l)eUUtur u,i. Jourued until Monday at 11:11 a. m. A free excursion carried many of the members and clerks to visit th ag ricultural oolloEe. Mm. llnlllugton Hooth . Will pmk at the Klrst Coagrega tlonal church Suuday morning at the niualmorning sen lee at lo 30 n. m. NORMAL SCHOOL PUSH (Continued from page one). frTglheloVstngo of the river, Is not conducive to good health. Numerous ... ..... fnfi ronnrtPfl cases 01 typnoiu iui- "- at Pendleton last summer ana mil, nn,i thft disease almost reachod tho nroportlons of an epidemic. "Weston s water suppi, "" m.mfnin anrlncs. Is ntire nnd whole some, and typhoid fevor or other con tagious nnd Infectious diseases aro nnd have been for many years so .. ,. n im nimnat unknown. The laiv uw .w " - -- students of tho Normnl School AHK KXCIJITlOXAIiliY I'HKK l-nu.u niHKASK. nnd we are unable to ro- nnll n alncrlii flnatll OinOIlS tllO StU- dents from any causo whatever dur ing the school's ontlro history. Pnmlletnn has 20 or moro sa loons, which are opon Sunday nftor noons and evenings, nnd are fre quently difficult to properly control. "Weston has only two saloons, tho doors of which are tlshtly locked, front and back, Sunday; In which ab solutely no gambling occurs, ana wherein no minors are ovsr permit ted to enter on any pretext. Failure to obey the city's rigid ordinance governing rtdoons moans a heavy fine nnd forfeiture of llconso. "What Is known as tho 'social evil Is ever present nt Pendleton, almost In the heart of the city, and Is rogu lated by n system of flnos which prac tically amounts to official llconso of this sort of traffic. "AT U'KSTOX Til 1-3 'SOCIAL I3VII IS I'NKXOWX, AND WILL xi:vi;it iik pi:it.MiTTKi uxdkii ANY (UISK. "We recognize the fact thnt Pen dleton Is n progressive and i)rosior 011s commercial center, and do not wish to detract from or quostlon Its pre-eminence In this rospoct. Hut we submit that In a smaller town llko Weston there are few or no nttrac tlons to woo the student from his books, and that the student body in much more easily controlled nnd kept under the eje of the faculty. That this fact Is well recognlzod by the teachers and students is proven by the practically unanimous sontimem among the faculty nnd student bodi against re-location of tho school nt Pendleton or elsewhere. Wo have taken pnlns to nscortnln this sontl ment and find that tho teachers and students nro entirely satisfied with the school's location, plonsod with Its constant growth nnd gratlllod ovor Its successful work, nnd thnt thoy ro gard WICSTOX AS ADMIHAHIA SIT r.TKI FOIt SCHOOL PL'HPOSKS. "Wo recommond n perusal or tho brochure issued on the subject of Normal Schools by Dr. Sholdon. of tho Unlvorsltj; of Oregon, which Indi cates a majority opinion among lond- ing educators that smnll normnl soliols In well settled localities nro profornble to a Inrge central school, in that they nro nearer tho peoplo, aro moro easily reached by tho stu donta, nnd that the pvrsouul element Is stronger In the relation of teacher and student, to the latter's decided advantage." o . WhIiiji From the rno. A prominent manufacturer, Win. A. Fortwell, of Lusoiim, N. C, re latoH n most remarkable oxporlonco. He says: "After taking lees than S bottles of Klectrlo Hitters, I t llko ne rising from the grave. My trouble Is Hrlght's dlsonse. In ). Diabetes stage. 1 fully bolleve KaP. trio Hitter will euro me permanent ly, tor it bus alrondy stopped tho liver and bladder comnllmitinn,, whloh have troubled me for years." Ouurnnteod at J. C. Perry's, druggist. Price only BO cents. .., .to -vtntnrUnv. to amend tho code relating to the residence of di rectors In corporations. S. B. 173. Schofleld, to amend the code regarding assessment rolls. A considerable number of senate bills were read the second time and referred to appropriate committees. The senate then took up tho third rending of bills. Senator Kay intro duced S. B. 13C, relative to the dis tribution of :uiblic documents. Tho 1.111 wn nttneked as being ono to provide for extra printing, nnd wna ro-referrcu to ine comumiee. Senator Booth introduced S. B. 17J n nmond the code providing use of water from streams nnd lakes. The following hoirso bills wore in- IrnrlllPOll ntlfl rp.lfl tot tllO first ttniC No. 2-15. This bill was then read for the second tlmo and reiorreu. Committee on educntlon asked that Monmouth Normnl School bill bo referred to wnys nnd means com mittee. This was done. The Judiciary committee recom mended that H. B. 51 do not pnss Adopted. The same committee recommouded that S. B. 31 do pass. Adopted. Committee on horticulture recom mended thnt S. B. G do not pass Adopted. The same commltteo recommend ed that H. B. 73 do pass. Adopted. The committee on resolutions roc ommended thnt Sonntor Whonldon'q S. J. II. G pass. This, when amended, Included tho Oregon delegation in congress anions those whom the stnto will thank for the nntlonnl ap propriation for tho Improvement of the Columbln river. Tho resolution wns adoptod. Commltteo on revision of law's mnde n fnvornblc report on S. B. 141. Adopted. Tho sennto ndjournod until Mon day nt 2 o'clock. J A ReasonablepJTl Forthe Sto J If Your Stomach u t .. k gestlvc Power, Why . tlio Stomach 1)0 iu .;.", Specially Whcnnc!!'! Nothlnc ln tL Not with drugs, but w!,l I forcement of digests 'WH as aro naturally nt . . " stomach? Sclentinc anairt.'V" flint. , auaijlll , trogenous fermentq n.j5.6.1"! tion of hydrochloric. ... your food falls to diP.,, ... 1 r"'""! '!:,' :-- ' 'CM ratus. '"eipp, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 6 nnthlnrr J.m 1,M . ml tOfeil "v "" natural .. 71 nocPRsnrv n .11....1 ela( , v Besuon and placed nt work in th .t nch and small Intestines supmt3 theso orenna non.i . ''f'iy t. M.;.i- ::. iueyti0j ..u buomii KlunUS nn ..., brine thn Hlimati.. ... 8rMS 0v.u organs blti" tholr normal condition Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabltu Jl tests nt homo and nbrnnj ... found to contain nothlne but' km in uibvaiivus. , Chemical Laboratory. Telr ndrlrnRR.' "ninin,i 11 . . . tn? phono No. 11020 Central ..? . . -,. , . tf rv uiui 01., x' rencnurcii, St. E. C. X i-onuon, Dth Aug., ijitl 1 unvo analyzed most cawfrnl ... .y, CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for tho Public Schools nnd tlio Family Circle. ALWAYS ASK FOR HOSTETTER'S an. aud was greatly onjuyej hy all ttreMt. Golucr lo IUIit nty .. Jftiuw L. UmblrtJa. k w.01. known electrical enelneer. Ua n- --w - r- oay tor Haker City, whew ho taken went ef tho Stomach. Li-r. u ft)i and llowela, and oa that has Uhi fully endorsed by thousaads of lt ly people. HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS a position with the ltrlcal mu.. 1. ., ., ,' " I.,crso lny u.dr Mr. A. Welch, former ly iVTCl IZil n , 'R of this oiuv Mr. Umhlrth Is au - 8o? liil, "iS2 fl 2Z ......w,,, MUS w MnUriil Fryer Sennto I'rhbiy Monilng. Senator Hedgee Introdueotl S. J. It. No. 6, to amend the constlttttlos regarding election laws. Referred Senujor M. A. Miller Introduced S. C. It. No. 17. to nrlnt Soan iiu .. the rotmrl of the horticultural board oame senator latrodHeetl S. C. It No. 18, lirorldlne thnt n .'i sohool npproprlatloa bills be Intro dueotl separately. Tho Multnomah delegation reoom mended that S. 11. 11 .nn elerke Is MulUomak cohhO' do paae. Same committee made fnvM.i report on s. . 100. fWU to a den uty conefHble In MuUounh u.. ,l. uu,u' Tho special runuliiM n..i. nblo report on S. B. 13, regaHUg the' count- school Hwrlatemleiit of '" suuHij-. Allotted. The followlag W WW9 Ilt duoed for the first time: S. B. US, Cole, to ama.i tw. ., regardlBg oxpert teetlmooy hand 8. H. 19. to nmeml Ue eede re garding the tonus ai nu . Umatilla and Morrow. m S. B. i.e. Sho.w. rorWl 8R for Improvement of streasw aad ,J! s. b. 171. ..: buralng aawdest on .t.... ' oyster beds. 8Mr Tho levoos thnt hold back the Mississippi rlvor at Memphis have brokon In plncos, and tho city Is In dn'nger of bolng flooded. A block In tho business contor of Harrlsburg, Pa., has boon destroyed by lire. Tho vlcoroys of China hnvo in structions to gather Information ns to tho sontlmont in thnt country in fnvor of a constitution. Chlnoso nro bolng continually smugglod Into the United States by way of Cannda. Kx-Prosidont Clovolnnd lias boon chosen ns roforoe botwoon llfo Insur nnco compnnies at n salary of S25 . 000 a yeaV. A night bank will bo oponod In New Orleans thut will bo onnn m,tn midnight. General Weston will succeed Con oral Wood In command of tho Philip, pines. Tho recent cold wonthor in Orogon Is ballevud to havo injured muoh grain. Tho Imporlal famlllos nf nArn,m. nnd Husela nro to bo nnitn.i . othor mnrrlago. I box of Stuart's Dyspepsia ftj 'iniuuii 1 uutigui myself at t ti1nniifnntiiFn1 1... 4i. r. . ' Tomplo Chambers, London l! .. U...U tu it-iiori mat I cum find any traco of vegetal)!.. . .t oral poisons. Knowing th0 (,. dlonts of tho tablets. I m ,?. opinion that they are adefe UUJ.vUUIU iui mu purposo for & inuy nro intonucd. (Signed) John It. Brooko, P. j r. j. a. TllOir is tin ftnrrnt ln iv- . t ration of Stunrfs Dyspepsia TiliS, iiiuu vumposilion IS COQtKtll known nmonp; physlcinns.asut by th orecommondatlons of 40,() rnnnml i- .... - t...ja.s.,una in mo UjW Binios nna Canada. Thoy ir most popuUr of all remodiMfMLl (llgostlon .dyspopsln. wnler InBomnln, loss of appetite, nl cuoiia, constipation, dysenterr m Kinurcu (lisenBes orlglnatlne Impropor dissolution and aa!a tlon of foods, bocauso they art i oughly rclinblo and harmlosjts! or child. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets m onco n safe nnd powerful re ono gralng- of theso tablets U strong enough (by test) to dljatl 000 grains of Btenk, eggs and i will digest your food for you your stomach can't. Ask your druggist for a flftrt packneo or send to us dlrettfcry froo trinl samplo package and j will bo surprised nt tho rcsatt. I A. Stuart Co., G4 Stuart DIdf.X shnll, Mich. rifflMint and Most Effvctlvv. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, -ioerty, Texas, wrltos Dec. 25, 1002' "With pleasure and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to tho curatlvo Jwor of Ballard's Horohound Syrup l9. "" U ,n y family and can cheerfully affirm It Is the, most of tlve and best fn- ..i. and colds I havo ever used." Sold " w. j. rry. NEW STATE LINCOLNi CContlnuod from page one.) Im Thorne n Winner. Bckhardfs Ideals presented In tho Winger Grand ln ii. JlYr Clay's "Dora Thorne." ad d?d T In credit to many a hlchp.nri.i pany. ' ,,vvu vuu" frod Cantwov. na oni.i r, .. Thorne" "" Qraham' ns inorne," were ninni,. - 2 SS- '... .... ,;"'' nBgo docoratlons and tho costumas wn tractive. Georc.fl v,:,:" 2? ."- tin HI. .. v' na VaiOH- otairby her th admrtlon ... " "y nor lovor actlmr nn.1 l.... "l costumes. Ui. olwu. Z ?""" PPKOIMM tfc rest of the wk"0 S b"1 0t wuh ., . . Those who wHbaampV3,fetn,terla,Dn,eat KM.wr Grand " they VlS,t tho brond linos, nnd thnt town boMf I nnd farm bulldlns will not b M pod, whethor or not tho state i Snnko rlvor, or Snnke river dlr( them. States nro mndo to order i times, but all tho tlmo Eastern Of gon and Southern Idaho ban! tlcnl Interests, and whether unite politically, ns they mT m dny, It Is considered a safe Mm Will rnmnlri nnlrnrl nAnnnmlrtftf-J .. .. ... -f lion't l'ut orr j Until tomorrow what you can t, dny. If you aro sufforlnr (ft,; !... it...Hnn & .uii,u tivui, ur t,-UHWV"vl - wait until tomorrow to get help. Buy a bottle of Herblne 1 that liver worklnc right. nea nfintif liAnltl. onvoa mftCT spells. "Mrs. Ida Gresham, F Tox., writes: I used Heroin fnmlly for six years, nnd find al It claims to do." ScM by R l ..MONEY TO LOAI THOMAS Jul Over Ladd A Bush's Bank, S!.1 Norwtefc Uxatoa Fke Imamritrt Vvsnv ir..iifh ntuldest 0e with Wm. Brown C. 129 Coctmoreeal street. NEW TODAY! Property for Sale.Twelr f . nlK W' ana lots in aiaerem - (Jj( lern by J. O. Schultx. 1 13th street, Salem. runslHK ut0 tu mlllioM. I umiti WXIQHT.DIC1XNSOS HOWL OO. j ZirUHKT ?C JL fcnjvJ-wjitAi,t0,-rii,Jf., ."T,"fc1l'JMafrt