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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1007. JECARDING ' ORfcowa POLITICS 0f the State Press litical events . ... .A til the btaie aim " mm', I, ; events Of nn ronn"1 , , that 14 bright, brainy Republican senators would so far Corset their political manhood to sell themselves to the opposition. If this deal proves to be a fact, they should be branded with the Benedict Arnold stamp and shunned by nil Republicans and de spised by honest Democrats. Junc tion City Times. MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Salem a Good Market.' Home V, Idiul t Si'""'- , t tt Is informed inm n- .i,i!. rpr '"-" . ....,. V intention of stocKin... , .. ...,.. ,. march on tho . . (a lO ?'l' aw rui o 3 frr d Crook county folk and . I., this winter In ,hClf ' C .J ; no objection to !''n1' ., c.nViiifin rolltltV. a formation '""'' n .. - ttcniDt ifiMti"" townships of L, lhs a ... nli ,.r nf t 10 - ' s Ed old Sherman county will cause 00a '" ..... ,, lis It elr Ignon.lnous - -. - dto years nco - sue. ,.... r , W Vif Oregon l.ciuR Tt popular election of United ..... tinu tmnii nrnctlcallv ..tcs scnaiui" " , -"-.t"T"r:; eCbOlCOOf tllC 8IUU- i-uimv..... rlnc ana has boon selected by the (Mature out of respect for the ex- ... ... nmivniiHnn. ression irom iu In Washington tlie local opuon.u" j the direct primary law will i.,. .iojiiI this wlnor and it. i S3 "l "'" .... , t Orcon mci Mires will ne sen- ls dlSCIISSl'll . .iii.. r..M lifin tlitllirlt. Oi.;nn is wiimi" - " , to imitate her. She lias sot n us pace in popular government. u (;, d. mom,! rated Its worth nml a5 1,0m the brunt of tho experl- . 1. .. 1. nM IWlI'lUlt'nUt ea'j now me mm-i w. .."" ut.-i can adont the welt tried prln- Ipi j wMiout "rlif. -Hast Oregon- Phldo (iraiit Ciuiiity. J dc n3 from ticwsonpor reports 111 -.Oil 01 It mil I I-IMUIIJ " tl ascuuUnrv. though it has its , cr rts, The Hlue Mountain Englo . .1-. .1.,. .. .. !.... ...i... il lit . J null '"' iiuiniviii I'm i rty should not be hold In Grar U'.P inunmuiiiis in uiu nu- los'dr w count desire same. I Ills lajrlVve thai to be the sentl- tc-Mai'm nait of Ornnt county.- - hi" Murrain K.igb- lilt (he Itull's Eye. Judging from tho remarks of the state press. Governor ChninhurlnlnV message seems to have touched ex actly the right spot. Eugene Guard Will Make Mote Jobs. As n niattor of fact, if there is any politics In tho question at all It lies with the advocates of county divis ion. The creation of the new couut will double th" number of olllces and ofllce-holders. If .this were not true we venture the opinion that county division would not have been thought of. The Dnlles Chronic'.". SALEM MARKET. Pitimtntllc Trickery. T' uunnirats are making the . ' r' Mic fi-w promises made them , V Halms of tho Oregon cu indue strew Ik laid upon In j irvm worn lie utierou no- ' flutlnn to (lie chair and his a, -i momlsi distorted to the :. ' f! 'i furm of a convicting pledge. ' av with TiolttlcIniiH of i r i. a' u pirsuaMoii, aipl he had ' ' ' maincj satlifletl with ills a' "i 'lie Horn of that chamber '" ha''' ri-k a the odium they cailiis and will rake him V Is a dangerous expedient t! ' ri llnim unon Uemocrntlc p-- r, or gooil faith. AKtorlan Solar I'leMW lllow. T"' ill" kslii'i iaft sot a body I'W t le sm.u- wlien the rosolu- I'Q .mn'Itif oteil to nlioIUh well In! hi nr if thbt reconuiionda- i', adv,ini (1,.,-kal help will cost c-ttin 'n mtiSHttkor City p-fi i .it I'nrtlniiil (ieiieritl (Jet- II. I . r islit Willamette valloy conn f"'d nffnul to Wane bonds nnrt " ' tni'J locks at Orf Ron City mid " oi-n. v o.r the prsont oxtor- huniU r.ii. t-.nn nftA . r. "".WWII III u llJ .mU cl 8v Intent of $25,000 ' T'n sann counties are nnv- 5S ' "' limi tiini ...,.... ... i... - miliiilllll iij llir M Cneral Kk-ctrle company. Vbrtv Hernlil W Little IjunlK. u Hedses -will faai n imin lWw'Be. benn iha, . .... ...... -wed lunib in tho black fold -"' t aub Tribune. tantmt Do Much. .athtt he hM little hopo or "iti ? ",,,ain wo'00 up- 111.4ml. T.. . '" "w Puuhc -Hi, "U llf M .1 , tiii,U I t"'v tit.. Got I'ree Ride. The railroad compdnv falls to be very much offended at tho nntl-cor porutlon (?) Oregon legislators, it furnished them n socclal train for a free ride to Portland Thursday. ISugone Guard. Chop OIV Clniv.s. Cnmpbell of Claclcnuius Is after the public service corporations with bare knuckles and blood in his eye. Ills bill for their regulation, Intro duced in the house on Thursday, I" full of meat, nml makes a tip-top showing 'of the pooulur hand and mind in the IWlit that Is pending. It has the tenor, temper and tendency of the real sort, and expresses the Idea that the xoople of Oregon nre ubout to do business tor themselves, and for the corporate combines. It is drastlo In some ways, but its tone is rljsht and w'holosoiue. and we hope the legislature will take Its cue from the measure and follow it to tin hon est ond, oven If It has to modify tho terms In some degree. Aatoiiun. Stelner's Market. Dealers in flshf came and poultry. Highest cash pricrf paid for eggs. Prompt delivery. State street. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat 57c. Local wheat Goc. Oats 32c. Hurley , Klour $3.2f. Mill feed Bran, S1S.00; shorts. $l$0 $21. Hay Cheat and clover, $0.00 per ten: timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 2S??30r. Hens 10c: young chickens, 10c. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 13 5?lGc. Butter 3t"c; butter fat, 33c. Onions 55(0 750 cwt.; potatoes. GOc cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prlmo to choice, 13U 13c; medium to prime. 107 12,c. Chittim bark 5 V G? Gc. Tropical Fruit. t Bananas bike per lb. Oranges $3. 00(57 $4.00. Lomons $ 1.00 (fj $". 000. Retail Market. Flour $1 per sack. Ilran Goo per sack; $20ry $21 per ton; shorts, OOo per sack, $22 (w $21 per ton. Hay Timothy, G5c per cwt , cheat and clover, 45c por cwt., $S per ton. Oats $1.20 per cwt.; wheat, 75e; rolled bnrley. $25Ct$2S per ton. Eggs 3 Be. Apples fiOc to $1.00, according to quality. Butter Country, 25(0 27c; creanl ary. 4 0e. Solent Chronology. In Salem everything dates from the legislative sessions. Like the farmer planting his pota toes by tho changes, of the moon, Salem gauges her affairs to tho open ing of the legislature. It la a sort of biennial sunset and dawn In her lit tle world. Her chronology centors In this ull-absorblng event. Bills long contracted are payable whon "the legislature meets." Prom ises made during political campaigns, months In advance, uro discharged during the golden 40 days. It Is a sort of clearing house for political, ilnuuclat und social obligations. Liko the Hheeplierder who eoiuoo to town from the "wild and wooly" hills to take his animal bath, Salem puts off her obligations until the legislative session. I.Ike the fawning admirer of old BUI Jones who onl shlned his shoes when old Bill gave his annual "blow out," Snlom saves up her surplus social energy until the legislature meets. Kast Oregon Ian. Want liiillrimil Commission. It is to be hoped that tho present sosslon of tho leylnlutiii'u will devote Its attention to that class of legisla tion ihat will converse tho Intorosf? of tho wholo people. Sneclal nets In favor of localities or Individuals or spoclal business Interests should be turned down. Probably there Is no one net that would confer so great n public boncflt as one creating a rail road commission. Toledo Reporter. o State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss: Frank J. Cheney makes oath thnt he is senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, county and stato aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be curod by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presenco this Gth day of De cember, A. D 188G. A. W. GLEASON, (Soal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills' for con stipation. o l'niILiVnn.-nn cm rr "" iiui B.t , tSk0n UIK I Dally except Sunday. Leaves W1I- li. .v m1 School nilABtlnn 1.3 I, .. w. . . . . lameue noiei, salera at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at G:15 p. m. Leaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phone Main 179- RALPH DUDLONG, Manager. F,mV!U,0fthe,n,s,n0S8l' m...: n Kr"t ! to obtain Ufctiv, r dnbody. Pell: uoVliip it,.n. I...-. 1 rrUfc,l r.f ... r a--dit i. ... . Ft i.,. . - - eonvlotlon . V:i: If wUh a viw l fcoti .... fc""" n, coinin' " Li&. .. J'nibo It Ion tnkon .... " Eli'lr 1 . .. ul. !" 'he Ki-i l 1tlon Is Tiding "wcraeni. ctterU,i U'e An,"'' Sta,,,,,. ear?n' lined to doubt Uvestock. 11002JJ20O lb stoers, Cuttl 3 V, e. Lighter stoors 23tfji234c!. Cows and heifers 0001000 lb, 2 14 3c. Stock hogs ()fj(P4e. Hogs 175 fT2f.O lb, fat; $G.00t? $0.25. Sheop 5c. Lambs. 5c. .. Veal Droned, GJSc!. Hogs Drossod, So. PORTLAND MAItlCirr. Wheat Club. GC(!7e; valley. Cite; blue stem, GSCfGPc. Oat Choice white, $25.50 $2G Millstuff Bran, $10. Hay -Timothy, $12 $13; nlfalfa, $11. Vetch $7 Cf $7.50. Pot n too S500c. Poultry Avorago old hen, 7Se; mixed ehiekotiH, 11 12c; young rooster, 12 13c: clrossod chlokons, 12f i:ic; turkeys, live, lG17c; tur keys, droBSod, Hi 20c; goose, live. 10c; ducks, 15 lGc; plgoons. $1.00 1.25. Pork Droisod, 0 0 ft c. Beef Drosgnd, 5 5 Vie c. Mutton 0 7c. Hop 11 14c lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 2021c; onstorn Oregon, 131Sc. Mohair '20 2Sc. Buttor Fancy Creamery, 30 ST 35e; store buttor. 227c. o Aro you tirod fagged out, nervous, slooploss, foeK mohn? HollBter's Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens J your nerves, uIiIh digestion, brings refreshing slcjep. 3j cents, 'lea or Tablets. For sale at Dr. Stone'--store. Southern Pacific Co, Time card No. 48, effective Novem ber 20, 12:01 a. m. Toward Portland. No. 16 5-: 23 a. m., Oregon ex press. No. 188:31 a. ni Cottnge QroTO oxpress. No. 12 2:58 p. in., Oregon ex press. No. 14 9:28 p. m Portland ex press. No. 222 11:3 a. m departB at 11:30 a. m Portland fast freight. No. 226 11:GB a. m., Departs at 12:45 p. m -way freight. Toward San Francisco. No. 13 131 a. m., San Francisco express. No. 1111:08 a. m., California express. No. 17 6:32 p. m., Cottage Orova express. No. 15 9:56 p. in., California ex press. No. 2212:33 a. m., Portland fast freight. No. 225 11:25 a. m., departs at 11:55 a. m., way freight A Woman's Back Das many aches and pulni caused by weaknesses ami falling, or other displno mont, of the pi-lvlc organs. Other synij torns of female weakness ore fivqnen'. headache, dliztness, imaginary spooks or dark spots floating before the ejes. gnav Ing sensatlcin In stotnaelt. dragging or bearing down In lower abdominal or pel vie region, disagreeable drains from pelvic organs, fa In tt pills with general weakness. If any comidorablo number of the sibov. symptoms aro present there Is no remedy that wiHglvn quicker lvllef or a moro pe mnient jvcj) than Dr. Plerco's Favorito Prc3RnHiRt has a record of over fort 5 years of c.rV. Tt. Is 1 It p.. n' est homj ItiYjggriiU.uU.diiHlsi xllicijciinw n ' tiidiciljrtetire. It jj t,. a. of the glj cri:.: extracts 01 native medic i nal roots f"iind In our forests and con tains not a iJr.ip of nK'ohol or harmful, oi habit-forming drugs, li.i Ingreilleutt are all printed on the bottle-wrapper uml at tested under onth as correct. Every Ir.'.-redict.t entering into "IM vorlte Prescription " lias the written on dorsetuent of tlio nnst eminent inodlea. writers of all tho several M'liools of prac tice tnoro vithiablu than any amount non-profs.dmul testimonials though th. latter are not lacking, having boon eon trlhiiteil voluntarily by grateful patient In numbers to exceed the eiulor?eni"i'' given 'to any other medicine oxtant foi the cure of woman's Ills. You cannot alTord to accept any mcdlcliii of unknown composition a. a substltuti for this wnl'i proven remedy ok kmw:. comi'dsu ion, even thoiiRh the dealer nia make a little more prnllt thereby. Tout interest la regaining health l paramount to any sell h Interest 0 lit and It Is m. Insult to your Intelligence for him to try to palm off upon jou a substitute. You know what von want and It Is his busi ness to Mippiy the article railed for. Dr. Picr's Pleuaiit Pellots are the nrlglnul ''Little Liver Pills" Urst put up by old Dr. Pierre over forty years age, much Imitated but never equaled. Llttlf fugiir-coatiHl granules ousy to tuKo m c..;idy. See Us for Bargains in Real Estate Six room house, barn and 22 lots, 45x130 each; prlco $1S00. Six room house cm car line, 4 lots, 75x150; price $1500, easy terms. Nine room house plnstored, closots, pantry, basement, soptlc tank, ham 20x34, woodshed 1Sx22. This place Is three blocks from court houso; Price $2025. Six-room house, plastered, closets, pantry, toilet, well, good barn, live lots 75x150 each, on cur lino; prlco $2000. Two acres, 7-rootu houso, barn, well, and all kinds of fruit, near Sn lom; prlco $1250. Fifty-live acres, 35 In cultivation, 20 acres In timber, now 7-rooni house largo barn; 10 acres in imps, all wired. This place Is nil good black soil.- Price $110 per aero. Forty-ono and one-half all In cultivation, 7-room house, largo barn, 10 nores of fruit, good woven wlro fences, Implements, 2 horses, 0110 row. This place Is near school and churoh, one mid ono-half mllos from Salem. For prices seo Itadrlllt & Co. We have our hundred acres of good laud near SmI.mii to trudo for Snloin property. Wo also have 11 :ood business block mid dwelling In Colorado Springs to trade for property hare If you wnnt hop ranch, timber grain, fruit or grazing lands see us. Several houses for rent. Call If you want nnj thing In Insurance or notary work. RADCLIPP CO., Reliable Agents Itoom 11, Mooros block, Salem, Ore. Iteferenee, nny bank or business house in the city nf Snlom. iHtmwtwwwm 4 I 1 4-g-HH-rW I CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I 1 3 DRAYMEN. R. O. Cununlns Successor to White Cummins, express, dollvery nnd transfer lln9. Prompt service la our motto. Furnlturo nnd piano moving a specialty. Stand at 150 South Commercial street. Phone 175. Residence phono 96S. 8-4-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. New and Secoml-llaud Goods. Bought nnd sold, nlso ranges, stoves nnd cooking utensils, duti es, grantto nnd tinware of all kinds Olvo us a call. O. L. McPeok, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly FOR RENT. Booms Furnished for light house keeping, 730 North Front street. 1-3-tf For Rent Seven-room houso with hnsomont. Good well wator, piped In nnd out. Inqulro of A. Schrolb or, 5C0 N. High stroot. 1-7-lmo Furnished Rooms With or without hoard, phone, electric lights nnd bnth room. ,T. Jay Cook. Phone 5.13. 1-12-lm FOE RALE liny for Sale. Wo h.ivo baled ehoot liny for sale. George Swcgle, Gui don Rond. l-10-3t For Sale. Throe blocks of laud, largo orchard, two-story house of eight rooms, good barn, for $3700 Also houso hold furniture, includ ing piano. Also two blocks or land for $1500. Inqulro at 747 South Twelfth street. 1- lfi-3t For Sale. Ono McCormlek mower, one revorslblo Pitts harrow, ono 14-inch Oliver plow, nil good ns new, nt n bargain. Call nt olllco of Orogon Slonnn Paint Compnny, Salem. 1-7-1 m I.QBC1KS. Foresters of America Court .Sli.r wood Foresters, No. 19. Mcota Tuesday in Hurst halt. Stato stroot It. S. Uldor. C. It.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 1H, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holnian block, cor nor Stato and Llborty st roots. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. in. E. W. Hazard. C. C.j W. I. Staley, K. of It. and S. Moilct-u Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 524G. Meeti every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Holnian hall. W. W. Hill, V. C: F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, In lllilman hall. F. R. Capper, C. S.; P. L. Frazlor, Clerk. I'm- Sale. Gentle pony, hroko tc rl.le or drive, also phulo, which I will sell on Installment. W. B. Gllsou, 117 Commercial stroot 1-10-tf For Sale. My 80-nero farm, foil' miles south 0 tho huslnoss conter of Salem, at Liberty, will sell In smnll tracts to suit purchaser, or entire tract at a bargain, or will rent to right party. Call on J. ('. j Johnson, at Salem, or address J II. Daniel, Eugene, Oregon. 1-1 7-1 111 OSTEOPATHS. Dr. 11. II. White Qradunto of Klrks- vlllo, Mo., under founder of Os tcopathy. Room 21, Broyman building, Commercial street Phono 87. Residenco 390 Summer street, corner of Center. Phono 1219. Treats ncuto nnd chronle dtsenses. Examination froo. 11-17-tf PLUMBERS, Then. M. Bart- Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 104 Commorclnl streot. Phon Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J, Potzol Plumbing, stonm and gas fitting. Successor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commo-clnl ltreet. 'Phono Main 17. A. L. Frazcr Successor to Burroughs & Frazcr, plumber and linncw. Manu facturer of coppoir nnd gnlvanlzeJ iron cornice, ami tuotnl skylights, 105 Stato street. 'Phono 1511. Dr. D. 11. G'rlllln, the Specialist 011 Morphine All drug nnd liquor hnblts, which he cures In 3 dnys. No money until cured, 214 Trnilo St., Salem. Ore. Phono 508. John Doyens, Business Mnuager. SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of snsh, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish nnd hnrd wood work, Front street, bet. Stnto nnd Court. VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. E. J. Young. Veterinary Surgeos ..and dentist, 33 yenrs' exporlonce. All work guaranteed. Dllllcult sur gical oporntlons n specialty. Phon 581. Ofilco nt Club Stables. Plion 7. Salem, Orogon. 3-0-tf WimtrdXSgung girl for light l7 t 1-8-31 WaiTfen-Flve tp ten cords of good 111- wood. Apply to E. Ilofor, Jour mil olllco. 12-20-tf Wauled Stock hogs for fooding, chickens, ducks nml all kinds of poultry. Hlgheet prlco paid. Hop Co., 1S1 Commercial stroot, Salem, Or. 12-5-tf Wanted 10 iuon in unuh stuto to travel, distribute samplos of our goods and tack signs. Salary $85 per month; $3 per day for ex penses. Saunders Co., Department P, No. 40 Jackson Boulevard, Chi cago, 111, 1-14-lw THE CENTURY A magazine wliicli lias steadfastly stood for all that is best in American life, has held fast by the soundest traditions of literature, aided mater ially in the development of American ait by educating popular taste and putting work in the hands of prom ising artists, and in season and out of season urged upon a people engrossed in business, righteousness and competency in public office, justice to authors, wholesome con ditions in the crowded parts of ciliei, the larger educational opportunities for all. The Outlook. Sen J ftr full fHj? tut mi J THE CENTURY CO. Union Square IVciv York MTT Hn ImkiiuuMIIihi H LKHTOkBupposiion D- ju TH. ' ui- bm., maw, r.u, m l vriMi f a mj Uu ta til . iuh l. Ufa tit . U il.nn, KrtCct. w. Tk., vriuai T. ftr uli,uU. 'uUi. Vt. II. D. McOUl. Cluitkmif. T. . riu. "U rrwlU. tt t i,u, I ti fD4 i.l; u .U J..I..' fWI, M Cr,.. tMialtt r.M. M4 IfVimiw. K,,,!, WUOy. UIMCABTCW, lA., Sold In Sakm by Dr. S. C. Stone A CALL FBft fKtC SAMPLE MISCELLANEOUS. Candy Stand-1 hnvo romovod from Stato street to 489 Court street, whore I Invito the eouttniiod pat roniif'e of all and thuuk them for past favors. I). S. Schonck. 1-lfl-3t Coiu-i-fto Work, Get my prices oiif sidewalks, curbs, soptlc tanks and comout work of any k'lnd, All work guarantood llrst-clnss. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 509. 1-tl-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro thun uny other brend, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For sale nt your grocer's, CALIFORNIA I1AKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. lliitto Ai Wcuderotli Flno wlnos, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handlo the colebratod Kellogg nnd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beor constantly on drough. South Commercial stroot 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying Btovos, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Lincoln Annuity I'uloii. Sick, acci dent and pension Insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledgod; every claim paid Good agents wauted. J. H. C. Montgomery, supreme organizer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon, R. R. Ryan, secrectary, 646 State streot. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPAJv OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service i.nly nt oflke, Bills payable mouth)) 111 advance Make nil complaints at tlio ofilco. y aif f Gold Dust Flour I Made by TIIE SYDNEY FOW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for it, Bran and shorts alweyn on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT VI a a 9 O. C. T. CO STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVR PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNK8. DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT :00 A. M. TOR CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. Si, i M. P. BALDWIN, Ajjt CHICHESTER'S PILTS C-v THE HIAMONU HHANI. A,. A m ai. u r" 1'UU U M.4 4 U.IJ B.1.II1AV htm. tuli lth tlut KIU-.. V Tk 1 .a !. Hyr mt .ur riMl. A.k(MVHJ.t-M:M.TKir4 nias.ia o.'.i. i'ilui, lut na Mf.Mfcl ii u,u,S4(a.t.AI K V.tUt lJkrMriicaUlrktf. CMtbMUr Ck.wlTil tfc, fhllaPa.