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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
1 f ,htlIZ OAI-iTAIi JOURNAL, flALZM, ORKGOX. MONDAV, JAXCAIir U, 1007. CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGE V. HOFERBROS, PM" and Proprietors TNI! JOURNAL STANDS KOIt I'ROOKKHS, JIBVKLOPMHNT, OVIHlNMK.T. AND NO DKOKADKD LAHOR. GOOD l WAITlNfl TO tilt hTIWIW.m 'v, ' i 3Fffl)4llkihlni wdt A worker, aoworbrs'! ft-n- '-lwut C o'Hock, SiitlMt' rntid thp grorar flris irhorff Br'd Ulk, Hbd talk. end talk. 'JjOV! 1'hm ) "m Ui iiiiit'Ub nl'is ltd th cradl" un' tli plow, . At' uld iii )f rl. mc fffvl be ""lil titrrl' allow ue bow. ' But vtUnn Mfh4 to gh' a rtaaos fur fall laf ahirilce wars $T J n w Ma nolhln' but n waatla' ov lata dare, WIJII wouU blink ble j-a h mnVnft then Wottkl any M U atirprlsed. "I'm h walolln,' boye. on tongreas. Tr I muat ha attbatdlsod. "Wlini'a ilie use n' takln' thaw?" UII1 would nek Ih anxlona tone. "Vlial't tk' u o' waatla' intied or a rsakln' ov yor bonea?" Thfltt lisM M(l baek h grlnnlH' In th' ui' ge1inlboUomod cbalr, Oo hnnil raachln' (Hit f'r crackero, loiher ftiuattn' up hla hair. An' next dny he'd keep a lunfln' nn tit' rMlaf us would awaat F'r tli' cloiliM tlmt wo wwc wanrln' tn' lit little Hint wo ot. "'Taint ia mo o' wnrklu that way," William filtiuiklim lis fHirmised; "Hand partitions down t' cougrae' hju' we'll all git subsidized." An' at Inst we ot r tliln' Hint parboils ol' If 111 win right, All we made up a oommlUoo f'r I' try mi' ruriilnfi light ' On this Ui lint tlini Jill! (mil mentioned, an' It wasn't vary lone TJII wo found him right, by liticlor, ft n' tli' rait ov iih wujs wrong. An' wo nil Just look t' lonfln'i nary load o' grain wo'd haul 'Causa wu kuowed It didn't pay un, nit' wo didn't work nt nil. An' wo'ro jeoIu' t keopon lortfln' till tlio country' pnralyzod Or our trusty old farm wagons ilk tli' ships, Ii subsidized. ' ' o - .. . .H'IKJK TANNltH'H IMHUAIt.MM.Vl'. Tho (Incision of tlio aiiprainn court sentauelng Judge Tanner to a die bnrmujil of nlnoiy dny wna h irowr rel)iil( to nnprofloiml oondnot. Thltt oao roVmilad u Ijiw Htitudnrd of DOllllual anil Ih1 otlitei ira VUllliiK aiuoiiK H().(UM,HII I'ltO.MI.VlLNT .MIUII1HKH OV Till! HAH. Tlio teatlmon)' In tlio Mltcliell trial and ilia iiorjury m hmIwi JudKO Toiwiur Mil rvald a iIHtrtun from tha Idtmla tlmt ihould xlt. Too tunny rnvmbor of tlie bar and mn iromlnint In itata iwlltle O0illy VIOI.tTI MTATK A.VH NATIONAL UIVVH. Tlie rwult Id iloiuorallitatloii of th nubile iiiIih) ami datarlointlon of the moral atandiird of tlio rowing gaueratloiii. White tliw-duty of tb(t nupraiHH court wn an unjtlMMut omi. It wat obllgml to iwrform Umt dHl)" I'ltOM Till! I't'HMO STANDPOINT. It In alxrat lh llrt Hum n man of UI3I1 autMUng In tbe itrorwloH. nrumlniMil In th Ituimlilloau imrty. a ad liluli In lodfta clrelsa. baa Iimii Xlv?n a wyntaiicio in tb blKliwt anitrt or HiU itnta. Tlio time should ooiiih whan man who rHk so Ulck ! wMitr not ho Nlveo tlio minimum twtlamj but Ota maxtinum. Til in KNOW mriTHK, uiKh iioalllau iboiilJ mil not loiiia Urn oloak for rawalliy to u uuimnlibad. A I'l.VANOiAi. Ntro'tiibrrioN. the !ooole out of their demand that TIIK STATU I'ltlXTKK UK I 'IT OV A 1'LAT HA LA It V. The llutjwlar.v reform waa dala"d four yt-ara, and th- taxm;r8 wilt dafaaud, and the treaaurj- defraaded of over ? 100.000 by sharp tactic 1 and dllalorf policlua. ' Tha aanw thlnK l to b attamptd thli time and tne atate prinun,; UTOft la to be euntlitued tudtiftnltfly uh.n the pwoplo won- Itmi to on daratand TIIK I'lTlNTKR WqMi UK PIT O.V A SAI.AHU PolUtflann ho want atata oflw ar alreadv hf.ln" Jown to the rnarhlnf and makiftjf promlaena llttl' mIibiii r. fnn and forKetthiK thd tldfa to tbrt people. Tha paople votd fr tlw ajntdmont t tb lomtUtutlon to aive th Imlalature wmr t PIT Tffll PltlNTKIl O.N Fl-W AIm, Juat ut iby vot4 fot th antt-paaa lav. That lasua cannot be Ituorf, It Im all rljht to lawi ta enable the merchant to garniaba tka waa! of deadbeata In tha employ or thf Hiniv, 1101 uuil i uiciumn mm ' .... Tha paople hava foJthl tot Mx yaara to get their public hlrad men on a flat aalary, J VST UKtt TJIH IIIISKD .MAN ON TIIK KAIMI, and tluy will not aml to make an a0iptlin or thajlggaat graft of nil the public printer. o AS APPOINTIVH HAIi.ltOAD COM.MISSION. W-mml . .. t; T :-.v-'-:'.:?p:'1 j l . : ii Vj'ri I Tm rapid multlpllantUm of trtiat eoilijKUiltM at Portland anil otliar lnfKt cltiHf U 0anU (Hiiuo popla ta rwitai. How iiihhv of tHthtttmat oomiiaulaa Wll.l. lUICQdlll llPHT UOMIW NlliH In t'HVu or a little llHunttittl tniaaaaa. It wna given out In dUputrbaa tha utaer dav that Wall atraat .wai rtdylitK un tk' umileru bank for fundi. That l ilHuhtlH trim and tha wanlarji banka kmsk prtilll by tka oar fwllun Mi HQit'n'HIl TIIHIU DAII.V MAUWCIkS. Tim aollB m of mm nt tlt Inrtta tnaUlutlOM might ettola ka drtslg of woaiftTH hflHka. Tim wevtr n hntfk akouM bawwa raaaaMklr eotiaarvAUYa aad bagta to aaautHHlata a aMrwiiM agaimt tbe days or CTJI.UVIII AND .SHRINK. Anil THAT ARII IU1VMI TO IHJI.I.OW TDK PHIISIINT 1'INANOIAI. l.VI'ITION. Mvmrx waalorn bank akwuld bla to tmttar Ita 4eoatte of dally aash UatNNM.' aad ihoald avcMtaHtala a aarolua atandlly rroaa thla year on. Individual will dw Yfl to dn tka mm No uoaka tun cutak tka matt wlui kna ike lea.lj mmf. TIl'lT KIND OP A HANIC IS SAINI. TliU la uhIv a Mojjatio. IHy it to baM to W oH tka al aklt. Tha prNl I'WMn. of wMan oraaitarUir aw awmUatad. It hm? ba a rmt. It limy be two yra. or Iva. but Ilia tin will route whoa tomtit will rotam WUil, IT PAVOIHHtONV II l an ..ihth HHaattoH wkatbar It will way Oregoa to iBood a lara ium n lha Jamaatajt voatUor . Qr:n tWHaot wlWy oitr wt Mock IgftMlgnutoo. IMIU.M THAT vaiit op Tim uNiriin mwviu Titan OrH will ba 0K)Hfia to M h a good hlg amprUtm for law KattitAla) M4Kk. Tkw to oMKMiuoHa will groMkly lak a a.aartar of . uitoB ,w tPW)y ronroHrat ikla etaio. QmitftU Imp mmt aMOHglt h tk OMraoB, Hm Ofloam. aad Oioaka ex HIUn. TO HI ll.D ANOTHHH IMUVKH ASVIA'il. Tb ap)nmrbitl.iM Nnt tkott imrat ojmo akowa ahuatd h, kald dowa W roHa.Ul aotwoota. - It WtU Hot Mr tkla Mate 10 aim aad kaaJr.. k..u..i. ... ...... uu .t j. . -- -- . . ui auiwri w !VWiMMj Certain Portland iutaraati ohjact to an appontlre railroad comtula lott, aad tlio raaaou aiwlgned la that tka sorernor la a democrat. rjovornur Chambarlaln wna twice elected over good inyti on the Itf pNbllCHn tlckot WIIKN TIIK STATU WAS t!t,ooo RKPl'HMCAN. It dna not appear that bualuoea iiipii cure very iiiueh what a man's po litical labal la In atnto nrfalra If ho ataada for their luteroeta. It a a noticeable faot that when a railroad couiiulaalon Ih appointed In any atate that fights the buttloa of the ahfppora It haa to be done by hoiiio man strone oiioukIi to oopo with the dominant machine. Tha paople In general liuvo no fnlth In COMMISSIONS THAT ARK PO- MTICAIi INSTITl'TIONS. A hualnMa commfaalon to protect the busl- aa lutoraata of the atate the pooplv could tolerate. Thit tflnil tif r'liiiiinlBuliiii ilii. tilhiiHrk. totiliera. mannfnctiirui-a. iivv. "- ....-. -- ......... ..v. ...... ..w ... .1- -. ..-- - . ...,...,. .....vp .,... mill men and farmer want IS NOT TIIK KIND OP ONK the Oregon laglalature would 1m likely to aelert. Governor !arrabee In town had to get rid of a leglalntive uominlaalon and gat a new couiuilaalnn hill paaned and appoint men to carry It Into afact. ANVOTIIIIR KIND OKA CO.M.MISSION WOI'I.D IIAVK HICKN WORTHMtSS. Under that kind of a cominlaalon 'he atate of Iowa and all Ita luduatrlea Intra nroaoeriMl. No other kind (if rooiiittaalnii la wurtli liuvtnv. ami ir atataa north and aouth and (mat of u have them to fight their battles, OHUOON Wll.l. RAVI! TO DO HOMKTIIINf; to hold any position In the groat roNftlcl of traye'iortatlon latereala. Probably tha light agalnit an appointive cominlaafon haa bean Birtw' to kill tka bill In tha lutaraat of the eorpomtloae. That will develop later. Th faot that th? laglalature la alraoet aollilly Itapubltr-nn la tha beat raaaon why tlmt hmly ilioubl hare nothing to do with aetectiug the rommlaalon. -o 1 iw 11m rut c K ZJrtXZ2' m ;n.'mi .-' lax w tflfiAflOk' .- - .' . it. -y V y . .J?fe ', ?m 1 -J -m idlBoaaVj V am jRW AflHnS.? fPFOMB . A &. tar 1 ". i'..ifJi WfiiVJr, m. t i? 1 - ' 1 l.'4Cil . 1 .. 1 1'i-i-'WQiw " t' v. JjLfyhEMmj: .j. 'i? "'(I :r- .t' ' tx pj (iwifc.fT"'; 3rf?.ffl(i:'421: : 1 T : . ir.vj y mmom tfi.'.iilSl Wc have Cloth- . a tf mm juitK eur liieSM dil. - 4-l-W-W-H-f-H II I III l )t H 1 -3 to 1 ra2 OFF WH I II II IIIIIMIII Ii-H The latest and best makes in ev ery department. Visit our dean sweep sale and save com. G. W. JOHNSON J &CO. WIIV PA V TIIK KI.I.'CTHIC CO.MPANVV WHI.WMI1 1) Tlllt IiIKIIaM llltlt TJ?" ' mm " km. ol ta genera) aaaewuly aad tha tktrd laooar gg . t the Cayttal 111 it Ij Vul its. mcv TI.IWHKC, lMII Tlllt VUIU JlllUNU ' " "lkN" Vtt ai WfAaoMM to or rltj akwaHa. oi aad . ull IO toUoatyoRrtght. awwaovaf will MIA&M IU8 Tlllt HIKT UIHNKI.CJ Vi'ATlfR K Tuu OTATIw 2. SS,,SS l "" m"" - - '- Tk OaoHal or law wM arM' ...1.. .-. ... .. kHUa d tOittaUlg, wt ,fc Utiat h Z '. Z T "' ' ""' lw ha man to jagJaa4 tka kaat olaotHe ort , .,, ad Tim put NAunv last-ii ! rv KJtUi'i r ,f 41b. .hiMgiia 1iWCH4K'W lr4ad m , Tha algkt Wlllatnatla volley count lea could afford to laaiie houdi and buy or build loaka at OratOH OJty and aave woaay orar tha praaeuL ex turltlou. HbiiiIb for $600,000 til 8 per cent would draw luterost or K, 000 a year The tame counUoa ara iwylng rour tlmea that amount to tha PorllHWl General lllectrlo compaKy. Ilenloit County llaimblloan. In the Hrat place, the gos'srnmaul englneara have atatad la an olllcla reimrl thai TIIK I.Ot KS CAN Hit RKPRODUCKD POK !II50,(MI0. Laaa thaa a hdlf-iulll twx for two yeara wilt build tha locka ami eaawl. The atate baa baaa taxed orar IUO.fto to kelp not half aa many produaara In aaatera Oragoa. WIIV NOT DO SOMKTIIINO TO HKI.P ' i SIIIPPKRS AND PRO- DPCI1RS OP WKSTKHN OHHOONV It oan ba done without going In debt or leaning boada. Tk lestalatur will aoaod what the loeka iumI eaaal woM eoat on new. rammlaatoaa, rlorkaklua, Jnnketa and exlrgmgawt prlnUng bllto. Why not do aonetblag for tka relief of the mat miim r wMuiim wiin 01 weaiarn uregonr WORK POR TIIK I.UtHSUVI'lRK. (Aoeordiag to tka Dautoa Connly ItonnUIOMi.) ' Tkaro ara bllla for many menmroa that akoudi h MMrnv ..i. . by tka taglatainra. THII lill'll INSPRANCK COMPANIHS xii HHf;fTIN(;. tkelr wTutMiuiiHiNa ami raoaung aHontd ba .hut orr, th eleeUoa of dlroc ton akould be regulated, aad noReatdent compAnlaa ahould ba rettulrad to kaaa at laaat 10 per ront of Uta'r prontHuna raoalvo.1 from Oragott policy koblera Invented In tk state. A law akould ba enilrtod making ft V CRIMK POR ANVONH TO Milt. HV WITH THII MKMHHKS of 9 laibla.. for ontloV A Jan rtouw be pHoaed nialUng It folony to rogtator a bat on a koraa rao. adtbar on a blackboard of tiny other aHbaumaa, or to talaRraok or aa any dmiaa to xm.mpUea tka raaGkratlMi of bats. Tkaaa akould ba rigid legtolntkui TO HTPPRIISS UUOKlffr Slltit aad rigid eklld labor btwa. anwib, A wnewn tkala.Ha klgker in on part of Ik . tka. la aKkor akould ba naMonbaa to th law -aawnor lAMTr aorporattoa ahould ba ohMgod to fart.k .k Mi,i..u a abtanro akaat 0 Ha kaiitM, av i.ia.twn .w.,.. . ..TIT; " ' ",M M U within tka prohie of '" --- , .v.. . h. ,.i.. --. . . " r . . " "" " wwcwaiHMi 2L"2JSJ?Tl"i"r ?'! . TufUTT JS 7. iTZTrZ: r r mwmr l Mao t uuda and hunt. - mm . .Mm , owaar mewum, this oo wUI ha , flrat class oil. Hut where It burns u rt slckl llnmo nnd ainolls liko burning tar, that price is steep. Oil Inspector needed. Aa the "leglBlature men" all rod from three to a dozon Oregon dally iHipera, why not print the dally cnlondnr In the pnpers ns news? Tha would aave the atato thoiiaamlB of dollars nnd tlio peoplo would get the neueiii uotu waya. t No man can get a Job ai editor of ti big irapor now-n-dnya itnlf3s ho can write edftoriale a yanl long wltliout sayliiK nnythlnu. I la about time for that motion to print tha dnlly cnlondnr. Tha legfalatura wa. orgnnlzad today. Undo Han Hnydon wna in tonn . Tha potato la a molt uaeful vagtnblo.--Jdffarson Rovlow. Yea when eookad with iparerlba and anuar kraut. . e Lower levlei Hut mora for tha Uxpuyamo pay 18 tlio rttlo with nl' tka counllaa. Lot ua m thankful. In tha drr flOdnUaa at loost. that tlio pump does not fraaao In wantarn Omgui r rarmera abort couraa eoffaa and bHokwkaata. mJSZiy lt Uo,1,t 8,t, JsTiir9' u,,Mon8,' '" SfTToitt f 1" ,mn imy " m,,,oa rn'oa t have more money to S3. Z'trlM a. aa tatloa. 1,,B ,U va,Rt lowers tho burdens of er taxation Iblr HMIIIII& SaaMO In Chlawf u udr s Wnak u "What n. 4U tMt?" Hoa, U -So ,aiw Htaek It belkw.' Waah Up- Pinx ii.i.twr ball? HO td "IIWNM M-1 Wak I Mux it. hii.ii.. u. . ..-..a MmT !!, wo nor git . Ihlv I t II wat 11 . I h I A . fc . atf4 fr iraoV Umn,ritit i.i.U.. . ... .. ",1 " -".wW. ' .! .11 uutry Ai w Uw u.. Bir ia otM taaaan now Tk- ..1-. hi .- -ah4 rlluuww X3iTtrorio:,::,oa ,-m - 4 at ;, a a. ... , h, 7L!,,',,r ! ta'-' - l. M' U' rr,r,U " .. 4. h Mrp Tin HanN wank) . a ji.g $Wnt a gotten for wJ oM. if it wr RHOICTS' .MKKTI.VR. At O. A. C. WitluoMluy NlKht- Wluit miis Diim., Tha itiM-wluter MMtln r A. C board of regHta waa held last waok. Hegeiita oreaout u. hi.i.' rford. Apperaon. .Koady. Wllaoa ttwton. Irrlna and IMora. Tka fonoal raadanaLttau ..f i,.. 4ent Qatck wM tendarad and aooapt- T.L "'"' RWtva at the otoaa of tka wkool year. Ho Wai nnanl-wanali- Invttad to tha chair of ejvk-a Rnd aaoaomlca. TbK Ik tho bM mouth hi the )enr to htart a smvIurs ammuiit. vYmh 'oop It .r.wliijc iM,i. H)' hy CMtHuB off a raw om, nnl iinnaosir). axpmulltjirjg, aiul Ht to , MhMi oh,,,,, Vmks at. ,wr ,,,.. y, niM avefui sibo day. 1,1 U liH ,,, llMlltr ii.iia to ,,. ,.mU, nI, w rtTwkj Tntervst. Savings Department Capital National Bank I It was decided to nBk tho loglili ttire for J126.000 for now collegt bnrn. shop nnd addition to adminis tration bulldlne. nnd also for n re appropriation of tho 113.000 for the aarntern Oregon experiment station which reverted to tho atnte tr. asurv aftei being hold up by tho rtfre dum. and an additional $30") for the ame station. A report by tho exeotttlvo cotumlt tao ahowed that operation of the Baatern Oregon oxporlnlont statloa, for the past IS months has u-ulte-i In a profit of 11600. No secretary was elected to Ihl the vacancy caused by the resignation 01 John IX Daly, but Onptnln App arson wna appointad as taniporar) secre tary. I waa ajraad that It might bo P , Ible to 1Bake oxhlblts of c rtalt braaohaa of oqlUge work nt the K'gl Uttare at Snlam, that tlio loglslator ny gain an daa of what Is belnf don at O. A. C. A apaetal meatlng of tho board of regents Is to bo hold in th wV trlng. probably In March or Apnl I'lLliS OURHD IN O TO 14 !. lASp OINTMENT la guarante&l to cure any caso or Itching. B'M. Bleeding or Protruding PH3 1 6 t0 H days or money refunded 50fc " "O - CASTOR I A Pflr lnfnnf a nnA f!bHi?wn. The M Yim Riri Always Bos Baars tho &qfatnnof zm