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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1907)
'tmJmJmMmUm0BMm)mUiJ if nm t ii '' "Tj I NOW IS THE TIME to buy that range. Why delay the matter? You will not be able to find a more satisfactory or serviceable stove. The prices are lower than vsuch stoves usually sell for. lliuU'n ItrtiiueK nit In it cIiikh Itj llii'iiiwlu'f. They Imw miiiIIiiij. hlli' nuiiiHlcil iiH'Uti fuel wiling Hie lMii'h; hwl anil licnlnl cooking Miifnnm. Tho heal I dln'ctul ttliwiv It U meilcd. Kuril Mint In Ixiiiilirullr iinmmi'iitrd m'HIi heavy hllid-nlckcil, mid Im- iiilvuiiiiigfx nut found In ordlmiry Moiw. t'limn la mid look llii'iii mm mid Ret our llbmd tvrnm. Von my n Utile down mid u lllllu eiicli wvvU r inoiitli mid iifwr iiiUh ihe iiiuiu'), ldlf liming full iim of llic licf ntugo ii ((' until i THE Buren & mm EUGENE WINS GAME Basket bail Y. At. C. k. Gym. Defeats Salem High 14 to 13 In g banl-hittalii. niy gawe of UntKbiUI 1M algal la Kmrca Wish dfMtcd (Re ) kith s a MHT6 Of H Ut 1 1, Nalew r)eil mil ptfUHM) lltr vlallorM. aa4 uuh a MMtlet ( rMl that tnt tkeat in.' fH iherv wr I a roeU i1M wt Hgh-M ii II ua Bugwae. aa4 at UMte aa4 a good auia ta Klag Iw ihrv thti luutt ia) wua iIm iaat Kuaen itrrw a. waUe Malea gui ely t fialew gut I Mk4a. rarw r hi Mt'laUr I, viptlo Naae gel on!) I I'urknUa J e4 K( ley I, SakM W4 Ike kU aui f ih- j lime arwiHd iketr am a tak tea iu . fc M of tk gaa" at)l Kug. j ligatlng (or time Tbu ei t-Mll u tt, ell of IH earn iMMk team i iaiag a gjwJ. trac itm la the ro4 ilf )UiHll Voorv eaw pretty iKiSkai. fct Ii rat taat ihr whuile U4 Wwa, ti4 M Wnt count. U w alw la iHU aaW laat IMIy' farm ui t i.m4 ui nar ll goal uaaglM ta i-n aa4, ta4tac hu; M,a. Mt M " " lain law lauk j tiM MaiwtUw dl4 KMut ia vrV t rtig UVC. n4 HwrkU lay4 j Uar4 all through. t4. al tcwa tkey Ui any featkou. Ibeir Ida) lag rae4 in ii aaaae Ttie OaW. Tt wiiWW laVtvr at S. , aact ta Wm thaa ft wtaau CcWnij k4 JfKH lor ihicra A fM vaji Ma OH npmt. aa4 JJjJU t4t4. rriMr ot a irty Uai rt w&Vlug iha S Ha S. Vvt m 1Mm H4 Klag tgrw lakH. U gaa ful mid tHJM threw feaiUt u,i.k.u t, uilajd.l fialttia rant. Klc mad lVU Mm nm aasj K8f kiu Mvi to aaa ler J DAILY CAW - ' I BUCK Hamilton. kliii fall d t I . Imil-. in mil . -ih-i nca-io mlli'il on HmIiii. Klni. Hiiomuh ic ol tlifm. K-ili tot m u.i-k i .iiul Hun miiiiti. i foul in 8ul in in K i lint' iiiiuli n piellx liukii Mlilili imlt-il (In hull With Ik 12 l In'fuviJi nf Ktigvur StH-WMll llltlf. Tht - 4 half tuiud wild a foul on Balvai, Klaa lalli-4 Koiil im Kuawa. MflliHrv Ullitl Mi Intli- I gut a baakn foul on ftaU-m. Ktni lartw baakn Aaothwr foul on Hm la aad King put it In ihf lHa-i IKugn foal. IVrklu tulsiuM Kn gt'ii foul. Mc'tntlrc uilaai-J Mlu Mr- aawl uaakH Kariuvr got u luiu' UMktt. Kugvttr foul. BllMwd li fouU fur talcMM, both mlMMni Ku atBf foul, niltavct Milutln- n..i n Mhtr baakH and ik gann n.i. i with docibl loul Prklu makmr U. Mlf Klag mlMod U-avlna di bmI Mvrr Kuata 14, iaWiu l.t Tin l.tHeUH. Kuit no c Kinr . ' kfik ...I Cotka-rliiK' . .0 H'ui. Q . . HurU'ii 4 HtaaajullVm i.h Baku IVrkin Mixtrr Mtlatlrv 1'kimm. yaran oiarUie ir at OMo. City o( Tol4 Limm Otaaty. at Y'rtmb i Okag aiakta oaU u b u avnior aartai of ih grw f ' J Cbay A Co.. dvMag buiu in I ha City f Tu44a. aoaaty and tir alrai4. aa4 that asM Irai mil . th aaw of OKI UVNORXn Iiol UVNS (or aura a4 ary c of Ccrrk Uul cuaot Im rur4 by tha of 1UII Caurrk Curt. rKANK J. t'Hr'Vt Y Swi t bttora nt and aub.mbvd. la lay praa tht. Ith 4a of iv coiubtr 4 )t usg A GLKA80N. bhih NoUry Publlr Hall t CatariL 0rt U uVa Intar- aait). aa4 ixt dirtatly oa tht blood aAil taucttua rw of tka jttm bWhd tof tatlaalak (rat r. i. CHHKKY A ( . ToitJo. O. SoM by ail Druggists. T6c. TV lUU't lwllr IMUc for ion U?tlea. Ojuhi'tac.tSJ3k.. fcattt l4iMHmS fV j r vCgJf7& &ut: OKEGON. TAIi JOUKNAL, BM.KSU TAYLOR SELLING SAWMILL Former Salem Man Disposis if Detroit Property to Portland Interests It it rfjwrtecl that h deal mi con summated at the Wlllamotte hotel yetierciay Hiienwuii. wi; " -..... .. ,.......... h...i.,. mnn of intiui. ft IUIKIQI i, ..w,.. -- thl city, transferred hit Hciwmll' property at netrolt to the P. C. Gra ham Wholesale Luinhtr Company, of Portland. F. C. Graham, of Port land, and Theo. Llndli, of Astoria, ravrttmitad the company In the dual, and Mr. Taylor carried on nogotln lima In hla own bohalf. The amount of the comldtratlou could not lie learned. The cnpaclty or tho plant la about 15,000 fee! dally, but It is regarded " valuable property on nmiunt of being located In an oxten !vo end wealthy timber district. MtfMIHI HI I H Ml I i I H- Y w- X "he voice hi me peopie jio "j.i.i.v. t The ODen fOrUm .llmt herenrier these six eoporatlons ..!.T.nfii ii iii i iii i nl inn- na something towards support- TTTTTTTTTTTTl I . Walch i:pciiscx. Id Journal Tin-wirlnu KrniiK In (bin roiini' are appointing ooiu inlit'cs to cull upon the county court nnd aik to be shown the details of Improvement to be made In Marlon county court house. The Portland )till Abstract mH thciee repairs will ami $80,000. Theee granger wish to iii' h little more publicity In such maiiHra of large exutmdllure of the people's money. our county iki- mi lie given a atatement and dia gram or til' work and let un.Titand it Probably there will be no objection If ' ! unileratocHl. Hut the funnel Is taxed to heavily that he cannot lie expected to rejoice In thv reeent announcement of l:i ,.vv UltANUKK win UimcIi iiiin. Hiuii- gitiimi' will ii i it I ii t it I ik ii TIm- iwwwiiwywwwwiwrw 5i - u m wp i ira ief m wi Ithik r-. I'M i ' 1 V V. t - i"S ilN I "-I T"I, III m Jilt al an m . S .M l ,L fk M Af, L 1 af t j y il yilu-lcarance Sale M Coprc:ht l ( a vp MEN'S For I Are a few of fte . aw oi cms sale while the lines are complete' REDUCTIONS ON Oil C nTty, We have placed all our Slickers, Rubber roar a t 7- .. , . . y r h -d nm -,-!- nd Macintoshes on sale at 33 1-3 PER LENT OFF REGULAR PRIfF SALEM aWttawMatailt 11 ii Ii n i ,i "" i .!.( nrrflnll1- next Ieslslaturc, to see iuu.. ,.- Jural interests are not overlooked There are three subjects of spec a lml,rtanec to the grange pwl of the Tiitlle road law with its revisions for Interest-hearing, no -Labi, bonds, will be demanded. Another effort will h made to re duce the rlslit of courtesy to a life .state in one-half the wife's proper ty, Instead of a tenantry by ooiirtagy l all property. Till will make the court and dower rlghu Just equal In Oregon. And, Isatly, the grange win hoi endure any change In the two tux , ettacttd by the people mm June, placing two per cent tax upon , itinn nnil ti.- roM earning of ttlephcyie ami , - - wr- telegraph coimmnlN, and a three per, cent tax ujion the grow earnings rin(? of w now quarters In the exnreaa and oil comjmnloa, and of , ..nie. About 200 people took refrigerator and sleeping cars. If tlie legislature presumes to meddle ,vUlh umi enjoyeci tne -""ww" Ith thl law. tho grange will use 'and entertainment furnished until IUi thatt laws u mi'mry hours of the morning. ZTTr L . n S.whSl Dancing and light refreshments Sjrt, inirosts of the were the ..nclpa, " J J iwa.ii. If the oniorgeiiey clause ne need to defeat a referendum, the state grange will re-ennct tltoso laws by lull ltd Ire. at tho nuxt olectlon, and will healden. Httempt to reduce ido uae of that umorgoncy clause. 1 - . . .. 1.. . 1ni1tl tni1 ,l nil IIY lag tne tiaio government! uu .. payers are Interested In maintaining these lawa. Those tax laws piled up the biggest majority ever soon upon our ballot! Hleven to one for the first step In a more equal system of taxation. C. II. W. o The Worst Kind. After Ille have existed for n Ions tlniH and pasted through different iuva. (Iih nurturing Is Intense palif. woi,lng. throbbing, tumors form, All ed to burst Ing wltli niooii Svmiilonis Indicating other trou bles may appear to a thoroughly Pile tick person. This Is when Dr. Leonhardt'h Hem-Hold, tho only absolute Pile cure, brings tho lesults that have made Its fiiiuo. It will cure the most stubborn ease and a guarantee to that effect goes with each package. $1 00 at the drug store, or fiom Dr I.onli8idt Co.. N'lagnra Fulls, N. Y. Propictorn. Sold by Dr. S. ('. Stonr. ShIciii SUITS AND OVERCOATS $6.50 $8.50 and $1 0.00 pricB for -which you WOOLEN MILL tifilllUllallawlallaill I --. ILLIHEES DO HONOR TO GUESTS Distinguished Hirers Par takes of Pleasures of Formal Opening of NewClubRooms Members of the lllllu-e club w-rc at their best ami In the best spirit i..t evening while acting as hosts to their families and friends upon tne their inn nnd n(lvullti,ge of tho hospitality of the evenings uuumu , . of Klks having donatod their eiegniu- v furnlshod and decorated hall upon tho upper floor for the accoinmoiia- itlon of those who preform! to "trip the llKht fantastic rather than In dulge tu the ltioio frodate nnd loss strenuous sociability. There win a nunibor of distin guished guests fioin'out of town, prominent anions whom woro Man ager Wm. M. McMurny, Travollng Frolght Agent 11. K. I-ounsbury and Traveling Pattenger Agent J. P. .(ones, or the Southern Paclllo com pan. and Traveling Passenger Agent .1. I. Springer, of tho Great Northern Hallway, of Portlnnd. The house committee of the club were In charge, and while no attempt was made at. decorations, tho beauti ful furnishings wore displayed to all the better advantage. The rooms were certainly a wplondld compli ment to tho ontonirise and public spirit of the organizations hack of the Klki and llllhee club. The re cepticm lastud from S:30 to 9 and the dancing from ! : :t 0 to midnight. About 100 attended, and the gallery of the benutUul Klks' hall was crowd ed with spectators to ace the danc Inn The imtroiifssin, In beautlfu' can get one of our gowns for tho occasion, were lifgf j A. Carsom Mrs; v. rs. Gatens, M t n WlilCnov. MrR. A At n-- ' "' - -- " vunnoa Mrs. L. F. Grlfntli, Mrs. B. 0. Schuft.l Ing, Mrs. F. J. Hughes. Misses AUn,'j Thompson and Allen Meyer preside y-rr jraceiuii.v ai me minch bovrl The Elks' dedication will be held next Thursday evening, when there will take place tno largest S0Ca, gathering of the senson. AVlhC Counsel from the South. ' "1 want to clve some? valuable ad.' vice' to those who suffer with laa, back and kidney trouble," sajs J. mnnkenshlp, of Beck, Tenn I j,' proved to an absolute certain thf Electrlc Bitters will positively CBrf tnis distressing condition. The fat bottlo cavo me great relief and after, taking a few more bottles, I was coa. pletoly cured; bo completely that H becomes a pleasure to recommend this groat remedy." Sold under guarantee at J. C. Perry's drug store Price GOc. o. Finest on Kcnrth. Uncle Billy Wright, tho horsp rai Ish man, is in tho city for a few dayi, and will supply his customers -n itb tho Ilnest horso radish on earth i short notice. It has the relish that' would make n wooden man s mouth water. Ho loft us a cupful, nnd e are now able to dlgost nail soup o The Joy. Of living Is ,tohave good health Jse Ilorblnc and you will have bush- ols of Joy. You neod not bo bine, fretful and have that bad taste In your mouth. Try a bottlo of Her bine, a positive cure for all liver complaints.' E. Harroll. Austin, Tex wrltes: "I have used Herblne for over a year, nnd And It a flno rcguli tor. I gladly recommend It as a fl medicine for Dyspepsia." Sold j D. J. Fry. INDKPKNDKNCK STACK. Dally oxcopt Sunday. Loaves i lamotto Hotel, Salem nt 3 p m , con nects with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at : 15 p. m. Leaves Inde pendenco at S a. in. Phono Malt 17!). RALPH Bl'DLONQ, Manager suits or ,ars. STORE KM JF