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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1907)
can r 10 GOOD GOODS in L il - -UJ-,..11 ' J! - -"" - -' - - THE WORLDOF WHITE AND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE The unprecedented nature of the bargains offered at oar great money saving safe is supplying hundreds I I I Outing Flannel Garments Warm flnunol garments for Uio cold wenthor mid grontly to your comfort. "Wo hove the good kind In tho sixes, colors nnd patterns you wont. Dur- 1Q BSOOtp UV3 IIOX 0U tt SU Reduced Prices Ladies' Jackets Ladles' abort Jacket of Cov ert nnd Koraer Cloth in popu lar lengths nnd color Beg luar 5 nnd fC.GO values; clernnco ry g prlco Zp,03U Ladies1 A lino of ladles suits In the most popular Blindo, fltyle tiro nil that could bo desired. A sruat opportunity to got tt knockabout or dross eult for little. They won't last long at till price. Values a up to ISO; price ! U CITY NEWS A OUeoWnw f hiiyerfitt I'sra pmfU tr YiHr CwHaMerHtkHi - Ye (Am OH Htwo Wood At the awmlll, on short notice nwH 8. 12-17-tf. i A Koh lHdtry Belvtu U uultlug to bo a great poultry railing center, and tho hie Ground Mr grouud grmm bono for cblckctm has Iteootnu so ureal thnt ftteiiftlof? Ilro. liuvo put In a powr bono mill, uud are prepared to mip ply a superior article of ground frank bono at three settle per pound. Try It. l-lt-ll Mullrr HkulliiK Ou neeounl o( thu ktsree being open until V o'clmiW, and also to ue commodato thcHtreg(ier. thero wilt Irn epeclnl fcewlon at tho Audllwrl urn rink from 10 until IS Oil man lug. AdmUtlon 10 onlyiknti tie. WW MohcM IVniriit Wotk Then It about at much ojmiteo la commit frauds ae in any Una of work we know nf. IV at Mine ot Ike cvHient walk put ihiwn the Im im ywar In Haltw, it will ay ntoae to have an lioutst wan to do coihhhI concrvln vork. u the ad of M. Ward, of North gaew who dove trails tit Nie ewmeni werk. Mrs. l))t Hen Mm. Ka Hmwy Uy. of OreitaM City, author of "MeUiiKhlln of OU Oregon." Th rHMaH,- MMol)on Id of OrrRtW and alber weil knWH Many People At willlNg lit MrM(H thewMlwe and Uitfr fJUtWrtm t the ttjuatae of "what ip)e wty." X)y otatdreM wuh arfUv y ofltm rcMtus ir tk rvkiM Miirs 1S awHlw trHtiti iIImMMIT d( one vu tMlUt mlinaiw veen A Ihiww in the aru BARR'S JEWELRY STORE UMrt)-, sritM1' w WW mm mmmmmtmmmmmmmtKmamammmmmmm of buyers with their annual !!! I 1 I III I I II ii n - Trimmings and Braids At Li Making up time I nanr ntid you'll need n grant dual of braid nnd trimming. No bo (tor time tlmn now to cIioohs. IIoio 1 Ui way llioy aro going. CVi. 8 1-3, 10, 12V4. lo Brnld all kind Clenrnnro Prloo 2Co, 30c, 3Ko values llral.lH ' Clearance. I'rloo 40, 60, dfie values Trimming inrntiRO Prion e 7ft, 80, fl.00 vtilUto Trimmings Clonrniicu J'tloo I.2B. $1.10. $s, $2.10 value Trimming Clearance Prlee Taffeta Silk I.tne of ill! Kllk Black Tuff i' tu 19 to 21 Inches wide- Clearance HALF PRICE 'books, arrived In tho city nt noon to-1 uay. ami win no tun guoai or Mr. nnd Mrs. O. II. Monro. .Mr. Dye's . husband, Col. ChnrloH II. Dye, I n member of tho loglslaturo from Olack I ntmiit MIIMttV Holler HkiitliiK On account of tho moron being opou until 0 o'alook, and uUo to ao oammodntn theutro.goors, thoro will bo a special seiulon nt thu Auditori um rink from 10 until 13 till oven Ing. Admission 10 oeuts, skate 2fio Ono War for Anton William llowmnu, convloted of utn lloliiiily burning u bulJdlHK, vcm bniughl to the penitentiary from Umatilla euuutr yveterday by Rhertrf T I). Taylor, to serve a OHyenr Metttenee. - I HOTHIi ,mtiv.Mv HmIdiii, Harry Ollmiu. llurii. I'ellx Pranty. Hlierldan. Wyo. J. O. Moory. HalU. Ilthel Miller. Portlaad. 0. I. rtheun. do. II. J. Oonett and wife, do. HIihuh Hoddhulmer. Hdtyiaii. J. A. Jeffttmon. olty. J. II. Clayton. J. II. Dltk. HdRttHB. W. D. Nely. Mm gene. Ilex IlUhop. Suleui. 8. 11. Perry. Portland. C. P. Jacob tka KmHttoea. II. Y. Maefebtirtt. PwUand. WayBe Jlewarl. Utur. Coltago. J. P. Juhs. PorUaatl. Ja. If. Jhn0H. da. :' K. 0. Pwkhaw, du. J. r. QntMHeit. do. W. II. Lmhw, it. N. J, IVawnrt. OaklMHd. W. A. Taylor. Bah lraHetee. W. J. Kwllk, DMewU. Or, WIIMniflln. J)M Kaily. mum lltk ieiiool UMkiU4l Team. MJU UwrtftH. d. Unh, do. RlM, do, OMVwtlM, a. WMeeeu i Km. do, J A. OfukajH. J A. Tvtor. Mr. Jwn and $. & P. Clo. Wo. MeAIrra4 U. U. lwuMbry( 4. 4. I rlor. O, T. N Co. N. KooMot). PorUiiotl. A. 11 liio. 8 rmniof. J. MoorohtHui. 4. Tto. UhJo. AMrto. R C. (UuVomi. 5'rUiHl. lm OohUtotth. Nw York. II. A OrwM. PorUoml. W HrowB. do. 4. NV. Utre ! " O ' ii .... OAMVOlllA: - 1 4Jtl UelWIiMMMilHrtBuaU - - Zt: DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM. bltKGON GOOD GOODS otmtts. M tfe Prices sffiiilw!gjO 1 5c mffiBm 25c v" Vr.''J,Vjg-A I 33c ,mm I "JKH IHHf 1 65c TW I Men's Clothing B Cntlrc tflotk to (house from at I Cntlre Mlotk to dioiw from at REDUCED PRICES mmmmcajBsmiammam.mmmmmmmm Personals Mrs. Hthul Miller want to ll- burg today. Hon. T. II. Kay want to Portlumt litis morning. Coiutabto Johnson wont to .1 offer- sou this morning. J. 0. Wolf tins rtiturnud from i visit in BlhMrtun. MIIim Carter, of Hood Itlver, Is visiting Hnlom frlands. Mm. D. F. Cnrnuo wet to Port lumt thlH morning. Mrs, A. J. Illaeo left this morning for a visit In Turner. 11. K. Itouert wont to Jlarloa this morolMg oh hnslHoos. CanUIn J. T. AppereoH, of OroRuu Clly. la In Salem on bueJneos. Attorney 1. A. Turner wont to urwnnu vrvviimv wnw. .Mr. and Mrs. I'rank Want kuve. ro litrMoil trow a vWIt In Albany. Hon. 8. A. DawtOH returHod to hU home In Uhh county last evening. Attorney ItlcUnrdeon wag amuHg the lttrtlaHd-bouud naosoogofg lhl wotiUhr. Tito momhers ot loo Peer! or- ,ehoKtrw roturwotl trotM Corvallfs thl wothUmc. Mr. l. D. V. Umo rotornoil tlita wornlHg from a two HtoHlho vhjlt in CallfwHla. Wivlior Dhooatjrooti, of 0roo Ctl. klTltl LaM Ihla uuiruluir IA vtott trtoiHta. Mr. aud Mrs. Wllor Moore want to" PortktHd totlajp i atlotHl too KjrHl ' ' ---. tMlKU Mrs. It. K. nVmyt, of Alonf, aftor a vwt ooro. hog rotumog is hor hoeoe Im AUmsjt. Mr. L. IIIoom lott ihta ojorulHR (o lotond. wtjtr fche will har tho "Ueturk" oMr. Ur. U. II. WhH wool to Portia ml this HMroJftg to attood Um Stott Oo iMptihie ooovomUom. it. aiMl Mr. J. It, AeVwoWH wom atHOHC too ItwiUoo-ocmad m& im$n UUs werolag. Mw. 1). W. Uiui, who om hH vlslttttg Solom rolatlvoa. ho oona w her oomo to KUgsttm. Mte CoeollH Hoioo I. ft thto Hitri lC ter Portt0M4. whr ho veU at WitJ H nraml oooro thle etoottig. Ml, r. M. AruMtfMMC of Uundft. g fe oomi vtottiftr to toll &, Mm. tl. Poterooo sod Mf, A Ututwr. Hho have hooo vMttog Sa. Hm lth rotHTootl U their ho.n ta Twrnor todoy. Mr. C. U Watt. JtirfK rn.i 4tor (or loo l'oll Arttoa MX thl mmthInk (or PortHaj, tl4 , to JUe4 la Wahtagton. Mr. A. ll. Vo ll. wk9 hM h vtattiog hor daoghtor. Mrs Itohort AthftmJ. rotoriHH ute moia tag to her homo Ih Aowurtllo. . Mr K I Htw , daughter. BATCBDAV, JAXUAKV 13, 100'- I.... . .,. Ur. hnvn 1lPftl Visit" Ox M1BS UOncvje-', . ..... 1 Ing tho former's slstor In Liberty, left for their nomo toaaj- in .n- well. I Dallas Gllmore, formorly of this city, passed through Salem this morning en route for his homo In St. Johns, after filling a musical engage ment In Corvallls last night. Mr. J. W. Hansom, of Tumor. 'who has been visiting Mis M. B. Rutherford, of this city, left this morning for htr home. Sho whs ac companied by Miss Rutherford, who will visit In Turner for a few days. j The ladle' basketball team of W1J lamelte University, left this morning for Corrallls, where they will piny ball this evening. They were accom panied by Mies Theo Bennett, man-ani-r of the team. Sirs. V M. Kirk and Ml Alice Sheyherd. Ml Francis hlston. of Portland, will arrive In the flty this tfmlg. o- i STATE SUPREME COURT Justice Hailcy on Retiring Cleans Up ills Dcsk ' The following decision were ren dered In the supreme court teday: In an opinion by Justice Moore Judgment of Judge (Inntenbeln, Mult nomah county, was reversed, and a new trial ordered In thtf case of tho Smte vs. Charles Dock, convicted of asMiilt with a dungrous wenpou In coiineetlon with the nosault upon the crew of the ship Johnnn Paulsen. In I'oitland harbor, on the ground that l ho court erred In the use of the word "defendant" In assuming the existence of fads which are (II putrd. The court overruled the point ralJ that the Indictment was In valid becauee of the dismissal of Olaf Akeyvon from the grand Jury which returned It, and the substitution of another Juror. State, ox rol. Baker City Lodge A. F. & A. M. vs. Slber: rovnrnd and new trlnl ordered, utu(e , tfollvor Meoorden. Mat- , hour county, for killing his wlfo; af- Ilrmed. Opinion hy Justice Hnlley. 'Kraiik T. Oray vs. Columbia and 0. C. Hy Co.; alllrmed. S. A. Hollnor, rospondpnt, tt. John P. nnd Thomas Smith, appellants: from Baker county; Snmuel White. Judge: alarmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Bonn. H. A. ICntnn, appellant, vs. Kd wartl Blackburn, et al.. respendents: from Baker ceunty: Samuel White, Judge: revrod and new trial or dered. Opinion by Juatlce Mivnr. .Nolllo Woeiiington. plalutlfif. vs. , John B. CJeland, defendaut ; wot low j for writ of mandamus dlomlosotl Uy Juetloo Halley. i in im mat UKtt'H OI UOCIfllOrM In which Jwtice T. 0. Halley iwrtjc IbMtos before retlrlgg. WITH THU POIfPS, My Now pm. Well, now that election to ovor owl all. U'hoo OHwdhlatM vw w wr ooohod to too wan, A dear now m haa oowe IhIo oir hoooo A IhM no kefor, hot ooly a mnvm. N' lor eh m kto hot " run oot. Nor winter of tologs l koon- othl aoooi, Nor romo Imnho at oight with hit hat no ooo ahlo Ant! Ulk or tho tmou MMl MUMlolyol No oro ore too hot btaooitt huiUr Um itK&os Ho eoooot o4 oiw ooo oolo la hU hs. mlA to wo. too, vole, u atoor thaji thet: "I thlk. Orrto oar. oooM host got a now hut." AU"s over, thook hta rollof . I kaow Thot ho at.) not oo It is uU pwt Tho eemotry to tiv, if hae he totroo. eojrs Aw) I m so MhW ho hoa ftxoo Aioon yoot It. Now York Ttoioo. All (lit Woitd. U a stage and Rallard-, Saa Uolmont May, a a, WMniBai, Pru IU has no sorkM- tor nBu. attoo. tttff JOot. cot, sorau,. aud all nil!. By u. try It j yttu w,.. alway i0 it AyVo4y who hat wed Ballard's Soow Uao,eat I. Mvlog jtroot of what It dws, uy . trial !; u. Sec tJ si Q Sold hy D- J .Vy " D0D ROT THAT IMP Of SATAN -..,-- r-..-;ri UnirH nn PODUiar CAjJicaaiun !. the Sireets or baiem Today a.,nuv nnw: beautlf " (Biff). - .-. "jDuch! Confound !!!! WHW " t "- .1... .hh1. Thus endeth tlie song 01 mu wm ...,. ,in. s he caught the spirit 1.....B ' . and gave voice to the oxuDoranco thereof but was brought bacK to things 'ethereal by a "soak" in the ntt ..r with n wnter-soaked uuncn the very snmo "beflittlful," deftly shied by a typical "young Amerlcn, which knooked all of the poetic sen timent out of him, and he let out " string of Invectives thnt would put an old tar to shame and route. His only satisfaction, however, was to get a gllmpso of tho retreat lug figure of his nssnllnnt, ns he dis appeared behind a sheltorlng build ing with n fiendish laugh of derision and a playful thumbing ot tho nose. All that was left for tho victim to do wns to take It out with his om- ninviu ut tlu utnrn or nfllce. Don't talk "beautiful snow"to him, If you nun V V..W . . - - : value your life. When the people of Salem oponed tholr eyes this morning nnd gnzod(tlon of tho aonoral health, bet out upon the world It was to behold comploxlon, sweeter brcnih m that It was clothed In n bonutifu! mantle of white the first snow of the season. Tho "beautiful" fell to the depth of nbout half an inch dur- lug the night, and thero wero Inter mlttent sputterlngs and spittings throughout the forenoon. Two or three sleighing parties took advant- ago of the opportunity for a little glide this morning, but "Old Sol" put In an nppournnce and put an end to It. o l(OAI) HtrPKUVISOItS NAM KB. .Minion Comity Court Appoints Huntl OlllclaN. Thu Marlon county commissioners' court yesterday afternoon mudo the following nppolntmants for rond su- pervlBors In tho different rond dls- trlcts of tho county, to serve during the ensuing year: DIsL No. 1, Henry Nelft, Aurora. No. 'J, Ueorgo Hlilun, Itlubbnrd. No. 3, O. C. Whitney, Hubbard. No. I, J. B. Vnndalo, Chnmpoog, No. 6, W. l Davidson, Woodburn. No. 0, Herman Booster, (Jorvnls. No. 7, John II. Outsforth, Gervnls. No. S, C. Weylder. Woodburn. No. 8 It, John Whitney. Woodburn No. 8, Cluis. A. McKee, Woodburn. No. 10, blank. I Xo. 11, Bud Thomas. Sllverton. vo. 12, Thoe. Dunenn, Scotts I Mill. " 1, A. I'. Hobart, Sllverton. No. II, Hiram Hartley j .vo. 15, J. N. Miller Sllv Sllverton. orton. .So. 15, J. it. Miller. Sllvorton. N. 1, J. w. Miller. Sllverton. No. 17. W. W. Under, Snlem. No. IS, Arthur (llrard, Salem. Xo. 19, blank. No. 18, C. S. Pleklln. Salem. No. SO. J. A. Jefferson, Salem. No. SI, D. A. Harris, Salem. No. it, W. A. Taylor. Maclouy. No. M, Samnel Arnold. Sublimity. No. 1 1, K. . McKlnnoy, Sublimity. No. S6. blank. No .it, H. IS. Hobortson, Turner. No. 17. S. Bmwnell, Salem. No. 17 4. A. U West, Salem. Xo. SS, Uroco Cuanlngiiam. Salem. .no. SH, j. p. Breoelor. Soltm. No. 88. K. B. Slmspon. JefferiKm. ! .o. i a, John siolwer, jff,.son. No. i, John Palmer. Marlon. No. St, U. s. UmUert. Staytoo. Nou . M. 0. Slogmiiml, Mehama. No. MM. blaok. No. t4, Ijrl G. Smith, Gates. No. I, Androw Taylor. Mill Cltr No. 3G, blank. Ko. 7. Hoary Caathora. Independ- No. IS. JohH Himu satow. No. 9, K. 0. JohHoon, Salem. Ja.sjKtr Jlinto Bead. died today aboat oo tho SoIom hoooltal. H. has NK heoo ahlo to atload to bueliitos tor mwo yoan. aod death hae come rotoase to a woo who was very l7 M ZZ' 8ri ' "to lt Marts of Orooa. w ,. . M time ooo.ty tnrer of MarloR ooMHt)' ooUUca. It Mr. jl-J u i-u- " . ".- tt " 0I cjif -w" MWo- ot this The Itluht Nn,e. wiu . . K,B8S " N'ew Life Wits are HhUy aWed. th u J. agreeohly. do TOora' meoo .t ""r181 '0 cure bilious. ,WM: c at J c Prry a drug store THIS. VALUE OP CIIAHCOAL. I' CIV -I'CU'IIU jvihmy now Iscfiil ll - . ..'t If. WW la Preserving Hcnlth ami i, CostH Nothing to Try Xenrly everybody knows that ct com is in Buieai una most pljjfi j uiBiniuuuiuk unu iuriiior In n,, I l.A jk mn1Wf. IIh at ' i mil ien luuifiu no vuuic lh.n ... Intn hn ll urn nil RVnfmu fn .t.. ' ... - - --"-- '? stji r iciiiii i: inn iiiimm. cleaning purpose. Charcoal Is a remedy that the m you unto oi il uiu ucucr, it is BM drug nt nil, but simply absorb tt gases unu unyuriiit's nnd flm.iY mlf nf ihn avotnni " .. Charcoal sweetens the Urath . l..lI.I .. 1 iur s.nuniiiB, uuukiuk or nitrr ealfe onions unu uuier ouorous veg tab), , Chnrconl offectually clears and I, 01 iirovoa mo uuiiiyiwiun, u whIlt, , tho tooth and further nets as a urai nnn cminoniiy sate cahartC It nbsorbB tho injurious ,. which collect In tho stomach t" bowols; It disinfects the mouth ... ituroat irom tne poison or catarrh . .-... . - ' Ml druggists sell chnrcoal in form or nnotlior. but probably tl host chnrconl and tho .most for money Is In Stuart's Chart oal l. ongos; tney nro composed of the U ost Dowdored Willow chnrcoal, iti othor harmless nntlseptlcs In tab!t form or rather In tho form of la, pleasant tasting lozenges, the chi, 'coal bolus mlxod with bonc. Tll t,n,1' ,iao of tneso lozenges tl soon tell In n much Improved co;Ji purer blood, nnd tho beauty of iu thnt no possiblo harm enn result frM tholr continued ubo but, on the te: trary, grent bonollt. I A Buffalo physician, In sp aklnjt tho benefits of chnrconl. eavs ndvlso Stuarfa Charcoal Lozmgpjt all patients suffering from gas t stomach and bowols, and to clrartl complexion and purify tho brenl mouth nnd thront; I also bcllcveu liver Is greatly benefited by the difij use of thorn; they cost but twenty , flvo cents a box ntidruir stores, tu nlthough In ho mo sonso a pntont pr nrutlon, yet I bollevo J get moreuj bettor charconl In Stuart's Charcct' Lozongos than in any ot the ordlcrj chnrconl tablets. " Sonil your namo and nddrens t day for a freo trial pnekago and nl for yourself. P. A. Stunrt Co., 'II Stuurt Bldg., MnrnhnU, Mich o Invoice Burned In Cai The charred remains of an lao!i takon of tho Chicago store's stock of dress patterns litis been received U Mossrs. McKvoy. Tho papers werelt tho train llro at Junction City, asi wore burned so that they were worl less. As no copy of the Invoice u taken tho accident will cniiBO tt Chicago store some extra work ..MONEY TO LOAN., THOMAS K F0R8 Ovor Ucld & Bush's Bank, Salem ft. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sockljl Frank Meredith, Resident Ageetl Ofllce with Wm. Brown & Co N 129 Commerclnlitreot. NEW TODAY Dry Fir Wood For sale, sawed unsawod, delivered to any part ti the city. Emiulro M. A Dudlo phone 897. 1 1 2-St FuniMitHl itooius With or wltbouj board, phono, electric lights bath room. J. Jay Cook Pbo 583. l-i: lm1 For Hent. Furnished room, freet: Bus Ught and bath. Suitable i eouplo. One block from car He Six blockB from state house. 51 Center street. 1-lS-Jt j'uniMied Ilooms For rent duriBii legislature, central location, mw Orn couvonlencnsi. Call at M'l Center atreot or phono 1079- 1-12 lwk WlllltCtl Tr. nvnhnnxn KnltltltlC paper hanging for a good cow $ so wall paper for sale. Phone II 1-12-Jf For Bent. Larco furnished rocsAl I 15 Court street. Phone 54 1 . illiSl- For Jlent. During tho k.sltr sevoral pleasant rooms, with mouorn conveniences, can " T cured at 1137 Court strec, t oiooks from tho state houfc 1 il-Sl FuniUlietl ltoom During the IS l&tnrA nnA,A nf tnA rnnilll " BlnclQ rooiHR. Xfndorn CCnTt' onces. Phono 122 Corner of 1J and Court Rtrw threo vV1. iroui tho state house. ----- v.vv., - - 1 U Courrct Work. Get my price sidewalks, curbs, septto tanks work guarantee flrst-cUM Vanl. in..v,ion,i .a phone m in-ti