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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
' ' A BALEM, OREGON. raiimWASCAltt' 11, log XAPITAL ssfWnRTAI PAGE M HOFER BROS.L Publishers and Proprietors CHI VKIIX.M BNT. AM NO l)EKAi: fAQt. GOOD te XHVV KIIA 01' CO.WTIIITTIO.V. i ii t i BtolMllo show that the existing var and wld.. -rad eaiigMtlQP of trafnc w !" itoln lb. mld.t of no of tho wmU Wlod. .( mil frnflllon In the history of th United Statof. Xc.nvo.Un added to American !. durly 1900, 0087 mo, OVlS nUIHXO TWO 1KAIW of th. remarkable era o? railway bulldlnK b. and '' DO. did the number of nllM -""J 0"d this. 1 1S87. 12.082 mllM wtrt. built. and lit ll. 7106 n 11m. Thi ." "oubl. dlftwiwi batwaan lb ! ..dttIo Md til. ,Jeo t. iilwdl by railway i. tb. iwp era of railway deva.o p. monl whirl, mar b. upmM l "' " "ent " t0 br,n ln U" ram widely mull from those which followed tho earlier one Railway oonstrtictlon In tb. '80s and early 'DO aimed olilally at orant. In now irafflp.' Many old line wore extended, ninny now ones were liullt into part of tho country which wore almost unsettled, tho hope bo InC thai onou.h .ola would soon follow to furnish tho hi., no. ii.c mrr TO MAKE Till! ROADS PHOPITAIILE. In numerous Instances thse expectations were not realised. Tho nm.l became moly "two streaks of rust" upon tho nrar, and heavy lowf-s resulted to Invostori. Hitllway construction was highly competitive. In numerous casos two, three, or. oven morft linos wore built where thoro were barely onouh bttilneu for ouo. Reckloss rato cuttings, bankruptcies, rocolversblps. wcro tho natural consequence. Tho IlKure rcirardliiK railway construction In 1900 show It Is being carried on now NOT CHIEPLVTO DEVEUIP TRAITIO, llko that of two decades ago, HIT TO IIAXRLE THAI'KIO ALREADY OITERIXfl. Tho IfUtdoit complaint regarding the congestion of trnfllc have come from tho tgjuth, southwest, northwest and Paclflo coast. KlBlity-clKht per cont of tho total construction In 1900 has boon dono Jn these sections, and tho work now under contraot Indlcutos Hint their jiorcontano of building In 1007 will bo larger atlll. -o - LKOIHLATlVE EXTHAVAOAXCE IN (WLIPORXIA. KxcwdlnK all previous amounts sot oh pntronne. both uppper and lower houses of tho California luirtslnttiro enacted their llrst surprlso by votlnu $25 and f 13 respectively ns tholr Individual dally distributing power of tiie state's money. Till: WILD I'ldUREH DISCLOSE NOTII INA, IIU HIilCIIIT DELVIXO INTO Till t'OHHIIIIMTIKH OP THEIR DIHTHIIH'TIOX shows thorn to bo astounding. With 20 dally at his comnfhinl, every senntor irtay gather nbout him at least live men, mak ing for IIim thirty-two Republicans a force of 100 men who will stnnd by to answer ovory beck and call of th Inwmakors. Tor patronage nlone tho senate will cost the stato f 58,000 for tho session. Iu tho assembly tho body being larger, tho llguros present a trontor surprise, and will permit a moro numerous cotorl. of servnnta. There It re sevontythreo ltepubllcnnn In the lower bouse, all of whom may on gngo three or more men apiece for whatever legislative employment they may see lit to Impose. Taking throe men ns mi avernge, tho assembly room will bo crowded by 219 servants. This will enlnll nn expense of 400.430 for the session. MKK OHEOOX Till: VIIAVi: A iaV TO LIMIT OMIUK HIRE. Considering that a law was piovlously onneted far the solo purpose of uultliiK down the oxtmnsas of th. lawmakers, tip) tact that the thirty sevonth setMuu imnshed all pntrnnaxe racords Is. In the words of one or tho minority, "rather funny." In the law, which wns plnimed I'Olt TIIK HAKH Ol' "HCOXOMV," TllllltK IH A IX)OIMI()liK In the (irds "or whattivor oxyentiHi Hint mny be dovmed nsowwry." It wns this 10op holo that Mtiill' d tho drat surprise uf ih dar. The oftuous liumtillntoly prior to ilie flpenta of tht aaaalnu brought forth advocaf uf various amount ranging from Ilk down to H. In the end $13 vas fthosH us nn naiMiint satisfaptorr to all. Unlike form r yars. Hie pulninaK dealdetl upon by Hie amiably U n Ihed lUtUrH for Ik. witli iMNstox llaretofor nearly avair day of a sasslwH has W a slcaal for iHr xtHM sm! H.eaaaltaUsi a atw )uitrHaN twrtsil. Otis' motion was the itMlh warraat of tb old aya teiv. T1IH IMIIINCII niriK'H ' pitiful tragedy happened In East Rarly on Now Year's morning a very Oakland. nnf ,ntn a church-hole, the An automobile racing with a trolley car went 0 J ? .IS OItouXl automobile swerved In front of tho clerf no car, OM, 3 . TO 1'IKTKS. AND TOUR OTIIHlIf!, two women, ere severe Tho automobile bos come to stay eliminated Hut let us bono tho crazy ntitomoblllit is srandal bolnb Of course. It is sud to think of ',"01' LAW Oli hut n it wiMi not in: ijoxk m oiiaiimwu w viutmiisa COMMON' hkxSK, then Diath will haro to sten in in the Interast of tho gsnoral good. 1 , - o I I WOMKX T1IH IHiST WOIHJKIW. I . -..t ofinniinn to some ro- RUim t.ciM mid young men snotiiu pay '" " "...... .. ...t. l ,riz.w;; nrr - y by Mr. George 11. aiono, onu ui " MifB nt his young men by band, cspe- day DIstitiMlng In vlow of his audience, ho was naturally complimentary to tho . .. ... .!. o t tim iltanlncemont of women, oui hib nsauriiuiia - ..,r.a nmt oiiliBtnntlutlon on ovor a women 111 muu umi.iwj .......... ....- i-rt nltlna dally in the largo omces and stores of all Amo lea J oltlM. "Women are replacing men In cnmmercla li f- a J "y "not because tholr wages nro lowor, but HKCAlHfc Tl lh A THH HIGH SCHOOL. Only ono-stxth of the grammar-school graduatoa no on to the high sohool, and by far the larger portion aro girls, as they made bettor progress In school, they make hotter progress ln bus noss." With such fncta tho speaker drove homo his remarks on the need or proper preparation for tho work of lifo. and ho very pronely flc fined adequate preparation na including not only a K001 c,d"cnt'" J" nlBO KOUXD IIODIKS. GOOD HEALTH, 1MIOPKK l'lliHICAIi THAIX IXG AXI) ATTKXTION TO TIIK LAWH OP HVG1BXK. Tho handicap willfully nccoptoJ by many boys In rushing away from school In order to bogln working for wages unquestionably causes thou sands or unnecessary failures. Whero a lad must labor for tho support of dependent rolatlvos ho may bo oxcusod for being nnxlous to begin earning money; but Tor all others THH I'KKVAILIXO I3AC1KHXKSH TO LKAVK SCHOOL IS A MISTAKK thnt cannot too often or too onrnostly ho mnilo tho subject of wnrnlng. It It chnrartorlstlc of tho hnsto and supornclnllty of our Amorlcan life, and It Is costing us iib a nation moro thnn we gnln by tho Increnso In the numbor or workors. It limits many boya and mon to tho lowest klndB or omploymont. wboroas. other things being oqunl, they would bo KLiailll.K WITH IIITTTHK KDUCATIOX TO I'ltOMOTIOX AXI) HirrTKIt 1WY. Mr. Stono thorororo did well to telf tho young pooplo of that city why thelioya nro railing bohlnd In tho Industrial raco whonover tho two soxos can compoto on oqunl tormB. Ho Is not, of course, urging thnt womon should abandon tho homo for tho store or tho oIUco, but ho rightly says thnt any woman la 1'AK IIKTTKlt OIT KAHXIXG IIKK OWN LIVING THAN' IP MAHIUP.I) TO AN I'NWOUTHY MAX. Tho day when It wns deemed unwomanly for womon to work oi(tsldo tlio homo has long passed. Society and Industry nro moro and moro giving their truo plnco to tho well-trnlnod. trustworthy, compotqnt wom an worker. It Is tlmo for mero man to bo taking notice, If ho doos not want to be left behind. WISDOM ATTACKS' DURBIN An Accounting of the Books By Disinterested Parties Demanded Tht Witt f the l-'raneh rm mt to litdlaHta tbut publl. bulnlBM la Prnu. llko the publia opialon e( tU. ohUKiI. worUI, la KTKtiilalb' orytnl UIiijc In favr .f nbolii HHH-laUrfarwiM with th CHlkolle cliurek, or any other olturoh, mid nlM lanvlag th caarrh proarU' of all ckureh tm to Ibe etmtody nd mauniteHtHt of tbovi l whum tk ohiueh iv nod oustom. win tide It. The fuel ! tknt the l'rvach peopl. bav no coneepllun of a reimbll. ns we uHderaiaud tliat imm. uoncptlon of frvo goreramwut smihs t lift tW sttlectlon by the tcld parllnm.nt of mHTtatu aHtle(HH to raa whnt Is ifulttt awar to na absolute desH tUm. Ill' rOVIISII, IT Irt A IMIIYII.HGH POU ANY I'llOI'liK TO HK AI.UnVKII Tt SHI, HIT THHIlt OWN' IHiSCOTH. Ttw tart mhii to U that a targn rt uf ih ptMnle of tk HUm aot imly bav. ho religion thmttflri. but an iltwtHlal tkat imjUihIv w shall twaconbly enjoy rallglous uilnUtrall&ns. On can una.rtaml bow wmt 'may themselves ilUtlkti to go whwe thai will We rtntUl of Uialr slas am of aay una llb pretensluua to ststtMHinnsklp oaa tall to fini. tk one lltMon In Lao wwU whtek u dlriHHed lo tka Httouliatag uf aorsaaal akairnrter la hM ti. wmwlv, Thuro Is UttU d.Hbt. howrl tknt tit bottom of THH ntHXril ATTACK, ON TIIK CHCIU'll ItliSTrt OX A MIIAI. 1IATHHI) OP ALL HKIiKIIOl'M 1NSTITITIOX8. Whll Ik Aiaeiloa jwil brtl. believe In tk owabH MfwraUen of okurh ami statu. tui the sawiurt of Ut ckaw kat by tk amilatd lh tbm. )t a tk olrtuttutaaoei Ha4r wkkh stab aHiribHUon to tka ekurak wtittiuted ta Praam are rtwalhaL H I raoagHlMMl tkat ihe wlthdmwal of slat sHMrt k ah oaaa roadktloa of a mhIUU dobt efor the Prek roroimtaa lk Vnack akarek ws vry woaltky. TIIK ltltVOMTIOXtriT? tXlM'IStUTHl) ITS HVt'lltH l'ltOPIIUTV. Tk m. f4t. arraaead by NMm k tho hhm. iaetll a awitiMil owbhIiv wm wm,niiron ivi ihwmj vwuuMl nm OIl OJP IK MI9 iMyOHU f- vw Th Yritkdrawai t uu HPaon 14. tkfor raa-mlkuto ( a JHU abt. Th stato sv44 Ike akarvk ta, nd aw nt mly pto po allkta a abort lltn to rafuso 1- any urj- prt f ta ngita rbM for It, bni oa to allow tk akatk ta u uf ik anfii' wih r tualae4 h U 9il oa Ursa aii ao aimHv too Uty of th rkaiwk.Haa Phmhmw Obia- t . M " - . M TIIKCltWV.WTOMOllliaiiT 18 nUMIXATIXCI IIIM8KI.V. The Capital Journal ptibllabml mm tlm aso th. controversy Imd oh th 8tau Hoard of Agrleulturo. wkn Mr. Utirbln withdraw as se roury of. the board, and h ckaraad that in.iiilH of the bonrtl war tniv ellug on fra mmm aujl volltctlng htrao nuium na Mllwtx from tho state. Ilia charm war specific uail k offorwl to back thm jip, but thor has been no action taken. Nat urally kla attack cnusmt soma rosent mHt, and on of tho 111.11 aeousad wa M. I). Wlnlnm. formr sacrHtary. an4 wtlltur of Th Rural Spirit, of Portland. 11 has attack! Mr. Uur Mh In his psHar. and tka statement Is btflug miHlatl In oth.r panars. Pol lowlHg is kla unlet M. II. WMoiu In Ituntl Spirit. Whn P. V. Harbin was looted srolnry of th Orocmt Stato Hoard Of Agrleulliir. he imt crcM stnua I raised havoc with his report. Iloro I Is a summary of bis receipts nnd (11b- bursiuonts, as Mod with tho beard: Km'lpts. From race ontrles T.049..1C Orouiid rout nnd llconsas -1.333.35 Division aiUiie. 2,220.65 Gate receipts S,Sf0.30 Parin and stall rant .... 411.37 MlecellnnaotiH 1,107. OS A nits tlu from rue. ontra A11101111U du from Short horn Ilreoriara' Aaa. . .. A mts. due from IIrfonl Urdrs' Aaa 10S bushels of oata oa baud at Bio per buake! GOES MERRILY ON Our great sale, which is saving money for all clothing buyers, is progressing satisfactorily. Bargains are offered in every department, but they are especially attractive in heavy goods these cold days. Sec our line of WINTER OVERCOATS, They are being sacrificed with the rest. G.W. Johnson & Co. 1 would probably bo nn Interminable Job, and nothing would bo recovered, but If. ns Mr. Wisdom assorts, the monoy "Is to tho good," no hnrm could como to tho past management In a mnttor of this Imnortnnco thoro should cortnlnly bo a bafnnco drawn and established, and a settlement should bo mado. Tho public have n right to domand a squaro deal "and nlso an nbsoluto accounting of tho public funds at tho hands of tho stnto fnlr ofllclals. B liiibor Scarce In Montana. Ilolena, Mont.. Jan. 11 Three thousand laborers nro wanted In Six Mllo canyon east from Lombard rail road construction work. Largo pay I Is olforod and It Is pointod out that tho condition or living Is vary gqid. It Is roared that work will hnvo to bo suspended owing to tho groat woulth or labor. Tho work ca nglve 'employment to over 1000 mon Tor n year. 600.00 35.00 1.9S4.00. IMLI1S QUKKII IX O TO 11 DAYS. PASO OINTMENT Is gunrantoad to euro any case of Itching, Bllud, DUedlng or Protruding Piles In 6 to II days or monoy refunded. COc 57.74 Xcu Minerals in South Dakota. Dcadwood, Jan. ,4.1. Tin, rao,i tungston anu spouumono aro not) being produced In tho Dlack IliUi in largo quiuiuuus. 1110 wealing! houso Eloctrlo and Manufacturer I Co. for tho ubo of tholr plant in Den mica. Tho other now minerals belnj shipped cast. . o . Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kldnoy, bladder anil rhoumatlo trouble; sold by all dro gists, or two months' treatment ly mall for $1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2911 Ollvo streot, St. Louis, Mo, Sc for testimonials . Sold by Stoni'i drug store. dw-lyr o Spanish Dancer Weds Wealthy Amw-'j lean. Now York, Jan. 11. It was a' nouncod hern-today that La IteD. Otoro, long a quoon of tho Pari) utflfvn lina nitii.i.ln.1 Tnnrt Wnlili nn'' W...QV, .... ...., V,.W ,,VM, - American. Tho famous Spanish dan cer first met Mr. Wobb at Bucnci Ay res. Tho mnrringo took placo itj tho American consulato In Paris andj! the religious coromony at the Madri lelne. Serorlta Otero made her doboU In Barcelona, and Iter first niipeih nnco In ParlB In 1891. She was IV venrs old on Christmas day. .1 Total unit, receipts nnd nmU. due J25.716.3l DIsbiirMiiiiontg. Ibor $ 8,2i0.57 Advartlilng 1,077.23 MUeallaneoiis 2.C2fi.24 PramluiiMi ItHQlug ataka U.6B6.00 Salary and ralloaga, par ,lo, 1.9S2.C5 inroviHnm 2.751.0S Pakl oiitataadlng warranto 19-l lr 1.C1S.S2 Total amount of dlft. biirsemaiiU H4.92S.79 la kU racaipta U an Itam of ll du from raco oatrlea. How could thU amount ko due If he rocelvod UT Another ttam of J500 duo from tho mi hu .,., , ,- v," ,.:.: ntnm anortnorn Ilreetlors Also .. . . . ""-w" "a, datioa Is reported Htl lulamlu.1 Id unl Int.. ..,. .1.... ' " but Ilk m JawoMRt Is paid It will so direct to me exaibitora. In all thorn i in as baJnR recolvod Ajata au4 afiata mmu4 tki aav uf dttr-4 ,11 linioniobUaMj la ari)M cKl kllUtis tkMutHva M utkars oy tktr i-Hmlaal rikla.nM. CI1IJT.UXIA'. TIINIIt ;ilH.THS ll.WH IIHHN A HHAVY IUjOW t tkrtlf dvsar on, as will t lk dtA of kr tkaackibw. sowokora to tka saJdit(M on4 Ikay will Imvw baktad. Hat u.uouW iwai as thousk tkwia aaitoaU at trae ooaMrraa aro all tkat will tofc aow otkj- anttiiwtMa t rjjtim Um m aa follttw tbo oauatd of cxiftiwoniu. AMI IT IS HVliX iHtVIITFUb WIIWriUHl T1U1V WII.U Whoa Cbailws U Kalr and hU HMt ltk tkelr Wskttal daaUw tka rNkl and criminal autwwobllUt okc4 tr lejut a waak ' Ttum lUf ta,Ma off aKlH. wd tkotouskjy latoxlaatl tkaa ar Willi tkfr rilj fivf imoKur nujuwia TKAfJKiiv, k.tu kthppkd ox thp MKM W fcK&TIt, ad fcUU tk Mtt(uakll drakstds kit on "la IkeCr ThU Ii Hie t utniiih In the ytr to Hart a mi Iurs aruiuut. You r.ui ketip It kiIhS ktonil lly by witthiK on it f,.- UMlrka a and iiiiutHXvuiry oxiwmliiurv, and Nfor long )uii win Imiw n nlrt ftum 10 iv when ojuort unity knock at our dotr. It wilt uie ujfwl nuihj diiy. In ihfi moanUun) oicry dollar (httHteltiHl In your cmlii Wll Ihj miluj? lutcnt. Svtags Depwtmeat CjHpUt Nation! Bjuak rouno nurauora 6T3 In his stato- niont that kas nv rbean received. leaing the aetual amount rceolvad, aQoerdlai: to his Ryatam, 23.042, or , 1SS6 laaa than paid out and be Mhm to have money tn th traas- kry. Mr. Durbln's sj-stom of book- VUhk U cartaimy vary valmui to tka Calr aafioeloUoa, and should bo adaatad throughout tho olruuIU pro- iWl kU yRt,m daa't Jump to tko jwvbw. ma t ia ltt!ar ilka. WINTER BARGAINS WHEN T5 SAY UAKOAIXS TIIK PKOPLE KNOW .WHAT WK MKAX. IT HAS 1IEKX OUIt AIM POII TIIE PAST FIVE YEARS TO SUPPLY OUIt Cl'STOMKItS Men and Women Children aow and WITH THE VERV REST TIIE EASTKRX MARKET PRODUCES, AMI ,T tmriT ... IVJM ".w I'WMhlHi. THIS D1STURDES A FEW 1 HIT TO PS Ap OUR CUSTOMERS IT ILS BEEN VERY SATIS FACTORY. OUR DOOR SWINGS OX WELCOME HINGES FOK ALU Mr. Darkla, whB aaanuy t Jour nal raaortar last o-aRas. aad askad for a sutaaiant. said tkat k had notklau to say for publication .i woald uot bo cwMed ujion tb sub-1 lot at tkla time. H. however, said Uat his fisuras bad ban purpose ly jMRKled. tor offacl. hut tht ho pro. Kd to Isaoro the matter entirely U tko aboro statewoau ar en tltlod to any weight whatever, thero shouU be an exrertins ot tho ac-, aountt of the state fatr board It' E. L IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoe Men. Acknowledged Leaders 326 STATE STREET Wt Claw Rcpalrbg Specialty. - 4f