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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1907)
'; UiH DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1007. ""w MAYOR Scott' r Emttfsfon strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. RODGERS' MESSAGE WINTER BARGAINS It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. W, M Favors Commission to Revise ALL DRUQQISTSt 60a. AND $1.00. City Charter AOtffOTVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV o Mlffl THE BEsfREMEDY 1 llAll orei,KlU.btbedwItecnU I it iNA l "' " 'urt "' maa nr I I IBi- King Cactus Oil 1 vJjAHjaf tha on,T llntmtnt Mitt S ft pVr2AW) heola without a soar. M I l'f'l I5&, Mc, II, 13 ui4 13 (Ixti. M I ry;I.H??""AI Accept no tubttltate. w MjjpiriilWn G. W. Putiinm Co. 1 Ijff&M'wW'j 1.15 N. Com. St. " B 4U& IRISH PLAYS AT GRAND Kerry Gow Under tiie Au spices of St. Joseph's Society (From tho Knnsas City Times.) Alien Doono In tho title rolo ot Joseph Murphy's old Irish piny, "Kerry Gow," mndo a big hit nt tho Auditorium thontor yesterday. Tho plot of "Kerry Gow" Is tho old tain ot the grasping landlord who holds (Gow la Irish for blacksmith), a bright, Hkeablo follow. Thoro Is no bloodshed Und thoro are no heavy situations that leave tho audience gasping' and weak whon tho horo thwarts tho vllllnn. Mnry Fortuity ns Nora Drew, tho girl whom Dan will marry In a few days after tho last act onds, was good. Tho love eenoo botwocn Nora and Dan, which woro froqiiont, were novor overdone. A feature of tho play Is tho scono In tho blacksmith shop, whore Kerry Gow makes a horseshoe at tho blaz ing forgo and shoes tho vllllan's horso, which may win tho raco on wldch all tho hopes ot tho Drows aro staked, "as woll as though It woro the horso of my host frlond." Tho news of tho rnco Is brought to the Drews by carrier pigeons, which fly in and llsht on tho dovecote. Mr. Doono won tho nudlcnco In tho tho mortgago on tho farm and will not relcat unless tho poor but honest father consults to force his daughter; to marrv the- villainous mortgage holder This melodramatic plot Is treated In a refreshing way with thn oft pedal on tho "melo." Tho situa tions aro good and Alton Doono raakei Dan O'Hnrn. tho Kerry Gow first net with Ills love song, "Sweet Noruh Drew " E. II. English was a good frlond of tho lovers us Ray' tuond Drew. J. J. Hyland mndo tho vidian a very probablo character; ho novor ranted and his villlanles woro not tho usual propostoroiiB horrors commlttod by tho ordinary bad man Tho company gavo good support. ELECTION STANDING ACCORDING COMMITTEES TO PROGRAM ANNOUNCED "Mr .Mayor, I movo wo proceed ac cording to program," said Alderman Gwner, when tho election of ofllcors tamo up beforo tho now council, tho 1rt order of business. "Tho aldor man from tho sixth word has tho prt eram, and I make this suggestion In order to savo time." "If there is no objection," said Mayor Itodgers, as a rlpplo or laugh ter spread over tho niotnbors and pectators of tho council, without tracking a smllo himself, howevor, we will proceed 'according to pro eram,' and Alderman Oreenbaum m pleaso proceed with tho reading 01 the program." Alderman Grwnlinntn linn nlfUo.l UP his slip of paper and, ono after another in the order In which thrtv jWtne, he nominated tho different su- "-"uinaie officers of tho city, which lad been nnci .,.. i ...... 'lureday evening, and tho recorder -w instructed to cast tho ballot for 166 election r.f o..v. .-... ollews: New City Ofllcers. Fire Chief Mark O. Savage. Engineer B. 0. Churchill. Engine Driver Peto Phillips. '7 T Driver J. Townsend. street Commissioner Jas. Martin Po Ice Offlcer-L. II. Murphy. Police Offlcer-J. A. Foland. uiy Attorney A. O. Condlt. "Uh Officer Dr. W. C. Smith. r"k Commissioner Afro r .t fry """ Mayor Rodgors named tho stand lug committees of tho council for tho onsulng year ns follews: ! Ways and Moans Jacobs, Wnl , do, Churchill. I Ordinances Grconbaum, Low, Goodo. Accounts and Current Exponses-r- ; Churchill, Itadcllffo, Bayno. I Streots Downing, Stockton, Stoz. I Public Buildings Stockton, Ges ner, Stoltz. I Sowerago Stoltz, Jacobs, Low. Plumbing Frasor, Downing, Ges- er. ; Licenses Waldo, Bayne, Down- j Ing. Flro and Water Low, Radcllffe, Goode. ; Bridges Gcsnor, Churchill, Fra zor. ' Health and Police Haas, Jacobs, Waldo. j Lights Goodo, Haas, Oreenbaum. I Printing Radcllffe, Haas, Frazer. Public Parks Bayne, Greenbaum, Stockton. o All the World. Is a stage and Ballard's Snow Liniment plays a most prominent part. lis bas no superior for Rheu matism, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, and all pains. Buy it, try It and you will always uso It, Anybody who bas used Ballard's Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. Buy a trial bottle; 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J, iry. "Gontlemon: I shall not burden you with a lensthy. mcosage, but shall try to got down to tho meat of what I have to Bay In n few simple words, feollng suro that they aro di rected to earnest mon who hnve como to thl3 council with tho slnlgo purpose ot tho city's wolfnro at heart. "Doforo proceeding, I want to pny my respects to tho outgoing adminis tration. Salem hns taken a long stride forward In civic progress un- dor my predecessor. Wo havo ac complished much toward bottor streets, bottor bridges, bettor parks, and aro developing somo or tlto characteristics" to which our slzo and lmportnnco ns a city entitle us. "You and I, gontlomon, In coming to this council, havo assumed public burdens which call for prlvato sacri fice on our part. Wo surely ha,vo not como hero for tho salary; nor for political advantngo, for It Is hard to two whoro any man can count hlmsplf fortunnte, politically, by get ting Into a council. Wo don't come here for prlvato gain, for certainly no honorable mnn would expect such n thin. Then, gentlemen, If those things are true, thoro Is ono thing wo must do In order to accomplish tho bet results for our city 'and that Is to have faith In onch other; have faith In each other as tho pcoplo havo shown tholr faith In us, anil in this spirit, gentlomon, lot us work to gether, not ns partisans, but as ear nest servants of tho city, having In mind only thnt wo otand upon tho common ground of good citizenship. "in my rotations with tho council I shall know no Republican or Dem ocrat. I shnll bo guided by no dic tates of party policy or factional preferences. Tho mnn who opposes my vlows and my policies Is Just as good as any othor mnn, so long ns ho Is honest In his purposes. In all wo do let its Invito tho clos est scrutiny of tho pcoplo of Salem Wo will mnko mistakes; all men of firm nnd upright endeavor do, nnd lot us wolcomo honest crit icism. Tho volco of tho chronic crlt lo will also bo heard, but wo may tako satisfaction In tho knowledge thnt ho cannot mnko mistakes bo- cause he rnroly ovor does anything but criticise. TUo salvation ot tno nitv lies not In tho hnnds of tho critic but In tho hands of thoso who, how- ovor Imperfectly, do tho work to bo done. "I wnnt to say first, that I favor tho creation of a Chnrtor Board to rovlso our charter and submit It to a vote ot tho pooplo nt nn early dato. With duo respect to tho gontlomon who drow tip that instrument, I bo iiovo It adheres too much to tho orig inal document, nnd, nsldo from somo ambiguities, does not give us a won balanced Kovernmont. I will tako up a few features of tho chartor as I approach thorn under tho proper heads, but shall not bo Into detail. "Tho provisions of our city chartor limiting tho city tax levy to ton mills and road tax to ono nnd one half mills wero made whon tho cus tom of assessing proporty nt ono thlrd its valuo was woll established in Marlon county, but now, since our assessor has wlsoly seen fit to comply with tho law and place a full valua tion on all property, I bollevo tho limit on tho city tax levy should bo cut down accordingly. Full valua tion should mean low levy and tho tax payors ought to bo guaranteed as much. I bollevo our chartor should bo amonded reducing tho lim it for city taxes from ten mills to about 3H mills and city road tax from 1H mills to about 0-10 of one mill. If the old limit was right un dor tho old system, tho limit I sug gest would not bo wrong under tho now. I want to coneratulato tho admin istration of my predecessor on its work for pormanon pavements iti tho business district and for better streets generally. This has boen a crying need for years, and I think a good share of our proporty owners have como to realize that good streets aro not only a good Invest ment for themselves, but a splendid advertisement for the city as well. "Our charter seems to have con flicting provisions in reference to tho method of .taxing costs for perma nent street improvement. Section 0, paragraph 14, says tho cost shall be at the "exponsa of adjacent property holders, or at tho general expense of WHEN WK SAY BARGAINS THE PEOPLE KNOW WHAT WK MEAN. IT HAH 11EE.Y OUIt AIM FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS- WE SHOULDER THE RESPONSIBILITY Of what wo say. Whon wo servo you with btcad, rolls, coko. pics, etc., you'ro assured of gottlug tho host bakery products obtainable Our goods are mado in tho most cleanly surroundings nnd strictly puro. Fresh dally, and always toothsomo and wholesome. Wo also bnko spccinl cake for weddincs nnd othor occa sions to order on short notice. C. ULLOM. Capital ltitki-ry. Men, Women and Children AVITII TIIE VERY REST THE EASTERN MARKET PRODUCES, AM) AT PRICES THAT PLEASED. THIS RISTUHHES A FEW HUT TO US AND OUR CUSTOMERS IT HAS llEEN VERY SATIS FACTORY. OUR DOOR SWINGS ON WELCOME HINGES FOR ALL. CHICHESTER'S PILTS rj-v TIIK DIAHO.NI IIUANI. V jm Cilia la ind (Uld mmiikXV oie. Mil! with IUu KlUios. V TaL no okf r, llnrirtn. V wn iirur.i.i. Aik-fori iri.firr.H.Tt:i DIAMl)M llUAMt 1'll.l.H.ror rrnril.Uilli,s(t,AIln ). Iliblt.HoldlirllruitUta.trrTwhrra. ChlthMUr Chemical Co., a'lilla fa. E L SRVIN & CO. Practical Shoe Men. Acknowledged Leaders 3?6 STATE STREET Flr?it Clnss Itcimtrlnt; a Specialty. IMiono 010 r izsxximmvrasx i HUMMM-miMllt SSCTESBI Rostein & Greenbaum's CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON UNTIL JANUARY 16TH A FEW OF OUR Ladies' Hose 3 pair heavy gray for 2Cc 18o heavy black, now 12c Children's Hose 1 Oo heavy ribbed now, 80 20c flno ribbed, now ICo Toweling a ootl cotton, now, yd 4 c 7 Ho flnxlne, now yd .6c lOo flaxlno, now yd 7cs Oil Cloth 20c standard grade, yd 16o Outing Flannel 12o plain colors, yd Oo 10c grodo, figured, yd 8ba 9o grade, figured, yd 7 He Shirting 12 Ho heavy twilled O'ic Muslins 10c grade in mill end rem- -nants, yd 6 0 Colored Table Damask In mill end remnants, GOc grades now , 26c yd ' TRADE WINNERS Men's Underwear 40c grnilo, now 2Go COo grnilo, now 40c $1.25 and S1.50 odd wool shirts and drawors, now ...,...,., 70c Men's Sox 0 pairs heavy cotton for 2 Co 10c black box. now 7 He Lace Curtains $1.2G grado, 3 yds long, now 85c pr $1.50 grado, 3 yds long, now $1.00 pr $2.00 grade, 3ydu long, now $1.25 pr Bed Spreads $1.00 largo size, now ........ COo $1.26 largo Blze, now OOo $1.75 largo slzo, now $1.26 Muslin Underwear Gowns from 35o up Skirts from , 40o up Drawors from 30o up Ladies' Underwear Heavy cotton, now ..,,.,.,.. 20c COo union suits, now .,..,.., . .40o $1.00 union sultB, now COc SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL m-i ; 4flQI0&M sr