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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1904)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1001. frH' 1 1 i IJ,I I 1 I 1 1 1,1,1 1,1 U I H U H I I H I I H I I I I 1 I 1 I I j ill frr Start the Day Right f Nothing puts you so much "off color" for the whole dnv ns a poor ' ' -.. f nnffnn Hn .!,.. Mil. . ... ... ... . . . "' tur " i "" ""j w juu uung io unuK ui The bt ,ls just as cheap, and it is so easy to make a good drink when you navoThcbest coffee.. There is only one "best" in anything. In coffee the best be yond doubt is ' Chase & Sanborn's World Famous Mochas and Javas For Sale Only By FULLER & DOUGLAS, 142 Stato Street. SALEM'S LEADING GROCERS. Phono 2201 MM I II 1 H 1 i MIH Hi i III H-m IH1IIUI1IHHIIH- SAM AUFRANCE WINERY OUT OF COMMISSION Cast Salem Voted for Prohibition and Manufacturer Must Seek New Quarters Olio of the most abject lessons of the recent prohibition mpvement can be found in East Salem precinct, where a majority of the voters cast their bal lots against allowing saloons or liquor in that precinct for the period of two years. Iu EaMt Salem is located the fine vineyard of A. E. Aufrance, together with his plant for manufacturing wines. For several years Mr. Aufrance has la bored hard to build up a business, and just at a time when his project was gaining almost a state reputation, he is forced, under tho terms of the now law, to leavo tho district for tho purpose of turning his grapes into wine. A new industry is crippled, and may be driven out of business ontirely. At the very best he will be compelled to haul his grapes to a place outside of tho limits of East Salem, and have his wino cellar located away from his yard. It is safe to say that not ono person in 10 who voted for tho law would do Mr. Aufrance an Itijustico directly, but, by casting their billots for the law, thoy have practically put him out of busi ness. It is n poor way to build up Or egon, by striking down the growing in dustries of the state under tho guise of law. Wine will bo -inndo at Mt. Angel and other precincts. HUGHES RUNNING The City Committee Meets This Evening HHMI H II 1 HI H I IIHtt t'MIIMMMIMtMlllllllt t frt 4 1 tTfesn JLoaay X "Substantial :: Meals... i-r- - r -- JL "-www mmw w A f Uiili Ullj JV t CnocolateCreams f I at ry 4 14. Zitm's 1 154 State St. Phone 1971 I ti iiiiiiliiiiiiMimiMi :at the: :: White House :: Restaurant George Bros. Props. HHIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII J Where WUl You Spend That money for Dentistry? If you are undecided, let us explain a few things. We guarantee to save yotTfrom $2.50 to $5.00 on every set of teeth. We guarantee every set of teeth to be a perfect fit. We extract teeth positively without pain. Now Reader, if you are thinking of having Dental work done, come and talk it over, after you have been given the prices of other Dentists. We will save you money and the work will be of the Highest Grade. ltjT.i'j rJMii , -S p y $900 AUTOMOBILE GIVEN AWAY From now until Christmas we will give a coupon with ev ery dollar paid for Dentistry at our office, some one of which entitles the holder to the $900 Automobile. A New Candidate Has Been Sprung for Office of City Treasurerer The Republican city committee meets this evening at the oflico of II. A. John son when City Chairman LaPoro will wield tho gavel, and tho following will be in attendance for tho seven wards, in tho order named: No. 3, II. A. John son; No. 2, F. T. Wrightmnn; No. 3, A. Oesner; No. -1, Alonso Wains No. ?, T. J. Crouise; No. 0, John Knight; No. 7, A. Dane. Secretary, 11. O. Crossan. Of ficers of tho city Republican organiza tion will nlo be present,, and tho peti tions of aspirants for places on tho di rect primary tickot next Tuesdny will bo recoived. Situation Wanning Up. Morci interest is taken as tho day for holding tho primary approaches, as the bnttlo at tho direct primnrv is vir tually equivalent to an olectiou in this strong Republican city. Petitions' for it number of now nldcrmau candidates nro preparing today, ns tho tlmo of fil ing them closes this ovening. A new candidate for city treasurer has ap peared in the person of F. G. Haas, tho druggist. He Is a popular young Gor man Republican, and would nmko a strong enndidnte. Tho lino up for mar shal will include four candidates nH tho matter now standi. Sam Hughes Stands. A statement published to tho effect that Sam Huulics, who in 1MU was president of tho Workingmen's Repub lican Club, and has continued at tho bond of that organization, had with drawn, is a mistake Ho has filed his petition, and will mnko tho rnco for tho nomination. Ho says it is to lo a friendly contest for Republicans, anil ho has ns! much right as anyone to sub mit his name for tho nomination. Taking No Part. Ollicors of thq Young Mon's Republi can club object to tho report that they, hh it body, favor the noiiiluntioa of J. W. Lewis, or any other aspirant for nomination for n city olllco. Tho young men's organization last year and this year refused to allow tho organization to bo committed to any candidate bo fore the primaries, taking tho position that it was tholr duty to support tho ticket that is put up, and not to dictate nominations. Mr. Lewis has friends among tho young mon, and so hae oth er .candidates, but there Iuim liceii no expression for anyone. In each ward it candidate for ward committeeman will bo chosen. jfsmmammmwmmmmmmmmmmm I III 18 vM: ' Clothing News New Suits, New Overcoats, New Hats Pftffn fativiriKattif nH We have tixe largest and most select assortment In the city. Gotyoar cold supply yet? We'll share oar warm supply with you; that's o'coats. Our range Is "grate" enough, $J5 to $25 Don't forget Clothing Suits and Overcoats. Furnlshlngs.Warm Underwear. We dress " Men, Boys and Children not merely cover them. Salem Woolen Mill 5ioe, C. P. BISHOP, Proprkter a few weeks. They aro former Salem ites, having left hero about two years ago. Misses Mabel, Halllo and Una linker, of Portland, nro in the city, tho guests of rclntives nnd friends. They nro laughters of Prof. 1j. 11, linker, who resided hero last year. President Smith, of the board of Wil lamette University, nnd Philip Ueanor, a member of tho board, who spent yes terday nt tho school, returned homo to Portland this morning. Judge Scott wont to Portland to day with tho commltteo iu clinrgo of the Marion county exhibit for tho 1005 fair, to hp en re. space for tho exhibit, There is no pepper in Schilling's Best ginger; there's nothing wrong in Schilling's Best anything. Moneyback. which Is to bo nwardod today. Tho commltteo will also nrrnngo froight and vurioua other ninttora. Two Now Actions. Two moro actions havo boon filed In Department No. 1 of tho circuit court ngalnst Clnudo Hurst. Ono by O. P. Hishop for $77.70 for clothos bought at his store, nnd ono by D. F, Lnno ngalnst Hurst nnd his wife on n promissory noto given by them nnd which fell duo November 1, 1004, for $50 nnd $25 nt tornoy'fl fees. o A Family How. Thoro is no danger of ono lu nny homo where tho maternal head of tho house is a good cook, and tho ments como from tho old reliable markot of 13. O, Cross. Thoro nro eases whoro theso meats havo kept ponpo in homos for a generation. Thoy now go tit tho cut price, on account of the meal war, o IiOvo's Finale. Marrlago license was grnnted this morning to Felix Stromberg and Miss Angoliuo Duman. Social Danco Tonight. Tho regular Saturday night social dnnco will bo hold nt Tioga hall to. night. Miss Nottio Frnzuro will con duct thosn dnncos In the future Mo Klroy's orchostrn has .boon cngnged, thus insuring good music. ummmmmmmmmmmimummmimammBmimmmmmm OH FUDGE Another "card crnzo" up- J 9 on us. It is Bunco" nnd 9 H "Sherlock Holmoa." Last M 0 yonr Pit, Panic nnd Flinch m had tho rngc, but It Is differ- g a out now, "Hitnco" far ox- j 2 coo1 "Flinch" moro to It, Z J moro sclonce, moro fun, whllo J W "Sherlock Holmos" kcops you busy playing "Hawk Hi o'niiw1' nntt capturing tho vn -pr m rlotifl "Crooks." You'll wnnt a It. Tho crnzo Is coming. "Wo ggk J2 lutvn tbom In nbundnneo. Fifty contH por deck. J S Patton's Book Store. Rejoice and Be Thankful i PERSONALS DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST STEUSLOFf BUILDING COURT STREET HOURS: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 1 0 a m. to 1 2 m. j Attorney Kills Itirlinrilwin U in Port .land today 01 luiBliiOnH. Mim Klvu Wlnslow went ti Turner today for a short visit. ) Dee Furrar returned from a short trip , to Portland this morning. Kx-Oovornor Lord went to Portland this morning on 8 short lusiius trip. George Gray returnil from a luinth'H visit at the St. lmu fiur this morning. F. It. "Wagner, of the Ooodmnn shoe home, of Pprtlaud, Is a .Salem isltor today, Miss Denno Adair, of Portland, who lm beon visiting friends here, went to Albany today. Mr. uiul rrs. J. T. Volfnrl returned to their home in OorwU e)tr.lay, lif ter n- visit hero, Prof. WIIIU K. MeKlroy . brcn ; spending several days nt Munrm where I he ban luqd interewta. Miwi Mollie Walsh, of Albany, who bus been visiting fritunU iu tin- ity, re- turned to her homo latt et'i, ng Mrs. J. A. Itlehard'on hs gone to Sh l'rHtio, wbar she will seiid u month vUiting awl studying urt. MIm IMwi Irvfn returns! to her borne in Oorvallii today, aft. i k visit with Mm. Ilaj OIJbt. of thu city. Chauney HWtep west to Kujn yw terdtiy, d w'lll officiate nt tl.a l'. of O.-U. of W. feotball gam there today. K. P. Wwr left tawt Frida for a bil-in trip to Partlnnd. Hulcu and stbar. vljr polaU. Arli)ton I.oaord. MUh Wiaaie MeCarthy, t Portland, oarao up this raernisg for aa over Sun day vwit with bar jtareat m tin city. MI iaai IVtwk rttwra! lat even- log ttem a two laaatb' vJwt at Haa Fraaciaee, wbre th kat been tukiag a fotirae in art Mr and Mr. J. Ulwan. f ft Perce Idaho, are vtiitm relavei f-r THAT Tini TUItKEY IS WITH US, BUT BEFORE IBS WELLBHOWNED BODY IS SERVED LOOK TO THE FURNISHINaS OF YOUR DININQ ROOM. a If is poaidbl te e"Juy tlng turkoy whllo sitting on n onmkgr hex. How over, it set of our ttloiput dinars would not detract from the tteottaiuti. Our wall papers jday a very import- unt part in many of tho finest dining rooms of Salem. For showing of nloo alifmt and glaiui ware nothing nxealls our ehltm closet with mirror- haeka. If you have not room tot n e)ot. We have jilnta rackn anil pint rails, either of which is economical, useful nnd ornamental. Is your tablo milllolont for tho occailsnf We huvu thorn In all tho uo lmp at iitflJerate coat. WE ARE HERE TO SAVE YOU THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. NEXT TO JOS. MEYERS & SON. STORES Salem and Albany mmmit Hi tttmmmmiu