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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
' if " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1004. N INACTIVE UVER A GOMSTiPATWN HEADACHE soon sot right by EECHAM'S PILLS set your Liver working right is absolutely imperative if you are to get any comfort from life or nourishment from food. A torpid liver can be a very dangerous condition and should not be neglected. Few medicines act as thoroughly, promptly and safely as Beecham's Pills. They are vigorous but mild, and cause no inconvenience or nausea. 1 RP RIE) OF CONSTIPATION There is no remedy quite as good as Beecham's Pitts, not only to innpn thf linu'pU hut in the after effects. There is no bindinc ur h nftPru-nrH. .- thpi Pills aid Nature in a natural wav. Persons K chronically constipated can become regular and be rid of the con- i sequent uiscomiuris lunucuy uicua j j- , . w. Sold Evorywhoro In Boxos, IQc. and 20c. IEW YORK FASHION LETTER ac in style this season, one vear a three-quarter length gar- K whether it is ri loose coat, Bed at the back, a double or .'military cape, or. one exceeding- 11, gathered to a yoke, with little (which survive all caprices- of in) albo. The paletot shape has Marge, loose sleeves,' v and often fhandsome appliques in black or fashionable "burnt orange," id the shoulders and neck. Black coats nro also of this shape, if prl lire both ulain or very ornate. If llesires to be conspicuous, tho wish fcsily gratified, as tlie excess or this season in out door wraps, Pcostumcs as well, is almost unpre- Inted. The close fitting, twenty Inch length jacket is by no means aside, tho most fashionable being fur plush, a remarkable imitation roadtuil, beaver or chinchilla. The Tight Waist. pt as yet warmly welcomed, and a moderate blouso still exists. The j iu many full, round waists are icloso to tho figure by means of silk cirdles. thus civing to some it tho effect of n tight waist. Sur- Miecks are very grncoful, and a ; revere is sontetimos nuded, with ate 1 button holes of braid, fin- iliv a button. The Question of Skirts important, nnd ocrtainly there torrt-rs, j"- fhifTon brnndcloth, i' t, or sott untin costumes are made with very full skirts, not unfrcquently quite plain, or with two tucks, or fully trimmed. The new Paquin skirt which of course excites much comment, is cut in four gores of the same size, the center laid on a straight line of tho cl6th, which makes the edge a little on the bias. Tho lower edge of the skirt is finished by a wide hem, nnd as it is very full, a lily hair cloth flounce on tho drop skirt is indispensable in order to pre vent tho folds from falling around the feet of tho wearer. Illustration. This stylish street suit, supplied by The Modes Fashion and Pattern Co., of this city, is of marine blue zibolinc. finished with small gun met nl buttons. The jacket is closely fitted with nar row back and side back gores, the seams extending to the 'shoulders nnd producing n long-waisted effect that is very becoming. Tho skirt is shaped with nino gores which are fitted'' smoothly around the waist and hips without dnrts. Fall and Winter Millinery Is of the most pronounced chnracter, and the high crowned or Directoire hnt has potent rivals in tho long haired beaver, and tho poko hat as well. Tho fluffy beaver is both plain or in shaded color tones, and delight ful contrasts or harmonies nro the usual result. Plumes are tho preferred garniture or mammoth flowers nnd leaves, one, or more together, or as a circlet. Colored leaves may be com bined with r.oses or dahlias, or com pose, an entiro hat a small size of course. Penches and grapes add their charm, placed in clusters on blnck tulle, or pondnnt from beneath a brim. Poke Hats Intended for street or carriago wear are quito large, either of velvet or beaver, with many ostrich tips at the front, and handsomo fnco trimming, shirred silk in three tints being espe cially nttrnctlve. For evening, they are smaller and of light hucd velvet or white, smooth-finished benver, clab oratoly trimmed with shaded ribbon, flowers and chiffon. Tho independent crown flourishes coining also of chen- illo in tho Tarn O'Shantor shnpo, of fur, or of velvet folds finished by a buckle, and where a silk crown la used, tho height may bo increased by an accordion plaited silk rufllo placed around the top of the crown. LUCY CARTER. Jury List. The jury list drnwn for this term of" circuit court'is a follews: Oeorge Whitaker, Liberty; William Hilleary, Turner; J. P. Frizzell. Sa lem Xo. 2 J. A. Knight, Woodburn; E. A. Thatcher, Salem No. 1; J. A. Dittqr, Sublimity; E. S. Porter, North Silverton; J. M, Hiedick, Brietenbush; Theo. Bontln, St. Paul; 0. C. Hutchius, Salem No. 5; L. X. English, Sublimity; W. J. Irwin, Salem No. 7; W. M. Gors line, Chemawa; John Rossell, Silver Falls; J. D. Barbor, Marion; Henry Bach, Silverton; B. B. Oesncr, East Salem; Herman Schellburg, Sublimity; J. F. Anderson, Howell; V. Wattier, Oervais; Godfrey Dental, Butteville; II. S. Belle, 'Salem No. 2; J. H. Settle mlcr, Woodburn; Russel Catlin, Salem No. 2; N. II. Doty, Jefferson; Dennis Manning Howell; Giles Thomns, Stayton; A. II. Shaofor, Salem No. 1; Elias Burkholder, Aurora; Henry Ehlen, Aurora; Frank Libby, Marion. Street Railway Men. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 12. The twenty-third nnnunl mooting of the Anierieau Street Rnilwny Association and the eighth annual meeting of the Street Railway Accountants' Associa tion began today in Festival Hall. Today's session was devoted to the reports of oftieers and the reading nnd discussion of several technical papers. The meeting concludes tomorrow. The Street Railway Association is com posed of ofiicers of street railway com panies in nil cities of tho United States nnd Canmln where street cars are in use. BRYAN'S VIEW OF PLATORM. st'n'l not misrepresent the situattion, or appeal for votes for tho tlckot fcfnlso grounds. A Democratic victory will raefan very little, if any, cess on economic questions so lng as tho party is under the control or RVall Street element.. Tho labor plank, as prepared, by Juugo Biter's friends on the subcommltee, was a straddling, moaniugless plank. TM Tim nnminntion of Jiulcra Parke- virtually nullities the nntt-trust Oar." Willian Jennings Bryan, in The Commoner," July 13, 1904. roeaae9eacoQffHri wttaaw,e tw2 isten to Us Boy 'a heavy ribbed hose for hard wear, only 15c a pair, t'olf gloves, all wool, for ladies and ohlldern, only 25c a pair. Mercerized sateon, assorted colors, good quality, 28c n yard. Mercerized heavy cushion cord, only 10c a 'yard. Xll wool shawls only 36c each. urls' cap, only 25c ejiaj, . Mlf I mbrellas, steel rods, from 40 ap. Daisy cloth 10c a yard, frs ouly OSe. Tur sets for children 1.96, Silks 96c a yard. Mercerized sateen underskirts, Wc up. Ve us for ladies' eoats, macintoshes and skirts, B. st line of millinery iu the city. Popular prises. M ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 298 and 300 COMMERCIAL STREET UooKimg ForWorK? tor lie x. Enroll in the I, C. S. and you will not have to look long. The demand for tech nically trained men is far in excess of the supply. Ob tain the technical knowledge contained in one of Dur Courses and you will soon be one of the thousands that owe their success to our instruction. We can help you qualify at home, in spare time, and at small expense, for any of the fol lowing positiens: Heckanlcil, FJectrlcil, Stem, Chi. or Mining Eijlnetr; Driflsnttn; Architect; Book keeper; Stenosraptier ; Shew-Card Writer; Window Drener; er AH Writer. Write TODAY, itHtlnc which poll, tion IntrreMi jrou, to INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools Bos 799, SC8ANT0N, PA. OS C1U OS OCS LOCAL RirRUMTlTITb Schools, Scranton, Pa. Salem. Or.,' April 20. 1904. International Correspondence flentlemen: In reply to your request asking for my opinion of your school as a student, will say I am well pleased with your methods of instruction, and the faculty you have of making your lessons so plain and easily understood. Any person with a common school education cannot help but be benefitted by pursuing a course in which he Is Interested. In so far as I have pursued my course, could not suggest any way to Improve your meth ods of Instruction. I beg to remain, Yours truly FRED A. LEGO, Claw L. A, C. C25.334 Free Circulars R. W. WITT1CHEH. " Local Aecnt- F. X. HOLL, Asst. Sapt. McKsy Bide. 3rd P Stark) PORTLAND. ORE. 694 ii 121 2 5 $ Cigars Sold Every Minute er 41,640 every hour, 1,000,000 every day. The largest selling brand of cigars in the world. You owe it to your self to find out why so many people smoke the Cremo. 5 cents invested in a Cremo will explain it. Sold in every store, in every town, in every State. The Hand is the Smoker's Protection, Edison Theatre. Change of program at the Ellison theatre tonight. Oja-swoitXA. Episcopal Rummngo Sale. Condition Is Sorious. Tho ladles of tho Episcopal church i London, Oct. 12.-Lady Curzon nro conducting a rnmmngo salo in tho 1 passed n fair night, but her condition Turner block, next door to Jiarrnt fc " i - . . 'Lnvrronco's grocery. All thoso desiring -J.-X.AJ3., ,.... ww - j Besrstlis . IM WOO TMHatBWW BMgfl to contribute articles win pieaBo in Tr6& UM ir.iv. vnn annii flin Imnd.imintod. to contriouio articles win juchbu iu- i -" - ! form tho committee, at the store, and 'posters of "Tho lluskin' lice." Thoy, ' tho articles will bo collected. are decidedly original. , f 73 Courses of Reading! : JtHE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA in known everywhere as the greatest reference work in J . I .!. 1.1 T.. .1 -Lt T .I1 ? - -II 1 -.- -II L? U!. -11 ... nil Iffnr. . 1 Do not nut oft a irood thins-. Cut out the Inquiry coupon It will brine to U NOW, before you lay asld paper, it wi l D you full particulars and entitle you club rate of ! I You can pay the balance at the rate or only 10c a day $ Crlnos you This Entire 31 Volume Set of THE NEW 20th Century EDITION SBBBBBBBSlVi'IMMIk'l ' A WW jmiMf $i p), WMESrmmam wit tnf dBJMMVJ Emm&msm 7MeM A 'J ft smsmm Mwm y r s5!5i555?33iT pinrAmrnF. 'Xl M ? imrmLmmKYM t iH Massive PZi WjMja IW x xwM'vmmmm p Over JE'fffl jf Wf fif 200 Lbs. rlWiiir liwWiiffi.ii!atgccacr.-TrTi?a8ietiJI, mKJs XJWIWMH ! HI WJ mm mm .l !! iJy the world. It is more than that. It is a collection of all histories, all biocranhies, all arts, nil liter atlircs anil nil lcntm-lnlm riVntifirv nrnfinrml nnil mrrhnniral. ! On account of its world-wide range 'of subjects, it might become bewildering to the general reader. But for his aid a special volume has been prepared. It is a "Guide to Systematic Reading," containing no less than 73 distinct courses, adapted to (1) Young People, (2) Students, and (3) the Busy World. 1. The Young People. Tho Guldo makos BRITANNICA of unusual Intcrost to younger readers. Fivo courses of reading are suggested to them: General, History, Biography, Sclenco and Games, Sports and Pastimes. Theso toplco lndicato their wide usofulnosB and appoal. Thoy win sena tno boys and glrU to reading BItlTANNICA with dollght. II. The Student. No less than 24 cournea are inappod out for tho Btudent, following every great lino of thought Llteraturo, Astronomy, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Geography, Mathematics, Theology, Engineering, etc. An education neither begins nor ends at college Tho most a college can do is to point out Unco of study which tho studont Is to follow for himself. BRITANNICA, tho "groat homo uni versity," not only points out but supplies tho material. III. Thfl Riiav World. In 44 suggestive chapters, tho Guldo to BniTAN NICA appeals to busy men and women In every walk of life from tho Inventor to tho manufac turer, from tno architect to tho builder, from tho doctor to tho chemist, from tho laborer to the capitalist, from men of evory trado to men of every profession. All And tho facts that they need and find mem quickly. You cannot afford to be denied ad' mlttance to this great world col lege when you can cot it for One-Half the Former Price. Ten Cents a Day! 31 Volumes In All 25 Volumes Ninth Edition, S Volumes Amer ican Additions, 1 Volume Guide to Systematic Reading of the Whole Work. Bookcase Free A llmltecfnumber of bookcases will be given free of charge to Tho Bally Capital Journal. Readers who respond promptly. The coupon opposite will be known as the Bookcase Coupon and should be mailed at once. For a short time. It centains: 10,500 articles, averaging 1 pngo each: 3,300 artlclcH writ ten and signed by specialists, or 142 per volume; 10,255 pages compiled by special contributors, forming four-fifths of tho entiro work; 338 full-pago engraved plates, maps and planB, including 237 col ored maps. Nearly 12,000 Illustrations. oxcIubIvo of maps and plans. Special Features of the 6-Volume Amer ican Additions. 1. An cxtonslon of tho original nrtlclos on tho arts and sclonces down to tho prosont day, 2. Introduction of new tonics arising from now developments of science or from new dlscovorlcs and now InvontlonB, 3. Biographical enlargement to Inrludo eminent living persons nnd the hundreds who huvo recently won distinc tion. 4. A particular survey of American Interests In their various pbasos. S. A presentation of techni cal subjects In n form rompruhonsiblo to ordinary readers, an In tho treatment of Rloctrlclty, Morphology, otc. C. Copious Illustrations, over 1C00 iu number. THE GUIDE TO SYSTEMATIC READINOB subdivides tho whole work Into departments, outlining 73 different courses of roadlng, and points out tho thing" you may want to know or ought to know about your business or profession. Kurthorinora, It makos nysle'mutlo roadlng along anv lino practical. AVIIA.T IH HAIIJ OK IT "It Is without a peer In the wholo electricity 10 (he ttlernnls of the noble army of encyclopaedias." I.Y- FIJI l.lnt,U or volcanoes and sarin MAN AHIIOTT, DO. uual(r or ft moat fn(lriatlii( stnry of Th KnevcliiHaedla llritunnlca U WBpyiron. aim lor Ilia mill older all tne Vini of Its rfu , "-I'lltJp IMVIl" tr.4tnmlui cnoeptior ,f w. mJi- and fu'irtions. nrehltrctura. art oil li. Children, tagjnnlnir vtura (1J1I and .hi historical, bloirraphleal, mytliulotfloMI, The moflt useful referenr book far the y up. I rhu, to lhn orli(ln of nnr -tjii n, lsjlnnlsif at 10 inyi Heed Its stores "t formal ihloal, mytliulotfloMI, Imk,m 1 The eauer boy con Mtudy If urw.Ui-i ounir er alii l tne isnuyi-iouaeaia nri Knnle old a elemnary-iieiifillfle. nstura InfiiraikUon ItallbonH. klrul nf doaa or rlrearmo loodmatlvMi hablla nf the Itoo-e flv or thin cockroach. Th voalh mav vnt In- CI.HKV fermatlfl aftaubJctU fivm rteulocy or Ctiirirt -nli w orlsl on fhlneoe nieln- mien. 0 man who onrn lia I IMKiA Ml 1 t-vei history drei. ( without -ofttiint acota to It. Wli' Tner rnr MlurHlInn or In. Heed Its stores nf forrnallcn. ' 0 tnon who onrn haa this Bill vrr in ,-T)BII iir III Cllll- dthjffH oume anil tli. urk had room 11 for cine secular book. Is UMi,d any doubt I he one."- FiT iiati rihla iv c iH. Judse of Court, ; : 1 1 1 MS Fill out nnd mail this coupon today for particular) nliout our gront offer tar gjsr Br H t The American Newspaper Association, Parrott BWg., 829 Market Ct.. San Franelico, Csl. Plaaaa tend ma fra of his wiofMa aHw and full partlaulara of your KnayslepaedU offar (H'mkeaaxe Coupon.) ileimt airaet Town .Cetiniy Btata JKCt f wmmmm m 1