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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1904)
rW3T3flfFr ir,i .L. t : y DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, "nK. WEDOT8PAT. SIgTEMBEB.Za, 100 DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL DY HOFER DR08. QNIQHi ggTLBEl OITICIAL CENSUS SALEM, MAY, 1901, 13,287. ihoalfl 'et 'em he utoo Wfcak beings called a Republican National Ticket For President. THEODORE R008EVELT, of Now York. For VIco-Presldent, CIIA9. W. FAIRBANKS, ' of Indiana. For Presidential Electers: O. B, Dlmlck, of Clackamas. A. C. Hough, of Josepblno. S. H. Hart, of Polk. 2S. A. Fee, of Malheur. o 33IE OREGON DIRECT PRIMARY LAW. The law wan shown to be clearly un constitutional before It wan submitted o the voto of the people in an able opinion by Judge Waldo. But there was not time to get his opinion beforo the people. The Port land paper would not give tlio people Alf opinion, no tlio people voted ignor santly and unadvisedly for n bad law. With only ono city in the Htnte, and ltlie pa pern there dead set on something ibai notno faction demand)), the people (gat, at the facts slowly and painfully, tost raly in the dear school of experi- 'Bonntor Pulton hai declared thnt the Unw is. entirely . unconstitutional, ns sinyono might have known who rend with perspicacity and common sense. Of course, it can never be applied to city elections. It can never bo ap plied brnauso only those can voto at thnt primary who will take tlio trouble to register nbont two months before election There is a class of demagogue who i'Pt tip biicIi laws iiml rofer tlieni to the jieojile, who nlways want to keop from iakieg sides on anything. They do not possess tlio ability to draft a law that is sound and in con atnnanre with our political institutions, sind they liuvo not tlio rournge to take . stand for or against anything as a .matter of principle. 8o they get some alleged expert to rfraft a bill and refer it to the people. Hut that settles nothing. Tlio experts who wore paid to draft this bill can not defend It. When will the peoplo got through monkeying with politicians of that lass, good men, but impraoticnl theor ist i Never. They are plausible, tonguey, well meaning, persistent and evasive in nvoldlng responsibility. The direct primary law is the first fruits of irre sponsible domagoglsui gone to seed. The Jouraal believes the direct pri mary law is loaded. Under It two Port land polltIelans,ouu a journalist and the other it Democrat, who are well Jtmtwu to the people, are to bo run for (Jjiitml Btntus senator. Hither tine onu get the nomination on this plan, and it is a sure thing for certain iiig interests whlehever one is elected. Let the people keep their eyes on this matter, and if the law is over in voked, and that Is an absurd impossi bility, it will be for thnt purpose, and none other. It is a law to illnfronehitto the people. Tlio registration law already disfran chises thousands. The present natural isation law illsfrnuehlsotf thousands more. Tlio prinxtrjr law is calculated to stunt out all but a samll faction from managing politic. All these laws aliould be swept oft the statute lawk, und the men who get them up should be swept onto the Imok Wta, so fr that thn Mill have at lujmt ten years to rellert in private life. tioas demand tint hej up to the boys" (intl! to refuse. He fears' "tight wad." The man who bows to the treating custom is probably also a foel. He acts foolishly. He drinks when bo has no desire. He makes an occasion whero there it no sonslble excuse. In a competition of generosity he makes a swill barrel of himself to please bis fellows. Do not drink at all. Abstinence is tho only safe course. If you must drink, go it alone. Make every occasion of it a Dutch treat. DO YOU WANT A CHANGE7 Democratic campaign managers and orators are trying to convince the voters of the nation that the time is ripe for a "change." Every petty grievance against the party in power is magnified and every possible buga boo concerning future developments is raised and waived in an effort to make tho people believe that their interests and their welfare will be best subserved by abandoning Repub lican policies and adopting Demo cratic. The Democratic party com pleted a four years' term of power in 18H0 and it may interest the voter, wiio is thinking the country needs a "change" to contrast the business of the nation in 18W! with thnt of 1001. Tho figures quoted are for the fiscal year, ending Juno 30, 1001. Merchandise exports in 1800 were $882,000,000 as against $1,100,000,000 in 1004. Do you want a change! Tho fnvorablo balance of trade in Democratic 1800 was $102,000,000 as against $170,000,000 in Republican 1001. Do you want a chnngoT Wo Imported $33,000,000 in gold in 1800 as compared with $00,000,01)0 in 1001, and we exported $112,000,000 in 1800 as against $81,000,000 in 1001. Do you want n chnngot Our total foreign commerce in Dem ocratic 1800 was (11,001,000,000 ns compared with f-'.lCl.OOO.OOO in Re publican 1001. Do yon want a chnngof The bank deposits in December, 1800, amounted to $4,015,000,000 as compared with $0,530,000,000 in De comber, 1003. Do you want a change t SCROFULA "When a child I had a very severe at tack of Diphtheria, which camenearprov ing fatal I'poii recovery the glands of the neck were very much enlarged, and after the frtc use of iodine, the right one was reduced to its normal size, but the left one continued to grow very slowly at first, until it was about the sire of a goose egg, which began to prc&s.on the wind pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be came very painful. An incision was made and 6 large quantity of puf discharged The trland was removed, u as much as could with safety tw taken out For ten years I wore a little pitce of rloth about an inch long in my neck to kucp the place open, uunng tnts lime J. liau to nave n cut open by tie doctor every time I took coldortheopcningclogged. In the Spring or early Summer of 1SS4 I was persuaded by my wife to use S. S. S., which I did, strictly in accordance with directions. I took twenty-six large bottles, and was en tirely cured, for I have not suffered since that time. B. S. Raoland. Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston S C Only a constitutional remedy can reach an hereditary disease like Scrofula. When the blood is restored to a normal condition and the scrofulous deposits arc carried oil there is a gradual return to health. S.S.S is well known as a blood purifier and tonic. It is the only guaranteed strictly vegetable remedysold. If you have any signs of Scrofula, write us and our physician will advise you free The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. "POLITICAL 'PARAGRAPHS. If you believe the Domocrats are in favor of the gold standard, call a roll of the Democratic state conventions that have so declared this year. Col. Bryaa says he will support Judge Parker &f t,r September 30. He figures, probably, tmu 11 win m him that long, to get a proper edge on bis hatchet. The Democrats are clamoring "for a ehange." They ask the voters to change a certainty for an uncertainty. Mr. Brvan does not believe that the country is ready for a change, but he i ulrMiir nlannins; to offer one in 1003. A man who is not well known him self must be judged by his advisers. If Judge Parker is elected Presidont, we must infer that his associates and advisers will be David B. Hill and August Belmont. It must be remembered that Judge Parker approved the New York Dem ocratic platform which did not men tion the gold standard. vr 1 TT wake up your liver H wake UT) fe,lowI Don,t lo VV UnC SV Clear UDVOur brain I of Aver's Pills at bedtime. It s all you need. pentle. Acts Qiremy u w.w i.rv.. sU so Justl Democratic managors express great est confidence in the result ot tne coming election. .Democratic nopes always blossom until the first light frost of November. Some died under tho punishment others were left wrecks fpr life. and PUBLIC OWNER8HIP TO BE TRIED Whether It is possible for this city to acquire public ownership of any of its public utilities is going to be tried in Halcm. A number of representative and re sponsible business men hnvc Issued a call for a public mooting to discuss the light situation. Those who bclievo in tho principle of municipal control of these fran chises should attend tho meeting Fri day night, and let all tho facts of tho Hit lint ion come out. There are only two ways of manag ing those matters by n private cor poration or by public ownership. As 1 matter of principle, and in the long run, Tho Journal believes in public owner ship. Whether it Is prarticttl in this city nuil under all the circumstances must be left to the decision of tho people. i Tho most betitled monarch in the world is Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria. Without his imperial crown, which is the identical tinra of Charle mange, he is nino times a king, twice a grand duke, once 11 grand prince, twice a prince, four times a margrave and the multitude of his titles ns count and so forth is pasT enumeration. Archbishop of Canterbury Auonoa. New York, Sept. 2S.-Today's exer cises marking the opening of the 121st academic year of Columbia University were made notable by the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, one of whose prodceossors in office was the first ox officio trustee named in the charter of King's College, under which nnmo Columbia University was founded. Upon the conclusion of the opening exercises the archbishop for mally dedicated to religious uses the site upon which the university chapel is to be built. o Sure Cure for Piles. Itching piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as nilnir. Bleedlntr or Protruding PIle3 are cured by Dr. BQ-san-ko's Pile Remedy Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors 50c a Jar at drug gist, or sent by mail. Treaties free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phila., Pa. For sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist tou uan't Aft- To walk to or from th,t I you can have a cab taij to hi Simpson's stable3, oppM,,' house e house. What Is zfc In tho last nnalvsis but wo do know that it KJ mw. aouso tnat law pain' results, irregular derangement of tho organs,,, Constipation, Headache nrl ble. Dr. King's Now UhA l, il--UUJU3l3 WHS. Ifj thorough. Only 25c at J, J urug store. -o- , Funeral Rates Reduced uaas and carriage for feJ hair price. Simpson's livery, c uouri nouse. S CURES COUGHS, COLD8. VI HOARSENESS Vmi'Ol BetRemdylorChtlitftn. PKuh.j: danger In an oierdose. The old w ii SplbraJIMedJeln.StoreslnliSte Mane only By DR. B0SANXO CO.fiS Writ ut wt will una you a SmjJi It is going to require something more than specious pleading to induce j the American votor to take a leap in the dark in Xovombor. THE TRBATINO CUSTOM. The American treating eiutum is to lo Idjimod for a large amount of in temperance, nays an wcehunge. The average man who drinks oeen atonally Is a ged follow, llu in good tiooil fellowship and disposition to be ((onerous are frwiMtwtly tho oaute of his undoing, The eutum aj? "setting up" the drinks Is the hu of muck over drink lug, If meh a term nuy be uawl. A Hum gotta lute n Mtletti. lie wants only one drink. A pK f hU frtumk whim lii. He eoiuMit got away wtth out drinking with all f them. That ia tho othlw of the lr. ltofere ho Imvm ho Is filled up. If one is determined to drink (and them are millions who teem thus do ttumliitMl) the safer protedure U tluj 'rlUth Iroaf'-the kind where tjjfery mau IroflU Mmmilf. 1 Our German fellow eltlions follow ihU iiuatom largely and one seldom wm a Herman mueh tho worse for llipjor. The man who follows the trMtlog custom i probably a moral wwarvl la afraid of offending. The eoaven ' HERE AND THERE Paris, like London, is deserting the theatre for the music hall. Tho projected electric railway up Mount Hlane is to bo completed with in six years. A London firm advertisers for mum mies, which thoy use In the mniuifne tare of paint. Dnlgety, tho newly uleeted o pi till of Australia, is t hamlet of only U00 Inhabitants. The nearest railway sta tion is thirty-five miles away. Captain Mary Becker Greene la the only woman steamboatiuaster playing the waters of the "Mississippi and Ohio. 81io' the only woman pilot. Pnr the first time slnoe Amurionii occupation the United States leads this yar in the amount of merchandise- Hunt Into the Philippine lslnnds. The oldest known Inhabitant of the earth is a gtnut tortoise of Now SSeal and, weighing 0TO pounds. Its ngo'is estimated at from W0 to M0 yeaem New statute just leaned in Russia pteee women ileetor tin prtiotienlly the same fasting lieth with regards 11a to wIhmUIoh and practise as their wale rivals. The world's population has inure than (tattMed iUolf from 1300 to 1000. To tbU OluMs the Latin nations of, the wot und touthwesi contributed the least, and the greatest growth was in the oust. A soitsatien has been oause4i in Spain by tho revelation ot the' fact that tho prisoners taken far partUipa tton tn tho anarchist demonstration t Aleala del Vail were lorlurcd. Parts of Palestine in which Europ eans have settled have been made to yield not only largor but fairly profit able harvests. A German colony that settled in the heights of Haifa thirty four years ago has prospered. Not one of its ninety families is poir. All are fairly well to do. ' Sovonty-threo years ago tho initial trip of tlio famous Rocket train of Ooorgo Stephenson was made between Liverpool 11ml Manchester. Today tho man who acted as engineer on that day lives in nn humblo cottage in Ivist Des Moines, lown. His name is Kdward Kntwisete. M. Dubois, of Paris, shows thnt is is posiible by moans of Roentgen rays to oxiimino tho living oystor without in any way injuring it and to ascer tain whether or not it contains 11 pearl. If it contains only a tiny pearl the oystor is returned and is allowed to livo until the disenbe has developed a large pearl. Thirty or fourty years ago what ono may call the public supply of tooth picks was unknown. Kvery gcutlo man earriod ono in his pocket, of gold or silver if ho could afford it, ono made of a goose quill If ho could not afford tho other, but It was not the prnetice to use it until after ono had loft tho table. The table upon which the Declara tion of Independence was drafted is exhibited in tho Virginia building at tho World's Knlr. The chair in which Jefferson sat when vice president is also exhibited in this building, whioh is a reproduction of Monticollo, Jef ferson's home. In Siberia tho void is often so in tense for weeks ut a time iu mid winter that only tjio houses with tho thickest walls tiro hnbitnble. The cost of keeping school rooms at anything approaching a normal temperature is so groat that inaiiy of tho schools are built underground. The IMrsce community of Bombay, who number under 05,000 in till,, are threatened with disintegration by western and Chrlstlnu influences. Tlmlr wealthy youug men visit nud re side in London, Paris und other Huro penn cities, whore thoy frequently tako to themselves Kuropoan wives. Jodediah Buxton, an illiterate per son of thu eighteenth century, used to put his memory to n curious use. Ou one occasion ho mentioned the quan tity of ale ho had drunk free of eost since ho was twelve years old, and tho names of tho gentlemen who had Ifivoa It to him. Tho vrholt) amounted to 5,110 pint. BunO TMIUiYMH!Jltar6fifit K(utu ef cjc&m&e Chairman Taggart is filling places on his executive committee with the old lino Democrats. He is apparently guided more by Judge Parker's tele gram than by the declaration of his party's platform. v O0 ! University of Oregon 9 m C.'Vse of Literature, Seit-nce and the Arte College of Sciences! Eng.m r'rt. nLooI of M'n1" and Mining. School of Music, fcchool of Law, School of Mttnl The eeesion of 1903-4 opens Wednesday, September 14. For caUtyl address, REGISTRAR University of Oregon, Tho Democratic party was only eight yenrs behind on the money ques tion. It may be wise to the tariff in another eight or twelve years. It is a little strango that Mr. Lit tleton, who placed Judge Parker in nomination at St. Louis, in a speech which was submitted in advanco to Judge Parker, had nothing to say about his candidate's financial views. It would have becu a courageous thing to have announced them at that time, but it would have undoubtedly havo resulted in the nomination of another candidate. Tho President has shown that ho is for the right. It mnkes no difference to him on whose side is tho right. And the -American people hate a eovrard. IT IB FOR LADIES, TOO. Thtr Cn Stop Their Hair ralllnsr Oat With Ilerplclde. Ladles who have thin hair and whose hair Is falling- out, can prevent the hair falling- out, and thtcken the growth wtth Nowbro's "Herplclde." Besides, Ilerpl clde Is one of the most agreeable h-ilr dressings thero Is. Ilerplclde kills the dandruff germ that eats the hair off at tho root. After the germ Is destroyed, the rpot will shoot up. und the hair grow Ion as ever. Even a sample will con vince any lady that Newbro's Ilerplclde Is an Indispensable toilet requisite It contains no oil or grease, It will not stain ,L .ye- .S0ld by UadlnS druKUta. Semi 10c. in stamps for aample to The Herpl clde Co.. Detroit, Mich. Dh11 J Vv Rnclal Aeot Eugene, Oregon. M1 ! t-Hif !!! lHHHHHHiaillUHUU etiwt ORFfiON STATF NORMA! SrHfifil MONMOUTH 1 -"" '-'" - . ,w...... ... ww. . w w, ...W..I..V.WIM 4. Begins Its 23d year September 20, 1904. Four terms in each tcU year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a courso iofc tember, November, February and April. THE BEST TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Is the Normal Course, with Its assurance of good positions at wages, write tor new catalogue containing full Information era cernlng courses of study,- training in actual teaching afforded under real conditions In town and country schools and full details about advanced courso of study, with the additional advantages attachei Address Secretary, J. B. V. BUTLER, or President. E, D. RE8 LER, Monmouth, Oregon. H8ia-K8tiiitaiaiiiiaiatnHBiiiH8nnw Special Excursion to St. Louis. August 8, 9 and 10, September 5, C and 7 and October 3, 4 and 5 are tho remaining dates upon which tick ets will be sold at tho reduced rates to tho St. Louis fair. These rates apply ovor tho Denver and Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific. For the pat rons of these roads special excursion cars will bo run through from Port land and St. Louis without change. Soo the many points of Interest about tho Mormon capital and take a rldo through nature's picture gallery. During the closing months travel to tho fair will be very heavy. If you contemplate going write W. C. Mc Drlde, general agent at Portland for tho Denver and Rio Grande, for par tlculars of those excursions. 8-5-2m. Y. OT. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL ran Term Opens Monday, Septem ber 26th. SubjeoU Fee 3 months. Arithmetic S Of) Bookkeping QQ Penmanship o Gramuur .. ., 200 Roading and Spelllsg 2!oO Otaer subjects Unght If required. Vor particulars call at Y. M. C. A. OFFICE ft A GOOD APPETIZING MEAL Can nlwnys bo mado on our t- dor and juicy steaks, chops, roasts, filets. Those who Ion choico meats of excellent flavor and succulonco should try i steak, roast or chop from ob nrimn lioof .. Inmli. mutton B 1 - -jn - , 1 veal. Our meats are favonta, with thoso who wish first-eUs and nourishing foods, at reas ablo prices. E. C. Gross. Stats Street Market -"" 1IJ8 IMIMmnwiMIHM taiantHH,, 8, ,,,, I ::::::::A G E N C Y OF: I BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. I GRAIN mm AND SHIPPBRSOTIP TW Oats For Sale. - H0P OERS S11PP,, PC r-.fT gnd stkk SntmTt l J. 6. Graham, Agent, """"'i4MH 207 Commercial St., Salem, On. rWMMHM, Have You Ever Ordered Your Grocerle. from more than nleaart v .7 ' uu " you cau and mS IS? YU W,U flnd th' the "mtmm .,-... corner of CommercW rrrM4wt friiaiaiiiH THE PICK OF THE FOREST Has been taken to supply the stock j lumber In onr varda. Our ' complete with all klnda of lnoB Just received a par load of N' ehingles, also a car of fine m We are able to fill any and aU U of bllla. Come and let us show , our stock. xord and office near 8. P. P depot 'Phone Main 65L QOODALE LUMiEB Cft ""Hmta", !! Uiiiinillli(lt)lfWWT. 'lM