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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1904)
V-'? "i It. b- m : 8 M i iS DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, 8EPTEMBEB 10, 100- ITALIAN : STRIKE RIOTS Home, 8opt, 10. Strike Hots occurred near Milan thin afternoon. General Kscard, in charfro.of tho troops, was riding in n carriage, accompanied by n detective, when tho strikers attempt od to stop tho vehicle Tho dolpctivq was struck on the head, and drew a revolver mid xiiot tho ringleader dead. Other strikers arrived, and n riot en sued. o "On tho Brldgo at Midnight. " bordering on tho melodramatic, but devoid of all tho sensational, shop worn devices so commonly used in tho drama of today, Mr. Cloorgo Klimt's 010,000 production of "On tho Urldgo nt Midnight "comes to us heralded as a moHt reninrkablo production. It is n comedy tTrnniii, sweet pure nnd whole some, with dclluato portions of tho jmtliotlc and a romantic love story throughout, together with magnifi cent lot of oxcoptlonnlly flue sconcry. Tim play takes it namo from tho Inci dent of showing -a "jiiek-knifo" t Russian Assauitedflwio. .. Albany, Or., SeptT iO,--llecause of A despcrato assault on his wife with a butcher knife at jan early hour, yester day morning, llnrf AiSkormnmi a Rus sian Finn, was lodged in the county ail, charged with assault with a laa gorous weapon. Aekorman,- who recently came tb Al bany,, nnd is ttti employe in the Albany tannery began a spree as soon as ho received his week's wages Baturday night. The carousing hnd continued until nearly morning, when Aekorman 's wifo enmc np town, and endeavored to persuadp her inebriate spouse to return home. Failing in this, Airs. Ackcrman returned to thair rooms in n lodging house, nnd knowing the ugly disposi tion of her husband when drunk, locked the doors. Hoon nftdrwnrd Aekorman went homo, and, placing a ladder against the house, climbed in at n window, nnd attacked his wifo, choking her into -insensibility. When sho recovered, ho again assaulted her, this time seizing a murderous looking butcher knife, with which ho made a vicious thrust nt her. Tho woman threw up her linnd to ward off tho blow nnd received a bad slash on tint hand nnd arm. Her screams attracted other roomers in the place, and the brawl was ended, the police being culled to tako charge of tho wlfo-benter. Frinco Herbert Dead. . .Frcidriehsrulic, Sept. 10. Prince Herbert Kismnrck died tills morning nt 10:15 o'clock. Tho end was painless. HI nco lie censed to bo foreign minis X-RADIUMS " i 1 The time is coming -when you must stir up the ground and put out some rose cuttings. Wo wont plenty of roses for the eastern visitors next year. An exchange has a on how n bee stings. settled conviction in ler stinggr. learned article It has been a tho past that lirldco in full operation before tho au dience, allowing a large stcamor to pass tor- "" V10 retirement of his father in tHirnnci. M.n ,i ....... 11..1 .i i i.i 1800, J'rluco Herbert Hisinnrck hnd through tho draw, tho whole being lakon t ,n ,1c n(Tftlr(j . ng n none uy ono pieco or sconory, which is cnrrlod by tho compnny, nnd takes u ncoro of men to handle. A fiiu) company of netoru nro engaged witli tho produc tion. a The Convention of tho Oregon Irriga tion Association Association will bo held at Ontario, Oregon, Septombor 10th to 21st, inclu- nlvo. For this ocoaslon n rato of ono and one-third fnro fnro, on tlio certifi cate plan) from nil points on Orogon lines to Portland nnd return. W. E. COMAX, 12-14-H) Gou. Pas. Agent. Brewer Drug Co. Sniom ami Bluyton, Oregon, phono No 2.101. Directions-Corner Court nnd Liberty. Dose Tako your pat ronngo to nbovo firm whoro you will Ret value received, also fair and hon est treatment. A Prominent Corner. Tho now drug store of tho Hrowor Drug Co. Is at tho comer of Court nnd Liberty stroots. part In public affairs only member of the relchstng. His ntttitude was more of a man not appreciated by his sovereign, and who was waiting in tho background for an opportunity to restlmo his career. o A Carriage for 25c. Tako a cab to or from tho depot for 25c. Simpson's llvory stablas, oppc slto court house. tf o Sure Cure for Piles. Itching pltos produco moisture and causo Itching, this form, as well nil Dllng, Bleeding or Protruding PIloa are cured by Dr. Do-san-ko's Pile Remedy Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 60c a jar at drug gist, or sont by mall. Treaties froo. Wrlto mo about your case. Dr. Bc sanko, Phlla., Pa. Foro salo by Dr, S. C. Stpno, druggist, Flyor Dltchod. Kansas City, Kept. 1D.-A Union Pa-elflr- iiMssongor train was ditched near Junction City, Kansas, this afternoon. 'telephone reports says that 15 nro deiid. The train was tiresuniiiMy Fly er No. 1 coming east, in four sections, and running nu hour lute. Advice to young peliticians: Young man, before you beginto wenr wide brimmed lints and assume, tho airs of incipient statesmanship, 'get a firm hold on a few woll-dcflned -political principles, nnd be prepared to' give a rcason.jffor the faith that is In you that tho .humblest citizen can under stand. Then keep your car closo to tlio ground and you will havo no trouble. Bowing is to be recognized as one of the common branches in ho, Salem public, schools. Boys us well, as girls ure to be taught plain sewing, and the girls are to lenrn darning.' Tho boys linvo always understood that pretty well. . rorn Borealis. running a Sunday school paper.-Au- Woodburn Independent: If tho sa loon keepers of Salem win in the twenty-nine cases brought against them the county will have a pretty bill of costs to pay. . North Bend Post:, Minister Bar rett at Panama is advising Americuus to keep away from Panama as it is no place for an American. The .loscphlno county caves arc naturnl wonders or else they arc wonderful stimulants to the imagina tion of newspaper writers who visit them. They probably are both. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Drug Tho Kugeno dnilies generally have two or threo good-sized editorial con troversies riiging at tlio satno time. But when it comes to an outsider attacking them or their town they gencrnlly fight together. Thoy also never forget to help each othor when there Is need, ns witness this from the Hegister: Tho Guard's press is out of business and undergoing repairs. Tlio last two Issues of tho Evening Guard wore printed on tho Register press, a fact noticeable by tho cleanest print the Guard has worn in many years nnd inndo tho subject of general comment by its renders, some thinking a new prow had been installed in that oflice. Astoria Daily News: From the number of irrigation items in tho in land paper It would sepm thnt thero is a long thirst due country editors. That Tired reeling Entirely removed by Brewer Co.'fl kidney and liver compound. -i Special Excursion to St. Louis. August 8, 9 and 10, Soptember 5, fi nnrl 7 nnd October 3. 4 ana & are the remaining dates upon which tick ets will be sold at the reduced rates to the St. Louis fair. These rates apply over the Denver and Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific. For the pat rons of these roads special excursion cars will be run through from Port land and St. Louis without change. See the many points of interest about the Mormon capital and take a ride through nature's picture gallery. During the closing months travel to the fair will be very heavy. If you contemplate going write W. C. Mc- Bride, general agent at Portland for tho Denver and Rio Grande, for par ticulars of these excursions. 8-5-2m. Full Lino A full line of drugs, stationery, rub ber goods and druggists' sundries at the Brewer Drug Co.'s now store. The Aurora Borealis has boon estab lished five years and has never had a libel suit. Capital Journul. We nro not quito suro yet whether Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bay. On Juno 1st the Southern Pacific Company will resume sale of excur sion tickets to Newport and and Ya qulna Bay, both season and Satur-day-to-Monday tickets will be sold. This popular resort Is growing la fa vor each year, hotel rates are reason able, and tho opportunity for fishing, hunting and sea bathing are unex celled by any other resort on the Pa cific coast. Funeral Rates Reduced. Cabs and carrlaco for funerals at Hro. Hofer is throwing bouquets or Is half price. Simpson's livery, opposite menu enough to Insinunto that we arc Court house. tf Poultry at Stelner's Market Eggs Per dozeu, 25c. Hens 8c. Young chickens 8c. Harrltt &. Lawrence. Eggs Per doz, 25c. Potatoes, Vegetables. Etc Potatoes lc. Onions 214c. Wood, Pane Post, fit Second growth $5.75. Arh $3.00 to $3.75. Grub oak $6.50. Cedar posts 12c. Hide. Porta and ur Green Hides, No. 1 6c. Green Hides, No. 2 4c. ., Calf Skins 45c. 8heep 75c. 4 Goat Skins 26o to 11.11. Grain and Frour. Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt. Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.75. Wheat SOc. Live Stock Markat Steers 22c. Cows llc ' Sheep $1.502.00. Dressed veal 45c. Fat hogs 55&c. Hay, Fed. EU, ' Baled cheat $10?11. Baled clover $10. Bran $22.50. Eggs 23c, cash. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co, i Eggs 16c. cash. Buttor-2527. Butter fat 22c, at station. PORTLAND MARKET Wheat-Walla Wnlla, 70c. Valley 83c. jfiour ruruana, Dest grade Ji,. Oats Cholco white, $1.20(aijs Barley Feed, $20 per ton; Millstuff Bran, $19.00, Hiiv Potatoes Fancy, $1.2501.40 H Eggs Oregon ranch, 23Ca)24c, ' i Poultry Chickens, mixed, DUjy, per pound; turkeys, 1416c. Pork Dressed, GV7c. Beef Dressed, 46c. Veal 67c. Mutton Dressed, 45c. Hops 1903 crop, 2225c. , Wool Valley, 1920c; Eastern oJ egon, 1017c; Mchalr, 30c for chotctl Hides dry, 16 pounds and upviril lots' JLOC. Butter Fancy creamery, 22c. Btu tbs "rf The Kind You HarcAlmnhaj I BlgnMuro of f j r&t - dk. tiUNirs m CURES COUOH8, COLDS, K W DIB, HOARSENESS AOROUP. W I II Wl Din ncmcuj lur imiaren. rieuani to tail 1M danoer In an oierdose. The old original Hemi I so i a oy an Medicine stores in large bottles for CO ot I Writ um wa will Mand unu a XamnU nnni. rl fMt MWWMI Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook tho Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female diseases, all the foregoing wlthuot the knife, or plaster or poison, and with no pain to the patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free D?. . F, Cook I 301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon, f Formerly of Omaha, Neb. GINGHAMS VALUES IN Stirpes, Checks and Solid Colors Goat 7c Per Yard THE GREAT $20,000 SAI F Now Going On At THE LEADER, Mrs. M. E. Eraser Sold Out 271 COMMERCIAL STREET This is the Second Week of the Sale Shrewd buyers should not fail to visit our store before buying.. It will mean dollars saved. We are crowded for room and ,,, .,., disposed of at a phenomenal cost-former se.liu, prices will not bo considered.. Every article in the hou7 edu . T p ZltlT "l look over tho stock of rellablo merchauilso and get prices. P y y t0 come ln and OUTING FLANNELS JOc VALUES Sttipesand Assort ed Cblots Go at 5c Per Yard Pry Goods, LaeW Tailo Made Suits, Coats, Jackets, Skitts, Finishing Goods Black Sateen Petticoats Good Merceriiod Sateen, well and neatly made, 51.00 values, Salo prlco. 75c rino quality Mercerised Sateen Petticoats $1.00 values,. Sale price. 95c Outing Kimonsa Neatly made. ?0c kind at 59c Underwear Xdlea and Children's Underwear "Hosiery.. All on sale, at StBDUOKl) VIUCE3 lame Linens 35c kind, yard 25 ROc klud, yard jqa 7fH5 kind, yard qqj $1.00 kind, yard gO $1.S6 kind, yard 91.00 Napkins, Towels, etc., all reduced according!. Dess Goods Cashmere, Sersc, Cheviot, Alba, tross. Silks, etc, all at great reduc tlons, Space will not permit uj to mention all Uie prices. ONE LOT Or Walking Skirts $USO Values.. Bale price. S2.75 Ladies' Suit and Coat Dep't. Ladies' Rainy Day Stiits One lot of those, suits, assorted col. ore, $12.50 values.. Sale price, $7.50 ONE LOT Or Tailored Suits Made of good materials, Brown, Blue and Black, $18.00 values. Salo price. $ J 2.50 MISSES AND CHILDREN'S JACKETS AND LONG COATS HAVE ALSO HECEIVED A DEEP CUT IN PRICES i vf$ A v Ladies' Jack ets An endless variety, all colors, Made of Kersey, Melton, Broad cloth, etc, going at prices that will astonish you. LADIES DUCK and CRASH SKIRTS Sale Price $1.00 Ladies' TaiW Made Stits In all wool Chovlot Serge, Covert Venetian Cloths, Zlboline, etc., as! sorted colors, $15.00 and $16 50 values.. Sale price. .95 ONE LOT OP Tailored Soits SflS MWH.-B - $ J 5.00 ONE LOT Or Walking Skirts 51.50 values.. Sale price $2.75 FURS FURS FURS And then more Furs.. Wo have without a doubt the largest stock to select from in the city, and high erado furs.. They will go at low prices. Ribbons Ribbons Ribbons OUT PRICES ARE IN ORDER. Millinery Such a stock of millinery Is hard to find In any place.. All late, up-to-date, and tho best of workmanship mmmmm ' I