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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1904)
TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 MLY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER DROS. of the. Philippine commltteo In the ! town and hamlet has arranged a cele- sdnaeMnd Representative! Cooper of bratlon program' and tho week promt Wisconsin, chairman) of the hduae Republican National Ticket For President. 3CT3IDODOU13 ROOSEVELT, of Now York. Vor Vice-President, CIJAS. W. FAIRDANKS, of Indiana, yor Prosldontlal Electers: Q. B. CJmlck, of Clackamas. A. C. Hough, of Jbsephlno. or. n. Kurt? of potk. m&.Voa, of Malheur. . o WHHfTE LABOR WINS BY BALLOT It twTO Ihj worth while keeping a Riftn &o on Australia In tho futtiro. lOvitr thero tho cauao of labor doos witft ran much to striken or lockouts, JSrortttk lrallot kots Its dues. Awrftralla'H third federal cabinet fens made Its appearanco, and oven Kbe plutocratic ond of tho country nil Briila that It la an ablo cnblnot. 3. & "Whtson Is prlmo minister and Vjtnsnror. Ho Is also a compositor. "ea years ago ho was "sticking typo" on. n -paper In Sydney. Onco ho was a. Rnxnn In Lord Carrlngton's Btnblcs. KTo rose bocauBO It was In him to rise. Odor' members of tho cabinet arc. SkJc Rn&or, who was n miner; Mr. Slofjtais, an umbrolla maker; Mr. Mc KJtKffir, an agricultural laborer; Mr. Hfettdhulor an onglno flttor; Mr. Ma team, u reporter. JV cluator of labor members hold In fflielr hands tho jolltlcal fortunos of t contlnnnL They run things very much as any otJior not or men would run thorn, l&amwmy appeals to thorn, becauso nwesalty 1ms all their lives mado Vacm tfnlfty. Thoy are all woll edit ted, for ovon In Australia the pub Sle wtfhool has reachod a high stato or tdnolunoy. They have a keen sonso ot iuatlco, for tho reason that they JhaTB "neon close to that Injustice that iw often reachos tho. plain people Thny nro woll postod on- tho needs oC Uiclr country, and In their hands It a bcllovod thnt Australia is safo. It Bectnn strange In a land dominat deminat ed: by royalty, and whore ancostry Is everything, that It ghould havo boon po-adblo for labor" to tako hold of tho reins of government, and that destiny whould iinvo gono to tho workbonch, I k jHlnlor's caso, tho mine and the violl to socuro lalont for tho cabinet of a Krunt country. If Australia continues to proBpor mulcr tho now order of things, tho ennoo of labor will havo socurod now advancement. o ALWAY8 TOO BUSY. Are wo too busy to live today? Ih that tho roavon wo put off living until tomorrow? ,rhro0U a frlonJ whom wo Iiottttl' Uko to visit. Tho days, tho wuolw, & ywirs go He and we havo not vllml. Tho friend Is tnkeu a way, Wo havn put off (he visit too long; wo wwrw too busy. I committee on Insular-affaire. e: c Sale of Hfitorlc Ma no-. York. Pa., Aug. 13. The historic tract of land In York county known as Sprlngettsbury Manor was put up for salo Uy the shorlff today. The manor ombracos 14,100i) acres, roprosontlng an original surv"oy mado by Governor Kolth In 1722, acordlng to the terms of a troaty with tho Conestoga In dians, Tho land was named in honor of Sprlngott Penn, a grandson of Wil liam Penn. Jamos Smith of Yorktown, a signer of ithe Declaration of Inde pendence, wa? at one tlmo an ownor of tne tract, and built upon It the famous Codorus forge, which turned out cannon balls and grape shot for the Continental army. The ruins of tho old forgo aro still standing, as are also the manor house, Intact and still Inhabited, a flint mill, and other original buildings of the colonial period. o sea to be a notable one la the history of the state. Former sonjftand dau ghters of Maine ard arriving in largo numbers from New Yorki Ohio, Indi ana, Iowa, Michigan and numerous other states, some coming from as far as California, Washington and Oregon. o Good Splits. Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source is the liver and all the fine spirits ever made In the Bluo Grass state could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred and one HI effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver nt tho same time. Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and successful In your pursuits. You can put your liver In fine condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thlrty-flvo years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active , 1904. rfJf I k """tWAIB R V m timiSMISfflw iJlj Farmers Surf Holiday. S?" i it )7"D,sf and thus Insur yu a i,brai sup atcr Dav" wlilrh hml Hre nr4f?ln In . ' -- - ..(-,... ... - enl.lta" rn.i.i -f-- nr.. tho eighteenth century-was duly ob- " ,,," Lmla ,. a . 7 77' .., i ,-i- i i . regular bottles, 75c. At all drugg sts. sorvod today by the farmers of Ocean A n 0,n, . .,,. ft n1 fnnmAiil t MstmtfnM PFt. . .1 .. -..-. - " uu HIWWIHUUMI -UUUUUO, my uv was I spont In feasting on the good things Machine Blew Up. a fanner's wifo known so well how G. A. Harth, pf Fairfield, seems to o prepare, In bathing and In frollck- bo traveling under an unlucky star. Ing on the strand. Last yeap h,8 engne fo ,nto ft dUch Guests from tho neighboring sum- and was completely wrecked, and rea mer bote s turned out In large num- terdny he had the misfortune to have u. io ymw mo piciuresquo scene. nlg se,)arator blow up. He was head- Tin MnthJnrr ntttnta n ..! ... 1... . ;"w 1' " " " "a """"' wo,u "' Ing and threshing at Mart Waterman's tho farmers and their families wore pIaco on Elght M1Io when ow, to romarkablo for variety and originality. an abunaanco of smut havlnff colIectod Af or a dip In Old Neptuno the ,n nIs machlnco, a combustion occur- country folk had luncheon which they re(l, Uestroy,ng tho SCparator and cans- carried in baskets and boxes and then i ,naa . M- .- , ,,., t1ft t?llt l m th J'00,0'" ?n1 nC0Unt" As !t happonod ihey wero heading and ored the fakirs. A dancing platform no graln wa 8tacke w thp ,0S3 rjTi"?' ": . h!i:'nB ""? cn- h.v bMn mch Ml, A ..t. " """" """' ""g "- '" f tlo wheat was burned, however, and , also a straw stack near by. No In- St. Pau Minn., Aug. 13. Tho om- Mnaa , w ...n. i. .., ,. clal train bearing tho Minnesota G. A. Dalles 'chronicle. ' ' ii. vuierans io uoston ion St. Taul this '"Tta Too Much Power In One Man. Wo often hear of tho "one man power" in our government and always find that allusion Is made to the chief executive. It suits the partisan pirn poses of the "opposition," no matter which party may be, for the time be ing repre3ented" therein, to seek to make political capital In this way. The amiable experts In unnecessary noise always find this a profitable theme. But our constitution' hedges tho Ex ecutive about with so many checks and restrictions that It Is the fault of tho people or their representatives If he assumes and asserts prerogatives not properly vested in him. There Is, however, In the opinion of the Sentry, a one man power that Is anomalous and dangerous in the high est degree. It resides, strangely enough, In the judiciary branch of our admirable Republican system. It Is the tremendous, the uncontrolled, the Irreversible power resting In the hand of the one man who gives the casting vote In the framing of a decision of . , . Ayer's heny Pectoral hZ ronenms I fr& vears. If you want additional proof, ask your own familv physician. We will abide oy nis aecision. opinion shall pormlt reversal. Some propose that a two-thlrds vote of all the judges hearing the caso should be required, In the court cf last resort, to frame a final decis ion This would unquestionably tend to convince tho public that justice prevailed But slnco It would often bo impossible to secure a two-thirds vote on either side, many cases must ispse through failure to decide them and the questions at Issue would thus remain unsettled for Indefinite periods. It Is possible, however, that If a two-thirds vote were really required, the effect would be, as has manifestly been tho case in Jury trials where a unanimous vote on a verdict Is neces srry, to bring about a more deliberate consideration and a conclusive decte Teacher's Examination Notice is hereby glvon tnat thee ty superintendent of Marlon coJ will hold tho regular examination i niinllrnnts for stktft nnH ,.,. ,.. """UJtal pers at tne county court house, laj lent, Oregon, beginning - day, August 10 th, at 9 o'clock a. " and continuing until Saturday, i, gust latn, at 4 o'ciocit E. T. MOORES Superintend! saiem, uregon, juiy za, 1904. 7-28-5t-eod o Notice to contracto-a and Buildup Sealed bids for the construction 4 n nn1iny1 VimiCA tn J-1(o tlt V 1AI .. Inn In manv cases which are now left," """' """" vx.Q.w.t u. i.ju In an unsatisfactory state, though ! Hon county, Oregon, will be receta nominally decided by a narrow mar-J by the undersigned until August IS gin of one. Legislative wisdom will 1904, pians and specifications rlnb, doubtless arrive at some solution oi this vexed question, but as the mattor now Mands, the two-thirds vote sug gestion Is, In the opinion of The Sen try the best that lias yet been made. Meantime, the "one man power" entrenched and embedded In , on file at my residence 2 mils southeast of Turner, on, tho Malta road. Tho bids will bo opened at i; o'clock p. m. on tho above date, il which tlmo the contract will be let ti the lowest responsible bidder, Till court afternooni Tho oxcurslonlsts number aoveral hundred and repre sent all pap's of tho stato. Governor Gee-vale Woman Sick. Dr. J. C. Booth drove up to the (nil nnin n illdinnin t9 Aft mIIa fi.. Vnn Honf ,..!, I -, ,. " """ " '""'- " " unit, ouu- "' , ,"" . V .. tumm"""ur day to attend Mb. H. Hcrkenrath 1 I or the luhgs. Mrs. II. was able Mon- Hnm . . 'ay o como to this place, where she. Itannr m 7 ' a . . ,00k the traln for GcrvaIs whoro she t,an rrnn. n ,S' t r-"?re,0,a will visit her mother for awhile, after 21? n , 10n:rCm0r8 ,0 Seattle-Lebanon Advertiser. Maine for tho colubrat on of o d Home week. Tho celobra'lou will be- Miss Fianco3 Yoder roturned to her gin tomorrow with spoclal rollgloua homo In Hubbard-last ovonlnj,1, after borvices in an cnurciies. Evory city, a visit In this city. FASHIONS AT EASTERN RESORT Ah this beautiful city by the soa ls.,h Htlrt which was of srh , - " -j- tho stronghold of the yachtsnmu, It' the supreme States. In a trial Involving the ownership or value of a sheep before a justice of the peace, tho jury must be unani mous. But In our highest tribunal, a trial Involving hundreds of millions of money, the permanent policy of the government, possibly the fate of the nation Itself, may be decided either way by the whims or prejudice of a single justice. The opinion of one man In 1877 de cided the momentous questions as to who should be tho President of tho United States during the nesulng four years. That decision carried with It Ineffaceable Influences on the current of American history, yet a change of one vote would have converted the minority of the electoral tribunal Into a majority and that one vote was cast by a Justice of the supreme court. The constitutionality of tho Income tax was adversely decided by a single vote. In the greatest patent suit of the nineteenth century, the Bell Tolephono and Drawbaugh caso, the court was divided Into a majority and a minority with the dlrterenco of only one. The question as to whether the con. stltutlon follows tho flair was setttaH In a way so confusing and Inconclu Hlve as to bo still tho subject of won- derlng controversy, but the settlement readied certain questions with suffi cient clearness to make vital changes our concoptlons of tho national of the Un ted tho hlghe.t ranks of our Judiciary, a board reserves the right to reject ay W UHHvH I iHHr) nil lililn nightmare to litigants and an aggrava tlon to the people. THE SENTRY. Note Responsibility for the opin ions and utterances of "The Sentry" Is assumed by the eSntry Box bureau, of 825 Vermont avenue, Washington, D. C. EDITOR. Notice to Tax Payers. The board of equalization for Marl on county, Oregon, will meet at the office of the county clerk on Monday, August 29, 1904, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and will remain In session each suc cessive day for one week. All parties Interested are requested to appear and examine their assess ment for the year 1904, and have all errors corrected by said board, If any there be, as no corrections can be mado after the adjournment of said board CHARLES LEMBCKE. Assessor of Marlon County, Oregon. Salem, August 8th, 1904. and all bids. Da'ed July 28, 1904'. W. D. SALISBURY, 7-29-15 Clerk Dlst. No. Ill o Much Cheaper. Cheaper than wood. Try It and lei I One of our now gas ranges. Cltliet Light & Traction Co. 7-22 In function and-one man hold tho bal ance of powor. Vast coiuequoneos affecting the fin It i .1 i a . - ... . h...o umi interests or millions of -ha.lo thnt nn .rinrinf .nntrnu, ..n..n.. .- " VUIIIKU. llPaillli mn-,, ,1... , . . .. iiniiiuillv iim.ui ti,t n, ., Tho corsnuo wiih ..,,,.i i..u I. ' ... ' """ '"'"' lno oruiern ... ... ....,. ,,,Ui WIV vua. , ..- ,.... .uu iiuu.i isornrm.ia ,innii.. ... ,l,i.. ... ...... I "- "I UIO nut mattor, and If pootry can bo ovolv- Thert la pleasure to bo found In n "l from flannel or sorgo. It cortnlnlv tuiuos of his fair visitors Is an Import-1 0? r"iffou fol,,s ovor which the lnco .. ,....(Ua iioiu mm iium, rrom tna bhm.ldors drooped tluoe wldo K)Intsd ,ni-o tabs, with tho trailing vino pnt- iiiuo trip to the eountry. It would , exists at Newport. The yachting suit i9ni ovor n ri,n mi' ",V , wu tho husband and mother and bo thai Pleases tho Newport beauty Is ' J L, rol t 0,T" l" lbvo holiday for tho oh.ldron. Wo put PlolntR mado skirts that , not umU t 1 1 L Mn M Huff uU kh. othor time, and that ll.t dock, a half-light medium length ? ,2 ! ,, "?"! !. Uor tlmo seems never to como. Wo n nhmyn too busy. Thro nro a humlrod llttlo kind ncscM wo shotthl do If wo only had th tima Tho chiinoos putt, tho Umi IMtvor aimM. Wo nr too busy for in )ludnoHma. IVaawioo buny totlay; w nra ti by., Wo r too busy ytflu u n, iok out. Tutmi Ju Ututt for woryUUiig If ! tho inott ImiHHiant UilitKs flwt. V uru too buy ovtr trivial tuultvn tu ml Uio roal BotHt Hit of llvtin?. When wo gut ovor our huri wo imn!i ounolrtM to btgtn to live. Ami w vor Kt ovr our hurrn. 8we day we shall Mv as w wink, Mti olitml otirwlw luio bilvtHK. iUit Ui some day mmt mnnm. W ctwuj, w iwu. himI w iMver aatow th Joy of II r. We hav Uh loo Imtiy guiaK rwdy to live. Tuo buy ilway tv Uut). iiinknt wit i. .... ... . "... i ' --i'. ...uivu una itoammii '" ''. ..ft imjuiid iyi- 'oc'.lilino lib motalllo butlons on front and! ' Bleovos. A cotton and linen iiHitorlal i,elty accessories nr v. .!. u while or various blue shades, white n" 0" c' pes ?". Ing , Z or bluo sorgo, plain whlto or twlUwi tCM i m,nis or , ' ,lf 1 , flanuol meet the proaoat requirements Z r J 8)n f of this fnshlonnble plauo. Wancy strip-'rntiin im, ....,.... . inmmeu oi flannel, trimmed with a solid color ' .. ' ": ii always at u active. A few Htons nro stilt worn and eonwUmei elaborately trimmed by si Ik embroidery or whlto llk facings, din ted with blaok buttoiui ami blnok braid stiapa thee however are In a small minority. Shuon for j-aohtlug or tennU natoiiUk one at n BitU glance, so tilek and 1tavy are they. Of wklte iHivktMn or rann with such rubber M'et thnt (hey woiikl seem to defy the elemeuta. Yachting hat aro un UMUMlly lame, umi It now llUt0 tB ti io bend tke brim at tke fwu a UMIe over the fomkeHil. a tilt whtek U luualkj- bmiiHltt. ntack faclig lve contratt u the Hgkt stmw. and one kaHdeoote ostrk-k feather wltk a. I aM silk ilraitlttK Imiwrti pulrll daak, Manila Day nt the Fair. $t. UHiki, Ma. Awe U lu tHde IkrutWw of ike aiuilverwury ox tbe ct. tU of Ike city of Mutttki by the Awdi truojte ik HMMflHHW r &i wxMfW'a fair doaimatod Unlay aa It vvd to k,o en of tke red iottr L:o.t .4irJv Ju -..- ttl ) of me Mk fair tu date. Tfco Ka posed of narrow Vnl odging one row. Ju.i ovorlapp'lng tho othor. and so kldfuily put together that the yoke )te perfectly flat not a crinkle, not a packer. Other handsome jokos win nero are of the new open eyelet OTH..irwery. a very pretty one was ormiMwed of 17 goree, of courso nar rowing nt the neck, each gore how a spray of eyelet embroldeiy. The Ikilch or round colhir Is 1 favor be cause new, hnml embroidery U a fre tiuent ornanionliiUott. and frills pre ve atlfTnes. A cokwed rlld.ou Is. 'rawn uwler the oolkir and tied at thv flXHlt. Lumber and Supplies. This Is the time to build your new house. You can get all kinds of lumber, moldings, jambs, stops, water tables, etc., of fine soft yellow fir from us at lowest prices. Send in your bills and get our figures or call and seo us. 8-ll-3t BRYAN. LUCAS LUMBER CO. Wb? pay high rates of Insurance 01 unexposed dwellings? The old lis companies charge you $3 for $500 of Insurance, while- for 75 ceati yearly you caa got the same amount by becoming a member ot the Oregon Fire Relief Association OF M'MINNVILLE, OREGON. a home companiy working for horns insurance on a homo plan. Let me tell you about It, H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy, Blk.. H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy Block, Salem. Head office McMlnnvllle, Oregon. fiaM0Mcisess80sae iwwwwe Tke leaden of society wir muni. Wllk .Jewelry tkla mawt. largely however. re-lnf atu!.iuraAlim, b. 1.. .... .. . lck kau. atltcifd L. - ..'.v. "T. "T" '" l'u'""-J tkrmurtMMU au4 mmA wltk whit. .T ' LT, ZZ? "T .and. '.l urmal h.. ....i I. " . w" wr" w'i favo e umntal eoUura and neik laeos win are atto eea oh yackthur itartlaa tUM Society. At of the fkllipJ wm, wmiM amuttl rouakm biH kiW ketv, umi ik MMplao eeteey at tt wjxtMii toek part Ih ike tlaj'a twee) out f ats-kL a oewU l'a a tvo hire kowovtr meeta wltk ktitk cuuA.Mii iv i..i .. .t.. tMsram. ktok cwrta Q( Mekekrhte tacy waTttuatrated at "Z, wmottH ittu epdkere h oS4rUr" of War Tmft, Colonel Kvward(, Chief of kfi lnuter llureau, datierals Chaffo wa Mnrltt, Senator Ixdg, ckalnaan uoi etHlrelj' laid aside. ere nvu before In snefe deaiand. tho ier leoowlHp akaoet a neewtty In W.le eMHieled .. k w K7n. w ymv "re,,WM w nall- . .. . n,v w. HW H- jure. low round or ..,n leck. roitkiH ckalae. ameikyat aecke. M'ptlaa okala. awojthysl . o eollara forraotl of the tin Iwt of gokl beada coHlotHlne an Ori. oaial do4n camied wt by means of terser cotonkl jowoks, the coMar being trnllthr Maea. Tko laoo imrarw r.. - h Rldea by 86d nearls. ky 'lliw drunrtita. snd 10a to kora tho hoste&a wore a rctetume of I4ne L with laeo annli. .ne la a ckryaanihenium luttera with Slllirpmn court which divided them, as often previously, on tho lino of five to four. We loso something of our faith In the court's Infallibility when wo reach that the four dlssentors nro equally as liHolllgont, honest and learned as their victorious colleaguo they aro merely unu ios numerous. The clorgy warn us not to put trust In rlchoa and tho supremo court decldos that It Is crim inal to put rlcho In trusts by a ma Jorlty of one. In theory all of us are equal, but tho august bonch with only just enough votes to settle it Jologatee our little brown brothors to an ln.ioiinite period of probation and iiuemge. What Is tho remody? That Is ,iif. flcult quostlon, worthy tho most seri ous consideration of the wlsost legis lniors. Some claim that It Is better thnt a quostlon tw decided wrongly thntii nnt lat.ln,i n. .. n,. . . . - ""w ! inis 18 true in tho caso of minor Judicial deter mination wnere the right of appeal oxlsts and where the wrongful decision may possibly be corrected bv IiIbi.p,. authority Krorn the suoremo ,nrt 01 me i-niiea Stales there U no niv fpoa). hence, an erroneous decision ,i. utand n the law of the land unti: a locofttututetl court w a vMl uf MEN ARE POWERLESS TT.?LM "' I"'"'" Vnt, ifk Z"V,L J Cammm.. V er --- -'wt 1 A PEEP INTO OUW ICE HOUSE will show you why it Is that our meats are always fresh and appetizing In the hottest weather, when meats would spoil If not properly cared for. u would also show some of tho fnttest sides of beof, tonder and fine quarters of lamb and mutton. Our meats are high grade and low priced. E. C. Cross. State Street Market. I gyMMMTtMM XSZESUJ Pihii iiiiii.1 m, I,,, lutmmanmwmmu mmu Tli ej Mrlkr .t the t'-d.,l,.Vc " altle term will prwper Is 11L- p.r vnter from Ihe icean o prevent A??!1 from rUlnr- i"ent the tide Yon cannot accomplh a satir.t. cure without having a right umUnu7 l??Mith rundaraw" uror'?he You must kill the Dandrutt Qtm. Newhro;. llerplclde OoeaVhuuw It Whn the arrj Is wmoveO. the jiir has no choice but to rwurae hLlthv growth and buty, un8 neaithy .ft2fJW th" CUW ou "W the Phene: Mam 2953. ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 Commercial St urer The Journal. f ??o K'NTIMG AND wrn8tt IK TREXMENT twoarecom &' t of tho poor ,&S. PROOFS SUBMITTED vn all WORK. THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY yj -oiumcrclnl St., Salem, Or. tj I) .j-n ,.... . L-.raa j:iv HEtMa -rajai'4a.Jtll, M 1 rf "WTllllHll).iaitt THE PICK OF THE FOREST 1 I 11 Has been taken to supply the stock of. lumber In our yards. Our stock 1! ! complete with all kinds of lumber.;; JuBt received a car load of No. 1 shingles, also a car of fine Bhakes-i i We are able to ail any and all kind; ; of bills. Come and let ub show yon; ; our stock. ! . Yard and office near S, P. paOTanger! ! uepou 'Phone Mala 651 :: . OOODALE LUMBER CO. ZrM wiiaete?nm whotefe 7n,'ViMi : Ml Une or ll,uo ifd L,253 Com.a, Street ' ; VoBiier brand-the bt S1i?bP0 - ' I I ill . v,viliU. mn j. yrJt ap AKMt " a iae city iimit8. ,Ph "" A" orders filled and Me- . m444JeWn list