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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1904)
"rwjpjsr . ,. EIQHT OA.UY llNT-1 "" "- MONDAY, JULY 25, 19H J. L Stockton & Co. r i ii . . - ujiiiin milk j"' 1 I I II "THE STORE The Old White Corner Corner Commercial and Court Street ff , . -. -J---. r - rrjrrrs"rr r utore that guarantees sausiacuou ur '-"' "" patronage of tho peop!e-nd It Is the people's etore. THE DRY 000D3 STORE THE CLOTHING STORE THE SHOE STORE THE GLOVE STORE THE SILK STORE THE HOSIERY STORE THE TRUNK STORE THE BLANKET STORE THE PATTERN STORE THE SKIRT STORE THE SUIT STORE THE CORSET STORE Thoroughbred Hats AH tho now shapes for fall Just received. Each, hat Is bo11 with, a positivo guarantee of satisfaction. Money back If you are not satisfied SSSSSSSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSBsW ' Waldorf Dress Hat Tho now fall Bhnpo, Ju.t received. WE ARE THE FIR8T to show tho now approved Lewis and Clark shapo, tho stylo that was approved by tho Lowls and Clark commltto and Is tho ofllclat LEW IS AND CLARK HAT. SPECIAL SALE OF ALL 8TRAW HATS You can isftvo money at this handy store of ours. Clothing iot Men and Boys You can save money by buying clothing at our store. We give you an honest deal on honest goods. We are offering special prices to make room for the famous STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING, which will arrive In a short time. MmmWcvB iTfciwflll I YO'It'Wil.M iWlv V Stockton's iiwsIS" Read Xt La lies' Washable SUrt-Waist Suits reduced one third. Ladles' Shirt Waists reduced from 25 to DO per cent. ONE-FOURTH AND ONE-HALF REDUC-TION. 3c, Be, 11c, EMBROIDERIES' Worth twice tho price asked for thenu, WASH SKIRTS , Several Noes aro reduced to HALF PRICE. CRASH SKIRTS for outing and vacation wear re duced to 25c each, HALF PRICE. WASH GOODS All wash gooJu have been reduced to closo them out. Ask to See Out 25c Shit Waists PARASOLS HALF PRICE flBfli I1 HHHk IssKisssssssssssLsW The i On Time Every Time . . .1,1. na a motto and live up to It. Wo don't prom- We have aaoyicu. . lse a job tomorrow and deliver It next week or next month-It will be on hand when promised, or before. you have a job of work you want done Quickly, neatly and at a reasonable price, call up Main 2824 and we will call and get It and deliver It on time. Try us; . aro doing some fine prlnt.nB now printing that attracts. -----, The Gault Printing Company ON TIME EVERY TIME. Y. M. C. A. Building 71 Chemeketa Street Phone 2824 Main. SALEM OREGON Shoe Stof e Shoes for men, women and children BARRY SHOES FOR MEN $4.00 and $5.00 Patent corono colt, guaranteed not to crack through. SELZ ROYAL BLUE $3.50 lb all styles for men. SELZ LEGAL TENDER $1.50 The best shoo ever sold In America for the price. LADIES' HIGH-GRADE SHOES CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES LADIES AND CHIDREN'S OXFORDS Camping Blankets 800 faps Jut, received, Wo havo everything fon tho summer vacation Coset Special Ladles' hig-h-grado Royal Worcester Corsets. Our regular $1.25 values Special 89c each. HOTELS The Willamette. J. B. Desmond, Portland. C. D. Frazlen Portland. J. Lowengart, Portland. J. J. Tyredall, Portland. Thomas Friant and wife, Oakland, California. M. Frederick, San Francisco. Rev Ray Gilbert. Boston. A. Peters, San Francisco. J. E. Levy and wife. New York. Chas. A. Burden and wife, Eugene. F. J. Lichtenburg, Chicago. O. H. Swansom, Chicago. S. D. Vincent, Chicago. B. C. Clement, Portland. W. A. Robinson, San Francisco. Quiet at Bonesteel. Bonesteel, S. D., July 25. Order pre vails here today. Most of the 600 crooks and grafters have left the country. REMEMBER WE HAVE MOVED OUR CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE TO THE NEW BUILDING ADJOINING THE WHITE CORNER OUR am KUtf nnilUAi ga HMMHiNHHHIHWHHsMHsWi Going to St. Louis? Of the Coast? Or to the Mountains? You'll suroly need a suit case or bag of some sort to carry your thtngu. Let us toll you In n fow word that wo havo tho best of lines of traveling bags, otc, etc., in tho city. Lowest prices. Girl Seriously Injured. Orojion City July 26 -lxttu WlhJoin aped 8 yw, of Damascus, Gteokanvaa county mt with a JJs tivsatnjj aecldoct Saturday. Palling from horru :! auiinlnwl a serious froutufe of hr .rf troi. The forvarm was not only fo-iwn frci tto socket, but Uk bone was tUniitt throuah tho lleuh of tho ani, tho gtrVa drtww and Into the gtound Tho jvatiout wn brought to th4 city fur treatment, and tho attending phy Ulan fears that blood-poisoning will itwtK from tho Injury. 0 Called on President. Oyster Hoy. July 26. Senator Mil lard, of Nebraska; (5 on oral Granville JDodRtv of New York; Silas. McKee, od 'Iter of tho Churrhnmn, and M. II. Do T i Young, of tho San Francdieo Chron Iclu. tailed on President Roosevelt. i fa mm The Small Things aro given Particular Attention Ik w,t &4ro, A ton cnt job receive tho aiuo care and nttnUou whn repajrlng It, as a ten dollar Job This u whst has bum our builniws up to it's praent hlgfc standard nd proportion. Our repair dsrtment t whoro we Hve and Ita a conwaou fact that when work hat hem a failure ttloow barest flnds Its vjr to us and U made, th same as new. Vople llvlnc along 1L F D, can send us thtfr work and get It back tho next day. Try tho up-to-dat Watch and Jewolry Hopalrer Chas. H Hinges, PlonMr Opllalan. 88 8UU 8trt Nsxt door to Lsdd A Bush Dank ' Aged Lady Died, Mra. Rhoda Tucker diod at the homo of hor son lm South Snloni on Sunday nlptht, aged 79 yoars and 3 niontlw. Dcceasod was born In New York n'ato, and camo to Oregon sev eral years ago. The funoral services will bo hold at the Leslie M. E. church Tuesday afternoon, and will be con ducted by Rev. RoyaL and tho Inter mant wlH bt made in l.eo Mission xmtory. Docat.tHl loaves eight children, as Mlev: B. B. Tucker and Valnwr Stoker, of Salem: Mary Wlson and T. I Tuckor, of Htalr. Nebraska; Hw rlett lrojton and Harry Tucker, of John Dab", Oregon; Stephen Tuckor. of Seattle, and Hlla Heutly. of Myrtle Creek, OrORon. Ber0 Tttl KM Yw Haw Um BWfiH NEW TODAY WantedBrrUc. trustworthy roan or woma to wxwk In Oregon, ropre soUnK largo Manufacturing com Hft)". SaJtiry $40 to $90 per oh. P&W woWy; xpe a-aca. AJ di8 wh st&wp. J. H. Moore 725-3t Albany Odd Fellows' Anniversary. Albany Lodge, No. 4, 1. O. O. F., will Tuesday evening celebrate tho 60th anniversary of tho lodge in that city. The Rebekahs and Odd Fellows are making great preparations for the went, which will bo attended by a number of prominent members of the organization. Some Wheel Snaps We can make it very Interesting for either lady or gentleman customers for wheels'. There Is a $50 gent's Pierce roadster, scarcely soiled, $35.00. A $40.00 gent's Tribune, in perfect order, ridden but a little, $25.00. A $45.00 Wolf American in equally good order, $25.00. All above new goods and only re cently reclaimed. There are a few ex cellent snaps in second-hand wheels, both ladles' and gentlemen's. Worth your while to see. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty St. Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. MARCH FOR THE MESSIAH Winnipeg, Man., July 25. Douklro bors havo started on) another march in search of the Reedeemer, and refuse all asislstanw except a fow ragfc which can, hardly bo called clothing, and it ia feared that unless tho journey can be stopped many will die. Tho Dominion, government will leave notlhlng undone to stop tho sec ond) pilgrimage of the Doukhorbors in search of the Messiah. The children aro being convoyed in carts, drawn, by men and' women. They aro traveling through the Dau phin district Three constables have been sent out to arrest the leaders. HWMMIIIIIHIIMHIWItM Gold Bust Flout Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for it Bran and shorts always on hand. i P. B. Wallace i AGENT WWWWtWWM awf )WMM BICYCLE HOSPITAL. Best work at honest prices. Tires, Rims, Coaster Brakes and all other repairs. All work ful- S ly guaranteed. Free air In connection. F. J. MOORE. 0 t Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & BuBh'e Bank, Salem, Or. " . .. . . .. i m mmMtammmmmmtmt MMJLlM. MX9 WW'tWJMkV WM L9 f M v jpmojples JBAnawriirovrs& We Ate Overstocked Out Stoe I ' IS FILLED FROM THE FLOOR TO THE CEILING. We Must Have ROOM FOR OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK. ' We Believe THAT LITTLE PR.CES WILL CLEAN THE SHELVES. ' ' Before You Buy N THE DRY GOODS LINP .. ' uurl ICESTHE G00DS MUST G0 Yout Dollar W.LL HAVE THE SAME BUYING POWER DUR.NG THIS SALE AS TWO nnn fc AS TWO DOLLARS ANY OTHER TIME. Out Sto?e ,S TOO SMALL-THAT IS THE REASON WE HAVE TO SACRinrr n, DATE MERCHANDISE SPLENDID STOCK OF UP-TO- I '. , k4&? ,i- ft . ANYTHING If No Reserve )OK AND CORNER OF THE ""- tii.u ut KEPT IN FULL m eJ uc aiAHTS AT 8 O WANTED.-TWO FIRST-CLASS 1 "" THIS SALE EXTENDS TO EVERV unw ... MONDAY MORNING AND WILL BE KEPTINFLm STRE SALE STARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK M'EVOY BRPlgrcii7s5r i i IWMMIHHI1 HHIK IMIMIIIIMMWtw!!