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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1904)
M "39? EIGHT" DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL," SAtiEM; OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1904. THE JSTOCKTON'S THE STORE AT THE OLD WHITE CORNER AND THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ANNEX Yesterday wo began erecting our shelving and moving our stock Jnto our new annex to Tho Old Whlto Corner, Our facilities for handling rood aro greatly improved by this move and from now on our Uro will tako tho lead as "Salem'a Bost Store." No other Arm ever mado uch progress in Salem as wo have. Hardly a year has passed ilnco wo bought tho Holverson store and already we have increased tho buslnoss to the best In the Wiilamctto Valley. Don't Worey, Bat Watch Us Gow Now lines will bo continually added and our Btore services will bo gradually Improved. July Clearings Now goods" aro doming in and wo aro anxious to rid ourselves of all our summer goods, In order to do this, great sacrifices will bo mado in many lines, Don't wait until tho stui has cooked you. Come Now to Out Geat July Sale THE 8T0RE STOCKTON'S THE STORE SALEM , BALL TEAM - m J 8EA80NABLE GOODS. DINDING TWINE MACHINE OILS PAINTS AND OILS HAY CARRIERS PULLEYS AND DLOCKS HAY ROPE JONES MOWERS JONES RAKES ; LEAVER BINDER8 DRIVING DUGQIE8 MOLINE WAGONS TENTS AND CAMP CHAIRS FORKS AND RAKES WE HAVE THEM. MANNING & FERGUSON SALEM, OREGON. DELEGATES GALORE NAMED Directors Settle Salaries and Players Are Leaving Town The managers of the Salem base ball club settled last evening with the players of the team, and this morning a number of the players left the city. Nehrlng goes to Washington, Mclnnls to Portland, where he tries out with tho Browns. Downie Is already play ing with Centralla. Wilklns will .go to Chehalls to conduct his bowling alley, Emerson expects to return to his home in California, Callff haa re turned to Oregon City, Williams will take a trip to Portland, Davis Is play ing with Chemawa at the Chautauqua, Lougheed will; remain In Salem and work for the Statesman company, Fay will remain in Salem, and Lucas Js at the encampment, but, of course, he is a local boy, and will be "at home" tp hlB many friends when the boys come marching back. The Raglans p'ayed 43 games and were never Bhut out during the sea son. The members are gentlemen, and made many friends by their excel lent conduct during their residence in the city. Manager Joe Fay Is to be congratulated on the splendid team that ho selected, and the only pity is that tho season was not completed by the southern teams. Professional baseball is probably a thing of the past In the Willamette valley for a Wedding Cabinets .... , n flnfi work in this line, having sev- .. . t tn u&ed for tins ,. . ... .... tn, nra nnnrni riaic iv "- erai aineren ijjie "-work. Birth Notices. Why not have birth notices printed? It saves writing many letters. Come In and let us show what we can do In this particular line. The Gault Printing Company I With tho name " Money- jL bak" in the Patented Sel- f Ff vage docs not cut or fade. W n We are Exclusive Agents. 1 appropriate to ON TIME EVERY TIME. SALEM 'Phone 2824 OREGON - " 'I Y. M. C. A. Building 71 Chemeketa Street, LOWERING TWELFTH STREET PARROT MAKES TROUBLE Southern Pacific and City Be-1 Mixes up With the Mother- gin Work Making Proper Grade The' Southern Pacific Company has number of years, as tho towns are too a crew ot neariy 50 men under charge small to stand the payment of league of Foreman O'Neill lowering its track MIIIIHIIHMliHMIIM BIUYUIU HOSPITAL. Deit work at honoit prices. Tint, Illma, CoaBtor Drakos and cm otnor repairs, All work fill- I T guaranteed. Free air in ; connection. F. J. MOORE. mmninniMmmitm To the Portland State De velopment League Next Month Acting upon tho mass meeting of tho Greater Salem Commercial Club, tho following dolegatos to tho state dovolopment leaguo convention to bo held at Portland August 2, 3, 4, havo boon named on behalf of that orgalza-tlon; B. Ilofer, It. J. Hendricks. J. O. Graham, Jas. M. Kylo, John H. Mo Nary, Tilmon Ford, Frank Derby, Aug. Huckonsteln. F. A. Wiggins, M. Ilredoraelor. County Judge Scott has appointed A. M. LaFollotto, U M. Gilbert, D. W, Smith, David Craig, M. L. Jones, Jacob Voorheos, Itobt. S. Shaw, Mill City; J. D. Barber, Marlon; W. II. Hobson, Stayton. Innnu Tho Rvnnlnir Tfllpirrnm unvn nn TSr'nlf!, afrnf FV I ta itn ACiilf of former state league players now at ChfhttllB' f an agreement reached betweeen the "Downie, another star of Salem, olllclnls of that company and the city was on short. Manager Ruff 3 now fathers some time last year, and is after Fred Nehrlng, who played such baseJ on a survey made by Mr Cui. a fast game for Salem on first base. . , . . ., . .. .. , A. . , , . , , , ,. . ver, In behalf of tho city, and the en- Nehrlng Is a Chehalls boy, and If he wants to come home he will probably Bineer of the Southern Pacific Com- accept the offer. pan'- Tho street win be lowered 0 I from six to 26 Inches, the deepest cut Floto Shows Coming. being on Court street. The street car This monster circus will exhibit in company has also commenced work Salem, July 27. Tho great Floto lowering its track on State street, and in-law for Keeps San Francisco, July 13. Mother-In law, father-in-law and the family par rot, with a goodly pinch of hypno tism, proved too much for tho happl' ness of Mrs. George A. Uynch, and so she hk sued her father-in-law for f20,000 for the loss of her husband. The Lynches describe themselves as an English family of aristocratic lineage!, and so when son George brought home a wife who could not speak of her connection's metronla In Burke's peerage, Mother-in-law Lynch took the family parrot Into consultation and the result was rather startling to the youthful bride. "You're common!" declared the parrot one morning to the young wife as she sipped her coffee with the rest of the family. "Why! I do wish George had shown better taste," continued his pollshlp. eyinc Sttmme Tilings This Is the place to buy them Summer Underwear Summer Waists Summer Corsets Summer Hosiery Summer Dress Goods Summer Gloves Summer Belts ' Prices aro lowest at our store Qualities are highest. mother. But tho wife was up in arms soon after his departure and her suit for $20,000 damages was filed yesterday. The parrot may be called as an important witness In the case. near Mill street on the south. Tho I Mrs. Lynch disapprovingly. "You're Band Concert Tonlaht. shows, known from coast to coast as will aiso later lower it on Chemeketa tho "CircuB Beautiful." Thb wonder- at the Twelfth street crossing. fill tented aggregation will exhibit in The improvement extends from Salem July 27th, and exceptionally Center street on tho north to a point low rates will be made on all rail roavis. ino rioto snows aro Digger railroad comnanv will put ilown its noHltlvoiv rWu-i andbotter than ever this year, and It right of way 14 feet wide, and the Then cold sausages began to play 14 expected that tho thousands of city will bo compelled to remove the an important feature In the pot residents of this community will at- remainder of tho dirt. This will ce- pourl of trouble for the newly wed tend. Tho "Circus Beautiful" has ceasitate considerable expense on the . ded pair. Tho wife was taken sick many attractive features. In fact, too part of tho city for labor it will be ap- and her mother-in-law fed hor on many to individually enumerate here, predated by a largo class. Tho South- cold sausaces. reserving fnr t-n , x i-njwning auracuon is Aiexius, era Pacific Is thus doing a work that meal what were left from tho nre iVin 'rtAKA Ttni-lt TarA It ..Y. A .1.11.. J .. ... . . . . i..o u3 uo.h Maw, uu uuuy is to us credit, and is snowing a ceding meal nins witn aeatn by looping tno loop spirit of fairness and good business on an ordinary wagon wheel. Many eense seldom manifested bv larco cor- men havo looped tho loop in tho old poratlons. This company has alio way, but none havo attempted to done a good piece of work In gradlns dupllcnto the act of Alexius. nnd graveling up Its tracks on Trade Other feature include tho St. I,eon street, leading from tho passenger to ', lamuy or acrooats, imported direct the fre'cht depots, New Dentist. Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab solutely painless, by a new process All work guaranteed for five yeara Gray building. Phono Main 1617. Dog Tax Due. Dog tax is now duo for the year 1904. Dog owners will please pay the tax promptly. D. V. GIBSON, 7-8-lwk Chief of Police. Good buggies aro now being sold during our special sale at tho price of cheap ones. Mitchell, Lowils & Stav er Company, Salem branch. G-30-tf Mother-in-law also fixed her hyp notic oye on the young husband un til she succeeded in getting him to take a trip to Europe, leaving his bride to the tender mercies of his Some Second-Hand Bicycles This Is a good time of year to buy a second-hand wheel to tako you through the dusty weather. It will save you many a stop, and at the price we havo them there is no econ omy in walking. Come and see the assortment of men's and women's wheels. Plenty of bicycle sundries. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FOItD, Over Lftdd k Buh'i Bank, Balom, Or, frnm hYnnnn hv ?h. Vlitn oVirtwia In The , salon, Military Band will give Bo)lo ,ona, the only woman bare I Alrshlo Successful back rider In the world who turns a Montpeller, France. July 13. Count somersault whllo dashing at full Delavaul ascended In his new airship speed around tho ring; John Carroll's this mornlug. and remained for an a concert at Marlon squaro this oven 'Ing. Chicago Market. Chicago, July 13. Wheat, old July, 934(f95U; now. D394: July corn, 48C484. now S. M. George, of Portland, was In the city yesterday. reported to have been successful -o- J' IHIIilllllllHWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl 4 Aro Now Enough Z jjCoachella Cantaloupes ' ' FINER THAN SILK-SWEETER THAN HONEY . , .-j.iaii mhaimu- is me only genuine. For sale by all lead- , , uiirv ouu grocers. j J CAPITAL COMMISSION CO., Sole Agents. :..P?LLVVALLEY PRODUCERS' ABWcftfiSr '. "'"'" "" Illllllll mto.i. WMIIIIMMM ' I YOU WILL NEVER KNOW i What comfott la eye glasses is until yoa get and wear SXJJER3B 03XT i ; yCSuw. mounting. Wc tit these in place of yoor ' cniStptIlCannoyance'canft "me off, also I INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES, : ana omer improved lenses, in fact wc are $ wptothemomentOpticiansandhavc thoasands who I , tariff tetJfi t ........ -f-ifn i .. .. w, uurnomiyio ut tuc most complicated : cases r thrilling 72-horso act; Herr Lltzen's hour over tho sea, watched by tor-j funny Dutch olophants; Mile Arlln pedo destroyers. Tho experiment is mo gin in red; Pror. D. G. Markle's wondorful dog, pony and monkey cir cus; tho Don Hur herd of spotted Large Steamer Launched. Arabian, stallions, known In Arabia Glaigow. July 13. The now Cunard as tho steeds of Black Baglo Feather, liner Caronla, of 21.000 tons, tho larg- in roumrhauio oxnioiuons or equine ost steamship ever built In England, Intelligence a real horso ballet; tho was launched today. Mrs. Choate! Priskorn Drothors, In an extraordinary wife of Ambassador Choato christened bicycle act; the famous Sugloiofs the new vessel, troupe of Japaneso; tho Kllott troupe ' ' of gymnasts In tho Aerial foats, and Mile. Valloolta tho fearless Jungle queon, who porforms a half dosen llonj. tigers and leopards. Then thero will bo funny clowns galoro, 20 or moro The montor free stroet parade a mi:i of opulent ornamental splendor, Is given at 10 a. m. dally, and is fol-' lowed by Uo performances, at 2 p. m. and S p. in. ftufir.(h t $TmK m- v mxv wwisy wiMLwmmm tm FRANK DAVEY Notary Public; conveyancing and examining title?. Life, health nnd accident Insurance. Room 9, Odd Fellows' building, opposite Court House. 1 1 i 1 NEW TODAY f PEOPXJES XAIUUIN1HOVS& For Sale New. high-grade piano, also household furniture. H. C. Stod dard. 3G4 High street. 7-13-3t For Sale. Good work horse; also old wagon and harnoss. Cap. Com Co., , 177 Commercial street 7-l3-3t Chas. H. Hinges A rmnr OptWan. U 8Ut 8tMct. Nt door to L.dd A ..1 The Journal Bulletin Board. Tho Journal bulletin board can al ways bo relied upon to give the latoet new during the day. W believe tho efforts of the pub lishers to giv this service Is appre dated by the public, if the numur who Ually consult it It any indication. - n Impect Rock Road. The county court went out to Uh. erty this afternoon to napt a pi FUrnUhed House to Rent Three or i .ruaa.w roes road, mently cm. 8,x Tioai& tor light housekeeping struct! In that vicinity. Apply at S7 South Commercial Sm VWichToneofthePio"neer ralj "' 7'mt- road conductor of tho S. P rv, ii .. .. .. .. . " has r.ti.rn0,i f,.,. : """' " "a, Co. Livery and trip to the IX ,,; . " Or. Special! iomo in lIUuols. uh6r .w TJ. "'T"011 Siven.o handling baggage Clearance Sale Continued for Wed nesday and Thursday Look over the following list of goods, and see if Uiere is anything you wan if there is come straight to the Chicago store and see how we sell It. It won t cost you one cent to find out the always busy store can - ..- ,-u luncr .nGe8 man you can find elsewhere. Black Peau de Soie Silk. Black India Silk. Read on. Bustle Taffeta Silk. Wash Taffota Silk. Cryatal Cord Silk. Pongee Silk. Lyons Dyo Silk. Wash India Silks. Crepe de Chine Silk. Araure Silks. Cloth of Gold Silk; White China Walsting Silk. Black and Colored aStlns ' Silk Chiffons. Silk Organdies. Scotch Plaid Silks. Colored Dross Goods. Voile Dress Goods. Btamlne Dress Goods.' Scotch Tweeds. Black Armures. Satin Prunellas. Albetross Dress Goods Fncy Brllllantlnes. Colored Brllllantlnes White Voile, White BrllHantlne. White Cashmere. Black Broadcloth. Fancy White Waistings. Oxford Waistings. Mercerized Wni3tings. Lace Stripe Waistings. Silk Stripe Waistings. Black Grenadines. Black India Llnons. Black Summer Lawns. Tan French Lawns Colored French Lawns. Dimities, all Colors. Figured Lawns. Bod, Pink nnd Blue Lawns. Cotton Voiles. White India Llnons, Fancy White Goods. Uoe Striped White GooJa White Dimities. White Mulls. White Nainsooks. Fine Laces. Fine Embroideries. Allover Laces. Medallions. Fancy Trimmings. Stock Collars. TUB GSEAPBST STORE jy TEE NORTHWEST. yartaco. HU father , . nua camp ouiats- IIac Otter very much ' th trip horeoa- 0no hlo t of steamer Iand'n 71S-2m liMintnni. ..., v !!&atLMm .r,W,,,,,tyWtJtf- WWhS i-ikv 'W Tr?mfmmfmmmmm M--m.-:,. , . . . j-ms;,',-!