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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1904)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OnBOON. TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1904 FOUR DAM" CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. SilplEJ OIL ON THE 8TREET8. "Tho proposition to try oil on tho attracts of Salem is one that has 'a sgroot deal of merit. TEao clay soils, with somo sand and Kilt .mixed Into them, more especially rihe jfttot-solls, will be found to make doe oiled roads. XO. who have traveled In California fauow .that the oiled roads on many of tthelr soils make a natural asphalt pavement. Tho wupply of crude oil is practical ity amllmited, and worth from 15 to 25 cents a barrel at the wells In SJakersflold and other places. The expense of a tank and ma chlnery to put it on the roads is very SKraeiD, compared to other road ma chlnery. If Toads are constructed and sur faced with any clay matorlal, and ctilled flrmlyi, and then properly oiled fit will produce a good asphalt. By all means give an oiled street a KrliJ, a thorough trial. It Is high time tibat 13alom. mode a trial of something lia tills Jlno. To sit still with dusty streets In Uitmrmer and muddy streets In winter 'is suicidal aa a public policy, and Sa Sena ipeople will do well to consider anfl aict on any way out of that frame of jmbllc mentality. As a business proposition, crude oil CBbnald 1)0 inexpensive, as wo aro on rdre main, lino of the S. P. Co., the (greatest oil road in tho world. By all ancans let it be given a fair trial by eclty and county. WILL BE AMENDED. 'That the present registration law of VOrBffxo. Is a useless Institution as, far as the smaller towns and cities and coaotry districts of the Etato aro con cerned i conceded In many quarters, smfi. there la not a little agitation in tOre country press of Oregon, revived toy the recent election, for Its abolish ment, or at least for tho confining of 'its application to Portland, and per Sinps one or two of tho other larger -communities of tho slate. It was en acted as a measure to shut out Illegal voting In the state. Thero Is prac tically no chance for illegal voting anywhere In Oregon, except In a city like Portland1; or, perhaps In Astoria, where thoro is a considerable floating Tpopulatloo. Country peoplo ro3ent tho exactions of registration laws as an Infringement of their rights, and as ax uncalled-for and unnecessary on "cnmhorlng of tho franchise Desldes, 'it Is argued that tho provision of tho present law, which allows six free- 'VioldorB to certify to tho quallflca- ( Slons of an olector Is a lamo place that servoa to often dofoat tho purposo of tho lnw. Thla provision was made' for tho relief of actual voters who hero, but thoso things would bo known and the resources of tho'stato developed JusL-as certainly if tho fair yroro never held. It is not necessary to force- evidence of productiveness upon tho tommorclal world. Every where men aro looking for invest ments. Everywhere men nre making now homes. Thoro aro Jit3t as many pioneers now In tho making as there wero In 18C0, or in any other year. They aro in Korea, Japan, tho Philip pines, Mexico, Alaska, Canada, Cali fornia, Oregon In every place where tho soil tho basis of all wealth has possibilities undeveloped. "Tho growth of Oregon is based on this solid foundation tho soil and its productiveness. Agriculture, stock raising, mining, lumbering are the factors of production, and tho water ways themsolvos great channels of trade, add to thoso resources that of tho flsherles. Resting upon these in dustries, yet new In their course, and with , vast tracts of timber, mineral and cultivable land3 yet unoccupied and unopcred for settlement, the fab ric of tho state of Oregon Is still In the building period. "The Lewis and Clark fair will prove beneficial, and should receive endorsement from all sides, yet It Is only a, happening In the life of this Western domain. Just as the mid winter exposition gained temporary prominence for San Francisco, the coming fair will draw attention to Or egon, but the futuro of tho state Is in no wiso dependent upon it. Natural Increase will suroly and substantially create tho futuro of tho Northwest. All that serves to educato the Invest or, Inform tho home-seeker and draw attention from peoplo everywhere, will asslstand accellerate develop ment In every form, but tho futuro of Oregon is w'thout these a certain and substantial growth." credulity Impossible to the fakir with a spiritualism. We might understand how an as cetic, to ail outward appearances burning with holy zeal, could Inspire a following, for slnco tho day of the prophets men have associated spirit ual leadorshlp with, asceticism1. But the prophet who snuggles up to tho fleshpots, who assumes tho airs and habits of a plutocrat his is a Btrange form of rollglous hypnotism. Ignor ing tho basic logic of Christianity the humility and penury of tho Di vine Founder, who had no place to lay His head nor coin for wayside refreshment this modern "Elijah" rides in his private car and spends on his stomach "easy money," as if it wero leaves of Vallombrosa. Probably, if ho could afford to be candid. Prophet Dowlo might tejl us tho secret of his graft. We suspect It might bo found In lovo of the super ficial mind for over-lordship, particu larly If tho over-lordship wears' tho tinsel nnd practices tho mummery of mysticism. Dowle knows how to dazzle and awe with church "spec tacularlty" and King Solomon poses. Atlantic Constitution. IMHMMMMM r THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 269 Liberty Street. A GLIMPSE AT THE PAST. Tho Seattle Star looks back over old tlme3 and says: "Soon thoro will be many sermons and lectures to graduates, on the ap plication of education to the practi calities of life. Just a homely word In advance to tho beys: "When you go back from college to your homo don't consldor that your only relation to your father is to get ns much monoy as tho 'governor will stand for. Look at his giay hair, his uncertain sto. his dim eyes, and re membor In whoso love and' service ho has grown old. "You can him tho debt you owe, but you can at least ac knowledge It before It Is too late. In no way can you bettor show your manhood, boy, than by proceeding to pay In part tho dobt you owo him anVl to her whoso toll and devotion and sacrlflco have been tho furnace Hros that havo mado a man of you." A GRAFT THAT HAS NOT FAILED. A. cablegram from Berlin In yestor- dny's Constitution announced that might llnd It Impossible to register J0"'1 Alexander Dowlo. tho solf-con- Jurlng tho tlmo proscribed for regis- ,CS8U" o.ncarnauon oi mo propuei. tratlon. and seemed Just, but when K1Jnh. hn arrive J thoro from Swltz opportunity Is takon to abuse Its prlv or,amL- nml has tn,ca r00"18 latol' lieges It thwarts all tho purposes of,""1 tho Vanderbllts at a cost the law, aud allows anybody and ovvof 40 a ,,ttW to voto.AhlaiHl Tldlnns. I Tho Prlncoly tastos of tho Ovorseor . of Zlon aro by this tlmo familiar to RESOURCES ARE HERE. tho rending public. Ho docs not al The Idea Is provnlont In cortaln clr- low his spirituality to conflict with his vies that Portland Is tho vholo Btnto oplourean proclivities In tho least, and of Oiogon, nnd that without that cltyho has conducted his theorcratlc cor tho other portions of tho common- p'otntlon on such modern linos of pro wealth would bo a v3t wilderness, motion that ho Is apulent enough to Oneo In a whllo a country nowspapor Unugglo iloshpcfcs. Tho propheit of sets up enough courago to remark , Imposing fleshly girth loft tho scone that without Orogon Portland might of his labors sovornl moons ngo, fol 1)0 a vory wnall place. Tho Cottago lowing his wlfo, unklssed son and the Urovo Loader aptly olTors sovoial vory .family strong box abroad, on business Intoresting suggestions-, as follews: and pleasuro bent. In Australia ho "Bused upon tho growth of tho city had tho tlmo of his llfo Indulging of Portland, Its expansion and nccum- In athletic exorcUo, nnd It doos not itlnting wealth, may bo mndo tho appear that his unsplritual avolrdu statement that all growth In a com- polso was a material handicap to his merclal center Is dependent on tho ostnbllshlng tho ovangellcnl sprinting xrowth and prosperity of tho country record of tho contury. Mtinoundlng nnd trlbutnry to it. Whllo Elijah tho second has boon "I'ortland'a prosont growth Is but picking his tooth at tho palace hoatol svldonoo of tho growth of Oregon, rlos of two continents and clipping Not nlono from Orogon, howovor, doos Zlon City coupons botwoon sprints, Portland dorlvo commercial benefit, tho faithful ho left behind him In tho Imt from tho throo status which buy. model Industrial community near nnd soil through tho channels of Port-1 Chicago havo boon reported to lie on land trade. ThlB trade Is producod half latlons and holding tho financial A WORD FOR YOUNG BRIDES. There Is much cant and hypocrisy about somo of the protests at girls marrying too young. More girls wait until they aro too old, than marry too young, in this day and ngo of tho world. If a girl Is going Into a professional career, or Into any other business than becoming tho head and' center of a family, ago cuts no Ice. But If ho expects to become a wife for the plain purposo of raising a family of children, tho sooner she get3 about It. the better. This Is plain language but It 14 called out by this from the Albany Democrat Mothers should not be In too much of a hurry to marry off their fifteen year old daughters. Five years on top of that Is pretty young, What Is sweeter than a young bride, not yot hardoned by tho sophlsterles of society, tender nnd trusting, know ing only lovo for hor husband. The unselfish lovo and devotion shed by such a madonna mother upon hor children, radiant with Innocence and purity, Is a priceless benefaction. .Girls married at 10, 17, or 18 make that kind of wives and-mothers more" often than tho more highly developed and attractive women In the twenties. This Is not socially orthodox but it Is tho truth. not only from established sources, tout from tho Increasing crontlon and illssumlnatlon of now wealth from re sources now bolng dovelopod. "It hat been romnrkod that tlio Low-Is and Clark contonnlal will bo tho making of Orogon. Why It should bo the making of Orogon Is tourd to Imuglno, whon Orogon la al ready mado God did that. It ro mains for mou to develop Orogon. Tho Lowla and Clark fair will direct tittentlou to tho stnto nnd what is bag But It doos not appear that their faith In tholr ovor-seor prophot, has wnvorod for a momont, ns Elijah Is thoughtful enough to send thorn his poaco at blossod' tntorvals. All of which Inevitably recalls tho aphorism of a famous ovorseor of an othor kind of circus, to-wlt, that "peo plo llko to bo humbuggod." And tho fact Is obvious and painful that a vholo lot of peoplo are partial to hum buggery In tho sacred nnmo of rollg ion. Thoro aro no lengths of human 1 71 J Ask the first ten healthy men you 11 JO IVlCJl meet- They will answer, "We take Keeps the liver active. Prevents trouble. Cures con stipation, biliousness, sick-headache. J O Ay.rCo., Low.ll, &. The Flower of Liberty. What flower Is this that greets .tho morn. Its hues from heaven so freshly bom? With burning star and flaming band It kindles all tho sunset land. c Oh, toll us what Ita name may hot Is this tho flower of llborty? It Is tho banner of tho free, Tho starry flower of Liberty! In savage nature's far above. Its tendor seed our fathers sowed. The storm winds rocked Its swelling bud, Its opening leaves wore streaked with blood, Till, lo, earth's tyrant shook to sea Tho full blown flower of Llborty! Then hall tho banner of tho free, Tho Bt'arry flower of Liberty! Behold Its streaming rays unito, Ono mingling flood of braided light Tho rod that Hros tho southern rose, With spotless whlto from northern snowB Tho sister stars of Llborty! Then hall tho banner of tho free, Tho starry flowor of Llborty! Ollvor Wendell Holmes. DRESSER A very pretty line of Dressers and Dressing Table, in Golden qattrtered Oak, Bird's eye Maple and Mahogany fast in. You may lOOK iuc uwiy t ,w r ,. jMjyu&rnjr China Closets Recent aivals in China Closets ptrts us in a position to supply yot either in Gold en Oak oi? Weathered Oak Also plain o mittoted backs PHI M MORRIS CHAIRS The choicest in Morris Chairs, all finishes, all kinds of cushions and upholstering. The simplest and most sensible back adjustment. Mission frames in weathered oak are among the most popular sellers. The House Furnishing Company 269 Liberty St. Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores, Salem and Albany. Good Berry Crop. I One berry grower got a check of $337 this morning for 334 crates of strawberries, netting him over $1.00 a crate, after paying all freight and commissions. Ho shipped through the fruit union, and his name Is A. Aufrance. Betty Ross. A (pilot houso, a quiet street, A noodlo and a thread, A 8cls6ors and a squaro of bluo, Somo strips of whlto and red, And slondor hands that deftly stltchod Tho shining stars across Twa8 thus tho flag of Llborty Was mado by Betty Ross. Though Father Tlmo has worn to rags Tho ormlno robes of kings And loft tho guns of war to rust Among forgotten things. Though crowns nnd scopters at his touch Havo turned to dross and dust, Yot not n brokou etltch has marred Tho work of Botty Ross. In statoly hall and lowly homo This day its colors wave, Tho sholtor of tho world's oppressed, Tho beacon of tho brave, Let glory on tho nation's shield Among tho stars omboss Tho thread, tho ncedlo and the name And famo of Botsy Ross. Minna Irving In Loslie'a Weekly. Chittim Bark Highest Price paid at Fry's Drug Store, Salem, Oregon. Parties desiring to hold their bark for higher prices, will bo glv on Free Storage at our warehouse. Wo are tho largest buyers of Chlttlm Bark, Oregon Orapo Root, Orogon Balsam of Fir and Boos Wax. Wo will buy for cash, sell on commission, or glvo you froo stor age. Wrlto or call upon us boforo you sell. DANIEL J. FRY, Whole sale and Retail Druggist, Salem, Orogon. ataaMewf I Gives Vigo, Life and Energy to the Invalid and satisfies and pleases the I Healthy We Have a Few HAMMOCKS Left which wc will sell at Ten Per Cent Reduction Salem Gun Store j! PAULH. HAUSER, J! Proprietor. 1 1 ( Salem Beer MMHHH K . ' Bottled especially for Family use. Salem Brewery Association Office, 1 74 Commercial Street. Phone, Main 2131 8twB8Mff ggaf awaaaa"llt' Modern Woodmen of America Free Street Fair and Carnival Salem, 0e., Jtne 27 to Jtily'2. 10 ibxcs- Tr-ccrm DORA THOMPSON, World's Greatest High Diver. BIG FERRIS WHEEL. m aain Minn ..i...! -,. iii.j n