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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1904)
FOUH DAILY CAPITAL JOUflNAL, 8ALEM, OKEG.ON, 8ATURDAY, MAY 28, 1904. V V IV I Hi B&itorjai page of MB AfrTT& 4pE&ifWfi$$&ttB ByHOFER BROTHERS. Qcrtppo Newa Association Telegrams. Published evory afternoon exepet Sunday at 107 Commercial street ' i Subscription terms; SaTly one .year, $4.00 in advance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance: tiftlfy by carrler,50c per month; weekly one year, $1.00 In advance. ' 4 JOURNAL 8PECIAL DELIVERY. One week 10c; one month 35c; threo months $1.00. At Journal office; at Dauo'a grocery, 8outh 8alem; at Dowersox' grocery, Vow Park; Asylum Avenue Grocery 8tore; Electric Grocery, East State treat - i1 " - Stngto Copies Price 6 cents. Price to newsboys 2'2 cents per copy. T Mall Subscribers Tho date when you subscrlttlon expires Is on the ddfoarlabol of each paper. When that date arrives, If your subscription &Mrh'ot again been paid In adVance, your namo Is taken from tho list. A cizAngo of dato on tho address label is a receipt Entered at the postofflce at 8alem, Oregon as second-class matter. Btar REPUBLICAN TICKET STATE. "Justice of the Supremo Court ' P. A. MOORE. State Food and Dairy Commis sioner, J. W. BAILEY. For Presidential Electors, ' ' J. M. HART, JAS. A. PEE, 'f GUIANT- B. DIMICK, A. C. HOUGH. CONGRESSIONAL. Vat 'Member of Congress First DIs , trict, BINDER HERMANN. Second District, WILLIAMSON. J. N. i low esteem In which marriage has come to be regarded. Marriage is the foundation of tho homo the most sacred institution in tho world. It is unfortunate that tho legislatures of most of tho states of the Union should allow marriages to bo annulled for trivial causes. Tho sacred obligations of matrimony are altogother-too light ly esteemed. The reform at which tho churches should aim should also be directed to tho first ceremony of marriage as well as to tho prohibiting of the marriage of couples one or both of whom have previously been divorced. Hasty and Ill-advised mar riages ought to bo discouraged. More time ought to bo spent In considering a step that, once taken, ought to be for life. Legislation might well be urged requiring not only a license to marry, but tho lapse of a certain per iod between the filing of tho applica tion for a license and Its issue. The church can effect a salutary Influence In upholding tho sanctity of marriage and In teaching tho lessons of love and forbearance. If Christianity Is good for anything, Its Influence ought first of all to bo exerted In the homo, and It ought to make husbands and wives love each other whether It suc- And oven I would like to see somo new, ceeds in making people love their Bright-colored summer box. This Is a busy world Indeed, A rampant, roaring round, With automobillstlc speed It runs things in the ground. Yet I soronoly watch the show,. Heart-whole a,nd free from care, BocaUso I haven't "got to go" To seo the "Great World's Fair!" enemies or not. JUDICIAL, CVjr Circuit Judges, Third Judicial District. jJGEORGB H. BURNETT, mF' l lB. U EDDY, For District Attorney, v $ i JOHN H. M'NARY. r MARION COUNTY TICKET. County Judge John rf. Scott Sheriff W. J. Culver. Clerk John W. Roland. Assessor Fred J. Rice. Treasurer W. Y. Richardson. Ttocordor John C. Slogmund. School Supt E. T. Moores. Commissioner I. O. Noodham. 'Surveyor B. B. Horrlck. Coroner A. M. Clougu, Representatives Jos. Calvort, bard; J. G. Graham and T. B. Salem; John Ritchie, Scotts Mills; Josso H. Sottlomeler, Woodburn. Salem District Ticket. For JubUco of the Peace. H. II. TURNER. For Constablo. ROBT. O. DONALDSON. Hub-Kay, COMMITTEEMEN. Chairman Stato Contral Committee Frank C. Baker, Portland. Chairman Congrosalonal Central Commlttoo Walter L. Toojse, Wood burn'. Mombor Stato Central Commltteo Hal D. Patton, Salem. Chairman County Central Commit-too-Chas. A. Murphy; B. Frank Meredith, secretary, Salem. Republican Joint Canvass. Mehama, May 28, 8 p. m. Macleayt May 31, 2 p. m. Sllvorton, May 31, 8 p. m. Scotts Mills, Juno 1, 10 a. m. Mt Angil, June 1, 2 p. m. Woodburn, Juno 1, 8 p. m. Biittovtlto, Juno2, 10 a. m. A Hubbard, Juno 2, 2 p. ra. Aurora, Juno 2, 8 p. m. St, Paul, Juno 3d, at 10 a. m. Brooks, Juno 3, 2 p. tn, , t. Gorvnts, Juno 3, 8 p. m. Pratutu, Juno 4, 2 p. m. Salem, Juuo 4, 8 p. m. u .. . ' Dates' of Events, Juuo 6 GeneraJ election in Oregon.';- Juuo 1G, 10, 17-rOregon encamp ment, O. A. R., Hood River.' Juno 15, 1G and 17 Department f Orogou, G. A. It, In annual reunion at Hood Rivor. August 22-27 American Mining Congress, Portland. ' " ' SOBER SECOND THOUGHT. Tho agitation being Indulged In by tho local option advocates for tho adoption of their pet measure leads many a thinking man to Inquire what it all means, whence It comes, upon what practical (or Impractical) foun dation It is based, and whether or not tho ardent advocates are mistaken in tholr conclusions? It will be re membered In tho last city election of Salem, that these same good people Joined hands with a political organ ization, stood on their hind legs and declared that everything would go to rack and ruin, that tho morals of our town would be for over Jeopardized and the safety of the community, en dangered, unless their combination carried tho day politically. Thoy de clared that tho Republican tlckot and Its'managors were all conspiring In tho Interests of the liquor traffic and Immorality. Tho good plain people of tho community evidently did not ac cept tholr conclusions, for tho Republi can tlckot was triumphantly electod and It has since been learned by tho socallod law and order people, that thoy had evidently cast their votes on REPUBLICAN "JUBILEE YEAR." The Ohio Republican state conven tion, last week, adopted tho platform for what It called "Tho Jubilee Year." It reviews tho achievements of Re publicanism for 50 years, Blnce the first Republican convention In Colum bus In 1864. It endorses Senators Foraker and Dick and Ohio Republi can congressmen, Governor Herrlck and the last legislature and continues as follews: "All tho Republican principles will bo upheld until they triumph. We In vito, rally with us In this election, all who believe In continued protec tion to American Industry and lab'or. Good Roads convention "at St. Louis said that tho work of his department along tho lines of road-bulldlng Is in' tended to, be educational and experi mental, as lt is' along other lines In which It is engaged. Mr. Wilson ad ded.- , "I am well satisfied that tho con dition of the public roads at tho pres ent time isla correct indicator of the amount of educational work that has been dono along tho lino of rcad-bulld-ing. If what the departmont 13 en deavoring to do now with regard to helping It build object lesson roads (which has been done In half the states of the Union) and tho study of road material for tho Information of the people had been done when our government wbb organized, the people would have understood how to build roads long before this time would have understood tho values of the ma terials In all parts of tho United States. And I am well satisfied also that when the people are thoroughly Informed In the several states and territories with regard to tho science of road-bulldlng, there will be no hesi tation In levying taxes to carry on the work. Tho question will bo with us always, and road-making will be cheap ened as research adds to our knowl edge of materials. The knowledge of road-bulldlng will grow as relate'd sciences are developed." WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Ft pOYAl, KMtiWTCfl i fi fi &AKlH3 POWDER Absolutely Pure ST ISM MATTER OF HEALTH PFEFFER FOR ROOSEVELT. Sonator Pfeffer, at one time leader of the Populists in the senate and one 'of the most able men In that party has recently declared himself for Theodore Roosevelt and tho Republi can party. As an adherent of Popu Ism, no one ever doubted Sonator Pfoffer's sincerity. According to his views as recently expressed he be lieves that the great fundamental principles, of Populism, such a3 the initiative and referendum, curtailing of tho great trusts by legislation, tho "Traits of Character, welcome to all. A cordial prosecution of corruption In high sound finance, expanding trade and Places anjd the pudlflcatlon of the bal- Increasing commerce, peace with all Iot naV(? to a large extent been taken the world but the maintenance of UP uy the Republicans, as he says every American principle and the de- influenced to do so by the demands of fense of evory American Interest; an the Populist Senator Pfeffer thinks American merchant marine adequate that tho principles of the Republican for our commerce in peace, and to Party as now administered by Theo dore Roo3evelt are the host for the country and believing that the Popu list party has fulfilled! Its mission now urges his former associates to stand by Roosevelt as against the or ganized trusts. protect it In war a navy commensur ate with our Independence as a nation an army sufficient for our defense; tho Panama canal to connect tho oceans and facilitate our commerco; a lofty diplomacy In tho mffalrs of the world; the extension and Indorsement of the laws against unjust discrimin ation and combinations In restraint of trade, equitable treatmont of labor,' completo protection of every Ameri can citizen In his evory constitutional right at home and abroad; an exalted IWWIIIIHl IMtiHUBMH HtMi Maxwaaatw m t SUNDAY !! SERVICES ii franchlso; a pure ballot, guaranteeing Uio right to vote to evory citizen and tho wrong side, for thoy now ndmlt navo llls balIot counted as cast, so that tho real friends of their cause tnat tlie vordIot at tho ballot box may wore tho peoplo whom they opposed. correctly ref?l8tr tho will of tho poo Of course, these good peoplo woro I),e- I tho victims to a considerable extent of tho Idlo promlsos and boasts of IT PAYS TO GET IN TOUCH. One of tho first requisites of a good practical politicians, and tho results i,nlnnaa m . ..... ' , , show conclusively and many of them tile activity, Is that ho should under- pnnnrfiillv nlmli if i.4 n.-i .. ' '"""" " l,,ut Ulu,r JUB- stand the art of advertising mum was oasou upon a wrong pro mlso. All this leavos the same calm think ing votors, tho plain peoplo, to con cludo that In nil probability these samp law and order advocates, who aro now. boosting tho so-called local says Four-track News. Tho same rules that govern private concerns should govern the business affairs of cities. Every clvlllzod town that has Indus trial aspirations and hopes to grow and prosper must needs lot tho world W. C. T. U. Rov. Charles Scott will address the regular 4 p. m. meeting the W. C. T. U. hall. All Invited. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services: Lesson sermon and. child ren's classes at 1 la. m. Subject of lesson sormen: "God tho Only Causo and Creator." Wednesday evonlng meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room open dally except Sunday. Christian Sclonce Hall, corner of Court and Lib erty atroets. Christian Science. Second Church of ChrUt, Scientist, 14d Chemeketa Btreet. Services: Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sub ject of lesson sermen: "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday School at 11:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 p. m. Read ing room in the-church open each af ternoon except Sunday. All are cor dially Invited. o Do It ioaay. MERCER COMES TO SALE! Prominent Osteopath Plea Yyith This His Future Home Dr. W. L. Mercer, who Meet The time-worn injunction, "Never came to Salem from the East, uh tervlewed by a Journal reporter t morning, and that gentleman In glowing terms of his apprecU of Salem. Di. Mercer is an osteopjj anu giauuatea somo years ago l acnoeiue, or this city. Hi hi Dr. put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," Is now geneially present ed In this form:. "Do It today 1" That is tho terse advise we want to give you nbout that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you havo sInce boon ,n tho tl ' beon struggling for several days, per- conditions hero such as to justlfj haps weeks. Tako somo reliable reme- In making this his future home ft dy for It TODAY and let that remedy Mercer Is accompanied by his tm be Dr. Boschee s German Syrup, which and they will soon be permanent has been in use for over thlrty-flvo years. A few doses of It will undoubt edly relieve your cough or cold, and Its contlnuod use for a few days will cure you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a oure as It has dono before In thou sands of apparently hopeless cases of ly busy in their work. lung trouble. Now trial bottles, 25c; Miss Lucille Jerrold, of Tacoiti! regular size, 75c. At all druggists, visiting relatives and friends In At Dr. Stone's drug stores city. dents of our city. Since the rea of Drs. Frank and Anna Ban to Ftl land Dr. Schoettle has been unibltti keep up with the growing pnefcj and Is pleased at this opportunity secure the services of so efflcled practltioneer as Dr. Mercer to i her. In fact, he is already In tttliJJ ness, and both havo been exceeAii RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS Gathered from the Best Exchanges of All Churches Ifnnu.' linflfr hno in ffot lur tirnvr sP option law. may again be badly mis- inducements. Manufacturing enter- talcon. Thoso plain votors who con- rlB08i educational Institutions, busl- stltu o tho back-bono of our common- neS8 anU professional men aro over wealth by their own good Judgment, S0QjUng doslrablo locations, and It Is -.. ..w ..u i-uuin-i-a uu mo auvico a noticeable fact thnt rnmnnrntlvlv U. B. Church. Services at the U. B. church In Yew Park as follews: Preaching at 11 a. m also at 8 p."m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Walter Reynolds, pastor. that has paBt proven Illy founded In tho Central Congregational. Special memorial service at 8 p. m cities and towns aro attracting' with music and short address. Other This Is becauso many towns services of the day as usual. P. S. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Tho Protectant churches qf tho country aro all mi I hit iiiomonivno in. gother in an effort to safeguard tho Jlf0' aaA ontorPrlso to let the wol4 institution of tho fnmiiv n,i ,..c. Unow wnnt thoy POBBOBB. Thoy do r ' .. .. " " "" few them which possess good water powor, Knight in charge, good shipping facilities, good schools and residential advantages, lack ho CONTENTMENTS Groajt armies moot and gorgo tholr lusj, For glory, gain and goro, And iln tho atrqot tho doadly Trusty' Crated as of yore. Conventions strain in bitter strlfo And party linos aro tight, courage tho dlvorco evil says tho Ta coma 1-edgor. The Roman Catholic church has always been a bulwark of dofenso to tho Banctlty of marriage anil has firmly and consistently op pose dlvorco. Tho Eplcopal church haalaborod earnestly and successfully to lnduco other religious donoml nations to take up tho divorce ques tion, and, as a result of Its Initiative, fourtoon rollglous organizations woro roproaontud In an lutor-church confer ence on marriago and dlvorco, which rocontly Issued an appeal to the Chris Man public. Tho Preabytorlan general assembly, now In session at Buffalo, and the quadrennial Methodist con ference, nt Ixjs Angoles, havo both not' grow bocause thoy aro unknown. Thoy aro Uko tho drowsy merchant Salvation Army. All meetings will bo hold In- the tent In tho oak grovo on North Liber ty street. Holiness meeting at 1 a. m. Junior meotlng at 1:30 a. m. who doosn't think it .worth whiloto Great salvation meetings at 3 and. 8, p. nuvortiso, but prerers to sit and watch '" '-"J""." nunin uignuy, aiiss ai. tho spiders spin webs" across his do6r.iF,art,enter and Florence Ireland will way. 'take part In all meetings, At 8 p. m. Every now ontorprlso that locates Captain Brown will speak on "Hind In a town adds o tho prosperity and "erancos to Christianity." All aro wol business possibilities of ovory leader cnil In tho placo, and every citizen who has his own good and tho good of the F,rst Christian, community at heart should tako a Corner of High and Center Btreets. hand In gottlng his town Into touch "rh0 ,norn,nS and eveulng services will with tho busy, wldo-awako world. l)0 under tho auspices of tho O. A. R. ., j Tho pastor will preach at tho morulng GOVERNMENT AID FOR ROADS. sorvico. Bible School at 12 m., Chaa. Tho department of agriculture a Shoemaker superintendent Junior C. Washington has addod to Its many-E. at 3 p. m.. Adda Reed suporlntendi Unas of work in tho interest of thcu nnt. Snnim. n v. t n n taken notion on thn stililnM w.ilMi u-ln A,n.i.. o -... .n..ii i -j,.-. ... ...... .,, niuvuiau lauuuin u Ullioiuu Ul UUreull uo inuirui qr good results. on road-bulldlng Tho department is 5tfTho fuudamonlal objection to oasy scientifically studying- tho problem of dlvorco Is that It encourages- bus-, matorlal for good roads In various bands and wlvoa to grow away from part8 of tho country. Tho dopartmont Oadl Other and to SeOk new- relations 1r nnlllnt- limn vnnnc irrnrtnntna In ... e - 1 --.- ...... -'w 1'"'0 n.HUM.WM .M while candidates Vlth nooso and knlfo on Insufficient provocation. Thoro engineering to tako practical work in Aro workiug day and: night Tho farmer plants hla oarly corn, Tho crowi digs up tho grain, Thajnllkman pumps at early morn, But why I'll not oxplatu. Adown tho city arenuo ' Qdy thopnora go la flocks. nro a great many unhappy marriages tho department so aB to enable the whoro a separation seems inevitable, government to supply demands thai But undoubtedly a large portion of are coming in for tho services of men tho divorces which are gtantod In skilled In the art of road-bulldlng. states whoro tho Jaws nro favorable Tests of material that aro available to tho annulment of tho marriago ro- for road-building aromado by the de lotion would nover bo thought dealr- parlmont " ' m. Free Methodist. , .Rev. Haslam, tho new pastor for the comjng year, will preach at tho Freo Methodist church in Nprthf Sa lejn, Sunday at 11 a. ra., and also at night Sunday School at 10 a. m. All cordially Invited. able nor necessary were it not for tho Secretary Wilson at tho Fjrst Unitarian. Frank A. Powell, pastor. Mr. Epwoll vflll speak at 11 a. m. on "SCompensallon." and at 8 p. m. will l.ll iTf?"Vr deliver mo closing lecture of tho rejeont course ou "Human Nature." Subject: It has been prqtty generally assum ed that tho modern Industrial develop, ment, enormously Increasing the temptations to como, has greatly In creased crime. And there has been much bemoaning tho supposed fact that education was not doing what had been expected from It In the way of promoting morality. But now comes Franco with the first really thorough and accurate statistics on this subject; and at once It appears that though tho newspapers with their telegraphic sorvlces and their corps of reporters have beon giving the world more and more news of crime, crime has been steadily and rapidly decreasing. How could it bo othorwlso? Novor tlons In tho world of business" before was so largo a part of the manifest their real feeling to3 civilized world bo hoalthy, so weilj'tpir associates and employes W fed, so well housed, so hopeful, so en- rftant -recocnltlon of work veil lightened, above all, so regularly om- uy tho words spoken almost t i ployed. It therefore follows as tho'nm .i,im, ehnw that a niece of v night the day that never before was so' ia vnino.i nnri credit Is render1 largo a part of It honost and. In the" tho worker, a largo percental W roaa sense, moral. Tho day now social unrest would dlsappt" dawning Is tho brightest humanity love Is the only solvent of the i find nVAI aaan lm( 1... ... MH. .u I n. . n..llAAt ..-w ,. uwv.., urn uf uu nivalis mo prooiom. me uuuuun ungntost it shall see. Saturday Evening Post. past must bo allowed to do our tl Ing and believing for us. If the e of the past thought truly and w they grew by their thinking, but 1 can no more grow by their tblnttfg except as wo assimilate their thoaf and mako them our ovsn, than by tholr eating. If they wrought i truth thoy knew Into habits and d actor by their obedience to It, bf e sumo nrocoss and no other cu bocorae what wo ought to be, mmJj by our obedience to the truth tw wo know. It Is the doers and not t! hearers of tho Word that are M by It The Examiner. If men of Integrity and good Religion is a source of satisfaction superior to, any other in human lifo, but, like all things of a high char acter, it requires time and experience to Bhow Its full value. Much of the religion of man has been under the impulse of fear and has spoiled by orrors and superstitions, yet Jts orig inal, deep, and essential satisfaction Is not altogtehor lost Men cling to its remnants as their doarost hnnn. When religion is found In its purej and uncontamlnated form, or made known In Its freshness and powor, as In Christ's manifestation of religion as a revelation of grace and lovo from our heavenly Father, it becoraeV-the supreme, tho sweet and, -precious thing In life. The Watchman. ' or company of men, of the or 7 . rf- honestly Christian Scientists do not U In vicious tirades against any P .i..a r norsnns. and n" ! V..W W. , . ...,J Atmr from a mw . .!.. tt tho peoplo on various p" y Oa. ,,. mndirlne. they we " practising that which they htrtW ed to tholr satisfaction m u mn.hnHR. and WlIJ'" . .. .. . me privil'' i corn an owiui - - '-.ji Editorial Des Moines (la.) I The God who made the ww"" .. . . ,-..j wha wealtHUw li 10 De enjojou. - - ., l, ..J nnnrnnrlatlng IWtJW1 ' . .., J , any other , .. i mid not a P" dualism implied by the old te restlal and ceiesuai u -- , What wo'' are now we wo shall be we are now gajjonalist and Christian shall J -Tl World. No man, ... w " ' b.'t r ,.i -if vt- , . t - s - i