The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 23, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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    r "wrifWT "T f TT
TIT' "
w f 14 J
ie bison umecuon
of Boston Shown
at Salem
Etuarged Copies of the Alaster
pieces For the Fublic
School Rooms
li evening this week there 1ms
a fine art exhibit of the eels-
(1 Elson & Co., Boston, photo-
Uc reproductions, and nt a very
I admission price there has boon
rf?e attendance each nrurnoon
venlng to sec the ICG specimens
Bnclont and modern art
3 each meeting there has been a
JnSlhrogram of addrosses and music,
iffdlthe pictures have been hung In
nor,6chool rooms and viewed by
jundrods of parents and thousands of
Wdrcn. This Friday evening there
sft'program at the Park school and
Jaturdfiy evening at tho Lincoln
fchojfflE At the East school there
lorflnddreBBea by Mrs. Doild, W. C.
-JawJfy. E- Hofer nml Miss Holen
TJlUfnltli. the lntter's address being
sic, Literature and art.the three
ds employed by great men, to
It to posterity, a record of their
t achievements, attained their
t perfection in the two hundred
between 14CO-1GG0, a period
h n3 the "golden age of art."
ry great book tenches its lesson,
t must be perused from covor to
r ore tho thought Is your
cry gr nt composition of music
Ivors its message but years must be
In preliminary work bofore ono
anmnterpret It.
very gient p;ture present Its
tight there, nil Is boforo one, at
ince and a Knowledge of what It
ais is as necessary to a Uboral
rtucatlon as cither of tho othors.
llQfhas b?on said that modorn pco
lUanave attained the highost nor
Swn In civilization, governroont,
nvontlon nnd science ever known,
that they aro deteriorating In
glons disposition. A modern man
beholding a mountain sldo covorcd
th verdant tress, instead of sselng.
trickling stroams, the darting
8 and the great moss covored
cs, lying nt tho foot of the giant
s, the hnnJlwork of his Creator Is
no to calculate the number of tlm-
fet it will yield per acre. It is
prevent the entire loss of this
if tic temperament that copies of
old masters are being Introduced
our public libraries and cchools.
turn to tho old piasters because
lived in an ago which believed In
love and assistance of the Crentor
his earthly children, in brlof. in
no Inspiration, and no mnttor
r by means of fasting and
.crs tu?y placed tnomseivos in
psychological condition or really
rccelv.. Divine assistance tho
emalns that the religious spirit
Golden Age has never been
ja it Is the practical things
demand the greatest market
Then it was the Ideal, the
Iful. the esthetic.
grew picture always inspires
thoughts and ambitions, so
Instead of wasting your time
ring posters for your rooms, col
y&m .4 ' f.l- i "W&U mrnR. smmr
lect copies of tho famous pictures. j
It Is my plsasure this ovonlng to
have tho privilege of discussing a few
of the old masterpieces.
The lives of groat men are always
an interesting and profitable study
but to do much biographical work re
quires considerable time therefore we
shall consider only the pictures. -
The first is Michelangelo's "David"
Michelangelo's "Mosob."
"Holy Night" by Corroggls.
"Aurora" Guldo Ronl.
"Melon Eaters" by Murlllo.
"Head of Christ" by Murlllo.
"Angrtus" by Millet.
"Feeding her birds by Millet.
"Haying Time." by Dupre.
Cut up the Kin-
derbeasts found in
every package of
H-O Oatmeal, put
thjm together
right and do what
the card says. Your
time will be well
paid for.
builds brawn and brain. A
whole breakfast in itself vith
milk or cream added, ,
Interesting Experiment In a Restaurant
An advertising agent, represent
ing n prominent New York magazine,
whllo on a recent western trip, was
dining one ovonlng in a Pittsburg
Whllo waiting for his order he
glnnced ovor his nowspapor and no
ticed the advertisement of a well
known dyspopsla preparation, Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablots; as he himself
was a regular user of tho tablota, ho
began speculating as to how many
of tho other traveling men In the
dining room woro also frlonds of tho
popular remedy for Indigestion.
He says: I counted twenty-three
men at the tables and in the hotol
otllce I took the trouble to interview
them and was surprised to learn that
nine out of the twenty-three mndo a
practice of taking oue or two of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots 'aftor each
Ono of them told mo ho had suffer
ed so much from stomach trouble that
at ono time ho hnd beon obliged to
quit the rond, but slnco using Stuart's
Dyspopsla Tablots had beon ontlroly
freo from indigestion, but he contin
ued tholr use, especially whllo travel
ing, on account of irrogularlty In
meals and bocause llko all travnllng
man ho was otton obliged to cat what
ho could got and not always what he
Anothor who lookod tho plcturo of
health, said ho nover ate a meal with
out taking n Stuart Tablet aftorward
bocause he could oat what ho pleased
and when he pleased without fear of
slooploss night or any other trouble.
Still another usod thorn because he
was subject to gas on tho stomach,
causing prossure on heart and lungs,
shortness of broath and distress In
chost, which he no longor oxporl
onced since using tho tablets regular
Another claimed that Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablots was tho only safo re
medy he had ovor found for sour stom
ach and acidity. Ho had formerly
used common soda to ' rollevo the
trouble, but tho tablotn wero much
bettor and safer to use
After smoking, drinking or other
excesses which weaken tho digestive
organs, nothing restores tho stomach
to a healthy, wholosomo condition so
effectively as Stuart's Tablots.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots cqntaln
thit natural digestives, pepsin, dias
tase, which every weak stomach lacks,
kb well as nux, hydrastln and yellow
parllla, and enn be safely relied on as
a radical cure for every form of poor
digestion. Sold by druggists everywhere.
Italian Immigration.
In thirty years 1,301.070 Italians
have come to this country. This Im
migration has a very peculiar charac
ter Until 1800 the percentage of wo
nun was lees than li, but now It has
Inr-asc-d to 30. This indicates a
marked tendency to bscome per
manent Thirty per cent or more of
Italian adults who have been in this
country more than ten years went
back at least one to Italy and 80 per
cent of these came back to title
country again, bringing their families
with them During the time In which
the family is not here the man sends
some money weakly t Italy. It is
lakulated thai about fM.MO.OOO,
( rcsses th ocean every year In tAls
way New Ycrtt Commercial Adter-tUtr
San Francisco Man
Has the Best Ma
chine Made
Makes a Successful Flight
With Small Power, Will
Alake Another Trip
Miss Mattle Hunt, Mrs. Allen Now.
The borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Hunt, at MS Leslie street. Salem. Ore..
s the sceate of a pretty wedding
when thalr daughter, Mattie. was
married to Frank Alien, son of Judge
and Mrs. Qeo. Allen, of Sumnter, Or.
They left Thursday, Oct 2U. for
Kaatern Oregon, where the groom
holds a responsible HxlUen with the
Raatera Oregon Mining Company.
Goes to the White House kiaeh
counter at noon Open all hours of the
day and nigbt
San Francisco, Oct 23Dr. August
Qrtfth Is tho busiest man In this city,
Slnco his trip over the bay In his nip
ship and his astonishing manipulation
of n mnchlno that was Incklng In tho
necessary motive power to glvo the
inventor perfect control over Its flight
ho has been besot with pooplo who
aro anxious to know all about tho
Hying mnchlne and tho man who con
structed It. College profossors, men
of sclonco, nowspapor mon and tho
speculative buslnoes man have form
od n constant stream of vlsltois to
his Eleventh nnd Market street head
The Inventor Is n qnlpt unostenta
tious man, n student as well as n me
chanic, who for fifteen yonrs has
made n study of dirigible balloons nnd
hns frequently mndo balloon ascen
tlons at Paris and London. Six years
ago he started work on the model of
the airship that astonished the people
of the country by Its iwrformances
last Sunday. Like most models the
thing wob easily governed by mans
of a ground motor and soared high
over the buildings and was steered
at will. But there was the great prob
lem! to face that aerial navigators
have always weakened before; tho
model wns rocelvlng from the ground
motor twenty times ns much powor
as It would be possible to produce
from a motor that would, If placed In
tho ship Itsolf, weigh down tho bag
of gaB and provent tho mnchlno from
leaving tho earth.
Oroth went to work with n will to
ovorcomo tho fault; Ho lightened the
frnmowork of his model nnd reducod
the power of ntmosphorlc rosistonco
by changing the shape of his silk bag.
The doublo sot of propollors was in
troduced nnd after all was ready a
groatly reduced power was turned Into
tho motors. Tho model nctod beau
tifully, but showod a disposition to
drift with tho wind despite tho fan
ning of the propeller nnd tho ubo
of balancing wolghts. Howevor.
enough wns accomplished to convince
Qreth that ho had partially solved the
mystery and he put his wits to work
to devise means of raising money with
which to construct a real airship that
would be capable of carrying the
weight of machinery nnd man. He
was not received with much encour
ngoment by speculators for at that
time Investors hnd been badly bit
ten by n number of fako airship en
terprises and tho public was very
skeptical. Greth formed a corpora
tion nnd got Pro feasor Ualdwln the
Inventor, F. H. Hutchinson, a ma
chinist and I). II Saxby, aeronnut, in
terested. Mr. Mom, of the firm of
Moss & Co., brokers, hslpsd to organ
ise a company and a willlclent amount
qf money was subscribed to carry out
Qreth's plans.
Ten days ago Greth Airship stock
was being offered at a low figure
about the streets, but everybody ridi
culed the Idea of Greth ever being
able to fly. "Have you seen the ship?"
the Inventor would ask. The answer
was usually "No." "Then you know
nothing about it." I have been work
ing this problem aut for years and
I have nearly arrived at the point
where I will say that I have achieved
succeae. Wait till Sunday the 18th.
and then you may Judge for yourself
whether the ship will lly or not."
So little faith was put In Qreth's pre
diction that when the date for the
test arrived no one thought of him or
his airship either. Out in the vacant
tot, surrounded by dwellings and a
high board fence, four enthusiastic
men were working like beavers, cov
ered with oil and grime and smelling of
anything but the pure air of a two
thousand-toot elevation. Then ramc
Dm hard start described In prior news,
pager dispatches and anally th as
cent. The people rould scarce believe
their eyes. The motor worked well
for the first few minutes of the trip
and the machine moved slowly toward
the Presidio, tearing a thin trail of
smoke In its rear. The population of
she city was startled. Pew knew that
an airship was anywhere near the
town and visions of the fame Sae
ramento hoax of several yearn ago
appeared to tbeajb But they rubbed
their eyes again and wiped out the
cobwebs (4 tbeir brains There if
was sure enough and no mtstnko nbout
Whllo Greth sat In his little mn
chlne shop yestordny toying with a
queor brass fiAtng, part of his motor,
there was an oxprosslon of self-sails-factibn
on his face. A twlnklo came
Into his cyos when tho quostlon was
put, "Well you did mnko It lly, didn't
"You see, people do not know bo
muoh as they think thoy do," he an
swerod with an air of I told you so.
"If It hadn't been for that motor I
think I would have beon Balling
nround yet. There is a strnngo fas
cination In being up In the sky, hun
dreds of feet above tho crowds. Do
you know that n great many thoughts
passed through my mind ns I looked
townrd earth and conjured tho possi
bilities of norlal navigation. Think
for yourself what It all means. Why,
man, do you know that such a mnchlno
as that which I hope to perfect would
revolutionize modern warfare nnd put
an ond almost ontlroly to military
practices? ,
"Thon you hnvo given moro time
to that consideration thnn to tho ros
slbllitlos of alrshlpB ns a means of
transportation for largo numbers of
"Wall, tliet Is another quostton. I
am satisfied that norlal navigation is
nbout to bo solved so far as It ap
plios to tho handling of a machine
that may transport two or perhaps
throo persons, but I nm nfrnld that
machines for the carrying of much
weight will not bo perfectod for some
time. However, development Is nl
ways rapid when first principles' have
been solved and there Is no telling
what tremendous power mny be stor
ed In n small battery when energy Is
better understood. The application of
tho energy of radium, for example, Is
as yet In Its Infancy, nnd there Is
othor energy that science will evolve
In time to come.
"Power alone Is the Impediment to
aerial navigation. This may soom
parndoxlcal, but I moan that by the
development of great powor with the
expenditure of small energy wo will
have solved ono of tho most perplex
ing problems of the ngo. Could a
ploco of machinery weighing, say, 100
pounds, dovolop 3000 horso powor
thoro would be no reason to doubt
that an airship could bo constructed
that would carry flvo or six porsons
and their outfits to any purt of tho
"When I can, build siich a mnchlno
tho mystorloB df tho north polo, tho
secrets of unoxplorcd domains In tho
fnr south and Inaccessible parts of
our own Alaska will bo as oaslly ox
plained as tho sending of two mos
sagea ovor one who."
Q roth will try his airship again as
soon ns n better motor can bo ob
tained for use during the second ox-perlmona
i ' i
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tho family
everyday. Let us nnswor it to-day. 'fry
a delicious nnd healthful tiossort. Pre
pared In two minutes. No boiling' I no
baVinel odd boiling' water and set to
eooL Flavors; Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Got a package
at your grocers to-day. io eta. v
The Readers o!
This Paper
Have a rich treat in store.
We have purchased the serial
riglitt of the late Mauricr
? Thompson's thrilling story
i f
Alice of
HHMMf.y: y 4 4 '
No story of recent. tiraas hw
enjoys a grantor popularity
and noeg k more deserving.
7j Thig pjtfwr will have the ex.-
elusive use of it in this taction.
f!sltt!gwB SBBBB7 HUuu bw snsRasstnsBB) saSth. lillPiSgaB
Hgyir9 gnssn gaTanmavnV nsgwntnV anlrgn rK$S$gH
PJEgSvgJM LJnm JnW JnW JflrB fcn iPWsWJli
W Sale Ten 1 illion Boxes aYearTw
Do you coo$i?
Then you have to chop things meat,
vegetables, fruit, etc. for culinary pur
poses. Do It quickly and quietly with
Sargent's Gem Food Chopper, -which
chops It In fine, coarse or medium
pieces better than with chopping bowl and knife
without tearing, squeezing, mashing or grinding. It
saves time, and adds to the pleasure of housekeeping.
The Gem Is a well-made article, easy to clean and
easy to keep In order ; It has steel cutters that will
not break.
R. M. XOA-Dti f3L CO..
toioo-t-4-M--Ha-K ao-NM-o i m a f . tty-frfrtffry
Willamette Uflivetsity
John 1J. Colkman, I'kkbidknt, Salkm, OiinaoN.
J College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music,
Oratory, Theology.
PBEPAIUTOIVY DfPAHTMLT-Oren to studenls comlctln cU bib tiofe de
partment lower ersdts In trcparatory decarlment- Ettitto afford lee
professional tmlnlnir. tne University sects to five a ttiororcti trsctlcal
education for all who are aware of the value of trained train'.
THE NORMAL DEPARTMEMT-Offers a ttiorcushuuric in tie itiroiy and
practice of teachlnjr. Meets all the requirements of state school law
Its teachers are In constant demand.
Catalogue Upon Application.
E.S.LAMFORT, Esl, 1869
in Orogou.
Largest Stock
Got my pricos on a 11 no
259 Ccrnmercal St
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell more Oroeerles end better Orocerles than ANYllODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD ureds
Stop in nnd for yoursolf.
D. S. Bbntlsy.
Wholesale and Retail.
Roche Harbor Lime Alsen Cement,
Lath and Shingles, Sand and Gravel
And H Klada of BttUdinjr Material. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling aad Traasfer
Work dose ob short sotlce. 18M83 Commercial Street.