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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1903)
M . ,i PMkS. FOUR. THK DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1. IV I; Have you Indigestion? Have you Sick Headaches? TaJco Beecham's Pills Ittl IMmwl fffllBf U ilmpjj a pooflj-wortlna amnMh-lt Mcl a DM hlp-BO attUtf lMK nuif l, a ef Baacham'a Pill UJ JIl7 Irtrt relKf. TU Baectiam'a Pllla fr a fw Uji and lh tnmbl wlUdUpf. 7a ewra Stofr Hemtmehe mtk tM4tlM ma b omtatrd Monucti and a dtrtacroicat of Um dirtl orrM. aaoham'a Pllla feat pear1 IhrmMlrr a boon (or rwnonof thai dlnrtml frtltaa and. dUwatfett A4oMwiniDOTtbf ImmrduttniBMaBdKrtrtalMrora ftwdijiwiU aaaHa roar tptra lo work nonnally. Sold Everywhere in Boxes, 10c. and 25c. GOV. LORD RETURNS ICUAT IN OlIUI 111 POLK TO SALEM Enjoying Vacation in His Old Home Hx-Govornor Wm. P. LonJ, who nerved tho Btnto of OrcRon with hon or aa ItU cblof oxocuUvo for four yearn, and who Is now minister to Argentine Hcpublln. has returned .for-J a short fut lough at Salem. He will bo hero tho greater port of tho aummor, and expects his family to arrlvo from California Boon. Gorornor Lord Is looklnc rathor! to tho college officials, and It Is ex pected tho entlro number of students belonging; to tho military organization will take part in the parade. Tho Southern Pacific has also made ar rangements .for hauling the various uniformed camps residing in the vaM Icy, and Is making every posslblo preparation for handling an unusually largo crowd of excursionists from Wil lamette valley points. Corvnllls Go zotte. Reamet Will Be Here. Mayor Dishop last night tele graphed an Invitation to Mn Ilcamca to attend the reception to the presi dent, hro tomorrow. Mr. Iteamcs wired bis aceptance this morning. He will bo assigned to place in one of the carnages. Business Houses Close. Lighting Contract Rewwed (Continued from first page.) dent Meet at Turner block at 8 o'clock a. m., Thursday, May 21st The Presidential Party. President Roosevelt. Secretary Loeb. had quit riding a wheel, and was now in favor of putting a stop to the busi ness. Pohle favored leaving wheels on tho walk during tho winter, at least, but favored providing cyclo paths on every street. Recorder Ju dah pointed out that the only way to enforce the ordinanco would bo to have a special officers for that pup . ... I .- ... ,I.M .U.M- fliusv, ua lb nun jiuijuubiuiu ivi itiu ivtj ular police forco to do this work. Mr. tlllllimillHIMIIIMIIIHHH Htnroa -will nrnrlv nil rlonn from Hubbard thought that UlO tTOUDIC Was 8:30 to 12:30, while banks and public .that tho present polico officers were offices will not open in at all. tho forenoon COUNTY Prominent Farmer Killed by His Nephew at Parker Independence. Or,, May 19. While Bitting on hln porch last evening at 4 o'clock Alexander Kerr, an old resi dent of Parker, four miles south of here, wa shot and killed by his nephew, William Peacock. The weap on used was a shotgun, and over 25 shot took. effect In tho head, eyes and slight, having had a severe slogo of boJjr-, M Kcrr ''"Sfred an hour be Illness recently nn.i ni.n n. n ..,it t death camo. Peacock came to of the warmer and damp cllmato of town .nn.d.'. '' bcnK that country. Tho ox-governor was tfton to iho. co,lnt Jnl1 Ht Dallas, heartily welcomed by many old . .Th. mu-0"Jr gave no reason for frlonds, and Is enjoying one of tho !"" d'"ed- an(l I'earod cool and col most pleasant recreations known to ' lH',0, when he Rvo "'mself up. Thero Governor Chamberlain will accom pany the presidential party to Port land, and possibly to Kalama, Wash., where Governor McDrlde. of our northern neighbor will meet them. Tho regimental colors and ensign of the Second Oregon Regiment, which were carried through the Spanish-American-Filipino warn wero sent to Portland, where they will form the central figure of tho decorations for tho festivities there. The board of nsylum trustees has made n contract for tho purchaso of 3000 cords of slabwood from tho Dooth-Kclly Lumber Company, of Eu gene, at $1.35 per cord. While searching for hold-tip men, Polico Sergeant P. Miller, of, Chicago, was fatally wounded by threo sus picious characters he undertook to arrest. not doing their duty, or tho violations would be stopped at once. Before tho, matter was disposed of nearly every member present spoke to the ques tion, and It was apparent that the sen timent of tho council is in favor of circumscribing or wholly excluding wheels from tho walks, at least during tho summer. The matter was finally referred to the committee on health and police. I Street Lighting Proposition. ( At this Juncturo the proposition from Mr. J. J. Henry, of the Salem" Light, Power & Traction Company, ! offering to ox tend tho present street i lighting contract for flvo years more, as published somo days ago camo up. , It was learned that Uie present con tract does not explro until Septem ber 10, 1904. Upon Invitation, Mr. McNary, attorney for tho company, spoko concerning tho details of tho proposition. Ho stated that It would not be practical to undertake to make thlrt renewal take effect at the closo of tho present contract, as under our chatter a contract cannot be made ox- tho "The Best Tiling on Wheek" Oldsmobili "Nothing to Watch Bot th p Judge Dallas, of tho Pennsylvania tending over flvo years. Under the supremo court, has suggested that alc,rcum8tnnce U only practical nc uuiiiuiiiir, uini oi renewing old ac quaintance. Ho hoixm to regain his formor nigged health by a season In his favorite Oregon, whuro he can In dulgn In Its fruits and llowort nnd oth er good flilngr After attending the proldPiitlal nartv to Portland, ho will return to Salem, and will mako his homo for tho time being at Hotol Willamette. VACCINATION AND DANDRUFF. There Is as Sure Prevention of Bald ness as There Is of Smallpox. It Is now accoptod that vaccination renders tho vaccinated porson exempt from smallpex: or at worst, he novor has anythliiK but the slightest kind of a casw. Now m n sure preventative and cure for dandruff, which causes falling hnlr and baldness, hns boon discovered Nowbrn'H Herplclde. It kills the (lauilruir germ. C. II. Reed, Vlrtor. Idaho, rays: "Myself und wlfo navo ueen troubled with dandruff and railing nair for noveral years. We inuu ninn-iiiiw wunoia oireci until wo used NowUro's Horplcldo. two bottles of wlilch cured us." Hundreds of similar testlmonlr.Is. for snio by Daniel J Fry. Send 10 cents In atntups for wmiplo to Tho iierpicKio i;o. Detroit. Mich. JT II Sent to the Reform School. - City Recorder Judah today commit ted Harry Wwitcott, aged 13; Wllllo King, ngpd 10. and Jacob Iluer. aged 13. to tho txfnrin school. Harry Wostcott wns committed onco before and has been out on good behavior ll has been a source of constaut complaint for somo time, and so will liavo to go back. King and Honor had been stealing bicycles, and had entered Into a con tract whereby Hauor was to Bteal a wheel of Roy Goodhue a and deliver It to King, and at somo future dato King agreed to Hteal a lady's wheel for Hauor Tho boys confessed to Re corder Judah that Hauor had ntnlen tho wheel and delivered It to Rauor. who had ro-onamolcd It, nnd sold It to a citizen of this city for 5. King Is nn ox-reform school lad. They will both go out today Tho boys are holding high Jinks In the city Jail, singing coon songs, and causing Recorder Judah to wish he had never been born. They seem to tako their sentonee about as easy as they tako other things i o Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local application as they cannot reach tho dtaoasod portion of tho oar. Thero la only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional romodlcs. Dcafnca Is caused by nn In flamod condition of tho mucous lining of tho Kustaohlan Tubo. Whoa this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is ontlrely closed. Deafness Is tho result, and unless tho inflammation cau be taken out nnd this tubo re stored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destioyod forever; nluo cases out of ton aro canned by catarrh, which Is nothing but on Inflamed con dition of tho mucous surface. Wo will give oqo hundred dollars for any case of doafnoss (caused by catarrh) that caupt be cured by Hall's Cntnrrh Cure. Bend for , circulars free. V. J. OHRNBY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7Cc. Hall's Family Pills are tho best nrc report that there had been trouble between Jhe two before. Mr. Kerr was a member of the O. A R. Kst of Independence. Tho coroner Is holding an Inquest this afternoon. i i President Roosevelt's Pro gram ,. (Continued from first page.) receiver bo appointed for tho Dela ware Gas Company, of which Senator Allco Is president K. P. Stoelhomnier, of Jackson county, was admitted to tho asylum yeateruay, CONSUMPTION the most areaaed and deadly of all diseases, aa well aa pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles aro relieved at once and cured by Acker's English RefRedy "thti kins ot all Cough Cures." Cures Coughs and Colds la a darM 25 enta. Your money back if dtwallsfled. Write for fre sample. W. II. Hookr ft Co., Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. Pry, Dru Special oftlcera and monographers. Assistant Seerotnry Darnes. Surgeon-Geneial Rlxoy. Mr. Rosenborg, of tho Pennsylvania Railroad. Mr. Colemnii. of tho Associated Proas. Mr. Hazard, of Scrlpp-Mcltao Press Association. Mr. DimlHon. of Now York Sun Press Association. Mr. Dunn, of Collier's Weekly. Mr. I.uckoy. of l,sllo'fl Weekly. Mr. Lnzamlck, of Harper's Weekly. Mr. Strohmyor, photographer. Mr. Williams, of Westom Union Tolograph Company. Mr. Orooch. ot Postal Tolograph Company Mr. Tyre Mr. Taylor. Mr. Connell. Mr. Htoiut. Threo niosciigrH. Tho presidential arty will be seat ed on tho Improvised platform bolng built below the wiper flight of stairs at the, wet appflmch of the tapltol building The Sal-m Choral Society will occupy tho stops Just back of the platform, and tho delegation of Grand Army men will hnvo the use of the f acinic A piano will bo placed at the outor odgo of the upper platform for tno use or tho singers. The wholo front will bo decorated with bunting. nnd an abundance of native flowers, wnicn are now perfect to profitidon Song Choral Union. Address Mayor Bishop. Address Governor Chamberlain Address Senator Brownoll Song. "Vive 1'Amorlca, Home of tho Freo" Mrs. Hinges. Address Presldont Roosevelt Song Choral Union. Quards at Marlon Square. Tho following named uentlemen havo volunteered to act as guards at Man on square. W. H. Sherman. I. Flnnoaan. M. VI- osko. J. M. Munston. H, C Mlnton. B. .V. Hughes. E. C. Mlllor. C. J. Atwood. O. Mi Inman. W. C. Walling. E. I-. I.ocko. C. A. Bort. W. C. Squires. Ix Benson. W. E. Mlllor. Davo Drngor, V. Wlllman. oOe. Patterson. C R Itn- non. Jo.. Bcnolt, U B. Hlxson. R M. Reoso. O W Hoillster. Web Holmeu. The Inrfan School. Salem Indian School will be on hand in u body, with oftlcera. band and school children. They will bo at Marlon square to do honor to tho head of their government. It seems too bad that tho Nation's chlof oxecutlvo cannot stop and inspect this great in- siHuiion. ror it is ono or the most practical examples of whot a country con do for its wards. Stop at Woodburn. Mayor Coiby. of Woodburn has had a dispatch Statlug that tho nraalilnn. tlal party will mako a ston of n fo- mluutos at that wlde-awako Marlon county town. The President will probably mako a few remarks from his car Road Getting Busy, Arrangements wero mado with th Southoru I'ncine Friday for bringing 300 Students from tho AirrliMiltiirnl Collego to Portland during tho Prosl. dent's visit on May 21st. Tho negoti ations with Genoral Passenger Agent W. R Coman resulted sntlsfnoiorilv Mokl tea ootitlvalv cura aib Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion, A delightful herb drink. Tin. moves all emotions of this vin nnn. duclng a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and 50c. Write) to us wires aarnpie, w. H. Hooker & Co., ButfaJo, N. Y. D. J. Pry. Druggists OAHVORXA. Butttl m m Vjb Um Mnn Bwkt At ftsitv . . - WfUtV r I.MHKtBMiWtarj lion to take would bo to act at this tlma Mr, Henry further offered to light nil tho school houses of our city freo of charge. Ho further offered to forego tho feature of tho present con tract which provides that tho city must pay for Installing all now lights. Mn, Pohlo moved that tills proposition bo accepted, which was unanimously dono. Tho mattor wan then referred to tho commltteo on ordinances, with in tructlons to frame a now ordinance covering1 this mattor. ! Street Commissioner Griswold re ported that tho covering of tho mill raco, on Front street. Is rotting badly. Scrofula Thla root of many cviU Glandular tumors, abscesses, pimples, and other cutobeous erup tions, sore cars, inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, read! iichh to catch cold aud inability to got rid of it easily, paleness, tier- nnu tl,nt t,1G 8amo ,B unsafe. Upon ..,. a. ... it.. i I motion tho streot commissioner wns VOUSnOBS, thO Consumptive tea- Instructed to nr.lnr tl.l Imnrnvmnnnt dency, nnd other ailments ' ho mndo. p-n t . ArtrnMiaJ-io ,i . I Mr- Brown, of Sllvorton, who has Can bo completely and perma- Lomo fllIlnK t0 ,,0 on j,orry Btroot nently removed, no mattor how 'asked permission to tako some dirt young or old tho sufferer. from a high place on Trade street for Hood'. SnprllU wM clr.n th. d.uihur I tlmt Purpose. Referred to commltteo if SIIm V.rnoor. Wwr.lnr. N. Y. who hl . on "irects. with power to act trokca out with iaroMi tat., aii h.r rM. Hubbnrd moved (m nd btkd. Tbt firtt bottle halptd ba. uid when lb bul tnktn ill tbt iorM war all atalrd and hr fact wm imootb. Ha wrttet Ibat ih bu narar abuws aar tlra at tbt lorofula ratnrolnc, Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps tho promise. Ask your druggist for it today and accept no substitute. that Uio re quest of J. J, Murphy, for a permit to bud nn Iron roof on State street, bo reconsidered. Carried. i Ujkmi reconsideration tho request jwas again denied by the following uiu. jfv, imrruwH. iiuuimni, ims and Walker. Navs. Patlln Pnhlo Inn. son and Stolr. Tho mnyor voted no.' ' At this juncture tho now license or-1 dlnnnco ordinanco and tho two 12th street Improvement ordinances wore pnssciL Havo you seen tho 1903 model of tho OLDSMOBlItt If not, you will recognize it. It did not havo to change it coat or appearance, as it is proud of its prestnt standi nnrl rwnrrl mnrin 1111002. 'Pndnv t in n S Greater Wondet Than Ete? "Why Because wbonover thero was quostion of woab in mo luouuuuua iu unuy use man parts of tUoploKfi has been strengthened boyond all questions of doabt. i has stood the tost of constant ovory-day use. Do' this placo it fartbor ahead of competition than ever? I Uie ouu'iniio wom i urs.-iw3fcuu ivuiiuutuiy nun itwasli Only Machine in its class to mako tho run without a penalized stop Receiving tne Highest Award n In .nnilii nvl1f? III VlA (1 tl ntfntni in n..MM. .1 I t 11 13 VUOUJ J71VIHV. vr wv. ..w uuTiauuv til VOry UOUllI 07U 1 any other low-priced car mado. If you are interested call and let bs give you a rme. Bicycles Wo havo tho best made, including Colujnbias. Harlfordi, Clovelands, Kacycles and Vedettes. AH prices, any equip- mout. A9k to try one 01 our wnoeis tnoy run easy. Wt havo now wheols to rent including a , Dop-Fame Tandem Otto J. Wilson J 35 Com'I St. Ww ra 1 I After The Presiden Leaves Tomorrow H ilie. Crowt f 11 lid mm .To Our. cSaiem Woolen Mill store. for hero is where tho well dressed mou of Polk and Marion mnko thoir clothing headquarlors. Our Spring lines of Suits aro handsome products of the tailoring art," and tho trimmings and workmanship aro tho vory best. Our $ 1 2.00 line of Men's Suits Ate Extremely Nobby- Yoa should see them. The Children Will Come Too - H Yovt Collar Melts Remember wo carrv all stvhs in either tho two for a a quartor or the 25o grado. Our stock will permit you to re plenish in every particular a thor oughly Up-to-Date Wardrobe which of course includes White Vests Summer Skit The Latest Neckwear Stt:eae,-Etc kJjil III IjrSEafSEJf Hi for our Boys', Youths' and Children's Soil " of our Salem Mills cloths, have stood the ttft Wt years and they're known throughout tbelBr metto Valley aa unsurpassed for genuine eerY" Oar Cbildren's Depaftme includes everything tho little fellow needs Caps, HatSaSnirtSaUnde Sweaters. Hosiery. Etc Wo closo from 8:30 tor 12.SQ jn bono? President. of t:iilBBBB