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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1903)
Lt. THE DAILY JOURNAL. SALEM, OWEQON. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1903. PACE FOU. HERMANN T0;)BE2HERE MAY13TH County Committee and Organizations to be inJLine Ex-Goy. Geer Will Preside 0 the Heads or Clubs toJConduct Reception I of tho street parade, and tho meeting In tho following tcrra: 1 In tho evening. Tho University bund To tho dreator Snlem Oommerclal had nlrcadr been engaged, and two Club: other bands aro to bo aecurcd. There Ocntlpmen. Tho trustees of Wit will bo no lack of music and enthual- lamrtte University deslro to thank asm. and tho Kopubllcan candidate you for tho hind Invitation that Dr. for congress will get a rousing re- Coleman present his work and plans ccptloti on his entry Into Marlon conn- fprtha University to you at your tJ. " -moving on May 12Uj. and to say that u ih8 Invltntlon Is gladly accepted upon iKelr part and upon tho part of Dr. Coleman. With highest respect. There Is mora llto and activity In political circles than has been soon hero since tho Chamberlain campaign, over tho announcement that Hon, Dinger Hermann will bo hore on next Tuosday, May 13th, and It will bo Hhown that thcro will bo no apathy In tho support of that gentleman on tho part of Marlon- county Ilcpubllcans. County ChalrmaA Culver has called tho Itopubllcan county central com ralttco together on that dato, and a gonorol invitation has been extended to Ilopubllcan workers nil over tho county to be present and join In a grand rccoptlon at tho cmmtltce's headquarters In the McCornack block, at 2 o'clock. Hermann speaks at ttugeno Monday ovcnlng, Albany Tuosday ovonlng and will apend Wednesday at Salem, nhd address tho Salem Republicans nt the armory on Wednesday ovonlng. Kx Governor doer has boen nsltod to pro sldo, and will make one of his char acteristic speeches. Ilosldos tho County central -commit' tee, tho Young Man's Hopublkan Club, of which Ilul I). 1'ntton Is presi dent; tho llnpulillenu Club, of which. In the nbKouc of Mr. Oateli, Capt. (loo. II. Jones Is presldont. nnd tho Worklugmen's Ilopubllrnn Club, of which 8 A HuglioH Ih preildent. will ontclnlly participate, nnd have charge MARION COUNTY FINANCES Treasurer's Report of Cash Balances on Hand May First County Treasurer Itlchardson has today tiled his monthly nfiort, show ing tho following balances ou hand May 1st: Special city and school fund . 0.759.93 Genoral fund 41,478.49 General school fund 25,249.39 Indigent soldier fund C43.GI Institute fund 347.95 Ovorplus fund 209.97 Iload fund 7,616.28 State fund 12.80 Summary of Totals. Cash on hand April 1st ..f 50,339.29 Itecelpts 120,396.66 JOHN W. IIEYNOLD8. Sec . . ..-y Court No'fes.. complaint was tiled Total 1170,735.95 Disbursements $ 85,417.56 Cash ou hand May 1st .. 85,318.39 PRESIDENT COLEMAN TO SPEAK in the cir cuit court, department No. 1, today by A. O. Condlt, as trustee of tho estate of n. K. McKlnncy and W. T. Illches. partnors, against C. H. Canon. Tho complaint asks for judgment for $133.63 for an unpaid note, with costs nnd disbursements. An action for dlvorco was yesterday (lied In department No. 2 of tho stato circuit court for Marlon county, In which Tllllo Kills In tho plaintiff and II. Ii Kills tho defendant. Tho plnln tiff alleges that she and tho defendant wore Intermarried in Marlon county, on December 10, 1891; that the de fendant treated her In a cruel and In human manner, and In May, ISO 1. abandoned and desortcd her, nnd has over since refused to live with her. The plnlntlff asks for a decreo of tho court forovcr dissolving tho bonds of matrimony existing between herself and tho defendant, nnd that she bo glvon tho custody and control of their minor child. I.cster Kills, ngod 11 years. o Little Girls Run Over. A llttlo girl wan run over by a scorcher on tho sldownlk on Asylum nvenuo. Slio was knocked down, and, nftor passing ovor hor, tho follow only remarked that sho hnd no business on the walk. If his little girl was run over or hurt by a scorcher thoro would bo some one hurt, If hn didn't got out of the way of his Winchester too quick. Carl Nowhall, convicted of larceny In a dwelling, nnd given one year, nnd KranU A. thgalls. sentenced to 10 yenrs Tor manslaughter, wero ro celteil at tho penitentiary yestorday from Coos county. Tho cost of bring ing thcao two prlscinert wna $168,70) Capitalist Writes from Iowa (Contnue'd from First Page.) '" ' J Thoro aro complaints nt tho way Will Appear Before Greater iworcliora cumo tearing down tho oast Salem Commercial Club i"1'10 of th0 hm on South commercial street. Aldorman Larson and others The trustee of Wlllnmotto Unlver- got tho council to put tho wost side slty have nccoptod the Invitation of of the stroot on tho forblddon list, nnd the executive committee of tho Salem Push Club ty hnvo I)r Coleman nd dress the club noxt Tuesday evening, that mnkos foot passcngors positively unsnfo on tho other sldo of tho street Jim Drown snld to a roportor that flal4-llaaB44II4aE4BaRKH s D H 4- ? s H w of It. Ilut I can tell but little on n shprt trip. I wish you would notice tho abovo poInU nnd give me your views. 'Here, if land was old and worn out. It could be sowed to clover nnd redeemed and mndo good. I am told clover does no good there, and If sown and does not grow, that It will dry nnd burn out every summer. Now, these aro Important points to an East cm man. Also am told that timothy docs no good, and also alfalfa. No one disputes that It Is n wonderful fruit country, but also say Uint fruit hos but lltlo value, or no market for It. Several aro figuring on this deal be side myself, and wo would ltko to havo your honest opinion. Hnvo you good soil, can It bo bought at a cheap price, or at what different prices? Can you raise clover or grasses with cer tainty for pasture? Do your streams overflow In winter? Is It disagreeable In winter, or particularly so? Can any kind of stock bo raised to ad vantage? Do jou think land enn bo bought thoro so It will pay n, fair rato of Intorost torentlt, and do you think thoro Is a probability for an advance Does all surplus fruit, stock, etc., havo to bo shipped Kast? How aro your mnikots? Now I am asking many questions, but thoy aro of Intorost to me nnd othorH. Ik It healthy thoro In winter? Will be pleased to hear from you as soon as convenient. Is thoro anything but buying land thnt I could do to make a buslnoss of? How about pine tlmbor hind? A. S. PUNK. stubblo cut off that field, and for throe years thereafter two big oropa of from four to six tons each, of clover and volunteer grain, hay of tho best quality woro taken off each )car, and then for two years two crops a year of clover and mixed grasses. This same Held- boro each year a crop of prunes, plums, npples and soluo pears. This fruit was not considered worth milch, as tho trees weio not cared for, but ench year tho fruit nmouhted from $10 to ?20. All these crops Vero tak- for stock and dairying, b?" "" .'" iuout Worker thOUBllt Mill Intolll nation, ntirt mnut -i- jJ , .t tugron iW, mayonalHu nntinn ,i. . "t bushes or (ly Into th !,,, comers from thn !.. i $i Umn elsewhere. f8,t'i( As Mr. Funk seems n i8lJ man, nnd possessed of thjll qulry, wo will only mid JSi thlB country will hwn. ..rl ..... .. .,. wtl "S""' "" win cnduri. iv. . nvt rft tutttisMtt mtw rlllt( ctftArtlvtrv rm AHlltht III " t .. u.i ...i..u..k .. v. ... vmiuwu, win wear well, and cultivation, or use of fertilizers, and on "acquaintance Wo hona thn lnnil una what won railed old laml nf-nnn nonntn m, .. j 1 -. .. .- -1..1. Tt.l. I- 1.1. i. - n . "" M unu um uuj iw iii.-ii. iino io u. uihjuj ir. runK and send to .,, ...... i...i it I. ....... .............. . 1 iik i . ""5 j diui, uuv. ii. id iv tuij tuuiiuuii hiui , I iiiuiu iiLuruiuro, ana Wn VHI j as Mr. Funk can find by writing or what ho will sift tho chut f coming here and staying for a fow wheat, and raako tho Dron. !! yoars. Thcro Is no trouble In raising) oven from tho enthusiasm of j any amount of feed nnd hay and grain paper man. 'i tmnnnnnnii iintfinnM In a Danor oar Pa Without "Wariii i ncn in wncn you i a bicycle on which can rely. MITCHELL BICYC arc well Built up under j enamel, to stand hare i and good stilt travel. finished creditably, J iU- '. .ut... il.. I 11JUI IB ttiiv Ulty PIVC f. oi tslactton. WORKINGMEN CLOTHES Our assortment ot wearables f'r the wbrkmjnmn is complete, and no bet ter values can be sold anywhere for the money. In fact, it everything in our store were sold on margin on which some of THESE GOODS are sold we would soon have to quit business. We are prepared, too, for the man who desires the UNION LABEL. Painters Overalls and Jumpers Placrc AvArallc and Inmnorc Carpenters' Aprons, etc., etc.! i Men's and Boys' Overalls Black Overalls Blue Overalls Blue Striped Overalls Fat Men's Overalls, u-to 48 Long Legged 'Men's Overalls, nmm Our 60c Overalls, the Samson, Can! be Beat For the Price TRY IT, Plain Overalls Engineer Overalls 7-Pocket Overalls It s liardly necessary to add that for Men's Wear of every description we are - m a . . ! FIRST IN MAKE! : FIRST IN FIT! t i First in the Hearts of the Workinmen! HWOOlHIISn Regular President Suspenders at our Store only 35c. .m.m m . 'TWtWTWIHTWl friPT"' - c MyJAJURiiUi!UtiJiiMiaaiM'Mi"''w - WWW WTfi 1,'rnrv "K '" ! .-Mrmfi f I'mpltf ho bo unywhoru solely for tlio i)iiroo or innliiiK money nro apt to bo illsappolntoil. Thoro In a wroat ileal In lire 1ohIi1oh coining tho nl nilRhty dollar, and yot It Ih n cold fact that about nlno-tonths -of tho pooplo of thin world don't try to Rot any. thing out or life but a lew nlmlghty dirty dollnrn. that thoy can't tako with tlioin. and In too many Instances lenvo nothing bohlnd thorn, but an unpleasant recollection of tholr efforts In tho scramble Kor pure oujoymont of nnturo, out- of-door llfo. tho year around, sunnhluo thnt don't burn, winds thnt don't re move brick lilockH, or tninlHh tho most beautiful woman's comploxlon, flno ncenory. soft sklos, lovoly land- senpow. wealth of flowers, fntlts. farm and dnlry products, nbout five big spo. clnl crops. Ilko hops, prunes, small fruit, mohair, apples and notntoes. tho Wlllnmetto valley Is tho unparal loled spot of this world. Tho wimo Is true. In a great oxtent, of all Western Oregon. Kvcn to tho man who l;nows nothing about hogs, cattle and corn these propositions will appeal when ho gets to know them. For a man who has heard so much against Oregon, and seems to hnvo ar guments nt his fingers' ends. It Is ro markablo that Mr. Hunk should think of coming to Oregon. Ilut It Is a com. pllraont that he is even thinking nbout It. for It Indicates thnt thoro must bo n grent deal worto conditions whoro ho Is leaving. If thoro aro floods hero In wlntor. thoro must bo floods all summor In W'estorn Iowa, as thoro wero last year, when tho rlvoro ran bank full about six months of Ute year. In reply to tho question of fruit hav ing no value, tho pruno growore' prices on lands and tho returns from sovoral hundrod carloads of dried prunos sont out of this valley, ought to scttlo that, Tho oxpanslon of tho fruit business Is going on at so rapid a rato that Mr. Funk could novor keep up with It, unloss ho is a speed (or man than somo of us who live hero. 8lngle growers who havo out six acres of raspberries, who will turn In 1500 cratos of strawberries to the cannery, vho hnvo from 8000 to 30. 000 pounds of Itoynl Anno cherries, who hnvo sold 200.000 strawberry plants to set out this season, etc.. would opon Mr. Funk's oyea so wldo thnt ho would nover get thorn closod again As Mr Funk Is a capitalist, who is thlnklug of coming West, wo would llko it very much If some of our big growers of clover and clover seed would write him personally tholr ex periences. The editor of this paper haa hal but ono personal experience with cloer A field of about two acres was sown to winter wheat and clover In November. Thero was a lot of oats thnt camo up as a volunteer crop with the wheat; and In the fol lowing June sovwi tons of wheat nnd S v was cui off tnat fleld, X ANTICIPATION is eclipsed for once by rca lization when the buggy is selected from our full line of VEHICLES, Buggies Phaetons. Stan hopes, Runabouts Tne cri tcrions for vehicle construct-' ion. tinish and &tvlc rvnr. chclland Bee Line Buggies g arc cum ior urcgon rcaas, Bl i yuLn i ...!,. o oi p IVIIlUllrJII, LBWIS 61 OiaVBI 10. 49, Si and 55 State St., Salem. F. F. CAREY, Manager. ei-3ea-HH- -! ajhif fH ar' i J Vi Jr I mMkrW NORRIS & ROWE'S BIG SHOW Will exhibit under their enormous wateroroof tentsi will be located opposite Southern Pacific depot. THURSDAY, MAY 1 Performances at 2:00 and 8:00 p. m. New Grand Spectacular Street Parade m 500 - Petotmins Animals - 508 Consisting of (ruined Eleplmnts, Clum, Liumae, Liodj, W Seals, Zebup.Sea Lions. Monkeys, oata, Tonics, Dogs, "2 .Vr M: K3roaBMLrc v xMm- Mr :- Million dollar zoolocica! annex Liilinulian lloman 1"P Mammoth aerial enclave. Educational museum- 3SdTfc Rnllirklnor Rnmnlnir Mirlti PrnvAtinff CloVDS d Royal Matsuda trouno of Jananbsa Performers. BeflsaUoall Whirl and Bioyolo Exports, hazardous Wild Animw J lunrycious Acronats, Acnalists, Tumblers ana tuiw 3LOC. All New Acts ' r . .. , til Tr. SPWI CPU 1. 1J..1... i.l I .1- 1 . u... in riWl" ii i-t-" u JuiiA kii-Ji iitti iiiiiv i .uiniii ina iiiii.ina nrir iimii aim - WS"; hv.Bniwn'm -1- ifoirfiSW PRICES-' yJfd&&5(&,tiaUm tf - " -"---"