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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1903)
Part Two Pages 9 to 12. (5 OClLiOCIC: DAILY JOURNAL. VOL. XIII. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1003. NO. 8-L. THE me New y ork Raoke IS GROWING l It's not the result of an accident. Our modern business methods enable us to undersell "tegular stores." We have but one price. We sell for spot cash only. No exceptions to either rule. The latest addition to our stock is a general line jo DRY GOODS Everything from Muslin to fine silks. Experienced dry goods men 'el us we can't pay expenses on our margin of profit, We're going to try it, Don't you think it will pay you to help us m?ke a success of the new lines? Haye You Tried Thompson's Glove-Fitting Corsets? We sell this well known brand at "Racket Prices." new and staple shapes. All the -LADIEfe'- JTHnMSflNS fLOVC-FIT.TINci MILITANT ORSEt WRAPPERS and 1MSRISTS . ,Wewant you to see our prices, in .the 'store that's where you can judge of the value when on have the price and goods together. WE'RE SHOWING A BIG LINE OF LACES 5 and x EMBROIDERIES Thnt'a where most merchants double- their profits. Ask your frionds how wo sell them. Ureat values in appliques and medallions. THEY ALL COMB OUR WAY WHEN THEY WANT 3R, 2 BBOWS YOU KNOW WHY hy-ASfrrfJ lis time for Lace Curtains agnin. Our lino is complete and prices bed rock. Ladies' Belts, Purs is Combs, Hairpins and all kinds of Furnish ings. fiJ T5f ii PflllNTFBPA NFQ ou raust l,uV0 tl,f,n to niako the bed Iqtjk ngbt vvllM ' -,AA nia pont t)Uy itjn you 6ee wiint wc have to elLQWjyou Wc carry the most complete lines In the city of Ladies' Men's and Children's SHOES They combine the best of styles with propor fit and good service.? If you want to reduce your shoo bills buy your footwear of us. We beliovo in soli - ing good goods at reasonable prices' so you'll como again. CLOTHING The new patterns are beauties. We save you from $2 to $3 on a good, all wool suit, When wo say it's all wool there is absolutely no .cot ton or shoddy in it. What has your experience with "all wool" from clothing been? Wb bavo nobby little suits for the boys that aro built to stand boys' wear. We intend to carry evory- mingyuu uucu iu in uui. vuu wnoie lumuy. When you want anything it will pay you to go to rrn Iff TOR ( Iff mu SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CASH STORE TWO EOOMSI I I Corner Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. E. T. BARNES. m CHURCH AN EASTER OFFERING Christian Scientists Dedicate Tomoftow LARGE DELEGATIONS FROM OTHER POINTS Special Arrangements Made for the Entertainment and Welcome of All Visitors There will bo dedicated In Snlom on Easter Sunday tho now homo of tho Bocond Chut eh of Christ. Scientist, which Is located on Chcmckatn street next to tho City Hall. This Ih ho first building ercted In tho stnto for thin purpose, nnd tho opening sorv Icon tomorrow will bo attended by many Salem people as well nH by a large delegation or Christian Scion lists from Portland and other points. Tho latter have engaged n special car, and will como up In n body on Sunday morning, returning tho same day. Special street enr service, will bo provided for their transportation to tho cly and back to their train, sometimes tormod colonial stylo, and Ih ono of tho most attractive publlo buildings in tho city.. It Is unpreten tious, yet nttractn oonsldorablo notice for Its unique atylo and hnndflomo finish. Tho building wna planned by Architect Knighton, of Portland, to meet the peculiar needs of this church, and whoever linn aeon It com pllmonts both tho architect and tho church upon ItK nttrnctlvo appear nnco. MossrH Wolch and Mnuror wero tho contractors and It Is snld by the building commltteo us wnll an tho nrchlteot Hint It Is a llrst-clnss Job of work from tho biiBomunt to tho roof. Tho finish Inside is In natural John Stout, of Oregon maple, and are said to bo ono of tho finest pieces ot furniture work over turned out In tho stnto. Messrn. Huren fk Hamilton? put In tho carpctn and draperies, niuf tho light scheme was provided by thcr Snlom Electric Llchtlnrr Comnanr. under tho direction of Superintendent Drown. The Dedication Program. Organ voluntary. Communion hymn by Mrs. ltddy. Scrlpturo reading Ninety-firs t'snim. Silent prayer, followed by tho spir itual Interpretation of tho Lord' prayer, 'na given In tho Christian Sci ence toxt-book. Hymn, Announcements. Massages and nfldriMwe Vocnl solo. Hxplanntnry nq(. Lewon lormon, ubj-ct "TIu Atouemont." Hymn. Heading of Hclentlflr statement of bolug, with correlative scrlpturo front' John 1-3. Ileuodlctlou. l'ostludo. Tho dedicatory sorvlaoM at 2:30 o'clock will bn n repetition of the 10 '30 a. in, progrntn, and there will New Christian Science Quitch to be Dedicated. jM." .. iftfr' 'yiMr 'vHttHMR- JMHliir K.afaHT'' & BHsBSC,' BK . awki . '" -TiTirr.TT. ., .".'" JSSSBf H. Second Church of Christ Scientists of Salem land special arrangements have bon Imado for tholr outortalnmunt at a leading restaurant. In order to uc , iommo(ute tio largo number of strangers a volI an tho people of I Salem, a repetition or tho dedicatory jservlco will no glvon at 230 o'clook In tho afternoon and it Is said tho local I Christian Scientists nro mnklng every jPOHslblo nrrnngfinJmt for tho accom modation of all. Printed Invitations havo been sent to people of tholr own denomination at outside points, Oiugon pine, and has been done In a b an open metttlNK at 7-H'l p. in., mannur that Is oepMlnlly oredltnblo. when the frlundu can see tho now Tho contraetors can always be proud church fully IlliimlnctoU- Tho public of the work dooe on this building. I chrd'ally Invited to all UioRo moot for they hare fully fatlflfleri the d lng y- juamta rhiide upon tholr Mk)l and . .,. V" V ' falthfulnoee. Tb balunnent' contains l " Good Frday 1 wa Kriday In n largo fiirnaefl put ln,Uy T. M. '''r.fHv,w"Vork. Aurll 1-Tfie and tlmro nro also coflvenlont tollot ,. ,, ., nf mmi! K facllltloH in It The main auditorium ,, et Tl0 gU Mlha f , Is built In modern style, with n slop- ollv -NIW v.,,., fltlinlf pnllll1fttA,f Ing floor, thus giving the kudlmcq 8took (.()mi( Qo(ffi) ,lnj,M0 ani, mib better fucllltlo for swing tho Meim-usnondiMl busln.we. and ther tint. Hnlnm iumuiIh nf nil ilnnnmlna. r.iniliirn Tim (alllnic Is flnlshOll with . .... .... . ... . ... ,...., .. ..- ... ....... - win mi sur umrMui. ui uie mrgu tlona aro Invited and oxpooted to at. heavy panels, and ! IlKwcd with an nwn.jal houson only tho banks weri tend. Tho nftornoon meeting Is largely for tho accommodation 61 por tions attending regular service at Home of tho other churches, but who would Jlko to bo prosent at this dedi cation. All will bo welcomed. Tho total cot of tills new church homo baa beu about 16000, and In accordance with tho custom of Chris tian Science organizations will be dedicated free of djbt. No contribu tions will bo anked at this dedicatory service, and no collection w)ll bJ taken. History of the Church. The nucleus of this organization waa formed In Salem about ten years ago, and the church propor was or ganlzed with abont thirty motnbri loma four yearn alnce. It haa grown steadily slnco that tlmo until It has a strong membership They have held aorvicea for somo ytare at 293 Liberty street, aud aa tho old quarters seemed to have become cramped, It waa decided about a year ago to build a ehurch of their own, and their pres ent new building 1 the outgrowth. I The New Structure Shanlko, tho terminus of tho Colum bla Southern railroad, In Wasco coun ty, has had an epidemic of smallpox. which Is now under control. Tho first pat(cnt wu a timber locator, and ho was doctored for poison onlr, dyl?K or tho tlird day. There have bcn sever cases in tho past week electric globo nt each Intersection of opm or bulwt HerV0W( woro hm tho same Tho lacnuo pr poren is , ,.urly lh(J )hurchoi) wlh ,w studded with four heavy ro umiiH cj, oblMimB(. of ,M ,101lrH MC(,n leading to tho entrance of doub o ,2 M 3 O(lock n ho ntitsnwon doom, at either suo or .-wnicn isi placed an elctrlc torcn tor iignung tho outside Off tho right of the ball way Is a commodious reading room, with another similar room boyona Tho auditorium In at the end of tho hall and to tho left. At tho other sldo of tho hall JiT a clonk room. through which the stairs loading to the basement aw readied. The build Ing Is lighted throughout with roost attractive electric fixtures, and tho rostrum haa a skylight abovo It, which produces a very easy light for the readers during tho day. At tne left of the rostrum la a small study room for tho readers, which l reached either from tho auditorium or by an oulsldo entrance. Tho rooms aro curpeUd with heavy velvet car pets and rugs to match, and the archways are bung with handsome draporlee. The windows are of ground glw. wd tboBmalIer rooms : Tho women In I'ortland who are go Ing (o run the Lewis and Clark fair, or a woman's department thereof, haver fallen out, and the two factions have each struck, one against tho other. There Is keen rivalry between thor llumo and llurna people for control or the fishing buslnens on Iloguo river. and each aide Is preparing for a vlg orous contest- Tho four-stamp mill recently in stalled at tho Krcmer and Palmer mine at Grants ,1'aM, haa been civet? are provided with attractive curtains, ju trial run, and proved highly aatta- ! bulltln.Ml-cIalaaIorwhat lffho!MWf& iu4,oJ&-Sa'Sm. V 'ory. ? smr-aJtft 4-tnl4'tilM j, - A . -tJ- -.