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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1903)
THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1903. PAGE 8EVEN 1 Vegetable PrcpawlionforAs similatinG ihcFocd nndncula ling UicSloinaclis trnduowls of Aa Promotes DigcaUon.Clipcrrnl- nessantincsl.Conlalns iviilier Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. "NOT TCAIIC OTIC. ya afoUnrSWUELHTCHW fmiin Seat' MxSmnn glUSJllt- Jkprrmvil-. BiaatauilrJa HirmifPd-- tmfoiSUfnr nmn Apcrfccl Remedy forConslip Uon.SourSlotnach.Diarrliocn Wonns.Coimilsioiis.Fcvcrish ncas and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signnlure of NEW YORK. mu&nmM EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. t lC fffyFKBjiHliM n 'W -j H-tW-44-y'y4'tH-4"4t- . - . . H.4TH4HH-H--H4H'H A Little Jbiot Air and Mot Water. Alllncudatorsusconcor the other. THE SUltE HATCH INCU BATOR Is known as a hot water machine The reasons for using hot water arc fully explained In the finely Illustrated catalogue. Free for the askinir. Machines are In use all over the world and they clve satisfaction everywhere- Call and have us explain the one we have In our office. Simple, durable and easy to run. D. A. WHITE & SON,- Feechnen and Seedmen, Phone 1781. 91 Court Street, SALEM. OREGON. eeooe9oooooH-o I ::::::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::: JBALFOUR, GUTHRIE &, CO. iGR AIN HUYKRS AND SHIPPKfrW GRAIN I Seed Wheat For Sale. ? HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. a . . J. (j. Graliaill, ACIlt, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. HARRITT &. LAWRENCE Sell more Groceries and, betterllGrocerles than ANYBODY -.,... Fresh Walnuts, Currants and Raisins AND EVERYTHING ING SEASON. IN 8EASON FOR Good seasoned fir wood to any part of the citv. at Wood D. S. BBNTLEY 18M83 Commercial SL 232 Commercial Stree, Near Bush's Bank. HARNESS, SADDLES, NETS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. HARNESS OILS. ETC . SALEM, OREGON FLORSHEIM. We Have Just Received Oar Spring Stock Of Fiorsheims. RVIN &. Repairing While 94 State Street. ' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years H&Tl .---, H - H - H - l M I I M I I 1 I I I I I H - '' t HOUSEKELPER8 IN THE COM OLD P. O. GROCERY. 4.00 sawed and delivered 54 per cord- Phone 691 Main. FLORSHEIM. Yoa Wait. Phone 201. wi ccntauh onr NCW YORK CITY. npuHDN PETTYS OREGON BOARD OF HEALTH Ataps Out a Campaign of Operations The Oregon State Board of Health held Its first meeting Saturday, and organised by electing Dr. Andrew 0. Smith, of Portland, president; Dr. A. C. Klnnef, of Astoria, vice-president, and Dr. Wood Hutchinson, of Port' dlan, secretary. The election of a secretary was the most Important duty the board had to perform, for the secretary is to be the active health olllcer of the state. For throe ballots the vote stood throo In favor of C. W. Keono, of Medfortl, and threo for Hutchinson. On the fourth ballot Hutchinson secured four votes and his e action was thon made unanimous. The bonrd fixed the sal ary of the secretary at $200 per month. As the total appropriation is $5000 a year, this will loavo $2000 a yoa'r for tho expenses of tho board and secrotary. All tho mombors of tho board wero prosont nt tho moeting: Thoy are: Dr. A. C. Smith, or Portland; Dr. Al fred KInnby, of Astorln; Dr. C. J. Smith, of Pendleton; Dr. J. 1). Picket, of Modferd: Dr. K. A. Plorco, of Sa lorn, and Dr. Harry Lane, of Portland. At n business meeting the board decided, among other things, that all cased of contagious (Unease shall be quarantined. Physicians, mutes and heads of families must report to the health of ficer all cases of such d I tenses. Probably the most Important ac tion 'of the bonrd was the making of an order directing the secretary to proceed at once to California and make a thorough Investigation of the plague, so that he may be ready to rope with It should there be danger of its spreading to Oregon. The secro tary was also instructed to prepare a full set of blanks to be usod by phy sicians, etc.. In reporting births, dea:hs and contagious diseases. Dr. C J. Smith, Dr. Plckel and Secretary Hutchinson were appointed to Inves tigate the subject of nnlmal dis ease In this state, and report at the next meeting. Tho board will in tho near future lHHiia a circular addressed to school ofllcers throughout the state, urging tho noed of having pupils In the pub lic schools vacclnntod, and warning them of the danger of an epidemic of smallpox. The circular will also con tain information regarding the detec tion and prevention of the spread of diseases. Burdlok's Insurance. K. U Iiunllck, who waa murdered at his homo in Buffalo, carried about $25,001) llfo Insurance, all In small policies, mostly of $1000, except one of $10,000 In thes. Security Mutual. Oddly onough he seoms to hnvo for gotten that the Insurnnco Is nil pay able to his wife, who was living away from him, and the defendant In a suit for divorce. Attornoy Ponnell, swho Is named as co-respondent, Is ro- ported to carry about $200,000, mostly In 20-yoar endowments,' of which $76, 000 Is In the Travelors, $06,000 in the lSqultable. $26,000 in tho Now York Life and $26,000 In the Mutual Llfo. Rmma Mustola tho girl who was supposed to have jumped from the wharf at Astoria has been seen on the road above Tongue Point. Sho Is undoubtedly insane. Popular Eating House. First-class, up-to-date moals are served dally at Strong's restaurant. This is Salem's popular oatlng house. You can get 'just what you want. How Is This? The best Hngllsh Breakfast Tea, li cent per pound. Also all hinds of fresh vegetables each morning, at Branson & Ragan's. O i Want a cook that's not so eross? One Uiat doesn't think she's bets? Journal want ads bring finest eoofes Both for cooking and for loobv. ! . Marlon County Convention. , Chairman W J Culver, of Uto Ma- i ri(.n county Republican central com mltoe. has tailed his comssiUM to meet in this city, Saturday. Match ! 21st. for the purpose of apportioning I the delegates to be elected to repre 'seat the several precincts in the cosv 1 Ing county convention. The date will .'also be fixed for holding the county 'convention. ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Haye Always Bought Bears the Signature of &0& DEATH'S CHILLING HAND Laid on Two Former Salemit&s . i ..John R. Baldwin, aged 6i' years, of Independence, died Saturday evening at jjie hum of his nephew, M. P. Baldwin, on Front street In this city. Liver trouble was the cause of his" death. The deceased wns a native of Mis souri, where he was born In 1830. He nfterwarns lived In. Kansns, and has been a resident of the state fey the past 1 years. He was a Baptist min ister, In which capacity ho was en gaged since 1807. Ho Is survlvod by a widow, threo children having pre ceded him to the grave. Tho deceased was a inombor of tho Modorn Woodmon of the World and of DoMolay Commandory, Knights Tom plnr, of this city. Tho Masonic fra ternity took chargo of tho remains Saturday night, and convoyed them to tho lodge hall, where they romalnod In state until this ovonlng, when tho body was tnkon to Independence, whore the burial service will bo con ducted tomorrow. Hortha M.. wife of J. M. Woodruff, of Portland, died at the Salem Ho pltal on Saturday evening of pneu monia. after an Illness of but two weeks' duration. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, of Mac leay, this county, and at the time of her death was. but 30 years of age. The deceased was born In October, 1878, (tn the farm home near Mscleay, whero she grew to womanhood. Af ter graduating from Wllllamette Uni versity, In this city, she was for sev eral years successfully engaged as a school teacher in this county. On May -1. 189S, she became the wlfo of J. M. Woodruff, the (vopular traveling man, and continued to reside In UiIh city until about two years ago, when with her husband, she removed to Portland. Mrs. Woodruff was an on tlmable young woman of noble Chris tlan character, being a member of tho Central Christian church, of Portland She was also a member of Capital' Lodge, Fraternal Union of America, of this city. The bereaved husband and the members of tho family of tho ih ceased have the sympathy of tin torn nuinlty In their sad bereavement The funeral party will leave Salem from Rlgdou's undertaking parlors at 12:30 sfjnrp Tuesday, for Mach-ay The service will be held at the Ma' leay church at 2: SO o'clock. Itev. J. J. ICvans, of Red Bluff, Cat., conducting tho services. Itev. Rvans was the former1 pastor of tho First Christian church In this city, and officiated at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wood ruff, in May. 1898. During the ser vices the Stalwart Quartet, consisting of Messrs. Wenger, Upley. Both nnd Snyder will sing "The Iast Hope." This was a favorite selection of the deceased. . Another Death. Mo O.. wife of J. W. Penlcle. and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowell, died at the home of her parents, in Polk county, Ave miles west of Snlom. at 8 o'clock Sunday evening. March 16. 1808. The de ceased was aged 88 years, and con sumption was the cause of her death. Funeral services were held at the McDowell home this afternoon, and burial took place In City View ceme tery State News. AatorJn reports a slight earthquake shock Friday evening. It Is said that every town In Colum bia county want to be the eounty seat. The Dalles has invested in a steam road roller. Republican primaries In this dis trict are to he held April 4. sad the convitfttfon to nominate a congress men in Hwgene April I. A Big Suit Th Ooaet Lmm! and Livestock Co.. of Albany, of which J. K. Weetherford W H Hftgfta and Kdwln Stone are the nrln'ipnj stockholders has brought form Iosmjw suit in the Benton county court aflRlM the Oregon Parlne Col on'rttta do. for $N.4M principal. SS.m UUreet and $5,600 attorneys foes. This is la connection with the big property of the Coo estate situat ed in Ronton and Lincoln counties, formerly transferred to the plaintiff 8UHE CURE FOR PILE8 Itching Piles predpee moisture and cause Itehlng, this form, as well n jRllod Bleeding or ProtrndNK Pllet are cured by Dr. Ko-san-ke's Pile Rem edy, stops Robing and bleeding. Ab sorbs tnmors. (Or a Jar at drugalsU. or seBt by mall. Treatise free. Write me about your ease. Dr. Boaanko. Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr. Stone's drag tbatt. DEPUTY RECORDER JMED Real Estate Business Requires Alore Work County Recorder Slogmund has ap pointed Win, Hech, of this city, as a deputy in his olllco. Tho appointment of another deputy In this department Is made poeelblo by an net of Uto late legislature, by which allowance for deputy hlro in tho recorder's oflloe was increased from $1200 to $1800 per annum. Bocnuso of tho increased activity In roal ostate circles, the ser vices of a second doputy in this olllco has beon required for sovoral months. Mr. Ech Is a woll-known young man of this city, whero ho has boen em ployed for sovoral years in tho ton- sorlal parlors of Jack Itynn. .Ho is an intelligent and progressive mom- bcr of tho barbora' union. Inside on Paradise. The Pnradhio Sodas aro not do much like Imsswootl chips as somo crnckors mndo hero, but nro mndo up on honor of tho ilnast Oregon Hour, and fihortonod with tho flnost buttor and loaf lard, lnstond of packing house grease and cottolono. Romom ber tho Paradise Sodas In bulk, at tho ordinary price, nre tho samo article as those put up in the daintiest car toons. Frank Davis, local manager of Standard Biscuit Compnujf. Basket Ball Again, The Willamette University team again came out victorious in a "red hot" game of basket hall with the Oregon City Y. M. C. A. team Sat urday night. The Oregon City team was outclassed at every stage of the game, anil the final score was 18 to 0. The Willamette team has made a flue showing this season, and they are ex pected to win all the games they play with othor colleges thin season. There was a little rough play and a lltlln missing, but altogether the game was enjoyable. mnKcs Hood cooKs better ITbhvi PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT FOR THEIR MOST DELI CATE PATIENTS. OLD AND PURE. For Sale by A. SCHREIBER, Salem. 153 State St. FARMER'S HOME, CLASSIFIED ADS Advtrtlwmtntt. five Hot or Ims. Io this column loscnttttbrec timet for 25c. 50csWetk SI SO s month. Ml over five lines tttbettme rate, WANTED. Wanted Men. We tenth the barber trade In the shortest possible time at small expense and guarantee po sitions. Write Mohler's Barber Col lege. Salt Lake City, Utah. 2.102m 3000 head of Stock Cattle Wanted Cows and heifer calves, yearlings and 8-year-old htlfers; flv- bulls to the hundred hund, to raise on shares by reliable and perfectly re sponsible lifelong oaltle men. Fine grass range In western part of Lane eonnty; Half Increase for six years. Address A. J. Thompson. Gardiner, Oregon. IS-lf-im FOR SALE. Fsr 8ale. Five Jersey -"cows, high bred aad gentle, 8 fresh and 8 cow ing in ia a wonU, fine milkers. Call or address H. If. Craig, Mac leay, Oregon. 8-U-st For sale Grocery sunk In Bast Sa lem for solo. Iw rent, and in best part of city. Buyer can Invest from $800 to $100. For further particu lars call at 312 Twelfth street or address. 3-9-1 in. For Sale Throo oholoo residence lots in Falrmount addition. Inqulro of E. Holer, Journal oflloe. JBFl M itullH Stunt WM llf wsiisif a I ffi sal &&!& H vi ' iMedimiH For Sale. Whlto Plymouth Rocfc eggs for setting, from puro stock. Carl Ruef, Route 7, Salem, Oro 3-12-2w For Sale. Your choico of throo coo work horses, ago from C to 9 yearn;, weight from 1200 to 1420 pounds. P. Feoloy, 7 mtlos southwost of Salens. 3-7-lrn For Sale Spring oats nnd spolt foe seed. Also good oats for food. Prlcoa reasonable. Chns". O'Brien, 400 Capi tal street Phono Black 2185. 3-3-lm Strawberry Plants For sale; Wilson and Mngoon. Call rm T. J. Clark, opposite the county poor farm. . 2-27-lm For Snlo, Rent or trade, for country or city prdporty, a country hotolt first-class building, beautiful loca tion, on lino of rn rond. Ryan, Woodward & Co. 2-23-lm For Sale. Threo good farms. Boat la tho country. Inqulro of Dr. Cuslck, over Capital National banlc 2-12-lm For Sale. 15 nerds with good houso and bnrn. Two ncroa in fruit nnd grapos, ono mllo ens of Pratum, Marlon county; good school, . churches, mill Btoroa nnd sawmill near by. Will soil chonp. Address John Rich, Pratum, Oro. 2-17-Cn4w FOR RENT. For Rent. Furnished hoimo of bovou rooms, nil In llrst-claan condltlou, reasonable to right pnrty; within 10 blocks of postolllco. Addrosn "A," enro of Journal. 3-11-tf L08T AND FOUND. Found. On last Saturday, a brown fur boa. Owner can have snmo by calling nt the brick store, South Sn lent, nnd paying for nd. 2-14-3t MISCELLANEOUS. You will always find tho cholcoBt meats nnd groceries at the lowost prices at ICd ward's & Luscher's, 4011 and 410 Stato stroet. 'Phono ordors given special attention. Northern Grown Burbnnk Seed Pota tots. We nre now receiving ordors for northern grown Burbnnk flood IHitutoes. Orders booked. April de livery. us know soon what you want. Jns. M. Kyle Ac Co., 176 Com mercial street. 3-3-lm-dw HOP AND PRODUCE BUYERS. SQUIRE FARRAFL Hop merchant and purchasing ngout. No. 210 Commercial street, upstnlrs, Snlom, Oregon 'Phone WRt. JAMES M. KYLE & CO. Highest cash price for-potatoes, onions nnd dr ed prunes. 176 Commercial Mcet. Salem. Oregon. LC-OQE8. Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P. CntUIo Hall In Holman Block, corner Stnto and Liberty streets. Tuesday of ench , wick st 730 p. m.. A. It Strnng C C . R. J. Fleming K. of R. and S. TORESTEH8 0 AMERICA Court ' Pherwnod Forester No. 19. Moots I Fildav night In Turner hlook. 8. ' W Minium. C.R.; A 1 Brown, Ssc, Modern Woodmen of America Ore pin Cedar Cniup No. 68 10. Meets every Thursday evening 8 o'clock. Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V, C; A. L. Brown Clerk. Protection Lodge No. z, Ancient Or der United Workmen, moots every Snturdny ovenlng In tho Holman Hall, corner of Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren welcome. J. O. Orahnm, M. W.; J. A'. Sellwood, Recorder OSTEOPATHY. Drs. M. T. Sohoettle, Frank J. Oarr and Anna M. Barr. Oradimtoa American srhoal of Osteopathy, Klrksville, Mo., successors to Dr. Grace Albright. Ofllce hours 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd Fellows' Temple. Phone Main 2721; residence phone 3003 Red. Or. H. H. Soovoll, Suagestlve There peuUes mid Osteopathy. Nervous, functional and mental diseases, riou ralgla, headuohos, nervous prostra tion, dyspepsia, ooustlpatlon, dlar rhoeu, rheumatism, asthma, eto. D'Aroy block. State streeL Phone Main 28M. Ryan's Shaving Prlort. -Seven Irtt elass barbers engaged. Finest bath rooms In nlty. We use antltsyUs sterilizer J Ryan Prop. ..vans' Barber Shep. Only first-olass shop on Ststc street Bvery thing new aad up-to-date. Finest poreelaln baths. Rhave, 16o; hslr-out, lie) baths, 26c. Two flrst-olass boot blacks. O W. ICvans, proprietor. 1 veTgRifJAflv. Dr. E. E. Jackton, Veterinary Hurgeoo and Dentist. Office, Red Front Livery. Phone Main - 861. nel ence Phone 2!6 Red. 12-6-tf E wniCHCSTCII'a EN Ot IB II .v .'liI m4 tfilr UaL& - cuiOiiiwitin'H Ji.vJi.iM II UKU U4 U.ld mMU Hai..aM, 'laaaaaath I.M. aMU4 f HiwWHl aaVMIIaUa faUl MW44.. Ilsaali a if. a-hs:RfiiJcffts P&Kfl&i in . ni I ml ". I'.rtU.I..., 'Ta.llaKaUi -X L' lara ttmO. IM.bualMUau.UU. IUJm xmT an Dr.l manaaUM . "vl 14 V, ' v l 11 pawni ji JjaaHai3