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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1903)
XZJM& 3uTT3iy,l "JfflL'Tl HBEIflHKaaaHbai IH PAGE SIX? . (-!" TpTJifc 1 1 1 74 1 iist AV.fff ntta PreDnralionforAs almnalingUicFodmjdnejjuta ling die Stomachs and Dowels of liM3JIM Promotes Di(calion.Clicorfuh ne8snndItest.Contdlns ncllher Opium.MorplUnc nor Mineral. WOXTAIICOTIC. frjttMjrsiwnmvaff Apcrfol rtcmcily for CoraUna- Worms .Convulaioits .FcvcrJan nrss nndlOBS of Sleep. Facsimile SiJnnlure r KBW YOI1K.. EXACT COPY Or WFUPPf R HTr 'W.Vv ftvS fcSTQRfA .."" Thai Is what the chopping bowl and knife have become because of the advent of Sargent's Gem Food Chopper, an up-to-date kitchen necessity. It does all the chop ping bowl and knife have ever done, and more does It better, too. It chops all kinds of food, both cooked and uncooked, In coarse, fine, or medium pieces, with out tearing, squeezing, mashing or grinding ; it Is easy to operate, easy to keep In order, easy to clean, self sharpening. Useful in the kitchen morning, noon and night, and always ready for use. No housekeeper can afford to be without It. K. AT. WAVE (1L CO., yiiim. KICKED BY A AND SUFFERED NEARLY FORTY YEARS BEFORE THE BUNE HEALED III1'1!! "AM I ALL RIQHTf OF COURSE! I'M ALL niQHT," SAID MR. A. COOPER, OF POLK COUN TY, WHEN A8KEO ABOUT HIS LEQ WHICH WAS HURT WHEN HE WAS A BOY. -I WAS KICKED DELOW THE KNEE UY A HORSE IN ISM WHEN A MERE DOY, AND SUFFERED FOR VEAR8, IT ACHED TERRIBLY AND 800N BROKE THEN PIECE8 OF BONE COMMENCED COMINQ OUT AND CONTINUED FOR ABOUT A YEAR. THIS WAS FOLLOWED CANADA FIBL,D FJBAS A big demand for tleld was this year. Be sure and ordr early, or you may not be able to secure, any without paving a fancy price. SPELTY. This new grain is very popular on account of its immense yields. Our price of $1,50 per 100 lbs. cannot be beat. When in need of anything in the seed line, write us. We nave a complete stock. D. A. WHITE 5 SON 9! Court Street. Sjlem. Oreros. the r For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought INtl'XIl'""' HIM CITY. Bears the , Signature A$ j For Ovei WacKr nutnber Kitchen utensils BY AN ATTACK OF TYPHOID, WHICH LEFT ME IN BAD SHAPE, WAS OBLIGEO TO USE CRUTCHES FOR OVER TWO YEARS FROM THAT TIME UNTIL I WAS CURED ABOUT SIX YEARS AGO I ALWAYS USED TWO CANES. THE DOCTORS TOLD ME THERE WAS NO HOPE FOR A CURE UNLESS I HAD MY LEQ SPLIT AND SCRAPED AND THE CORDS CUT. SOME ALSO ADVISED AMPUTATION, BUT I RE FUSED. AND FINALLY DR. COOK, (THE BOTANICAL SPECIALIST OF SALEM. TOOK MY CASE. I BEGAN (TO IMPROVE AT ONCE. AND IN SIX MONTHS MY LEQ WAS WELL. IN FACT I FEEL THAT DR. COOK SAVED MY LIMB, AND I WANT EVERYBODY TO KNOW IT, FOR IT WAS A WONDERFUL CURE. SOON AFTER TREATMENT THE BLACK FLESH BEGAN TO GROW OUT OVER THE BONE WITH A HEAL THY COLOR.- A. COOPER. September 1t. 1902, PERSONS MORE OP WISHING TO KNOW "MX Coupee's TlfiLt CAN LEARN ALL THE PARTICU LARS BY CALLING ON HIM AT IN- DEPENDENCE, OREGON. OR AT DR. COOK'S OFFICE, 103 LIBERTY STREET, SALEM, OREGON, "'--" "' ' VHWHPY- IANUARY "-"" S&H4! I! Reformer '' By CIWRUS M. SHUMIt - Author of "In llh Stti" "' ' ' Hartly'a Kevcn Vnf" Etc. CopyrtiWiW.'lC'WrtJf.iWon H"mMH4"M"M"H'W (Contnued.) .She tieinbled aifd hesitated. She had but to reach out her hand nnil put It lnj John lnrdon'n and any one word. Sue. did not move nor pcnk for almost n minute. Then alio anld, loouinR strniKiii In front of her:' "Mud I K'lvc mi answer now?" 'I.uella, you have already given me nuHwer! You have promised to be my wlfot" The word were spoken ly hint In a moment of Krent longing as he aaw her litdcclalon and foresaw her Inevitable answer. Her e.vex darkened a little. , "I never promised to be the wife of -Tin. wife of- John Gordon ie- peated afler a alli'iiee so lone, that ittf Miapouae wiih not ucnrninu iu mi". i "I hardly know how to Mulsh" She. uttered a "abort Innjrli, and John (lor! don roe at onee lo hi feet. "1 rati never live In Hope Houe," alio added In a Ion tone. I H that your answer. then?'' He Mood looking at her calmly; Hut she ihit not look up. Vet." alic lliially replied. ' Then we nmt o our beparate way, to l, ..In on (SfM 7' lie cxeui lined in n . . . . .. ....uul..n fin. litu limit t Mlllllell UlirM "I immiuii, . ' ..-- was hot within him. He paiiMfil a niiiinciit lrreolutoly mid then marled to eo out. She had not made aii motion nor lifted her head tn loo!, at him. At Hie door ho turned for an hwtiint and miw. to his untouch incut, ihat her proud head lay on bet linns, Mch ui'ie outstretched on thu tnblu near which xhe had been sitting. He wiih back b her side, kneeling again and calling her name When she , lifted her head, tlieic were tours on mi glowing checks. John, 1 cannot Iwar to have It m. "Then do you love inc. I.uulla, enough to share all with me?" he cried. "Yes; 1 love joii. John," she said hlowly. Hut even as she said It she diew'lHick fioiii libit a little. "At the mime time I do not ten why it Is nece wiry to live at Hope llouwo." "Not necesHHiily there, but some where among the people. Mioiia, no jou not mnlerwtiuid my icasous for wanting to know thu puoplu?" "I am not huic." she. replied In a troubled tone, and then Hinldeifiy" Mfe turned away from him and put iicr head down on her arms again. John liordou rose and walked up and down tin room. Twice as lie went past the table ho (mused li resolutely, his mind In a turmoil, his heart uncer tain. The third time ho ntopicd. wltU a decision in bis manner, and (dared his hand on her head. "I do not ask jou lo marry me null you can trust ovei thing to me. If you aie not aide to say without any "fear or doubt. l will go with you In all tliv way jou have chosen. 1 do not, 1 cannot, plead with jo, I.uella. Is that nuking too much, dear? Can the man who low jou ask any lew?" "No, no, he can ask no Io! Hut, Johu, 1 foar to go" She had raised her head and was looking at ului with more agitation than he Iwd eer known her to show. "1 am uot certain that I am titled, that 1 am adapttd. for nucJi u life. 1 ha a horror of the places the 1 do not love th koc, Julio, an jou My .oii iIm. Am I to Ida me for that?" She Ukked the quemlou aliiuM tim Idl.x. but nothing luiikl toftt-ii the hard liea of ihe atateuicnt to him. Il did Hut jet sflUNl theonathliiK ttiut kipt uer from cowing to him without an (IhMhhi mm lr lack of ii'Iil-Ihus ex (NtrlfiKc Su did ii loe Hie people titH-an all her lift bad been s.i far dewHtxi lu a Ut of the tiling had nuritMiiMkd Iuh sucial i.- n..n ".t, I do uot tkluk jou mi ti i .tin Hut, m)i, I.uella. could jou n t 1 nn t love thcui? Could jou uot i m, Mth ue aud lat the future" "I coubl not laviwid," '. i g.m with a rtnuru of Iter proud :i(nii"Ie "1 do uot aak jou to h tii .1 If you lor w. wtll uot all tin- ict be IMoalltla?" S)s wai aileut a uiouMMt. TU.u mid iWoly h loukod uu and aaid fmnkly. "1 would not be true lo jou if I kept atOtulM hack. I uot only do uot love the anto a you do, but I do not see wUj' jou alioUHl aurrticv oui Ufa to tWaiw. a jou (4au to do. 1 tauuot tee that jou will accAUtullsii auj thing." "Aim! U ao'tiuiidikhUMUt the ttt'Mt aud onlj- ibiuy? Is Iheie not hi ok In. UvlUK or lu airivliuc recardlMa of ae-l comnlWiiueia? Hut I ranuot argtie tha uumer. If you lo mo enough, Luella, all the tt will follew: if you don't, M wlH all u ulix to you." Ska still looced at Idw with the uu cortal. 4Mwrud air that had marked kor uuiaaor whoa a urrt bcaa to talk to her. only to look had doiad lu , to a ona-wtoa of doubt and painful uwost. "I do not m tho u4 C all you plau' to do. 1 do not aw tho naed.- she said, lowly. VON WOMMJ HOC ftftV to sa that if you only lovad m," ho retdil iu u lew touo, ajid Uto waa hoplem ) It that Wad uot Imwm t.mhi( WoXao. lie Hood lookutc at b.r ,ii mddaulr hoatWed: MIt ua t eutlroljr flank I.u4Ih . that we uiT not il Yoo sLHuk fritu tie ttwuvii -r . . . a a TTT, in,.. tUtiP Heuse: you hesitate w commit vour future to me bocatibe of the physical lu-ws. tho absence In our fuluie of these phjslcal luxuries we have both known. Into which we have Kr burn IH that It? Your love or me In not MruiiR enough to make this h.-s neein lnIJ.'ulllcant-l that true i It was a blunt (iieatlou. ""d he pur ,,oh(I put it bluntly, perhaps more so than was fair to her. Over her face the color deeiiened. and she evldentlj felt the liuplhd icproaeh In his sum mine up f her heaitiitlon. That I" not quite the truth. "A Wilt of It?" -You have no right to force such n micatloii upon me." ..i i.... ,. iii.iii in know thu whole truth." ou would not understand "1 would understand everythluK 11 j oil loved me enough to go with me without (piectlon." -Love does not mean being umen soiiablc." , ... 'Ye. I.uella. It does, at leimt thlR far-that loe will trust wheie It ean not always. glc leasoiiH." She was silent again. He took a Mep nearer. i.uella, one (UeHtlon enly: If 1 -decide that I mift go to lle In Hope Iluuxe, will jou go with me? Or will you refuse on account, of the phys ical and social luis?" ui.. i....liiI in til tit .steadily at first, Mltl(.ii i,,ir color deepened and her llllU tll'lllllll'll. "You have no right to ask such n (twit Ion." , "I lmve-the riglil of a ninn who loves jou." tiii.ii i will snv not eo. not for the reason you ililnk, but" "It Is not necessary to explain." John (imdon aniwcriHi sadly, "l.tiella, It la (ilnin to me that you do not love me." "You have no right to make any such ttit'" slie exclaimed pa-wdotintelj. She stood up and faced liliu pioiidlj. and be simply looked Into her eyes a iiwiuiHiit and then turned and walked of the room. Tills time be did not look back. As be closed the door, l.ucl la Marsh Ml uisiu her knees by the Hide of the table, exclaiming: Hod plt me! tied have niercj '." John tioidon went out of the house calmly enough, although hla heart was iiu-ii with liasaloiiute conlllet. As the current or the city swept him on. there surged up lu hl soul hot anger that he had ever loved this woman who could not have the test of faith lu the mini w ho loved her. Hut It was at this crisis that his ical icligloiix experience resetted him from wreck. Had It not been for that tills slorv had never been told. Hut as he went Ills way that day Ilia linger fell, and In Its place there grew. up a tender memory that left no room fur harsh Judgment. Hut for the present he was over whelmed by the icsult. lie bad put I.uella Marsh Into the altar place of a riii rnnn'H affection. Kvery day since the time she had pledged her limit to his be had thanked tlod for what bad been given him. Her npimr ent icsmiiiso to Ids ambitions, especial ly noticeable In her coriespondonee during his absence, had exhilarated liliu. To llnd now that she would not trust her lire to him because he had chosen a career of Imidshtp and 1o-h of physical things struck him the se verest blow he had ever experienced. The failure on tho mit of his father and sister to understand or ympth'io became Insignificant comimiwl with this event. As he walked alonglie be gau to torture himself with questions. Had he made a mistake lu taking her answer as ilnal? Had he. as she said, uo right to make such a test? Was It asking tim much of any woman to ask her to leme a lunae of luxury to which she tind been accimtoiucd from blrili and go at once Into surroundings that were repuMve to her? And than sho had cnnfHHHcd that she did not lovo tho people a8 be did, but was that an uu l "' rfo nut k you to ww rcy unkn you e a trutt evtrytkitty to taa." lrtltable t-ln? 'H ha had felt when she said It as if an imnaMabla sulf had swldeuly boon dug botweou thoiu Had k actotl as a uian abonhl act who has so tuuch at tako a lu tab caaot The tortora of the ouevliow was ao ko f1 ri walklnc Mvonl ktaekr "a turuaa to so bail. " wt seo her agalu." he ket aar- Ir "I cMuot bK It end haro." He wHt u ,h ' MT tho l " st who cam to tho ,llKr v' niu curiouaty, Mtoa Marh has goua out." hb auhl aud John Uontou at rt dd not be Hove hor uutU ho rouuHulwrwl that th carrios was ataadiuK .it ih curb whvH h loft Luolla aud that aha had mM foatotainc about goiuf out to the park ooforo taa. He alowly weot down tttr ktepo and 1V ' r ' N T wn.a n was on tb -ij, ulW llaikd. he Kssrsrai w.; jj."S felt so onely ns nt tnai -" -consdousne that his father and rij tcr and now the woman who liau iron "ed to bo his wife had repudiated Eufe smote him with n sense of per 5 , t nl nndonment that was keen and searching. iir Tor a moment ho felt so completely ntono that he let goof every moll or J "on. The city and the overwhelm fug thought of Its misery and sin and S enraged him. "Lot n. eat drink and ho merry, for tomorrow we die!" he cried out, and nothing at that moment would have saved John Gor don except the fact that trbn Jc tad lUMitloncd to his father and sister nnd r.uella ns his religious experience was the greatest fact so far In lis career. As he stood still there nt the foot of he Eieps gradually his spirit grew calm .... ti, r.niikpiniiRiies8 of God In his life grew stronger. The purpose of his ambition cleared. And after ti little while he started on, knowing that his life work would not be changed In Its main intent- by anything that had so far hnppencd. Only as he went on ho also knew that he could not and would not be the same man and do the same things In some pnrts of his enrthly vi sion at If I.uelln Marsh had decided to ..iiL- wiili him lu the wiiy. It was nlso quite clear to him that without being able to give a good reason for It he was not closing tho chapter with I.uel ln yet. He certainly entertained the Idea of her still coming Into his life. U was not from his lnlcrvlow with her that he drew any such hope. Hut he knew that he did not yet consider her nctlon as final, or 'possibly It was his own nctlon that was not llnal. He stopped at a corner, and tho sight of n street name ou n car going by de cided his next movement. "I'll go and take ten nt Hope House," he said .to himself, nnd took tho enr, noting, by the time, that ho would reach the house Just as tho little family of residents were In the habit of sit ting down to their evening meal. Hope House stood In tho midst or Its .iou.,,1 r i, .iu. me iits nnd Uu corner sa- loons and vaudeville halls like an oasis 1 i.r rcfuuo and strength. Saloons -tol right and lert and front and tear, with pilot of brick and wood and rubbish Hung together In chaotic tumbled heaps, with openings for human be ings who streamed In aud out of court nnd alley and doorway or snt in pallid, huddled masses ou the stoops or curb ing formed I lie fianio In which Hope House was set, unique aud alone. John Cordon left the car one block from Hope House mid walked down past live saloon In the block until he cnine to the arched entrance of the house, (iolng Into" the llttlo court, ho breathed a sit It of relief at tho sight of the familiar oleander tubs Unit stood against the outer wall of the court, nnd marveled at their ability lo blossom with sueh fresbneus In such surround ing. "It oleandeis ever had any fragrance In this imrt of tho city, they must nlinost smell of beer nnd sewer gas," be said to himself as he went on into the broad hall that opuncd on the court. He wa by no menus n stranger to Hope Hoii-e Since ills return from abroad he had been a frequent visitor and had been welcomed with that in ner welcome, that springs from well known common purpis-es. "You are Just in time!" called out a quiet but cheerful voice as John Cordon htppped into tho doorwny of tho dlnltig hall. "MIsh 'Manning Is absent. You may take her seat by inc." "I count myself fortunate." Johu Cor don leplled as he took the seat. ie turiilng the greeting of those at the table. "We wcie tulklug nbont jou." wild the head of the Iiu-h. with her quiet but earnest nmiiiHf. "I'm fcony to Interrupt the conversa tion." replied John Cordon. "No iuicn UtliMi. we an me you We arc Kind jou entile In, fur you an the only p-erwiii who can uuvcr a que ttou Mr. 1'oid Just naked." "Rather a imtmuuiI iiieiioti. Mr CotdiHi." mild l'ord, a atudcut fnnu the university, who waa a resident of bcverul mouths' Mnndliig. ' "The qiies llou 1 asked .Mis Andrew wnn this Wluit Is Mr. Cordon gtriiMjr lo do? Will he Htokihty couitf lu heiV v Ith u?' " Juli'i Ctudivi did uot answer the qitthtloii at once. He knew the com I'lcie freedom of the uncial uiiuiMphere "f 11oh House, chtelally nt meal times nid uuderslowd wall that his si lime would uot 1m nilwotimnied r.s ilisi .mi icay. lie looked aruuiul the circle of ear ium filcudly faitt. at lite table, and I is :.Me included, aa It hail uiaiiy times bi.f"if the room Itoelf, with iu high, taik wutniseotlng, its few but choice poitr.ilis. lt (dulu but attraciivcliouie-Hkeness- but, a ou everj otlur occu klon. Lb. look Muaily came back to the face of lb bend of the house. f..i she waa the yeulua of the (dace Craco Andrews wa iu hci ibiny blxth .venr At the tlwie John Coidnn ttrat met hw at Hope Hoihm ii. (md bn iu churao of tha HKllenient for twelvt. yir. Twelve jears if ,iso clatiou with doktivrate human prob lems mi. u us thoo that twurinetl like the pcopla theiuaelvM had left on her faco marks of that uuiuau. divine eannueaa tLat all roat women bear who have loved the popl. If Grace Andrews did uot Imisreeb strangers or Thriter as being great In auy real ta, it was bee use the look of her face suata a quiet peace that so many pole aunortlcialiy associate with mekAes, but do uot couslder as an element of jmwer. The residents of Hope Uou uuderatood all that, and the old residents uuderatood It bet ter tbau the youHgoat ami bad more iftiUaeUuaed revuiMHce tor the great- M Gtm AH)rW8 thoae "- J t fcuAwuMlccof her. i To bo Continued V ORE $w$gr PHHiHPACMC AHD DBPAKT roa TIME SCHEDULES From Pot Hand, Or, ABRIVI FROM CbJc&co FoiUaml Bfsclnl 9 SD a. in tU Hunt ington BaK lake. Denier, Ft worth, umtrji. j&jlhsu CUT, Bt. Louts, CUIcogo 4:80 p ta, arid KMi. AtUntlo Kxpits 8:15 p. m. TiaBant lngton 'tPuT, Fut Mall 8.00 p. m. Tla Bpokane Ball Lake. Denver Ft U'nclK ftmaVai YTsaaa Cltr, b't. Louts, Chic ago ana Ktn. wkiia wl Iwlcion. Spokane. Wallace. Full man, MlnueapoUi Bt Paul. Duluth. Milwaukee '! . Ill Chicago, and Bt, 70 HOURS w PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ho Change of Cars 70 OCEAN AND RIVER 8CHBDULF. From Portland' All tailing datca tubjoct to oh an go Korean Fraumsio Sail ovory 6 dayi 8p. m. 1 p m Dally except Sunday 8 n. in. COLUMBIA HIVKR ToAntoria an-1 Way Landings. I p Ta. .Bnn'nj Patunlay 0pm, WILLAMETTE HIVER Btoamor Kuth loaves Bnlom (or Pott land und way landings on Tuopday ,Thurj days and SatardayB, nbont 10 n. ni. Foi Corvnllis uud way lnndinga, Mondayi, Wedncednya nnd Friday b nt about b p. m. A. I. OHAIG, M. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Ant. Agt. O. B. & N. doc Portland. Ore. Salem, Or Send for Friends your Wo me mnkinc n specialty of what is cnlled "prepaid" business. If you hnvo n frlond.or relative in tho Bast whom you want to bring Wont, deposit with us enough money to cover . his or her passngo ami traveling uxponsos. Wo wlro tho tick et agent whoro tho person lives, he Ibsuoh tickets nnd gives passenger whntevor money you wish. He alto advises us of tho departure, nnd vre toll you whon your friend will arrive A. C. SHELDON, General Agent 1()0 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. Corval lis L Eastern RR. No. 2 For Yaqulna: I.envos Albuy 12:45 p.m. Leavos Corvnllis 2:00 p.m. Anlvos Yn.ul n 6:25 p. n. No. 1 Returning: Leavos Yaqulna ....... 6:45 a. a. I.rav Corvnllis 11:30 a. d. Arrives Albany 1215 p. D. No. 3 Tor Jctrelt: Leavos Albany 7:00 a. m- Arrlvos Detrlot 12:05 p.m. No. 4 From Detreit: Leavos Detroit 12:45 p.m. Arrives Albany 5:35 p. n. Train No. 1 arrives In Albany la time to connect with tho S. P. soulb bound tralr, aa wcl ac giving two or three hours In Albany boforo departure of S. P. northbound train. Tralr- No. ? con cta w'th the B. r trains nt Corvnllis n, Albany gMfS direct service to Newport sad Ml cent boachos. . Train No. 3 for Dotro't. Dreltenbniti and othor uo-intaln resorts leaves Al bany nt 7:00 a m rcnchlng Detroit at noon, giving ample time to the Springs same day, For furthor Information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. J. TURNER, Agen, Albany. H. H. CRONI3E. Agent, Conallla. O. C. Tf Co's PASSENGER STEAMER POMONA Leaves for Portland Mondayi erineariav nnd FrldaV. 10 a.m. For Corvallla Tueaaay, u day and Saturday t 5 P- nfc Quick Time, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trado 8tret M. P. BALDWIN, Ayt Your Step Mother la aUll hero busy u orer, od your doUwa are all out ot orfer, with buttons off. take tkem to tho Balem Dye WorJu. .t At thla establlahment you ", Aj anything set to rigbta, from a pair glpyofl, to Uo moai euuwr Via kl gown. A gentleman can get cleaned, hia trouaeru creased. tthnin .n if mtuvonated to u" Uste, also four aulta a month Duttona aewed on, rip? ew$f.. preaaed on abort notice. RT6W1 Mj&V&mA 9 n LINE anum for araamaai MRS. C. H, WALKER m Commercial trat. at .?