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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1902)
TWC ""' WHEN IIFE'S AT STAKE,:; V - . . ' . . Tlie most timid man will take any chance of escape. The slender rope dropped down the precipice, -the slip pery log over the ab6S, anything that offers a chance of life, la eagerly snatch ed at. The end the man seeks Is safety, He cares nothing for the means to that end. There are thou sands of men and women whose lives are at stake, who are hindered from accepting the one means of safety by foolish prejudice. Doctor Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been the means of restoring health to innuy men and women whose hol low cough, bleed ing lungs, ema ciation and weak ness seemed to warrant the state ment of local phy sicians "There is no cure nossible." Why should prejudice against a put-up medicine hinder you from trying whut has cured thousands of suffering incu and women? "Only for Di Pierce' ttoMcii Mulli! Dis covery I thlnV. I would litt !yIv,e'' lU" write Mr Mcj Mile, of Hlllinrrt I in j (.!., Wyoming "1 I""' Hitleim " 'n' ' cl ll not sleep nt night olid -i (.oitipclkd lu ve up work It affected my lmii? ", hat I coiifflied alt the time, both lnv unci night My all thoiittlit 1 had cotiiumption My wife li.ul taken Dr Pierce's iaorltc Prescription nd It had helped her to much she lnUted on my try lnir Ills 'Golden Medical Discovery '-which I ; did I hae taken four bottle and in now u well man, welRlinte i$ poumn, uwum -i fierce Ooldcn Medical Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He gains; you lose. Powdered Vanilla was Fold by a gentleman from thy Kant. Now wo hnve the pitmo kind of goods to gull. The powder Is dean, t:ltar, white and Btrontr. Onll fcr "Crystal Sugared lino". Tlio prlcn it choapor than what it tins bt-un sold for. YOKOHAMA TEA STORE CO l FEE ROASTElt. j j 1 Two Years Il'liono 2111 black. Free Delivery The Great Rock Island Route. Through personally conducted tour ist sleeping cars botweon Portland and Chicago onco a wcolc, and botweon Og Son and Chicago thrco times a wcolc, la tho Sconlc lino. rhrough Standard sleeping oars !laUy botwoon Ogdon and Chicago, via tho Sconlc lino. Through Standard slooplng rars dally botweon Colorado Springs and St. Louis Through Standard and tourist sleop- Pug cars dally botwoon San Francisco Pond Chicago, via Los Angeles and El ?aso. iThrough Standard slooplng cars and chair cars dally botwoon St. Paul and Chicago. iDu suro that your tlcltot roads via jo Great Rock Island Routo. Tho boat and most reasonable din- Jg car sorvlco. For rates, foldors and descrlptlvo lit- eraturo wrlto to A. E. COOPER, fleupral Agent, Portland, Oi. Quality Is a Mobby With us. and wo stick to It, no mat- r, what tho "other fellows" may do. lure, suro, Is a motto wo live up to, ran If It costs us n measure of our TTroflts. You run no risks at URANSON & RAOAN'S. FiMMiiiiriiairrfTr'inrn rTT"nf htttt El :. mm eiiongli -j I for anybody! FLCRODORA " BANDS en tmt valu as tags ram VTAR." H0RS3 SHOE," iEAD.'STANDARD HA VY" WLD PEACH & HONEY." 'LOG," " OLE VARCIHY" o iSTER WORKMAN" Tobacco, wuaatmammamm IHK M vmEHH HHIHI I HI II Ml II 1 1 1 II ' il&SocialRealffl';! SEASIDE VOTING CONTEST Free Outing for Alost Deserv ing and Popular Salem Girl Tho Journal lias made arrangomoutfl to glvo n frco outing during August to tho most deserving and popular Sa lom girl who receives tho largest voto In a coupon voting contest tho cou pons arc printed today In this papor, and will appear dally until the matter Is decided. Tho winner will receive a froo rldo to Newport and return over tho South ern Pacific an'd Corvallls & Eastern and stonmor Richardson Ynnulna hay, and a trip out over tlio bar thrown In, If sho Ib a good sailor, and froo board and entortnlnmcnt' at the finost Now port hotol. Manager Loo Williams, of tho Day View, will glvo the young lady who gets the highest vote tho choicest room In tho house, and nothing will bo left undone to make her stny at that popular summer tosort a happy) and memorable event. Any deserving young woman can bo given a lovely outing lit this manner by the energetic rustling on tho part of hor friends. None nro barred, and 'tho contest will bo kept as froo from unfair methods as possible. The bal lots will bo rccolvod at this ofllco and counted dally. PERSONALS. Rev. N. Slutpp Is In Poitlnud. Mayor C. P. Rlshop was In Portland today. C. M. Idloninn returned to Portlnnd totlny. Mrs. A. n. aillls spout the day In Portland. Miss Roxaua Thompson Is visiting In Portland. Dr. W. C. Smith, of Tinner, was In. Snlom today. Mr. and Mrs. E. Uroyman woie In Portland today. Miss Gertrude Jones Is visiting with Hubbard relatives. Miss Nclllo Southwlck has gone to Mehama for an outing. Win. Hoack, of Sllverton, was In Sa lem Thursday afternoon. Mr.'and Mrs. A. N. Mooros are spend ing a fow days at Chautauqua. Mlsg Ethel Rlgdon Is tho guost of tho Misses Cauflold, In Oregon City. Govornor and Mrs. T. T. Oeor wont to Chautauqua Thursday afternoon. Miss Flora Hnlloek, of Pcndloton, Is visiting hor grandmother, Mrs. Roso Dornardl. Mrs. R. D. Gilbert entertains a num ber of ladles nt a card party on Satur day afternoon. Mrs. Charles Iloyer, of San San Fraaclsco, Is YlsWng hor aunt. Mrs. Roso Dornardl. Davo R. Yantls, enloemnn for T. Holvorson & Co., Is spending his vaca tion In Portland. Mrs. E. E. Witters and Mrs. Geo. E. Wntora are tho guests of Mrs. W. C. Knighton, In Portland. Supoilntondont and Mrs. J. II. Ack orman hoard Henry Wattorson locturo at Cliauluuqua this afternoon. Mrs. C. 13. Wolverton and Miss Edna Ptlco attended the ClituO.nuquu timet lugs at Gladstone Park today. Mr. and Mrs. John Molr have ro tutuod to Moscow, Idaho, after a visit with Mr. Molr's paronts in this city. Miss Florence Norwood, of Brooks, and Miss HodBon, of McMlnnvlllo, are the guosts of Miss Mattlo Southwlck. Mrs. Sarah Chaso has roturned to hor homo at Orient, Multnomah coun ty, after a visit with Salem rolatlvos. Misses Lola and I.tbblo Howe, of Eu gouo, aro visiting at tho home of tholr aunts, Mrs. W. T. Slator and S. E. Yantls. Rov. S. M. Freeland, who has beon attending the CongrogarUonal juhlloe In Solom, roturned to Portland this morning. F. T. WrlglUman loft today for a visit with Ills family at San Dlogo, California, whore they have bean spondlng the winter. Mrs. Edith Drown and daughters, who have boon visiting at tho homo of H. P, Chaso, loft today for their home at Christie, Wisconsin. Prof, and Mrs. W. I. Staloy and children, and Mrs. II. M. Branson and daughtor, Miss Mabel, farmed a party going to Gladstone Park thin morning Walter Love, of Honolulu, who has been attending college at Andowr Massachusetts, Is spending the sum mer at the homo of M. L, Joaos in this city. Mr and Mrs. W G. Westacott, Mrs A S rong, and Mis Ant a Strong left yesterday for Southern Oregon They went overland, and will stop at varl mis places. Superintendent J. D. Imo aciompau led his family to Gladstone Park this morning, where they will camp during the Chautauqua exercise. Mr Lee returns to Salem tonight Rev Horace M. Ramsay, son of W M. Ramsey, of La Grande. Is in tho city, the guest of his uncle. G G Bingham. Rev. Ramsay has Just re turned from San Mateo. California where he has received bis degree from the Theological Serelaary, of tUo Church Divinity Sebool of the Par ill He also reeeived the degree M A fit m the University of California. After a short visit at Salem, Rev. Ramsey will Join bis relative at L&Qrvude FIRST CHURHC BANQUET Congrcgationalists ftleet in Great Good Cheer Listen to Sermon and Speech es By Prominent People Tho Baptist church hold ono gather ing, while tho old First Church hold a banquet, that lasted until midnight. It w'as a groat occasion In tho history of this society, and participated In by young and old. Tho services at tho First Baptist church oponed with a solo by Mrs. Wiggins, tho lullaby song by "Knto Vnnnnh. Hor rendition was woll ro colved, and Rev. Knight led In an lm prosslvo prnyor, which nil folt in their hearts. Rev. Freeland, who took up the work of this church whon Rov. Corwln resigned, was the spoakor soloctod for the soiiil-contonnlal occasion. Ho said It was his pleasant duty to proparo them for the banquet. Ho dcllvorod nn Interesting and entertaining sermon. His thomo was tho forces that hold the church together, and enabled It to weather tho stormy porlods through which alt such organizations must puss. For fifty years this church had sent out Its streaming rndlenep of Christian iulluciiccs in this communi ty. He advanced ono novol theory thnt thoio would bo sects In heaven as on earth. People would not lose tholr Identity tlioro, nor tholr individuality, nor tholr differences of opinion, ho mid: Heaven would not bo a waste of barren samonoss. There would be diversity thoro, as hero. Tho guests nroso and sang "Prnlso God," whon Dr. Freeland nsked a blessing, and all woro Boated at tho richly loaded banquet tablos. Pastors of other churches and tholr lndlos had seatB at tho li etuis of tho tablos. Rov. Parsons, of tho Methodist church; Rev. Kantnor, of tho Congrogatlonal, and Rev. Eliot, of the Unitarian church, woro thoro. Miss Sholton, Ruth Loods, Miss Bushnoll and Hnlllo Watson rondorod a piano quaitot Among thoso prosont woro George i. Illmoe, of Portland; Mr. nnd Mis. Clifford Knntnor, of LaFuyotto; Judge II P. Boise, Mr. and Mrs. John MInto. The Toasts. Supt. Ttithlll, of tho Sundny School, oponed tho ball, and thoro followed n (east of reason and a How of spirits', unusual on such occasions. Rov. Kantnor rend a letter from" Governor Geer, full of historic Intorost. Ills lot tor waH warmly applauded. John MInto spoko on tho ploueor days, as ho nnd his wlfo wore In Sn loin eight years hoforo this church was organlzod. Mrs. Dodd, a llfolong workor In the church, Hpoko of tho heroic pioneer Christian workorfl, who laid tho foun dations of this church and of this city. Rov Froolnnd spoko of "Tho Women of tho Church Its Grontost DlosBlng." Mrs. W. D. Palmar, of Portland, a daughtor of tho lato I, N. Gllbort, one of the pillars of tlio eaily church at Salem, spoko on tho chlldron in tho Sunday School. Sho nnmed soveu In itios who wero in hor first Sunday School class all prosont but Mrs. Ah bio Tnrrar. In .1803, whon this church wns dodl cated, Rovs. Loslle and Dillon, of the Mo'thodlst church, usslsted. Rov. Par sons, of the same church, now spoko for all tho othor churches on this ju bilee occasion, A letter wns road from Rov. and Mrs. Coney, of tho Hplscopnl church, that was heartily choorod. , Clifford Kantnor sang "Annie Laurie." A 'tolegram was road from C. F. Clapp, who oould not bo present, and a lottor from Mr. nnd Mrs. Adair, of Oregon City. Itov. P. S. Knight was warmly wel comed, and spoke on "The Founders and the Past of the Flint Congroga tlonal Church." He recalled Interest ing ramlnlsconceH. His words deeply touched all present. Rov. W. C. Kantner spoke of the figure of the church, foronhadnwlng a .greater work In the years lying be foro them. He expressed no fears of tho future. He was warmly applauded With singing "Bleat Be the Tie That Binds," and a beut-dlc tlon. the assem bago dispersed at about midnight Tho Latest Sciontliio Discovery Jb based on the princi He, Distruy the cauw , juu e the eftVt " Jlerpinde kills the Serms thut caue dan ruft bv disclus un ti c eralp as they burrow ttie r ptatnorous way iu the hair root, wlierou ey finally destroy tho hair W itnout uanuruu you. Lair will grow luxuri antly Newhro Hsi'pFcfelo j atop dandruff and fall ing hair, and aUrts hair growing witnif) iu tiara, iiabottlowiUconTinve youofuda. forfiaUataU ftrat-CUu Drugstore. w THE DAILY JOOMWAL, "fftrffrr "'""r -"ri--ri CHANGE OF AIR NECESSARY King of England Will Leave Buckingham Shortly London, July 10. Tho king's condi tion continues satisfactory. London, July 10. Tho Drltlsh Med ical Jburnat says teday: "His nmjos- 1 v wilt lnnvn TltinVdniiliam nalacc for a change of air shortly. Tho coronation dato will bo announced almost Imme diately, as tho king's progress during tho week has beon moro rapid than It was reasonable to oxpocL Tho wound is ginnulatlng well, nnd tho mnttor formed diminishing in quantity, but tho wound is still doop, and must ho drossed from tho bottom. Ills majes ty has gained sticngth, but Is still confined to tho bed or couch. Ho has a good appetite, ahd Uto doctors aro satisfied that his constitution Is thor oughly sound." Minor News Local Import Two colored ladles arrived In tho city today entirely oblivious to tho fact that Oiogon linn a provision In hor constitution prohibiting their pres ence horo. Some of tho faithful have gone to Oregon City to henr Wattorson, the Kentucky editor, who, next to Grovor Cleveland, has done most to demoral ize tho Domociatlc patty. Deputy Sheriff J. L. Sklpton this morning received from a numbor of his former political ussoclntos in Bon ton county, a partnership lottor of congtntulatlons upon his appointment to n deputyshlp undor Sheriff Colbnth. Tho congratulatory lottor was signed "Tammany," and roprosonts nn organ ization of staunch Domocratlc work ors of Benton county, among whom Mr. Sklpton wns numbored during his resldonco In Corvallls. Miss Belle Coopor linn accepted a temporary deputyshlp In County Ro cordor Slogmuiid's dopnttmont of tho court house. In the recording of nil Instruments at tho county recorder's olllco, Record or Slogmund has adopted a consecu tive numbering systom that will con form to tho new system of hooks soon to bo established In thnt dcpaitmont. Evory, deed, mortgngo or whatovor character of un instrument it may be Is numbored whon recorded. Tho sys tom Is simple, nnd will fncilltato tho handling of records nnd minimize the dntigor of losing uuy of the Important documontH. Tho roportor was mis-Informed Thursday aftornoon In one rospoct ron corning Thos. P. Clark, tho newly oloctod superintendent of tho deaf mute school, Mr. Claik was for 10 yoars principal of tho oral department of tho Michigan school, nnd not su porlutoudont of tho school, as stated Dan J. Fry has brought suit against R. 0. ltoboits Tor $1211. 10, alleged to bo n balance due for drugs nnd modi clnos. Tho members of tho Marlon cotintv coutt loft Thursday morning on a gunornl Inspactlon tour through the noi th end of tho county, of roads, grndos and bridges. The gontletnen will not return befoio Filda after noon, whon "the consldorntlon of np peals and other county biiRlnesH will ho rosumed. Stnto Troasuror Moore has received $203.51 from the county clork of Clut sop county, that amount leprosentlng tho sum oscheatlng to the state from two estates. Tho amount rocolved from each ostato was as follews: James Davis, J103.B0; Fred Boermnn, ?loo 04 Jacob L. Mitchell, formerly city edl tor of this paper, Is ngnln maungliiK Hotel Flavel, a summer resort below Astoria. It Is an Ideal plnce for an outing, with nil the refinements nnd convenlenoea of a large city hotel You cap address him or by phone nt 015 Marquam building. Portland. -o ed Time I take a pleasant herb drink, tho next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is hotter. My doctor says it acts gently on tho stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It Is mado of herbs, and is proparod as' easily as tea. It is called Lano'B Med icine All druggists sell It at 26c and 50 conts. Lnno's Family Medicines moves tho boweli -each day. If you cannot get It. send for free samples. Address, Orator WoodwnnLLeUoy.N Y. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot'Ease, a powder. It euros painful, smarting, nervous foot and In growing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It la the groat oat comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-hVue makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It 1b a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired aching feet Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores. Dy mall for 25c In stamps. Tral packago free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 2 Good Meal Are always had at the Whits House IlMrtaurant. We try to satisfy our pat- rofls. with flrnt-alaiw weals and cour teous treatment Open day and night. It Is a Fact That tho Pioneer Bakery makes flrst cla bread and pastry A full supply) always oa nana. m.EM, OltE0.6N, FRIDAY", JULY ENGLISH REGATTA CONTEST Grand Challenge Cup Remains At Home Henley, July 10. Tho day for the final contost In tho regatta dawned with a heavy downpour of rain. Fair crowds witnessed the contosts. In the finnl rnco for tho giand challongo cup the third Trinity crew from Cam hildgo won from tlio Lcnndor crow, wlnnors of Inst year's cup. Tho dia mond sculls wero won by Kolloy, who defeated Ethorlngton Smith by a length and a half. Condensed Telegrams. Tho cabinet will sit with Roosovolt at Oystor Bay. Tlio actor Julia Arthur has been op orated on for appendicitis. Indian war ponslonors aro to rocolvo $8 a month from Juno 27th. Mokl Tea positively Cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A dollghtful horb drink.' Re moves all oruptlons of tho skin, pro ducing a porfect comploxlou or money rofunded. 25c. and 50c. Wrlto to us for froo sample. W. H. Hookor & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. D. J. Fry, DrugglBt. Building Proposals. Salem, Or., July 1, 1002. Tho undersigned will recolvo scaled bids for the construction of a twoatory biick building with bnsomont, on July 12th, nt 12 o'clock, at tho olllco of W. D. Ptigh. For further Informa tion inquire at tho above ofllco. Tho ownor reserves the right to roject any nnd nlll bids. 7-112t AUGUST SCHREIBER. Fatal Mine Explosion. Johnstown, Pn., July 10. An explo sion In tho Cambria coal mlno oc curred about noon today. It la re ported that 800 mon aro ontontbod. The loss of llfo will bo torrlhle. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspopsln and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion. Endotsod by physicians ovorywhoro. Sold by nil druggists. No cure, no pay. 2C conts. Trial package froo by writing to W. H. Hookor & Co.. Buffnlo. N. Y. fereroyMy! yUl Havana Filler " FLOR0D0FA " BANDS en of samt valu as tags from "STAR," "HORSESHOE," "SPEARHEAD,""STANDARD NA VK' " OLD REACH & HONEY," "SAW LOG," "OLE VARCIHY" "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco. VvU 'aTreWMffiffinT-w-rrm 25,000 ew Words aro mill od in tlio liut million of Vollor'8 Iiilernuliouul Diolion rtry. Tlio International is kept always abroast of tho limes. It takes constant work, oxiKinsivo work anil worry, luil it ia tlio only way to koep tlio iliclionary tho Standard Authority of tho Euslitli Bpeukiiiir world Other dictioimtioa follow. Wab- of At lfWMlM ll is tho avorito with Jtulgoa, Scholars, IMuoatora, I'rinlers.olo., iu this and foreign countrloa. A postal oanl will bring you interesting speoimon pngw, oto. 0. & C. MKWtlAM COJIPAtfY HruiKanuu), Mam. pvut.mitHM or WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. IBeesl enoygh kiAss&iwxmsW4bmwmii m KiSIflraal M msmtftfsfflsm i Mwvvo.-krBW u JT snzio'wn mm wm W wE&f E$&$f B Xffissy Hai XBt' M m aVM-walwiMnkihafixinsBMaiiBiflUB 11, 1902. THE DEAF HEAR. A Result of Twentieth Century Pro gress Exemplified. Whon ono of the East Indian poten tates had nn Englishman executed be cause ho told that monarch that water sometimes congealed In England so hard that It would bear an ox, ho acted on sound principle, from his point of view. Wo aro led to make this refer onco from tho fact that things scorned wondorful two docados ago thnt aro now nccoptcd as commonplace, and nro easily accountod for; and pro cesses which nro now scouted and doomed chimerical and Impossible, will, in another scoro of years, bo nc coptcd by tho multitude. Not many yonrs ago tho art of healing by oloc trltlty was unknown. But time works wondrous changos, f Now electricity ns a hoallng art Is forcing Its way to tho front, and oven sctontlsts acknowledge its potoncy. Dr. Dnrrln was ono of the plonoors lu tho ttso of oloctrlclty as a curatlvo agent, nnd has established a solid rep utation as a veritable healer by this mnglc power. Ho gives us Humorous testimonials from porsous woll known in this vi cinity whose stntomuntB over tholr sig natures will not bo discredited. Unreasonable opposition and abu sive cplthots go for nnught n the presonco of stubborn facts. We aro not so foollBh us to nfllrm thnt this gentleman can euro every enso or evury dlsoaso, but whon such emphatic testimony ns tho following Is given by onu of our most worthy citi zens, our bettor Judgmont dictates that wo ought to wait hoforo wo scoff, and test hoforo wo condemn. As a proof of Dr. Darrln's wondoi flit hoallng power, wo glvo the caso of Miss L. Stanflold, tho adopted daugh tor of Mr. O. Snowdon, 323 Mill stroot, ono of our townsman, who, aftor an attack of scarlet fevor, was loft with discharging ear and deafness, to tho gront grlof of hor foster paronts. Thoy consulted tho ablest physicians, who snld thoy could afford hor no relief. Mr. Snowdon, hearing of tho wondor ful euros mndo by Dr. Dnrrln, placed his daughter's case In tho doctor's hands. By tho use of medicine, com bined with oloctrlclty, a cm a was ef fected of both tho troubles. This was yonrs ago, and hor parents and frlonds havo good reason, as tlmo Is the best test, to regard It as porma nont. We hnve soon numoroua testimoni als of other cases from tho moBt Tolla ble persons who have beon curod by him of tho various Ills that llosh Is ltolr to. Dr. Dnrrln romnlmi nt Willamette Hotel, Salem, until Septumbor 1st. A Good Housekeeper Will always uso the bent broad and pastry that money can buy. I'ntrouUo tho Honour Bakery, and you will got tho best. L. D. HENRY'S REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENCY is nt 230 Commercial Street PHONE MAIN 2681 SALEM ORB. WUHnnUIBnHMB!BB!BHaHflSBiaSt.HH 1) IF YOU ENJOY s s GRAND SCENERY a The only way for ynu to g go cas1 U via Milt l.4ku g Oily, Denver aud tho 3 liuilinutou Roule M You will then Ho the H Rot,kles Ihu gramlent 3 t.cuniiiy on ih American gj fontlneiit. Their snow- g capped pimks aro vi-lble m almost every foot of the g way from Salt Luke Oily g to Denver. ts Rut the scenery Isn't ilia g only alvantsgtt of the 5 routo via Denver. The gj r-ervlue is unequalled g dining ears east of 0den 3 Library oars enst ol 3 Denver. g S A- C SHELDON, General Act g g 100 Third Street. 3 n Portland, Ore. S KBZHHKBEISMBBlHBBIBHRaBEBHB The Science of Osteopathy Many peoplo have been led to be lieve through fit Ihu reporta and lgo- ance that Osteopathic treatment wasj painful and even Injurious to children or weakoned Invalids. Nothing could be farther from thej truth for It la ndantwl to the camt, and . In-nowliw Is It Injurlaus to the frallsut ehlld or woakenetl Invalid. But rather lt Is Invigorating and strength enlng, and never la the patient woru out or made nervous from treatment However, there are many fakers and pretenders In Osteopathy who do not understand how to give treatment properly. . None aro genuine or com petent who have not attended school at least four terms of Ave months each. Drs. t. B, Wyakoff and Mrs. Grace Albright, of I. O. O. F. Temple, Salem. ar.. in.liinlai nt Ihu Amuflnnii Hnlmnl D ta R N M R M o, . ,-, -w.sjmp ffssK s scnooi, ana inorougniy quanueu to give selentlfle treatment and handle any oaso put In their oar. All dls eases, especially chronle diseases and defoi milled, yield to the treattnaut without hnlfe or drugs. Houra 9 to 4. Phono Main 2731 , Odd Fellows' Terapla, Salem, Or III! . -fiM-- , .. 1 WWiIIMhiim. iMIlui0IM.l,l H. MACK Succcssdr to Dr. .T At W i White Comor, Sdlem, Oregon. Parties desiring superior operations at mod orato fco In any branch are In especial request STEUSLOFF BROS. Dealers In Llvo 8took, Wholesale and retail butchers and packers. All kinds of fresh and salt moats. Fino eauoagos, hams, bacon and lard. 316 Commercial street. Huie Wing Sang Co , Special Bale of all waUU, white underwear, wrspper lloor mittltiBg. IIOTT0M 1'KICKS. :s ;: lt 140 State St., Salem, Or. Salem Water Co. OFFICE UITY HALL For water sorvlco apply at offlco. Bills payablo monthly ly advance. Make all complaints at tho ofllco. Th? flnne., i FINE WINE8, LIQUOI13 AND OIGAH8.... 102 Cotirt St I HE ELI rE CAFE 203 Commercial 8treet Meals at all houra. Open day nnd ulgbt. ' Only place iu tho city handling tho ntnoua OLYMPIA BEER U tho Kccoptlon Saloon. Wholesale and retail. E ECKBRIBN, Proprietor SOULB BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS PORTLAND OR. ISPStiS? 8l 1 WM'8 Music store. Your Step Mother Is still horo busy as ovor, nnd when your clothes aro all out of ordor, worn, ' with buttons off, tako them to hor at tlio Salem Dyo Works. ' At this establishment you can got anything sot to rlghtB, from a pair of i gloves, to tho most olaborato silk gown. A geutloman cau got his hat cloanod, his trounors oreaaod, or his wuolo suit rojuvonatod to suit his tasto, also four suits a month for $1. Buttons sowed on, rips sowod up, suits pressed on short notlco. Now goods shrunk for dressmaking. MRS. C. H. WALKER 195 Commercial Street. FIHST GLASS HOTEL F. W. KOSS, Proprietor. This popular, beat of all stimmor re sorts is eitutilud near Detroit, enstorn turminiiH ol Corvallts A Kustorn H. It. iu the hoitrl ot the Catcade mountains, Regular pacx train makes dully trip from Detroit to the springs. Tenting privileges (roe All camp Bitpnltes can be puruhuced ntthe springs. Kxcellunt Hilling nnd hunting. Hates are very rmeonable. For lurthvr Infnrmatlou BildreM, F. W. ROSS, 7 1 Vin Dwtrolt, Ore. S. C. STONE, M. D. PltOPHIHTOH OP Stone's Drug Stores 8ALEM, OREQON. Tho storas(two In uutnborjaro located at No. 230 and 297 Commercial at., and are woll stocked with u complete line of drugs aud medlolnes, toilet artlclos, porfumory, brushes, otc, Has had somo 20 yoars oxperlonod In tho practice of medicine and now makes no chargo for consultation, ex amination or proscription. B. P. JONES, Attorney at Law Toledo, Oregon. Was clerk of circuit oourt for six years and has an up-todato abstraot of nil proporty in Lincoln county First Class Bicycl?! Repairing And all kinds el sundries at FRANK J. MOORE'S 10 Oourt HI phone ron. Pearson, Page Co. WILL UUY FRUITS OF ALL KINDS FOR I'ACKIJIO AND 0ANK1N0 nt ton marksU prhM. Kow ready for bul- ium oppfttiie Capital Brewery, fetaUm. - . . rnnXt Hdvlc Locfll rfclllR UdYlO Mauai Matiaeer OSTEOPATHY. Dr. L. E. Wyakoff anu or. urace m brlflht. Twenty moths gruduntes tf Uie Airtcati Uohool ot Osteop athy. Klrkavllle, Mo. Dr Wyakoff U lbs only twoty woBths gentleman graduate In Halew. Odd Fellows Turn nl e. Phone Mala 27zi. , ,., .... j im . .-i i 1L" .lt,T'"ii ..I J.f. vine, wu, ""ir '". " o.ila A over me p. wh uwu .. lifSO ami lUti "" W. ftobblrff, Ur. oi Osteopathy- flmduat ol 1U CdumWa College of Osuoiflittiy. Chicago. 111. Oftfco 167 Cocnt street Chronle dweasw a specialty. ' o urdtenbuMuDfiniis CLASSIFIED X A ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisement!, tte tines 6r lfr. I thi rtel ln$enea three times for 2 5c, ia fck sisa All over Mffles S A?sw$!" '' "ILJ"-'". lM.,.UWMWe,MJ,w. WANTED. Wanted. Three or four men to work in haying, at $1.25 per day and board. Inquire of W. B. Duncan, six mllos northwest of Salem, on Salem and McCoy stago lino. unorry Pickers Wanted. At the Bcardsloy farm, Eola. Apply at - farm, or nt Pearson-Pago Co., oppo site brewery. 7-8-3t Wanted fivo young menFrom Ma rlon county to prepare at onco for positions in the government sorvlco. Apply to Intor-Stato Inst., Cedar llaplda, la. 6-17-2m Wanted Everybody to try Oregon Foot Eaao for all foot ollmeau. Onco tried always usod. Ask your druggist or soud 25c 8. 1 Hayee, Halaoy, Pro. Mlf LOOT AND FOUND. f-ound A black lady's puraoTcoaTain lug some monoy, manlcuro tools, a tie, handkorchlef, ovorsboos, a sweater, a thimble never used, a powdor brush, a lino tooth comb aud a bottlo of portumo. Owner can havo samo by paying for this ad, and proving property to tho satisfaction of tho ilndor. W. It. Andorson, 213 Commercial stroot 7-9-6t Lost in tlio business part of tho city, a point laco handkorchlof. Liberal reward for return to 66 Marlon street. 7-fl-3t Don't You Know Anytmng about Ed wards' Market! At 410 State afreet. Best place to buy frosh and curod meats at tho lowest prices. Phone 2U24. B. EdwardB, prop FOR RENT. For Rent or For Sale. 12-room houso, partly iurnlshod, largo grounds, stablo, etc. 7-0lm. ror nent. Cottage on hill ahovo Nye Creek, adjoining Ed. Sullivan. Sit ting room and kitchen, with thrco bedrooms upstairs. All porfectly tk'iin. Two bedsteads. and springs, live i hairs ami table. $30 for sea son. Fred Olflson, Newport. 7-8-lw FOJRSALEj Por bale. A light wagon. Inquire at tlriswuld & Chase. 7-3-lw For Uaie. Two good milch cows. Iu tpilru nt FlttB & Doty'a market, at 130 Court street, Salem, Or. 7-8-3 1 For Sale. Ono standard bred mare, weighing 1000 pounds, and one Coeur d'Aluno colt, 30 days old, at a bargain. E. A. Plerco, at "Tho Oaks," Capital stroot. 7-8-3t For Bale. Now river boat, wltli Ball, 18 foot lung. Intended for gasoline launch, cheap. Inquire at Journal olllco. 7-8-lm ATI Kinds Of camping utensils, Htovoa and tents, and socond-hand goods at J. N. Shanti', 107 Court Btroot. C-H-tt 'I earn for Sale. Weight UbO and 1300, woll broko to work. Apply to Box 13, Attmsvllle, Or. 7-7-lw ror bate. J-yoar-olu jersey cow, wan heifer calf. Inqulro at Journal of fice. 7-7-lm or bale or (rade. A rare ohauco to gut a nice suburban homo ot 30 acres; all kinds of fruit; good build ings, line crop ot grain on place, some farming tools nnd some furni ture. Will glvo Immediate posses sluii. Joshua It. Smith, throo-fourths of a mile southeast ot depot 7-7-2w For Oalo Cheap Second uaild thresh ing outfit. Advance Soparator, 3Gx CO, with wind stacker, Also 13 II. i eugluo, with watdr tank and wagon. AH In good order, l'rlco 7C0. IS. M. Orolsau, Salem, Ore gon. G-H'dftw-U Por Sale Pure I'olaud China, sows. W. II. ligan, Salem, lt. D. No. 8. C-ai-lm For dale. New and socbud-Sruid bug gies, now and second-hand spring wagons, buokbourdu and carta, at tho Salem Cttrrlago and Wagon Fac tory. Woruer Feuilell, proprietor, 301 Commorclal stroot 4-16-tt LODQC8. Protection Lodao No. 2, Ancient Or dor United Workinon, moots evory Saturday ovonlug In tho Jiolmau Hall, corner of titato and Liberty Btreets. Visiting brethren welcome. 8. A. McFaddou, M. W. J. A. SollwootL Ileoordor. F0Rli8TER8 OF AMERICA Court Sherwood Foroslera No. 19. Meeta Friday nlghta Iu Turner block, ira Hamilton C. It. A. U llrown, bee. Central Lodflo No. 18 K. of P.--Caatlo Hall In Holinaa block, corner State and Liberty streeU, Tuesday ot each week at 7: SO p. m. Claud Tuwwwnd, C. C.j Zadoc J. Rlggs, 1C of It and a. Evans' Barber Shor Only flrat-chue shop on State street rT.ery thlw new aud up-to-date. Finest porellB baths. Bhave, 15, haircut, 5gj baths, 26c. Two flrst-?bM boot blacks. C. W. Bvana. proprietor. Ryan's 8havlnrj Parlors. Seven first' class barbers engaged, Finest bate rooms In city. We uw antUsptto Bterlllzer. J. Kyft HOP AND PRODUCE BUYER flsaKisasJsw? 0ce la gon. Bamplaa of cholca hop aoUe- Red from au growers. ' " ,..r i PHYSICIANS. --- e7u a,l ww. Q . n0m9 y 0lc In Qtty fcto. 9. Phon 91. " t s ssmaf