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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1902)
fwmsKMNmmr. Sasaasieissatsr i6ess!Rsa'w (MmilMrMVJfr ViMflXtft r ". ff , '"''f rrsggTgaarrwBW'wwSW :'A I" L' !.'-? CS mmammwi4m MHWMttta sA BnALJfvK An frwisibla Mentis tod air, and whether It EtMBttlV jfO Haith cornea Xrritti the low lnnda apd wfersheS of the country, or the filthy sewers nnd drain pipes of the cities tld towns, its effect upon the human system is the same Thwe atmospheric poisons arc prcauieu into me innga aim iaccn up LtialiliMtil. mid the foundation of some lone, dobilitntinir illness is laid. aflla Mui frvpr. citron fe dvsneosia. tornld nnd enlnnred liver, kidney aaaIF -- m-m f -p -, M. A - I , V, .. f f 4 troBhles, jaundice nnd biliousness nre lrcquentiy uue 10 mat invisiDic joe, M alarm, tfoxtoua gases and unhealthy matter collect in the nystcm because the liver and kidneys fail to act, nnd are poured into the blood current until it becoiuwJ so polluted and sluggish that the poisons Htetally break through the skin, ami carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers and various eruptions- of an indolent character appear, depicting the system, nnd threatening life itself. Thcgcmn nnd poisons that sooppress and weaken the body and destroy the ijfe-giving properties of the blood, rendering it thin and watery, must be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient-can hope to gtt rid of Malaria and its effects, S. o. S. uoes tills ana quickly prouuecs an enure change in the blood, reaching everyorgan nnd stimu . i Vxv V". intinc them to vigorous, henlluv action. S. S. S. possesses not only purifying but tonic properties, and the general health improves, and the appetite increases almost from the first do&e. There is no Mercury, Potash, Arsenic or1 other mineral in S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy, Write us about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you by their advice to regain your health. Book on blood and skin diseases sent free THE. SWIFX SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Geu PLXDWBRS And fhral decorations have al ways occupied first place in floor and wall ornamentation. Here- man's genius draws from nature's most profuse fountain of beauty, and skillfully traces nature's most exacting forms and colors. We sell the very best patterns from the fore most mills of the country, having sold the product of the factories for ten years we know that they are reliable. Ex amine oui line before buying. A-iVl ' k 'TVs' the determination and nbllltyftto exe cute?. Bo tho Republicans mayplatform nil right and yet not perform. 0' LIOHT 18 A NECESSITY. Alderman Orlswold has rendored a service to the city nnd Uio community In bringing to notice tho possibility of owning a light plant by tho city. Light has come to be a necessity for rich and poor, for business man, mnn ufacturcr and residences, besides be ing a prime necessity at night to keep good order on tho streets and repress crlmo. Wator, light, clean streets and Han ltnry conditions arotho prlmo requi sites of life In any city, and rights, to thoso neccsBllloa should be Jealously guard od aud protoctcd for all Uto people. H0S The House Furnishing Go. 803 Goni'l t., jjext to Post ofllco. Stores at Halo in and Albany urn THE 0AIL1T JOURNAL aSSrtJCBQSSS Msnbcr Northwest Aftermon Newspaper Lea me, BY HOFER BilOTHBtlS. WEDNESDAY, APttIL 2, 1002. Dlly One Year, $4,00 la Advance. Dally Three Months $1,00 In Advance, Dally by Carrier 50 cents Per Month. Yeir $1.00 In Advaoc r MP" EDITORIAL SALEM'S LIVE BU8INE8S MEN. A fact that la mowing moro and tnoro npparont Is tliat flalom'a busi ness men aro n liberal not of men, when It comos to public ontorprlsos, nnd-thoy go down lu their pocltots for cash evory tlmo something of genuine morlt la noodod. Salem Is rapidly growing In importunco as a trado con tro, and our busliioss inon, instond of trying to simply reap tho bunofit of tho tidal wttvo of prosporlty, nro glad to fostor It by paying llborally for whatovor is going to provo of real ben efit to tho town. This faot was again demonstrated last wook whon tho coramlttou raised tto fund for tho Jinx mill wator powor. Thoy frouly sub scribed moro Uian was aslod, know Ing that good uao would bo made of It, and 'thoy aro always ready to do whnt " ls.for Uio roal good of tho placo. Of course, tbera nro rlways a fow In ev ery community who aro too penurious to holp along nnyUilng of n publio nature, Thoy llvo for Uiomaolvos only, and their circle of lulluonco becomoa BojBuiallthnt nome day, whon thoy nro ' tobo burled, thoy will havo to "walk to their own funeral," us tho paradox ical Irishman oxproaaod It Balom is just now at tho purling of tho ways In Uio mutter of hor future growth, and groatnosB. Sho can ollhor ateyAwhero aho Is, vegetnto and decay, or jiho 'can put on now llfo, as eho seems to bo doing, and forgo uhoad In me not ton yoars us Is eoldoni tho privilege of a capital city. It is grot- flying undor tho clroumstancos, to know that wo havo business men who havo tho disposition to go forward, I men who will push nnd lift unUl Uio $ greatest poalbllltiNt havo beau real. Jxed o WHAT 18 THERE TO POLITIC87 Tho Question mny como tip In tho mind of man, woman or any two-log gcd political holng, what is there to politics, anyhow? According to n Portland authority with a great many people, who nro In nocent of nny other sourco of onllght onmont, It Is to bo explained In this way: "And now," sayH tho Salem Journal, "Tho Orogonlan Is explaining tho dlff oroncon between tho two factions at Portland." Mistake. Tho Oregonlan Is not trying to explain. It Is not nec essary to explain. Everybody knows MfltVMfflTATffcito' nffiMl' aSM'jRO ono Uint has boeu riding hitherto, tlmo out of mind, doesn't want to give tho othor a turn." "Tho ono Uint has boon riding docs not want to glvo tho othor ono n turn." That Is all thero In to politics. That Is all tho whole state Is torn up ovor, holding corrupting primaries, log rolling nBsomblagcs of trickery, called conventions, and an nxpeuslvo elec tion campaign for four months. Tho follow in tho saddle don't want to lot the fellows who want to ride the boast of burden, colled tho taxpnyor, havo their turn. That's all thero Is to political o PRIMARIE8 AT 8T. PAUL. Tho city of St. PauI hold a primary election a fow days ago undor Uio now Minnesota stato law, and it would bo well If our lawmakers would give tho mattor their attontlon and noUco what cxcollont features of that law might bo Incorporated Into our own stntutos to good advantage Tho city of Minneap olis had provlouBly tried tho experi ment of making pollUcal nominations by a popular vote, and Uio result caused so much gonoral satisfaction that Uio legislature applied tho plan to all elections, savo for stato officers, throughout all Minnesota. Tho chair man of the Republican city commlttoo of SL Paul Is delighted with tho now system of primaries, and Bays Uio mothod works to porfccUon. It glvos evory man a chance, and men who havo no show In a machine raanagod convenUon aro ablo to securer justlco In a primary of this sort In St. Paul thoro aro to bo elected at tho coming election-a mnyor, controll er, treasurer, two municipal Judges, nlno assemblymen at largo, elevon ward aldermen, two Justices and two constables, and It was to secure can didates for tlioflo positions that tbo primaries woro hold. As it happened In this lnstonco, only two parties ap pear to hnvo boon represented In tho petitioning to tnnko up tho primary tlckots, but thoro woro six candidates for mayor on tho Republican tlckot and two for mayor on tho Domocrntlc. Whon primary day camo tho usual polling places woro opon, and In chargo of tho same Judges as would bo tho) on an election day. As each voter camo into the polling station ho asked tho Judgo for a Hopubllcan or Domocrntlc tlckot, according to his party afllllntlon, entered tho booth to mark his ballot, nMd deposited It in tho ballot box In Uio usual mannqr. Tho law raiulros that all parties shall hold their primaries on tho snmo day, and at Uio same placo, so thoro Is no ohanco of Democrats packing a Ho publlcan primnry, or vlco voraa. Ore gon lu In neod of sorno such System, o ,(JK 10 ,AAn rc Wll fclTTERS MAMMOTH GRAPE VINtt. A'VInd Eight Inches In Diameter and Nearly 300 Feet Long. pose," said ho, "thoro Is any enso so disreputable that you would not tato It upT" Mac. looked him over coolly and drawled out? "Say, Dill, What havo you been doing, o ho Apfcetlte- Feel Tired uin't Sleep- Nervous tn oiliir words u- HoIIt'iihcek enmo in yestorday in other woruB Uom lho Waterv,0 country nnd gavo Spring Fever I us tho following data concerning an TJin a few! extraordinary Concord grape vine up Iofps f tho there that people living In less produc tive countries mignt consider quite a freak. This grape vino was put out by J. T. Donaldson abput twenty years ago, and has grown to be a vine of the fol lowing propertions: Its diameter at the baso Is eight Inches nnd It divides Into Ave prongs, ono 35 foot In length, ono CO, anoUior CO, another C2 and tho other 04. Last year ovor a thousand pounds of luscious grapes grew on this vine, nnd It has not been known to produco loss than flvo hundred pounds a year for several years, Eugene Ilosister. o illltoiC It nil! tiir up tbo stciunch and ircr and msko you Ifcel bitter JFiye Dollar safiox The Price Cut No Figure With Him. "I want to say for tho bdnoflt of sorno poordyspoptlc that Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will glvo comrort aud a auro uvory Umo. Flvo dollars a box would not stop my purchasing them should I over suffer again as I did for a week boforo using them. Tho one BO-cent box I bought at my druggist's did tho work, and my di gestion Is all right again. Many of my neighbors havo also tried theso tablots and found them to ho Just as represented, and Mr. Ellms also wants mo to imc his namo In on- JOURNAL X-RAY8. Oyster Supper At Chemawa Away last summer tho literary em ployes of tho Chemawa Indian school hosted tho Industrial employes of that Institution In a gumo of basoball, the prlzo being an oyster supper, and last night, desplto tho lapso of tlmo,, Uio defeated party rcdoomed their ropu tntlon by putting up such a feast as has rarely boon seen In thnt placo. FRgg CltY' DELIVERY. Eugene Potsofflce Wllhlnstall'thirBer. vice duly 1st. Eugene Guard. Postmaster McComack was in re ceipt of ofllclol advice this morning from First Assistant Postmaster-General J. M. Mastep Uiat free delivery of malls from tho Eugene postoiTlco would bo installed Tuesday, July IsL Tho houses throughout the city havo been numborcd, In anticipation of the frco delivery system, nnd our people are ready for tho Inauguration of tho wolcomo servIce-anoUior conveni ence consequent to our growth as a city. o U. S. BARKER KILLED. Pell A First-Class Market. Wo are offering tho finest lino pf. shoulders, hams, bacon, smoked meats, picnic hams 'and lino sausagos and lard ovor shewn In this Fondrlch's Markot. Under a Train of Cars Near Le- land Monday Night. An accident costing tho llfo of U. S. Dnrkor, of Drain, occurred near tun nel No. 9, In Joscphlno county, Monday night. Young Barker, ngod about 21 years, with Lestor Rltchey, of Drain, was on routo to Klamthon, Cal., beat ing tholr way on a frolght train. Dark er was hidden at tho end of a lumber car, and, seeing a brokoman approach ing, attempted to chango his position. In doing so ho lost his hold and foil beneath tho wheols. Doth legs and ono arm woro cur off, yet ho lived about two hours. Tho body was brought back to Drain on Uio local train today. Itoscburg Rovlew: o It takes less than 600 congressmen to Introduce 20,000 bills. Dr. C. W. Roberts, oyo specialist, at city, tho Cottage, leaves Saturday morning. I 3t The Bicycle Boom Is on Again II Al othor man's poloon, It Is a poor rulo that won't woik at least four or flvo ways. Tho slato campaign over, nil hut tho voting. Is practically WHAT WILL BE THE RK8ULTT Tho Hopubllcan stato platform will undoubtedly demand sorno kind of sal ary reform, but, Judging from tho character of tho convention, It may fall to baok up Its utterance with men who will carry It Into effect. In Marlon county Uio Hopubllcnn convention did Its full duty in doolar Ing for salary reform nnd busluesa ad ministration. Thoy did Uils both in, platform, and then again by resolu tion. Tho Republicans of Marlon county hnvo done somethlug besides mora platform talk. Thoy have, by tholr doods, shown whnt they could do by oarrylng thoso principles Into offeot In this county, and heaping their pledges to tho letter. That Is a record which Inspires con fidence. If tho stato platform merely talks right aud puts up men who. do uot eare, who will never oxocuto, Uio state house nxtravacmico will go on. liVM lllllillllnn il. I...1 ft.!.. ...... I.. Tho governor of Iowa has vetoed nn nntl-rallroad morgor law. A cheorful Vormontor has Just passod his 112th birthday. Who will tho bnnd-aoranado tonight T. T. (leer or U. F. (llltnor? 'SHAKESPEAREAN PLAY. ' Tho prwsontaUoa of a Shakespear ean play at Salem will mark a new era y in tho development of publio taste. About ten years ago Ilandmonn gave this town about a week of tho lussic jcHgUsh drama, on his way homo from Australia,, to housw of doaia popple. j Binco Uien elocution tewmora hava i bwi roquestml not to glvo readings k from SkRksspeare in costumo by some " ef ureot4rian nolioges, A "The Tamljig of Uio Shrew" Is to be fitven at tho Grand Opora lfouao, at Slem, tmt wek, it is hoped, under dlJfereut conditions ns to public f tt. J- Tim play will be read lu tho mwn tl !y.,iBoro pawl than nny ono -0 lok )u ue ofly. Noxt to the Ilible. Utaraie.ttA Imnlr tn nntuiiinii In Clr.m , -. --i.---T.-W"3: wi. wr uy..f.,y. ,. r?ftgW. -M m a lakwwire'e plays. $f - AMMwy eentltiviea to take tha lead i Mae. YHllty. Yoeterday young j ,W4vr tkU lty rdvW bttl pi i" hNLJkfm AetalnViM'iHJf town far a rur iiisianoo. uto last iiionninl re port of tho secretary of stato recom mauds some very good things in tho way of now laws to ralso rovoiiun. nut nil such bills were defeated. It Is ono Uilng to "rosolutoM nlao nnd talk right; It Is another matter to put men into such places who have THEODD"PENNIESr For tho sake of saving odd pennias don't buy nn inferior emulsion whon you really need Scott's Emulsion. i uu tuuerence in price is ponnie. The diiTcrence in re sults is pounds-pounds of mv Hash and days of! Sorno mou nro too proud to -come back, oven If thoy aro whistled for. It Is bad onoughto send a hlll-col-lector. Hut to soud ono smoking a bad cigar, is wurso. A SalOIll barborsllOII linn nhnnirml hands, but tho fish and gamo yarns have not changed a partlolo. In sooloty It Is only Uio shoddy peo ple who havo enough rustle to tnnko anythlug a howling success. Tho Room nro always willing to send delegates to u penoo conference, but they keop right on lighting Just tho same. w Well, so long as Portland has Uio ability (o manage tho wholo -thing, whufs tho uso of the rest of tho state doing anything? I dorstng Shunt's Dyspopsla Tablets. Signed. A .Ellms and Chas. F. H un roll, Assistant Postmnster, South Sud bury, Mass. Mrs. Ja8. Dnrion, of Toronto, Can., writes: "For olghtoon months I BUfforcd from whnt I supposod was bladdor trouble and took modlclno from thr'o different doctors, without any sign of euro. I folt so 111 at last I was hardly ablo to do my work. "I thought I would try a box of Stu ait's Dyspepsia Tablots, and boo If Uiey would make ma fool better, nover really thinking I had dyrtpepsla, but Mlrnn nr fnilr tnlitnta liml tinnn rairtm-uirtlio fcett TrouWos dlsajv I'Poarod, and Uion I discovered that I mill HLMii iiVHuniiHin. iviiiin nn. rinctnni had boon treating mo for kldnoy and bladdor troublo, and ono of them trontod mo for rhoiimatlsm. "My digestion Is lino, my complex ion clear, nnd I nin nblo to do my woik, nnd low spirits aro unknown ot mo. "I am so thankful for finding a euro bo good, and so pleasant to tako as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots. I am sur prised at tho chaut;o thoy havo made in me." All druggists sell and rocommonrt Stunrt'a Dyspopsla Tablots, because thoy contain only Uio Blmplo natural dlgosUves, and, taken after moals, pro vent acidity and causo prompt diges tion and asslmllaUon of food. Physicians ovorywhoro ndorso them because thoy aro as eafo for Uio child as for tho adult; thoy aro Invaluable for sour stomach, nervous dyspopsla, heartburn, gas on stomach and bowols tnnd ovory form of stomaoh dornncn. mont. i.'i.i ' o- Dut It Is not tho samo sort of "boom' that provnllcd a few years ago. It's nn intelligent boom this time. People nro not buying blindly or riding bicycles simply becauso It Is tho fad or fashion to rh'o them, nor to seo how far or how fast or how many miles thoy can rldo. Thoy rldo becauso thoy now reallzo that tho blcyclo Is a healUi-glvor, a pleasure-promoter hocauso thoro is nothing olso thnt affords such invigorat ing, ovory-roady and economical means of obtaining that outdoor oxorclso and chango of scono that counts for so much In tho woll holng of mankind. Tho peoplo now lndulgo In "bicycling becauso It Is n tonic becauso It onablos thorn to think clearer, hit harder, sloop sounder and feel better generally. Tho causos of tho "new boom" ought to Interest nnd awakon YOU nnd Impol you to learn why so many of t,hoso who havo ronowod tholr cycling nctivity havo purchased Columbia or Hartford bicycles. Wo aro In position ot both toll you and show you why thoy did so; and wo'll bo awfully glad to do It, too. OTTO J. WILSON 135 Court Street- KIBLJD PBAS We have a nuporlor artlclo In tho wsy-of-Canada. and-.Blue PiURilon Field Peas, and our prices are tho loweit going, SBBD WHEAT W o nre prepared to furnish Folsy nnd Defiance seed wheat In any amount SPELTZ If you'Wnurn'grainnhnfr wJllunakc ndargo-qcan tlty ol feed try Hpelz. LAND PLASTER AND FERTILIZER-Remeinber that we aro headquarters for anything in this line. SAYAGB & RBI13 322-324.C0tn'l6t. -SEEDSMEN . i .... THE FLORENCE SANATORIUM SALEM. OREGON. A dret-claeH piivato hospital for the treatment of cbrouic.and surgical casue. Uullt the pan year especially for the purpose -for which itis ueed. Convenentlv located within lour blocks ol tho business part of tbo city. The "most modern furnishings nnd latest appliances tlrouichout tho building. Heated by hot water and lighten by gas and electlclty Here tho sick cab have tho comforts of an elegant primte homo, combined with all the advantages of a general hospital without the nolne, conluBion, and publicity attending One. Outside pbysciaiiB bringing caeea in treated with tho greatest courtesy, and nsHieted in operations if requested. For terms and.lurtber inlorma tlonwrite or apply peibonaily. R. CARTWRIGHT, M. D. SUPT. VISITORS WELCOMED BETWEEN 2 AMD 4 P. M ...TBY- OUR NEW- GOTO.., Cheese Sandwich. Long Branch Cracker;. Snow Drop Crackers, Oysterettes, Butter Wafers,5 LemonjWafers,' Graham Wafers, Harritt & Laojrbncb Old Post Ofllco Grocery. T tt.rl At Easter-Time is whon the building huslncestWill be in full swing. II you haven't given your orders for your lumbor requirements it will pay you to got estimates 'from Uoodalo Lumbor Co., for any and all kinds ol lumbor for out or inside work. lalb, shinglesaRh, doorsY blinds and everything nccdod in this line. Goodale Lumber Co. Near 8, P. Paes'r. depot. Phono 051 , feHSv;2jT.v;t ir 33.000,000 Worth of 80 pound steel rails, SO new locomotives, I mm j j hcyy tudtuei), mair cars, aining ana cafe cars Is the record of the ll7f7"2L3Bj3LJ Dill-Inn (lm rm.f .... ..... .!.... I. .1.. . . . . -- b i'v j"-, uianiii ii wiu mom mouern nnu up-to-lato rallrond -t O b'i"' nTr"Vpnl Ve 1 naml r"ty t,,e fln08t fqn&nentm, earth fl Ooaet Pae. Agt , Loa f Angeles", 6al. " W1"""' IWIU0 fi 1?gltifqrrs?w teweeKefeWJf6WSKWfa & f. (5oo6e Salem's Greatest House Furnishing Department Store. The great inert ase of freight shipments received at Sa em is 'due to the large yales of Charter Oak stoves, made bv the sole agent in thib city. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner you can enjoy from ono of our tender and delicious meats, Bleaks, Istib or mutton chops' veal cutlets or pork, Our meats aro all cut from tho fattest and nrunnst cattlo, and wo can supply your tablo with fresh, nutritious and wholesome meats at bod reck pricos. e, c, cross-salem;ore Phon 2ttl w z raasz-i ! ML W I S -. riMi. fen g . I NSy- Making an April Fool of You Sometimes amuses the humorouely Inclined, but wo never play practical jokes, we so on laying tho samo beau tiful finish and faultless color on the shirt (routs, collars and nuffi, of every ono that sends their laundry work here, ' and wo never fool you. Promptness careful handling nnd beautiful laundry work is our method. Try tho new work. Salem Steam Laundry COLO.tKL J. OLMSTED, PR0PMBT0B. nonous u olmbtbd, mob. i bono 411 320 Liberty Street Tho Woman's Olub will bo lutorost 1 In "Taming of tho Shrow." Thoro nro sorno men In this town who newt taming. i j tr"-titSt J SLH "The Kptsre jwg In the round hole" i--ic Muare x?g in uie roiuia nolo" fiuuriftixelv exnresfw-a tin- uu nf ihmh. Only about ?CO0 was wanted for tlm' ""Milted to the desiml end. A great flax mill water power fund, but Sa-I llmty P0!'10. w!' "axe Iwen cured of ...New York Millinery Parlors... 317 COMMORCIAL STREET. NO FORMAL OPENING. BUT READY FOR BUSINESS - Rich thing in " " vkuiccbv conecuon oi line ready-to-wear bats and ladles hats and bonnets. Neweet ideas aud moet nmmni .rvi,.0 1 n i. -,- ,r.v, w mui nuK For that Tired Feeling In spring's balmy Uays thoro Is noth ing that stimulates and touchos tho spot llko a good glass of homo-mado boor. It Is browod from tho host malt and hops, nnd Is solatlvo, tonic and Invigorating. In tho spring tlmo it is ospoclally grateful to tho palato and tho genoral health. If you try a caso of Salem boer you will nevor bo with out It. , JYlrs.-M. Beck, Prop. Salem, Oregon. V'COIBlHt" 'X'' trimmed rooms. for good measure Direct nomination at tho primaries nutrition by the use of Dr. Iherce's Golden Medical I)lscoervd : "Wetnml iiumv iiiediciucs with only teiiiornry benefit. ,. . w ,,;; kzs : sunA z&tfvg' a ... .W...U..H Uia nuR, mm ll0 poopio """in a compicio anu lasitug cure." would have had sonuithlng to say. SaUim luoruhtmU aro long Buffering aud good natured, but ovory tlmo a now subscription list for a genuine Im provement comas around thoy dig un a llttitt more, Salem's council la unanimously In favor of pushing for n power alto to furnish tho city electricity, and It be gins to look as though wo might havo moro light on public matters yet It U llltdoubtedlv true that I)r llfm. tiolden Medical Dikcoery holds the rec ord for the perfect and permaueut cure of iudigottiou and other diteaMs of the Mouiueh uud swoemte! organs of dlgo tlou nnd nutrition. It is not a palliative. It cure the cause of dlMAe aud builds up tho Inxly with solid healthy lleh, uot flabby fut. w"11 '. ".'l W""' I tW mi wht Ir. incrvc' lUJileu Medical Dltwcry aaj 1'clltti lim ilotie for ine, wriin Mr. T M Paliurr. of I'm4c, Kauttiiau Co.. Tuu "Two stft xo 1 jhh Ukcu wllh HomscU anj bowel trvMiUc llxtrylhlng- I t wouM pU we in dUtreu. I Uvl I wo vrMklou tullk and tta lhl rair m. Ila. I fell though f vrould Mre lo drath ITvrte doctom altcndnl rue one uld I had d. CLOVER SEED Special prices 'for a short tim SEED WHEAT a choxe supply. FIELD PEAS a cut in the price. LAND PLASTER at the lowest prices in the city. KW Call aud get our prices. ...BREWSTER & WHITE... MfcDMEW AND SEEDSMEN. Salem. Oreeon 91 Court St- The FRIEDMAN Stock removed to 307 Court. Street, Opposite Post Office. ':-: :-: :- All Ladies Who Buy SARGENT GEM FOOD CHOPPER finds tho follewing: Tho world is a bundle of hay, biauVlud aro tho asses who pull; Kaeh, tugs It a different way. Auddho oatwrt of all is iehn Hull." I A Bftleni lawyer, who takes sotuj. , "Jetty iard, cass, xim a rt&itaurtuit s4 fr r sBtu. taunKoyitsw.tha gth day wheu a K.OTY& Bwvt'.tuMitn i.jpwlgfNir. rr,1'"l wU'roaobed Mm. "I UonlOtui- trWftth pud comfort? "J'hoso who have lost flesh can rognin it more quickly by moans of Scott's Emulsion thnn In any other way. i rt'?J "I? ",lJ " the Honuch and tawrU, Ttey atlcmltvt wc (one at a lime) for A friend who wad hi. Uyrou oloao iur7.r. I grew M wk aud uervoua my heart would ....,, i tvuin nut uu uy kiuuoi won NOW j (.vaudouiyhouu work tery well; aw xaiaiar '" $ ibtntk. and can cat aojthtuirl Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's vioiiieu aieutcai uucovery. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser U sent w on receipt of tanips pay expense of milling Vy. Seiid ai one cejif atamps for the paper covered book, or 31 atauip for the cloth bound wUf, -Address Dr, r, y. Pierce, Buf. wlo, J.1. Are pleased with it, and they will pass along the word that the Gem is an indispensable kitchen utensil, that it is useful daily, that there is nothing like it for preparing substantial and dainty dishes, that it adds to home economy by utilizing "left overs," Housekeepers want Sargent's Gem Food Chopper as scon as they hear of it. ? $ R. M. WADE & C. New Millinery Department Now Open at Greenbaum's Pretty, dainty, very desirable millinery trimmed and untrimtned hats in all the latest.sty.les. Spiclal attention given to children's goods. Greenbaum's iDry GoodssStore Next Door to tho rostofllo.